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tv   News  RT  February 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the we still have some common ground the problem, nordstrom, the lose, the you for sure. because i was busy that day. need it and you have to have i just uploaded or uh, it takes you to the american journalist tucker carlson brings the russian presidents. i'm still sort of used right to western audiences building into the sabotage of the north stream gas pipelines among many more issues. documents that don't linux and reading. that was for the interview. tucker carlson shares his 1st impressions on the interview with slattery put in as it gains over 134000000 views
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on the x platform. and china and indonesia spear had a new system of nickel. trading in the aftermath of the card is banned a nickel or exports in 2020 for c. u has been trying to destroy the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international. well, just hours after being broadcast. lot of hooton's 1st interview with a western journalist since 2021 has already been viewed more than 134000000 times on the social media platform x. the sit down with tucker carlson, covered a wide range of topics including new cran conflict and one of the most significant acts of industrial terrorism. the north stream blast who blow up north stream. the reason i say to you for sure that i was busy
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that day. i need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up in order for a uh like to know what it was each and how much would you say it was each that you personally may have an alibi, but the ca has no. so tell him i didn't, did you have evidence that nato or to see i did it that you know, you know, i won't get into the details which people always say in such cases. you look for someone who is interested in this case. we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities because they may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. and these 2 components should be connectors introduced, always interested in who he's capable of doing so i'm confused. i mean, that's the biggest acura industrial terrorism ever. and it's the largest emission
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of c o 2 and it has 3. okay, so if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this, why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, or were you able to identify which is looking into or of propaganda. it is very difficult to defeat. so united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. you see the ultimate beneficiary of the biggest european media, our american financial institutions. don't you know that so it is possible to get involved in this work. but it is cost prohibitive, so to speak more than we can simply showing the spotlights on our sources of information. and we will not achieve results that it is clear to the whole world. what happened then? even american analysts talk about it directly to the gets to
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humiliating at this point for nato to accept russian control of what was 2 years ago. ukrainian territory right? yeah, yeah, no, i said, so let then thing how to do it with dignity cause your there are options if there is a will. randy's nature cuz there's really up until now. there is being that up or, or, and screaming and mailed. inflicting is strategic defeated with rochelle and the non don't fail system. you just go by don't train yet, i see passing. and now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve the safe as possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition, it isn't ever going to happen to you. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well as other than your visual if so,
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if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next or we're ready for this dialog. i should or should or should she, she was there to work out. it's very simple. i repeat just this concept of putting it on medication. we have contacts through various agencies, around schedule, something regarding that i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we're conveying to the us leadership. we, if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and how much was it? and then we can agree on some terms before you do that, to stop to me what's easier? why would they call in the bricks? countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the
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events and ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy, as i mentioned just now. and this is an image symbol. this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. you said we can, how do the united states so that as soon as you get with the help of force, like sanctions, pressure, bomb bangs, and use of armed forces, we can see that a cup of coffee, a folder of documents and impressions on quite an interview tucker carlson, recorded his reaction immediately after he interviewed the russian president of the kremlin on tuesday. take a look a so we just finished our interview with lambert who were in an anti room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee, i'm sitting here with the folder fashion and when you get the documents that you gave me,
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don't mind. they tell me reading that was quite an interview is obviously trading wounded by the rejection of the west. united states doesn't like for us with us. government doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be alive to try for this for obvious. that's the whole point. of nato, i guess, is to contain russia and this one, but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked to that, as we did, you know, for over an hour. so she didn't have a coherent theory that he's going to telling me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansionist power. sorry. you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the wires and in the long run state department, i want to make him into this. you know, shit, we're imperial, japan. but the truth is a, that's just false. it's a stupefaction. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they only of a 150000000 people. us officials have said on the record or have sent to me and are
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telling me much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up, find me. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace is that it's going to give a credit and then you're, you're like a little check from east to european history to sabotage of the north stream pipelines. tucker carlson covered a wide range of criminal topics, but the russian president, including the potential for negotiations in russia's diplomatic stands toward western partners earlier, am i calling to get aaron discuss this with our tea correspondence. shay bowes, the president putin, and portrayed the position of the russian side when it came to negotiations. what, what's the young game looked like in ukraine? and, you know, this is the veteran states. one time a boot has been at the top of his game for, you know, 2 decades now. he's had relationships with numerous presidents of the united states . he mentioned them several times by their 1st name. talked about these discussions,
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well being very discreet, of course. but also, you know, he's, he's a realist and he understands that the situation of ukraine has such a negative impact, potentially have so many careers, even on the nato alliance itself. and if you actually look at this objectively, what would be perceived as a nato defeat and you frame would and many careers that could cause significant instability. and it would leave a lot of people with ag on their face as looking quite a you know, um, damage to politically. well, the president put in related to that with tucker carlson and suggested, you know, i believe they may be looking to negotiate but they don't even know the way back to the negotiating. have they pushed so hard? they've, you know, made a rod for their own backwoods sanctions. they've driven themselves into a corner and know may not know how to get out of that other than that perpetually escalate. i think that's absolutely fascinating. would you be willing to say, congratulations, nato, you one and just keep the situation where it is. now,
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what was mentioned that, you know, it is a subject matter for the negotiations. no one is willing to conduct or to put it more accurately. they all willing, but do not know how to do it. i know they want. it is not just i see it, but i know they do want it. but they are struggling to understand how to do it. the language is there from president, put in very relaxed, still referring to the west as partners as they formed this very brutal economy, militaristic war against russia. president putin still understands how the game is played. there must be a, a roof the out of this conflict for the west if it's, and in a way that will be beneficial to both sides to end the conflict. it's um, you know, we finally use to present in purchasing be betrayed interest in mainstream media or someone who's so filled with haines. and yet in this interview with it, he spoke more about inviting unity rather than the accelerating, you know, wall and hostility. can you walk us through that face?
