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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 12, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EST

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with you, money and cents, germany is the blocks main source of member state donor cache. berlin in particular risk getting stuck with a big chunk of the bill if it wants to keep the whole peace through perpetual war. sure. a going, the guy was all a washington get some face time with biden. and you think that maybe he bought to bring up some of germany's problems. like, how about bringing up the high price of us liquefied natural gas? just replace the cheap rushing gas that used to flow through the north stream pipeline into germany and power. it's economy that was before someone blew it up, or maybe talk about the problem with german companies bailing to the us, the industrialization board by the availability of energy and tax crates to biden's installation reduction act. didn't bring any of that off of these not publicly. meanwhile, back in europe, the minister of foreign affairs of france, the blocks top defense x border and manufacturer,
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is trying to talk of the idea of creating military budgets for their own protection . and also better organizing their european defense industries to fight to quote russian threat. yeah, better organize to profit from it by washing tax payer cash into weapons manufacturing, which would at least still be better than what he also suggested which was just giving he has a $100000000000.00. busy loan, apparently, the opposition doesn't feel too confident that wouldn't then go straight into washington's coffers or somewhere else equally dodgy. a true agent of washington, not a french minister. we must leave the e u. n. nato. it's a question of freedom, independence, and peace. well, bad news might be ahead for european laptops, though republican front runner and former president donald trump apparently is not a dog fan that's according to his late ex wife ivana. son of obvious by the fact
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that he keeps using the word dog as a put down saying that someone died like a dog or chose like a dog who is fired like a dog. these loved dogs preferred by then over trump shots even set. so. oh right last may, of course they do, because they know that if the truck gets re elected, well, the chances of the rolled up newspaper coming out are highly likely. while that is us signing off of this on the signing of the day, i'm handier towards sushi so joint rates are us make us the the
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hello and welcome to cross the old ones on peter lavelle here we discussed some real news is very likely the most watched interviewing history tucker, carlson's engagement the brushing president vladimir putin defied the gatekeepers and the powers that be in the west. on this edition of the program, we discussed the significance of the interview and what can be learned from it. and i'm joined by my usual guess george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast, right, the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals and america. yes, we have martin. j e is an award winning journalist, a gentleman, cross type rules in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out with george in budapest, george, you know, the highly anticipated, highly criticized even before the interview was done, recorded and released and then it was being criticized even more. if you and i've talked about this previously, was a very interesting interview. it had its flaws, though your thoughts, the exact could be there. i mean, it was very interesting and had as far as i think,
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what was interesting about it and why it bravo so much is syria beforehand. and a lot of hysteria also is, is that he did indeed challenge the reigning narrative, the rainy interpretation of the events in ukraine. so he was telling a vast audience. so a story that's very different from the one that they already gave with the they up to date and i dropped the knife which is that the booted is a, a, a, a dictator. refresher is the imperialistic say to who just wants to conquer everything and wants to bring it under his terrible domination is just a hipaa like person um and he provided an alternative history history that we on the show of course, very familiar with, but many people on and it goes to that the slopes,
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great j for broke rage on the body of the white house on the bottom of the fence. damage and shoals bar is johnson because people said a different story. i think that part of it, i think what was very important then this is the story is go with going back to the collapse of the soviet union. all the various promises not to expand nato pooty as also to join nato and the re, a, the rejection of is off of a zone. and, and then of course, bringing it up to more recent times with uminski quotes. and so, so i think in that sense, i think it was a, it was a very important interview of a rage is continuing. i mean, it's not going to help paid for quite a while. it just, you call and have people hearing these kinds of things. well charge you mentioned history, let me throw it to a martin right now. there was a lot of history mentioned, this is a different view. and i think it was the 1st 23 minutes that even i was kind of in a state of shock. i know you were is that we got the entire history of russia in 23
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minutes, which was quite overwhelming. tucker carlson was obviously overwhelmed. but nonetheless here, you know, martin, you know, we do this on a weekly basis. we can be, and i have to say, maybe you'll disagree with me that there was virtually nothing vladimir putin mentioned in his interview that we didn't already know. i mean there's some minor things and i want to talk about it. but the, but this is not a narrative as that has been hidden it's, it's not a narrative. it's never been heard before. are exactly right. yes. you know, bang on them on a um a to me there were no real revelations um, but i think um pocket costs and soldiers in america. i think there's a lot of them to there for them to think that too, since you're gonna put in, put into somebody from, from, from the, from the, from the beginning. he was gonna tell me that the interview. so he gave the 23 minutes. well, have a long, it was a history this and it was absolutely nothing started causing me to do about it. i mean, just so you just gave that to strains the frowns look of looking as though he understood
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everything, but he really understood nothing. you just need a dog, you know, um, well i, i think also he said he is, he's never encountered someone that would dominate so much and be so forceful in his arguments as a juxtaposition to other western leaders. i and particularly on that day i'm thinking i'm under by, i'm sorry about joe biden, the president go ahead mark. but to be so when you do an interest in a different language, says that delay and it's very difficult to hit the button so you know, so in that respect to you was quite fundable. but, you know, i think um, if we're talking about content, you know, he took an awfully long time, really to get around to really touching on the key points, which he believes the american public really need to know, you know, who grew up know stream, you know, is the landscape the mansion negotiate a peace treaty? is you know, what talks have you had with the americans if any, you know, are you ready to, to, to actually enter into a peace agreement?
