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tv   News  RT  February 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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by the nazis in order to ext or pay the b both of europe. the a 6 year old palestinian girl whose story went viral after she wasn't missing when her family's car was shot at in garza by the idea is found said along with the red presses emission sent to rescue her humanitarian group calls. the killings deliver it as the is really military prepares to invade the southern gauze and city of rossa for over a 1000000 display civilians are sheltering. we hear some sorry, contrast. sing opinions on the scene. 28000 people did. among them. 12150 children. let's say that slowly the slogan for the in the us lawmakers press for
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review of bilateral relations with south africa. that's after the u. n. high court found for torres suit alleging genocide by israel and gaza. credible and p t i supporter stage protests in pakistan and big concerns of rigging and the election both count that those candidates affiliated with, emerald cons party take a decisive lead the coming to you from us. so this is our to international with the latest and world news today. i'm fiorella isabel and we begin with terrible news and gaza where the body of the 6 year old palestinian girl who went missing 2 weeks ago has been found inside the car. her family had been travelling in when is really military suddenly fired at the car. that's according to the palestinian red crescent,
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which says a team of paramedics, a center rescue of a child are also that of the palestine red cross, an ambulance was discovered bombed in the town of how was the area of the cause of city resulting in the killing of crew members use of xeno, an arc mid of my to him who'd been missing since a rescue mission for the child him or had the 12 days ago. the occupation deliberately targeted the ambulance opponents arrival at the scene where it was found just meters away from the vehicle containing the trapped child hand. your organization posted a video on social media of the destroyed ambulance that was dispatched to rescue the little girl, the p. r. cs reports that the rescue operation was coordinator with the idea, but the vehicle still came under fire. now the video also shows the car in which the 6 year old girl was taking shelter with her 5 relatives. the footage shows thousands of bullet holes in the car as well. these were the child's last recorded
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words in her conversation with maddox. as the big heavy i have. well, i mean i have a good idea to have that. i'm a mini that a model. i'm the good awesome the new the big. how would it be better, but the have to one of the seems to be beheaded up now before the devastating news we actually spoke to hans mother, she told us about the horrific incident. and the last conversation that she had with her daughter, the only issue a number has a seal done inside my a can haul. it's because of what happened to my daughter when she wasn't the call hinge was going through the most extreme scene. you could probably imagine leon was in the car with her despite lead being most of your leisure than my daughter. she
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tried to save him and started asking us how to provide 1st aid. at that moment when they showed me and my daughter told me, mom leon has a boot and her face to face looks carried. and i told her the cause of her face as that hidden under the seat. the occupation forces claimed the only target time off . only the terrorist. so what about my daughter and the all the children in the call, the and they'll to moss or any kind of tourist hope that's when i see my daughter, i can make her forget the things she has been for. i hope when i see her, i can hold her in my arms and make her forget everything. she has seen an unprecedented scale of job. that's how the united nations has described, the escalating humanitarian disaster and gaza. a recent you and report detailed the 1st $100.00 days of the ongoing, more stressing that future generations of palestinians will also clearly be effected. no other armed conflict in the 21st century has experienced such a devastating impact on the population is such a short time frame to find
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a 100 day period with greater bloodshot, it is necessary to go back to the 1994 genocide against the thoughts and run the toll and gaza has surpassed 28000 since october 7th, according to the local health ministry. us president biden, however, says he's pressuring israel to prevent the loss of civilian lives. the condo res fluids in the guise of strip has brand um over the top. i'm not pushy really. are really hard to give the movie trans assistance if you didn't. the guys that there are a lot of minutes and people are starving by the end. is it people who are in trouble who to dine? it? who's got to stop to? now despite the warning from its key ally, israel's army is stepping up. it's a tax on the southern city of rasa. at least 8 people were reportedly killed their overnight into idea of strikes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says
