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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  February 10, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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commanding prowess loosely, and i'm not pretending that he's some great general, but he was pushing to withdrawal. ukrainian forces from boston to talk to him, most of because he recognized a verna and untenable situation. he was over ruled by so lensky. then let's jump ahead of the sky. once again, this is reported that does illusion. he wanted to withdraw ukrainian forces because they were in and another untenable situation. zalinski overruled him. yet, zalinski wants to blame solution a for the military failures. and it was allusion a who actually was bumped hands with the western advisors problem for the illusion . age is that he is more popular than so. lensky and zaleski is trying to get rid of him. and, and the problem with search key is search. he's reputation is he's really good at one thing and that's losing balance and put in turning up your training and forces,
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putting them into situations where there are, there are slaughter there, put into cauldron some boilers and they are surrounded and then it just destroyed to offer now and coming up visitors to jolena san jace. as one, dorian embassy were spied on by the country's authorities who downloaded the data from their phones. among those were us citizens were now suing them and arguing them for that their constitutional rights were violated. more next on the whistle blowers take on the let's say your supporter of julianna's search. let's say that you decided to go visit julian hassan when he was in the for dorian embassy in london. and let's say
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that you're an american citizen. what you would have done would be to go to the for, during embassy, give the person at the front desk, your id, and then turn over your cell phone. know, electronic devices are louder and embassies after all. but as it turns out, actually during authorities were allegedly working with the c, i a to download all of the information on every cell phone, from every visitor to us on, at the embassy that included american citizens. and now they are arguing in court that their constitutional rights were violated. i'm john kerry. ok, welcome to the whistle blowers the . 2 2 2 2 2 the most court cases against the c, i a, the agencies lawyer simply walk into the court and say, the magic words, national security and the case was dismissed. that happens all the time. but that
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hasn't happened in this case. in december of federal judge in new york rule, but for americans who visited assange in the embassy and who had their data stolen can proceed with the case against the c i a. and against a contractor that the c, i a hired to gather the information. know, however, that the judge ruled against the plaintiffs on 2 other issues. the judge said that they could not sue the c. i a for wiretapping, the embassy, and for listening and on their conversations with besides, this was done with the ecuadorian governments approval. the plaintiff also could not sue for money, but if it is true that the c i received the contents of their phones that were accessed by the contractor, that would be a serious legal violation. the c, i a is not a law enforcement organization. and even if it was, it didn't have a warrant or a court order allowing it to violate the privacy of these americans were joined 1st
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today by jo loria. he's the editor in chief of consortium news founded by the late robert perry. and he's a former journalist for the boston girl. busy the wall street journal and the times of london. joe, thanks so much for being with us. no problem, john. good to see you. joe. i'd like to start by asking you to explain to our viewers what the process was for visitors to the ecuadorian embassy in london. when julian was there, it seems to me that you couldn't just walk into the embassy and say, hi, i'd like to see juliet asides. there was some sort of a process. so the embassy and by extension, the contractor and the c, i a would have known the nationalities of the people going there. what was that process? well, actually, i've never visited julian at the embassy, so i only know the 2nd hand. i think it changed with the new government and in ecuador, it became, for example, the lawsuit that for americans have entered into as plaintiffs against the central intelligence agency, which survived the mission of motion to dismiss by the c i. and which they are
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lawyers say is probably the 1st time you may know something about this. john, the 1st one, the c i a is an organization has ever been to the been individuals and the see i have been sued, but not the entire organization. so this judge in the southern district of new york is allowed the court case to go through. what was the suit about? well, when they went to visit julian at the embassy, they had to leave their phones at the front desk. and i don't know if that was the case before the moreno government took over from rafael, korea that i can't answer, but what is certain is that the spine operation only began. it began behind the back of the korean government and then openly with the moreno governments fee. to use this u. c. global company in spain, working for with the central intelligence agency. this is the least what's being the alleged in the court case that's still going on in spain against the founder of
