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tv   News  RT  February 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the, the full blow up north string, the fuel for sure was busy that you need it and you have acute i did not pull up in australia, south american journalists, tucker carlson, brings the russian presidents and filter views straight to western audiences. delving into the sabotage of the north stream gas pipelines among many more issues . documents gave me my next and reading that was quite an interview and tucker carlson shares 1st impressions on his interview with latimer put in as it gains over 140000000 views on the x platform. the
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are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we'll just hours after being broadcast vladimir putin's 1st interview with the western journalists since 2021 has already been viewed more than $140000000.00 times on the social media platform x. the sit down with tucker carlson, covered a wide range of topics including the ukraine conflict and one of the most significant acts of industrial terrorism. the north stream blast who blow up north stream you for sure. i was busy that day made it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your delivery. uh, excuse me though, you personally may have an alibi, but i was as the c i a has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato or to see i didn't mention, you know, i won't get into details,
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but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. these 2 components should be connected, who is interested and who is capable of doing it. but i'm confused, i mean, that's the biggest active industrial terrorism ever. and it's the largest emission of c o 2 in, in history. okay. so if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you put a bug in the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiaries of the
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biggest european media are american financial institutions. don't you know that? so it is possible to get involved in this work, but it is cost prohibitive, so to speak. we can simply shine the spotlight on our sources of information and we will not achieve results. it is clear to the whole world what happened, and even american analysts talk about it directly. to, to get to choose humiliating at this point for nato to accept russian control of just what was it 2 years ago? ukrainian territory. yeah, yeah. discuss it all. i said let them think how to do it with dignity. there are options if there is a will up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition,
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it is never going to happen. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialogue. i should have should. what set to work out, so it's very simple. i repeat, we have context through various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us need to ship. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on sometimes before you do that, stop what's easier? why would i call him? the facility bricks, countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world
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economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions? pressure bombings and use of armed forces? a cup of coffee, a folder of documents and impressions on quite an interview type across in record of his reaction. immediately after energy interview, the russian president at the kremlin on tuesday, take a look. so we just finished our interviews, lambert, who were in an anti room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee. i'm sitting here with the folder and fashion. i mean, when you get to the documents that i gave me got my nighttime reading, that was quite an interview. this obviously is very rude. it, by the rejection of the west, the united states doesn't like for us of the us government,
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doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be a laboratory for this very obvious. that's the whole point of nato, i guess, is to contain russia. in this one, but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked about that as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she didn't have a coherent theory that he's going to tell me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansion as power. sorry. you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the wires and in the long run state department, i want to make him into this. you know, shit, we're imperial, japan. but the truth is that that's just false. it's a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they only of a 150000000 people. us officials have sit on the record it and have said to me and are telling you much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up frame. yeah. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace
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is the problem, is going to give a credit and then you're, you're like a little check apart from gaining more than 140000000 views on x alone. so far, the conversations for the american legacy media into a hysterical frenzy, despite many mainstream media journalists having admitted to seeking a one on one with the russian president for years to no avail period came thick and fast as tucker at to for costa and for being the one granted the exclusive sit down a suit and talks to an american friend. and while they may not speak the same language, they also kind of do talk a call soon is lines from the streets of russia. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why he's during this interview now, obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to talk to her calls and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media. how did he, how do you think he got that interview? no clue lobbying a lot of praise on to the interesting tucker carlson still doesn't have