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you know, all these points. uh, i think were reticent, but i think um, you're gonna i'm gonna stick my neck on alex and the color on a limb. i saw the entry was put full actually. i mean, when you look at it from the conventional sense of how interviews a dumb type of custom tends to interview people, the any really likes it heroes. it doesn't, it doesn't tend to go for polemics dot interviews. he's not an international generalist. still even a general as to what his is, real strength is, is full today. he's doing monologues on us domestic policy and he's very good at. but i thought it was out of his depth with his interview. and i think i told you joe, to jump in there. what do you think about that? yeah i, i think it's a, i think it's a mixed bag dental length. okay, r r. i think that the interview was, was um, not as good as it could've been. i, i wouldn't blame talk to afford that. they talk a k to a. um, as every man, i mean, he came, there is a, with a view to presenting the cool thing with the platform because
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a lot of the go we in america, you know, i'm in american, we have one way of seeing what's going on it or about with the roster of what's going on and as well, you know, here's an opportunity, you know, address yourself to the american audience. tell them what it's all about. tell them you know, and how we're going to resolve is what's, what's going to be the final outcome. and i think that some, if the builder i think didn't make the best of that opportunity and i would look and say, well why should a, you know, the, you know, he has his own a generally, you know, easy doesn't care about what the talk is. agenda is, but nonetheless, it was an opportunity to, um, uh, you know, to, to make his case, i think succinctly and, and the effect of the amount. as i said earlier, i think he made a lot of points points a we're, we're familiar with. but i think you're going to made it much, much more effectively to say that right at the beginning. so the people then know
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what's going on, what, what, what, where he's coming from. when you stop talking in this very lengthy discuss, it weighs about the things that happened more than a 1000 years ago. you're going to lose people. i mean, you know, because, and then any time it took my history will, how far back and you've been to go, i mean to go back century is millennial. how does that help us? well yeah, i would think both of you would agree with me that if you had taken 2008 or 2014 as a point of reference that have brought what probably would have been a lot more effective martin who needed this interview. you know, if you look at toby's the name or the his whole approach to tucker, he was, it was almost kind of past, say with it moves almost if tucker needed this interview more than putting because i think we both, both of the, all 3 of us would agree, is that it and, and food name and said it is that, you know, the, the media outlets for president, my predominantly dominated by western countries and they're going to, you know, that they're not, they're not gonna let up on their narrative. so he'll throw in his $0.02, but he's been having a lot of folks that is going to have an a,
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a break through martin city. how to say, i mean i, i sympathize with you if, if you think that talk a little bit more. but then again, you know, the very fact that some of these points needed making, i think that also stories of spotlight on another subject which is, is a, a huge information barrier between east and west, which is really affected these huge issues like a korean war. as well, and i think probably puts in 6 there is i wonder if student has major advisors honestly because you know, i could commit to the number of full pallets, not interview the 23 minute history. i mean, we can just do that incentives into you. if you have a decent meet advisors that would say just, you know, post us know what you do because in most cases in, in pre internet days, that would never go ahead. so it's only because we have the internet, you know, you know, martin, i've seen, i've seen put and interviewed many, many, many times. my son says he makes his own rules for himself. i that, that, that's his my gut feeling. okay. i mean, when he visited r t,
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i was when our team moved to its new location, i sat next to him for 90 minutes. um, you know, he was gonna do whatever he was going to do. he didn't have any talking points. he didn't have any cards, he just did it the way he saw it. okay. which is interesting. george did. didn't change anything outside of western headquarter, tucker carlson. i'm probably not the is very involved to change the public opinion. i think the that if you know the fact that he went into this history lesson might just change people's perceptions of, they mean as the so for rushes blocks us the dictates. it was either way, l bends on a on come green, all these neighbors. and when they look at him and they find that he so, so preoccupied with some history, you know, maybe they look up on him differently. um, but i think the, the, the,
