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tv   News  RT  February 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the, the a 6 year old palestinian girl whose story became viral off the she went missing was the family's call with showtime inside dogs. apply. the idea is found it along with a red cross intermission sent to rescue the humanitarian who had closed the killing . philip as the way the military proposed to invade the southern gauze and the city of ruffled, was a 1000000 distaste civilians, a sheltering we have some fire, we control thing opinions on the 28000 people among them. 12150 children, let's say that low the, the in the u. n. moines, of ethics operate on the world, turning
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a blind eye to phones. so that was 700000 children are said to be facing life. correct. may not be attrition. the a very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news update as a way to it's great to happy with us. and we begin in garza where the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl who went missing a full nights ago. i've been found inside the call. her family had been travelling and when the vehicle was fired upon by the is where the military was, according to the palace, to be in read presence, which saves a team of power emetics it sent to rescue ago. oh, so did of the palestine red cross, an ambulance was discovered bombed in the town of how was the area of the guys a city resulting in the killing of crew members use of the you know and ok, mid of my tune who'd been missing since a rescue mission for the child him for have 12 days ago. the occupation
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deliberately targeted the ambulance opponents arrival at the scene where it was found just meters away from the vehicle containing the trapped child hand. an unprecedented scale of death as, as to how the united nations, as described, the escalating humanitarian disaster in gaza. a recent g when report detailed the 1st $100.00 days of the ongoing will stressing that future generations of palestinians will also be affected. no other armed conflict in a 21st century has experienced such a devastating impact on the population is such a short time frame to find a 100 day period with greater bloodshot, it is necessary to go back to the 1994 genocide against that would soon run to the death toll in gaza has the past 28000 since october. the 7th. that's according to the local health ministry. us presidents by then. so he's, he's pressuring as well to prevent the loss of civilian lives. the condo or
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other is fluids. and the guy is a strip, has brand um, over the top of pushy, really are really hard to get the mood trans assistance if you into guys that there are a lot of minutes. and people are starving by the end of 2 people or in trouble with a diet who's got to stop and the, despite the warnings, always k ally as well as on the staffing officer tax. on the southern city of rafa, at least 8 people were reportedly killed. the knights into idea strikes is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu safe. he's ordered his troops to prepare to evacuate civilians from necessity ahead of what appears to be a full scale invasion while claiming the tomas militant as a hiding among the public. more than 1000000 display civilians are seeking shelter in russia and his will. some of them told us way that's here isn't a ton yahoo! and his government and the government of war threatening to invade rafa. where can
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we go? they tried to pressure us to migrate to egypt. we will not go there. we will return to gaza and die. here is the one i don't know. where can we go? i told my husband that i will stay here and die here. the full of us, wherever we go. we want safety. we're exhausted. i swear to god. it's enough. we're afraid i don't want to migrate, i want to die and their own country. meanwhile, the ideas has confirmed that at least those who will in hostages, in guns that have died since november, as acosta. all the objects easy remained in her my sons when the last cease fire expired area. my colleague, rachel, we will have some polarizing views on the will from august. i think we shouldn't fall into is a very propaganda uh. the only goal of this war is to put it in simple words and i like this thing and people and we see that in the results
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there has been more than 1.5 of 1.5 percent of the population. that's more than one. in 100 people, indigo street have been killed as a result of is really assault. in some cases over 70 percent, as destructors have been damaged, that's worse than the allied attacks on christ. and there are facts on the ground that we cannot escape and what is real is doing indigo street is nothing else but the genocide and use this. um i know you want to respond to that. so i'm wondering why israel has not agreed to another a prisoner exchange and truth with home us. what is it looking for? this is actually not true. there's a want to go to an agreement, some sort of agreement about an agreement which secure on the right then also the kidnapped is what it is for. the fact is that how much i don't want actually to do any deal unless it's all for or,
