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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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the, the stuff the coffins interview with ladder reporting is wrapped up more than 150000000 views on the x platform alone. exclusive spect down covers a wide range of topics, including the queen conflict, shifting global balance of power over watching the final part of this much dissipated interview. now on our team, the, i just have to ask you, you've said clearly that nato expansion for it is a violation of the promise you all are made in the 90. it gets a threat to your country. right before you send troops in to ukraine, the vice president nighted states within the next curity conference and encouraged
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the president of ukraine to join nato. do you think that was an effort to provoke you into military actions insured as opposed to i repeat? once again, we have repeatedly repeatedly propose to seek a solution to the problems that arose in ukraine off to the 2014 who to talk through peaceful news. but no one listen to us. and moreover, the ukranian leaders who under the complete us control suddenly declared that they would not comply with the minutes because agreements. they disliked everything that and continued military activity in that territory. and in parallel, that territory was being exploited by nato military structures under the guise of various personnel training and retraining centers. they essentially began to create faces that, that's all ukraine announced that the russians were a little, was adopted, a non titular nationality. so while passing laws that limit the rights of non titular nationalities and ukraine, ukraine having received all these south eastern territories as
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a gift from the russian people suddenly announced that the russians were a non titular nationality in that territory. is it normal? all this put together led to the decision to end the war, that neo nazi started in ukraine in 2014. do you think so? lensky has the freedom to negotiate a settlement to this conflict. i don't know the details, of course it's difficult for me to judge, but i believe he has in any case he used to have his father forth against the fascist nazis during world war 2. i once talked to him about this. i said, beloved yeah. what are you doing? why are you supporting neo nazis in ukraine today? while your father fought against fascism? he was a front line soldier. i will not tell you what he answered. this is a separate topic and i think it's incorrect for me to do so. but as to the freedom of choice, why not? lest he came to power on the expectations of ukrainian people that he would lead to
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claims of peace. he talked about this. it was thanks to this that he won the election overwhelmingly show that to me. but then when he came to power, in my opinion, he realized 2 things. firstly, shit is better not to clash with neo nazis and nationalists because they are aggressive and very active. you can expect anything from them. and secondly, the us led west supports them and will always support those who antagonize with rush up to you. it is beneficial and safe. so he took the relevant positions, the slides, promising his people to end the war in ukraine. received his voters, but do you think at this point as of february 2024, he has the latitude, the freedom to speak with you or your government directly about putting vendors, which clearly isn't helping his country or the world. can he do that to you? thanks the junior ones. why not sure that he considers himself head of state. he won the elections, although we believe in russia,
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the crew to talk is the primary source of power for everything that happened after 2014 and in this sense associated even today's government is flawed against him. but he considers himself to president normally stuff, and he is recognized by the united states, all of europe, and practically the rest of the world in such a capacity. why not be cash unless we negotiated with ukraine and the stumble we agreed. he was aware of this more over the negotiation group leader. mr. outcome young is his last name. i believe i still heads the faction of the ruling party, the party of the president and the ronda. right. he still has the presidential section in the raw. the countries parliament, he still sits there. he even put his preliminary signature on the document. i'm telling you about that. but then he publicly stated to the whole world when we were ready to sign this document. but mr. johnson, then the prime minister of great britain came and dissuaded us from doing this, saying it was better to fight russia. they would give everything needed for us to
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return what was lost during the classes with russia. and we agreed with this proposal. look, his statement has been published. he said this publicly, can they return to this? so not so much the question is, do they want it or not? further on president of ukraine issued a decree prohibiting negotiations with us. let him cancel that decree and that's it . we have never refused negotiations. indeed, we hear all the time. is russia ready? yes, we have not refused. it was them who publicly refused. well, let him cancel his decree and enter into negotiations. we have never refused. and the fact that they obeyed the demand or persuasion of mister johnson, the former prime minister of great britain seems ridiculous and very sad to me. because as mister arrow com you put it is this thing. we could have stopped these hostilities this war a year and a half ago already. but the british persuaded us, and we refused this. where is mister johnson now?
