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tv   News  RT  February 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the the, the blow up north street, the you for sure. because i was busy that day, made it you have to have to pay for it. but i did not pull up your dream place you've helped western audiences. finally got the chance this week to hear blood rep who is uncensored views on north for him, ukraine and a whole range of other issues with us journalists type of house and asking the question. the peace rallies in europe coincide with fresh killings of palestinians in gaza. by the idea of the war there enters its 5th month, the 10, the original war of words in west africa as the eagle wise. as the hell states
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blocks. far over, the senegalese presidents moved to postpone an election. sparky mass protests in the country, the crime rates over the live in moscow. we are watching archie international vladimir putin. his 1st interview with a western journalist and almost 3 years has sparked a remarkable level of engagement on social media. the sit down with tucker carlson has already been viewed more than 190000000 times on the american journalist x account alone. here are a few highlights from the discussion who blow up north stream fleet fuel for sure. it is i was busy that day. made it and you have to have uh, i did not pull up your delivery. uh, it takes you to know what you personally may have an alibi,
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but what the c i a has no such alibi. did you have evidence that nato, or did it made to, you know, i won't get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities if you have evidence and presumably given your security services, rental services, you would that nato, the u. s. c, i a, the west did this. why wouldn't you present it? and when a propaganda victory, when you put a bug in the worst propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the united states because the united states controls all the world's media and many european media. the ultimate beneficiaries of the biggest european media are american financial institutions. don't you know that you have a just because i said, let them think how to do it with dignity. there are options if there is
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a will up until now that has been the approval and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve if possible at all. in my opinion, it is impossible by definition. if it is never going to happen, it seems to me that now those who are in power in the west have come to realize this as well. if so, if the realization has set in, they have to think what to do next. we are ready for this dialog let's you, what is it that, what's that wisconsin? it's very simple. i repeat, we have contacts to various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying on this matter and what we are conveying to the us leadership. if you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. it will be over within a few weeks. that's it. and then we can agree on some terms before you do that,
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stop. the facility breaks country is accounted for only 16 percent in 1992, but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising, you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions pressure bombings and use of armed forces? tucker, carlson himself had plenty of impressions to share after the interview ended at the crime on. on tuesday, the us host posted a video capturing his immediate reaction to is one on one with the russian president. so we just finished our interview with slammer who were in an anti room in the kremlin. i'm waiting for a car to come, having a cup of coffee,
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i'm sitting here with the folder in fashion and open the documents that me got my nighttime reading. that was quite an interview was obvious. he's very rude. it, by the rejection of the west, the united states doesn't like rest of the us. government doesn't like russia. the west has determined not to be alive. refresh it is very obvious. that's the whole point of nato, i guess, is to contain russia in this one. but it's very upset about it as i slash when we talked about that as we did, you know, for probably over an hour. so she didn't have a coherent theory that he's going to tell me any way as to why that is, um versus not expansionist power. sorry, you're not supposed to say that because all the tory, the ones, all the wires and the walks around the state department. i want to make him into
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this, you know, shit, we're imperial, japan. but the truth is that that's just false. it's a stupid action. if you think that was too big already is the biggest land mass of the world, they only of a 150000000 people. us officials have said on the record it and have said to me and are telling you much people that part of the tongues have to be rushing, giving up frame. yeah. so it's like if you really think that the condition of peace is that it's going to give a credit and then you're, you're like a little tech are to editor in chief margarita simonian says tucker, carlson is interview with it. and it has brought the winds of change into the minds of american voters. a 2nd car also reached out to us for help conducting an interview with putting them in the spring of 2021. i'm certain weren't the only ones who contacted india and the interview was to sectional it's a b as if it had happened sooner to fight over 8. for a crane in the us, congress would have been more challenging. american converse meant a centers. think about their voters, and it is difficult for them to make
