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tv   News  RT  February 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the north stream you for sure. i was busy that day. do you have uh, i just out the stream. uh, no. american journalist tucker carlson brings the russian presidents on the filtered views, straight to western viewers. delving into the sabotage of the north fame gas pipelines among many more efficient with the huge, well over $70000000.00 times on the x platform. some american media figures on politicians have been quick to brun colts and russian propagandist for simply doing his job as
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a journalist on ukraine's president sucks. the country's top military come under after a long running power struggling p. replacing general's illusion, a with them on mostly on for overseeing. must've ukrainian, lost it on the this is our to international. my name's you. don't know me. you of 30 minutes of use and you this starts not just hours after being released, loving their pollutants 1st interview with a western journalist since 2021 has already been viewed by tens of millions of people online. the sit done with tucker carlson. covered a wide range of topics including the ukraine conflict and the biggest fact of industrial terrorism ever. the north stream blast who blow up north stream you for sure. i was busy
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that day. i need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your delivery uh cube and of course it was each and how much would you said it was each you personally may have an alibi, but the c a has no. so tell him, i just did you have evidence that nato or did it let you know, you know, i won't get into the details which people always say in such cases, to look for someone who is interested in this case. we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities because they may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. and these 2 components should be connect those entities to always interested in who is capable of doing so i'm confused. i mean, that's the biggest active industrial terrorism ever. and it's the largest emission of c o 2 in, in history. okay?
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so if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would, that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you prep, i've done that, which is looking in the order of propaganda. it is very difficult to defeat united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiary of the biggest european media are american financial institutions of don't you know that so it is possible to get involved in this work. but it is cost prohibitive, so to speak more than we can simply showing the spotlight on our sources of information. and we will not achieve results that the it is clear to the whole world. what happened then? even american analysts talk about it directly to the get to choose
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humiliating at this point for nato to accept russian control of what was 2 years ago. you cranium territory right? yeah, yeah, no, i said, so live then thing. how to do it with thickness. think your, there are options if there is a will randy's nature cuz there's rolling up until now. there is being that oper or, and screaming. ability inflicting is strategic defeat russia on the model. fairly assessed each scope of everything that i see pressuring and now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve safe a possible at all. in my opinion, i think it is impossible, by definition. it isn't ever going to happen when it comes to show. it seems to me that's now those who are in power in the west and have come to realize this as well . if that's something that you visual and if so if the realization has set in,
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they have to think what to do next or we're ready for this dialog. i should or should, or should she, she was there to work out. it's very simple. i repeat just this concept of putting it on medication. we have contacts through various agencies, going specialist on regarding that i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we're conveying to the u. s. leadership. wait week. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks that said, come with it and then we can agree on some terms. before you do that, to stop what's easier? why would they call in the bricks? countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world
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economy. as i mentioned just now, we'll just drop and this is an image symbol. this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. you said we can. how do the united states of them as soon as we get with the help of force like sanctions, pressure, bombings, and use of armed forces? we proceed that apart from gaining the attention of knowing more than 80000000 people worldwide, the conversations for the american media into a history co frenzy. despite many mainstream media journalists, how being admitted to seeking a one on one with the russian president for years to no avail. fury came 2nd fast at tucker carlson for having been granted the exclusive set done a suit and talks to an american friend. and while they may not speak the same language, they also kind of do talk. a kaufman is lying from the streets of russia. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why?
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he's doing this interview now, obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to talk to her calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media. how did he, how do you think he got that interview? know, quit lobbying, a lot of praise on to the interesting tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he's in moscow house only thing i hope tucker house and is not a journalist. not even close. hard to mix up the talk shows on the news broadcast. there wasn't a while ahead of the interviews release we spoke to rushes and bhaskar to the united states. he points out that the criticism mr. crossing has faced at home for seeking simply to speak to a world leader is nothing short of hypocrite to sleep in the past few days that have been phone calls to the embassy, asking if carson had been to see us before his trip to moscow. and what instructions we gave him where he got his razor and so on. i want to ask the question, what about the 1st amendment to the constitution of the united states of america?
