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tv   News  RT  February 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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my show is called direction, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the disturbing images from the golf. so why more than 100 people have been killed and this radio strikes on rough uh, according to the kind of sign up rach, crescent society. also i have for the moment in my life, all team needs the family open. it's rainy, resolve this mistake control how much militant and chilled and a hail of ideas on the spot is devastated relative to the demand thing. the government takes responsibility for us to stake, passed many different drugs of the test it according to the files and the documents
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that we found. most shocking the children unusual babies are included among the list of those exposed to the testing. russia claims its found evidence implicating west of pharmaceutical companies and trials of unknown drugs on the premiums, including children. since the 2014, the walking around the talk soon for new old where i, late to this is all to international. thanks for keeping me company this. i'm going to start off our program with breaking news from us. uh, the thoughts of because what we know is that has come under heavy fire from is ray, the full says, just a warning, but you may find for the images to stop and the, the,
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the palestine rad questions, the thoughts retain some more than $100.00 people including children were killed over night and as strikes on the city of ruffled us. why more than a 1000000 displays, people from across the enclaves have been taking shelter. local media reports say it is 50 strikes, targeted houses, and mosques and the city adult to treating the wounded that says they simply don't have the resources to co of a sudden we had received the last one of the $25560.00
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whom i have come in to see our this is one or the, this is price. this is one of sending it to those. austin, i do hope to see weiss . yeah. is this one blog. what else i need to p. let's include your name. sure. john, let's start chrome. all satari is in rafa right now. uh we spoke on the phone to him to get the very latest on the situation and the city, the guy was the wrong thing. so the dogs wait for one of the very strong except
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built in such a shovel that and verify that he's already on over the crowd. this area to the bottom and the good to moss 11 houses and 3 different areas. by that off, i bought the some of the people who got a student of the, some of the civil defense. and i still think students are turning, don't even disobedience. i turned out to explore some of the people who are still under that up and with very same hopes that some of them are in the life. the number is higher than 100. the 100 number of people are the ones who reached the hospital. the, the ones where did that the most with the one who are that in their homes, the one who died on their way. so the answer would already come to the whole number is not the account to, to, and is likely to increase significantly by the coming dollars the kind of figure. there's are hoping that this wouldn't happen. they wouldn't have to work even this night. there was no pre ordering. the whole operation was a problem. it was so in the sense that it hits such a order that the, the,
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i could do the area and also it hits very uh, width of cobra, of some find the area and the boat that area. so it looks like there is a ground operation that is taking place without the connection and it looks like it onto the computer because the government has to push the point into the site and it looks like this has already been happening. that is, it has been paving the way by the he bought it for a chief, investigative and 2 other things. meanwhile, the is right. the military says that it has rescued 2 hostages from captivity and rough uh, and then now being treated in a hospital. and as well, so its man rescued was said to be over 60 years old and kidnapped during the 7th of october, cross pulled up. the top is where the army says it launched a wave of strikes as casa to help rescue those 2 men and enjoyed the rescue operation by the idea of what you rescued. 2 hostages, who were abducted by him, asked on october the 7th. this was a complex rescue operation on to find the honda of rafa. based on heidi,
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sensitive and valuable intelligence, there was aerial cup and a wave of strikes by the is ready air force together with the southern come on by 1 50 am ariel fine. it was activated by the is ready air force on southern come on to enable the forces. disengagement tend to strike how much terrorism in the area while that's close to autism, at least peer or chief with panache. not read good to see you. i mean, obviously on the one hand, 2 hostages who have returned to the family, that is always a good thing. but we're also hearing from the idea of just we have that statement. it's basically claiming that these relentless bombardments and the lives lost the pat assigned wordpress and says, a 100 people are unacceptable. price for the 2 hostages. is that, is that right? a man the that seems to be the case. indeed, we now hear that at least 100 people have been killed and rough fun and southern