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yeah, and i think this was particularly a part that when it came to breaks and multi polarity, i think tucker carlson, sort of carry the questioning about breaks the rise of the global south as one of adversarial movements that it was, you know, something that was going to press the west and present, putting, again, stepping in to say, well, it's not about that. it's not about add, you know, to add the 2 sides of the brain. but they've got to work in time. you really remarkable analogy. you really think it on his face, again, he sort of related that idea that this isn't just about you find that the global salesman breaks has been developing long before the, you find new conflict occurred that, you know, chinese, the chinese economy was, was versioning. and that they were wanting to do business in a different way. if you like. the idea of divide and conquer was passing and unite and prosper was, was coming. and again, we see president putin as suggesting that, that division of these 2 spears of the brain. it would signify and. ringback this
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is unity that everyone kind of work together. we kind of find solutions and we kind of push forward. i think that was remarkable as much to listen. you have said that the world is breaking into 2 hemispheres. a human brain is divided into 2 hemispheres. one is responsible for one type of activities. the other one is more about creativity and so on. but it is still one in the same head to the world should be a single whole security should be shared, rather than meant for the golden 1000000000. that is the only scenario where the world could be stable, sustainable, and, and predictable. until then, while the head is split into 2 parts, it is an illness, a serious adverse conditions. it is a period of a severe disease that the world is now going through. so again, mazda full diplomacy from president, plenty of space here to apportion blame, you know, to accelerate things. we will do this, we will do that. you've done this to us. what a completely different approach
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a religious pragmatic approach from present showed a scale and how he has led will shift through some of its most difficult days and times after the class of the soviet union president put in a force credited with transform of the russian economy and society in many ways and one of the scales he has his discretion. many times during the conversation at tucker carlson asked me, what did they say, what did present fight and say, and president putin as saying, well, you need to ask them that. i'm not going to disclose these private conversations. i'm still shows great skill and respect for who the people are now, funding this conflict, and you play, you gotta compare this performance from a lot him or food, and including his mazda full, a recollection of russian history at the beginning, no notes, no prompt, or have to ask yourself, what a western leader be able to do that of course, joe biden, at times even differentiate between egypt and mexico. it seems minutes after been challenged on his health, on his, on his well being overall. i think what the circle message here and well that's
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going to be trawled over. we've seen john kirby say, like if you're gonna watch this interview and you know, don't listen to anything that i'm approved and says you can absolutely bet your bottom dollar. that analyst and the intelligence services on in the political loop leeds around the world or analyzing in granular detail the cellphone messages that were given by latimer food, enjoying the speech, and over well, many those messages where it's, which are our doors that can be opened. there is a positive reconciliation in partnership. thank you. i think it's absolutely remarkable. as we spoke with former indian foreign secretary con, last the ball, who said that the most important thing in the interview is that vladimir put in remains open dialogue with the other side of the conflict. it was a very comprehensive interview. nothing. 2 hours. 30 seconds and got all the shows that are on the table for a way to go to the store that i shot at the united states. and i show your of the few branding issue. but the most important thing that i saw from what i
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saw from this interview gathering was that a skeleton booty, the rim for when it comes to doctors and it is considered and on on. and she was meaning to have a diet austin state. and he was not in the action is at all. and he said he's waiting, waiting for the other side to start the navy. it's a defective dialogue, and he's a, if you open to easy anything on the board of the how in fact, at least on will let you live agreement with the beast about it each moment. but each my mother stuff several dollars. because he saw a note even blame to dig, it needs to do to speak better than by then because the whole floor kind of ended and then you can if the west stopped to buy um, so uh to, to your grand because uh, in other words, uh, uh, he has given
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a lot of openings that he is $82.80 to negotiate any dwindle. he has no designs against any little country member mix ups and uh, underlined to that uh the didn't understand the username and all the rest and age including that of a drum within the next web band on uh, data objective. well, we can make it a shot. and uh, and uh, rejecting any possibility of a dialogue command as was great, right? and so in a real rig isn't that apart from gaining now more than 134000000 views on x alone. so far, the conversation was for the american legacy media into a hysterical frenzy. despite many mainstream media journalists having admitted to sticking a one on one with the russian president for years to no avail. fury came thick and fast at tucker carlson for being the one granted that the exclusive it sit down and