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and you need to understand that there are terrorist was a lot of their hands that their sole goal is to kill more is what he's now let's go back to what you want, it then said about the killing and the genocide among the $26.00 to $27.00 and the pedestrians who were killed as a result of how much and vision too as well. the more than 10000 terrorists were killed from that there was organization, isis have matched talks about the ratio. the ratio is 4. and one terrorist though is really limited. it's only m yes. unfortunately, we're talking about this in the, in the naples numbers, only 2 percent he is and is it, but this thing is, or killed the jonathan i do want to ask you about to israel is protesting. they're calling for the return of hostages. why haven't we seen israel do more listening to its own people in, in getting its hostages back? first of all, i want to dispel some of the lies and propaganda that we've just heard. so the
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official, the, if you're on officially says that it does not know the exact number of combatants among those that it killed. so i don't know where that number of 10000 came from. 28000 people did. among them. 12150 children, let's say that slowly the name of the bed is rose during the reason that there isn't any significant protest, any threats against the war is 2 fold. one, if that is really refreshes. any, any form of projects, especially in the post in the 1st instance, imposing it society just 2 days of prophecy there would released from jail after 4 months in jail for participating in a non, by the demonstration in immune for him that it was released by the supreme court, after 4 months in the,
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of being in j a just sort of participating in the demonstration folks at the beginning, the whole war as i say, it is an unfair war, as well as under the international law and making the most effort to be actually lying aligns with international law. we do not at that if there are at risk of actually actually harming innocent civilians. and that's why every time how much terrorist loves and block, it's from populated area it take us time to actually do we do we. that's why the situation is like this is really defined to go for this. we're officially one to return to hostages. and 2nd, to distract from this. uh, neither of them are. there you go, a stack of this word. this war is about revenge in the elimination of the striking does as forcefully as possible. and it is about nathan yells, political survival. returning to hostages is not
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a real concern. ready and uh, for days really government the ongoing will in so down could since the many thousands of children die unless they receive aid, that's the very direct warning from the un. what was body has to be opposing policies up to 10 months military conflicts due to the implement, humanitarian ceased by the world's largest displacement of children has been seen in sudan for 1000000 children have been displaced. that's just of the $13000.00 children displaced every single day. for the past 300 days, safety gone wildly positions go on, hard fighting. so down has been grips. fine was things april that was when the rapid support forces power military through previously under the control of the states when road and engaged in large scale vassals with the national army. several will cease fire agreements have since failed to bring peace to the country and
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civilians all quote in the crossfire with around the office. the downs at 46000000 population. now in need of humanitarian aid. as according to the un, which is also a decline, the global lack of attention to the devastating conflicts in the northeast african states, and the targeting of local media work. cuz he's making it even hard to raise awareness . the suit to these journalists send the curtis quote for reports has to be protected. i mean, while you were next, but say the and so i 5 worth of life in sit down from human rights to the economic and legal systems has been decimated by the fighting, at least to obtain a 1000 people have been killed with over 26000 wounded or more than 7 and a half 1000000 and have been forced to slay the homes by jerry and well defends on the list on commentator vicks all kinds that he's mainstream media outlets have completely tons that back on the plight of student e civilians. you know, i've just the door that's regardless with guns rather strategies and we have to
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ensure energy transferred to ukraine and russia every day you see permanent coverage on the latest situation. and guys are, you know, one way or another this has gone on continuously. uh was through them down to the correspondence on ground. of course what does have you there for you? so he's like completely in the jack the warranties in the dark. we are not quite shows wherever they are aware of what is happening there. sadly, no one is paying attention to the people who are biggest, please know i was paying attention to people who are being cues. i know i understand that the insurance of the intended to my insurance is us. as is coming up on this, most of the world is seemingly turning
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a blind eye to the regional payable. the dog says without food and g o estimate said one child is dying every 2 hours in sedans, zones on town, for display civilians. you can find out more about the spiraling situation in north, also at auntie. as nice of defense chase, but patsy. gathering brussels on february the 15th secretary general. again, stilton buck is drawn thing up weapons production just to pull ukraine and prevent decades of confrontation with russia. if putting winds in ukraine, there is no guarantee that russian aggression will not spread to other countries. we need to restore and expand our industrial base faster so that we can increase supplies to ukraine and replenish our own stocks. this means switching from slow production in times of peace to fast production as necessary in conflicts, a large one. even the studio now is on the east marie, not cause rep. and marina,
