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tv   News  RT  February 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the the north street you for sure. i was busy that made it and you have to take it. i did upload it or straight. though weston audience is finally got the chance this week to have lied to me. a few things on the sense of views on know stream that ukraine and a whole range of other issues with us doing less tucker calls and also being requested. this is also this that this baby girl is 39 days on today. so far, no one has come to collect her, the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared. schools of seemingly all funds, palestinian influence, languishing dawson hospitals with the family members, presumed, killed steering as well as with lens. let's military
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a soul. plus st regional of was in west africa as the echo walks and saw whole states block saw over the senegalese presidents move to postpone and election smoking not supposed to sit in the country on the plains president inside the country's total military chief officer, a low running power struggle putting at his place, a colanda whose stomach he observed in full se, se, here's his troop, this kind of deposit the hello and welcome you, watching the weekly on all the international. when you the latest world news, along with around the but the stories the shapes, the week's good to happy with us flooding my puritans for us to interview with the weston journalist in almost 3 years, has sparks a seemingly unprecedented scale of conversation on social media. sit down with talk, a call soon has already been viewed, i the 190000000 times on the american journalists x account alone. here's
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a few highlights from the discussion. a cool blow up north stream. for sure. i was busy that day. i need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your delivery. uh, it takes you to know what you personally may have an alibi, but what? the c i a has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato, or did it match it? you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, if you look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested. but also for someone who has capabilities if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would, that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you put into words propaganda,
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it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiaries of the biggest european media are american financial institutions. don't you know that you have a, you know, just because of i said, let them think how to do it with dignity. there are options if there is a will. up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all, in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition. it is never going to happen. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialog. it
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lets you, what is it, what set to work out? so it's very simple. i repeat, we have contacts to various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us need to ship. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that, stop the facility breaks, countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising, you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force
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sanctions, pressure bombings and use of armed forces? tucker carlson himself on plenty of impressions to show it also the interview ended at the crime it on tuesday. the us always posted a separate video with his immediate reaction, so he's one on one with the russian. nita. so we just finished our interviews, lambert, who were in an ante room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee from sitting here with the folder in fashion. i mean, when you get the documents that you gave me, don't mind. they tell me reading that was quite an interview. this obviously is very rude. it by the rejection of the west, united states doesn't like for us with us. government doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be alive. instruction is very obvious. that's the whole point of an ego, i guess, is to contain russia in this one. but it's very upset about it as i slash
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when we talked to that, as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she didn't have a coherent theory that he's going to telling me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansionist power. sorry, you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the wires and the long run state department, i want to make him into this. you know, shit we're imperial to pay. and the truth is that that's just false. it's a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they only of a 150000000 people. us officials have said on the record it, and i've said to me and are telling me much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up, find me. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace is that it's going to give a credit me then you're, you're like a little check within the us national security council smokes person, joan could be a paid to be cool,
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completely off. god wouldn't journalist saw him about the impacts of the poaching and to be do you have any concern that tucker carlson, this interview with why i'm here for then could further road support for your training? it's in the united states. i again, i don't think the american people are going to be swayed by one single interview, and i think anybody that watches that interview i, again, i haven't sitting there, whatever. whatever said, need to need to make sure you're, you remember, you're listening to vladimir poor and you shouldn't taken face value anything. he has. one more open minded american politicians have spoken housing, causing this defense, including presidential hopeful, robert f. kennedy, junior and republican candidate, vivek, rama, swami, tucker carlson, has been smeared for days. the legacy media and democrat establishment are upset of them for simply doing his job. americans can handle thought provoking conversations . we can handle dangerous thoughts or contrary ideas that don't fit the m s. m
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narrative. let us decide for ourselves. tucker doesn't treat booting with kid gloves. i love it. and that's for an indian diplomat on political commentary to rajiv dunc, where i told his washington's attitude, which it knows that the view points as complicated to the crises in ukraine onto the middle east. america, which seems to be the free was junk, been the free speech, is reacting like as for jay, this is america. so is that the for any other views to come in the district instead of 23, i think that is bad for america. so it's from america has the same literally to spring and the right direction. i sure do ok on which and still views from outside the lady under the impression. and this is another big impression, is the contrast, sending not present, but the real that there's must drink all the facts and she goes or offering. so
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very complex to very, very much man that then which is also the question to some of the preferred questions compared to president by the present, by the, is the president of the most powerful country that america claims to be. so is america and see if this is the word and see if friends with the last 12 we're going to be there. but there's invited to issue 1st is serving it my 1st duty with us of the decisions being taken by america to buy shipping. it says, oh, from the use for folks the medicine lives are the right decisions and no one finds that are very much ok because otherwise i have to pay the least $41.00 in the human cost of the will in gaza has repeatedly hit the and k is the youngest and most vulnerable the hottest as being shown acutely in hospitals to
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talk to the fighting, to deliver the best possible attack the babies born into the war. so some new bones are opened in the 1st days of the short live as well other than ever give a chance to suppose to meet them. mothers and nothing clauses central region shed. one such tragic case. look, now this baby girl is 39 days old today, so far, no one has come to collect her. she was born in all water hospital after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. just babies in merkel as she emerged from her mother's womb without a heart beat, and after resuscitation, and 3 weeks and intensive gear, the baby stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared on the number of new bones that need health care with our hospital doubled after the mess displacement from the north. yeah, we are experiencing a shortage of medical equipment and are facing problems we have never face before.
