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tv   News  RT  February 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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fighting a 175, use the restroom. defensive. all we going to let that stay the missing 6 year old girlfriend gas. the whole story went viral after her family's call was fired on by. the idea is found dead along with the red cross. the ambulance steam center rescue. the humanitarian group says the kings with deliberate and these really minute trip progressing vapors, southern guns and city of rough uh where over a 1000000 display civilians a shelf ready to be here. so fiery contrasting opinions on the scenes 28000 people. 12150 children, let's say that load even though the lamb of the in in fact the sun support of the political party p t. i stage
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protest over allegations of vote rigging in the general election that's of independence. candidates defeated with a non coms party of one of the most states overall. we hear from protest as on the street to religion here. and then all of a sudden you forgot the codes from all the families, but some vehicles have a right here with people dressed as to be the ins and taking away the point in the results. instead of giving it to us notice of anyone's victory should not be issued . no candidate can take the eggs, who did not accept this welcome . everyone, thanks for tuning in. this is our t international. i do show our josh top stores this hour. we'll be getting the sad news from gaza with the body of a 6 year old palestinian girl has been found 12 days after the world heard a desperate cry for help in drugs remains with found inside the call. her family
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was travelling in that was fired on by these rarely military. that's according to the palestinian red cross and which says the team of paramedics a dispatch to rescue the child were also killed. of the palestine red cross, an ambulance was discovered bombed in the town of how was the area of the cause of city resulting in the killing of crew members use of the you know and ok, mid of my to him who'd been missing since a rescue mission for the child him for have 12 days ago, the occupation deliberately targeted the ambulance opponents arrival at the scene where it was found just meters away from the vehicle containing the trapped child hand. they organization posted a video and social media showing what was left of the ambulance that sent to rescue the little girl. the b r c is reports that it coordinated the rescue operation with the idea of but the vehicle still came under fire. the video also shows the bullets rid of call in which 6 year old hands perished along with her aunt, uncle and 3 cousins is what the child's last recorded words in our phone conversation with medics. as the
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big heavy i have and i have a good idea to have that. i'm a mini done a model. i'm the good got the big. how are they could be better, but the oh yeah, i was one of the seems to be beheaded us before the devastating news broke. we spoke to haynes mother, she told us about the horrific incident. and the last conversation she had with a daughter, the only issue a member has to fill dunning fires. maya can halt because of what happened to my daughter when she wasn't the call hinge was going through the most extreme c. and you could probably imagine leon was in the car with her despite leaving being more severely injured than my daughter. she tried to save hands and started asking us how to provide 1st aid. at that moment when they shortly. and my daughter told me,
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mom leon has a boots and her face to face look scary. and i told her the cause of her face as that hidden under the seat. the occupation forces claim the only targets come off only the terrorist. so what about my daughter and the all the children in the call, the and they'll to moss or any kind of tourist hope that's when i see my daughter, i can make her forget the things she has been through. i hope when i see her, i can hold her in my arms and make her forget everything she has seen. we also spoke with a humanitarian activist as a hero. so my, who said the incident is simply beyond the pale. to be honest, no, i'm not at all surprised. you know, i think it's be, i think we just need to modify the i think the was the beginning of the week's around the atrocities being committed. but right now it feels like you're completely lost. the idea is dr. wyatt, civilians died and you know,
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israel and the, i mean have continuously stayed civic interviews and used as human targets that is coming to the damage. and they are in time since we, you know, they could get away with saying that the majority of the case of vacant. awesome. so when a 6 year old child is trying to call, the entire family has killed one call and use any of those aspects or i pulled the age for human. she'll include a 6 year old go, i don't know what the warranty is to there, but also should be starting to construct. and you just divide that. not just for him, but for him 3 of the 12000 children that are being marked as to mexican. the be upset has to be targeted to be seeing numerous amounts of after that's being blow. now, you know, i'm driving into speed is going to risk you times patients, right outside of hospitals. we've seen children as if it killed the school 15 schools being bombarded. we've seen the possibilities of farming visa or speak to
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the international law that should be predicted. oh, well, this journalist don't do that. it's children who are under united nations, protect it. and to the case, this is the case of the status. so, i mean, it should always the staging face, find a ceasefire, not to be full when these across a piece of be done a lot of any explanation and unprecedented scared of death. that's how the united nations describes the escalate and human to terry and disaster in gaza over sent you and report detailed the 1st 100 days of the war. stressing that the policy and people will be severely impacted for generations to come, and no other armed conflict in the 21st century has experienced such a devastating impact on the population is such a short time frame to find a 100 day period with greater bloodshot, it is necessary to go back to the 1994 genocide against that would soon run to the