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thanks for coming in lovely to see you today. it seems like there's a lot of saber rattling, going on within nato. what's behind is, yes, that seems to be ramping up there war rhetoric and also, and system that they need to do. all that they can to make sure that they're ready and prepared militarily. because russia will be attacking natal country next, even though they have no proof whatsoever. there is no hints, there is no signals, there are no, there are no signs of this happening. they keep using that as an excuse to justify why they, they need more and more weapons. there is no imminent military threat against any ally. at the same time. we hear regular threats from the kremlin, against nato countries. as long as we invest in our security and we stay united, we will continue to deter any aggression. nato does not seek war with russia, but we need to brace ourselves for potentially decades of confrontation. we monitor
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closely what russia does and we have increased our presence in the eastern part of the alliance. you know, that's in itself shows that the west has understood nothing and because of course, increasing their presence is what started this whole thing. one of the main reasons of course, of the special military operation in frame was the fact that natal kept expanding eastwards and increasing their presence along russia's border. so now they're increasing, their presence wants to get so they're not really understanding the situation here . and the fact that they are, again, for both in russia time and time again, and again with our increased presence, and they're being sold, europeans are selling this to your opinions that russia will attack you next. even though again, they're the ones who are increasing their presence along russel's borders, but they're selling it to your opinions that russia is planning to time. so let's take this step by step. we have denmark's defense minister who is now. he's warning that they have new knowledge that russia will attack and natal member within 3 to 5
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years. you send that. there's one i'm in a threat to his country bots that there will be attacking within 3 to 5 years, according to germany. according to germany's within 5 to 8 years, again, no direct flight to germany bots, according to our knowledge that russia will attack the nato country within 5 to 8 years. i wonder where are they getting their numbers? because obviously denmark is saying for you to 5 german, they said 5 to 8, they're not given any proof and why, but their knowledge. so let's read this. their knowledge is based on the fact that russia potentially has the will to do so because it has the ability to do so. jesus military capabilities. so basically, their knowledge is that russia might attack nato and natal country because it has the ability to do so. and it might so at some point want to do so that is it, this is what their site is, which makes no sense whatsoever. and again, we know it just a couple of days ago. vladimir presented himself in that infamous interview with tucker carlson. he said, russia is not planning to attack,
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it's not planning to invade anyone. but of course, this is all falling on the feet, yours and again, another lens, the defense minister. again, not only are there right in a more weapons to send, there are 6 additional f. 16 fighter jets are heading their way, in addition to the 18 that they already pledged and are saying that there needs to be when it comes to weapons, conventional weapons and spare parts, there should be no limits when it comes to what they send. so you pray and that that supports should be non stop without any interruptions. so they're really, they're, they're not getting it. it's interesting because they know in recent years, people have questioned whether nato is even necessary anymore. and especially now if the west is showing signs of ukraine fatigue, if you like. i mean how, how is that the situation we're in right now with your credit expos, nato's week spots. yes. will it expose the finds that there are not only lacking a number of things, including including consensus, which is one of the primary things that it has exposed. but again, let's take it nato. we know that they haven't munitions problem at the moment. you
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have failed to send you claim the 1000000 artillery shells that are promised to send the crane by spring 2024 in the west. they've started. they've doubled the amounts of shells they are producing per month. so the american military industrial complex is making a lot of money bots. they can get that additional military 8 over the frame because congress, they count the green republicans and democrats can't agree on that additional military. ac crane and everyone knows that. would that, that additional help from washington, ukraine doesn't, doesn't even stand a chance, which is why they're panic. and right now the failure, united states congress not to support this close to criminal it is outrages as well. and as we'll see, they're desperate because they know that nato and the