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a decision that goes against their will. and we can say with certainty that the interview has resulted in a significant change in the minds of american lex renaissance. he actually believe that the wiley was conversation has stirred up heated debate in the west despite many mainstream media journalists admitting to seeking an interview with flooded we were put in for years to no avail period came thick and fast at carlson for having been granted the exclusive sit down scrutiny talks to an american friend, and while they may not speak the same language, they are so kind to do, he's what's called a useful idiot. i mean, he's like a puppy dog. why he's doing this interview now obviously for the criminal and it makes sense if they want to told tucker carlson still doesn't have a job. he's in moscow house only thing i hope tucker house and is not a journalist. not even close doctoral candidate and research and make it a case to to by says the interview was slow, but followed closely in africa where people are eager for an alternative point of view. it's been doing
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a month blowing inspection as people seriously. it's gonna be a 100 for you to stay as the full, the candles, you know, by the depth or no explanation there. and also to know what the issues are, where they come from with a boy in why decisions. i take it and, and then man language, the decisions are being executed. for instance. i mean, in south africa, we don't have access, you'll know tool for instance, that i show television. yeah, no one, no a television toys is where to go online in order to, to find, to access the news, thoughts, for instance, on to now, i mean, you've had the model finality just doing that, the wisdom, which is fine. but you have to also have, you know, how that one's in interviews this way and other explanations so that people can make up their own minds. and generally, you'll know that one cause the options to know if exactly what is that. and so this was a very much welcome to by people broadly egypt to send
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a warning over statements made by as really, officials on a potential military operation in the southern city of rough uh, which is located on egypt and border with gaza. egypt to completely rejects the statements of high ranking officials and these really government regarding the intention of the israeli forces to conduct a military operation in the city of rafa in the southern gaza strip egypt. warrens of the consequences of these measures, especially due to the dangers of worsening the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip. but in an interview to a b c, news a is really prime minister was adamant that a plan for the operation is in the works. you've directed these early defense forces to evacuate roughly in advance of this ground invasion. what, where are those people supposed to go? this is 1400000 people, many of whom have fled northern, gaza. i'm there living in tents. where are these people supposed to go? with a rough or is a very small percentage of the guys on and i think it's about 10 percent or 15
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percent. i mean the estimates of the north of guys are there. there's already been cleared. well there's, there's an estimate of 1400000 people in that area right now. and, and as the, as the germ german foreign minister said they can't, they can't, they can't just disappear. where are they supposed to go? no of the areas that we've cleared north of rough um, plenty of areas there, but we are working out a detailed plan to do so on that and yahoo, it shows the willingness to rein back is military and made a new phase of it's also assault on the enclave is really is our voice and concerns over looming bloodbath near the border with egypt. stressing that the priority should remain the safety of hostages, who are still held captive by hamas in gaza. is miliano obama? how is it reasonable to move 1400000 from rafa? it's absurd. i don't think it's practical. it's sad. the point we have reached it suits netanyahu to carry on with the war together with the crazy people around him . this way he stays in power. as some people say, there shouldn't be elections as long as the war is ongoing. so yeah, that so,