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talks to an american friend. and while they may not speak the same language, they also kind a do talk a call soon is line from the strengths of russia. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why he's doing this interview now, obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to told carol calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media. how did he, how do you think he got that interview? know, quit loving a lot of praise on to the interesting tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he's in moscow house. the only thing i hope tucker house and is not a journalist, not even close. so all man host of the conservative daily podcast showed his impressions on the interview that has made headlines. somebody talked about the fact that they put and did not have a problem during there's no tal prompt or there's no notes. he didn't sit there and go, but let me check with somebody else. he had a great understanding of history and not just the recent history, but the history that went back hundreds of years and a use that for
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a justification, not a justification, but and understanding of what culturally step man, it's actually enter into ukraine. there's a lot to unpack over this 2 hours, but i do believe that as you look at it, it's very difficult for the emperor to have clothes, the united states and for people not to look at this and go, maybe we should be taking a larger look at the right of that practice that we have in our country because i will tell you something about tucker cross and the character that that man has to stay in on the beach knowing that what he is saying, and that he's doing this interview in order to lead truth, not just be heard by americans about people around the world is tantamount to the fact that he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. and whether that is freedom for his life. he recognizes it as necessary and if not him who and if not now when we've got to get to a place where we actually break down the barriers of the evil that has actually taken a grip on our society all over the world. my colleague union o'neill discussed the significance of the interview with r t contributor and former american senate stafford taylor read. she says the white
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house is afraid, bought them, or put ins. unfiltered messages to western viewers will undermine washington's narrative on ukraine. in the us has been very outspoken with some of the journalists instead of rallying the item and saying, hey, you know, this is normal for journalists to want to interview the russian president. this isn't, you know, a great saying right? because other journalists have barbara, you know, walters did, making kelly's name a few. so and they weren't threatened with, but she's actually just running with like espionage and stage all kinds of things. whether any of those will come to pass. i highly doubt it. i, you know, this interview was a threats to them because it revealed so much truth and they knew it was going to destroy the western narrative about this proxy war. that the u. s. and data was fighting against russia and ukraine. and vladimir putin delivered to be delivered facts he delivered history to give a very methodical, you know,
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a walk through from the 8th century on. and he also, which i thought was really fascinating, brought up the us intelligence and how that up around us has more, almost hijacked us at one. so the, the democracy, he didn't say that per se. but he talked about how the us intelligence was involved with the crew in 2014. he talked about how it was involved with different aspects of falling apart relations with russia. and because he's actually right, i noticed he mentioned that by trigger carlson's attempts to trying to c i a right out of college. so you know, you're, you're, you're dealing with somebody who knows what they're talking about. the go deep into, into any interview that the take part in a lot of interest are 3rd tar 57000000 views. right now i'm seeing on x a low not on target crossings at x kind. what kind of from if occasions, what kind of reaction do you think we're going to see to this, to promote it with
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a us audience? well, you're already seeing the legacy media trying to hit back, right? they are already doing hit pieces and whatnot on tucker and they're doing, they're calling him or a traitor or they're calling him. he was sitting with the enemy is really, really noted how they're not taking into consideration. this is freedom of the preston picture in order to move this job. if it's, if the cnn journalist was offered the view, do you think would be seeing a fraction of the b c's getting no, actually not. i mean, tucker carlson is, is one of those people that really brings out truth and really exposes the deep state. he exposes some of the, um, corruption, especially around ukraine and, you know, that's, that's against their narrative. they, they want to keep doing this proxy war and they don't want anyone against it. so you may even have, you know, john kirby speaking out against a journalist, you know, um or in kind of by proxy. but he was talking about also driving recruiting. don't listen to anything, he says, that's ridiculous because at the very least,
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america should be listening to what rushes trying to say. otherwise, how do we ever get to peace? how influential could this be? very influential because you have, you mentioned 57000000 but will probably go up to a 100000000 or even more when it, with replays and that surpassing tucker carlson audience on fox or any even combined fox, cnn, and all of that. so what's really, what's really great about this is that the american audience could see here, directly from the russian president, his point of view and really become educated because the bottom are put and said very clearly that they did not want to be the enemy of the west and had tried with peace accord several times and were supported. um, so there you have a, can i get your thoughts on the comparison between the 2 leaders by the way of putting and at the american leader, joe biden, because just, it's interesting tardy. just as he's been called professor at tutoring giving,