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guys on monday me to israel is operation to free to hostages. the idea of finishing that is really security agency had been working on the move for several weeks. the operation was postponed twice and started at 1 am local time on monday. as soon as the opportunity popped up, as the army says, if less than an hour. and as a result, 2 hostages were indeed rescued and released these ro says 2 soldiers have been wounded from these really side as well. the countries air force has conducted heavy strikes in rough us to provide cover and support for the troops. the hostages were then taking to and is really hospital and their condition is reportedly stable. but again, we hear that more than 100 people have been killed during this operation from the palestinians side. also tensions of brewing between israel and egypt all the lumen, large scale operation in the rough, fine southern parts of the gas was 3 face. reland says the reason urgent need
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claiming the rossville full battalions all come up stations in that area that have to be eliminated. is real also believes the raw still dozens of tunnels that connect gather to age of 10 to collapse them is real, needs to intensified smoke through efforts. the problem is that at least 1200000 gallons are currently located in that area. and israel still does not have any clear plan on where to move them or how to protect them from being heard. these really get them in spokesperson earlier get a very vague answer to that, claiming there is plenty of space and gaza for people to really move, let's say, can listen. how long are you going to give them to leave? and where are they going to go? you still haven't explained where they're going to go, given that so much of at garza now is less than the low open spaces in gauze. or there are places where it is possible to set up tempting templates so that civilians can get out of homes way and not allow from us to use them as human
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shields. while it tastes a rather surprising and cynical statement by and it's really official given diag conditions, people are held in. here's what the, when reports about the situation in southern parts of the gaza strip right now. in rough uh, southern gaza there a 1400000 people, tons of kilometers of people living in the streets in plastic, make shift shouts as a military offensive in the middle of these completely exposed vulnerable people is a recipe for disaster. i'm almost becoming wordless, and the question now is whether israel launches or there is to launch its large scale operation and rough phone. we heard clears pavements about preparations earlier this week. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the idea of to get ready for actions. the request was also sends to elaborate a plan for potential evacuation of guidance from the southern part of the 3. but it's really is also hesitating theory into edgar egypt. official cairo says any
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potential operation at its folders will put relations with israel to a challenge or a t spoke to an official involved in the mediation process were confirmed that indeed the relations between the 2 could potentially crack in case of the operation . israel's allies in america also warning against the moods while some mass claim that the operation in the south of gaza will stop all negotiations. and that means that the fate of 134 hostages still remaining inc. if to between gaza will be on clear back to you. well, definitely seems that the hostage crisis is, is a delicate issue. we've seen protests as well and over the past few months. my so i kind of help, but notice obviously that some stuff going on in the background i for and his way to flag i saw some slogans. could you just tell us where you are at the moment i'm what's going on behind you? of the sure. we're now at nissan, of both the crossing between israel and egypt with dozens of protest. her,
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as you can see behind me, came to try to prevent humanitarian aids from going to the gaza strip. it is yet another rally of these kind to organize. in recent weeks, they were stopped twice really police a bit before this check point. they left their cars and walked here early on monday . by the way, there was another similar gathering planned at the ken him show on crossing another major entry of the age to the probably student in place on 50 kilometers. from here is really forces blocked the road. leading to that check point, explaining the area was declared and military zone and didn't to live protests or is on media to pass through this. people believe food was her medical and shelter supplies send from these really tears. are we going directly to have mass supporting the militant group is rarely spiting against in gaza, says of silver, more than 10000 trucks and to the guy who has 3, carrying around 140000 tons of food and water. about 14000 tons of medical aid and
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also stream really needed equipment and materials for shelter is the un says more than 85 percent of gas is 2300000 population happening internally displaced in full months old. these really offensive with more than a 1000000. now crowding around the rough fox in southern parts of this tree for israel is now when intensive military activity raising concerns about the safety of course, of civilian guidance there. back to you. well definitely it seems that the news says that type thing on southern garza and there's 1000000 people in ross, so thank you for to bring us the latest on a thought that was all these movies. pure a chief ref finish. thank you, maria. thank not all hosted trust is by as we all have been pulled off the success, not the one that much was talking about in a previous tragic incident. 3 captives, what mistakenly killed by the ideas involves us despite waiving a white flag while the circle in front of me fi s o n is randy resolve is faith.
