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tv   News  RT  February 11, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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self employed, so sort of all the way up north you for sure. i was busy that made it and you have a i did not a lot of it or straight. it makes good health wasting audiences. finally, on the chance this week, the have lot of them and paintings on sense of views, all node stream ukraine as a whole range of other a students with us to and a list of tucker carlson asking a question he's while he's in your inside with a fresh killing of the palestinians and dogs will find the idea as the will that anticipates 5th months plus the a regional of was in west africa as the co wants and saw whole states the blog to
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start with the acting civic leads. presidents move to postpone and election fucking not testing in the country, the hello and welcome. you're watching the weekly on onto the international bringing to the latest world news along with a roundup. but the stories that terminates it the way our top story vladimir putin 1st interview with a west and jordan less than almost 3 years, has bought the seemingly unprecedented scale of conversation on social media. sit down with tucker calls and has already been viewed almost a 190000000 times on the american journalists. ex account alone has a few highlights from the discussion who blow up north stream for sure. it is. i was busy that day. need it and you have to have
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uh, i did not pull up your delivery. uh it takes you to though you personally may have an alibi, but with the c i it has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato, or did it mean to, you know, i won't get into the details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would, that nato, the u. s. c. i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you put into words propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiaries of the biggest european media are american financial institutions. don't you know that
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you have a, you know, just because now i said, let them think how to do it with dignity. there are options if there is a will. up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all, in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition. it is never going to happen. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialog. it lets you, what is it, what does that work out? so it's very simple. i repeat, we have contacts to various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us leadership. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within
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a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that, stop the ceiling. brooks countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions, pressure bombings and use of armed forces and take a constant himself? i've plenty of impressions to show off to the interview ended at the kremlin. on tuesday, the, with hers posted a separate video with his immediate reaction to his one along with the russian data . and so we just finished our interview with slammer who were in an anti room
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in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee, i'm sitting here with the folder and fashioned me to get some documents that gave me got my nighttime reading. that was quite an interview was obvious. he's very rude. it, by the rejection of the west, the united states doesn't like rest of the us. government doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be alive. refresh it is very obvious. that's the whole point of nato, i guess, is to contain russia in this one. but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked about that as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she didn't have a coherent theory that he's going to tell me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansionist power. sorry, you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the wires and any walks around the state department. i want to make him into
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this. you know, shit, we're imperial, japan. but the truth is that that's just false. it's a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they only of a 150000000 people. us officials have said on the record it and have said to me and are telling you much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up frame. yeah. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace is that it's going to give a credit. and then you're, you're like a little tech and the us national security council, a spokesperson, john could be a paid to be, quote, completely of god. when joining this off to him about the impacts of the page and interview, do you have any concern that tucker carlson, this interview with live here for then could further road support for your training is in the united states. i again, i don't think the american people are going to be swayed by one single interview,
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and i think anybody that watches that interview i, again, i haven't seen whatever, whatever said, need to need to make sure you're, you're, you're remember you're listening to vladimir poor and you shouldn't taken face value anything he has. well, the law open minded american politicians have spoken housing costs and this defendants including presidential hopeful robert f. kennedy junior and republican candidate b. like from a swami. tucker carlson has been smeared for days. the legacy media and democrat establishment are upset at him for simply doing his job. americans can handle thought provoking conversations. we can handle dangerous thoughts or contrary ideas that don't fit the m s. m narrative. let us decide for ourselves. tucker doesn't treat tutoring with kid gloves. i love it. a veteran indian diplomats and political commentator rajiv a dog or a tote is washington's aptitude, which 8 knows as a view point says complicated, the crises in ukraine and the med list is
