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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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of the missing 6 year old girl from casa, whose story went viral after her family's call was fired on by. the idea is found dead along with a red, crescent ambulance steam center rescue. the human to during group says the killings with deliberates as these rarely, military progress being fate, the southern government city. a rough while, we're over a 1000000 display civilians, a shout trained to be here. since fiery contrasting opinions from the 28000 people data among them, 12150 children, let's say that slowly the lamb of the in the, in pakistan and the supporters of political party, p t. i sage protests over allegations,
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a vote region in the general election staff as candidates affiliated with mc mountain towns, party ticket decisively. we hear from protest us on the street leading here. and then all of a sudden we got calls from our families, but some vehicles have arrived here with people dressed as civilians and taking away the point in the results. instead of giving it to us notice of anyone's victory should not be issued. no candidate can take the eggs, we did not accept this. those are the headlines, this our pet to our website aren't you? they'll come for more news coverage. i'm. i do show i just going underground as of next i'm action or time. so you're welcome back to going underground,
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broke of single around the world from the you a hold on the hills of tucker calls and allowing americans to finally hear of us lines of the story of the us war and russia through ukraine. meanwhile, no one is in any doubt that the plausible genocide in gaza was enabled by billions of dollars of weapons in support given by the by did ministration with tens of thousands killed most of them, women and children. and now native nation outlawing of money. going to the main u. n. 8 organization that educates houses and kaz for refugees across this region. the international community is waiting for a new us president. could that be professor cornell west or could you help determine who ultimately gets elected in november? the lifelong peace activists scholar and freedom 5 to is running as an independent in the 2020 for us presidential election. you joins me now from you. thank you so much a professor west for coming back on going underground. it's been a long time ag, daily and now you're running for president before i get to the present president's
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backing of genocide in gaza for american view. as of this, what states will you be on the ballot full on the 5th of november this yeah. oh shooting for all 50. i should be on a good 15 by march 30 in the summer and by november 1 we're shooting for 50 member . very much so we can really begin in an intense way until just a week or 2 ago because it didn't in the states. the do awfully is so deeply colonized and dominated by big money make it difficult for independent candidate. so you'd begin the process of getting, getting access to the ballots until of february 1 in most states. and so that's why we, we've already got the last and we got oregon brass, we have a number already, but we're on the move for good 15 by the eyes of march, and then 30 by june, and then 50 by november. well, let's just go to the genocide, then there's
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a little more on your campaign, you know, fan of don't know, but you could stop by means the backing of genocide stuff, the u. s. u k back bombing of syria. rog, him and if you a president clearly because trump says he would stop it as a matter of hours. um, would you, how would you do that and what is to be in your um, your reaction to president biden. after all, you are is a bolger of his in a way, last time round. i have always been a very, very strong forwarding to me in critical by that friday before the fashion coalition. thinking that i'm going to speak to the issues of wealth inequality and mass incarceration to cut back on militarism, but i was wrong. and that's why i'm truly convinced that there is no major alternative to the neo fascist option of trump. that by themself is not just in the neighborhood of genocide, ethnic cleansing support of
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a part time like regina. but he also is so deeply, deeply tied to a kind of a mirage. as is mirage is thinking that he's actually going to be pro labor only shows up for a few seconds and then pulls back and shuts down the railway workers in this straight. and the labor movement too often steal up for him, saying this to in the black community brings in some black faces in i places and yes, deal reinforces policies that do in black for one working people. and so i, i view by, by himself as uh, not only part of the problem, but no serious opposition to the escalating fascism in the united states. i mean, what changed it is, it does have changed since the last time i spoke to you on going underground because of, for you, the beginning me was donald trump. now we're talking about a president. i mean, it's pretty rare that even the even international bodies,
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like the world court can cost a verdict like possible genocide on a president. this is worse than anything trump could do. the mass, most of you know, many women. and i mean, i think we need to have american lawyers, the south african lawyers and the others to bring justice to bear on these vicious judges genocidal attacks all impressions, palestinian brothers and sisters up. but the shift i think that took place for me was that i was under the impression that he actually was going to do something about the issues of poverty. and even when he got powered child poverty in half the a very important executive order and congressional legislation. but it expired in child poverty rate doubled again. you see i come out of the legacy was i'm gonna have alicia's come depaula, when it comes with poverty on a ball is probably more ball as homeless this i want to store true. you move is
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$27.00 minimum weight. i want to make sure that wall street is not just wall and then i'm very much for workers control. i want, i want to see work in the voice of shaping the destiny of the nation. therefore, i'm calling from the nationalization of some of the major major monopoly in the beginning, but the few boston and few on illuminated given the ecological crisis. but i want to put it on the national and civic oversight to make sure that they're not contributing to the session with profits in calling in the course in future the plan. so that it's a better not just a progressive, but it's, it's a uh, a deeply, deeply, revolutionary vision and platform that policy. and i think that's what we need because we're living in the moment of multiple catastrophes ecological off possible nuclear, deeply economic and political united states, but also spiritual and more. you know, we've got escalating levels of hatred and spinning out of control. we've got an