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new shots from the 8th of october of spring taken mistake. and while the for a how my smith and his family is still seeking nonsense and accountability, an adult over a to with we were sitting here in the living room like everybody often is, was. and we saw tv, the police chasing a new car. and my little daughter told me mom lives car on the television. that was the one moment in my life. they had the wrong information about for terrorist that came from am and that to less thought it just took a, went on the south a on with the bill, audi, and trust fund from his own with the blue mazda,
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the terrible mistake. and we all pay the price, so we want someone to take responsibility on so many board as 11 for more than 40400 bullet holes just to count it just make me angry because all this green this is so this is the essence of life and my son is in the grave. when i send here and fill the fair, that's out on the is the last minute. it's telling me good. what exactly
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what you didn't see know was that mentioned in the medical the feelings. we didn't see them any because in defies making within jeff and only the teeth died. dental country. i give her my best. we don't have anyone else to go back to us in the face on our leaders. on our email, it turns out weird taking responsibility. that's what the hell that was a short extract, told the documentary film by our middle east pier chief with the notion of you can watch it in full throughout the day right here on all to alternatively visit our
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website or to dot com. or the only way to return peace to the middle east is, is well to hold. it's a tax on garza as it was. if it were on, far administered. he's been meeting the serial the president in damascus. from here from damascus, i would like to announce loudly that the key to returning sustainable security to the region is to stop the genocide and the joint. american. is there any crimes against the people of gauze, or an honest time, there was a 4th note as trip to syria and lebanon by one, and for administer jose, i mean, up the lot here. the focus was on gaza. both sides condemn the continuation of the complex there one year and diplomat said, and he rushed out. of course, at the west for its continued support for his we all sing, washington cannot fletcher others of the need to stop the war while at the same time, sends its weapons to follow. be for the measures that are us cannot talk about the need still to be well continuing to send weapons to tel aviv. what will ends the
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will will be the withdrawal of america from the conflicts in birth, date's woods and deeds. it's chris, old next. and y'all, who would not be able to continue to will fever an hour without the support of america. meanwhile, the syrian foreign minister, a face of the onset, the guns or spilled the beans on israel and the united states. m t claims about human rights. he said the decimal is now approaching $28000.00. thank god. nobody in the us is taking a step towards ending the deadly war. he also reiterated that the american military presence in sierra is the legal. he wants to again condemn the united states at recent attacks on pro yvonne ministers in syria and iraq, that followed the death of american troops on the syrian jordanian border. this, as they are one and foreign minister also echoed mcdonald's words condemning what he called the legal and skilled, legitimate presence of the us military and the air of country. he said despond, the assassination of some of the all your do you see members in syria, these womach republic will continue to deploy it's quote,
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advisory forces and the country to help the syrian government. he said to find the terrorism. there we salute the rainy and the mos isn't miller free advisors who were killed in syria. i emphasized that no action by design, this regime will go on on said in the region. it's just as a military advisors acted with results during the years of finding terrorism. alongside the syrian government and on the 4th is we will continue to stand by syria in the fight against terrorism. the top you're wanting to do also, it's a good job. i connect and you know, i'm saying these were the prime minister initially sought to punish. i'm osborne, now, i must have turned the tables in the conference. he said nothing yet. who is now tramped to the guys, a quagmire and gaza has turned into a graveyard for his way. the soldiers your wants against that there is no option other than a political solution to the crisis. they pull on cation of the conference, he said, will only lead to more escalation or regional scale, the washer plains and its found evidence suggesting west and following the seats.
