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tv   News  RT  February 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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that's really the full blow up north deal for sure. was busy that you need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up in australia. uh nope. western audiences finally got the chance this week to hear bottom or buttons on censored views on north stream, ukraine and a whole range of other issues with us journalists, tucker carlson scheme. the question is peace rallies in europe coincide with prussian killings and palestinians in gaza by the idea as the war there enters its 5th month. and your crimes president sacks, the country's top military chief after a long running power struggle putting in his place,
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a commander whose sum of kids all in forces say use his troops as cannon fodder. the rachel ruble live in moscow. you are watching our t international bladder pollutants. first interview with a western journalist in almost 3 years has sparked a seemingly on president of the scale of conversation on social media. sit down with tucker carlson has already been viewed more than 190000000 times on the american journalist x account alone. you are a few highlights from the discussion who blow up north stream you for sure. i was busy that you need it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your last name. uh it takes you to know what you personally may have an alibi, but i need to see i it has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato,
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or did it matter? you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, if you look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested. but also for someone who has capabilities if you had evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you pop up in the world propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiaries of the biggest european media are american financial institutions. don't you know that you have here just because of i said let them think how to do it with dignity.
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there are options if there is a will. up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible, by definition, it is never going to happen. it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialogue with another. i'm not sure what is it, what set to work out? so it's very simple. i repeat, we have contacts to various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us need to ship. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that,
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stop the facility and it breaks. countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising, you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions, pressure, bombings and use of armed forces? tucker carlson himself had plenty of impressions to share after the interview ended at the kremlin. on tuesday the us host posted a separate video with his immediate reaction to his one on one with the russian president. so we just finished our interviews, lambert, who were in an ante room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come,
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having a cup of coffee. i'm sitting here with the folder comes on fast. i mean, when you get the documents that you gave me, don't mind. they tell me reading that was quite an interview. this obviously is very rude. it by the rejection of the west, the united states doesn't like for us with us. government doesn't like russia, the west has determined not to be a laboratory for this, for obvious. that's the whole point of nato, i guess, is to contain russia in this one, but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked about that as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she have a coherent theory that he's going to telling me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansionist power. sorry, you're not supposed to say that because all the tory ones, all the wires and the locks. you run state department, i want to make him into this. you know, shit we're here to pay. and the truth is that that's just false. it's
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a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they only of a 150000000 people. us officials have sit on the record or have sent to me and are telling me much people that part of the tongues have to be rush or giving up frame . yeah. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace is the problem, is going to give a credit and then your uh, your like a little check. the widely watched conversation has sparked plenty of heated debates in the west, despite many mainstream media journalists having admitted to seeking an interview with vladimir putin for years to no avail. theory came sick and fast carlson for having been granted the explosive sit down. it certainly talks to an american friend, and while they may not speak the same language, they are so kind to do, he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why he's doing this interview now obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to told tucker carlson still doesn't have
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a job. he's in moscow. how something i hope tucker house and is not a journalist. not even close a total candidate and researcher and make it a key. so to buy says the interview is viewed with interest in africa were local, is want to hear alternative points of view. and it's been a month blowing into the insects as people are seriously. if you're not a 100 for you to stay as default, kind of, you know, i'm in depth or no explanation of what the issues are, where they come from with the boy and why decisions. i take it and, and the main line which the decisions are being executed. for instance, i mean, in south africa, we don't have access. you don't know tool, for instance, i thought i saw a television. yeah, no one, no a television toys is where to go online. domain, in order to, to find, to access, you know, the sooner than your thoughts, for instance, until now, i mean, you've had the model and natalie to the sooner the wisdom, which is fine. but you have to also have, you know,