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a job. he's in moscow. how something i hope tucker halston is not a journalist. not even close. all right, let's cross live now to alex jones, journalist and founder of info wars dot com. alex, great to have you on with us. i know you know, tucker carlson. personally. have you heard anything from him since his interview with putting any personal impressions that you can share with us? yeah, we talked right after he got the interview. it does not text me. and i said, is it true? it's happy to you said, yeah, in a few hours the letter he said we did over 2 hours. it was amazing. you know, russia's great, beautiful city, right. people. and that was basically yet, and i'm sense that i know he's been very, very excited about the interview. but all that corporate global is media that was sitting there saying he's not a real journalist. they all wish that you're getting an interview with it. and i put in as we know, as giving them an interview and over a year and a half the guys a,
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hey lie. i don't. yes. for over 3 years. any interview to any major western corporate media? not to bbc, not the cnn. not to abc because you'll talk to him for an hour. the let it down like 30 seconds out of context and live there not media sort. tucker said no journalist from a us contact to put for interviews, being honest because they're not journalist and we have an incredible to our conversation about history and about what really happened to be on the right to hear that. so it's very, very positive. very, very good. the answer is more free speech, not less for each page and, and basically try to stop who was your establishment. we have here in america, the establishment trying to have us commit collective economic, cultural and military suicide. so i think it's a great interview. like you said, a 180000000 views on x alone. hundreds of millions of use of the clubs. i would
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imagine a 1000000000 people are more. uh, we'll see this interview in the defense department. came out, kirby came out and said, don't watch it on to develop and that's kind of like what chris cuomo are afraid. outset on cnn, like 67 years ago, he said you're not allowed to look at where he likes to read. it will be arrested only we can look at where he lives at cnn. and so they're now trying to julian, aside, or edward snowden grants a return call. so their call is going to be charged. now of the espionage actually actually now is actually on is if you give a foreign government secrets this and the espionage act is not if you communicate with leaders or other countries. so this is what we need more of the great. and it's why the criminals that are and try merican lang, but they've hijacked our country are so scared the secretary of that's why what tucker sat and what others and said it's only true. this wasn't a pro russia interview. she wasn't a pro you craner. you was a pro america interview because yeah, alex, alex,
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what do you make of that backlash that tucker received even before the interview was put out with people calling him a traitor and, and the backlash from the main stream media. i mean, how, how fair was that? when it was the journal, let's understand something. tucker has conservatively 30000000 viewers of it. i have 10000000 views a day, joe rogan has 20000000 views today. so in america, it's tucker cross, and joe rogan, alex scouts. okay, it'd be like russell brand under that. russell brand has 5 times the viewers of cnn, joe rogan has, you know, 10 times. so it's tucker, they're a joke and no one watches them who has a brain. so they're not the media anymore. they have this big studio, they can try to convince people, but they're a joke. the people are watching them. so i noticed that clippy plight of the demon ization the whole backlash is tucker. they said, oh, jimmy kimball said he doesn't have a job. so, so he's over in russia, he has
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a studio, he's doing interviews with 2030000000 views a day. he's way better than they are, but they're saying he doesn't have a job. every thing they say is a lie, like they say, russia, is it doing well? what roger is doing better than it was 2 years ago when you're gross domestic product and your oil sales and what you're doing. so they keep, keep lying to people about what's happening over and over and over again. to convince us there is no inflation to convince us everything's fine. it and it's, it's all alive. this is the american government. this is black rock. and the day both groups and the un and the globalized and m i 6 that run this country and who polluted in, running of some of the ground, try to tell us talking across as a loser within the trojan horse and as a giant winner and the hail age watching her harilson halos watching the bottom air
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. putting that on. they're telling us, oh poor weak truckers we all of the midwest of americans we l. all of this is projection. yeah, alex, to your point about the over 140000000 views and counting on x said this interview got and of course have gotten several 1000000 views on youtube as well and, and who knows how many watched it on tucker carlson website as well. do you think that this signal is the end of main stream media in the us? that so many people are, are watching this interview and then just a fraction are still watching cnn cnbc, even fox you know, it's kind of like you, but you're out of the country for a couple of years. you come back and let your grandmother died. the old media is already dead, but yes, things like this tucker interview, signified to us the power of hollywood, the power of the annual american establishment. the power of the global is gone.