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coal companies have been carrying out drug trials on ukrainian spin india decade. if a new bones was said to be involved is on allegedly to pay springs 2014 crew. all day stay sweeney picks up the story. reconstruction work is taking place across my view po, with many of the buildings have destroyed during the fighting. more is being discovered about what happened in the city along the way. in december 2023 construction work because at this point was i can't take calls to. so made a shocking discovery in this space when they found a trace of documents on medication indicating that must clinical trials have taken place on the local population. for many years, many different drugs have being tested according to the files and the documents that we found. this map indicates the scale of the operation with experiments taking place as at least 8 centers across the city, or pharmacies. believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg. we found documents that suggested thousands of people have been involved in experiments with trial is
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carried out for major pharmaceutical companies, including pfizer, astrazeneca, son of the black sites miss pine. i know there's bloods and other samples we collected and then sent to labs and clinics in europe in the united states are testing the results of which are on most shocking the children i new born babies are included among the list of those exposed to the testing which one doctor says there's no certainty on that. the cool, but potentially on know if there's a civil, 1st of all, the legal participation in such research and the legal conduct of such research via one of the most important laws, the law and the value of human life and the value of health. in addition, any such research involves sending biological material including that containing sensitive information, such a genetic data or a certain genetic polymorphisms to 3rd party. so can you use this information for completely different purposes? we can't be sure what happened, how the ethics of such experiments was considered acceptable. and the clinical
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trial was approved. we didn't see any documents and we're unable to trace the patients involved with what really happened did my review po, shrouded in secrecy. but ukraine has a history when it comes to children and drug charles, in 2013 scandal broke out in the ukrainian rada. when concerns were raised over, often children being elected the use of humans. guinea pigs tested on without consent with the regional hospital. the impulse of not having the necessary approval to carry out clinical trials, procedures for clinical trials of medications submitted for registration. had been carried out in ukraine with numerous violations. a glaring fact is the conduct of tests involving orphans, including after the expiration of their insurance contract, or without the permission of one of the parents and even worse with violations of the information consent of minor patients. but instead of taking action,
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the ministry of health went on the offensive with a little makers who raised the issue, threatened with having charges pull against them. as officials denied that children have been tested all the impulse of, they said such trials were against the law. opening serious questions about what happened to my new po, the prosecutor's office, the original health administration, a full time, original state administration, and the minister of health care adult and investigation and concluded that no clinical trials or testing of any drug or vaccine in the bull tower region or in a hold of you, created were performed. firstly, it is forbidden by law. drug companies often seek to offshore clinical charles on humans to developing an emerging countries where they can find a large port of on mobile people. along with a max regulation, we framework post soviet countries remain for all ground and given their level of corruption and ukraine, it became a prime target. the 1st clinical trial was took place every 1996 in 1998 just 20 international trials took place in ukraine. within 10 years,
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this figure reached 466, with an output trend continuing, was 888 clinical trials were taken place and you cried in 2022. the number of sites are put in to conduct clinical trials for the similar trend. rising from 175 in 2001 to more than 1300 in 2009. 1 of the drug companies listed in the documents found in the my report basement sent off. we were so keen to continue is charles that they evacuated people to west and ukraine. some of these teams on the ground have made really heroic efforts to move patients from the study out of ukrainian territory is effected by the conflict and to the relatively safer west of the country or into clinical sites in neighboring countries. of course, perfectly legal and above board, even if from over the suspect one named crops up in the documents over and over
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again. talk to andre can new laurie both. he is now understood to being he have an ex but rheumatologist, his career, those of the back of the tests that took place and valuable read all the bulk is well paid and lives a comfortable life. unlike many of his former patients, little much, little more. my mother got sick, they gave her drugs, i asked her what medication she was taking, but she didn't give me a clear answer. she said that the drugs were simply given from a white box condition worse and over the course of a month. and then she died. they did not take any responsibility, did not find any one and did not provide any helps big pharmaceutical companies and show that contracts contain crosses to exclude such payouts as they might bump profits for the shareholders. of these boxes of documents containing the secrets of the mass trials and experiments that took place here in the don't yet swear public foot investigations will take time and may reveal just how the people here were
