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tv   News  RT  February 11, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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of his sons and daughters the, the nor you for sure. i was busy that day. they, you haven't, you haven't, i just uploaded or, uh, you know, and at topic laid into our sit down with us journalists, tucker carlson, this week western audiences finally built the jobs that here a lot the mirror put things on centered views on north stream, ukraine, nato, another pressing issue dies and trolley across europe, calling for a peace in gals that made fresh feelings of palestinians there by the adf, with the war now into it's 5th month. original war of words in west african. meanwhile, as the echo was on sale states blocks spar over the single leaves,
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presidents moved to postpone an election sparking mass protest in the country on ukraine's president sax. that country's top military chief, after a long rolling power struggle, putting in his place, commander who some of the old forces said, simply use is true, says calvin, father, the problem must go to the world. this is our to you. welcome to the news. our weekly recap this sunday. a lot of air pollutants, 1st interview with a western journalist and almost 3 years. how sparked this seemingly unprecedented scale of conversation on social media? the sit done with tucker carlson has already been viewed well over 185000000 times on the american journalist x account alone. here's a few highlights from the discussion. a cool blow up north stream.
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you for sure. i was busy that day. i need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your delivery. uh, it takes you to know what you personally may have an alibi, but what's the c i a has no such alibi. did you have evidence that need or did it made to, you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would, that nato, the u. s. c. i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you put a bug in the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls
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all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiaries of the biggest european media are american financial institutions. don't you know that you have a, you know, just because i said let them think how to do it with dignity. there are options if there is a will up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition, it is never going to happen. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialog. it lets you, what is it, what does that work out?
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so it's very simple. i repeat, we have contacts to various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us need to ship. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that, stop the ceiling breaks, countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events and ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. how did the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions? pressure? bombings and use of armed forces was tucker,
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carlson himself had plenty of impressions to share it. after the interview ended up the criminal choose the. the us host posted a separate video with his immediate reaction to his 11 with the russian leader. so we just finished our interviews, lambert, who were in an ante room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee from sitting here with the folder in fashion. i mean, when you get the documents that you gave me, don't mind. they tell me reading that was quite an interview. this obviously is very rude. it by the rejection of the west, united states doesn't like for us with us. government doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be a laboratory. and it's very obvious. that's the whole point of nato, i guess, is to contain russia in this one. but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked to that, as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she didn't have
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a coherent theory that he's going to telling me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansion as power. sorry. you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the wires and the locks who run state department. i want to make him into this . you know, shit we're imperial to pay. and the truth is that that's just false. it's a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they all have a 150000000 people. us officials have said on the record or have sent to me and are telling me much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up, find me. so it's like, if you really think that it conditioning piece is that it's going to give a credit. and then you're, you're like a little tech, widely watched interview house, spar plenty of heated debate in the west, despite many mainstream media journalists having admitted to seeking a one on one with a lot of them are put for years to no avail. fury came thick and fast that carlson
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for having been prompted dick's, they subsidize a suit and talks to an american friend. and while they may not speak the same language they are so kind to do, he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean he's like a puppy. dog, why he's doing this interview now obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to choke. tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he's in moscow. how something i hope tucker house and is not a journalist. not even close and on. it went well, we discussed the significance of the interview with rti contributor on former american senate stafford, tara reid. she believes that whitehouse is fearful, the plumber prudence, on filtered messages to western viewers, will undermine washington's narrative. on ukraine of us has been very outspoken with some of the journalists instead of rallying the item and saying, hey, you know, this is normal for journalists to want to interview the russian president. this isn't, you know, a great saying right?