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and the war continues to explain, john, so that's a good question. what do you think he is and what did he do? the party and it wasn't the same thing with hell. knows, i don't understand it myself. there was a general starting point for some reason everyone had the illusion that russia couldn't be defeated on the battlefield. because of arrogance, because of a pure heart. but not because of a great mind. you've described the connection between russia and ukraine. you've just got russia itself a couple of times as orthodox that's central to your understanding of russia. you said your word stocks. what does that mean for you, your christian leader, to buy your own descriptions. so what effect does that have on, you know, you know, as i already mentioned in 988 principal, had him in himself, was baptized following the example of his grandmother, princess olga. and then he baptized his squad. and then gradually, over the course of several years, he baptized all the rules. it was
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a lengthy process from pagans to christians. it took many years. but in the end, this orthodoxy eastern christianity deeply rooted itself in the consciousness of the russian people. when russia expanded and observed other nations who profess islam, buddhism in 2 days of russia has always been very loyal to those people who profess other religions. this is have a strength. this is absolutely clear. and the fact is that the main postulates main values are very similar, not to say the same. you know, world religions i've just mentioned and which of the traditional religions of the russian federation, russia, by the way, russian authorities were always very careful about the culture and religion of those people who came into the russian empire. this, in my opinion, forms the basis of both security and stability of the russian state owed all the peoples inhabiting russia, basically consider it the motherland. if a people move over to you or to europe from latin america,
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and even clearer and more understandable example, people come, but yet they have come to you for to europe and countries from the historical homeland. and people who profess different religions in russia, considered russia the motherland. they have no other motherland. we altogether, this is one big family and our traditional values are very similar. i've just mentioned one big family, but everyone has, he's has his own family. and this is the basis of our society. and if we say that the motherland and the family are specifically connected with each other, it is indeed the case. since it is impossible to ensure a normal future for us children and our families, unless we insure a normal, sustainable future for the entire country, for the motherland, that is why patriotic sentiment is so strong in russia. the one way in which the religions are different is that christianity is specifically a non violent religion. jesus says, turn the other cheek, don't kill how phenomenally, or who has to kill of any country. how can
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a leader be a christian? how do you reconcile that? to yourself, what's your zip code? it is very easy when it comes to protecting one's self and one's family one's homeland. we won't attack anyone. when did the developments in ukraine start? since the q data and the hostilities and don't boss begin? that's when they started. and we are protecting our people, ourselves, our homeland and future. as for religion in general, you know, it's not about external manifestations. it's not about going to church every day or banging your head on the floor. it is in the heart, and our culture is so human oriented. those 3 epsky who is very well known in the west as the genius of russian culture, russian literature spoke a lot about this, about the russian soul of their own wisdom society is more problematic. the russian people think more about the internal about model values. i don't know, maybe you won't agree with me, but the western culture is more pragmatic. often. i'm not saying this is bad. it
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makes it possible for today's golden 1000000000 to achieve good success in production. even in science and so on. so if there's nothing wrong with that, i'm just saying that we kind of look the same, but our minds are built a little differently. we should look out across what's happening in the world. now do you see god at work? do you ever think to yourself, these are forces that are not human, then you have to choose somebody to know to be honest, i don't think so. my opinion is that the development of the world community is in accordance with the inherent laws. and those laws are what they are. it's always been this way in the history of mankind. some nations and countries rose became stronger and more numerous, and then left the international stage losing the status they had to custom to. there was probably no need for me to give examples, but we could start with getting his con and the whole conqueror as the golden hold . and then end with the roman empire. it seems that there has never been anything like the roman empire in the history of mankind. never the less,
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the potential of the bar barriers gradually grew. as did their population. in general, the barbarians were getting stronger and began to develop economically. as we would say today, this eventually led to the collapse of the roman empire and the regime imposed by the romans center. however, it took 5 centuries for the roman empire to fall apart. the difference with what is happening now is that all the processes of change are happening at a much faster pace than enrollment times machine. so when does the a i empire start? do you think you are asking increasingly more complicated questions? to answer them. you need to be an expert in big numbers. big data and a i. mankind is currently facing many threats due to genetic researches. it is now possible to create a super human, a specialized human being. genetically engineer tacitly science is military man. there are reports that the law must cuz already had a chip implanted in the human brain in the usa. what do you think of that?