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it's, it's, it's, it's over and they know it. and they're trying to look for some catastrophic event, a war, a financial labs, a cyber attack, a virus, some pre tags, to try to get us to go into their control again. but the barn door is already open, the cows already left. the horses already left. the chickens already left, we're gone. and so tucker crossing, it's that joe rogan gets that alex jones gets that, but they don't get that. i mean, they understand that, but they still think they're in charge. if you combine m s nbc, cnn abc, there's nbc and cbs, as all together, they aren't half the audience of the referrals and every day, if you take fox news, they're supposedly biggest mainstream media. it's not a 3rd of tucker, conservative laser. there's every single day. and so again, they,
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they know they've lost this criminal group, it's hijacked, the last, these, all the guards. they're trying to figure out how to get us back under the control. so that's really the larger debate like put in the setting said, or to the fact that this is happening in the ship. the power is happening is like the sun coming out. it's not something your, it's going to stop. and so us go, the americans who are taking national majority of us. do you totally get what's happening we this is not the us government. this is a criminal group that's been exploring us and i'm just glad tucker had the courage because he was threatened. obviously a lot to go to rock shooting his interview and it was a very historical, very conciliatory, even towards the landscape or one. it's very open armed is very honest thing about story called back. we want peace, we want justice, we want to work with you. we, we don't want war where you're been lying to us. well, for same level. where did you create a little bit?
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lying to rush and how much st rush is perfect. nobody has had been lying to us. and so americans instinctively understand that. and we see that it's not russia opening our borders. it's not rush of the value our currency. it's not russia ultimately promoting pedophilia and drag queen kind of fall time. it's not rush and shipping and fentanyl. it's a rush of starting the foreign wars is not russia, no, it's the criminals that hate america that have hijacked our government. so now that the interview is out and given all the backlash, the tucker carlson, received in the mainstream media and i know the mainstream media doesn't represent how average americans actually feel. but what is tucker going to return to when he comes back to the us, how, how our average americans viewing this interview? i mean, like i said, i would go to the grocery store 5 years ago and shake 25 hands with them. at least one person would say, you're a russian aids, you know, we're going to kill you. they believe that stop, i have doesn't deal with the rush of that gold rush of dbm audio to our russian
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goal and japanese tv. i'm ready, tv, i go on. i ran a tv. i go on next can tv. i go on to daddy, mtv one, but, but i would get some, hey, it's been almost 2 years of like once or twice somebody yells, that means and no good. so i'm a public figure. so i'm a gauge of this and i get nothing but love people conflict and want peace. they want just as they're, you know, it's the neo cons that have hijacked america and have launched all these wars. they that, you know, that were in the valley of this corrupt the level of empire. it's built all this at the expense of america and then put our name on the, the, the, the check to blame us. and so we all plan that we're without, you know, but we are trying in a process to get our country back and try to move forward in the future inland. so tucker does this as an oil american. i do it as a loyal americans when your country has cancer related to us, you don't point that another country, 56000 miles away and then say they're the cause of it all. when we know it's not
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russia, it's doing this to us again as we roches perfect or pollutants. perfect. are you guys what have your own issues? we know it's not russia that's doing all this to us and we, we see through it, like them saying, prob, so russian asian in russian prostitutes are paying on him. that all turned out with british intelligence. hillary clinton was all fixed. we knew that. and they called me a russian agent ever been to russia. and so we, we know we've been lied to the correct. okay. if we can get, get back to the interview president, to raise the problem of a world divided into 2 parts and compare the division to an illness. what are your thoughts on that? and ology, do agree with that? i think humanity should be unified, around prosperity and security, and exploration and expansion and empowerment and post is always talked about. there needs to be a bipolar world in discussions and debates because it was only