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a really coverage seems to be the for you was just being the free speech is reacting like as for just like this, the soul is too much because it doesn't go to any other abuse to come in the district instead of 23 for i think that is bad for america. it says from america has the same, literally just bring in the right direction. but i sure do ok on russian stuffs views from outside the lady under the impression that this is another big impression is the contrast ending not present but the real that there's most streak off the facts actually it goes ser spring. so very com to very, very large ma'am. it does, which is also the whole, the push just to some of them for 30 questions punk kid to president by the present, by the is the president of the most powerful country that america claims to be sure
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is america and see if as this is the board and see if friends with the most for, for going to being there. but there's invited to issue 1st is serving our cd with us out the decisions being taken by america to buy shipping. it says oh, from use for both the motors guys are the right decision 1000. 0 one i that are very much don't because otherwise and i things we bought, i bought the lease for what is good but human cost of the will in gaza has repeatedly hit the enclaves youngest on most valuable . the hondas was being shown to, to leon hospitals. the dope does a fine thing to deliver the best possible cats. a baby is born into the woods though some new bones are opened in the 1st days of social lives, while others never get the chance of tools and meet them. others. and us in the strips central region shed one such tragic case. the snow spends this baby girl is
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39 days old today. so far, no one has come to collect her. she was born in all water hospital after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. this baby's in merkel as she emerged from her mother's womb without a heart beat, and after resuscitation, and 3 weeks in intensive care, the baby is stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared to come under the number of new bones that need health care. with our hospital doubled up to the mass displacement from the north. we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and facing problems we have never face before. for example, giving birth and very poor conditions, such as displacement tents, when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment, meaning a closed warm place, but unfortunately there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tense. ringback children who haven't lost the power and still face
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a daily struggle and whisk to life and living with the essential supplies critically low and the crowns and leading to the spread of disease. it's in spite of all that and a strange that sounds the among the lucky ones the united nations has pulled down as a quote, graveyard for children with the goals and health ministry stating close to half of all killed that since october the 7th or 8th on the 18th, annual and gaza, which has been isolated for months due to the idea of operations, standing locals, who refused to leave a half ton to bed feed for sustenance. that says the un sounds the alarm i fort nice for hundreds of thousands of thousands being quote, actually in farming. we heard from some of them. the light is not 1st we had white flower, then there was new week, now were forced to eat with animals each week bonnie and cooling. and this is very difficult for us. i have a family of 11 managing somehow. we've come to divide by 2 to quarters for our
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children in the morning. we're suffering a lot and our children are very sick and ready to start and then will i have a family of 13. my sister suffers from kidney disease. my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes because they don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed is good. when i am hungry money i barely h. okay. do you monetary and aid comes through egypt, but in the north of gaza we don't see it. hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it's clearly the election commission of pockets on how scheduled re runs. that's multiple posting stations on february, the 15th, following the verification of complaints regarding be snatching and damaging the materials and those days general election. several political policies of alleged different votes was ranked and has vows to protest the results. according to the latest from the countries election, officials independent candidates, most of whom, a box one allies of jailed or physician need to in run con of one of the 100 states
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. a policy of another. for my prime minister now i sharif has gained $75.00 seats, while the 3rd spots has gone into the pockets on people's policy with 50 full seats, locals at the money and across the country for days. and we heard from some of them . i'm new to go to the religion here and then all of a sudden to get quotes from all families. but at some vehicles have a right here with people dressed as civilians and taking away the point of the results instead of giving it to us the i'm in need all the people of pakistan and especially in the shower give vote to p t i candidates, i'm the deputy commissioner of the shower and his assistant and returning officers changed the results during the night. so we are protesting against them. they have stolen on monday, we're going to get state. all of those from quotes, from the bases are from 4 to 7. notice of anyone's victory should not be issued. no candidate can take the eggs. we did not accept this. i do deform woman didn't
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bargain. um it was now it should be uh, coordination moment. nobody still at the moment in a position that conform woman seemed to mom honda in june and the other parties or thought that the park is bump it against off with are just such a majority. and they're thinking, especially partners, pharmacy lead names, never thinking that they're on guard, the single largest party in the restaurant. people don't work. unfortunately they're doing, gosh, the majority. and at the moment the park is on that again, saw gone to the park or something because i'm back to independent candidates going to the majority of all this on friday is a part of the, of where to go bodies as well. somebody on board is also surprised, farm appointed to go in and visit is going to surprise for most of the country. is there a leader who is in prison and his party guard such a huge margin in the general phone for the full b r u activity on the black?
