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tv   News  RT  February 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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duty is done by the if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks that say it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that. stop. american journalist tucker carlson brings the russian president some some 3rd, 2 straight to western viewers. some of them are putting the brakes done. his take on the ukraine conflict, them the global shift in geo political power. but with the interview, having already been viewed well over 50000000 times on the x popcorn so far, some american media figures and politicians have been quick to run called send a russian propagandist for simply doing his job as a journalist. out in other news, this ukraine's president sucks. the country's top military commander after
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a long running power struggling key after replacing the general loose need with i'm, i'm notorious for overseeing most of you from the law offices. look on the this is our teacher national. a warm welcome wherever you're tuning in from across the globe. this or not the 1st interview with a western journalists since 2021 has already been viewed by tens of millions of people online. the to our long conversation with tucker carlson covered topics, including the ukraine conflict and ignored stream attacks. the american journalist also asked the russian president whether there was any hope for dialogue between moscow. a nato. judy gets to humiliating at this point for nato to accept russian control of what was it 2 years ago?
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ukrainian territory right, yeah, yeah, no, i said, so live then thing. how to do it with thickness, being your there are options if there is a will of this nature cuz there's a leg up until now. there is being the uproar and screaming. ability inflicting is strategic defeat the rochelle and the non don't fail system each cooperation. and yet i see. but entering and now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition. it is never going to happen when it comes to show. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. that's other than your visual if so if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next to. we're ready for this dialogue while they interviewed, covered a wide array of topics by tapes. again, with
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a pretty thorough history, less than uh, regarding the common history, the common economics and the common face that both russia and ukraine share. but of course, the main thrust of the discussion was on the ukraine conflict itself. we heard vladimir put in speech for quite a blinks about the euro. my don coup d'etat that took place in 2014. he said that this was sponsored by the c. i. a we heard about the mens protocols and tucker also asked the russian president about the prospects for peace negotiations to which the russian president responded. and rather i might say, reiterated, because this is something that he said time and time again, that moscow is ready and has long been ready for peace negotiations. but this conflicts can come to an end very quickly. if the west just puts an end to its supplying, it's a key of weapons without end. let's take a listen. i'm sure you should or should you should. what's there to work out? it's very simple. i repeat just this concept of putting it on medication. we have
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contacts through various agencies going specialist, i'm a good thing that i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we're conveying to the us leadership. we, if you really want to stop fighting, if you need to stop supplying weapons, it will be over within a few weeks. that's the end. then we can agree on some terms. before you do that, we stop showing me what's easier. why would i call him? now another important thing that came up in this interview tucker asked to let him or put in what was the possibility of russia, perhaps attacking the european countries. specifically, poland was mentioned in blood are prudent, answered, that there are, there would be no situation in which russia were the tire care european country. and unless russia was attacked 1st, well, according to put in, he spoke a lot about the, the us dollar dollarization, the decline of the dollar germany and according to food. and he said that probably
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the thing that did the most damage was when the us leadership decided to use the dollar as an economic weapon. that's basically dep march the beginning of the decline of the dollars to germany around the world. we're seeing countries um that by boil, moving from the dollar to the one we're seeing the steady decline of the global share of g d. p of g 7 countries and the steady rise of the influence, the economic influence around the world of the global south. as well as the bricks economic block, and this is something that the russian president said is as inevitable as the right of as the way the sun rises in the morning was sick. it was somebody said the bricks. countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world
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economy, as i mentioned just now. and this is an image symbol. this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. you said, how do the united states of them is it is meeting with the help of force like sanctions brochure bound beings and use of armed forces. now of course, uh as we talk about the rise of nations outside of western europe and the north atlantic continent. of course, china is a big point of discussion. and this was mentioned in the interview as well as tucker products and asked a lot of our put and if he was worried about the rise of the economic rise and the political influential rise of china on the global stage and blood work for the said there was nothing to worry about because china and russia both enjoy longstanding uh good relations and they have a partnership based on when, when cooperation but a lot of our put and did say that the west is more worried about
