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tv   News  RT  February 10, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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60 on boss waiting, a 175, use virtual sentence. all we're going to let that stay at the u. n. warrens of quote, epic suffering and the world turning a blind eye toward for and so done where $700000.00 children are said to be facing life threatening mountain nutrition. a 6 year old palestinian girl whose story went viral after she was missing, when her family's car was shut out inside goes up by the adf. is fund along with the red present commission center risk getting hurt. humans hurrying roofing calls it a deliberate killing. also this all the payoffs on crime rains in hate t as protesters called for the ice thing of the car to be in countries. the prime
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minister brings refusal to who previously promised election the rev your accounting, then use our from today across the world. welcome to moscow and to our to international the only going more into done could soon see many thousands of children die unless they receive aid. that's the very direct morning coming from the you in the world body has urge the warning parties of a 10 month long, military conflict, urgently implementer humanitarians expire lodges, displacement of children has been seen in sudan for 1000000 children have been displaced. that's just of the 13000 children displaced every single day for the past 300 days, safety gone wildly positions go on, hard fighting as well. so john has been gripped by war since april. that was when
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the rapids support forces part and though it frequently previously under the control of the states went through and engaged in large scale bunk volts within national army. several ceasefire agreements have since failed to bring peace to the country. well civilians have been caught in the crossfire with around half of systems, 46000000 population. now the need of human a trimming a delta according to the un, which is also the pride, the global lock of attention to the devastating conflict in the north, east african states. i'm the targeting of local media workers, is making it even harder to raise awareness. the sudanese journalist syndicate has call for reporters to being protected. meanwhile, un experts say the entire fabric of life in sit down from human rights to the economic and legal assistance has been decimated by the fighting. at least $13.00
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and people have been killed. 26000 more wounded on 7 and a half 1000000. a huge figure forced to leave their homes with ortiz, miller, for you can get, takes a closer look now of the luck of a global response to it all to us history. many of the worlds did v as conflicts, particularly those in africa. i've been frozen out of the mainstream media. one example is the war in and around. sedan, thousands have been killed and wounded in the conflict, and millions displaced within the country and beyond. its board is yet, most of the bold remains oblivious. in recent years, wisdom meet is reporting of conflicts, especially in devastating and developing states with your interests are involved as come softly into focus, send that sedan embroiled in violence. much of the global media has page scan to
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attention to the suffering of the local population. we're about to hit a 10 month month within a week. i think of the war saddam has huge the loss of media attention. and this has been, is very, very difficult indeed 3, but it was read, i know about his reason to visit on this very, very difficult and get attention to sit down. which in my view is of a place of as a great a suffering as anywhere in the world today. i trust that you should not be weighed against one another. the death of a child to the last of her mother. these up tragedies, no mental, with their african save portal, lives should have equal value. and yet, there is a marked contrast between coverage of, of was deemed insignificant, irrelevant to an interesting to wisdom view as compared with the indicts round the
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clock top of the hour reporting on ukraine and the impacts of that one. not to mention too many children age and funding. meanwhile, the restrictions of ada to many areas of sedan is feeling a major so many tv in crisis. despite the massive impacts of these conflict, it has become a for go from crisis, with limited media coverage in relation to its devastating scope and lack of funding. 24.8000000, nearly wanting to people in sudan will need to monetary and assistance in 2024. according to the un, get global funding for the crisis remains grossly inadequate. at bailey, 40 percent of what the humanitarian response plan code for. at the end of 2023 to go to the states have welcome ukrainian refugees with open arms, but no such fates awaited those escaping the conflict to the sedan when us, why so denise refugees, with not being given the safe routine to the you take like ukrainians all
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u. k. home safe for cheese to wait a break from and said that the situations were different. the juxtaposition of the u. k. governments crap down on both arrivals, mainly from africa, east asia, the book cons and the middle east. what it's a vocal support for ukraine makes the truth, a crystal clear, some a, some of them see, cuz a more welcome than others. we are already seeing people things to that. a specially along certain groups from east to them and from child. the said for there's many of them towards libya, tanisha and then towards europe. so i have warrant literally european countries in particular that if the current neglect of these crises continues, we will see secondary movements as we called the pregnant gaza crises becoming grounds for geo political arrive believe between the major global powers. aid and supports has been shifted away from the hot spots. and the wisdom response to the