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he's ordered his troops to prepare to evacuate civilians from the city ahead of what seems to be a full scale invasion while claiming that how mosque militants are hiding among the public more than 1000000 display civilians are seeking shelter in rafa. and here's what some of them had to say. way let's here is an attorney, yahoo and his government and the government of war threatening to invade rafa. where can we go? if they try to pressure us to migrate to egypt, we will not go there. we will return to gaza and die. here is the one, not at all. where can we go? i told my husband that i will stay here, die here. smith follow us wherever we go. we want safety. we are exhausted, i swear to god. it's enough. we are afraid. i don't want to migrate. i want to die and their own country. now and israel itself, many are questioning the worst conduct with people blocking the streets of tel aviv
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demanding the release of hostages. add new elections earlier. the idea of confirmed that at least $31.00 hostages in gaza have died since november. that's a quarter of the duck days who remained at home off hands when the last cease fire expired. earlier. my colleague rachel ruble heard some polarizing views on the war from our guess. i think we shouldn't fault it was a very powerful gone to the only goal of this war is to put it in simple boards and i like this thing and people and we see that in the results there has been more than $1.00 of 1.5 percent of the population that's more than one. in 100 people, indigo street have been killed as a result of is really assault. in some cases, over 70 percent, as destructors have been damaged,
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that's worse than the allied attacks on christ. and there are facts on the ground that we cannot escape and what is real is doing indigo street is nothing else but the genocide and yourself. um, i know you want to respond to that. i'm wondering why israel has not agreed to another a prisoner exchange and truth with home us. what is it looking for this is actually not true. there's a want to go to an agreement, some sort of agreement about an agreement which secure that rate then also the kidnapped is what it is for. the fact is that how much i don't want extra to do any deal unless it's all for or, and need to understand that there are terrorist was a lot of their hands, but their sole goal is to kill more is what he's now let's go back to what you want them said about the killing and the genocide among the $26.00 to $27.00 and the palestinians who were killed as a result of how much envision too, as well,
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the more than $10000.00 terrorists were killed from that there was talking to the vision isis, how matched talks about the ratio and the ratio is 4. and one terrorist though is really limited only and yes, unfortunately we're talking about this in the, in the name of numbers only 2, but this thing is in the listing is where it killed the jonathan. i do want to ask you about israel is protesting. they're calling for the return of hostages. why haven't we seen israel do more listening to its own people in, in getting its hostages back? first of all, i want to dispel some of the lies and propaganda the we've just heard. so d officials, the israel officially says that it does not know the exact number of combatants among those that it killed. so i don't know where that number of 10000 came from. 28000 people did among them 12150 children. let's say that slowly
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and how and how about logan the name of the dad is rosure. and the reason that there isn't any significant protest, any threats against the war is 2 fold. one, if that is right, refreshes any, any on that process, especially in the post in the posting. and so it's interesting in society, just 2 days of prophecy there would released from jail after 4 months in jail for participating in a non, by the demonstration in immune for him. he was released by the supreme court after 4 months in the of being in j of jessica, participating in the demonstration folks at the beginning, the whole war as i say, it is an unfair war, as well as on the, the international law and making the most effort to be actually the line aligns with international law. we do not at that if there are at risk of it actually