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the something you know, what, what's these boys important is that the substances of things and then he got onto a model. so science, if they, they need to come at the beginning, i was always big basically, you know, the lower it interview goes on the boy, you're going to lose people. i mean, it's just inevitable. people get tired like, and i go off and do their own thing. so that's why it was just such a bizarre thing for him to do so to it'll go again and you go into that whole whole george about about things that people know. i mean, americans know very little about their own history of this would be completely just bizarre, everything, you know, i, i mean, even though there was things going on in the 9 to insure it. well, i think, you know, if you look at the transcripts, which i encourage viewers to look at the transcript, i think you'll get more out of it because of what martin just said. here we have the translation. we have these a positive level of bad, but george, he said, just give me 30 seconds. so give me 30 seconds and i'll explain you based right. in
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terms of the almost do a half an hour of martin. the most important thing about this interview is better to have that it even happened. that's the way i look at it. yeah, and i think is a very poignant point to the event itself. and the lead up to the fence and all the spend, the public relations, and all the anger and jealousy, in spite from western general, is this. it was actually a bigger events, the management of yourself. but i think, well, i agree, i think that it will play else over the for a long time. i think an awful lot of people will see the witness thoughts, and wouldn't be quite so nice as perhaps we, we think, i think i think americans would notice thoughts. and i'm just talking colson, for what he did to him easily. what was noticed him anyway? again, it's really interesting, we have these kind of like personal information spheres as i pull that i follow and i, i'm interested in there are now as, as they were all over this. i mean they really picked it apart. okay. but and,
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but then others, you know, they, i think george, i told you the, tell the telegraph, their 1st article was, you know, putting a warren's musket or something like that, that something very esoteric. you know, that's what they took from it. but it was people that are interested in this story, were all over it and, and, and in forensic we took it apart which i think was really good. keep going mark. well yeah, i think so, but i mean, going back to the point, it was interesting that he needed to do a video before high explaining to americans why he needs to interview. i think for me that really jumped out. that was the thing. i'll remember what he did do it, it did explain nothing, you know, without being some problem. he basically said, very politely, you're pretty excellent. you know, nothing about this ukraine situation until, you know, even less about russia. and guess what on jim lis. now we'll just know the same moment. okay, is it going to jump in here? we're going to talk about those finer points. in the 2nd half of the program, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the tucker carlson interview with vladimir putin stay with our to
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the move. what else? they just don't need to shape house because after kids and engagement trails, when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the, the welcome back to press ok. bullhorn john peter will about your manual discussing the tucker carlson interview with
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vladimir putin. george, let's get into some of the finer points here. north stream um um b, but cool. in 2014 and a possible fast dig hostage exchange your pick, you take whatever you want, go ahead as well. um the basic stuff about the, the hostage exchange um that is was very interesting because the ones uh, the topic awesome. very, very boldly. um, raise the issue, all the things he had kind of ended the interview and then extended it. did you notice? yeah, exactly, no i, i absolutely. so he brought this up. um, but you know, after all, up until any that will be quite friendly. you know, he didn't know how futon would respond to the subject, but thought it was a ticket on board was but good just about it. so said you know, that right, where you can just simply say he's a junior so there's a lot more to it than that. um, but then he is and said, yeah,
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well we're working on it and we can resolve this and, and, and, and suggest that the doctor let. uh, it's quite likely that he will be resolved and he'll be going home. and essentially also spelled out what would be the conditions which and he talked about this um, this person in germany who was killed someone but but who does? yeah. so yeah, i tell them, but because he's a, he's a patriot and this person left, the mother was a, was a soft, a complete scumbag, you know, barely a human being. but those are the terms of the exchange. and once he spelled this out, then, you know, ultimately, you know, the us government knows, okay, do you want him back sometime? no, you to put in the next decade. these are, these are the times you have to fulfill that, that were in which it amazing was. what was interesting about that is that the
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russian position on these delicate issues is to say nothing. and as head of state actually did say something which was i was really quite surprised. it took a lot of courage, i think also for particular because he knew he was being attacked for doing the interview. so it was a good incumbent upon him to asked that question which he should have. and i'm glad he did martin, who blew up the north stream to boston. you did the thousands of it himself all his own. yeah. i don't know. what was quite a funny movie, the light lights a moment. but you know, a lot of americans are going to think about that comment a little americans are going to actually, for the 1st time. consider, you know, some of these reports on the internet and the claims by um cmo hush for example. and it for me, the take away of the interview is going to generate long debates a lot on social media, low and mainstream media. i'm just gonna be honda for a lot of these causes on john stimulus and america to keep pumping out