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are you off the establishment? as a rental invest? i'm listening to the categories on the list on the markets show, the camels and the sort of pricing to farm. and we can now speak exclusively with a ron collins, sister in law and nadia and re as well too many thanks for joining us on the program. today i really do appreciate your time. so it's thursday, the election has been cold, a break through for the pockets dining hall position as independent candidates, most of the room supporting wrong con one of the $100.00 seats. i'd like to ask for your reaction to these results on the news of unlimited rerun but thank you very much for having me on the show. this was to be expected. it was not unexpected that in raw hunger, when would such a large majority that be equal to 2 d. c to coming up the, the amount of the works of b. c. second law on one, the people who were trying to dig the elections, it has become impossible to go back level of reading without the international
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community, nor disengage with that would be because we also have the evidence. and the social media is big health. although the media in the box spring box on is controlled by the international media as well as the social media that has been very strong in bringing to 930 getting complaints and all that. so the electro, there's those of work to be expected that run pondering when with no significant majority. but he is not the only one with 100 seats. that's often the getting complaints and everything. he has one with more than 180 feeds. we are going to the quote for the, the district's maybe the team that everything was done because we have all the evidence. and of course, this comes slowly off to him on con, was recently sentenced to a total of 24 years in prison on corruption charges that he denies his wife. your sister has also been jo. what can you tell us about the situation right now and have you been able to contact them to speak with them?
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i stole the door to a sentence. the hunters is now is 31 years, and my sister faces us and turns off 21 years of. but this does, it does, it has not the, you know, your pocket, their morale, and this trends this to steadfast in their commitment to democracy, to the law. and the rights of the people look like this on my sister stand shoulder to shoulder with them or on time as he is in very bad conditions right now. although they declared their house as a subject, but she's actually lost in one room with not sunlight even in the daytime. we've made for this order around. and she has a petition to both of the genes and the spend, the 100 us in terms of the gene, the inmates. but she has been denied that physician also all the media in the box on media. you would hear that this is being done to protect service. on the contrary, or security is at stake and really positioning it, but nothing has,
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don't, you know, impacted them around or wrong hung and we're showing wrong on. and they will fight it to the very end for the right. so for people, for some, i'd like to ask you about the timing because we, we don't even run con, has already been sentenced to 3 separate tons of the last 200 down to days before the election. so actually, all the 3 sentences will hand it to you just see, to 4 days before the, the election. the 1st sentence was 10 years for students in there. so this, the 2nd thing, if you think about it, it's at various levels of the national level or state secrets, and then they try to make him look it up by setting his own watch that was just due to him and my sister had nothing to do with these cases, this in dense and also to 14 years in prison. and the last, the most horrendous kids that they mediately this before the elections was the marriage law, the, the, my digit, the matters law. as for this, tommy, 2 of the most famous callers inside bought the son and outside of but the son has
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the plaza disputing. this judgement was advanced islam and they had no right to fall off this judgment. so this has actually gone not in a position to iran, hon, but it has actually stinson is the single piece of the people fucking the phone with them who succeed. that's what i mean. just this is being done to him and his life. and do you expect the results of these elections to somehow affect the post occasion of him run concordia eventually succeed in appealing, his sentences, perhaps even receive a positive is the best for kids who are completely frank bear witness. so they were not allowed even the defense to present the weaknesses in the courts. so we are very confident the case is go from the higher codes and the witnesses are provided from the defense side. but these cases can be equally or 10. we're looking to, to just to so the higher thoughts folks just as the pardon, pardon? i don't think they need to pardon. i think they need justice because these cases
