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tv   News  RT  February 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the, the more than 100, this policy the into the killed and drop. i have the result of what the idea of 12 of 12 a flight a, the rescuing a pair of these rallies from the mass cub services. pakistan will uphold onto democratic principles and will not allow honestly, to spread according to the countries can take a prime minister that comes with members of the pci policy. protect the election results said that there were read matter to or have gather all of the 64000 votes and my new year's bible got only 17000. we'll continue this process. so the quotes for ships faithful and consistent implementation of the ministry
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agreements was the only chance to restore peace and new credit as a rush, as the has the web security council of convenience to address the complicating you trade this after monday logs 9 years and demands good ribbons where find in the ultimate be validated by key at the head of welcome to our team to national routine. you live for my new center in moscow. i am michael fletcher with the updates. now picking up on these are this got this out from gas at the palace. pine red crested society says that the more than $100.00 civilians, including children, were killed overnight in as twice in the city of rafa. of the salvo columns as the idea of says the use the attacks of cover to rescue hostages. and they enclave. a
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warning about the following footage of the human after mass as disturbing the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the front end of it is. this is what happened. these are the 2 marches right here, and there are injured people to my relatives, cause you to tell my wife got injured with them and they were all taken to the hospital. if any of these to remain here. they were the display session i'm calling us see those and all attempts here of the display. so it's like a refugee camp. relatives of the dead are devastated by the toll which to the lives
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of many women and children. according to local media reports, at least 50 strikes, destroyed, housing blocks, and mosques in rasa, out of. so the stands as the most densely populated in guys that has more than 1000000 in the hosp display font, a cdn took shelter that i'll be id f as of the rest to these readies where a kid not during the 7th of october, across the border attack they have re united with their relatives, and these are all after more than 4 months on now being treated in hospitals of the spokesman for israel's armed forces. describe the operation and enjoyed the rescue operation by the idea of what you rescue 2 hostages, who were abducted by him, asked on october the 7th. this was a complex rescue operation on to find the hoss of bravo. i saw a highly sensitive and valuable intelligence there was aerial cup and a way to strikes by the as ready as possible together with the southern. come on the flyer, $150.00. i am aerial fine. it was activated by the is ready at 477,
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come on to enable the process disengagement at destroyed time. us terrorism live in the area a to smoke that with israel, preventing journalists from entering bank and bottled and grave. all information is hard to gain due to the idea of action, but however, we managed to speak on the phone with the local journalists who shared with all the latest updates. the guy was the wrong thing. so the dog way, for one of the very strong exp, logins that had a shovel the and verify that he's already on over the crowd, this area to the bottom bottom and uh, the tool mos 11 houses and 3 different areas. by that off, i bought the some of the people who work in the state of the some of the civil defense. and i still think students outside and don't even base opinions. i turned out to explore some of the people who are still under that up and with very same hopes that some of them are in the life. the number is higher than 100. the 100 number of people are the ones who reached the hospital. the,
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the ones who were the ones with the one who had that in their homes. the one who died on their way to the office because i would already come to the whole number is not the account to to and is likely to increase significantly by becoming dollars. the kind of figures are hoping that this wouldn't happen. they wouldn't have to weren't even this night, there was no pre ordering. the whole operation was a problem. it's want so in the sense that it hits such a old area, it's not the kind of generic area. and also it hits very uh, width of cobra, of some fine area and about that area. so it looks like there is a ground operation that is taking place without the conversion. and it looks like the ultimate goal objective because the government is to push the point into the side now area. and it looks like this has already been happening. that is, it has been paving the way by the heat. people bought it for a cheap in fact, give it to other stuff. while e 0 has managed to secure 2 hostages baptist safety,
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you read to rated that is military campaign will not let up until the rest of brought home of us to mol, hostages, hold on 134 still to got israel remains committed to the pledge, but there will be no one left behind. we will continue applying military pressure to release the hostages by false web possible and to create the conditions for their release. otherwise, that seems to be the case. indeed, we now hear that at least 100 people have been killed and rough, uh, and southern guys on monday me to israels operation to free to hostages. the idea finishing batches really security agency had been working. honda moved for several weeks. the operation was postponed twice and started at 1 am local time on monday. as soon as the opportunity popped up, as the army says, if less than an hour, and as a result, 2 hostages were indeed rescued and released. these real says 2 soldiers have been wounded from these really side as well. the countries air forces conducted heavy