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why can this amendment on freedom of speech be used by somebody else others? i've tried several times to present versus position upset and sensitive issues. for example, the issue of fire security stipulates every american newspaper rejected by requests to publish rushes position on this issue. today statements have been made by saving, informing us officials to, to call some. what am i getting as far as the accused of, of being an agent suggesting that he received a fee or salary? this is such nonsense. another example of double standards cost him is not paid at the embassy costs and asks a simple question. why should american citizens and billions of dollars of that taxes to the distant country of ukraine rather than to strengthen their own security or help the fights against drugs and poverty? it is extremely difficult to get through with an alternative points of view in america. one that differs from the position of the democratic policy of the united states, and for us it is simply impossible. stone, strictly. i want to show you this as well. tucker carlson himself released the video of his initial impressions,
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filmed immediately after he interviewed the russian leader of the kremlin on tuesday. so we just finished our interview with lambert who were in the anti room in the kremlin, waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee from sitting here with the folder in fashion and open the documents that you gave me is obviously is very rude it by the rejection of the west, united states doesn't like for us with us. government doesn't like russia, us officials have sit on the record it and have said to me and are telling me much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up frame. yeah. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace is the problem, is going to give a credit and then your uh, your like a little check. plenty of enthusiastic reaction to the interview is all supporting in from social media users. with some pointing out the president booting is making his
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u. s. counterpart. look lacking in comparison. i never grow tired of hearing preaching, speak in the west. you will never see a president give an interview for over 2 hours and still do. most of the speaking. putin has an encyclopedic knowledge of russia's entire history, whereas joe biden can't even quote, the declaration of independence. prudent is giving 30 minute answers on the history of his nation. joe biden can't even remember the year his son bo died, put in just spent 28 plus minutes going through a hundreds of years of eastern european history without a single note on him. by and has no clue what do you eat for lunch? utterly terrifying glass crossed the 2 rugs you have done. great. a veteran indian diplomats political commentator joining us from new deleon. buster, you're most welcome. thank you. says that, well,
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what was your single biggest take away from the much anticipated interview to load just say the biggest a grid. i think there were many biggest supers. the 1st is the surprise and then 6, the feeling most time is that the reaction in america should be the way to test, but it is almost hysterical on the lines. it does not make america the police subject is supposed to be why most suitable speech. why godaddy acting and such it was winding creek against the journalist who came to moscow for the interview and security for the expression of use by another site itself as a 5 view base. and let me give you what is happening with the media to indian me just as for the news about the elections that focused on. and then you just let
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them know, nickelodeon, whites, journalist, other commentators from about the stuff to get their news was in their focus on issues indian janice wolf crossed a bunch of stuff and interviewed the buckets on the leaders, one of the pieces. and there's no reaction, there's oh, page, select wired into foreclosure on this, do this, why where the park or somebody is the way to go to indian media. there is america which seems to be the free was just the free speech is reacting like as for jay and so you need somebody to costume insular does or does not want any other view to come in a big digit state or do i think that is bad for america, except for the medical hospital to literally just bring in the right direction by shutting off all the views from outside the lakes. this it is harmful to the,
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under the impression. and this is another big impression is the contrast between presidents, but this is most street all the facts and she goes us the very com and check the very, very relaxed manner in which he's also to the questions. some of them difficult compared to president by the board as a check on that as a because children but it doesn't ask for the issues. but student vision by then is the president of the most powerful country that america claims to be. so is america and see if there isn't, but is the word is different with the most often going to being there. but there's a button issue, is that the decisions being taken by america,
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by shifting itself of from the views from outside america are the right decisions. i very much doubt it because otherwise things, it's not our blog, the golden rule, at least 40. well, the new kids and your risk, very interesting points. there, sir. as a seasoned diplomatic yourself, how did you perceive, let them are put into the breakdown of rushes position towards the, the west stating that moscow essentially doesn't want to end the meat, but will always protect its own interests. related to the vision put in the put across as use a as i said earlier in the comment in the restroom, rather especially starting with the going up of the gas pipeline is due when the disadvantage, the drum, the faces because of this huge flush towards the economy, that's the law supply, i guess, as a thing to germany with the do,
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do you think some of those points you raised would be new to to western audiences. they just wouldn't have heard them or read them in the mainstream press as well. they have been, uh, she did that in the mainstream terrace. uh, no one has directly into the america except for one or 2 journalists of america. uh saying that america was involved in the uh, but the factors that so president of the country and over the country to show that it was said on the division interview is certainly new. and i think anyone and he's asking us citizen the word to sit up and photo would it because it is a prodigy patch of similar or you will peter pollution? what example, who these did are you was that you need to go up under capers, j more kinds of into the traffic, the commercial traffic,