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the other much them as well? i think there's no stopping you don't, must, he will do as he sees fit. nevertheless, you need to find some common ground with him. search for ways to persuade him. i think he's a smart person. i truly believe he is. so you need to reach an agreement with him because this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules. humanity has to consider what is going to happen due to the newest developments in genetics or in a i. one can make an approximate prediction of what will happen once mankind felt the next essential threats coming from nuclear weapons. and all nuclear nations began to come to terms with one another since they realized that negligent use of nuclear weaponry could drive humanity to extinction. it is impossible to stop researching genetics. so a i today, just as it was impossible to stop the use of guns out of back in the day. but as soon as we realize that the threat comes from unbridled and uncontrolled development of a i or genetics or any other fields, the time will come to reach an international agreement on how to re do you like
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these things. the name is compelling. i appreciate all the time you've given us. i'm just gonna ask you one last question and that's about some of these very famous, nice dates, probably not here. evan garcia, that's who's the wall street journal reporter. he's $32.00 and he's been in prison for almost a year. this is a huge store in united states, and i just want to ask you directly without getting into the details over to your version of what happened if as a sign of your decency, you'd be willing to release him to us and we'll bring him back to the united states, a mistake because you are, it is we have done so many gestures of good will out of decency that i think we have run out of them. we have never seen anyone reciprocate to us in a similar manner. however, in theory, we can say that we do not rule out that we can do that. if our partners take reciprocal steps. when i talk about the partners, i 1st of all refer to special services, special services are in contact with one another. they are talking about the matter
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in question. there is no type of deceptively issue. we are willing to solve it, but there are certain terms being discussed by a special services channels. i believe an agreement can be reached. so typically, i mean this stuff does happen for obviously centuries. one country catches under 5, within its borders. it trades it for a one of its own intel guys in another country. i think it's not my business, but what makes this difference is the guys, obviously not as i as a kid. and maybe he was breaking your law in some way, but he's not a super spy and everybody knows that. and he's being held hostage, an exchange which is true with respect is true, never knows is true. so maybe he's in a different category. maybe it's not fair to ask for, you know, somebody else in exchange for letting him out. maybe it degrades russia to do that . you know, you can give different interpretations to what constitutes a spy, but there are certain things provided by law. if a person gets secret information and does that in a conspiratorial manner, then this is qualified as espionage. and that is exactly what he was doing. he was
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receiving classified, confidential information and he did it covertly. maybe he had been implicated in that someone could have dragged him into that. maybe he did that out of carelessness for on his own initiative. considering the sheer fact from this is qualified as espionage. the fact has been proven as he was caught red handed when he was receiving this information. if it had been some far fetched excuse for some fabrication, something not proven. it would have been a different story then. but he was caught red handed when he was secretly getting confidential information is what is it then? like, are you suggesting who was working for the was government or nato, or he was just a reporter who was given materials. he wasn't supposed to have the seem like very different, very different things. i don't know who he was working for, but i would like to reiterate that getting classified information in secret, it's called espionage, and he was working for the us special services, some other agencies. i don't think that he was working for monica. as monica was
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hardly interested in getting that information, it is up to the special services to come to an agreement. some groundwork has been lead. there are people who in our view are not connected with special services. let me tell you a story about a person serving a sentence in an allied country of the us. that person, due to patriarch sentiments, eliminated a band in one of the european capitals during the events in the caucasus. do you know what he found it was doing? i don't want to say that, but i will do it any way. he was laying off soldiers taken prisoner on the road and then he drove his car over their heads. what kind of a person is that? can he be even called a human? but there was a patriot who eliminated him in one of the european capitals, whether he did that of his own volition or not. that is