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used as human guinea pigs and germany is rapidly inducing its position as an industrial superpower, that's the one, at least from bloomberg and other western media outlets. so that saved them by planes. the countries manufacturing power has been in decline since 2017. it blames internal problems such as political paralysis and an aging walk full spot, protect, key home full has of course, mean the loss of cheap russian gas imports economist on publish. i could have a believes washington has played a significant role in this way, and it is pretty clear that it was the political ex, just a sabotage which was left by the american bodies. the american bodies, in the sense of the nato, could keep german stone russians out, and american skin was due to sabotage the german industry to make the industry move
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over to america. and 2 prohibits that the german industry that joins with the russian industry and forms a very strong relationship and a very strong economic power under your asian country. then the following is that we are heading into this super severe recession and we don't know whether it will recover, but we cannot afford this anymore to just listen to the american super powers from these publications. we have to list, listen to what is built for the german industry and for the german industry, it's goods to have connections to a market value of energy, which is now in russia. what we're facing now is, in my opinion, the most severe crisis, our depression of the last 200 years. and there's a spreading all over europe afterwards. or brand. bible also says that a full train chinese economy means that there's less demand for javan products,
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which is old. adding to balance current was in china is now causing trouble for germany and a number of ways on top of it. strategic shift into advanced manufacturing, a slow down of the asian superpowers economy is something demand for german goods even further in history and in the us media. china is to be blamed that for everything. and it's this. they actually specifically blamed china for slowing down a chinese economy. so there's less demand for german manufactured goods because as we all know, china is while the germans largest market, and they're saying because of the china, the china is economy slowing. there's less demand for german goods, so china is responsive for foot, germany and losing it, stops spot as a industrial superpower, which, again, this is ridiculous. so you know, really what, who is responsible for germany's wellbeing is a german politicians. that's what they're you've elected to do yet the best they
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could do it is that for the german industrial is, is just moves or walk moves or fact feed to united states, which doesn't help the german people or the working class people, germany. in the meantime, pain john and john snowden off schultz is blindly following orders from the us. that's according to one of his countries or media outlets, which is compatible to a lot talk with how take over the story has all to contribute to rachel mazda. and if you want a friend in washington by a dog, this american bomb mode describes the brutality of politics in the american capital and the loneliness of power. joe biden owns 2 german shepherds dogs. if you ask around in the state department, joe biden even has a 2 legged german friend relationship with chancellor olaf. shoulds is unprecedentedly good and fantastic. when biden heard that the german commander was coming to the white house, maybe he was just psyched because he thought that his actual dog, a german shepherd, whose name really is commander,
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was coming back to the white house. after having been curved for biting a bunch of biting staffers and secret service members, but windshield showed up there was absolutely no mistaking shoals with biden's german shepherd, dog commander, who absolutely let's you know exactly what's on his mind. even if he has to buy you shots, on the other hand seems to have made the trip to washington to let people know exactly what's on biden's mind. he mostly just implored us lawmakers to pass by this new bill for you for a military aid that's currently stuck in congress because republicans insist on prioritizing funding for american national security and border security onto which then biden tried to pay back the new funding for key yes, in any case, if that funding does not go through, then that you will have to place sugar daddy to keep it all on its own. probably means having to buy
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a bunch of us weapons for kids with you money. and since germany is the blocks main source of numbers, state donor cache, berlin, in particular risk getting stuck with a big chunk of the bill if it wants to keep the whole peace through perpetual war. sure. a going, the guy who was all a washington get some face time with biden. and you think that maybe he bought a, bring up some of germany's problems, like the top of bringing up the high price of us liquefied natural gas. just replace the cheap rushing gas that used to flow through the north stream pipeline into germany and power. it's economy that was before someone blew it up, or maybe talk about the problem with german companies bailing to the us, the industrialization board by the availability of energy and tax crates to biden's installation reduction act. didn't bring any of that up, at least not publicly. meanwhile, back in europe, the minister of foreign affairs of france, the blocks top defend.


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