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a strong china then a strong restaurant. the other main thing that was spoken about had to do with the north stream pipeline. sabotage is, 1st of all, obviously a lot of our put in when he was asked who he thought carried out these sabotaged us . he said, of course, the united states and he also talked about the damage it had on the german economy and talked about the fact that despite that, despite the fact that the primary suspect here is the united states, the german government did not offer any criticism in that direction then, the russian president said that could be attributed to the fact that the authorities in berlin are more interested in representing the interests of the collective west under the leadership of washington. rather than its own national interest. who blow up north stream you for sure that i was busy that day. maybe you have to have uh,
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i did not pull up in australia uh, shipping of course it was each and how much would use uh, it wasn't each. now. you personally may have an alibi, but the c a has no. so tell him i didn't. did you have evidence that nato or did it met? you know, you know, i won't get into the details which people always say in such cases, to look for someone who is interested. but in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has the capabilities. because they may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking through the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. and these 2 components should me connect those entities always interested in who is capable of doing. but i'm confused. i mean, that's the biggest acura industrial terrorism ever, and it's the largest emission of c o 2 in, in history. okay. so if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would, that nato, the u. s. c, i a,
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the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, the way you put up identity, which is looking in the order of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. you see the ultimate beneficiary of the biggest european media, our american financial institutions. don't you know that so it is possible to get involved in this work, but it is cost prohibitive, so to speak. we can simply showing the spotlights on our sources of information. and we will not achieve results that it is clear to the whole world. what happened then? even american analysts talk about the directly thing on the subject that we just heard in that clip of the had gemini, that the united states basically has on global media and the difficulty of challenging american propaganda. because of that,
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i think it's important to understand that in this, the 2 hour premiere of this interview, where the russian president is giving the raul on cut russian perspective on these events, we saw over 20000000 people watching on twitter alone. so that's not even counting tucker crosses, personal website, or other platforms where this interview could be viewed, or how many people are going to be watching in the future as well. so on that subject, i would say that this is really a victory for um, you know, in the isn't the information that can challenge mainstream narratives when it comes to russia. well, apart from gaming, the attention of millions of viewers worldwide, the interview house for the american media into a historical frenzy. despite many mainstream eclipse having admitted the face. so what a one on one with the russian president for years to no avail. fury came thick and fast, the tucker carlson for having been prompted the exclusive cit,
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a suit and talks to an american friend. and while they may not speak the same language, they also kind of do. tucker carlson is lines from the strengths of russia. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why he's doing this interview now, obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to told several calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media. how did he, how do you think he got that interview? know, quit loving a lot of praise on to the interesting tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he's in moscow house. the only thing i hope tucker house and is not a journalist, not even close. while ahead of the interviews release, we spoke to rushes and boss it or to the united states who said the criticism. carson has faced at home for simply doing his job. as a journalist, as a host is nothing short of type of credit. to sleep in the past few days that had been phone calls to the embassy, asking if carson had been to see us before his trip. to moscow and what
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instructions we gave him where he got his razor and so on. and i want to ask the question, what about the 1st amendment to the constitution of the united states of america? why can this amendment on freedom of speech be used by somebody else? others? i've tried several times to present russia's position on certain sensitive issues. for example, the issue of bio security, stupid. so every american newspaper rejected by requests to publish russia's position on this issue. today, statements have been made by saving, informing us officials to take a costs and almost getting as far as the accused of being an agent, suggesting that he received a fee or salary. this is such nonsense. and another example of double standards cost them is not paid at the embassy, but the cost and asks a simple question. why should american citizens and billions of dollars of that taxes to the distant country of ukraine rather than to strengthen their own security or help the fights against drugs and poverty? it is extremely difficult to get through with an alternative points of view in america. one that differs from the position of the democratic policy of the united