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how that one to 2 views this way and other explanations so that people can make up their own minds. and generally, you'll know that one conception suit off exactly what to say to me. so this was a very much welcome to buy people drug a human cost of the war and gaza has repeatedly had the enclave is youngest and most vulnerable. the hardest of us being shown to cutely in hospitals and their doctors are fighting to deliver the best possible care to babies born into the war zone. some newborns are orphaned in the 1st days of their short lives for others. never get the chance at all to meet their mothers and nurse and as a central region, it shared one such a tragic case when the books. now this baby girl is 39 days old today, so far, no one has come to collect her, but she was born in an all water hospital. after her mother died. the doctors had to perform an urgency section. this baby's in merkel, as she merged from her mother's womb without a heart beat, and after resuscitation,
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and 3 weeks in intensive care, the baby is stable. so far the girl has no name and none of her family members have appeared on the number of new bones that need health care at the hospital doubled after the mess displacement from the north. yeah, we are experiencing a shortage of medical look equipment and the facing problems we have never face before. for example, giving birth and very poor conditions, such as displacement tends when it's cold outside. children must be born in a safe environment on meeting a closed warm place, but unfortunately, there are no such conditions for babies and the displacement tense. children who haven't lost their parents still faced the daily struggle and the possible injury with essential supplies critically low and overcrowding, leading to the sprite of disease. one side of all that and a strange as it sounds there. among the lucky ones. united nations has called gaza apart from graveyard for children with the guys and health ministry sitting close
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to half of all killed their since october 7th. are under the age of 18. another start figure. $17000.00 children are completely orphaned in gaza without parents or guardians. that's according to the un relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. and it's showing new acronym, w. c. n s f, meaning wounded child with no survive in the family has emerged in the embattled enclave. hospitals in the u. k. meantime, active has created a powerful image on a beach by laying out more than 11000 sets of incense clothing symbolizing the children that the palestinian huffman history says have been lost to the war. the installation stretches for 5 kilometers, serving as a poignant reminder of the complex tragic toll. as hunger in guys reaches unprecedented levels, attempts to bring aid into the enclave has proven a dangerous task. the one relief agency again says that one of its trucks waiting
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to take supplies into the northwest, sit by and is rarely strike on monday to and classes between place and is really a protest for several porters and broken out again at a border check point. demonstrators at the cam shall i'm post, have been trying to block age drugs from entering the enclave, saying they won't leave until the hostages are still being held by him. us are released amid the spiraling humanitarian crisis. tullison is have been forced to resort to desperate measures in northern and gaza, which has been isolated for months due to the idea of operations. and starving locals who refused to leave, have turned to 3rd feed for sustenance. that says the un sounds the alarm over at least $400000.00. that has been quote, actually in salmon, we heard from some of them. well the 1st we had white flowers and it was new week. now we're forced to eat what kind of moves each week, bonnie, and cooling. and this is very difficult for us. well, i have a family of 11 managing somehow and we've come to divide by 10 to quotas for our
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children in the morning. we're suffering a lot of children are very sick and ready to start to get them. but i have a family of 13 that i'm doing with my sister suffers from kidney disease and i'm going to get my daughter has cancer. and i have heart disease and diabetes because i don't have money to buy food. there's only animal feed is good. i am hungry money, i barely 8. okay. do you monetary and aid comes through egypt, but in the north of gaza we don't see it yet. for the hunger and living situation among people are not normal. it has sent a warning over statements from is really officials concerning a potential military operation in the southern city of rossa on egypt and border with gaza. egypt to completely rejects the statements of high ranking officials. and these really government regarding the intention of the is really forces to conduct a military operation in the city of rafa in the southern gaza strip. the egypt warrens of the consequences of these measures,
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especially due to the dangers of worsening the humanitarian crisis in the gaza. strip, right, let's cross live now to who's saying i heard a farmer addiction and boss or an advisor to the egyptian foreign minister and master. how likely do you think it is that such an operation in rafa by is really forces will take place? well it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's probably tiny. it probably the taking into account the statements by the is that the prime minister are mr. binge. i mean that many, i mean that's, and you know, who has made it very clear that the use of the army is intent on destroying what they call in the form. but the audience of how may i ask presence in, in, in, in roughly on the other hand, the, some other issues that you do observers, me to you that the, uh, the sets of submitted seal patients in the restaurant is meant to is that size
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pressure on on, on, on how much in order to accept it, i need the conditions for teaching an agreement on a humanitarian falls in guys under these of visit i. e and folder, and hostages was how mess and other but a scene in at loops. having said that, the elite in title we, we, we are, as we were at the said, in our context, in our context with these values. and we, we make clear that to egypt of course are these acts. and the reason is advanced by the is that he does add to uh, uh, explaining such immediate to be attacked on, on the right side. and on the other hand, we, we, we made this to the, are not the only 2 days that he does. but to in the ends,
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in meetings and that's with the american administration. and i guess that uh, we need, we hope that to, isabel wants to go along with what it said. it's planning in trouble because of that from an instruction part of you, which must be a violation of the egyptian that he may be stacy assigned in march 1979. right. what if this operation does go ahead? what will cairo's reaction be? would that mean the end of the camp david accords? what you just mentioned to there? well, when the, the dresser, we understand from these that i eat is all from, from the statements. the official statements of these ages that they want to control. what school in the philadelphia, according to the front desk that quoted or is essential plan from the mediterranean