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organized 3 that's on steroids. what are some very deep moral and spiritual issues that need to be talked about in it? and in addition to the structural and institutional what, what to, i'm sure you expected it. what are the kinds of uh, reactions, are you receiving from the pro biden establishment that once binding to when another time as present despite, as i said, this international court ruling that well could mean he's a co conspirator in genocide. that's what i mean it's, it's fascinating not by the 1st 3 weeks when i announced in june i became the major threat to american democracy in the enable of american fashions. i said to myself, i wish i had the kind of power i wouldn't be with for work people in, in that enabling power in the mighty way, not just here, but around the world. i'm committed to those rest and all the rest of that be as an
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apple middle east, that agent in latin america. but all admit was that i was calling in the questionnaire version of t. now you remember margaret? that's tina. there is no alternative. you must fit and accommodate yourself, become well adjusted in just a and those and no, no, not at all. there isn't all turn in my campaigns. nothing but a moment in the movement. this band for to keep in mind you see change of talking about will not come about when president it won't come about with just voting. we're talking about social move most as on the way to fundamental transformation, the economy, nation state. and of course, i want to hit the american empire in order to dismantle the empire. we don't need a 100 military units around the world. we don't need special operations. and a 130 countries. the american empire is in the k. we meet the dismantled in part of the dining space, is to be one nation among nations, a decent nation among other nations. i'm an anti imperialist candidate. well,
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if we put aside your big differences with trump, who is clearly the favorite to be the president of the next president, the united states. isn't that similar to what donald trump is saying when he talks about the waste of money on nato? when he talks about the waste of american expenditure on uh was in western europe is quite a slightly about the middle east because clearly has big donors from, well, it's not do quite we no worries. there is on israel. the jeez was low for the right wing been been bite and is in terms of moving the capital of jerusalem. defer. and julia is really a lead district, deferring to the, the, the, the, the design as lobbies at home. no trust me. i just found that actually professor actually you can see trumpet doing the same thing is by them is as regards the ongoing one of the last month. oh no, because he didn't start any was remember trying to be assassinated people. he
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killed people and he typed me a part to reduce. he incurs noise in the apple. gee, the one is talking about not just shifting the capital, but making sure that israel became even more and more acceptable with the various connection with egypt. and that's in a moment worried about that versus suffering established opinions under apartheid region. so that in that sense, he doesn't have an impact on his bone in his body. he's an installation of this was a very different. so he, with i, i do view nato as an extension of american. a. german is a sensitive american imperial foreign policy and therefore, my critique of nato come from an anti imperialist point of view. here's critique and nato is what's been too much money, easier for you and don't deserve it. they need to secure it themselves, and we will pull back. but give a window here by them and at the end of the world, not through the college actually. but given that is ran a cabinet minister as an adult about using is rarely nuclear weapons. and of course,
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we've never seen such tensions and has their new data engines up drain rusher and nato isn't the time then for a grand coalition against the bible and all that he represents. as regards a war and the military industrial complex or what it says on what kind of collisions talking about. so here it is to say that you have to be tied to a certain consistency it costs and see in terms of the truth. and the condition is truth to allow something to speak. so for example, on the one hand, i mean you got, you got a raw ron has there critique of bud. it's, it's, it's, at times it's very similar to mine, but i have a critique of a wrong. i'm not a supporter of mueller of deluxe. i supported women, live street a low. i support those who are resisting against the form of domination within the same is true with rush. rush itself was provoked by the expansion of nato. it led
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toward what is going on ukraine, but i have my own critiques of the russian system and putting himself in terms of structure, the domination and assignment thing, if this isn't a voices and so forth. so they are the moral consistency alone. we have a political solidarity so that the coalition of that i'm top not just the function of re out politic. but it's also a commitment to true commitment to just as we're ever whatever context we talked about. let me put this in here, isn't there off of aspiration. i mean, tucker carlson on fox news used to say all sorts of strange things about immigrant . he doesn't have an enzyme fairly boating well the, the but it hasn't the change on people changing and becoming more. you just see it as isolationism, right wing eyes laser right when popular is the right wing father. he's got a critique of the beach and of course i have my critique of the late, his critique to release them, say mom and word about math and customer. ready and at home doesn't say among them
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word about anti poverty program, doesn't say that mumbling word about white supremacy. and he was so pro white supremacists and continues to be in a variety of different ways at home. but as an end, as a problem, this will be guess various forms to be leaks. it makes them look appear as if he critique solidify what is actually an imperial critique of imply, okay, who is like your running her president. it isn't now the time, and would you have to try and you like and get this affordable? those people we will remember what was, what, what, what was it malcolm, michael says supported the right wing senators view on the defensive extreme is now paying advice. yeah, no, no another train deleted the other if we're going to have person to support me, i'm going to be taking my stands based on how i understand. we're not a guard variety politician in that regard. i'm not going to sacrifice my commitment