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a unipolar world run by the oconee and the in the west ally with china. now the china 9 years ago broke with the last it's become its own thing. and so pollutants go in next level. they're saying actually bipolar. it becomes a form of scripts of frame. yeah. whereas humanity really should transcend all that and come together. so putting there is leaving much what is rhetoric of wanting a multi power world and, and is now saying that the planet should move forward with common goals still have sovereignty. so have freedom. so of nation states against the you in the u. w at the global as this was, but a unified world understanding around basic human principles of family and god and justice. so uh, that's a change of some of the statements i've seen. i've seen it's a flip flop or i'm saying good. now caesar is a global life getting it's now happening and is now moving onto the phase of unity
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before simply saying we shouldn't have one power structure. now that there is to power structures or a bipolar you are multi polar world. now now now pollutant saying we should have a discussion my, those 2 pulse and create a time or, or unity around a larger discussion about what you're coming the future. but in the russian president also said for the world to be stable and sustainable, it must be united and work as a whole. is that realistic though? how possible such a scenario, given the political divisions we see today and, and what 10 countries do to try to achieve that world vision again and given all these political differences that we see. well, we don't want the, you in cloud schwab, bill gates, version of unity. we always create a counterfeit. we want unity of purpose and unity of mission. but we're still independent countries with our own cultures, their own ideas,
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who could still meet in the middle for a common good and a common destiny, not based on war, not based on conquest, but based on the innovation and renaissance of the great awakening, the counter to the great reset and the build back, better agenda of the robber barons, m m, and the faxes. all the guards is a world delay getting around prosperity and that means new energy, new technology, specs expiration. but also fossil fuels and all the technologies we have and mass of collaborative global efforts between nation states collaboratively. premises apparently not directed by of the british in del c i a created un but, but a, but another system of a college of countries coming together to then shipmate black rock and the money power. there is the global as cold. that's what that as operations inside russia, inside south africa, inside saudi arabia, inside mexico, inside canada,
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inside the us, they all operate as cloud. schwab said, we penetrate the cabinets as this kind of specter like root that's against the nation state, the people we have to recognize that as parasitic nature had, the countries come together and unify around trust busting, like teddy roosevelt at a 120 years ago or 100100102 years ago and unify around taking the power back from the corporations and transferring it back to the people which is free market. the corporations are bigger than governments now and average . they've created their own governmental to tell jerry in the system. this is an inquiry marks writings. it's not in adam smith's writings. this is the new politic . this is the real world. libertarians say leave the big corporations alone will do, or they want. but, but the big corporations together are bigger than russia and america and trying to combine, we have to realize that and, and realize there the hidden hand,
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there's manipulating this and have a 1st big debate about it. and then when you come together with our collaborative group advert, like a union of nations, but through free market, open discussions, not 3. okay. not through centralization and change that the president also said people should live in the all people should live in security, not just the lead. how detached are the world's lead from people's demands and realities? you think last year, right. question. i mean flux, whether it's a rob charles or the rockefellers, or mark sucker burn or bill gauge. it's in the news is a local people building the bunkers, talk about it, and the people both above or say when everything goes to hell, we're going to go. you know, get their supplies, they're all building in all areas, but also in the middle of major cities, huge underground bunkers for themselves. they should want policies that stop
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a nuclear war or stop a biological war, or stop as a side on collapse. so they don't need bunkers, but instead mark sucker berg has built a giant underground compound in hawaii, hawaii or he thinks he's going to be safe during the shy and collapse. and that that just shows are the ford side of the are. so they've created this, this, this, this plutocrat a clip, the craddick system. we're all there, hundreds of millions of stolen money. won't even be able to be spent in the market in a city, in a culture, because they've destroyed the economy in the process of vertical integration. so that, that's all disconnected. they are. they think they're gonna be saving their bunkers . in talking about the war, a new cranny said that russia's military operation aims to bring an end to award. that actually started was started by care of with western backing in 2014,