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so i can't say it's an operation in southern gaza strip. will risk for hostages lives, but for sure it won't make their situation better. latasha buffalo, all i care about is to bring the hostages bach. i don't to solely to policy, but i'm not of the opinion that we should be increasing the military pressure. i only care about bringing the hostages bach launch the se in heard a former egyptian ambassador and adviser to the egyptian foreign minister says cairo has made it clear about the to the us and israel, that at the operation. and roughly, there was a head, it will be the end for the camp david accords of this problem behind the problem, the taking into account the statements by the is that the prime minister are mr. binge, i mean, and that many, i mean, and that's, and you know, who has made it clear that the use of the army is intent on destroying what they pour in the floor and battalions of how
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mass presents in, in, in, in roughly, in our contacts in our context with these values. and we, we make clear that to egypt, of course, the jacks. and the reason is advanced, divide is that he does add to explain such immediate to be attacked on, on the roof. and on the other hand, the we, we, we made it clear not only to the is the heat is but to in, in meetings and infects with the american administration. and i guess they had to wait and we hope that to isabel wants to go along with what it said it's planning in the proper because that from an instruction part of you would find most to be in violation of the egyptian is a very easy piece. stacy assigned in march 1979 last raleigh's for peace and
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gaza were held this week across europe and countries including italy in belgium. and the u. k. they come in fresh is really strikes on the palestinian enclave that killed at least $112.00 palestinians over the past 24 hours. according to the guys and health ministry. protesters in the belgian capital of brussels, unraveled a huge palestinian flag covered with effigies of corpses. at the entrance to the local stock exchange headquarters, and mister is there also laid out rows of empty shoes on the street, symbolizing the victims of the one. in rome, hundreds rallied proceeds, fireball in london, protesters demanded action from the u. k. government to stop the complex in the middle east. peace exposition of british capital told us why his anger to buy his country's relates. so i'm outside the wembley stadium in north london. the eye clinic home with english football, where there's one of many local protests taking place. calling for
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a ceasefire and garza, that's b nation developments recently. politically, about the rebel in, within the muslim community. it guides gift almost leadership of the life of policy on this, on the issue of garza, many of mostly organizations. it's coming to the screen where the organized conducting polls, encompassing among the business and community. and the since the 2019 election. the number of voters intended to vote, labor has fallen by 41 percent and t as thomas support among the muslim community is minus 11 many and peace. labor and paints and marginal constituencies. the prices within the business community and the relationship between the most, most and community and the labor policy in
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a major western country is always the fact so they can help to support the western stroke. it's very hard to see the label each. it still, alma goes back home that position, it'd be fantastic, huge victory installment did change his position box. and there's not much of that at this moment. meanwhile, in the us pro palestinian demonstrators heckled former secretary of state hillary clinton during a speech at new york's columbia university over the military interventions. she promote ahead of all and office. thank you very much. that's my name. that's right. the city called i'm asking you to leave the delegates who will now ask for 2 out of the
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building. thank you. can you, sir? the, the one the staying in new york? thousands. it's up to the streets there, after screaming platform, hulu. eric pro is apparently advert inviting viewers to quote him visit beautiful gaza. the commercial showed an ideal like simulation of how the honest type of book without surprises of how much active this is. heather, outraged with the message of how the city in lives and matter ringing out so much use hulu. a promoting with a branded as scientist genocide,
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u. s. lawyer and commentator has on sibley says, the american people are refusing to be silent while their leaders failed to stop the war. and this is excellent to the american people have had enough of our politicians selling their sold to a tax, getting israel's interest of america's interests. and sacrificing thousands and thousands of children in the process. america is complicit in the murder of over $12000.00 cal, assuming children in counting every single day of hundreds of innocent defenseless . allison children are blown up to pieces with american weapons and american support connecting the american people had. and all i need is our duty to speak out to condemn these politicians. and every chance we get, we cannot let them get away with this, a claim to speak out for freedom and justice while in reality, providing weapons in violation of both of us law and international law that is used for dominant against civilians in fort worth. a ways they are right, there are criminals, and they will be called out for the election commission of pakistan has scheduled