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death. so in gaza has the past 20 it's 1000 since october 7th, according to the local health ministry. us presidential by the and says he's trying to pressure israel, just go back the loss of civilian life, the condo, others fluids. and the guys are stripped, has brand um, over the top of pushy, really are really hard to give you move the trans assistance if you into guys that there are a lot of minutes and people are starving. but in this with people who are in trouble who to dine it, who's got to stop the spice, a warning for me. it's k l. i israels on the stepping up. it's a tax on the southern city of rough off at least $25.00 people have been very fortunate. the to bear in an idea of strike on a residential building overnight is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's ordered his troops to prepare to evacuate civilians from the city ahead of what appears to be
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a full scale invasion while cleaning the mass militants. a hiding among the public mother, the 1000000 displaced civilians for themselves and now sheltering in rough. ok. and here's what some of them had to say this way. let's here isn't a ton yahoo and his government and the government of war threatening to invade rafa . where can we go? if they try to pressure us to migrate to egypt, we will not go there. we will return to gaza and die. here is the one i don't know where can we go? i told my husband that i will stay here and die here. they'll follow us wherever we go. we want safety. we're exhausted, i swear to god. it's enough. we are afraid. i don't want to migrate. i want to die and their own country. and he's real many of questioning how the war is being conducted with people blocking the streets of 10 of the demanding the release of hostages and new elections. only have the idea of confirmed that against search and one of hostages in dallas that have died since november. that's
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a quarter of the adoptees will remain in how much hands when the last fees via expired. early on, my colleague rachel ruble heard some polarizing views on the war from august. i think we shouldn't fall into is a very for, for going to uh, the only goal of this war is to put it in simple words. and i like this posting and people, and we see that in the results there has been of more than 1.5 of 1.5 percent of the population. that's more than one. in 100 people, indigo street have been killed. as a result of is really assault, in some cases over 70 percent of the structures have been damaged at some voice than the allied attacks on christ. and there are facts on the ground that we cannot escape. and what it really is doing. integrative script is nothing else but the genocide uses. i know you want to respond to that. i'm wondering why israel has not
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agreed to another a prisoner exchange and truth with him. us. what is it looking for? this is actually not true. there's a want to go to an agreement, some sort of agreement about an agreement which secure that rate then also the kidnapped is what it is for. the fact is that how much i don't want extra to do any deal unless it's all for or, and need to understand that there are terrorist was a lot of their hands, but their sole goal is to kill more is what he's now let's go back to what you want them said about the killing and the genocide among the $26.00 to $27.00 and the pedestrians who were killed as a result of how mouse and vision too, as well. the more than 10000 terrorists were killed from that there was organization, isis have matched talks about the ratio. the ratio is 4. and one terrorist though
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is really limited only and yes, unfortunately we're talking about this in the, in the name of numbers, only 2 for the city is innocent, but this thing is, or killed the jonathan i do want to ask you about israel is protesting their calling for the return of hostages, why haven't we seen israel do more listening to its own people in, in getting its hostages back? first of all, i want to dispel some of the lies and propaganda that was just here. so the officials, the israel officially says that it does not know the exact number of combatants among those that it killed. so i don't know where the number of 10000 came from. 28000 people did among them 12150 children. let's say that slowly and how am i, how about so the name of the dad is rosure and the reason that there isn't any significant protest, any threats against the war is 2 fold. one,
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if that is really refreshes any, any form of projects, especially in the post in the posting. and so it's interesting in society, just 2 days of prophecy there would released from jail after 4 months in june for participating in a non, by the demonstration in immune for him. it was released by the supreme court after 4 months in b of being in j of jessica, participating in the demonstration. folks have beginning the whole war as i say, it is an unfair war, as well as on the, the international law and making the most effort to be actually lying along with international law. we do not at that if there are at risk of it actually actually harming innocent civilians. and that's why every time how much there was loans and blankets so populated area. it take us time to actually be we do we. that's why the situation is like this is really defined to go for this. we're officially one to
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return to hostages, and 2nd to distract from us. uh, neither of them are. there you go outside of this war. uh, this war is about revenge. the elimination of the striking does as forcefully as possible and it is about nathan y'all's political survival. returning to hostages is not a real concern for days ready government. israel's will and gaza continues members of and on time, minutes. reactive is for gather the in front of them is really military prison. they're demanding the immediate needs of an 18 year old. who is the 1st is ready to for jailed as a conscientious objector, st. jude. from all of that story. the peace rallies that taking place across europe, including it's lead belgium and the u. k. they come this is randy, extra executed at least 40 full palestinians, including more than