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while ukraine it continues to refuse to sit down for peace talks. i'm wondering, do western viewers understand the complexity of what's going on in ukraine? will this come as a surprise to visit america? i think some why should viewers know that? anybody that studies history knows it's a fact. i mean, we've had, excuse me, we've had the got a call today. we've had toward sorrows like 5 years ago, gone for ease our carrier on cnn and brad, that would stay depart, money he over through the electric government of ukraine 9 years ago. so that's what started all this does that answer your question? yeah, yeah, go ahead. um, the white house also going back to the backlash against the interview, the white house that it's best to try to downplay the impact of the interview. why
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do think the biden administration is so worried about this interview and how people might view it? well, the by the ministration is a giant joke and binding said yesterday that the mexico is in the gaza strip here. just say that mexico and their president was running gaza. you said mexico has the gaza strip a few days before that. he said plan for a meter on who died in the ninety's. it's all live. uh, 2 days ago he said that he just talked to home, and cole died a long time ago. so he's a public. the other global is very, very sad. and he doesn't know what is even talking about. so whenever you're out a binding, i mean by does a live stream on youtube, that's 3000 viewers. joe rogan does one on youtube. it has 15000000 and so he's a joke. and everybody, but again it's, there's
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a big flush side that everybody loves said. and then things all day must be in charge. no, it's a totally and completely collapse the side. and i don't really listening by jazz because by the public. yeah, i've seen a lot of talk on social media about that about biden's confusion a particularly recently. and plenty of social media viewers have even compared that to, by them are putting in the interview and how he gave this long history less than not using any notes and speaking, uh, you know, with, without any confusion. how does that make look? how does that make bite and look with vladimir putin and giving this long to our interview? i'm eloquently compared to the confusion among the us president. but let's be clear just to see how far and the builder bar grabbing the day, most group of all black, we're going to put harrow b dom leaders in the last so that we carry out these people, policies,
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they will get the blame and the nation state will meet is credited, and then we can remove the nation state and bring and total corporate role. so there was a plan to put by man because they could blame him and then not, and dyed him for all his crimes. as a special prosecutor just said last night, is he so see mile? you can't be put on trial. so you basically put someone in there, cool rubber stamp all these crimes against your own country and against the world. and then you say, oh, he doesn't know what he's doing. you know, it's his fault, but he's not in trouble. so it's basically a, he's like an m b, c or a non player character. and i predicted there's when he 1st saw the election. uh, 3 and a half years ago. and so that's what's happening is that they went by and gone there as well. but michelle obama and, and, and, and, or gavin newsom or both of them have the dmc and in july we do that 2 years ago. we reported that's going to happen for now and alex again. so this has all been
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a methodology, but he shows dementia written. he's so dumb down that he's not going to last till the convention. so they've got a problem on their hands. so they had a fairy that having a zombie in the white house, could be their puppet. but it's still reflecting on them. so it's not going the way they thought it would. you know that saying i would tell them to cities or whatever it was the best laid plans of mice and men all often go straight. okay. you know, the note that he has had great relations with previous us presidents, including george w bush and donald trump. both of them republicans, but he questioned the trustworthiness of the political establishment in washington . what kind of message is he sending here you think? or when pollutant says something that i think is wrong? i will say it, but i didn't hear much of what he said in his to our talk with tucker, that was wrong. you know, he thinks china is great and perfect, and i don't,
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i don't really totally agree with that. when it comes to some of the policies in china, but other than put these statements on, on china i, i mean, i thought it was all well researched, very historical and true and was night and day in contrast to what we get from our politicians. our politicians are bought and paid for the top is absolutely a, with our country, and we get that them pointing at russia as the enemy is the destruction we know rush has its own country not perfect, just like gosh, but we get like, oh, really? 1000, we have inflation because of the russians and we have censorship and here's the russian gym and then you were tired of it. what you it's, it's like saying with dog 8 my i'm, i could, paradox is a dog. you know, the saying, oh mom, the dog ate my homework this, there's like, it's like, oh, i read the car, the russians. oh, you know, i didn't pay my bill. it's the russians.


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