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the back in traffic doctors plus have worked in the world. so how can you say to would you start to do it? the only ones learn better to do it? so i think the foreigners, for example, is very important, isn't put into go to this, i'm saying this. but in this word that you are living today, which is so into connected and we asked why a country can be treated as an example from other country to actually when the motor is just model, okay. it's something we we must touch on. and during the interview, mr. put in revealed some details of his dialogue within us president bill clinton on nato membership for russia, saying that some mr. clinton initially expressed interest, but later that very same day, rejected the idea. why do you think that the situation cleared out the way it did? well, i think the, the headway lives mr. to mister trenton and the advisors that he's made
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a mistake. i'm guessing i have no. the 1st started luggage, but the fact is that the workplace don't put into safety. so there's interview another your city even by the prison director o. c a. but he was leaving as invested there to rush you to go back home and take up the positions d. s. washington to see the easy what it wants me to do. do you agree? because that would be avoiding disaster. and he was not the only one to say, because in just a video doesn't have city language. what would you like to see just finally from this and few come from its an audiences perhaps listening to a point of view. they haven't heard or haven't heard for years, at least. what would you like a global audience to take from this? well, the number one, as well as the american origins, expensive. i don't think the, the magically transformation. but this is
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a foster. that's what is the global audience suspension. i think they would certainly sit up and dig noticed this because what is happening today in the way that it is great. well, i'm ready to use because i'm almost 4. but that's uh, so what china is going to philippines or checking to do that? i was expecting that would be one in terms of the, in terms of their business, in terms of their trade, in terms of the costs, which are going not to do better to work of the cost of living. so the to the google gorgeous resort. you need to take this, the seriousness at present pretense works 1st thing too much for really very interesting to hear your thoughts on this. thank you for your time today. raj of dog are a former indian and pastor to a number of european states, including it's really i'm romania live on the program. when you can watch default to our put an interview on their website,
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we'd love to hear your thoughts on the sit down to our comment section is ready and waiting for you. at ortiz, the, the rock government test written in the us led presence in the country. after washington conducted another or strike on his territory on whether the state killing a commander of a local electric with my dads condemned the attack. as a violation of the middle east nation, southern american forces has repeated irresponsibly all the actions that would undermine the established understandings and hinder the initiation of bilateral dialogue. by this act, the american forces jeopardize civil peace, violate your rocky sovereignty and disregard the safety and lives of our citizens. even more concerning is that the coalition consistently deviates from the reasons and objectives for its presence on our territory. the drone attack took place in the eastern and must our neighborhood of the iraqi capital closing several load explosions. the strike hit a moving car,
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the busy street causing the vehicle to catch fire. the pentagon, in confirming the strike, said they targeted commander was responsible for directing attacks on us. troops in the region were regional political analysts. achilles saves the us strikes proof, washington intends to remain in the region. well, the striker was a surprise and i believe is approved that the united states does not keep its wards and does not commit to the government. and also wants to stay in the rock. vases prove that the resistance factions will not leave the strike on their leaders unpunished, due to the american military presence. so we're headed towards expanding the circles of confrontation. this is one aspect, the other political science i believe. if the united states of america loses a rock, rock may turn to russia to china and can see that those 2 countries, members of the security council,
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as strong competitor for american implants in the region that by opening the way for russian china, i believe now iraq has the right to seek its own interest not to have agreements with the united states of america, that it does not adhere to. mister iso donnie is supposed to but a change in the sides of the relationship from a minute trip presence and mutual relationship to an economic, social, political, and security relationship to key. if not, we're after weeks of speculation, president zelinski has officially suck the country's top military officer general. valerie zillow's name had served as commander in chief of ukraine's armed forces since july 2021. or despite a string of recent military failures, the general had become increasingly popular in the country with poles. putting him far ahead of presidents zalinski himself. the 2 figures had been up margaret heads
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for months over the lock of progress on the buffy. lots of key cities like archon law, scouts, and on his back mood and the need to mobilize many more ukrainians. so loosely, recently referred to the military conflict as a stalemate, which presents the landscape strongly disagree with. well, general alexandra sir, scheme has been appointed as the new military commander in chief as the previous head of the ukrainian grind forces. starsky oversoul last year is failed. defense of archer most as well as the subsequent fruitless efforts to retake the don't boss city keeps the army has suffered must of losses on the front. well, an interesting side note starsky was actually born in russia's blood damien region then part of the soviet union and later studied in law school of the higher military command school. here's our t, steve sweeney. with more on to you have