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a different question. if i were, what does that mean? that's a completely different. i mean, i mean, is it valuable like the cost of ownership of instead of the shift additional he's not just a journalist. i reiterate to you as a journalist who was secretly getting confidential information. yes, it is different, but still i am talking about other people who are essentially controlled by the us authorities, wherever they are serving a sentence. there is an ongoing dialogue between the special services. this has to be resolved in a calm, responsible, and professional manner. let's say all keeping in touch, so let them do their work. i do not rule out that the person you referred to, mr garcia, which may return to his mother land. by the end of the day. it does not make any sense to keep him in prison in russia. we want the us special services to think about how they can contribute to achieving the goals our special services are pursuing. we are ready to talk more over the talks are underway,
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and there have been many successful examples of these talks crowned with success. probably this is going to be crowned with success as well, but we have to come to an agreement that will be let him out is present. thank you . i also want him to return to his homeland at last. i'm absolutely sincere, but let me say once again, the dialog continues to the most public. we are in the things of this nature, the more difficult it becomes to result them. everything has to be done in a calm manner. i wonder if it's, i wonder if that's certainly with the war though also, i mean, i just want to, i guess i want to ask one more question, which is and, and maybe you don't want to say so for strategic reasons. but are you worried that what's happening in ukraine could lead to something much larger and much more horrible? and how motivated are you just to call the us government and say, what's come to terms younger risk of losing your customer release
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a bit ago. i already said that we did not refuse to talk. we are willing to negotiate. it is the western side, and ukraine is obviously a satellite state of the us. it is evident. i do not want you to take it as if i am looking for a strong word or an insult, but we both understand what is happening for the financial support. $72000000000.00 us dollars was provided. germany rank 2nd then other european countries come dozens of billions of us dollars or go to ukraine. there is a huge influx of weapons. in this case, you should tell the current ukraine and leadership to stop and come to the negotiating table. resend this absurd decree. we did not refuse. sure, but you already said i didn't think you meant it as an insult. think as you already said correctly. it's been reported that ukraine was prevented from negotiating a peace settlement by the farm. british prime minister, acting on behalf of the binding ministries. and so of course, our satellite big countries control small countries that's not new. and that's why i asked about dealing directly with the,
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by the ministration which is making these decisions. not as presidents awards view from crane nissan cities as well. if this a lensky administration and ukraine refused to negotiate, i assume that they did it under the instruction from washington. if washington believes it to be the wrong decision to abandon it, let it find a delicate excuse so that no one is insulted. let it come up with a way out. it was not us who made this decision. it was them. so let them go back on it. that is it. however, they made the wrong decision, and now we have to look for a way out of the situation to correct their mistakes. they did it, so let them corrected themselves. we support this listing. so i just wanna make sure i'm not misunderstanding what you're saying. i don't think that i am. i think you're saying you want a negotiated settlement to what's happening in your credit. right. and we made it, we prepared a huge documenting is done bull that was initial to buy the head of the ukranian delegation. he fixed his signature to some of the provisions,
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not to all of it. he put his signature and then he himself said, we were ready to sign it and the war would have been over long ago, 18 months ago. however, prime minister johnson came, talked us out of it and we missed that chance when you go to, well, you missed it, you made a mistake. let them get back to that. that is all. why do we have to bother ourselves and correct somebody else's mistakes? no one can say it is our mistake. it was us who intensified the situation and decided to put an end to the war. started in 2014 and don't boss. as i have already said by means of weapons. let me get back to further in history. i already told you this, we would just discussing it. let us go back to 1991. when we were promised that nato would not be expanded to 2008 when the doors to nato open to the declaration of state sovereignty of ukraine, declaring ukraine a neutral states. let us go back to the fact that nato and us military base has started to appear on the territory of ukraine, creating threats for us. let us go back to coo data in ukraine in 2014. it