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that some bt falls and the people flocked. his son has ordered a number on hans favorites because the also be the but these cases are very much strong and i'm justified. it's interesting to know that another form of pakistani prominence and now i should. we've had previously faced accusations of corruption, but he's still free and then politics on like iran con. what do you, why do you think that is see what this one would be know is as of now is what they're trying to have. what miller miller truckers see, item if it's actually a word, but that's how i see it, that military living at the back of the with the one party and the from being the, you know, the one who's to make these with the terms and conditions. so that's why initial know us as you brought it back. uh, i think it would have been very good for miss turned them off. so it says to the defeats gracefully and very sensitive elections other than waiting to name for an immediate change, successive meaningful. it's just that because it doesn't sound the purposes of
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anybody else, but the people are focused on that. he's not the spirit of many, nationally and internationally. the election has being widely criticized because of a suspension of nope, all phone services and other outages. to what extent do you think that is what measures with justified, especially considering base security situation and pockets done with a string of recent deadly terror attacks? it security was the issue then the next should be blocked every day. security was not an issue that day. it was particularly to block the candidates if you look at the hood of the creators far up and sparky, they end up doing the workers causing the workers us to indeed remain men or even children. other children were taken to june without, without the case. and they were really objective, so this, the block is off, the internet was do not allow any communications because one family members i to fight how many members didn't have watched and defending what floor just to
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distribute it all across the city. and they wouldn't, they couldn't even check online when the system was down with the woodside. they would change at the newport the time before the stations and all that. the nicholas also rocks, so the like any deals of the culture and in the beginning and everything for adults and not be a full day actually for a to deliberately break down. the communication was certainly not done for any reason for security whatsoever. what do you think the success of proton independent candidates impact is done? really saves about the the public support for him. wrong con a because the sign also party was due to no media. in another case, which was the mino conducted by the way, the, the noise without the proper justice. the, the candidates had to run independently and each one and then into their own symbols. they have high level of loyalty and affection to uh, with the uh, fox on that he can talk to the party. okay, run hon. and they are under a pressure from the, from the existing,
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the government to change sides. but also the people who have altered extensively for me rock ha, been not let any independent change sites for the other side even. but the trip is that these candidates can be abducted courtyard and then course to change sides. but we are making sure that the people pressure is there. so even if they want to appear across pressure inside the people sides, the people, the pressure will not allow that to happen. and that's what we can see on the street of the bucksta that people are still out in numbers, trying to protect their will stick what they are calling it to protect their will. it's because the candidates, which one from a on the elections, one, b and b, of all the phones from the polling station stand, consigned by the also shows that then by the 9th, by the next, the, on the phone. so everything will change. citizens will completely different for many seats. so people offer testing this thing, the window protect i was the water for him are on the phone and they have more i to change, i was twist and then on ways trenton. thank you very much for speaking to us today
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. i really appreciate your time and money and we as well to him run con sister in law. thank you very much for a much for having. thank you. so can you to west africa where the regional lack of watson block has been criticized by the rifle grouping of sol, how states i've worked stones on the political type events in senegal, it follows protests in the country. are the president monkey solves decisions that to postpone a crucial election for 10 months? critics denounced mister solace to and as a quote institutional to his 2nd presidential tenure is due to end in april. well, he explained, he's not seeking a said 10 as well. that was, has expressed concern over the unfolding situation in member nation set, a goal, the nearby alliance of sol. how states comprising of molly needs yet, but keen of fall. so as long as the other regional group for its criticism, the organization has moved away from the ideals of its founding fathers,
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in pa and african isn't more of a echo west under the influence of foreign powers. and betraying its founding principles has become a threat to his member states and the people who is happiness that is supposed to ensure the response of the vehicle is to choose across several states as valued from case to case the model in military lived divided into vice president assuming greta toppled press the button dos equis reacted to decisively imposing sanctions. and bodies due to close board is pro is that the countries assets at the central bank of waste applicants states and imposed a trades and bulk of akina plus. so m z, we, since he lift april, was the wrong side. molly. i've also been slapped with sanctions over their internal political turbulence and gave me any leads military units sees power. once again, april was immediately condemned. the same power must be handed over to a civilian government rates and incense is on the country and its new need is cynical, chase appears to be different presents and matthew solve,