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sea to uh, is crossing the car um, i will send them and that extends for 14 kilometers and a half this part of the guys. uh uh the guys are slipped lies in the zone, the zone d. and is there any territory? uh, is it cited in the protocol and the defense protocol attached to the dc. 2 is israel, where there are limitations, very serious name. it patients on the presence of, is it a uni minutes, the units in this bar, uh, of israel. so any, any, any tube deployment on the part of the days that i eat is at would be, would be definite, the evaluation of the agreement of a t t or of the b c g was, isn't, it is, syria has stated that it's ready for another war with israel. how serious do you
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think that warning is? is there a likelihood of an error coalition? you know, i under the present sort of circumstances, i don't see any push of leading to you for an out of pollution and what, what comes to mind of course, is the alliance the media alliance, the political airlines strategic alliance between egypt and cd adjoining the october the 1970 see october war, but i highly doubt that this circumstances now would allow uh, the site such, such and aligns one once again or the menu items would would, would hope that the 2 countries and the item, what kind of guns is, would be uh provide a united front again, this is uh nothing we need to and we need to terms such but strategically speaking, so that would work as in this rating cluster uh,
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facing israel. mm hm. there are some 1400000 people sheltering in ra for they were initially told the go to go there for safety. what could be their faith if israel goes ahead with a military operation there? as a matter of fact, it not only issue but, but the great power is due to be an union that i've, that out of time to is uh for adults, i'm on among them. so the idea that all of these sparked is have one of the disasters and catastrophic human and daddy and consequences. these, these are the army will move in philadelphia, and as you said about them that are more than 1000000. be a better scenes living across the guys that zip sion borders in in dropbox. so any menissi also on slow, it's on, on the cd, that's with the, the lead to a minus in catastrophe disaster. and definitely,
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uh we have once again just such an event trying to g madam and we hope that the reason would prevent in israel. and this money to a patient wants take place. all right, we're going to leave it there for now. who's saying her as a former egyptian ambassador, an adviser to the egyptian foreign minister and by ser, thank you. thank you. might have a mass rallies for pace. some dogs that were held this week across europe and countries including italy, belgium, and the u. k. it comes in mid pressure is really strikes on the palestinian enclave and putting one that reported they killed at least $44.00 people, including many children in southern gaza. protesters in the belgian capital. brussels unraveled a huge palestinian flag covered with effigies of corpses at the entrance to the local stock exchange headquarters demonstrators. they're also laid out rows of empty shoes on the street,
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symbolizing the victims of the war in rome. hundreds rallied for a seas firewall in london. protesters demanded action from the u. k. government to stop the conflict in the middle east. peace activists in the british capital told us why his angered by his country's feelings and so i'm outside the wembley stadium in north london. the eye clinic come with english football, where there's one of many local protests taking place. according for a ceasefire and garza, that's b nation developments recently. politically about the rebellion within the muslim community, a guides guest, almost leadership to the life of the policy. on this, on the issue of garza, many of mostly organizations that is coming to the screen where the organized conducting polls encompassing among those in the community. and the since the 2019 election. the number of voters intended to vote,
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labor has fallen by 41 percent and t as thomas support among the muslim community is minus 11 many and peace. labor and paints and marginal constituencies. the prices within the business community and the relationship between the most recent community and the labor policy in a major western country is always the fact so they can help to support the western stroke. it's very hard to see the labor, the storm goes back on that position. it'd be fantastic to be a huge victory installment. did change his position box. and there's not much chance of that at this moment. you know all the us pro palestinian demonstrators, have heckled a former secretary of state hillary clinton during a speech at new york's columbia university over the military intervention. she
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promoted well and office thank you very much. that's my name. that's right. the city called i'm asking you to leave the delegates who will now ask for 2 out of the building. thank you. can you, sir? the, the in the
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stain in new york 1000 start to the streets there, up a streaming platform, hulu. air, a pro is really advert, inviting, be, were supposed to come visit a beautiful disguise. in commercial, showed an ideal like simulation of how the enclave one month without the presence of some us active. a shared the outraged with the message. how listed in lives matter. when you know, some excuse for the florida was a brand new, a zionist and genocide. this lawyer and commentator has some simply says, the american people are refusing to be silent. other leaders failed to stop the war . this is excellent to the american people have had enough of our politicians selling their, sold to a tax, getting israel's interest of all americans interests and sacrificing thousands and thousands of children in the process. america is complicit in the murder of over $12000.00 palestinian children in counting every single day of hundreds of innocent defenseless. allison children are blown up to pieces with american weapons and