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e u. they cannot do it on their own at the moment they're, they're, they're not prepared and they can pull it, they can't do it. so they've sent you claim already so much and food this the realize that not only can they keep up with the crazy things, but also the wrong. so this is where we're at right now. and they're experts who are saying they're uh, wrapping up the whole issue that it has expose the conflict and ukraine when it comes to nato. and they even militarily efforts to supply the ukrainian home full, seized with weapons where you have exposed, stifling gaps and you are threatening this for large scale conflict. european nations have being found blacking, not only other couldn't be emissions stockpiles, but also the industrial base required to refill inventories to keep up with you. cranes continued plays for weapons at the same time, the united states and production challenges in competing regional priority suggest european nathan members cannot counts on washington to save the day. i to and so
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with this, a nicer stomach this going to pallets next week on the 15th, should we expect to be on the issues to be top of the agenda? of course, no doubt that we'll be discussing. so the upcoming nato defense ministers summit will take place february the 15th and we are expecting to be a lot of talks regarding the printer. there are actually the us defense. secretary lloyd also will speak at the opening ceremony. they'll be a separate meeting of the ukraine defense contact group on the eve, which is hosted of course by the united states. so will also be a special meeting between the alliance and the nato ukraine town. so, and of course, will no doubt see the train inside pleading for again more money, more weapons, and more i munition, of course, as they continue to sell the story to europe. and so the west of russia will come for them next. and in fact, they will know that nato a housing now son has launched in january is the largest ever military tools which will go on until the end of may and from the beginning of summer using 90000
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personnel where they are basically rehearsing a potential conflict. so if you think about su, su, now to level, but it seems that at the moment it is the war mongering and the threats are coming from the wash themselves and not rush hour rushes saying, hey, we're ready to talk. we're ready to, to end this. let's come back to the negotiating table, stop sending the weapons and the west to say, let's produce more weapons. let's keep sending them more. weapons is disappointing . thing isn't, especially when we had left me a position in the interview was who could call some talking about, you know, peace negotiations with it. we read the, you know, we were just to appease but, and that we have this nature so it, but let's wait and see what comes out of. and also like it was disappointing is that this could have been resolved the 18 months ago, or however long that was when you frame, we know that we're ready to assign that piece still. but boards, johnson from the u. k. who just put in like, i don't know, maybe not many thanks for coming in. and the russian was knocking gets national
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different last day because i'm a raising the founding of the country's diplomatic service. we stay spots to 1549. we've been hearing from russian and boys around the world, including the countries on pass that to as well, who stays the dialogue between the 2 countries continues despite most disagreement with televi tv's approach. and the goal is to conflict. what are the deal, little the priority issue for us now is a ceasefire. this is a position that is shared by the world majority. unfortunately, the efforts that russia is taking in the un security council are being blocked by a well known state that is proceeding from narrow self serving goals. the position of israel's leadership is known as goals are stated, to destroy from us to bring their military operations to an end. although there is no end in sight. we absolutely disagree with this approach, but the dialogue between our country is does not stop. despite all these difficulties and differences and approaches,
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we as diplomats do our work very actively and those in moscow and in israel. and we do explain our approach, the root cause of the current deterioration of the situation. and the escalation of the conflict lies in the fact that 476 years. the key problem of the middle east settlement has not been resolved. that is the creation of an independent sovereign, palestinian state within the 1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capital. and it has been 15 years since the establishment of a palestinian state, which we have been promoting at international conferences a national event. i've just been our contacts with him. us are no secrets. they have been publicized. moreover, i for him that the content of these contacts is well known to our is really