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states. and for us, it is simply impossible to get, let us show you this as well. us national security console spokesperson, john kirby appeared to be completely off guard with us by journalist about the impact of the put and interview you have any concern for support we're convinced that there is a strong bipartisan support on capitol hill for the support of ukraine. i don't think the american people are going to be swayed by one single interview here. you remember, you're listening to vladimir poor, and you shouldn't take at face value anything he has to say. however, some alternative thinking american politicians, including past and present presidential hopefuls vivica ramos swami and robert f. kennedy junior, have spoken arts in mister carlson's defense tucker
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carlson has been smeared for days. the legacy media and democrat establishment are upset at him for simply doing his job. americans can handle thought provoking conversations. we can handle dangerous thoughts or contrary ideas. the don't fit the m s. m narrative. let us decide for ourselves. tucker doesn't tree putting with kid gloves. i love it. so plenty of them. thursday, i'll stick reaction to the interview as all supporting in from social media users with some pointing out the president putting this, making his us culture part look bad in comparison. i never grow tired of hearing preaching, speak in the west, you will never see a president given interview for over 2 hours and still do. most of the speaking putin has an encyclopedic knowledge of russia's entire history, whereas joe biden can't even quote, the declaration of independence. prudent is giving 30 minute answers on the history
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of his nation. joe biden can't even remember the year his son bo died. prudent. just spend 28 plus minutes going through a hundreds of years of eastern european history without a single note on him by and has no clue what he ate for lunch. utterly terrifying. a while. i'm drawing on the studio by archie country peter tartar read for her. take good morning to you, tara mean, normally with an interview of this stature we, we talk about the content, what, what comes from it, but i think we really have to mention the backlash 1st. that the interview or has received tucker carlson in the us, particularly even before the interview at was erred. what do you take off of so much abuse that he's faced just for sitting down with a we're a leader that let's face it. many journalists out there would give their to right to, to speak to. but he's faced up salute. abuse for doing so. yeah. natalie abuse,
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you know, you and, and he's also faced um, they're threatening him in europe with sanctions and with a travel band that was put out there by a former e. u member. also, the us, uh, has been very outspoken with some of the journalists instead of rallying behind them and saying, hey, you know, this is normal for journalists to want to interview the russian president. this isn't, you know, a great saying right? because other journalists have barbara. you know, walters did making kelly's name a few so and they were threatened with but she's actually does run with like espionage, hudson's face. all kinds of things, whether any of those will come to pass. i highly doubt it. i, you know, this interview was a threat to them because it revealed so much truth and they knew it was going to destroy the western narrative about this proxy war. that the us and data was fighting against russia via ukraine. and vladimir putin delivered. he delivered
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facts he delivered history to give a very methodical, you know, a walk through the 8th century on. and he also, which i thought was really fascinating, brought up the us intelligence and how that apparatus has almost hijacked us at one of the democracy. he didn't say that per se, but he talked about how the us intelligence was involved with the crew in 2014. he talked about how it was involved with different aspects of falling apart relations with russia. and he's actually right. we've talked about that on the show about how the military industrial complex in the us intelligence has taken over, and it's not really binding up the wheel. he does his homework as well. i noticed he mentioned that by trigger carlton's attempts to turn the c i a right out of college. so, you know, you're, you're, you're dealing with somebody who knows what they're talking about to go deep into, into any interview that the take part in a lot of interest are 3rd part of 57000000 views. right now i'm seeing on x alone
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on tricker crossings. at x kind, what kind of realm if occasions, what kind of reaction do you think we're going to see to this to prep, murray it with a us audience? well, you're already seeing the legacy media trying to hit back, right? they're already doing hit pieces and whatnot. on tucker and they're doing, they're calling him a traitor or they're calling him. he was sitting with the enemy. it's really, really noted how they're not taking into consideration. this is freedom of the press and pick journalism of this job. if it's, it's a cnn journal, this was offered the few do you think would be seeing a fraction of the b c's getting now actually not, i mean tucker carlson is, is one of those people that really brings out truth. i'm really exposes the deep state expose of some of the corruption, especially around ukraine, and you know that stuff against their narrative. they, they want to keep doing this proxy war and they don't want anyone against it. so