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you see more of you see uh david morales, dad, if you see global so, so you've got spite on that. they knew they would be spite on and julian out of white noise radio and they either did whatever. and they went into the women's room where there was also apparently a bug. so they do whatever they clicked to try to not be overheard. but the fact was, their phones were taken, the i, the, the then the serial numbers was taken other details, which would allow them even to be monitored after they left the embassy when they got the phones back. so it was a, it's something that the c, i a may actually oops, court, which is amazing, which is a 4th amendment case of course, of what the plan as in this case are alleging is that when visitors went into the embassy, they had to turn over their cellphones, that would be normal in any embassy. you can't just walk into an embassy with an electronic device. but there are further alleging that the c i a and the ecuadorian government were working with a private company whereby the company would take the cell phones during the visit,
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download all the contents, and then turn that over to the c. i a. the crux here is that this was done to american citizens in violation of their constitutional rights. and this was all, while the c i, a and the ecuadorian had completely wired the embassy for both video and audio in julian's living quarters, including in his bathroom, in order to even drop on those conversations. so with all this effort, what exactly was it that the c i a was trying to collect? what were they so concerned about? well, certainly they also, of course, as we know, spite on julian's discussion with his lawyers, i think that was really important for them. clearly they preparing indictment against him and to be able to know in advance of defense strategy. in the most egregious abuse of process possible, they should have had this case thrown out immediately, just shows you how, how corrupt this whole thing is. that was that the key to the see i have what they
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were also trying to do is widen the net, you know, of any people in which, at least they could bring charges against a certain point that was sending out letters to it. even recently, some of the julian's associates, like james ball returned against julian song rights for the guardian, but at work for week and weeks at one point the f. b. i came to his door last summer, i believe here in london. and he told me to go to hell a to his credit. and again, he's, he's, he's a kind of an enemy of julian right now. but still, he knew that they, he was not going to write on, on a journalist, joe, the spanish contractor. we're talking about here is called u. c global. what can you tell us about the company? what was their role in the assign saga and how do we know what we know now about using global, you know, what we know about using the level because of a court case in spain. because of the reporting of that court case by a page. because of a document are made by john goetz who is a uh, was
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a reporter at dish regal. and that works for a public broadcaster in germany and dodge its item uh, as an investigative team. uh, and for maximum amount of all of the grades on the all the grade reporting to reveal what was going on. and what we know is, is that shows that it's a bizarre story and it was hard to believe at 1st, but where you are to the ca. so maybe won't be so bizarre for you john, but that children, adults and yeah, right. when you're a pro israel trump supporter, you know, at the casino magnet in las vegas and in mccaul, when all these other the ventures that he has out of his las vegas casino. uh, was a connection made with david morales ahead of this kind of to bit you uh, spanish security for ad. they got a contract. this is what is come out anyways, a ledge that there's a contract. not, of course, between this. yeah, yeah, but some front company could very well be the, the casino, i don't know for sure. nobody has seen this contract. i haven't any way to just buy
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angelina. so now what happened was, you see global had been hired by the equity or in government, originally to provide security for rafael, korea, and his family. that's how they 1st got involved. then they asked the career as you see, global to also provide security for our julian assault is not against him for him at the embassy that was in place. and then this deal happen where the c, i a through the using a casino in las vegas of sheldon adults and worked out a deal where david morales had a b. c global, former special forces guy. think in spring, start saying we're in the big league now. we're playing with the big boys we've had with our american friends just been interpreted to mean to see i. so instead of protecting julian as long as they turned those security cameras against assigned of ultimately india and getting technically for efficient enough to have