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giving his history speech and giving his is views just as that was happening by who was mixing up the mexican and it gyptian leaders, calling them by different names. where do you think their, their stature lives right now? 2024, who do have a leader who had this eloquent presentation by president who 10 for 30 minutes who gave history talked about very different geo political issues. and then you had biden, who was stumbling all over the place and, and a legal document that basically called him on sit for a legal procedure. which means if he's not fit for that, he's on fit for the presidency. someone put him out there and he struggled because that's interesting. that's the timing. so the american people got to watch a lot of repeat and then they got to watch fight. and so i think this is going to have a huge impact. i think that they're trying but deep stays now trained to remove their
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vitals. if you haven't seen it already, you can watch the full 2 hour, put an interview on our website. we'd also love to hear your thoughts on the sit down. our comment section is ready and waiting at r t dot com, the china and indonesia are developing new trends and the nickel trade after the car to impose the ban on exporting nickel or in 2020. the move has met with criticism at the time from the european union as indonesia is the world's largest producer of the commodity ortiz. rebecca napa to hulu has the story. a china street with intermedia was transformed after the latter bend export of nicole, or at the start of the 2020. china's demand for class one high pure to nicole, has been declining for several months as a nation increase of 6 import off in a nation produce nicole in various forms in a nation positive jo call. we don't,
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has always allow that nickel export. ben s a success. indonesia used to earn $33.00 leon indonesian group or equal to $1000000000.00 us dollars back when it was exporting ron nickel for the fast majority of this material is going to be used by china semester. if stainless, steel, industrial, the export restriction is also part of the nation's grand strategy, offer showing the downstream industrial to ensure that only process manner all fours are explored. innovations decision to stop exporting and process nicole forest has wrap up the european union because searing that the bed would have for its stainless steel production. and response that you launch a world trade organization lawsuit against jakarta. last year at w t o panel
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ruled in favor of the european lock, promising in asia to lodge an appeal in his position. the w t o panel stated that both the ban on nick co exports and the domestic processing mandate that all who make calls should bind in indonesia were in violation of international trade regulation and response, the mineral downstream working group, and the coal chamber of commerce and industry, also in any shots call we day as stated that the you is trying to force indonesia to export nicole according to their way as a wants to control countries, natural resources for their own prosperity. and that's the reason your car that is facing fears for assistance from the west. but in any shop, as the largest about 52 percent of the world's total
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sense for the country will manage. it's nicole according to its own interest. we know that time is economic influence in indonesia also pull translate to rates or from i think it was less, but them surely impacting like right you know, dynamics and also less than the interest. so if the, the europe, one to pass their economy not treat them, they shall also collaborate with indonesian right what the time is contra parts have done so far in the industry. some years we new to the term of cut on any station actually are happening right now because the union still refused to the decision of our pressing and regarding the ban or the
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a lot. following the instructions to export the around me close to the international market. we do not want to have this new colonialism is happening again in the future. so we must told them it was shipped in a fair way and openness. the cab now where after weeks of speculation, president zalinski has officially sacked. the country's top military officer general that i raise the loose and he had served as commander in chief of the cranes on for assistance july 2021. and despite a string of recent military failures, the general had become increasingly popular in the country with pose putting him far ahead of president zalinski himself. the 2 figures had been at loggerheads for months over the lack of progress on the battlefield. the loss of keys today is like our thomas get also known as the box, whoops. and the need to mobilize many more ukrainians. solution the recently
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referred to the military conflict as a stalemate, which present zalesky strongly agree with. general alexander state has been appointed. the new military commander in chief and as the previous head of the printing and ground forces here, c oversaw last year is failed at defense of our town mosque, as well as subsequent fruitless efforts to re take the don bass city. his army has suffered massive losses on that front. an interesting side note, sir ski was actually born in russia's vladimir region and part of the soviet union and later studied in moscow at the higher military command school. we spoke with andrea lucida, italian journalist and war correspondent and said the change in ukrainian military command is problematic, especially for the soldiers. what, what's up um yesterday uh, confirm a week silva speculation about uh these mon all of our for the substitution. what was that? what would make us come monday she farm as far as of ukraine and the model of,
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of creating the most create. this is my eyes and the me of the i so in the media about these decision, because in this moment the change over the head without much thoughts of ukraine can, can be problematic. the, especially for the saw this on the scene. because uh we, we know that the general csp is not a very popular between the man on the, on the ground. and the sees the set to go. choosing the fast. so very good the size of the because the, the use of the human ways or games, the games, there are some tools and a lot of you can install do i do use this easier? now the situation is very, very complicated for the you can are man uh and i think that's a is it ask you choose to.


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