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strikes in rough uh to provide cover and support for the troops. the hostages were then taking to in is really hospital and their condition is reportedly stable. but again, we hear that more than 100 people have been killed during this operation from the palestinians side. also pensions of brewing between israel and egypt all the lumen, large scale operation in rough, fine, southern part of the gas has 3 face railing system. the reason urgent need claiming the rushville full battalions also not stationed in that area that has to be eliminated. these will also believes the roster dozens of tunnels that connect gather to age of 10 to collapse them is real, needs to intensified smoke through efforts. the problem is that at least 1200000 gallons are currently located in that area. and israel still does not have any clear plan on where to move them or how to protect them from being hurt. these
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really get them in spokes person earlier, getting a very vague answer to that, claiming the re is plenty of space and gases for people to freely move. let's say, can listen. how long are you going to give them to leave and where all they're going to go? you still haven't explained where they're going to go, given the so much is gone. so now is lots of as well there. open spaces in garza, there are places where it is possible to set off tempting compliments, so that civilians can get out of homes way and not allow from us to use them as human shields. while it tastes a rather surprising and cynical statement by and his really official given diet conditions people are held in here is what the un reports about the situation in southern parts of the guns as 3 bride now, in rough uh, southern gaza there a 1400000 people, tons of kilometers of people living in the streets in plastic, make shift shouts as a military offensive in the middle of these completely exposed vulnerable people is a recipe for disaster. i'm all must be coming wordless. the question now is whether
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israel launches or there is to launch its large scale operation and rough phone. we heard clear statements about preparations earlier this week. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the idea of to get ready for actions. the request was also cents to elaborate a plan for potential evacuation of gallons from the southern part of the 3, but as well as also hesitating, fearing to edgar egypt to official cairo, says any potential operation at its folders will put relations with israel to a challenge or a t spoke to an official involved in the mediation process, will confirm that indeed the relations between the 2 could potentially crack in case of the operation. israel's allies in america also warning against the moods while some mass claim that the operation in the south of gaza will stop all negotiations. and that means that the fates of 134 hostages still remain in the ink of 2 between gaza will be unclear. we are now at nissan,
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of both the crossing between israel and egypt with dozens of protests or is this you can see behind me came to try to prevent humanitarian aid from going to the gaz . us 3 of it is yet another riley of these kind to organize in recent weeks they were stopped twice really police a bit before this check point. they left their cars and walked here early on monday . by the way, there was another similar gathering planned cat, him show long crossing another major entry of the aides to the palace student and played some 50 kilometers from here, his really forces blocked the road leading to that tech point, explaining the area was declared and military zone and didn't to live protest or is on media to pass through this. people believe food was for medical and shelter supplies sent from these really tears. are we go directly to have mass supporting the militant group is really spiting against in gaza. so suppose over more than
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10000 trucks and to the gas is 3 carrying around 140000 tons of food and water, about 14000 tons of medical aid and also stream really needed equipment and materials for shelter is the un says more than 85 percent of gas is $2300000.00 population happening internally displaced in full months of these really offensive with more than a 1000000. now crowded around the rough up in southern parts of this tree for israel is now playing pensive military activity, raising concerns about the safety, of course, all civilian gardens. they are at the package, the now where the national assembly elections wrapped up last week. but accounting has just been completed by the countries categor prime minister has been of the statement that made political uncertainty in the nation as these lum about the weights for a coalition government to be formed. despite challenges, the continuation of democratic process as a welcome development, the elections were held peacefully despite security challenges. we did not have any
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institutional mechanism, either in fear or favor of an entity, political group or individual. we will not let anyone to spread, an or key in the country. servers believes that there would be, there could be weeks of political uncertainty, a head in the country award. the potential for violent protests and a crackdown by the powerful military is not outside the rest. begin by claims of state sponsored vote for getting the allegations were made by pack is not to week and soft party or p. p. island by jails. former prime minister and brawn con disheartening. the majority of the seats in parliament deputy i claim the results of at least a team national assembly seats for quote, falsely changed by election officers. the claim was of course, dismissed by the incumbent government as base last saying it has maintained neutrality throughout the election process. but that did not stop angry supporters of the p t. i to take the discrete st. before these have quotes to the overwhelming
