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tv   News  RT  February 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the, the more than $100.00 public opinion is a killed in the off i has the result of what the idea of calls cover strikes a rescue. and a pair of these are these from him, i have skipped of it the, the keeps faithful and consistent implementation of kaminsky green. this was the only chance to restore peace in the crate ross of behest the un security council convenes to address the conflict in ukraine. best this awesome monday, march 9 years, fitness and mask agreements with sign and ultimately validated by key at the, at the top is found
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a little hold on to democratic principles on would not allow adequate to spread according to the countries care to confront, administer. it comes as members of the pci positive protests. the election results said that they were 3 letters or i have got the wrong, 64000 votes and my nearest of all, i've all got the only 17000 votes. we will continue this protest and also going to quote, the offices are to international reaching. you live for my new center in the russian comfortable. hi, um i called quite yet with a updates a lot kicking off on news from guys and out of the pa, this time red crescent societies. as of the more than $100.00 civilians, including children, were killed overnight and a slice on the city of rafa. of the fall. busy comes as the idea of says use the types of cover to risk. you have to this in the enclave. a warning the following
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footage of the human aftermath is disturbing. the bottom of it is, this is what happened. these are the 2 monitors right here. and there are injured people to my relatives got injured, my wife got injured and they were all taken to the hospital. these to remain here. they were the displaced from con eunice and all the tents here for the displaced. it's like a refugee camp. of the relatives of the dead are devastated by the total of which to the lives of many women and children. according to local media reports, at least 50 strikes, destroyed, housing blocks,
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and mosques and rafa. and the city stands as the most densely populated in gaza as more than the media and a half displays, while the cdns take shuttled to that. now the idea accessible to rescues is ronnie's where a kid nots during the 7th of october, across the border attack. they have reevaluated with the relatives and these role act up more than 4 months and being that being treated in hospital as a spokesman for ease roles armed forces describes the operation and enjoyed the rescue operation by the idea of we rescued. 2 hostages, who were abducted by him as on october the 7th. this was a complex rescue operation on to find the honda of bravo. based on heidi sensitive and valuable intelligence, there was aerial cup and a wave of strikes by the is ready apples together with the southern come on by $150.00, i am aerial fine. it was activated by the is ready air force on southern come on to enable the forces this engagement and to strike how much terrorists in the area
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that with israel preventing donald list from mentoring the in buffalo to include enclave information is hard to gain, to due to the idea of action, but have a, we managed to speak on the phone with a local don list who was shared with off the latest updates. it was a wrong thing. so we got a way for one of the very strong except wilkins that had a shovel that and verify that he's already on over the crowd. this area to the bottom and advocate to mos 11 houses and 3 different areas by the bought the some of the people who are not a student of the body shop of the civil defense. and i still think students outside and don't even disobedience. i turned out to explore some of the people who are still under that i've been with very slim hopes that some of them are as to the life. the number is higher than 100. the 100 number of people are the ones who reach the us because they are the ones who are the ones with the one who are that
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in their homes. the one who died on their way. so that was would already come to the whole not, but it's not that come to to and is likely to increase significantly by becoming dollars. that kind of thing. there's are hoping that this wouldn't happen. they wouldn't have to work even this night. there was no pre ordering. the whole operation was a problem. it's once to the turn stuff, it hits, that's the old or the i did the kind of generic area and also a very uh, width of cobra for how something area and about that area. so it looks like there is a ground operation that is taking place without the conversion. and it looks like that onto the co protective because the government has to push the point into the site and i area and it looks like this has already been happening. that is, it has been paving the way by default apartments or achieving fact give a choice a while e 0 has managed to secure 2 hostages about the safety. you read to rate is that is military campaign will not let up until the rest are brought home of us to mol,
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hostages, hold on $134.00 still to got israel remains committed to the pledge, but there will be no one left behind. we will continue applying military pressure to release the hostages by full supply possible and to create the conditions for the release. otherwise, that seems to be the case. indeed, we now hear that at least 100 people have been killed and rough um and southern guys on monday the israel is operation to free to hostages. the i d f. and she, in batches really security agency, had been working on the move for several weeks. the operation was postponed twice and started at 1 am local time on monday. as soon as the opportunity popped off, as the army says, if less than an hour, and as a result, 2 hostages were indeed rescued and released these ro says 2 soldiers have been wounded from these really side as well. the countries air forces conducted heavy strikes in reference to provide cover and support for the troops. the hostages were
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then taking to and is really hospital and their condition is reportedly stable. but again, we hear that more than 100 people have been killed during this operation. from the palestinians side, also tensions of brewing between israel and egypt. all the lumen, large scale operation in rough, fine, southern parts of the gas was 3 things real and serious. the reason urgent need claiming the rossville full battalions all from us stations in that area that have to be eliminated. israel also believes the roster dozens of tunnels that connect gather to age of 10 to collapse them is real, needs to intensified smoke through efforts. the problem is that at least 1200000 gallons a currently located in that area. and israel still does not have any clear plan on where to move them or how to protect them from being heard. these really get them in spokesperson earlier get a very vague answer to that, claiming the res,