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you may even have, you know, john kirby speaking out against a journalist, you know, um, or in kind of by proxy. but he was talking about also a lot of recruiting don't listen to anything. he says that that's ridiculous because at the very least america should be listening to what rush just trying to say otherwise, how do we ever do to piece? because, you know, so, so that really tells you a lot about the foreign policy, doesn't it? we had the some big fingers coming out in support of the interview and listening to 2 on filter views we had and past and present presidential hopefuls, robert f. kennedy junior. that back rama swami with people left about i'm, you know, there's many more how, how influential could this be very influential because you have, you mentioned 57000000, but i'll probably go up to a 100000000 or even more when it with replays. and that's surpassing tucker carlson's audience on fox or any even combined fox, cnn,
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and all of that. so what's really, what's really great about this is that the american audience could see here, directly from the russian president, his point of view and really become educated because lot of our put in the said very clearly that they did not want to be the enemy of the west and had tried with peace accord several times and were supported. um, so there you have a, can i get your thoughts on the comparison between the 2 leaders? lot of our put in and at the american leader, joe biden, because just it's interesting tardy. just as he's been called professor at tutoring giving, giving his history speech and giving his is views just as that was happening, biden was mixing up the mexican and it gyptian leaders, calling them by different names. where do you think they're their stature lies right now? 2024. who do you have a leader? well, you know, i'm glad you brought this up because, you know, what i saw happened last night. this was reminiscent of promo when they wanted to
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throw cold under the bus, the dns he got involved. and that's when his sexual assault allegations got taken seriously. that's when the nursing home numbers that were dr by him, got taken seriously, and he got taken out, but it wasn't until the dns he stepped up. what i think happened yesterday, i mean, looked at the timing. you had this eloquent presentation by president through 10 for 30 minutes, who gave history talked about very different geo political issues. and then you had vitamin who was stumbling all over the place and, and a legal document that basically called him on sit for a legal procedure. which means if he's on fit for that, he's on fit for the presidency. someone put him out there and he struggled because that's interesting. that's the timing. so the american people got to watch the bottom or 2 and then they got to watch vitamins. so i think this is going to have a huge impact. i think that they're trying to deep stays now trying to remove, so they're fighting and it's going to be galvan newsome or michelle obama in an
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election year. and of course as well worth pointing. i just, among other things, a lot of our put news that he'd had great relations with previous us presidency said including george w bush, donald trump, both republicans of course. but the question to trustworthiness, all the political establishment in, in washington, what sort of message was he perhaps ending? well, i think they, i'm america and for policy has been really in tatters with russia because they've been breaking every promise they make deals. and then they, they bring neg, or like for instance, when they said they wouldn't go one in sheets, which she mentioned. and then they said they did. and then when he brought it up, they said, well, it wasn't in writing. and you know, that's really bad form, isn't it? if you're trying to negotiate and trying to have positive relations in a partnership, that's not the way to go. you know, what i really am concerned about is the democrats are very want you very much wanting more. they're very much wanting a war with russia and they made that very clear. they want to try to destroy the
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russian economy and russia itself. and so bottom are pretty, i think, really laid out a reasonable defense of, of why he feels like he has to protect his own population. and his oper, nation from interference by americans. it would be for asked of me to help you here in the studio and not ask about your own. i think upcoming interview or at least that one coming out at west tucker carlson himself. tara, what can you tell us? well, i can tell you this. i've been on the show 3 times and i did get to have an interaction with tucker, he's the journalist, it's up to him what. and if he releases that interview, i don't know, but i did get to see him, so i can't confirm or deny it. but um, i know there's a lot of hit pieces like 5 or 6 and western media about me this morning and basically calling me the same names they've been calling me for a while. and um, you know, basically criticizing him for, for trying to talk with me while i tell you what the,