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diplomatic colleagues. the focus of these contacts has been on addressing urgent humanitarian issues. portal with 1st and foremost, we have actively contributed to the release of hostages held in garza. we have already succeeded in securing the release of 3 russian citizens. moreover, i would like to emphasize that thanks and large parts to the assistance of russian diplomats. 3 is really women who are not russian citizens were also released. we are continuing our efforts, and 3 more russian citizens remain hostages. we do not stop working to locate them and create the conditions for their release. but it is not only russian citizens who are turning to us. i have been personally approached by several is really families with the requests to assist in the release of their loved ones. we do not refuse these requests and assist them to the best of our ability. of
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the resourcefulness of american diplomacy is surprising. completely contradictory signals are being sent. on the one hand, the adoption of a substantial document calling for a cease fire is being blocked on the other, there are calls to act carefully and to kill fewer civilians. these are absolutely incompatible approaches and we see the help of congress in this. the american military, which is present and in many ways illegally present in the region, just fueling the conflict. they claim they do not support the escalation of the conflict, but by their very actions. they are in fact helping escalated tools and justified strikes on the territories of human, syria and iraq are absolutely unacceptable. this is a violation of international law. the u. n. must take measures to prevent the
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suffering of civilians. the war has certainly not helped improve the situation in the area of trade and economic cooperation between russia and israel. illegal unilateral measures that have been imposed by the us and other western states have affected the flow of trade. they are holding back by a lateral economic cooperation between russia and israel. one of the main problems is that is really banks hold fast to us instructions. and we and the, our in the russian capital last traditional chinese, new year celebrations of kicked off in moscow on friday. this is the 1st of many festivities funds for the russian chinese. he is of culture in 20242025 high level russian officials honors allegation from the chinese embassy attended the opening ceremony. as did all correspondence in your new way. could this is kind of give sky
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elaine in the very heart of moscow, and this is the 1st time that the chinese new year is being celebrated on such a grand. the moscow is marching the holiday in his own special way. as you can see, the city is decorated with cultural into additional chinese. the course. there are chinese lantern kind of paper cutting as well as the dragon, as this is the of the jackets. and here on to the sky,
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a square people are celebrating the holidays in the most chinese way as possible. george and issue a big crash the the big about. but if you're more surprised me too much me of muscle starting him to mushroom your medium is a surprise to me and the sometimes somehow i just like i, i see you in china next to the small cage is the, i think this is a, be a to and that's, that's the one of the reason i comes here, i want to experience the russian culture, the size of a company here, and also the international, this sound today with bank of the top of the, with all the very latest. we'll see you then the
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the israel to itself selfish interest is not just destroying its rep is not only destroying the so called legitimacy as well in the eyes of the world. but it's destroying the whole of the western project. the whole of the notion of western civilization and somehow western civilization being exceptional for the greatest civilization. now people are looking down at the web, the
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i'm action or it has to welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. hold on the hills of tucker calls and allowing americans to finally here and on the sides of the story view as war and russia through ukraine. meanwhile, no one is in any doubt that the plausible genocide in gaza was enabled by billions of dollars of weapons in support given by the by did ministration with tens of thousands killed most of them, women and children. and now native nation outlawing of money. going to the main u. n. 8 organization that educates houses and kaz for refugees across this region. the international community is waiting for a new u. s. president. could that be professor cornell west or could you help determine who ultimately gets elected in november? the lifelong peace activist scholar in freedom 5 is running as an independent in the 2020 for us presidential election. you joins me now from you to thank you so
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much, professor west for coming back on going on the ground. it's been a long time ago daily and now you're running for president before i get to the present president's backing of genocide in gaza for american view. as of this, what states will you be on the ballot for on the 5th of november this yeah. oh shooting for all 50. i should be on a good 15 by march 30 in the summer and by november 1 we're shooting for 50 member . very much so we can really begin in an intense way until just a week or 2 ago because it in the states, the do awfully is so deeply colonized dominated by big money make it difficult for independent candidate. so you begin the process of getting getting access to the ballots until february 1 and most.


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