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a little this book b. s. when you know we've got this relatively serious update site is interviewed with the world leader in me in quite a while. remember journalist to come to social media or said, you know, well, you know, tucker says the lowest, some journals have gone interviews with uh, purchasing uh, a new owner tried when we were applied, we would apply to do them. but the, you know, we haven't got to think back from him in a, i think is a key message to which is uprooted and really doesn't write it. most of these western journalists, you know, he, he, and then going back to what, what type of side of the beginning. you know, he was basically saying we're doing this interview because our until just america, a so piss, pull and say pauses. and as a corrupt that we need to do that, and i think that is an important take away from me talking call honey. okay, what i mean is i saw them making kelly interview that was a total waste of time. oh i, i, i won't get that. 040 minutes back into my life. i mean, and again i have, i think pollutants probably felt the same way. these are sense was here. what they, what he encounters are not journalists, but as active as and whatnot,
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ideologically driven that, that, okay, then another issue, george, which is very important and i'm glad they took their pressed is a negotiated into the conflict in ukraine. your thoughts? it was a interesting because that was a, the, the was that i was bossing i was gonna try to go through what, what, what's the spelling out do you really spelled out very little? i, i, i couldn't really figure out what he was saying, but except the tucker was pressing him to say, well, why don't you sort of get on the phone to the white house and, you know, see if you can work something out with them with, by then and then, and buddhist, i, my wife's, i do that was over because by who is the one who's financing this war and the so yeah, i mean, a may, may be, but the problem is it is that zalinski has 0 past this, decreed is the law that brought prohibiting him from negotiating so we kind of negotiations of the lease of the law has changed. and i'm assuming in this book
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pulled this up. i'm assuming he would have passed this law without the a, the god given the go ahead from the white house. so essentially, the 1st of all has to get rid of the slow, then we can negotiate. so it seems as if he was saying that the go see ation is going to be have to be with ukraine. ukraine or rocks are gonna have to negotiate. he said, well, we're open to it, but you have to make that 1st step. you have to get, get rid of this law. well, it doesn't, doesn't help us very much us to, but he didn't really spell out what would be, what, how do you envisage this final outcome? well, i, i, he did, but he did it. his name i put in his reaction was not straightforward, but he did. he told us his thinking now go to martin right now in was the assemble process in the early stage of the conflict. and i and i, i think that, that, that's a sore point with the russian side. say, i mean, we already went there. we are ready showed you what we were interested in. what we
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wanted and your side through the ill a service is a boris johnson, which of course or something reacted to this interview in the most bizarre way. i don't want to waste time on it, but this guy is not a serious guy with, you know, martin, but the russian say, we've already done this. okay. you rejected it. so and now it's your turn. okay. and with every passing day, the terms get worse and worse for ukraine and that's on the west market. like it was a key message and i think he showed it across the palace for a lot of american german is to remind them because they're not writing this. you know, a big part of this media war is a mission. and we don't read that in wisdom copy that there was a date on the table and burst johnson floating. so, you know, he echoed all of that and repeat to that. i think that was very relevant to bring, bring anybody out today, but you also yeah. you know who, who benefits from this interview? i would, since we've been recording, i've been thinking about uh, i think come if you wanted to really damage to buttons election campaign, you know,
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and you let them in person only really took need to do is just to agrees to do a topic cost and interview and sound very lucid and clever and i'll take that for 2 hours talking about history. you know, have all these facts in front of you with no to cause. i'm skipped to interview. that's enough. in a week with a us president can barely put together a coherent sentence in english, confuses and my new mac chrome with, with a, with a mix room and a and show sweet co. and then the confusion, cc an agent with the president of mexico. and then remember when his son died, when one was and then and then it gets clipped from apparently the department just as possible pro on the basis that we can investigate him. because he's to say, no, you know, in the week, you know, that kind of interview has quite an impact because an awful lot of americans who definitely not coach and have him full of russian police to a, going to say cheapest creepers that go shop. you know, we might not agree with his politics and might not agree with the team is right,