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for example, giving birth in very poor conditions, such as displacement tents, when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment, meaning a closed warm place, but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tent of children who haven't lost the power and still face a daily struggle in possible injury with a sensual supplies critically low. and of a crowd and leading to the spread of disease in spite of all that kind of strange as it sounds, the among the lucky ones the united nations is poor gone. so a for the graveyard for children with the golf in health, when history escaped, stacy and close to health of all those killed since october. the 7th. the aged on the 18th and another stalks like a $17000.00 children, are completely off and, and gone. so without parents or guardians, as according to the un relief and works agency of, of palestinian refugees and the chilling new i couldn't
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w c and assess meaning wounded child with no surviving family. as in the, just in the and baffled enclaves, hospitals and the u. k. meanwhile, activists created a powerful image on the beach by laying out more than 11000 sets of incidence closing symbolizing the children that the palestinian health ministry stays have been lost of the will. the installation strategies for 5 kilo, which is 7, his appointment reminder of the conflicts, tragic tall as hunger in gauze of which is unprecedented levels. attempts to bring aid into the enclave is proving a dangerous task. but you wouldn't release agency again. say is one of its trucks waiting to take supplies into the north was hit by and his wally strike on monday and clashes between police on his way. the protest this i propose to be broken off again, that's a boat. a check point demonstrates is that the cam shalom posts have been trying to blow a truck swim, entering the enclave, saying they won't leave until the hostages still being held by
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a mass released. i mean, the spiraling humanitarian crises, palestinians have being forced to resort to desperate measures. and northern garza, which is being isolated for months due to id of operations starting locals. he refused to leave, have turned to both feet for sustenance that says the un sounds the alarm. i've witnessed $400000.00 and is being put on 20 in funding. we heard from some of them when the 1st we had white flowers and it was new week. now we're forced to eat what kind of movie tweet bonnie and cooling. and this is very difficult for us. well, i have a family of 11 managing somehow. we've come to divide by 10 to quotas for our children in the morning with suffering and not, not children are very sick and ready to start to get them. but i have a family of 13 that i'm doing with my sister suffers from kidney disease. my daughter has cancer and i have heart disease and diabetes because i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed is good. i am hungry money,
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i barely 8. okay, humana terry and aid comes through egypt. but in the north of gaza, we don't see it. hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it's clearly the election commission of pakistan has scheduled. we polling at multiple of those things signed for february 15th, about following the verification of complaints regarding be snatching and damaging of materials and such days, general election, several political policies of alleged that the vote was rigs to anti valid zip pro says the results, according to relate to is when the countries election officials independent candidates, most approve of fox by allies of jail deposition need to inbound con, have 1102 seats. the party of another form, a prime minister, now is sharif as gain 73 seats. while the pakistan people's talk, if they stood with 54 seats locals, that being rallying across the country for days and we heard from some of them,
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i'm here to go to the religion here. and then all of a sudden who got caused from all families that some vehicles have arrived here with people dressed as to be the ins and taking away the point of the results. instead of giving it to us the, i'm in need all the people of pakistan and especially and to show our give vote to p t i candidates, i'm the deputy commissioner of the shower and his assistant and returning officers changed the results during the night. so we are protesting against them they have stolen on monday, we're going to get state oldest from quotes, from the bases or from 4 to 7. notice of anyone's victory should not be issued. no candidate can take the eggs. we did not accept this. we have some a wrong cons sister in law, maria, and we as what to she said her take on the election results on the legal case against him. wrong con. and it was not unexpected that email hon, within such a large majority, that being able to, to these huge coming up suddenly amount of the wants of v c. setting lock on one,
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the people who are trying to lead the elections. it has become impossible to go back level of reading without the international community or disengage. because we also have the evidence and the social media is big health. although the media in the box spring box kind of the national media, social media has been very strong in bringing to 930, getting some things and all that. so we, on waiting to the cool so far the, the magistrate was done because we have all the evidence. and of course this comes totally off to him. wrong khan was there recently sentenced to a total of 24 years in prison on corruption charges that he denies his wife. your sister has also been jo. what can you tell us about that situation right now, and have you been able to contact them to speak with them? i stole uh the door to a sentence, the hunters as well as 31 years my sister faces a sentence of 21 years. he is in very bad conditions right now,