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a special the 2 men have been long ahead, full. sometimes i intensified on that spot became very public. once it became clear that ukraine's much wanted counter offensive had failed as a nurse need for his part, described the situation on the battlefield. as a stone might know, some said that that was an overly optimistic, a search assessment of the situation. but this under a very sharp and very public rebuke from that then ski who perhaps to a piece is western boxes, gave you more positive overview of the situation and even suggested that ukraine could still win the conflict. let's say what the to and said, just like in the 1st world war we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. there will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. the time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate by emphasize this once again. now cause that we're also shop
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disagreements over the d p on popular forced a mobilization a policy in use in ukraine. is it mostly also wanted this $500000.00 additional troops to the front line in order to booster, you cranes, johnson of success is in the conflict. now, let's take a look at his replacement alexander ski now. but his background is that he was born in russia. he was trained in bosco, if he listened to key ebc, listen to crying the crating of government. they've had ordered his success in the defense of the capital city. in the early months of the special ministry authoration, he is also charged with success in accounts are offensive in concord, where they regained some part of that tennessee which of course, is now part of the russian federation. but he's also known as the butcher
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of, of black moods all to most of course, he led to the defense of that city, which became something of a meat grinder with thousands upon thousands of poetry trains ukrainian soldiers these new unit. so he was sharply criticized lowe's tactics so he remains sadie on popular among c. 3 ukrainian on forces the members of the crating and crating on forces where his accounts oppose, illusion. neil, who he's replacing, remains deeply, deeply popular. so it's difficult to see what the shelf re shuffling will bring to you quite whether to bring any more successes on the possible field where ukraine is obviously struggling very deeply. and washington has been accused of being involved in the decision to replace the come on the in chief. i'm not aware of any discussions as a and high levels between us and ukrainian for something about the that decision. and in
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a pre decisional way. we talk to our recreating counterparts all the time. but if the question is proposing that we were somehow a bill and we had some sort of right to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down, that's not true. this is the wednesdays decision. now, despite what cubby is saying, it's known obviously that the lensky is in very close contact with the united states. and so i believe that they robust time for long as the decisions about taking them. we have this visit just a week or so ago from victoria, and you'd and the maiden of my don, who was in cad once more. she met with the foreign minister, the prime ministers. lensky is chief of staff. although she didn't, we was a lensky himself. now, the replacement of that loosely, i'm putting some of questions that could pose a lot of problems and the main one being the finances. of course, the ukraine has been pretty much begging washington begging the united states for
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more cash to fund it. submitted the offensive, loosely, 2nd is a masquerade of action designed to attract funding from the us. the decision to reach shuffle, ukraine's military leadership was announced the same time. the discussions are on the way in the us on additional funds for the key regime. this relates to $60000000000.00 of support for ukraine. platinum is a lensky can no longer compensate for his lack of real achievements by using desk to pay off. so there's been a lot of pay off on spend now some questions the timing of the sacking of zillow's me. why did they wait until thursday? this thing was some suggestion that it was to deflect attention away from talking colson's interview with vladimir putin. but for now, the problem is on the pass, so feel remain on patience is running very soon. we're retired us virginia state senator richard black to dar t. it's clear that the cleaning people have been losing faith. think kids political
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leadership for quite some time. so craniums felt that the country was feathered in a good direction. now only 41 percent. so there is a, as a level of confidence in the ukranian government. and the course that come off of this, this immense counter offensive, which was orchestrated very directly by nato. they actually did say on table exercises, and now it has turned into a slaughterhouse. presidents. the landscape is firing. the generals hallucinate the chief of staff of the armed forces and ukraine, and the most popular figure in ukraine. and to some extent that was because to lose the was forthright with people and he said, lost his counter attack as it has stagnated. and it's, it's not going anywhere state senator,
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dick black running out the program for this hour, but don't go too far because next we bring you parts free of the recently released interview between plumber put non us journalist tucker carlson. we left the conversation last hour just as the russian leader was legalistic countries. james, in the new frame comes that we will join it again there in moments, bye for now the the russian states never
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d as tight as i'm one of the most on screen. and the best most i'll send, send up the in the 6595 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin lydia mission, the state on thrushes to day and split the r t smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the fitness center for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the right mike? questions? one more specific. it was of course not a defense of nazis. new or otherwise. it was
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a practical question. you don't control the entire country. you don't control give


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