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because other journalists have are, but, you know, walters did making kelly to name a few. so, and they weren't threatened with the keys actually been threatened with like espionage and face all kinds of things. whether any of those will come to pass. i highly doubt it. i, you know, this interview was a threat to them because it revealed so much truth and they knew it was going to destroy the western narrative about this proxy war. that the u. s. and 80 was fighting against russia via ukraine. and vladimir putin delivered, he delivered facts, he delivered history to give a very methodical, you know, sort of walk through the 8th century on. and he also, which i thought was really fascinating, brought up the us intelligence and how that apparatus has almost hijacked the democracy. he didn't say that per se, but he talked about how the us intelligence was involved with the crew in 2014. he
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talked about how it was involved with different aspects of just falling apart relations with russia. and he's actually right. we've talked about that on the show about how the military industrial complex in the us intelligence has taken over. and it's not really binding up the weekend. okay. moving the program on mass raleigh's for pacing guides that were a hell of this week across europe and countries including it's still a belgium in the u. k. it comes and made fresh is really strikes on the policy and in enclave including one that reportedly killed at least $44.00 people, including many children in southern gals of protesters in the belgian capital of brussels. on ramos, a huge posted names like covered with effigies of corpses of the entrance to the local stock exchange headquarters as demonstrators. they're also laid out rows of empty shoes on the street, symbolizing the victims of the war in rome. hundreds rallied for a cease fire. there in the left of your screen while in london,
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protesters demanded action from the u. k. government to stop the conflict in the middle east. peace activists and the british capital told us why he's angered by his countries over an outside the wembley stadium and north london, the eye clinic code with english, where there's one of many local protests taking place, calling for a ceasefire, and goes to the s b nation. developments recently, politically about the rebellion and within the muslim community, it guides gift almost leadership of the life of policy on this, on the issue of garza, many uh, mostly organizations that are coming to the screen. what organized conducting polls and canvassing among the best in community and the since the 2019 election, the number of voters intended to vote labor has fallen by 41 percent and t as thomas support among the muslim community is minus 11
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many and peace. labor and peace and marginal constituencies. the prices within the business community and the relations between the most recent community and the labor policy. and by spring stand right now, it's very hard to see how that's going to change. because effectively the labor and the concept of policy sticking to western, you could even call it a nice old line of not calling for a permanent see slide and gone to the standing by the watching this periphery products such as d unfolds. and they're still sending with an israel now, when it comes to taking power in a major west and country is always defect so they can help to support the western
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stroke. it's very hard to see the labels each is still on the goes back on the position. it'd be fantastic, huge victory. it's telling me it didn't change his position in the box. there's not much chance of that at this moment. let's take you across the atlantic were pro palestinian demonstrators of hackles, former state secretary, hillary clinton, during a speech of columbia university over the us latrete interventions she promoted while in office a thank you very much. that's my name. that's right. the city i'm asking you to leave the delegates will now ask for 2 out of the
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building. thank you. can you, sir? the in the well thing in new york saw is ins took a to the streets of the central areas of the city. after a streaming platform, hulu heard a pro is really advertisement, inviting viewers to quote, to come visit beautiful gas up. the commercial showed an idyllic simulation of how the enclave would live without the presence of from us active a sure the right range with the message a palestinian lives,
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not her ringing out. choose to do a floating. what some branded a site is, genocide, u. s. lawyer and commentator has son shipley saves the american. people are refusing to be silence while they're politicians filter health stuff. this is excellent. the american people have had enough of our politicians selling their sold to a, getting israel's interest of america's interests and sacrificing thousands and thousands of children in the process. america is complicit in the murder of over $12000.00 palestinian children in counting every single day of hundreds of innocent, defenseless ellison children are blown up to pieces with american weapons and american support. and i think the american people had enough and it is our duty to speak out to condemn these politicians. and every chance we get, we cannot let them get away with this, a claim to speak out for freedom and justice while in reality, providing weapons in violation of both us law and international law that is used
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for dominant against civilians in fort worth. it weighs they are right there criminals and they will be called out for us to west africa, where the regional echo was. blockhouse being criticized by the arrival of grouping of health states. so red stone, some the political turbulence in senegal, it follows protests in the country over president mucky selves. decision to postpone a crucial election for 10 months. critics, the nice president solace decision as a quote, institutional crew. and while echo was how was expressed concern over the unfolding situation and member nation sending goal, the nearby alliance of the health states comprising of molly news, your unforeseen alpha, so of slumped, the other regional group and for its approach. visiting the organization has moved away from the ideals of its founding fathers and pun african isn't more over a co west,
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under the influence of foreign powers. in betraying its founding principles has become a threat to its members states, and the people whose happiness it is supposed to ensure the response of the vehicle is to choose across several states as valued from case to case the when demand and military lead to buy, intern vice president assuming greta toppled press the button dos equis reacted to decisively imposing sanctions. and bodies due to close board is pro is that the countries assets at the central bank of waste applicants states and imposed a trades and ball going across. so and music recently lift april was the wrong side . money have also been slapped with sanctions over their internal political turbulence and gaining any leads military units, seize power. once again, echo was immediately condemned. the same power must be handed over to a civilian government, threatening sensors on the country and its new need is cynical. chase appears to be different. present to mac yourself, who has maintained strong ties with the waist as postponed. election is causing