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although they declared their house as a subject, but she's actually locked in one room with no sunlight, even in the daytime. we met with us all around and she has a petition to go to the game and the spend the rest in terms of the good you and mets. but she has been denied that the dish and also all the media in the box. i media, you would have hear that this is being done to protect publics. on the contrary, our security is at stake and we have been positioning a, but nothing has gone well. you know, impacted the morale wrong hung and we're showing wrong on and they will fight it to the very end to the right. so people effects phone. all the most names callers inside bought a son and outside of buck his son has to get on their fucks wasn't disputing this judge naples against islam and they had no rights to the office judgement. so this act to me on not in the position to iran, hon,
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but it has actually strengthen his sympathies of the people. fuck hassan with them to see that justice is being done to him and his life. and do you expect the results of these elections to somehow affects the publication of him run konica the eventually succeed in appealing his sentences, perhaps even receive a positive. we are very confident the kids to go to the higher codes and but with this is a provider from the defense side. but these cases can be equally or 10. we're looking to it's for just a so the highest awards for just as a pardon, pardon? i don't think they need to pardon, i think they need justice because this is a complete default and the people know swapped. his mom has wanted number on hans david's because be also be the, the, these cases already much strong and then just to fight against, you know, how to west africa, where the regional eco last blog has been criticized by the rival gripping of saw whole states have words done so on the political, should i be that it's incentive go?
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it follows protests of the country of the president smockey sounds decision to postpone a crucial election for 10 months. critics denounced mister sauls decision as a quote to institutional to his 2nd presidential time. he was due to end in april, while he has claimed he's not speaking with the 10 as well. that co ops has expressed concern over the unfolding situation in member nations sent a goal. and the alliance of saw whole states comprising of molly media and became a phone. so have sons, the other regional group for its criticism, dates of libya, of the organization has moved away from the ideals of his founding fathers and pun african isn't more of a co us under the influence of foreign powers. in betraying its founding principles has become a threat to its members states and the people whose happiness it is supposed to ensure the response of the vehicle is to choose across civil safety as valued from case to case of the money in military lead to buy into vice president assuming greta toppled press the button dos. equis reacted to decisively imposing sanctions
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and bodies drew into its close board is pro is that the countries assets at the central bank of waste applicants states and imposed a trade and ball going between a plus. so and music we since the lift april was the wrong side money. i've also been slapped with sanctions over their internal political turbulence and gave me any lead military units sees power. once again, april was immediately condemned. the same power must be hand it over to a civilian government threatening senses on the country and its new need is cynical . chase appears to be different present to matt himself who has maintained strong ties with the waist as postponed. election is causing massive pro, stays in the country as well as cracking down on the opposition and demonstrates as in setting up intended exist a monkey. saul is sinking deeper into authoritarianism after and definitely postponing the presidential election initially scheduled for february 25th. 2024 is
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not restricted. freedom is by cutting of mobile internet. this decision sounds like a blow to senegalese democracy, by depriving us citizens of free access to information. microsoft seems intent on muscling oldest send. i'm consolidating his power. in this instance echo estimate i philosophy of a former colonial francophone states as only raised concerns commission of the economic community of west african states follows with can. so in the unfolding situation, incentive go via co us commission will continue to monitor the unfolding events. and we'll take all necessary steps to support the governments and people have set a goal in their efforts to sustain the countries democratic tradition. marlene is a good king, the fossils withdrawal from the economy. communities of west africa, the states as many worried that the move will for the week and the authority of course, and in greater instability in the region of the weeks of speculation and presidents. lensky officially signed the country's top military
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officer on thursday general of oliver's allusion. he had served as come onto in chief of ukraine's armed forces since july 2021. despite the string of reason it's military family is the general has become increasingly popular in the country with pose putting him far ahead of presidents. the landscape between figures had been its own, spent months over the lack of progress on the battlefield. lots of cases these like on some of the schools are known as bach moose on the need to mobilize many more ukrainians. sellers need recently referred to the military conflict as a stalemate, something presidents, the landscape public, he disagreed with general general alexander's 5th sky has been appointed as the new military commander in chief as previously as previous heads of ukrainians. the ground forces here the sole last is felled, defense of all to mollusk as well as the subs supporting the fruitless s as so we take the don't boss says he, he has all me has suffered massive losses on that phones with some of the skis on
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troops, dubbing him a butcher, and general k i a or killed in action. an interesting side note, c s k was actually born in rushes of letting the region where his parents still live on take this reaction from them. so what did you feel when you learned that he had been pointing the head of the ukrainian forces through the same as you felt? nothing else? oh, how does he feel you better ask him so he's fine working with them. i don't know how he works with them. i don't work with them. boys, you'd better go to the front, protect our guys and write about them. go and defend russia. he's off. he stays. sweeney with little on caps. we shuffle. of the 2 men had been set long ahead, full sometimes i intended to ride on, the spot became very public. once it became clear that ukraine's much wanted counter offensive had failed, as illuminated for his part,