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mandate of the people of pakistan. the party insists now that i'd be independent results show p t i's victory. they now demand that the results must be revised in their own favor, mattered or by law, have gather on 64000 votes and my nearest 5 all got the all new, 17000 votes. we will continue this protest and also going to quotes. we have faith in the judiciary, we hold that they will declare those candidates victorious, has, has been bolted by the people they say. so do you mind seeing that can be sent to your demand that we demand that the results should be announced on the basis of the forms that were given to us earlier and according to which candidates of the day i went by and large, morton, those results were changed in the morning. this was the recent into your jail term of p t. i's lead our honda over charge as a fleeting state secrets is also driving the parties borders over the edge. the next 5 minutes, sir, was ousted by political opponents in 2022, and later i rested in may of 2023 and has ever since been serving,
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gets we your jail term on a corruption conviction which banned him from running for prime minister for 5 years despite his absence from the rivalry his party secure most of the seats, and this latest election based on the final vote counting, announced by the election commission, independent candidates, 1102 seats. the majority of them are backed by halls, party packaged on most of them week and it was party or p. m o n headed by ex prime minister. now, while sherry stood 2nd with the 73 seats and the packers fan, people's party 154 seats. now, here's the cash. none of the 3 major parties in the country have reached the required 169 seats to have a parliamentary majority. so according to the constitution, none of them will be able to form a government independently. as a result, it remains unclear who will be chosen as the next prime minister of pakistan within
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inconclusive and highly contentious vote. pakistan is now expected to face weeks of political uncertainty and a potential violent protest. the head, as dozens of constituency resolves facing challenges in court and revival parties, negotiating possible coalitions. earlier we spoke with a member of the proxy standing national assembly, a ways how you call and he'd pull through the election result in what they demonstrated to do. so the whole conventional price on that again saw it was door to the people in the bottom or some order of those people. and they are trying to bring back the doors, the people up on something and saw a strongly for the use of the items or do this over the whole system. the whole election. they went on the election date of the internet service. the web service wasn't even bidding the level of progress on that again solved because like,
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you wouldn't be the executive 40. so and uh, also the additional funds are, you can solve, solve. would it be $115.00 to $20.00 district. i'm different than on the corner. boom. uh you want more than 6 months so that can be so offer all these atrocities. but for all these uh, restrictions people have already gone. it was a little hard times. there's 95 percent people all focus on on and to lot of the bottom on the list of the things it doesn't matter as soon as people are not. those are just fine with the reserves the pieces are doing today to the box on that again. so i'm sitting there on the un security council convened the rush of the request to address the ukrainian conflict. as monday, march, the 9th and advisory of the main ski agreements according to moscow's you and envoy,
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and invest city and it bends. yeah. the agreements where the only peaceful resolution to the crisis and where intentionally neglected as to the source and the possibility of little voting keeps faithful and consistent. implementation of the mysql agreements was the only chance to restore peace and ukraine as well as we already know reliably today. thanks to former leaders of france, germany and ukraine. neither key of, nor the guarantors of the agreements, france, germany, or colon. we're going to fulfill anything cynically using the response that are here for the requirement of the ukranian army simmons and preparation for war with russia. russia could not stand aside when there was a clear realization bit of at all possible measures and political and diplomatic settlement had been exhausted. there was no other option left to us to protect the people of the box from extermination. the seats at the decision was taken to launch a special military operation in use while x dot across live to our,
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to you correspondent that caleb mauppin. caleb, it's good to have you join me now. what more can you tell us about the latest un security council meeting and, and was where to take away as well. the meeting was called by russia on the anniversary of the men's agreements. now, the minister agreement was a negotiation process, intended to resolve tensions in ukraine. in the aftermath of the 2014 year old maiden, coo carried out by the united states and nato, and the rest minsk agreement was not implemented. the government didn't follow that minsk agreement, and that is what has led to the situation in the country and the special military operation. now that, hey, courts, which the every human attempted to utilize against russia has ruled that much of what the key of government has said and the legs against russia is simply not the case. and that was pointed out on the floor of the security council by the russian ambassador, and here's what he had to say. and so when i see could be the,