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to choose and justice any way just in order to we in any way now that's, that's not how i. yeah, that's not how i proceed right now. what i, what i do have the rest of the company do that more from the 2020 for us independent presidential candidate after this break, the
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high acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why? watch something that's so different whitelisted of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the the welcome back to going on the garden. i'm still here with professor cornel west. 2024 us independent presidential candidate. you know, professor we were talking about one about the fact that as you designate the right wing the populace to isolation,
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just like dr. costs and are increasingly critical of u. s. foreign policy over here in the middle east. the big story as well as gaza is that the iran con, the who used to run focused on democratically elected leader. he made some comments about his over throw being conducted at the hands of a us conspirators. and so it reminds a lot of people in your raise your, in the middle east and africa and latin america are about the us is sponsorship for democracy is it's called in the state department. what would you do is president, when it comes to all these different elements of the us administer us state that acts in all parts of the global south to as they see it destroy any idea of democracy. you know, one of the thing you have to do as president is usability. polk is to educate american citizens, american citizens need to know the fundamental role of the c. i a
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fundamental role of us material foreign policy that over through democratic region, we could talk about why them all that we've talked about iraq. we could talk about reveal the start, but dominican republic can talk barbara needed. talk about panama. we need to be, they need to see the world through the lens of so many of our brothers and sisters in the so called global. so you see, so often there's not just a willful ignorance, but there is a, a refusal to a knowledge to prove about the ways in which the united states has been a anti democratic force around the world been pro marked it always been obsessed with profit always been obsessed with the international monetary fund in the world bank, extracting resources as well as profit. but it has never ever been pro democratic in terms of empowering the poor and worky people's in africa and latin american
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ages. so is it fair to guide you to a function here? so people that understand my vision because my vision is one that looked at the world through the lands. oh, poor and working people here and around the world. and therefore, the policy that i would promote would be contrary to the international monetary. so contrary to the world bank, i own empower poor and work the people that one just create african board was the and age and board was the 11 american boys while the which are simply partners with, with the international capital to can 10 you to subordinate and dominate their own workers and their own for people. i mean, trump, again coming from a very different philosophy. your philosophy is the right word to describe, but where he's coming from at all, has similar views about the super natural structure. the certainly as big views of i'd be a free i ca, i mean i don't know is more and come with the weather mind about the f
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b i who knows. he doesn't like i'm job job has been talking about using us forces to inmate mexico. that is as imperialism, they can be. we had an 1840 stage more. they cocker. mexico took 50 percent of all and mexico i grew up in california. used to be mexico, texas used to be mexico. arizona used mexico over the u, as in beijing and mexico and a letter that dropped now using the same language. that's 19th century imperial language in that regard. so again, i don't see where the, there's any similarity to myself. and in trump, in that sense, even though it is different than the neo live is dropped, presents his meal. fascism is a, is an alternative to the neo liberalism of, of, of by the flip side of neo liberalism is what militaristic, the gaza militaristic attacks of the human militaristic, latin american past africa. at this very moment. well,
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neo liberalism can go with neo colonialism and military keynesian is, i mean, in fantasy as far as i understand of jumbled and his national security adviser was on this row. and it was trump who was offering a little of runs to venezuela. uh if uh if, if uh what you're going to do is to take the funding from the war machine and the war state and he has it on. that's education on housing, on free health care for ordinary americans. what are you going to do to the leads that have subjugated most of the people in the united states for so long? again, i have to say it, you know, trump's, it organization was talking about american cottage. there's something very similar to your view about what is being done to the pool of working classes with united states over decades. but what will you do with dealing with that you're going to forgive it in a con is would be late in the black. it was, and the brown, it was been a full big be blue white supremacy, very, very different lans to which is viewing the world when he talks about sab,
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that's all but the plan, the, the, the can be gladly impart. yes, the right about it. but i will not but one inch when it comes to the opposition and critique. well, stay on the line and steal the line for your campaign. it is a better the general like the low lies, whether you do get it and then that is still a line of full life and he got his own life. i felt some would say beethoven a bit of beethoven in that but but, but are you going to forgive these relates then do they deserve when you have those they have to be brought to justice. be brought to justice. i'm talking about wall street really to me, how many wall street games went to jail and inside of the trading market, manipulation, predatory lending and fraudulent activity is not one. and the bottom right now, one went to jail. i had thousands and thousands of my friends and partners coming out of a truck that side of black side sacramento that in other parts that went to jail.