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re polling at multiple building sites for february 15th, after complaints for verified that materials had been snatched and damaged. during thursday's, at general election, several political parties alleged that the vote was rigs and have vowed to protest the results. according to the latest from the countries election. officials independent candidates with ties, detailed, oppositional, either in wrong con, have 1102 seats. the party of another from a prime minister in a wash reef has gained 73 seats while the pack of some people's party places. 3rd was $54.00 seats low for 7, rallying across the country for days. and we heard from some of them. he's got a legion here and then all of a sudden we got calls from all families, but some vehicles have arrived here with people dressed as civilians and taken away the point in the results. instead of giving it to us the i'm in need. all the people of pakistan and especially in the shower give vote to p t i candidates,
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i'm the deputy commissioner of the shower and his assistant and returning officers changed the results during the night. so we are protesting against them. they have stolen on monday, we're going to get state oldest from quotes from the base is a full, full to 7 notice of anyone's victory should not be issued. no candidate can take the eggs. we did not accept this. we heard from and wrong cons. sister in law, mary, and realize what to she shared her take on the election results and the legal case against them. wrong con, it was not unexpected that a wrong hon. within such a large majority. that'd be, he could search to dc coming up suddenly amongst all the woods, a v c 2nd, log on one, the people who were trying to dig the elections. it has become impossible to go back level law frigging without the international community or disengage with that would be because we also have the evidence and the social media is big health,
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although the media in the box and fox on is controlling. but the international media, as well as a social media that has been really strong and bringing to 930 inconvenience and all that. so we are going to the cool so far the, the district's reading was done because we have all the evidence. and of course, this comes only off to him on con, was there recently sent us to a total of 24 years in prison on corruption charges that he denies his wife. your sister has also been jo. what can you tell us about that situation right now? and have you been able to contact them to speak with them a stone due to a sentence and in wrong places, mal is 31 years and i sister faces a sentence of 21 years. ah, she is in very bad conditions right now. although they declare their house as a subject, but she's actually locked in one room with no sunlight, even in the daytime. we've made for this order around and she has
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a petition to go to the game and spend the sentence a good a good you. and mets, but she has been denied, but the addition also all the media in the box on the media, you would hear that this is being done to protect the public. on the contrary, or security is at stake, and we have been positioning it, but nothing has done well, you know, impacted the morale or wrong con, and we're trying run hon and they will fight it to the very end for the right. so people fucks them all the most them colors inside bought the sun and outside of but the sun has given their thoughts was additionally this judgment was against islam and the judges had no right to box these judgments. so this has actually gone not in a position to iran hunt, but it has actually strengthened his sympathies. all the people fuck a song with them. let's see. that's what i mean. just this is being done to him and his life. and do you expect the results of these elections to somehow affect the
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pulse occasion of him run konica the eventually succeed in painting. his sentences perhaps even receive a positive. so we are very confident the when the kids to go to the higher codes and the witnesses are provided from the defense side the these cases can be easily or to. we're looking to uh for just to. so the highest awards for just as the pardon, pardon? i don't think they need to pardon. i think they need justice because this is a complete these goals and the people swapped his mom has wanted put a number on hans david's because it also be, these are these cases already much stronger than justified? yes or no. huh. what's going to west africa now? where the original equalized block has been criticized by the rival roofing ups to house states over its stance on the political turbulence. incentive calm and follows it protests in the country over president mackey solid decision to postpone a crucial election for 10 months. critics and denounced mister sauls decision as a, quote institutional cruise. his 2nd presidential tenure is due to ends in april.