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it was my unfortunate she will, we can see, we know exactly what we will not here today. from the camera, she minutes western papa tears, we will not hear about the outcome of keeps proceedings in the international court in the hague, against russia, for financing terrorism in dunbar. this clumsy attempt ended with the court ruling that neither the mask nor the gods people's republics or terraced organizations. in other words, there were no terrace in dunbar. you would only those who demanded that the new authorities for leaving will respect their rights. and whom key if we can are to instead of goods, because the court refused to recognize russia as an aggressor state in a state sponsor of terrorism. you name is what do you say to this, our former western partners can you believe on february, 2nd, with an international court ruled on another lawsuits by ukraine, against russia for a legit russian abuse of the convention against genocide to justify a special military operation because of these vocal allegations were rejected by the international rescue of his turn,
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the tables of itself and now will be forced to prove that there was no genocide on the part of the key. every human dunbar. serious version of the punitive operation against its own civilian population. in the boss and operations goes terrace, which as the international court found, did not exist and done boss. now think about what the name is for the narrative. promoting and promoting regarding the mysql agreements and rushes actions little but they really need. and now when the united states representative took to the floor of the meeting, he claimed it was russia that was responsible for the failure of the men's grievance. uh, and he didn't go into detail about it, but he blamed russia for the situation when the ukrainian representative got before the panel. he presented his interpretation of the a rulings and after that we heard from the russian ambassador and eventually i who said that they will be presenting to the security council in written form and an accurate assessment of what the
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a court rulings actually said. as contrary to the distortions heard from the representative of ukraine, tried to somehow argue these hague court ruling somehow root ukraine was correct when that is clearly not what they had to say. as the russian ambassador read into the record and made clear when addressing the security council. now we heard it for many countries urging negotiations, urging steps toward peace and reconciliation in ukraine, saying that there's not going to be a military solution to the conflict but negotiated asians are the way forward. uh, overall it was a meeting where we saw some very different interpretation of world events from different countries represented on the council. now it is important to note that the meeting did begin with a presentation from r t zones. steve sweeney reporter, who's been on the ground in dawn box uh, showing and documenting the actual conditions the population there as been facing and years of showing and food blockades,
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and other atrocities committed by the key of government, backed by the last dots. and he gave a very moving presentation about what he has observed and what civilians in don boss have faced in the lead up to the special military operation. and sense that, that the hands of ukrainian forces. so it was quite a powerful meeting on the anniversary of the mask agreement held at the un security council called by russia. the right kind of bumping hard to corresponding and bringing us up to speed this. thank you so much for your time and appears to be flattered when you get a new career, you know, mobilization efforts to send citizens to fight 10 scenes ahead in the western region. i'll see you vondell phone calls. the a video is advised online showing crowds trading blows in swearing at military and
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recruiters becomes as parliament debates, new legislation to talk from the common draft which would allow the assets cesar of 80 dodges while allowing the conscription age to between the 5. a former commander of a nationalist by tale and the even a claim that the ami my before should directly step in while we're still in there is a human full. we will see more and more cases like this. and then the civil authorities will further hands up until the army to solve the problem or leave me the army can sort things out. but i really would like to see cause of much being cleared like enemy territory of the frames. and you've seen hundreds of thousands of military age males in ukraine. so you to other countries rather than be constructed in a sense of the product lines to fight for their country. and now you're seeing increasing uh, issues with in ukraine of people suspecting their neighbors as buying of
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a suspect to their neighbors. and maybe turning in their signs for their husbands or their brothers to, to be sent to the front lines. it is literally falling apart in ukraine, and unfortunately, the west keeps ending billions and billions more to keep this conflict a lot better. the wall, the country is new, top military commander, alexander c. s. k is this is supposed to be under pressure to create a new strategy that avoid so called stagnation on the front line. but steve gal, again, fears the official is doing was the last few ones and not what is best for you tree . as i think is this thing to watch the conflict within ukraine, both in the government as well as the citizens who are upset that savanski aspire to stop from andrew. and what will happen next is you have a new commander getting the needs and desires of the lensky rather than what may be the best judgment on the battlefield or, or what's best for you, craig. there is serious conflict brewing with in ukraine. it is hard to imagine