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so we just don't mind just not revenge though. i mean, you know, i don't, i don't believe in vicious talk about revenge. i just want just may again, trump, this is obsessed with resent. you don't hear a lot of talk about justice and trump. it all, you know, the pressure is a, against any president trying to bring in free healthcare given that some our financial power of that low be. why do you think his that the, they continue to have such a power has the, or even the by the ministration admits the price of co pays and all of his private health insurance in milwaukee continues. and the us taxpayer has to pay ever more for it so it can end up in the company's profit sheets. we just don't have enough power, you know, to organize money as little possible at the moment and organize people. which means that people are not as well organized that we ought to be. but the only thing that we end up changing in a way that i would like to change is, uh, is,
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is organize people, both on the streets going to jail, creating challenges, civic disobedience of the, the people who don't have other people still supporting the bible version of democracy by the democrats and they cowards. what is the role of cowards in your system as well? i mean, that's a wonderful question because i'd rather be of course, in the account myself, but the role of cowards of those who are willing to defer the powers that be for some kind of money or status title and cowardly. and this which cuts across color cuts across gender, sexual orientation, and nation. it's a human thing. and it has to do with those who have given up on any rage, those will sell to sold as so in relation to any vision that's changing the world, the name of poured in working people and it's highly probation. how i mean,
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this is why you baked with just the days because it is reward. that's why you see so many black faces in high places or so less sold and want to act as they have their very existence as a litmus tests, a black progress, a human progress. when is crushing, poor people is crushing, working people and get in the name of diversity or inc to generate any of the bureaucratic categories that are out there that don't want to come to terms with the issues of class domination or imperial domination. don't want to come to terms with the light and predict when a port working people. yeah, jenny, ellen was in congress on answering questions. it was all the people of color that were asking or easy obsequious questions and it was the white republicans. and whereas can put new ones, anyone could see that is that a pro we want further questions from anybody and every body? i'm so craddick in that sense, but even still granite dialogue possible. and obviously democracy is nothing
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without a free press. do you have a free press in the united states and that's where we got a cowardly press. we've got to press the death is not willing to raise his voice directed to actually wrestle with some of the deeper questions that have to do with the future of america. there was a bipartisanship in, in, in the us press of the militarism expansion of the military budget. no serious bouquets of wall street, no stairs could take some corporate great and silicon valley. you get that both democratic party, republican party, both fox news and in as nbc, and they all had trump and you had trump is more popular than ever. yeah. that's true. that's true. as the as president. uh, would you immediately and this extradition from torture of julian, i sign she who kind of exemplifies of repress it was the 1st day of the party julia
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. this also followed me me a bu, jamal. i would, i would like to ask chavez, she could come home if she wanted to get all of those who would be i'm had been a fairly incarcerated owing to their political views. and i'm thoroughly convinced of my dear brother do. and the son has been unduly un, unjustly treated owing to what exposing the crimes of the american empire. that's all brother julian de. and it's sad to see that the journalistic establishment can't say a mom and word about their fellow journals. it just shows the level of the 5 percent as you know, brother randy credit going others. i've been talking about this with great trojan paul and i stand with what happens to politicians in the united states who advocate for free health care housing education. they look like they're coming anywhere near
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power, as they say that the things like nato should be dismantled and the money should be spent on killing machines, but on american progress, character, assassination, 0, assassination. marginalization. this is a tax to misconstrue, misunderstand, but even given that intense bomb bar, the great tradition that you tell in and just to seeking steel goes on. that's the good news. that's the good news that can never be completely snapped out. never be thoroughly suffocated. even if they kill the body, the spirit in new body build on that spirit. that is the good news. so just to encapsulated your campaign and won't mocks, you at different ed robert kennedy to donald trump to genocide. joe, is these gold uh to encapsulate what is the platform
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a blood full of work is, was put in poor and working people at the center here in around the world at this ma'am. and the empire on the sheet, democratic possibilities and also connect them to struggle to justice is a level of beauty. so she musicians and the artists will play a fundamental role as we enact the kind of spiritual awakening and political renaissance, and need to introduce america to the best of itself. dest martin king. as edward's a. ready rabbi, as well as dorothy day, that's curtis mayfield and john coltrane. professor going out west. thank you. and that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences to the surviving the killing and guys in jerusalem will be back on monday, focusing on another us 2020 full presidential candidate donald trump. so we can do a full. i'm a senior official who argues in a new book and a trump is the swamp. he declares he wants to drain until then. keep in touch by
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all social media, if it's not offensive your country and add to a general feeling undergoing tv on normal. don't come to what you and old episodes i'm going on the grand see monday, the israel to is so selfish. interest is not just destroying. yes, rep is not only destroying the so called legitimacy as well in the eyes of the world, but it's destroying the, the fall of the western project, the whole of the notion of western civilization and somehow western civilization being exceptional for the greatest civilization. now people are looking down at the web, the.


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