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if the interview today with the lemme put, is anything to go by there is a 3rd start there for real unfiltered views. yeah. so when it does come out, we'll be watching tara, thank you very much archie carney, peter tartar reed. thank you for having me. okay, just staying with the story. we also got reaction to vladimir, put and view from prominence american political commentator on podcast host, jackson hankle, he referred to the russian leader as a professor on geo political issues, stating that the same cannot be said about the u. s. president of us president joe biden. is trying to explain away his mental health decline issues as we just got a 2 hour lecture from president or maybe even professor booting about geo political history and the future of the multi polar world. i think the biggest takeaways from this conversation, and it's exactly what tucker set out to do was to show the western world that
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nato and the west are the ones provoking this english warfare against the russian federation. this, this visit from tougher coles and put it put the final nail in the coffin for the western press, the main stream media of the fake news, which is financed by mega, corporate corporations. international monopolies, john kirby. he told the american public not to listen to this interview with vladimir putin, which i just find insane because the liberal establishment media, his interview, proved in many times before, of course, with this, of the, of this, this facade of sincerity. but in actuality, what they were doing was a deep state political head job against boot in, in the russian federation. $20000000.00 in 2 hours is insane. i mean, that outpace is any main stream media outlet by leaps and bounds. that's really
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incredible. and i think it also shows the degree in which the american public in the western world, the english speaking world language values, the words of vladimir putin, the west, fails to comprehend. and when i say the west, the global is ruling elite is that this territory, historically, especially the never see a region he's russian territory. and it is not a territory that should be governed or dictated by the united states, which is what we've seen for so many years now leading up to february of 2022. whether you can check out the sol, to our interview on our website, it's available right now. plus, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the much anticipated sit down, so feel free to jump in at any time. i'll start comment section is ready and waiting at r t dot com the okay, more world news on to key. if we're after weeks of speculation,
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president zalinski has officially sacked the country's top military officer, general valerie, the allusion had. serv does come under in chief of ukraine's armed forces since july 2021. despite a string of recent military failures, the general had become increasingly popular in the country with poles putting him far ahead of president. so lensky himself, the 2 figures, had been at loggerheads for months over the lack of progress on the battlefield. the loss of chief cities like archibald scouts known as bach moved. i'm in need to mobilize many more ukrainians. so loosely, recently referred to the military conflict as a single mit which presents the lensky strongly disagreed with. well, general alexander sir ski has been appointed as the new military commander in chief, as the previous head of ukrainian brought in forces trustee oversoul last year is
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field defense of our 10 most as well as the subsequent fruitless efforts to re take the don't boss city cabs army has suffered massive losses on that front. just to add an interesting side note starsky was actually born in russia's blood, the me, a region then part of the soviet union and later studied in moscow at the higher military command school. well, here's our teen, steve. sweeney, with more on teams read shuffle. of the 2 men have been set long ahead for some times i intend to ride on that spot became very public once it became clear that you quite as much wanted counter offensive had failed as illusion for his part described the situation on the battlefield. as a stone might know, some said that that was an overly optimistic, a search assessment of the situation. but this under a very sharp and very public rebuke. from that then ski who perhaps to
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a piece is western boxes, gave a more positive overview of the situation and even suggested that ukraine could still win the conflict. let's say one or 2 and said, just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. there will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. the time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again. now cause that we're also shop disagreements over the d p on popular forced a mobilization a policy in use in ukraine. does it mostly also wanted this $500000.00 additional troops to the front line in order to boost the ukraine's johnson of success is in the conflict. now, let's take a look at his replacement alexander ski now, but his background is that he was born in russia. he was trained in moscow if he
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listened to key, obviously listen to crying, the crating of government. they've held in his success in the defense of the capital of safety in the early months of the special ministry authoration. he is also charged with success in accounts are offensive in concord, where they regained um some part of that type of fee, which of course is now part of the russian federation. but he's also known as the butcher of, of black moods all to most of course, he led to the defense of that city, which became something of a meat grinder with thousands upon thousands of upholding trains ukrainian soldiers each new unit. so he was sharply criticized for those tactics. so he remains sadie on popular among the ukrainian on forces, the members of the crating and crating on forces where his account oppose illusion . neil, who he is with.


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