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that does on wednesday can keep power much longer with these kind of conflicts within his own government, within his own military, within his own citizens, essentially meant that ukraine strategy on the battlefield is now moving to a defensive posture rather than the much heralded, you know, winter offensive spring offensive some offensive every day being told about they're no longer on the office. they're now trying to hold where they are or just, you know, restrict the russian advances. that's a good sign of a war that is not going well. and i think that's one of the reasons. again, you're seeing people flee to other countries rather than beacon scripted and sent to the front lines. and i think what's also interesting is that the europe is losing, it stays to this conflict, and you have your fee and countries saying, we're not going to send those people back to the research of the front lies. if you brain wants to draft them and send them to the front advised ukraine needs to convince them to come home. we're not going to send them back. so there's, there's a lot less of the appetite. i think in westbridge you're of m, you're the us for this continued conflict. but unfortunately, our,
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our political leaders are continuing to throw good money after bad or the german tons of a whole lot of souls as lively following orders from the united states. and that's according to one of his countries owed media outlets, which has compared him to a pet dog. with our take on the story here is our to contribute to radio boston. if you want a friend in washington by a dog, this american bar mode describes the brutality of politics in the american capital and the loneliness of power. joe biden owns 2 german shepherds dogs. if you ask around in the state department, joe biden even has a 2 legged german friend relationship with chancellor o off. shoulds is unprecedentedly good and fantastic. when biden heard that the german commander was coming to the white house. maybe he was just psyched because he thought that his actual dog, a german shepherd, whose name really is commander,
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was coming back to the white house. after having been curved for biting a bunch of biting staffers and secret service members. but when she showed up there was absolutely no mistaking shoals with biden's german shepherd, dog commander, who absolutely let you know exactly what's on his mind. even if he has to buy you shots. on the other hand seems to have made the trip to washington to let people know exactly what's on biden's. he mostly just implored us lawmakers to pass by this new bill for you for a military aid that's currently stuck in congress. because republicans insist on prioritizing funding for american national security and border security onto which then biden tried to pay back the new funding for key. yes. in any case, if that funding does not go through, then that you will have to place sugar daddy to keep it all on its own. probably means having to buy
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a bunch of us weapons for kids with you money. and since germany is the blocks main source of member of state donor cache, berlin in particular risk getting stuck with a big chunk of the bill if it wants to keep the whole peace through perpetual war. sure, a going to guide was all a washington get some face time with biden. and you think that maybe he bought a, bring up some of germany's problems, like the top of bringing up the high price of us liquefied natural gas. just replace the cheap rushing gas that used to flow through the north stream pipeline into germany and power. it's economy that was before someone blew it up, or maybe talk about the problem with german companies bailing to the us, the industrialization board by the availability of energy and tax crates to biden's installation reduction act. didn't bring any of that off of these not publicly. meanwhile, back into europe, the minister of foreign affairs of france, the blocks top defense export urban manufacturer,
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is trying to talk up the idea of creating military budgets for their own protection and also better organizing their european defense industries to fight the quote russian threat. yeah, better organize to profit from it by washing tax payer cash into weapons manufacturing, which would at least still be better than what he also suggested which was just giving he has a $100000000000.00. busy loan, apparently, the opposition doesn't feel too confident that that wouldn't then go straight into washington's coffers or somewhere else equally dodgy. a true agent of washington, not a french minister. we must leave the e u. n. nato. it's a question of freedom, independence, and peace. well, bad news might be ahead for european laptops, though republican front runner for and former president donald trump apparently is not a dog fan that's according to his late ex wife ivana. son of obvious by the fact that
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he keeps using the word dog as a put down saying that someone died like a dog or choke like a dog who is fired like a dog. these loved dogs preferred biding over trump, shots even set. so a right last may, of course they do because they know that if trunk gets re elected, well the, the chances of the rolled up newspaper coming out are highly likely. all right, back to the old babies our you can get more details on archie does come with all the stories who are following at this time to see again in about 15 minutes by now the


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