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a dozen children in southern gaza. protest us gathered in the belgian capital of brussels, where a huge policy of flags was draped on the steps of the stock exchange, building and tilted with lead effigies of the dead. demonstrate as made out rows of shoes on the square and phone symbolizing the victims of $1000.00. and it's a 100 stick to the streets of coal for a see saw in jobs one in london for testers demanded action from the u. k. government to stop the conflict. an activist in london shared his thoughts so i'm outside the wembley stadium in north london. the eye clinic home with english football where there's one of many local protests taking place. calling for a ceasefire and garza, that's b nation developments recently. politically about the rebellion and within the muslim community, it guides gift almost leadership of the life of policy. on this,
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on the issue of garza, many of mostly organizations, it's coming to the screen where the organized conducting polls encompassing among those in community and the since the 2019 election. the number of voters intended to vote, labor has fallen by 41 percent and keeps thomas support among the muslim community is minus 11, many and peace. labor and paints and marginal constituencies. the prices within the business community and the relationship between the most, most and community and the labor policy. and by spring stand right now, it's very hard to see how that's going to change because effectively the labor and the cost of technology sticking to weston. you could even call it the nato line of
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not calling for a permanency slide and gone to the standing by the watching this peripheral trouble . tragedy unfolds, and they're still sending weapons to israel. now when it comes to taking power in a major west and country is always the fact so they can help to support the western stroke. it's very hard to see the labels each. still alma goes back home. that position to be fantastic. views, victory. it's telling me it did change his position box and there's not much chance of that at this moment. and meanwhile, in the united states, hillary clinton was interrupted by pro palestine demonstrate a speaking out against the policy is chief supported. when she was secretary of state in the obama administration from 2009 to 2013 for the test as
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a q screen thing of exploiting sexual violence were our own political gain enabled her a war criminal. thank you very much. that's my name. that's right, the new york city called i'm asking you to leave the delegates will now ask for 2 out of the building. thank you. can you, sir? sorry about. c that, that's fine. okay,
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let me think of all of you for coming up because this is such an important subject . and as you just heard from land it is one that she and i and so many others have been focused on for decades. and yelling doesn't solve the problem . so kind of hard work and the work that you will hear from the panelists today. i think it's in the, in the
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year and going forward in new york sounds on some march to protest daft of streaming platform. the hulu at a pro is ready advertisement invitees us to come visit beautiful gossip. the advert showed and easily stimulation of how the enclave would look without the presence of her mouth active as shed their outrage. the message that palestinian lives, much of the kids who are promoting what they call the zionist genocide, essentially need attorney and found out about muslim legal says that americans are speaking out over the consistency of the politicians and the cleaning of thousands of children, a 1000 and this is excellent to the american people have had enough of our
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politicians selling their sold to 8 happening israel's interest of america's interests and sacrificing thousands and thousands of children in the process. america is complicit in the murder of over $12000.00 and tell us to be insured and counting every single day of hundreds of innocent defenseless. allison children are blown up to pieces with american weapons and american support. and i think the american people hadn't enough and it is our duty to speak out to condemn these politicians in every chance we get. we cannot let them get away with this, a claim to speak out for freedom and justice while in reality, providing weapons in violation of both of us law and international law that is used for dominance against civilians in fort worth. 6 ways they are right, there are criminals and they will be called out for and as the idea of on slots on gaza continues throughout those and these relevant question, if waging war is really the best way to achieve these and palestine. members of
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a non time mandatory active his group gathered in front of and these really military present to support an 18 year old, who became the 1st is running to be killed as a consent chose object of our to the middle east to be are chief mario finishing up brings us more. oh wow. this really military prison in the central parts of the country where and it's really teenagers may have been holding the days already refusing to join the idea of it is the 1st case of a consensus military service of jack ser, since they have mass attack on southern israel on october, the 7th, this little riley to both the boy to demand his immediate release was organized a lot, his really grooves that encourages refusal to serve in the military. we have been able to speak to the member of the problem is that, that my country wants to spend,
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like my age for the military to uh, buy us another nation. and i think that's a problem. i think the problem is that we live in an ongoing war that doesn't seem to stop. there isn't a political agreement between the policy. and i think it's very important to resist, to criticize the government and the patient and to call for a political agreement to call for fees since there are other people that refuse um, but they are in the public about it. it's a very dangerous invite environment right now. it's very scary, very. it's very, it's very violent and entitled to go public. i was use all, i'll say to voice the many others who needs to keep silent. check themselves. there is a prison there here, but because of his conscience prison road because the commitment of