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sedan crisis has been limited to cold for the sides to comply with the obligations and the international community we endorse, and the need to protect civilian nothing more. meanwhile, international, if it's technical issue to an end to the fighting, have collapsed and you may need to be an age if this hopelessly walked down. who has time in new way or my need for sedan? would you train taking talk, building the statistics says it all as one of the poorest countries in the bolts dense health system. as in port st. sneezed by, the conflict with 70 percent of hospitals no longer functioning. the humanitarian appeal has resulted in just one 3rd of the funding required. what's the suit and these people lift balancing on a knife. and just as the country is consumed by the conflict, even the you in vic of nies in that ukraine is taking the line, seeing of the cash available. it is it,
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however true that there is limited amounts of money. gaza is taking up a whole lot more of the uh, you know, a new one and so forth. ukraine is you just, you just come back from your brain that's not going away. it may be wishful thinking to believe that shooting lights on the conflict can lead to truth resolution and in between new sufferings. it's like it's a stock sedan from a csi forgot some crisis, with limited media coverage of the scale of the would be the gaping cumulative in black hole. and also the risk that if the crisis is not to solve the spell over effect on the regions could be even more devastating. well, nigerian world, the 1st on the list and commented or victor archive say's mainstream media outlets have completely turned their back on the plight of student e civilians. obviously. so that's for goodness for them rather sharply. attention has been transferred to ukraine and
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russia every day. you see a permanent coverage on the latest situation and guys that you know and one way or another. this has gone on continuously. uh, what's your down down to betty correspondence from ground parts of what is happening to every day. so he's like completely in the jack, the warranties in the dark. we are not quite shows wherever they are way or for this happening there. sadly, no one is paying attention to the people who are bigger space wise, paying attention to the people who are being cues. i know i understand that they shouldn't have a pen, then he might interior and his us is coming up on this stage. and while most of the world is seemingly turning a blind eye to the regional people, the doctors without borders and g o estimates the one in charge of this time every
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2 hours and sweet thousands of thousands them come for displace, discover more about the situation in north docks for our 2000 and speaking about kill children in guns if the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl who went missing a fortnight ago as being fund inside the car. her family had been crumbling in when the vehicle was fired upon by the it's really military. that is according to the palestinian red crescent, which saves a team of part of maddox. it's sent to rescue the little girl was also think of the palestine red cross, the ambulance we've discovered bombed in the town of how was the area of cause of city resulting in the killing of crew members use of zeno and ok, mid of my to him who'd been missing since a rescue mission for the child him for have 12 days ago? the occupation deliberately targeted the ambulance opponents arrival at the scene where it was found just meters away from the vehicle containing the trapped child
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hand as well that now will allow that into what is a quote, unprecedented scale of death. that is how the united nations has described. basically, monetary and disaster unfolding and cancer are recent you and report detail the 1st 100 days of the ongoing war. stressing that future generations of palestinians will also be affected. no other armed conflict in the 21st century has experienced such a devastating impact on the population in such a short time frame to find a 100 day periods with greater bloodshot, it is necessary to go back to the 1994 genocide against the thoughts and rhonda, we'll just under $28.00 and palestinians have been killed in gas has since october 7th, according to the local health ministry. us president biden says he's pressuring israel . the stop. it's a so the condo, others fluids in the guys a strip has brand um,
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over the top of pushy, really are really hard to give you move trans assistance if you didn't, the guys that there are a lot of minutes and people are starving by the end is it people who are in trouble who to dine? it? who's got to stop, to despise that warning from its t ally. israel's army is stepping up. it's a tax on the southern city of an alpha. at least 8 people were reportedly killed their overnight into idea is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu saves. he's ordered his troops to prepare to evacuate civilians from the city ahead of what appears to be a full scale invasion while claiming that from us militants are hiding among the public. more than a 1000000 display civilians are seeking children rough spot. some of them to dorothy way let's here is an attorney, yahoo and his government and the government of war threatening to invade rafa. where can we go if they try to pressure us to migrate to egypt?