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described the situation on the battlefield. as a stone might know. some said that that was an overly optimistic of such assessment of the situation. but this under a very sharp and very public rebuke from then ski, who perhaps to a piece is western boxes, gave a more positive overview of the situation and even suggested that ukraine could still win the conflict, let's say one or 2 and said, just like in the 1st world war we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. or the time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again now, cool, so we're also shop disagreements over the d p on popular forced a mobilization a policy in use in ukraine illusion. the also wanted this $500000.00 additional troops to the front line in order to boost the ukraine's johnson of success is in
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the conflict. now let's take a look at his replacement alexander ski now, but his background is that he was born in russia. he was trained in moscow if he listened to key ibp listen to crying, the crating of government save harold and his success in the defense of the capital of safety in the month of the special municipal formation. he is also charged with success in accounts are offensive and conquered, where they regained some part of that type of thing, which of course, is now part of the russian federation. but he's also known as the butcher of, of black moods all to most of course, he led thoughts of the defense of the city, which became something of a meat grinder with thousands upon thousands of upholding trains ukrainian soldiers each new unit. so he was sharply criticized. so those tactics so he remains fatty
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on popular among c, who crating on falls is where his counterpart is illusion. neil, who he's replacing remains deeply, deeply popular. so it's difficult to say what we shuffling will bring to you quite what to bring any more successes on the possible field where you crane is obviously struggling very deeply. and washington has been accused of being involved in the decision to replace the come on to in chief. i'm not aware of any discussions at high levels between us and ukrainian for it is on about to that decision and in a pre decisional way. we talk to are you creating counterparts all the time? but it's 6 questions, is proposing that we were somehow built and we had some sort of right to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. that's not true. this is a wednesday's decision. now, despite what cubby is saying, it's known obviously that the lensky is in very close contact with the united
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states is i believe that's a robust dump, a lot of the decisions outside things. and we had this visit just a week or so ago from victoria, and you'd and them to the maiden of my don, who was in cad once more she met with the foreign minister, the prime minister lensky is chief of staff. although she didn't leave. was it lensky himself? now, the replacement of that loosely, i'm putting some of questions that could pose a lot of problems. and the main one be the finances. of course, the ukraine has been pretty much begging uh, washington begging the united states for more cash to fund it submitted the offensive the is the 2nd is a musket rate of action designed to attract funding from the us, the decision through a shuffle, ukraine's military leadership was announced the same time, the discussions are on the way in the us on additional funds for the key regime. this relates to $60000000000.00 of support for ukraine. platinum is lensky can no
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longer compensate for his lack of real achievements by using deputy. so there's been a lot of pay off on spend now some question the timing on this. i think it was originally . why did they wait until thursday? this thing was some suggestion that it was to deflect attention away from talking colson's interview with vladimir puts in. but for now, the problem is on the pass, so feel remain on patience is running very soon. nigeria along with other african countries, have huge amounts of un. todd's natural result is but guessing. so that means frequently time and get a high price for locals, is a look at how regular life jerry and self serve, among times english tons for more resources and the
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netflix environment in many ways. it damages loans that cookies. and it also causes issues on honesty. the most of the challenge we face here is sometimes that security personnel chase, so south of the site there instances where some fell into the beep. and you see that becomes another challenge because we're only trying to fend for our families. but if the government wants to stop us, then they should provide jump up with unity just for us. i mean, the, i've spent 7 years doing this mining business. the permits from it is what i used to feed my family. 10 is a natural and minimal results that god has blessed our language and is a source of wealth for us
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the yeah, no one loves. honestly. i started the business of selling the gym because it's very profitable. it has helped a lot of us to take care of our families. it's the reason why we need the labours when they're done with digging. then we buy from them. when we buy the materials from here, we've then sell them off to the directors. it's a change supply. then they supply to others too. that's how we make our money the yeah, i have spent 5 years in this area. there are so many know pizza around, all i need to children can no longer move around freely for the fear of falling into delgado piece. our houses attracted you to begin by minus every day many thanks for your company this sunday, that's the old.


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