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tv   News  RT  February 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, to blow up north street, the deal for sure. i was busy that made it and you have to pay for it. i just uploaded or, uh, excuse me though. american journalists, tucker carlson, brings the russian president, son filtered abuse straight to western audiences. delving into the sabotage of the north spring gas pipelines among many more issues. documents. so my next i'm reading that was quite a interview. tucker carlson shares 1st impressions on his interview with a lot of her and put in as it gave nearly 150000000 views on the x platform.
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and in pakistan where there is still no clear winner in the countries, general elections as the counting of votes continues the . i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international just hours after being broadcast. blocking are put in 1st interview with the western journalists. since 2021 has already been viewed nearly 150000000 times on the social media platform x. the sit down with tucker carlson, covered a wide range of topics including the ukraine conflict and one of the most significant acts of industrial terrorism in history. the north stream blast who blow up north stream. the reason i say to you for sure it is, i was busy that you need it and you have to have uh, i just uploaded or what are you shipping?
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of course it was each and how much would you need? it wasn't each. no. you personally may have an alibi, but the c a has no. so tell him i didn't. did you have evidence that nate over to see i did a minute, you know, you know, i won't get into the details which people always say in such cases. you look for someone who is interested in this case. we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities because they may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of thinking to the bottom of the baltic sea and carrying out this explosion. when these 2 components should be connectors introduced, always interested in who is capable of doing but i'm confused. i mean, that's the biggest active industrial terrorism ever. and it's the largest emission of c o 2 and history. okay? so if you had evidence and presumably given your security services,
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rental services, you would that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you put up a gun that was just looking into more of propaganda, it is very difficult to defi, united states, because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. you see the ultimate beneficiary of the biggest european media, our american financial institutions of don't you know that so it is possible to get involved in this work, whether it is cost prohibitive, so to speak, more than we can simply showing the spotlights on our sources of information and we will not, but she results that it is clear to the whole world. what happened then? even american analysts talk about a direct waiting judy gets to shoot. milly getting at this point for nato to
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accept the russian control of what was 2 years ago. ukrainian territory. right. yeah, yeah, no, i said, so let then thing how to do it with thickness being your there are options if there is a will. randy's nature cuz there's really up until now there is being the uproar and screaming. ability inflicting is strategic defeat the rochelle and the now the family, the system, each cope. i don't think that i see what i'm doing and now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve safe a possible at all. in my opinion, i think it is impossible, by definition. it is never going to happen when it comes to show. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. that's other than your visual if so if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next or we're ready for this dialogue.
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i sure would you should or should you should what's there to work out? it's very simple. i repeat just this concept of putting it on medication. we have contacts through various agencies, around schedule. if someone could wait a minute, i will tell you what we are saying on this matter. and what we're conveying to the u. s. leadership. wait week, if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. how much is it? and then we can agree on some terms. before you do that, to stop what's easier? why would i call him in the bricks? country is accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy. as i mentioned just now,
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we just drove and this is an image symbol. this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. you said we can. how do the united states to them as soon as we get with the help of force, like sanctions, pressure, bomb bangs, and use of armed forces between a cup of coffee, a folder of documents, and his impressions. on what was quite an interview took across and record of his reaction immediately after he interviewed the russian president at the kremlin on tuesday. let's take a look. so we just finished our interviews, lambert, who were in the anti room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee, i'm sitting here with the folder fashion and open the documents that me got my next i'm reading. that was quite a interview is obviously trading wounded by the rejection of the west. united
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states doesn't like for us with us. government doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be alive or trusted as for obvious. that's the whole point of nato, i guess, is to contain russia in this one. but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked about that as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she didn't have a coherent theory that he's going to tell me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansionist power. sorry, you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the liars and he walks around the state department. i want to make him into this. you know, shit, we're imperial, japan. but the truth is that that's just false. it's a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they all have a 150000000 people. us officials have sit on the record and have said to me and are telling me much people that part of the times have to be rushing,
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giving up front of me. so it's like if you really think that it conditioning piece is the problem is going to give a credit and then you're, you're like a little check from eastern european history to the sabotage of the north stream that pipelines, tucker, carlson, covered a wide range of crucial topics with the russian president, including the potential for negotiations over ukraine and russia's diplomatic stance toward its western partners. earlier my calling to get aaron discuss this with our tea correspondence shape on the president putin and portrayed the position of the russian side when it came to the go see ations what, what's the young gave looked like in ukraine and you know, this is a veteran states my time of fruits has been at the top of his game for uh, you know, 2 decades now. he's had relationships with numerous presidents of the united states . he mentioned them several times by their 1st name. talked about these discussions, well being very discreet. of course, but also, you know, he's, he's