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massive prostate in the country as well as cracking down on the opposition and demonstrates has been set to intimate exist a monkey. saul is sinking deeper into authoritarianism after indefinitely postponing the presidential election initially scheduled for february 25th. 2024 is now restricted freedoms by cutting of mobile internet. this decision sounds like a blow to senegalese democracy, by depriving the citizens of free access to information. microsoft seems intent on muscling oldest sense. i'm consolidating his power. in this instance echo estimate i philosophy of a former colonial francophone states as only raised concerns commission of the economic community of west african states follows with can. so in the unfolding situation, incentive go vehicle as commission will continue to monitor the unfolding events and will take all necessary steps to support the governments and people have set a goal in their efforts to sustain the countries democratic tradition. marlene is
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a glitch in the foxes withdrawal from the economy. communities of west africa, the states as many worried that the move will for the week and the authority of course, and asked to in great instability in the region. one is you're a base political activist, zoe mike called, suggested to archie that the eccles block is seeking to help. former colonial power friends cling on to some influence in west african so you don't need the microscope to see the double standards of the so called international community. today, the protestant, decide how union of states are condemned while several court times have occurred in the echo as though the protest includes the water over the 3rd term of a somewhat tires, presidency. and echo was silent about this. and also today in senegal, microsoft, besides alone and without discussion to steam power response, we see only crude statements from head cause. this indicates that there is actually
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a game going on to ensure that the french can continue to have some influence in west africa. seems to know that microsoft cannot win an election. they believe that whoever is elected president of senegal may not be accountable to the french. that is why echo us has no choice, but to issue the short statement and the call for com. it costs a place double standard when it comes to put it into psycho countries, and course was quick to condemn the meaningful sanctions. however, today, when it goes to additional cost taking place in san a golf and the instigation of microsoft, the community is unwilling to speak out and say no to this. victoria will be favor by microsoft, a policy of double standards. after weeks of speculation, presidents ellen ski officially sucked the country's top military officer on thursday. general valerie is a loose, knee, and serve, does commander in chief of ukraine's armed forces since july 2021. now, despite a string of recent military failures,
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the general become increasingly popular in the country with poles putting him far ahead of presidency. lensky himself. the 2 figures had been an odds for months over the lack of progress on the parts of the loss of key cities like our cham off sculpture known as black mood, and the need to mobilize many more ukrainians. so loosely, recently referred to the military conflict. as a steel is made something presidents the landscape publicly disagree with a least want to show you as well. who's doing the replacing? general alexander sir ski has been appointed as the new military commander in chief . as the previous head of the printer, in broad forces, he oversaw last year is failed, defense of archer most as well as the subsequent fruitless efforts to re take the done by city keeps the army has suffered, must civil offices on upfront with some of sir speed own troops, dubbing him a butcher, and general k i a are killed in action. interesting side note here,
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seriously was actually born in rushes by the me, a region where his parents still live. he graduated from a higher military school in law school before moving to ukraine in the 1980s. years ortiz, these 20 with more on caps, racial. the 2 men have been so long ahead for some times i intend to ride on that spot became very public. once it became clear that ukraine's much wanted counter offensive had failed, as illuminated for his part, described the situation on the battlefield. as a stone might know, some said that that was an overly optimistic of such assessment of the situation. but this under a very sharp and very public rebuke. from that then ski who perhaps to a piece is western boxes, gave a more positive overview of the situation and even suggested that ukraine could still win the conflict. let's say one or 2 and said,
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just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. or the time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again now. cool. so we're also shop disagreements over the d p on popular forced a mobilization a policy in use in ukraine illusion. the also wanted this $500000.00 additional troops to the front line in order to boost the ukraine's johnson of success is in the conflict. now, let's take a look at his replacement alexander ski now, but his background is that he was born in russia. he was trained in moscow as he listened to key ebc. listen to crying, the crating of government save harold and his success in the defense of the capital of safety. in the early months of the special municipal formation. he is also
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charged with success in accounts are offensive. in concord, where they regained some part of that type of thing, which of course, is now part of the russian federation. but he's also known as the butcher of, of back moved on to mosque. of course he led thoughts of for the defense of that city, which became something of a meat grinder with thousands upon thousands of upholding trains ukrainian soldiers, these new units. so he was sharply criticized. so those tactics, so he remains fatty on popular among c, who crating on falls is where his counterpart is illusion. neil, who he's replacing remains deeply, deeply popular. so it is difficult to see what this re shuffling will bring to you quite whether to bring any more successes on the possible field where ukraine is obviously struggling very deeply. and washington has been accused of being involved in the decision to replace the come on the in chief. i'm not aware of any