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actually harming innocent civilians. and that's why every time how much there was loss in blankets from populated area. it take us time to actually be we do we that's why the situation is like this is really defined to go for this. we're officially one to return to hostages. and 2nd to distract from us. uh, neither of them are. there you go, a stack of this war uh, this war is about revenge in the elimination of the striking does as forcefully as possible. and it is about nathan yells, political survival. returning to hostages is not a real concern. uh for days really government and now back to terrible news from gaza where the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl who went missing 2 weeks ago has been found inside the car. her family had been travelling in what is really military suddenly fired
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at the car. now that's according to the policy in burg present, which says a team of paramedics, they sent to rescue the child are also dead. let's cross live now to who manage here and active as i hear us. so mar. so here a good to see you. but project news from gaza. it's shocking and angry many because this appears to be deliberate. now given the context of the events we've seen and mostly on the full day in and day out, are you surprised this happened to be honest. no, i'm not surprised. you know? i think it should be. i think it just took me outside and i think we were surprised in the beginning. the 1st couple of weeks around the atrocity has been submitted. but right now it feels like your conflict most. the idea is dr. so no, i don't think that he was surprised yet we are. and that,
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and the not today all the, all people have seen what on a full that we can clearly see the p r. c. as footage that the car was fired out with these rifles. now why do they is really army, shoot out a car, would civilians and children and side? in other words, how can is real justify this action that the entire world has seen? all right. it's the same question. every single one of the products, right? why, of civilians died and you know it's wrong and the idea we have continuously stayed . so the goods are being used as human targets that is coming up to that page and they are instances. ringback you know, they could get away with saying that the majority of that takes a 2nd off. so when a 6 year old child distracting a call, often worried time, somebody has it killed. how i can use any of those aspects or i put an actual
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damage on human shield, including a 6 year old go. i don't know what the warranty is today, but on so should be all started keeping his job. oh, you just the by not just for he put in 3 of the 12000 children that have been wanting to match the fiction. another detailed, not in israel's favor, is that the power city and bread crescent society stated that the rescue operation they had was coordinated with the idea. yeah. according to them, israel still open fires, not just on the family, but on the people sent to rescue that. how does this escalate everything? i mean, these are ambulances, these are medical workers that we're seeing fired upon, the audience that has to be talking to, to be seen. numerous amounts of, after that's being blow. now, you know, driving in the street is going to rescue the patients right outside of hospitals. we've seen children as bait killed the school 15 schools being bombarded. we've
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seen the possibility of finding a visa or a spectrum in the international law that should be predicted. oh, well, this journalist don't do that. it's shows that schools because of all under the 9th of nations protected underworld, this is not the case. this is the case at this time. so i mean it's a same ship. how is the staging date spine? the ceasefire and must be full when these atrocities are being done in one day. not of any explanation. when we talk about israel's defenses, they always say that they are not fighting civilians, but they are fighting home us. but again, this isn't the 1st time as you mentioned, that civilians have been shot dead by is really military. we've seen the white floods. we've seen all of this on our screens. do you think that we can believe israel statements after this? do you think this change is more how others are viewing as well? i think so. i think we could trust the key that takes place,
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but so late just in terms of so, but again this being targeted more than what i've seen. but how do you just define ivy of soldiers sniper and have a 6 year old? oh, if you think they call in the past, i'm getting in the state to argue just divided 4050 because no onset, but there is no justification. this is a 6 year old, definitive, innocent civilian, and was killed. you said it yourself, how do we justify this? now the west talks about democracy, human rights and humanity. but despite that thousands of children, many more than we might have to account for have died. israel has not face any repercussions, we can mention the i c j case. we can also mentioned bite and saying he's trying to stop civilian does. but the money flow to israel continues. when do you think we will finally see a red line and from home? will we get that red line?