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a realist and he understands that the situation of ukraine has such a negative impact potentially have so many careers, even on the nato alliance itself. and if you actually look at this objectively, what would be perceived as a natal defeat and you frame would and many careers, if it cost significant instability. and it would leave a lot of people with ag, on their face as looking quite uh you know, um, damage to politically was the president put in, related to that we took referrals and suggested, you know, i believe they may be looking to negotiate, but they don't even know the way back to the negotiating, have they push so hard? they've, you know, made a rod for their own back with sanctions. they've driven themselves into a corner and know may not know how to get out of that other than to perpetually escalate. i think that's absolutely fascinating. would you be willing to say, congratulations, nato. you one and just keep the situation where it is now. what was i think the big method to go, you know, it is a subject matter for the negotiations. no one is willing to conduct or to put it
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more accurately, they all willing, but do not know how to do it. i know they want. it is not just i see it, but i know they do want it. but they are struggling to understand how to do it. the language is there from present improvement, very relaxed, still referring to the west as partners as they formed this very brutal economy, militaristic war against russia. president putin still understands how the game is played. there must be a, a rules the out of this conflict for the west if it's, and in a way that will be beneficial to both sides to end the conflict. it's um, you know, we think we use to present in piercing, be betrayed interest in mainstream media or someone who's so filled with hate. and yet in his interview, when he spoke more about inviting unity rather than the accelerating, you know, wall and hostility. can you walk us through that face? yeah, and i think this was particularly a part that when it came to ad breaks, and multi polarity, i think,
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took across and sort of carried the questioning about breaks the rise of the global . so, as one of adversarial movement said, it was, you know, something that was going to press the west and present putting, again, stepping in to say, well, it's not about that. it's not about add, you know, to add the 2 sides of the brain. but they've got to work and harm you. really remarkable analogy. you really think it on his face. again, he sort of related that idea that this isn't just the but you find that the global south and breaks has been developing long before the, you find new conflict occurred that, you know, chinese, the chinese economy was, was versioning. and that they will want to do business in a different way if you like. the idea of divide and conquer was passing and united and prosper was, was coming. and again, we see president putin as suggesting that, that the vision of these 2 spears of the brain it would signify. and. ringback this is unity that everyone kind of work together. we can find solutions and we kind of
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push forward. i think that was remarkable as much to listen. you have said that the world is breaking into 2 hemispheres. a human brain is divided into 2 hemispheres. one is responsible for one type of activities. the other one is more about creativity and so on. but it is still one in the same head for the world should be a single whole security should be shared, rather than meant for the golden 1000000000. that is the only scenario where the world could be stable, sustainable, and, and predictable. until then, while the head is split into 2 parts, it is an illness, a serious adverse conditions. it is a period of a severe disease that the world is now going through. so again, mazda full diplomacy from president, plenty of space here to apportion blame, you know, to accelerate things. we will do this, we will do that. you've done this to us. what a completely different approach a religious pragmatic approach from present showed
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a scale and how he has led will shift through some of its most difficult days and times after the class of the soviet union president put in a force credited with transform of the russian economy and society in many ways and one of the scales he has his discretion. many times during the conversation at tucker carlson asked me, what did they say, what did present fight and say and present food and saying well you need to ask them that. i'm not going to disclose these private conversations. i'm still shows great skill and respect for who the people are now, funding this conflict, and you play, you gotta compare this performance from a lot him or food, and including his mazda full, a recollection of russian history at the beginning, no notes, no prompt, or have to ask yourself, what a western leader be able to do that, of course, joe biden, trying to even differentiate between egypt and mexico. it seems minutes after been challenged on his health and as, as well, being overall, i think what the circle message here and, well that's going to be trawled over. we've seen john kirby say, like if you're going to watch this interview and you know,
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don't listen to anything that i'm approved and says you can absolutely bet your bottom dollar. that analyst and the intelligence services on in the political loop leeds around the world or analyzing in granular detail the soulful messages that were given by a lot of my food, enjoying the speech, and over well, many those messages where it's, which are our doors that can be opened, there is a positive reconciliation in partnership. thank you. i think it's absolutely remark . as we spoke with former indian foreign secretary can last the ball who says the most important take away from the interview is that vladimir put and remains open to dialogue with the other side of the conflict. a new crane. it was a very comprehensive interview. mind. nothing, 2 hours, 30 seconds and go on all the issues that are on the table for a way to go to the store that i shot at united states and i saw your of the few grand and what's the issue. but the most important thing that i saw from what i
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saw from this interview gathering was that a skeleton booty that mean for one thing and it comes to doctors and it is considered and on all the shows we didn't have a diet. austin state. it was not the action is at all and uh, these are these waiting, waiting for the other side to restart the navy. it's a defective dialogue and the ease of if you open to easy anything on the ball, how in fact, at least on we'll let you know, 3 months at least about each moment. but each month i must of several dollars do that because he's on or even blame to the beginning to do to speak better than by then because the whole lot kind of ended endings and you can if the west stopped to buy um, so uh to, to your grand uh, because uh, in other words, uh uh, he has given a lot of openings that he is at either dog ready to negotiate any dwindle.