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who has maintained strong ties with the width as postponed. election is causing massive prostate. in the country as well as cracking down on the opposition and demonstrates as inspecting of intended exist a monkey. saul is sinking deeper into authoritarianism after indefinitely postponing the presidential election initially scheduled for february 25th 2024. he is now restricted freedoms by cutting of mobile internet. this decision sounds like a blow to senegalese democracy, by depriving the citizens of free access to information. microsoft seems intent on muscling oldest sons and consolidating his power. in this instance echo estimate i philosophy of a former colonial francophone states as only raised concerns. the commission of the economic community of west african states follows with concern the unfolding situation. incentive go, the echo as commission will continue to monitor the unfolding events and will take all necessary steps to support the governments and people have set
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a goal in their efforts to sustain the countries democratic tradition. marlene is a glitch in the thoughts of withdrawal from the economy community of west africa. the states as menu worried that the move will for this week and the authority of course, and actually in greater instability in the region. asia based political activist, as though the my co suggested to want to say that the echo on the block is seeking to help form a colonial power fronts clean, going to some influence in west africa. so you don't need the microscope to see the double standards of the so called international community. today, the protestant does not have a union of states or condemned. well, federal court attempts have occurred in the equis though. the protest includes the water over the 3rd term of us on walter, his presidency, and echo us is silent about this. and also today in senegal, microsoft, besides alone and without discussion to steam power and response, we see only crude statements from equity. this indicates that there is actually
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a game going on to ensure that the french can continue to have the influence in west africa. seems to know that microsoft cannot win an election. they believe that whoever is elected president of senegal may not be accountable to the french. that is why echo us has no choice, but to issue this short statement and the call for come. it costs a place double standard when it comes to put it into psycho countries, and cost was quick to condemn them and impose sanctions. however, today, when it goes to additional cost taking place in senegal, and the instigation of microsoft, the community is unwilling to speak out and say no to this dictate foil behavior by microsoft. a policy of double standards the west has weaponized it sanctions against the russian fuel expos. well, new daily stands firm and its dealings with law school as, according to the indian petroleum and natural gas, minnesota who attend to be full day international energy for women. go there not top on friday. in the energy week 2020 full hosted more than 35000 participants.
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when i've a $120.00 countries is the country's largest all encompassing energy exhibition and conference. we're going to get to the entire energy chain before on offers industry professionals access to the latest knowledge and research findings. new project developments on best practices. the indian prime minister announced a groundbreaking, $67000000.00 investment plan for the natural gas supply chain. the willing folds over the next 5 to 6 years on the biological trade ties the about large mold and russian oil driving to asia, the hedge of a t, i explode, creeping in india, save several of the countries industries. a booming with shipments heading to russia. vfc good, good news. the good news is even in the box of the call, 3 of seeing the exports zooming. somebody around $250000000.00 late in the 1st 11 months of the calendar year to add on $900000000.00. so you need to have the
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exception that event, but national have their own sick day. in fact, the man in the county goes active. so it makes as of the lives in many of the every but you're really sick. there's also a be, i have seen shoes, you know, the next x form to russia meet on his rising turn. so far explored soft concerning was we are able to need to utilize the payment mechanism in a big vein. property where you can know into the forms of jump in all the exports that for the different he has been printing didn't pretty soon, but probably the 3 different have whitening. but i must be on the call to be then brought him import from russia. in fact, that the have happened us to dive as to why it was a flight, been me thanks a counselor to hit on all the international with bank of the top of the hours will see that the .


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