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discussions at high levels between us and ukrainian for it is on about to that decision and in a pre decisional way. we talk to are recreating counterparts all the time. but it's 6 questions is proposing that we were somehow built and we had some sort of right to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. that's not true. this is is, is a wednesdays decision. now, despite what could be is saying it's known obviously that the lensky is in very close contact with the united states is i believe that's a robust dump, a lot of the decisions outside things. and we had this visit just a week or so ago from victoria, and you'd and the, the maiden of my don, who was in cad once more. she met with the foreign minister, the prime minister lensky is chief of staff. although she didn't leave. was it lensky? himself now the replacement of that loosely,
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i'm putting some of questions that could pose a lot of problems and the main one being the fine on to the cool. so you crane has been pretty much begging uh, washington begging the united states for more cash to fund it. submitted fee offensive is the 2nd is a musket rate of action designed to attract funding from the us. the decision through a shuffle ukraine's military leadership was announced the same time. the discussions are on the way in the us on additional funds for the key regime. this relates to $60000000000.00 of support for ukraine. platinum is a lensky can no longer compensate for his lack of real achievements by using death to pay off. so there's been a lot of pay off on spend now some question, the timing of the sucking of zillow's me. why did they wait until thursday? this thing was some suggestion that it was to deflect attention away from talk a call since interview with ladder may have put in, but for now the problems on the 5. so feel remain on patience is running very soon . okay,
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something else to tell you about this sunday around is marketing 45 years since the as law, mac, or a public was established after the over to the u. s. by government. it's a crucial date for indians who say they're leading a resistance movements against washington's meddling in the region. with more from toyota. here's ortiz use of july in the home. it is for him, for to earn for 13 years of exile in 1979 to haul's us or the square was transformed into a sea of a passion. revolutionaries will gather to accomplish either of these warm interpretation back home his towards moments not only alter the trajectory over one says for it, but also set the foundation for the ever growing animosity between the wrong and the western world. days ahead of communities, homecoming former perjured monarch shawn while members are proud of each, had fled the country. the shore had over here force me or to allow him to exalt in the raj, turkey and france to stem the tide of a potential revolution. but even far from home,
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so many let us willing grassroots movement fit automatically force the us back model to step down and ushered in and his law makes the of course it, we need to contemplate why this nation has experienced such disaster. what have are people said to deserve such doom to show and his father became monarchs unlawfully . and if they don't step down, they will be considered criminals and we will put them on trial. i will appoint a government with the help and support of this nation since the people have accepted me 10 days after ita law. how many these homecoming they won't announce the ultimate victory of these wanting to cover the ocean and doing thousands of years of mine. okay. and creating a new system based on so called religious democracy. was the referendum confirming the creation of these moments republic months later? do you have feeling any feeling for how long it may be before there is and is like state in here on the nice beach us it is very close and found a very soon the we announced a new government. are we talking about today's week's homes?
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probably 2 days these won't cover, lucian was driven by anti imperialist sentiments and the fatigue of western exploitation of the countries. well, i told, well how many promoted independents from the superpowers, something which would put an end to the british and american domino, sunday was oregon and this royce and that's what made the fault of the past of the government on palatable for washington. as a view, the show as a close on line line with its interest that he was resorted to multiple ways to impede the success of the revolution. months after it's victor 8, a group over here, one your students toward the fam or u. s embassy, where they found these sophisticated espionage equipment, allegedly, to be used by the c, r a, to over throw the new government. this triggered the one us hostage crisis, and the permanent closure of the u. s. embassy, which is known today as the den of espionage on november, 4th 1979. and we are wanting a student,
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sees the embassy until more than 50 american diplomats hostage for 444 days, alleging they've been flooding the crew. i guess these a lot of pretty much the incident. let's do the abroad severance of the product ties between to one and washington, which versus to this day in a group of demonstrators came in the front of the building in front of the embassy compound and a of often they walk in. they actually, the one tried to stop them, you know, i don't believe so. they came in and they took all of us blindfolded us, tied our hands behind our backs and they took us to do any of you tried to resist? no, no, none of us were any shots fired during the takeover? no, just your gas canister, were any of the students armed? no couple of them had sticks. were there any fights? no, no scuffles, no foot suspicions over us plans to reinstate the show. had the roots and past cases the us on you k, had already over from the democratically elected government of mohammed most out there in the 1953 cool, which restored mohammed was off out of
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e back to his throne. for many iranians, it goes back at least until 1953. he's really much fire 1953. when the c i a and bruce and my 6 joint forces to over throw a democratically elected prime minister mohammed, most of them up and then bring it up for the it for years. and he was wrong. relations has only intensified was time feeling your forwarding revival races that plays out today in different forms from her sanctions on the wrong to back inc, opposing sides and beyond going guns or even calls my son, he was officials for direct military strikes on. he was hit a run, they have all fills out in the open. they have the revolutionary guard headquarters . you can see from space florida off the map go after the launch sites where they're doing that and then the laughter, the leadership, this, the surgical go after the leadership making these decisions. you take one or 2 of them.


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