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i don't know. i, i would like to think that the very many cases that are going to, isaac a, is going to assume some clients. and the method of decision by laurie is, this is only going to be post effective, right? like if we, i don't trust you that gets taken place and this will you remember you guys off to the fact off to so many have big inch. it's so many have died and get the kids safe and safe. and i think it's round knows this. and i think that that's really my opinion is, since i'm, since these are all this take you to the i, c j. they are not dividing. they actually putting all was all pressure on, on is nikki kansas contributing genocide to get away with as much as they can in the time to get the big cat before they actually get stopped. something's got to give, say, here, uh, humanitarian activists. they hear us. so mar, thank you very much for your thoughts. thank you. the
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us lawmakers have introduced a bill calling for a review of bilateral relations with south africa. that's after the international court of justice has ruled on victorious case against israel and founded credible that the idea of offensive has been responsible for acts of genocide. our teeth corresponded in south africa and know who you couldn't get. it brings us this report. so that's because dennis, our case against ease law has placed the strain on in already suffering and freed relationships with the united states. and experts say it could have even serious certainly the case is going forward. and of course, all of this, as you say, has been taken by a bow, a submitted to the united states congress holdings for a full review of the country's bilateral relationship with scholastic, a following the international court of justice. and the case of the bull accused, as the reading party, mostly authentic, inconsistent with its um, company tape stated policy of 9 alignment in international the fees. it also states
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that to use that african government has a history and mentality of siding would add to that it deems not to arrive full include income at the end of the bus. and for the reason it even goes as far as the tuesday. the president of so that's a good place that i'm a pull, is that the foreign minister of the country? now lady ponder an ac spokesperson, mercedes benz seeley of different accusation, and issues of from and to submit to remarks to internal economy issues in the phase . and so last week we do know that policy makers in washington have a significantly invested in cultivating wilma, you. is the basic a release of the, at the highest level that the even believe that adding some personal chemistry to the mix of share, the democratic and strong ties could bring youth dynamic them to the bilateral relationship. but the relationship between so that, that can be you,
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it looks very different from the perspective of the new so that we can beat as the african national congress to be specific. it's deep seated. distrust of the united states based on the historical really reality of the united states. support for the potted regime prevents many powerful bodies and parcels that i because of from believing that if they see much in the way of interest and values of what the united states is. the is a huge historical president for pretoria, both in a domestic political context and the more whole context so that you guys can engage on people as being an issue spends the days of a party to and this has been a prominent issue. and so that's because i'm relating to its politics, especially even with russia. so that's because president, as owner said that this country, his country is greatly indebted to the support provided to it by russia over an extended period during the country struggle,
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trying to fight independence back in the day. and as experts have been saying, since the court rulings for the you, if it is important, of course, to force relations with america, but a close relationship and partnerships, what so that's because government to control it and its rules when it comes to international orders and policies but for now, that is not on the costs and a mass protests have a wrapped it on the streets of pakistan, while votes are tallied for the country its general elections. thousands of protesters in peshawar and karachi are marching in support of the jail, former pakistani prime minister in wrong con, that's as the final results of the thursday vote have yet to be announced with both major political factions in the country, claiming victory. no washer reeves political party collected the most states for a single ball, while independent candidates who mainly back in raw the con,
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have won the most seats overall. and as the outcome on folds. pakistan's crucial vote has been marred by accusations of fraud from both sides and terrorist attacks that targeted campaign offices in killed at least 28 people. political analyst allie has says, the sweeping success of them around con, affiliated independent candidates, has come as a surprise, which their rivals have to deal with. now to do the form of government and bar just um, as long it should be, uh, coordination moment. nobody still at the moment in a position that conform woman seemed to the mom kind of in june and the other parties or thought that the park is found that he can solve for larger such a majority. and then thinking, especially partners, pharmacy lead means that we're thinking that they will guard the single largest party in the restaurant, people in broad. unfortunately they're doing, gosh,
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the majority. and at the moment, the park is on the date again, saw gone to the artist on duty because i'm back to independent go to the majority of the all this on friday is a part of the were to come parties. it was also surprised where to go and visit. don't be surprised for most of the country i've been there. so i was in prism and his party gord. such a huge margin in the image of the 24. but here you are on the establishment, and on this i'm listening to the categories on the list on the bar shows the camels and the sort of pricing the form. and there's no question that vladimir putin sit down, interview with tucker carlson is the most talked about interviewing the world. it's already been viewed over a 180000000 times on the american journalist has ex platform account alone,