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right, the record. but he's a leader and we have one of the leaders in america for decades. i mean, in person we have to go back to the company mugot such as so the old is more full. we had last time we had a lead to somebody really took control or took responsibility. so in terms of affecting the job i and i think that on his own was quite an excess that miss all into the button. come at no charge. one of the, you know, when they talked about the, the, the process and assemble and adel, 3 of us talked about about it in real time when it was happening. and i have 2 in my easily say that i was optimistic, maybe some of the good come about and then we had it all dashed. but george, it's been that was like 18 months ago. davids and people in western media was like, not only did that, you know, that, that not only didn't happen and it is, this is a complete fix it to be. it's kind of like the hunter, biting laptop. you know, i mean it took them so long to oh yeah, actually is real, you know,
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in the same thing as we're experiencing again. that's one of the frustrations i have george. right. that's exactly right. and it's very interesting that we've talked about the is the bull processor goes boots adults about just like it talks about mens. but you know, if you go through west the media coverage, they don't, they know never bring that up. they never talk about it a symbol, they don't talk about mens. they just have this idea. well, you know, put in the 2021 who wrote this essay about the russians and ukrainians, being one people that set out his imperial agenda. but he's got to conquer all of ukraine and incorporated into ross, so that that's how they explain it. so they don't actually tell us what they base what happened to stumble top close. they came to an agreement and what a catastrophe it was that bars. johnson, obviously, i think it goes with the, the united states brought bread, the other destroyed,
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and then so you know, i'm how many, how many hundreds of thousands of, of died since then and, and then you get to the next step, which is what or what, how do we end this? how do we resolve this? given that there was that there was a lease of agreement on the table by the land. you know, maybe it could go back to that. they've been, it's not realistic, but let's at least see if i could both the model. oh no, no, no, no, we do. we just gotta keep this little going and it still goes as a gift. and this is all the fault of the republicans. it's all the fold up from the usual characters, because then not willing to send even more arms to ukraine to keep this will going, but the some, but some mystical end of a negotiated outcome. because where we put ourselves into a strong position at the negotiate think they, well that's, that's the sort of the fantasy works. but i think in the book and that challenge, that is like, what the hell are you doing that you have another problems of your own? you know why, why, why is you wasting everyone has 50? that's the resources on this. well again, but looking at the demeanor in here
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a martin i, i would wager they put and never would have done this interview with him. i didn't feel like he wasn't a very strong winning position. okay. almost to the point of, you know, being very, very confident and essentially messages you guys started this. this is what you wanted to do. we gave you and how we gave you an offer app is way like to say, and you didn't want to take it. so, you know, you've made your bed sleeping it, but that's the kind of tell him that i got from him. and what was the wish do now they will make it 10 times worse themselves. you know, they the old other one and hold on take already european union is talking about a sanctioning talk a call. some of i'm trying to find the interview. and of course, when you do that, you know, a 100 fold more people. one of that want to read it, want to watch it. and people in america talking about trying to so to put off some sort of bond on top of costs and coming back, you know,
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all of this is fantastic for him and his website and, well, you know, we're, we're all, and we're out of time here. but gentlemen, i looked at the a montage of all of the group of journal a so called, you know, and access people. you know, all their criticism. when i looked at all of those faces, tucker carlson, got more views for that interview than all of these networks in, in platforms get in total. okay, that's the impact your gentleman. that's all the time we have one to take my guess in budapest and mer cash. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us . here are the scenic some remember prospect rules the the
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the, the so the image isn't coming from gaza, more than a 100 people to being killed and then is really attack on the outside. that is, according to the palestine, but presents the time. and the idea of so that use it to ask drives on the southern gaza as a cover to help rescue to apostage it is from the area many different drugs are being tested according to the files and the documents that we found. most shopping the children, a newborn babies are included among the list of those exposed to the testing pressure claims its found evidence implicating western pharmaceutical companies and trials of unknown drugs on you. prior to doing this, including children proportionally since $24.00.


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