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apparently he has no designs against any adult country being members of rubrics of and underlined to that the didn't understand the reasoning and all the rest and age, including that of a gentleman in the next bent on on a battle, jackie, well, we can make it a shot and, and rejecting just any possibility of a dialogue command as was great grandson. well, having grouped international audiences with nearly 150000000 views on xt alone. so far the interview has spurred a frenzied reaction across the american legacy media. despite many us journalists submitting, they pursued a one on one with vladimir putin over the years to no avail. the furious. okay, was sick and fast as tucker at tucker cross. and for being the one ran to the explosive, sit down with the russian president. suit and talks to an american friend, and while they may not speak the same language, they also kind of do talk
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a call soon is lines from the streets of russia. he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why he's during this interview now, obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to talk to her house and doing the propaganda work of basically russian state media out. okay, how do you think he got that interview? know, quit lobbying, a lot of praise on to the interesting tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he's in moscow house only thing i hope tucker house and is not a journalist. not even close. jo altman, hosted the conservative daily podcast gave his impressions on the interview and praised carlson for his commitment to sharing the truth with americans. or somebody talked about the fact that they put in did not have a teleprompter. there's no tal property, there's no notes. he didn't sit there and go, but let me check with somebody else. he had a great understanding of history and not just the recent history, but the history that went back hundreds of years and a use that for a justification, not a justification,
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but and understanding of what culturally step man, it's actually enter into ukraine's. there's a lot to unpack over this 2 hours, but i do believe that as you look at it, it's very difficult for the emperor to have clothes, the united states and for people not to look at this and go, maybe we should be taking a larger look at the right of that for us that we have in our country because i will tell you something about tucker cross and the character that that man has to stay in on the beach knowing that what he is saying, and that he's doing this interview in order to lead truth, not just be heard by americans, but people around the world is tantamount to the fact that he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. and whether that is freedom or his life, he recognizes that it's necessary and if not him who and if not now when we've got to get to a place where we actually break down the barriers of the evil that has actually taken a grip on our society. all over the world the russian president also questioned why the west is willing to celebrate cabs fascist passed. are we calling
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the case of ukrainian boffin assess veteran, you know, a swab, who, who reportedly was personally invited by canadian prime minister, just intruded for an official reception in september. last year. latimer put and says the story is now being swept under the rug by the west, a vehicle for the union. the president of ukraine visited canada. the story is well known, but it's silenced in the western countries. the canadian parliament introduced a man who as the speaker of the parliament said, fought against the russians during the world war to swell who fought against the russians during world war 2, hitler and his accomplices. it turned out that this man served in the assess troops . he personally killed russians, poles, and jews. the ss troops consisted of ukrainian nationalists, who did this dirty work. the president of ukraine stood up with the entire parliament of canada and applauded this man. how can this be imagined?
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the president of ukraine himself, by the way, is a jew by nationality. earlier my colleague nikki aaron spoke to the russian ambassador to canada, or like stepping off who said russia is waiting for an explanation as to why and not see war. criminal as is enjoying freedom and celebrity status in canada with send a diplomatic note with the a bunch of materials about the, the crimes was that there was some, uh, uh, come into the in, uh, uh, western new green. and uh, now we have a wedding for the onset there is a uh, brushing next through this in request. and secondly, as there isn't an issue. what candidates, so famines, a canadian government committed
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a can maybe in law enforcement going to do regarding is a concessions that missed the, the going co. quinta, himself, the publicly said that he enlisted the in, assess the division of coaching us. so it's almost the about the is the canadian us or it is a knowing that there is a self, a revealed a nazi accomplice, nazi kreme and know who lives here and the life. so stuff cool is coming from the canadian media reports. is that prime minister justin true to go actually personally invited home to see what attend an official ceremony during the last days official visits, a tutor did claim money that they had nothing to do with honk his presence in parliament. i mean,
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what significance does this new wave of scandal have in canadian political cycle is a being treat though is not a strange at the scandal. the. what does this latest one say is what is the registration? because we know when there is the um, states these it certainly um for in uh, fi level official. uh, everything is being uh, started uh, very meticulously who's invited who, who is not the, the background, the person who are going to be present. and right, the a position consorts of a position to extrude bodily storm, a former petite to x of social media
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as the invitation for me is to conquer, to have a the, you know, reception these the, these, the prime minister beach was approved by the brought the co um buys at global affairs, canada by the prime ministers office. so they knew about that there was some new the advertising and the, the, the now say that it was a canadian ukraine. them congress. by the way, what a very strange your organization, larry you from this one i would say, who present it, is that the votes and to the protocol of the, of the prime minister. what is the results of