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and it was released only a day ago. the interview covered a wide range of topics from the north stream, sabotage to developing the brakes alliance, which the president says it's in notable natural process. in the facility. the bricks, countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events and ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions, pressure bombings, and use of armed forces when put into us about which it talks about id coverage, maybe the viability under vibrancy of the brakes? broke on how many come just now i've been asked spreading to join the brits. it is
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quite impressive because many cup just now, i know some people point out kind of to for all the years, which many countries have to present that especially comes to in africa depended on on under wisdom was institution typical by the front of me. i need them to grow to as not what so people are thinking about strategies. so it is like an economic of a new shipping the history of drawers and people that are looking if we have gotten to the west and it has not been able to put this result, let's go decide to fix that to see what else. something different is good to come up. so what, what seem to have said is more of another advertisement for breaks and a small of his own pride that this is what we achieved him. and this is how is professionals debrief test to carlson was the 1st western journalists to speak with lot of air pollutants since the start of the ukraine conflict. but he
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has since found himself embroiled in controversy over the interview. while his journalistic effort has been widely praised on social media, plenty of us politicians and mainstream media outlets have granted him a propagandist supper carlson himself stress. he's simply doing his job of journalism and the world has a right to hear what the leader of a major country has to say. whether they agree with him or not. all street historian ramos works or believes the hype around the interview plays well into pearl since hands, or they want to send board to couldn't. if i allow myself to be cynical, i think they are doing calls and a huge favor. because without this incredible hype, the interview would not have become so popular to see if indeed, it's easy to explain. but i do like that to you by sounds. if you look at who owns all these media outlets and the financial interest behind them all,
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who pays for does the music sing? and this is the principal followed by most of the journalists working there. that was the full come on. it is quite logical. it's such a reaction and followed them. it got so upset. it's at the belgian official, even demanded, the toughest thompson can be ban enterprise from entering the european union. the going fiscal interview brought to the attention of the general public. the positions that someone already aware of for more advanced analyses, chicago, of course, this interview with talk a call, some has become very popular and due to its broad coverage. and these positions will now of course, be known to a wide audience at the, at the to cap. now we're presidents, a landscape has officially dismiss survey shakuntala from his position as head of the ukrainian armies. general stuff that's after the ukrainian leader sacked, the country's top officer, general galleries, allusion me, who had served as commander in chief of ukraine's on forces since july of 2021. it
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. and despite a string of recent military failures general's allusion, he had become increasingly popular in the country with poles putting him far ahead of presidency. lensky himself. the 2 figures had been at loggerheads for months over the lack of progress on the battlefield. the loss of t city is like our fuel, most also known as bus mood, and they need to mobilize many more ukrainians to continue the fight. so lose the recently referred to the military conflict as a stalemate, which presidents the landscape strongly disagreed with. general alexander skate has been appointed the new military commander in chief. as the previous head of ukrainian brown forces, sir skis oversaw last year's failed defense of our field, most as well as subsea. when fruitless efforts to retake the city of don fast, he has army has suffered massive losses on that front. an interesting side note,
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sir skate was actually born in russia's vladimir region then part of the soviet union and later studied in moscow at the higher military command school is there's a family friend, talks about very option to his new appointment. my research, his mother is very worried. it's a tragedy for her. he just text her that everything is all right. no more details. she's crying full of regrets. you must understand. and mother and his son had been left him 2 opposite sides. his parents raised him in a certain way in a certain spirit, but now he has to say of their in ukraine. it doesn't really matter to his family, which posts he actually holds. it only matches that they are divided. they have their own life. the other petros of russia we spoke with former c i a analyst and ceo of burg associate larry johnson, who said, solution needs replacement is not known for his commanding prowess,
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the illusion the and i'm not pretending that he some great general, but he was pushing to withdrawal ukrainian forces from boston to talk to him, most of because he recognized a verna and untenable situation. he was over ruled by so lensky. then let's jump ahead of the sky. once again, this is reported that does illusion. he wanted to withdraw ukrainian forces because they were in and another untenable situation. zalinski overruled him. yet, zalinski wants to blame solution a for the military failures. and it was allusion a who actually was bumped hands with the western advisors problem for delusion. 8 is that he is more popular than zalinski and zaleski is trying to get rid of him. and, and the problem with sir ski is source, he's reputation is he's really good at one thing and that's losing balance and put in.


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