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a full 247 live audio and video stream that people back in, langley or wherever to monitor. exactly what's going on in real time inside that industry, whenever a lawyer showed up his doctors, any of his associates. so this is, so here's the global. got found out because somebody try to blackmail kristen preference in the kind that are in chief of wake. it makes by showing photographs of the, uh, from inside the embassy of truly meetings, lawyers and doctors, etc. and the fishing, much of the police, especially, is an investigation. morales has been arrested for violating the privacy of julian a son, and he's not still on trial for on that. spanish authorities have told the press that the justice department here in washington has been uncooperative and has ignored 3 separate requests from the spanish courts for information relating to the
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relationship between the c i a n u. c global. the spanish have also said that the c, i a listened in on conversations between julian assigned and his attorneys, his doctor's his advisors, journalist. pretty much everybody else. well, any of this matter, either in his upcoming extradition hearing or if he is extradited in his court case in alexandria, virginia, a bed sure as how it should. but judging by the way, this case has been going on so far now for 4 years, i doubt it. and i'm worried about that. obviously this is an important part of the defense. now what they hear and that's coming up next month, is simply to overturn a ridiculous decision by jonathan swift. a single high court judge who in a 3 page rolling on his own, dismissed a 150 page submission by his i saw his lawyers. why the decision by the home secretary or to extradite julian should be overturned and why most of the judge,
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vanessa birds and the low court, even though she ordered them released on medical grounds and the condition of us prisons. why uh, most of everything else she said about that on the was well, and she should have denied their right to appeal. so this is an appeal to try to appeal. that's what we're going to try to win in february. if you lose it, julian could technically could be on a plane that night back to the united states of only the european court of human rights being possible way to stop that they can order the plane off to come back and, and stop doing for me. next, i don't know if that's gonna happen. that's just one possible scenario, but everything that you said, john, it should be part of this case. it's true, but if it had been already, i think would have been thrown out this can't be a more, more abusive. think of this by on your, on the defendant's attorneys. i mean, it's ridiculous. now of course, the department of justice says a, by the way, what a surprise that they're not cooperating with spanish parts. department of justice
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claims that there is a chinese war between them and the c i a and they're not sharing any joe laurie. i really appreciate you coming on today. thank you. we're speaking with journalist, an editor, joe loria, about the julian assange case. we're going to take a short break, and when we come back, we'll speak with another of julian's friends. randy critical to discuss what assigns could face in the united states don't go away. 2 2 2 the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing, press 4. so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so you should be living on that. you have
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a very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better. the answer is will be the the welcome back to the whistle blowers. i'm john kerry onto we're now speaking with randy credit co. randy is a long time comedian and social justice activist. he's the former director of the william and counsellor fund for social justice and host of the radio show live on the fly with yours every friday afternoon from 3 to 4 pm on new york, w
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b a. i radio, randy. great, having you with us. thanks for joining. hey, it's great to be back at all, which is great to be on with you john. thank you for inviting me once again. really, i'd like to turn to the hearing in london on february 20th and 21st before the high court in the u. k. this is likely the final appeal before what many are calling a likely extradition? what are the issues that are going to be considered in this hearing? i think it's all going to be political activity boils down to this. do the judges, how many independents are in his shame? because you know, this is a slam dunk case for assigned, or are they going to just buckle, buckle under to the pressure from the national security state of the u. s. which really is a controls and national security state of the okay. and c, i a, in particular, as you know, they don't want him out at this point and we'll see how much influence is
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inflicted on these 2 judges. i think it's 2 judges that are going to make this decision because we know they hang out nice uh these uh, meeting rooms or you know, private clubs. uh the judge is with the some. ready m p 's or i also lords, reactionaries, whatever. and i know there's a lot of influence being put on them. and it just went to the prices like judge hoffman is the comp and, and the roseburg trial. got a lot of pressure on him to uh you know, sent. ready the julius and at the rosenberg to death. and it was only because he was blackmailed by uh, j go hoover it specifically bite boy, colin, to you know, so i, i don't know what the issues are. i mean it's not about justice. i think this is, i mean the say kafka ask uh you know, uh the task uh,