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we will not go there. we will return to gaza and die. here is the one i don't know where can we go? i told my husband that i will stay here die here. so they'll follow us wherever we go. we want safety. we're exhausted. i swear to god, it's enough. we are afraid. i don't want to migrate. i want to die and their own country will that's spelled, turn attention to the car of being a police 6 people have been killed in hate. see a major, major protest calling for the countries prime minister to step down. the violin flushes a rough fit between armed police. the protesters who are demanding the resignation of audio only who remains in power despite earlier promising to hold the elections this week. it follows the deadliest month for the nation in 2 years with around $1100.00 people killed or injured in january low building to the us. we are the fuse of some of those rallying in the countries. we came to the
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streets to support the demonstrators calling for their rights to be respected because we have reached the stage where the only legal institution that can help the people to drag the country out of this chaos is the justice system. if the government's commission of refuses to arrest arial, and read that, we call them the people to close the doors of the public prosecutor's office is the prime minister of havi ariel. henry is still in office despite an agreement under which he was supposed to step down on february 7th. rather than stepping down. he just says now is the time to put our heads together to save hate. people are in the streets and the country is paralyzed. but this is all the prime minister has to say, wait, wait. yeah, i mean, i think the time is a right for us to put our heads together to save 80, to find a different way of doing things in our country. that will grow just started on monday in anticipation of the february 7th date in which he was to step down. and
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now that it's clear, he has no intention of both filling the agreement that was made. the protests are escalade now. ariel henry has been in office since 2021 after the assassination of my we use the previous president. and despite the fact that the people are in the streets demanding you step down to the country, hasn't had any elections since 2016. regardless, the united states stands holy behind the prime minister. first and foremost with supporting your efforts to develop an inclusive, broad base consensus on a path forward for governance and for development. we also strongly support the haitian national police and his efforts to come by gaining influence to maintain basic security nike and to prevent community violence over the long term. going back to 2021, the state department is allocated nearly $100000000.00 for security and height to going forward. we're also focused on humanitarian assistance, providing significant sums to again try to help the haitian people in
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a time with needs. now, in 2021, the united states and the so called core groups through their support behind henry . and at this point he remains in office. now in the united states, there have been many who object to this decision that the united states has supplied quite a bit of money to aid in the past 2 years. each year he is received 200000000 dollars this year for the fiscal year 2024. the by the administration wants to increase that to $291000000.00. but regardless, at this point, we have the members of congress, including our representative mccormick from florida, whizzer, sell the haitian american heritage saying that the time is comes with the haitian people decide their own government. 7 members of the us house of representatives led by representative mccormick, florida, signed a letter of urging the binding administration to support the process of a transitional government, the country. we humbly request that you were ministration to allow the people of
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haiti to determine their own political destiny and withdrawal support from the defacto government by the ministration continues to throw aid on to the haitian regime. $291000000.00 is the amount that the buying administration is requesting for the fiscal year of 2024. at this point, people are recalling some of the rather infamous words of joe by regarding haiti, haiti, a god. all thing. the sight of haiti just quietly sunk into the caribbean or rose up 300 feet. it wouldn't matter a whole lot to the former us president bill clinton has admitted that the country of haiti weighs on his conscience as it was. his policies that directly affected the island and the ability of the people there to have basic nutrition. we rich countries that produce a lot of food should sell it to poor countries and relieve them of the burden producing their own food. so thank goodness they can leave directly into the industrial era. it has not worked. it's may have been good for some our farmers in
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arkansas, but it has not worked. it was a mistake. it was a mistake that i was a party to. i am not pointing the finger at anybody. i did that i had to live every day with the consequences of the last capacity to visa, rice prop and haiti to feed those people because of what i do, nobody else. so at this point, we have an unpopular prime minister remains an office in a country that hasn't had elections since 2016. meanwhile, we have the united states volley standing behind. yet, despite singing songs around the world about democracy and human rights hungry has slammed e u criticism of the country so called sovereign c protection law. it was recently passed after budapest accused washington of meddling and the european nations. the 1st brussels has now taken disciplinary action over the hungary and legislation
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which it brands. i don't think democratic and contradictory to the blocks values. what are to contribute original. marston has been helping her say the european union officials are constantly complaining about for an interference and particularly election interference is the pretext they've used to track down on free speech by banning even alternative media platforms that happen to be linked to governments. they don't like russia, for example, so you think that they'd be thrilled for once when hungry, the blocks that boy constantly being spank fighters live undermined said they had under some actual for an interference in the 2022 parliamentary election. and the buddha past was really determined to do something about it. interference can manifest in various ways, such as the us. i'm busted uh, assuming the role of the defects, a leader of the hungarian opposition currently and hungry. the us on buses. there was a fact to be leading the divided opposition and meddling in the countries political affairs on multiple fronts. the introduction of the silver and c protection act is
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designed to preserve our independence. it will make heavy foreign funding and interference extremely difficult. and all this is anchored in transparency time gary and foreign minister peter c. hardwell is referring to a synonymy of cash that hung gary and intelligent services. a tribute to a murky us based and g. busy called action for democracy that's led by known critics of conservative governments like humphreys. and that seemed to have really no end of cash for the gary and opposition. the identities of the donors were equally murky. we're talking 4400000 euros gifted to the hon. gary, an opposition as a whole, that's way more than what the country's law allows under electoral financing laws. one of the main candidates running against incumbent victim or bon for a prime minister even publicly acknowledged the cast donation. there's also talk of in the legit 1150000000 euros being given to 300 gary and companies both