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american support connecting the american people had enough. and it is our duty to speak out of to condemn these politicians in every chance we get. we cannot let them get away with this, a claim to speak out for freedom and justice while in reality, providing weapons in violation of both the westlaw and international law that is used for dominant against civilians in fort worth. 6 ways they are right there criminals and they will be called out for after weeks, the speculation president as a long stay officially sacked to the country's top military officer on thursday general valerie's allusion. they had served as commander in chief of the cranes, our forces since july 2021 of the spinal stirring and present military failure as the general had become increasingly popular in the country with poles. putting them far ahead of president zalinski, the 2 figures had been at odds for months over the lack of progress on the battlefield. loss of key cities like our thomas to ultimately spotwood and the need to mobilize many more. he premiums solution the recently referred to the military
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conflict as a stalemate, something president zalinski publicly disagreed with general alexander starsky has been appointed as the new military commander in chief as the previous had to be printing ground forces. he oversaw last year is fail. defense of our town mosque, as well as the subsequent fruitless efforts to re take the don bass city. he had his army, had suffered massive losses on that front with some of syracuse own troops, doubling him a butcher, and general k i a or killed in action. an interesting side note, it certainly was actually born in russia's vladimir region where his parents still live r t got this reaction from them. so what did you feel when you learned that he had been a pointed hand of the ukrainian forces through the same as you felt? nothing else? the old. how does he feel you better ask him so he's fine working with them. i don't know how he works with them. i don't work with them. boys,
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you'd better go to the front to protect our guys and write about them. go and defend russia. here's our to steve sweeney with more on chemistry shuffle. the 2 men have been side long ahead for some times i intend to ride on the spot became very popular once it became clear that ukraine's much wanted counter offensive had failed. as illusion for his part described the situation on the battlefield. as a stone might know, some said that that was an overly optimistic of such assessment of the situation. but this under a very sharp and very public rebuke. from that then ski who perhaps to a piece is western boxes, gave a more positive overview of the situation and even suggested that ukraine could still win the conflict. let's say one or 2 and said, just like in the 1st world war, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate. that will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough. or the
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time has passed, people are tired regardless of their status, and this is understandable, but this is not a stalemate. i emphasize this once again now. cool. so we're also shop disagreements over the d p on popular forced a mobilization a policy in use in ukraine. mostly also wanted this $500000.00 additional troops to the front line in order to boost the ukraine's johnson of success is in the conflict. now, let's take a look at his replacement alexander ski now, but his background is that he was born in russia. he was trained in moscow if he listened to key ebc, listen to crying. the crating of government save harold and his success in the defense of the capital of safety in the early months of the special municipal formation. he is also charged with success in accounts are offensive and conquered, where they regained some part of that type of fee, which of course,
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is now part of the russian federation. but he's also known as the butcher of, of black moods all to most of course, he led thoughts of to the defense of the city, which became something of a meat grinder with thousands upon thousands of upholding trains ukrainian soldiers, these new units. so he was sharply criticized. so those tactics so he remains fatty on popular among see who crating on falls is where his counterpart is originally or who he's replacing remains deeply, deeply popular. so it's difficult to say what we shuffling will bring to you quite whether to bring any more successes on the possible field where you crane is obviously struggling very deeply. and washington has been accused of being involved in the decision to replace the come on the in chief. i'm not aware of any discussions at high levels between us and ukrainian for is on about
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to that decision. and in a pre decisional way, we talk to are you creating counterparts all the time? but it's 6 questions is proposing that we were somehow built and we had some sort of right to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. that's not true. this is as it is a wednesday's decision. now, despite what cubby is saying, it's known obviously that the landscape is in very close contact with the united states. and so i believe that's a robust dump, a lot of the decisions outside things. and we had this visit just a week or so ago from victoria, and you'd and the, the maiden of my don, who was in cad once more. she met with the foreign minister, the prime minister lensky is chief of staff. although she didn't leave. was it lensky? himself now the replacement of that loosely, i'm putting some of questions that could pose a lot of problems and the main one being the fine on to the cool. so you crying has
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been pretty much begging washington begging the united states for more cash to fund it. submitted the offensive, the is the 2nd is a must great of action design to attract funding from the us. the decision through a shuffle, ukraine's military leadership was announced the same time. the discussions are on the way in the us on additional funds for the key regime. this relates to $60000000000.00 of support for ukraine. platinum is lensky can no longer compensate for his lack of real achievements by using deputy. so there's been a lot of pay off on spend now some question, the timing of the sucking it was originally. why did they wait until thursday? this thing was some suggestion that it was to deflect attention away from. talk a call since interview with ladder may have put in, but for now the problem is on the 5. so feel rely on patients is running very soon of next on our to we can tell you the documentary stories about we can expand our julian assigns.


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