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joseph k didn't know when he was being charged by julian knows that he's being charged with and that is uh, basically uh, practicing journalism that embarrassed the u. k. and the us, so there is a, you know, it doesn't matter what we've seen. we've seen whether be the perverts sydney discredited and, and we can think his testimony use the global, the crown from skinner services, a complicity with what was sweet and mary and i, i believe i and you know, it just goes on and all the assassination attempt on his life, you know, all of these things a spying on the lawyers and all of that. all of these things would any, any court of justice that was objective would have thrown this thing out a long time ago, but this is a, a little cold. i oh, and it's a show trial as john pills or has described it for,
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for the last 12 years. what this prosecution was all about is all about. so i it's, it's a roll. the dice. do these guys have any integrity, the judges, and stand up before they end up and a gray and like, you know, all of us and, you know, add something that their grandchildren can stop by and say this was a man. and the scream here, my grandfather, that an integrity, i don't know what goes to their products, but the pressure is so great on them. i don't expect a good outcome. one of the issues that, that 5 long been stuck on is the fact that the u. k. is a member of the european court of human rights. there are 3 precedents whereby the european court of human rights has refused to extradite prisoners to the united states because of the way in which the us use a solitary confinement as a punishment. american prosecutors have said that they will not put julian in
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solitary, but listen, that goes about as far as me saying that i won't put julian in solitary. it means nothing. you can't, government has respect to these 3 previous decisions. but they have also said that they may not respect the court if it was to not extradite julian. why? why if the u. k is still a member of the court? well, because you know, there are out was why, why did they just bought my unit? i mean, why did they bomb, i'm a rack and why? i mean, it's like, who knows a be or do you have on people left and right. did it for, over speaking their minds and, and the ok to magna carta is nothing more than a museum piece. that's it. you know, so it, it has, it's my finding it's, it's a thing of the past and the brits are the that's what they'll do. they'll just, uh, you know, sure the law can to do what they want to do with, you know, might makes,
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right. and this and, and they won't, they won't abide by it. but what that will do will type maybe it won't be tied up in the court. that'd be another appeal. does brittany have the right to ignore this court? and that will be another 2 or 3 years. they don't want them operating right now. we got business to do the businesses war. we don't need a martyr coming out is what they're thinking, a living martin or a to what you know? well, we, we need to set an example that people can't, uh, you know, unmask what is what, what our motivations are on this planet. you know, their, their file wars and spying on everybody in the sides. expose that. i don't think there are fearful of him coming back doing that again. but what's he going to say when he comes out? i mean, he's got 5 years, it's 5 years and this prison and it's 7 years. and the ecuadorian embassy, they're afraid that he's going to say something when he comes out that he hadn't
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released before a and b. he's going to be being very frail and he's going to be a big embarrassment to the us and u. k. further damaging their image and the world. so it's a quandary for them. that's all i can tell you, but they're right they, they ignore the last word, look at you, you know, $86.00, nicaragua went to the world court and, and they were, they were awarded like, uh, billions of dollars for the mining of the harpers and all of that guess what us ignored you. okay. shock shape goals or shopping style is they ignore all of these uh, decisions cuz they can. and many of julian's friends and supporters believe that if he loses his appeal in the u. k. high court that he will immediately be whisked off to a waiting car and then placed on a c, i a plane back to the united states. if that were to happen,
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he would be in what is called the federal lock up in alexandria, virginia within probably 10 hours. do you believe that's what we should be prepared for? is the fix in on this case, or does he have a hail mary chance at victory here? well, i think he is a hell, mary, chance i don't want to give up hope. you know, you hope is only successful if, if it's, if you, i hope drives you to a direct action. but um, i think you have to prepare for that, but do everything you can write down. the pressure has got to be on the u. k. government, right. now, right, that's the battle right now, is it located the judges? in that case, the u. k. system of justice is on trial right now before he's tried over here. and that's why people need to mobilize right now and demonstrate in front of the embassy and, and d. c, where you live. and here at the u. k. costs went to the, at the you, when, and really is embarrassed and put the pressure on them. and of course,