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before and after that same election according to the hungry and process. so what did the hon gary and government you in light of this threat to its independence, it passed legislation to prevent it from happening again called the law for the defense of national sovereignty and was promptly fed over queen ursa was me again with her european commission just marching infringement proceedings against budapest for it all. the law establishes the so called office for the defense of sovereignty task with investigating specific activities secured out in the interest of another state or for an body organization or a natural person. if they're likely to violate or jeopardize the sovereignty of hungry and organizations, because activities use inform funding might influence the outcome of elections or the will of the voters. the commission considers that the gerin legislation at stake violates several provisions of primary and secondary e law, among others, the democratic values of the union. so now that you is arguing that hungary efforts
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to safeguard its own democracy is a violation of democracy. hard to imagine that they take the same position as the cash coming into hon. gary hoffers was from a russian n g o whose leaders were pro or bought. but since it's an american entity supporting the anti or bond opposition, then who does the have gary and government think it is to get in the way of regime change efforts? it wouldn't be the 1st time the brussels look the other way. if not actively defended american political interference in europe, the mainstream hug area and process extensively covered the role of the same and g o action for democracy in poland and links to the us democratic party through it's advisory board, media outlets and n g o is funded by american finance, here at george soros happened. describe this favorite, the liberal polish opposition in last falls vote, as well and slovak in prime minister robert feats so elected last fall. also we'll
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choose the country's president of polluting with sorrows to destabilize the country . and who can forget shame change, karen and long time state department fixture, victoria newland who's concerned trolling always seems to pop up in foreign countries. right around the time of some major rehab change k us like in ukraine back during the days of year i'm. i done, even though ukraine wasn't even an easy country and still is that and probably won't be a time soon. but hey, guess it's never too early to start medlink though, to make sure any diversification of interest away from those of the united states, including in favor of a totally sovereign and independent posture, gets nipped in the bud pretty quick. letting washington call the shots over the self determination. if you remember, states doesn't seem to be working for the block as a whole though, we are seeing a mixed picture around the world. the european economies are a bit weak,
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weak because of the tightening monetary conditions that we are seeing in particular waiting on activity. in contrast, we've got a stronger picture in the us. the us data has been looking better. and some of the other emerging markets also showing some strong growth. you think that would be instructive for brussels, but the fact that the e u is getting weaker, the more dependent that it becomes on the u. s. and the more systemic and ubiquitous american interference and subversion of europe becomes really doesn't seem to have registered yet inside the u found. and well hungry and political level list on common tutor. george zamarelli says, budapest is under pressure from both the you and washington because it pursues an independent clock. hundreds, but use a fairly, what's all the most domestic policy and has done so for quite a long time. not only has the us government openly sent money to various
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opposition groups in hungary, we had the head of us a id, samantha about visiting the best of some months ago and the only out large sums of money to various. i'm opposition groups. we've also had a, a us, a politician senior you as politicians such as a ben cod. and um, who i think is head of a senate foreign relations committee and out demanding the sanctions being post against hungary. this is quite a unheard of, of sanctions imposed against the us nato ally a member of the european union. because hungary is not following through on the you as dom on the nature of the mob. that it except a suite whose induction into nato. russia is marketing,
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it's national. diplomats, they this summer they come, i'm reading the funding of the countries diplomatic service all the way back quite a bit. and 1549. we've been hearing from russian on voice right across the world, including the countries and busted to south africa's, explain the right sides of cooperation between moscow and pretoria and middle the global turbulence. our way let's roll trade roll them is just or $1000000000.00 measure it in us dollars. and on the one hand, it is a considerable sum of money. but to on the other, it doesn't correspond far from that to the potential of our 2 economies. russian giant states owns companies like this pro, process them a little sniffed with just the name. the very few of them have
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all the technology is all that need being demand in south africa and uh they can, provides for some advantages financial solutions if there are some projects and yet another area would be informational technologist and uh, recently we had uh, 2 i t, business admissions from russia here in south africa, and they'll come show that there is an interest on the south african side to some of a software to some developments relate to 2 of the artificial intelligence scholarship program. my, on the government of the russian federation, which we as embassy implemented here in the very close cooperation with south africa's department of high treat, a height of uh, indications and training. and it,
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it provides for the possibilities uh for young people to use uh, additional institutions in the russian figuration. so, for example, the most popular are and well known in south africa and in the world is the university all the friendship of people's name, dr. buckley simone, but for moscow state institute, a foreign relations more and many others, our countries of south africa and russia. a harmonize our 4 bullets approaches in different areas and in the various international for months. and briggs is just one of them. others being un group of the g 20 and so long, those are but the breaks is a force opens uh,
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additional opportunities to corporate. and well, let's mention of the south african german ship and briggs 6 last year of the 15 fabrics summit and the president of which an indicator to singled out of personal efforts by president trump. also in the contributing to achieve consensus on the core issue of the assignment. they break suspension is just personal effort as negotiator. and then uh, within breaks uh we have for dozens and dozens. there were soon we wouldn't be in the position to say hundreds of events of the to bring the brakes representative. so together, right now that's where we leave the we can use update for now this south bay. nicky
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will be here in 30 with more do hope you can join heard this is our to introduction the the i'm action or time so you're welcome back to going underground broke of single around the world from the you a hold on the hills of tucker calls and allowing americans to finally hear assigned to the story of the us war and russia through ukraine. meanwhile, no one is in any doubt that the plausible genocide in gaza was in a.


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