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while he has claimed he is not seeking a 3rd term. and what echo was has expressed concern over the unfolding situation and member nation incentive. all the nearby alliance of the health states comprising of molly new sharon burkina, faso, has slammed the other regional group for its handling of the case. the organization has moved away from the ideals of his founding fathers and pun african isn't moreover, a co west under the influence of foreign powers and betraying its founding principles, has become a threat to its members states and the people whose happiness it is supposed to ensure the response of the vehicle is to choose across several states as valued from case to case when the mall in military lead to buy into vice president, assuming greta toppled press the button dos. equis reacted to decisively imposing sanctions and bodies drew into it. close void is pro, is that the countries assets at the central bank of waste applicant states and imposed a trait and ball going between a plus. so m z we since the lift air force along side molly. i've also been slapped
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with sanctions over the internal political turban is indeed any, any leads military units sees power. once again echo was immediately condemned. the same power must be handed over to a civilian government threatening senses on the country and its new need is but cynical. chase appears to be different presents and mac yourself, who has maintained strong ties with the width as postponed election is causing massive prostate. in the country as well as cracking down on the opposition and demonstrates, has been set to our intimate exist a monkey. saul is sinking deeper into authoritarianism after indefinitely postponing the presidential election initially scheduled for february 25th 2024. he is now restricted freedoms by cutting of mobile internet. this decision sounds like a blow to senegalese democracy, by depriving the citizens of free access to information. microsoft seems intent on muscling oldest sons and consolidating his power. in this instance echo estimate i
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philosophy of a former colonial francophone states as only raised concerns commission of the economic community of west african states follows with concern the unfolding situation. incentive go. the echo as commission will continue to monitor the unfolding events and will take all necessary steps to support the governments and people have set a goal in their efforts to sustain the countries democratic tradition. marlene is a glitch in the foxes withdrawal from the economy. community of west africa, the states as many worried that the move will for this week and the authority of course, and actually in greater instability in the region. and these are based political activists ability. my cool suggested to our, to that the equal was block is seeking to help former colonial power friends claim to us fading influence in west africa. the, you don't need the microscope to see the double standards of the so called
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international community today to protest and decide how union of states are condemned while several quartets have occurred in the equities. though, the protest includes the water over the 3rd term of a somewhat tires, presidency, and echo was silent about this. and also today in senegal, microsoft, besides alone and without discussion to steam power and response, we see only crude statements from equity. this indicates that there is actually a game going on to ensure that the french can continue to have influence in west africa. seems to know that microsoft cannot win an election. they believe that whoever is elected president of senegal may not be accountable to the french. that is why echo us has no choice, but to issue this short statement and the call for come. it costs a place double standards when it comes to put it into psycho countries, and course was quick to condemn them and impose sanctions. however, today, when it goes additional course taking place in san a golf and the instigation of microsoft, the community is unwilling to speak out and say no to this dictate foil behavior by
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microsoft. a policy of double standards. and then jerry, a has, are part of life. so in a high level delegation for talks of leaders of new share, molly and regina rosser to discuss the recent joint announcement on their decision to leave the west african economic community union localize commission. president amar to re said the 3 countries claims have no real basis of the 3 countries outlined the grievances with costs, which include it, proceed to the departure of costs from to come up with an ideal proceed influence of hostile foreign powers. freely most abundant men by eckel or in the fight against terrorism and security. i'm became position of illegal what they consider to be the legal illegitimate. and in human sanctions. following military typical was endorsed congress
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excellence. here's why these claims have no real basis. the 3 member states have not really reflected on the implications of the position on the citizens, our citizens, the economy, community of west african states, airports as an adjacent and security council meeting, how primarily to discuss, but to see sort of molly book you in a fossil and mature republic to exit the regional blog. but the assessment also touched on the current political situation in senegal, where president market stalls postponed the presidential election initially scheduled for late february on january the 28th, molly bochita fossil and mature. and now's the withdrawal from after us with immediate effect. a joint communicate signed by the parties accused of the view to inform the ideas of the founding fathers and feed in flies by foreign powers. they
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also said the regional body fails to a member of states in the fight against terrorism and in security. the 15 nations office treated nearly half a century ago to promote economy integration among the member states. but it has struggled in recent years to address a wave of military coups takeovers in the region included in molly, me 20 and 2021. fucking a fossil in 2022. i didn't was there last year, patricia james had followed the blog. strict sense of the case is that including the threats to deploy regional forces to assault constitutional order. after the july also of president mohammed presume, experts say the withdrawal will ultimately affect asked what is found in mandate. speaking about the situation incentive goals, f was set the national assemblies resolution which fixed the presidential election for december to fix the extended president market. sol patio east redmond peace and
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stability in the communities. the air force commission said the commission is better to gather with all its members and fed the disease, which will have implications for citizens in those countries. last september, reserve molly and book unify as a form of block, known as a land subset health states and solve to topple and very easy r t a good job material. so that's what i do it for me for now. but do stay with us . my colleague and we're allow me will be in next in about half an hour with look at your headlines by the the
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