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somebody to hear the fuels to be a killer or violent for refusal to serve in the army is punishable by reason term here in a 0. but usually those ring tends to avoid the military service do so through all other means such as presenting evidence of medical mental issues, but on made it clear he doesn't want to join the army for political reasons. i refused to believe that move islands will bring security. i refused to take part in a war of revenge, diplomacy, political message and policy change of the only way to prevent further destruction and death on both sides. even with all the violence in the world, we could not to raise the palestinian people the connection to this land. just as the jewish people connection to that same land cannot be erased, violence cannot solve the situation. need a boy from us, noble israel,
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all those who came here to protest share the young man's position. so i decided to see you as we followed the wall. i made that decision and that was about to be spam . i can take calls in the commission and the final course is visit any knox. and the funny thing and people seems the role that has only become meaningful them to me because this voice is getting smaller and smaller inside the phase of it as it shifts to that i think so the 7 and because of the violence against the voice, now and installed bill and was the name right now. it's a little cold in the middle to hard for with ceasefire, but more than that, so the political solution and then sort of thing, the nation and to this position. now you go now my, on the 25th of february, i'm supposed to both of them that are ways to get exemptions. it's not, can you please? and i didn't do that only about 50 percent, the favorite action to finish the silver. but i choose to do it this way and i choose to make it for this account and not just get an exemption, wants me to buy
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a movie and easily sign it the and especially young people who show them that this is an option. peace is an option, are you worried about the consequences? most of the consequences would be social because this is a as very unexpected thing. and the society is very lightweight and very against that kind of thing. and the minute that needs to be at the tone, please write a consignment, since i've already gotten me a very stalled backlash and mostly online and for medium, but also from some people that i know eh, calling me maybe. so they feel a sense hating ju, wishing it right and puts it on me doing that choice is willingly being a public. we hate them bilson and decide who live in the protest, or is believe that the resident events like this one will be able to sway public opinion and encourage more youngsters to open the refuse to serve. and the idea of maurice and also not our t reporting from each row,
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must protest ever opted on the streets of facts. then as the boats are being tallied in, the countries generate election, thousands of protest doesn't to shala in karachi of matching in support of the jail for my practice, stanley prime minister in there and con, the final result of thursday's votes have yet to be announced. while both major political factions are claiming victory, now while sheriff's party collect up the most seats for a single block, while independent candidates were mainly back in con, of one the most to seats overall were heard from some of the protest as running across spark has done that or tuesday arrivals of full violations lead to go to the legion here and then all of a sudden who got calls from all families. but some vehicles have arrived here with people dressed as civilians and taking away the point in the results instead of giving it to us the, i mean me told the people of pakistan and especially in the shower give vote to p t
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i candidates, i'm the deputy commissioner of the shower and his assistant and returning officers changed the results during the night. so we are protesting against them. they have stolen on monday, we're going to get state oldest from quotes on the basis of from 4 to 7. notice of anyones victory should not be issued. no candidate can take the eggs. we did not accept this. i do to form government and bar just um it was now. it should be uh, coordination booming. nobody still at the moment in a position that conform woman seemed to the mom honda in june and the other parties or thought that the park is bump, that he can solve for larger such a majority. and they were thinking, especially partners, pharmacy lead means that we're thinking that they're on guard, the single largest party in the restaurant people and, but they wouldn't work. unfortunately they're doing, gosh, the majority. and at the moment the park is on that again, saw gone to the park or something because i'm back to independent candidates going
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to the majority of all this on friday is affordable of where to come. bodies across the board is also surprised. pharma pointed to go in and visit don't be surprised for most of the country i've been there. so i'll do who's in prison and his party got such a huge margin in the general can go home for the for a pc. are you activity on the black? are you off the establishment? as a rental invest, i'm listening to the categories on the list, on the markets, to the camels and the sort of pricing to one form and miles on those all the top stores. because our check out our website to our, to, to come for more news coverage. i am i, they show up josh, you know the news at the top of the hour with the latest, the
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as a result of why it was, can be started by lines. these can be scattered by a true importance and we can never be of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn. mystic trees then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, pardon wants to so long realized tends to me and, and, and honestly think of late continuously. i'm i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought adjustments for to
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be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the incentives. are we going to let that stay in the israel? so it's so selfish. entrance is not just destroying is rep is not only destroying the so called legitimacy as well in the eyes of the world. but it's destroying the, the whole of the western project, the whole of the notion of western civilization and somehow western civilization being exceptional for the greatest civilization. now, people are looking down at the web. the independent journalist mike jones says he constantly monitors the news west and.


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