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is pointless though, isn't it? we may go back and forth endlessly, but they stop negotiations. is it a mistake? yes. correct. that we are ready. what else is needed? judy gets to humiliating at this point for nato to accept russian control of what was 2 years ago. ukrainian territory. yeah. all right, you know, i said let them think how to do it with dignity. there are options if there is a will. up until now that has been the up rule and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition. it is never going to happen. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialogue. would you be
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willing to say, congratulations, nato, you one and just keep the situation where it is. now, what was, i think the big meant that again, well, you know, it is a subject matter for the negotiations. no one is willing to conduct or to put it more accurately, stale, willing, but do not know how to do it. i know they want. it is not just i see it, but i know they do want it. but they are struggling to understand how to do it. they have driven the situation to the point where we are at it is not us who have done that. it is our partners, opponents who have done that well. now let them think how to reverse the situation . we are not against it. it would be funny if it were not so sad, this endless mobilization in ukraine, the hysteria, the domestic problems, sooner or later, it will result in an agreement. you know, this will probably sound strange given the current situation, but the relations between the 2 peoples will be rebuilt anyway. it will take a lot of time, but they will hill. i will give you very unusual examples. there is
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a combat encounter on the battlefields. here is a specific example. ukrainian soldiers got encircled. this is an example from real life. our soldiers were shouting to them. there is no chance. surrender yourselves come out and you will be alive. suddenly, the ukrainian soldiers was screaming from there in russian. perfect russian saying russians do not surrender. and all of them perished, that they still identify themselves as russian. what is happening is to a certain extent, an elements of a civil war, which everyone in the west thinks that the russian people have been split by hostilities forever. know, they will be re united, the unity is still there. that's why other ukrainian or sort of things dismantling the ukranian orthodox church because it brings together not only the territory it brings together also no one will be able to separate the soul. thank you,
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mr. prince of the the hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going
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to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the 1st time in history. meantime country's culture has been cancelled. the very modern weapons cancel culture. they need to ask the associated model as to the function. it just means setting them on a particular. the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be of the few orders that i have to bring in my folks to put you over your cities. chill out. if so, of that go with the most of the, some rich, the one them eat them, we blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question partially condemned, reviled and rejected to sit alone and expensive. but suddenly,
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at the middle of the panel, there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know she does it. i guess it a little some of the list. joining total condemnation grows daily and now includes just to instigate, to cost scale as just the kind of age that the i need to. yeah. to left but yeah, she utilized the things that were done with you. i'm gonna need you to the the, i guess my spouse i think was the best way and will cause a mutual report and then yeah, i mean, if i give them the leisure but otherwise it will bring you up. but you
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will then you will also have permission to lower your store much longer. so most of the most find out what that means, the middle of the writing, as well as the local them shape the mission you're in the solution. most of the piece is by us. we grab this and then just give brush up. take our last and i'm just a little bit of an easy to find useful. another code on the was, i'm just from williams, from the bethany most of the simple units introduced to english. if i manage the israel to itself selfish interest is not just destroying is rep is not only destroying the so called legitimacy as well. in the eyes of the world,
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but it's destroying the, the fall of the western project of all of the notion of western civilization and somehow western civilization being exceptional for the greatest civilization. now people are looking down at the when the the 1st one compulsion is this testimony of squares. familiar with the origin is
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successful just of us. one of us have similar graphs, common piano plots session on the minimum for give on the i don't with the others on the cell rocha chair of the board of the memorial. we shall not forget, we shall not forgive. and you makes daily trips to the guns people's republics destroyed towns and villages. what people are being killed every day. and someone has to find the identify them and berries of the times or more, assuming you must cooperate.


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