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those sup, close friends, you go right to diminish, to denigrate the money for your own country, for for the mattresses when you upload to to the guy who probably killed the one up to the rent or you can watch the full 2 hour put an interview on our website, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the sit down and our comment section is ready and waiting at our t dot com. the home or pakistani prime minister in the last rave has declared victory and pakistan's national elections. despite the vote, count still being underway. meanwhile, the lead is currently held by independent candidates for some back, but and wrong cons, p t i party, which was barred from the ballot. the muslim league party led by x and pm. the watch to reef is not far behind, while the pakistan people's party headed by former foreign minister below all
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bhutto is their diary is trailing in 3rd and round. con is behind bars and was recently sent us to a total of 24 years on corruption charges that he denies. a government can only be formed after a party or coalition. when's a total of at least $134.00 seats? here's what local residents have to say. we want a p t hi government and we believe they can do better. we have a lot of expectations from them. more people. why? because i voted for the people's party. i expect a good work from them. we hope they will work for the future of the people in karachi, in the same process. we are telling me that someone who has a good leader has to rule who is good for the country and for the people good for as long. who provides jobs to improves health facilities, provides a good education to every one. tragedy struck pakistan on the eve of the vote, and 30 people were killed and dozens more wounded into bomb. last term it in the election officers of
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a political party and an independent candidate in the country. southwest is almost a terrorist group, has claimed responsibility. we spoke to a guest who said the p t, i party remains in the lead despite him are on con, being jail, and the can you hear me the, the, the, the, the fire and the, i'm in the, the, it is a good one. the a c so uh so oh no, i see it has to fall on kind of a license relation to, to make it all the way. and that's why everybody believes that this announcement from now i see these be too early as compared to the job. it has to join in any political party with the mex 72 hours. uh because the one that independent candidates and according to by ourselves constitution, they have to have joined a one of the part b, all the political parties. but they do have a modified d
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b that some of our d r c might be on the d s, b, d i. the most likely scenario. often this selection is actually the reading and the reason to use questions on them is to make your selection accept. these are those the guardian to this and also the congressional fire. the most likely scenario is being lost. city mostly knew the enemy and the bodies on people's bodies and who will, who live in the garden, both of the bottom. it probably depends on who gets the most viewed on the next day . and that is then both these are, these will try to pressure. i used for a whole lot, right? some of the independence of the b, b i bodies. and they were trying to, uh, new domain and, and the try to be in a blue, the or the other. and all of these 2 are,
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these are the most successful in this last learning business. well, most probably have the prime minister. all right, that's gonna do it for me for now, but you stay with us. my colleague additional a josh will be in next in about 30 minutes time with a look at your headlines. but after more of tucker, call since interview with the bottom of the mike questions, one more specific it was of course not a defense of nazis, new or otherwise. it was a practical question. you don't control the entire country, you don't control cap, you don't seem like you want to. so how, how do you eliminate a culture or an ideology or feelings or a view of history in the country that you don't control? what do you do about that? i was going to say, you know, as strange as it may seem to you during the negotiations and then both we did agreed that we have it all in writing neo nazis. them would not be cultivated in
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ukraine, including that it would be prohibited at the legislative level, missed the call since we agreed on that. this, it turns out can be done during the negotiation process. and there is nothing humiliating for ukraine as a modern civilized state. is any state allowed to promote naziism? it is not, is it that is it? will there be talks and why haven't there been talks about resolving the conflict in ukraine? peace talks really, if they have been, they reached a very high stage of coordination of positions in a complex process. but still, they were almost finalized. but after we withdrew our troops from kiff, as i have already said, the other side, ukraine threw away all these agreements and obeyed the instructions of western countries, european countries, and the united states to fight russia to the bitter end. moreover, the president of ukraine has legislated a battle negotiating with russia. he signed
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a decree for bidding everyone to negotiate with russia. but how are we going to negotiate a faithful bade himself and everyone to do this? we know that he is putting forward some ideas about this settlement, but in order to agree on something, we need to have a dialogue is not that right. what, but you wouldn't be speaking to your credit and present. you'd be speaking to the american president. when was the last time you spoke to joe, but i cannot remember when i talked to him. i do not remember. we can look it up. be sure to remember. no. why do i have to remember everything? i have my own things to do if we have domestic political affairs, while he's funding the war that you're fighting. so i would think that would be memorable. so don't so, so yes, he funds, but i talked to him before the special military operation, of course, and i said to him, then by the way, i will not go into details. i never do any good, but i said to him, then i believe that you are making a huge mistake of historic proportions by supporting everything that is happening


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