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so they'll be doing that in london and places around the world. the fact is we don't have enough ground troops out there to be honest with you. we have for guys that, but we don't have for julian, he's been put on the back burner but, but which works well for, for this administration, and i guess the u. k. administration. but i think it just has to be prepared for direct action. make a lot of noises, as john pilcher said, get out or action is the only thing that's gonna work. reasoning is not going to work. action is gonna work. and so we all know, i mean you've, you've dealt with this for 8 years, you know, what's going to happen if it gets alexandria, it is put in that hole that has stayed below. one bedrooms are prisoners nearby. i've been, i've been there, i've done that. i, i've done reports on there that place is a very scary place and you know, i don't know the c i a is they never forget their like the mob. all right, so you don't forget, they've got their little garage ease uh with, with
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a government badge out there. and i, i don't think you'll ever make it through a try. i don't think would ever go to trial here. he'll die in the meantime. and i'm surprised, i haven't tried to kill him. yeah, maybe they have. but that's all i can tell you it. john, is that we need a lot of direct action going forward. i'm going to be doing out there all day for 10 days prior. prior to the next day, the 20th in new york city, after you went all over the city, to be honest with you, with a one or 2 giant billboard trucks, you know, semi truck size billboard trucks that we didn't d c or much, much smaller level. and that's all likely to, that's not gonna change things. there needs to be a lot of action. everyone's gonna, we're going to have to pick up, but they're actually add to it, you know, in and plows. and i will wait. randy, let's say that the worst happens, and that julian is indeed extradited to the united states. he ends up in virginia,
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and a trial is scheduled at the federal court house for the eastern district of virginia . then what is a deal possible, let's say between julian and the us government, does he go on trial for his life and risk exactly that? and what kind of supporters do to continue to show support if and when a trial begins. what they need to do is a pre emptive strike. they need to be outside of that alexandria virginia court house and in chrome version and, and, and, and the hand to charge. the whole thing is worse than any soviet trial during the, you know, the late series are uh, yeah. trial uh, with the judge fleischer, in, in berlin and authorities. all right. there's no chance of him surviving a trial here because it's already pre written. it's like watching chinatown, the movie, and over and over again and all being that the,
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the say dunaway doesn't get killed at the end or right. it's a pre written script. it's just how they manage it, p r wides. you know, because this is just a formality, this upcoming trial which will drag on for years and years. how much can somebody take? you know, i couldn't take it for a year, and i couldn't take it for each other for 10 years now and no sudden light for 1011 years coming up maybe 12 years since 2012. it's a long period of time in the psychological damage is known as bells or as pointed out is uh, is uh, indelible. and i, i don't know what we can do at that point, you know, but i can't imagine that this is going to be good for biden, if he's going to be the candidate in the upcoming election with all the other repressive measures at he's taken and violent measures that he's taken on an international scale. i don't see it just being a good move for him. i think it,
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it backfire in many ways and when people know the real story journalist started saying, well, maybe i should get involved in this rated credit coast. thank you so much for coming on today. thank you. thank you. rap me on julie and assigns has sacrificed more than anybody i know for the greater good. the ultimate test of a man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of things will not be heard. i believe that that's what we're seeing here a sanchez suffering for many years at the hands of a powerful, but he's doing it all for us, for transparency, for freedom of speech. and freedom of the press. great achieve that is born of this great sacrifice, future generations will thank julian assigned. i'd like to thank our guests, jo, gloria, and randy credit co for joining us today and for sharing their thoughts on the julian designs case. and thanks also to our viewers for joining us for another
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episode of the whistle blowers, i'm john to reaku. we'll see you next time. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the
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the a 6 year old palestinian girl whose story went viral after she went missing when her family's car was shot at him. because the by the idea is found dead, along with a red crescent emissions sent to rescue her humanitarian group calls. the killings, deliberate as the is really military prepares to invade the southern gaza city of ross up for over a 1000000 display civilians or sheltering. we hear some fiery contrast 15 in the 28000 people among them 12150 children. let's say that the low, the slow, the.


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