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plenty of space in gaza for people to freely move, let's say, can listen. how long are you going to give them to leave? and where are they going to go? you still haven't explained where they're going to go, given that so much is garza now is lots of as well there. open spaces in gaza. there are places where it is possible to set off attempting competence so that civilians can get out of homes way and not allow from us to use them as human shields. while it's a, it's a rather surprising and cynical statement by and is really official given diet conditions. people are held in here is what the you, when reports about the situation in southern parts of the gaza strip right now. in rough uh, southern gaza there a 1400000 people. tons of kilometers of people living in the streets in plastic, make shift shouts as a military offensive in the middle of these completely exposed vulnerable people is a recipe for disaster. i'm almost becoming wordless. the question now is whether
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israel launches or there is to launch its large scale operation and rough phone. we heard clear statements about preparations earlier this week. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the idea of to get ready for actions. the request was also sense to elaborate a plan for potential evacuation of guidance from the southern part of the 3. but it's really is also hesitating searing to anger, aged official, cairo's as any potential operation at its folders will put relations with israel to a challenge or a t spoke to an official involved in the mediation process. we confirmed that indeed the relations between the 2 could potentially crack in case of the operation . israel's allies in america also warning against the moods while some mass claim that the operation in the south of gaza will stop all negotiations. and that means that the fates of $134.00 hostages still remaining the ink of 2 between gaza will be unclear. we are now at 2 minutes on a boat,
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the crossing between israel's an agent with dozens of protest. her, as you can see behind me, came to try to prevent too many hearing aids from going to the gaz. us 3 of it is he had another riley of these kind to organize in recent weeks. they were stopped twice really police a bit before this check point. they left their cars and walked here early on monday . by the way, there was another similar gathering planned as kept him shut long, crossing another major entry of the age to the palace student and play some 50 kilometers from here, his really forces blocked the road, leading to that check point explaining the area was declared and military zone and didn't to live protest or is on media to pass through. most people believe food was her medical and shelter supplies send from these really territory go directly to have mass supporting the militant group is really spied to the gainst in gaza. so sift over more than 10000 trucks and to the guy who has 3, carrying around 140000 tons of food and water,
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about 14000 tons of medical aid and also stream really needed equipment and materials for shelter is the un says more than 85 percent of gas is $2300000.00 population has been internally displaced in full months. all these really offensive with more than a 1000000 now crowded around the rough up in southern parts of this 3 for israel is now when intensive, military activity raising concerns about the safety. of course of civilian guidance there about mainstream media in the united states have been pushing reports that dual biden's attempts to clocks, the ease roll into a seas file phase of facing a data facing a dead end, an m b c. news, optical elect is that in private talks do abided, and has colby's ready prime minister, impossible to deal with going so far as to put the, the column on a hole. not let's have cross live to follow the who on the list and feel, my gosh on stone. joining us from florida. sean is good to have you join me now.
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how would you explain duel by that? reportedly referring to these closest ally in the middle east as on a whole of the, you know, it's, it's, it's interesting my read on it either, i guess there's different ways you can interpret that, right? you could say, oh well, you know, then yeah, there really is that in there, you know, i think a lot of people would agree um, but my interpretation of biden's language. i think one of the quotes that i read was basically bite in saying, you know, he's a pain in my but, and that kind of thing. i look at it more as biting, recognizes how much, how damaging this war is and can be for his election. or re election. right. and i think that he's looking at it from that perspective of this thing is dragging on the more civilian casualties, the bloodier you know, that where you mentioned rough or bidding on it could be a blood bath. obviously does you guys have the reporting and talking about,
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you know, a 1000000 a the palestinians gathered there, many of them refugees to be they could get very ugly. right. and so providing perspective, if he's not looking at it for many, many terry and perspective, i don't look at him as a humanitarian, he's very much and a very much in the o'con and his world view. i look at it more as he's worried that the continuation of this war, the more civilian deaths and casualties, the more he will lose a lot of support as he already i think has within the democratic party. so the fact that uh, nat geo is not being responsive to, you know, him basically saying a key tone is down. can you stop, you know, can you turn down the civilian deaths, that kind of thing. that's what's really bothering by it. now, washington has long guarantee diesel's security. how does bits fit with ease? well, going against washington. now, i mean, you know, if you know
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a bit of the history read it is real. in 67, they attacked the us as liberty, for example. and a lot of people are very, you know, still upset about the, the desk of american sailors that, you know, and the americans, a general buy, you know, is, is real talking that ship. and that's just one example, there was never, they wouldn't have reprimanded for that. no one ever really knows that history. i mean, if you people, some people talk about it, but it's not generally known by the, by the population. i don't know that is or elizabeth sicily just been the lackey of united states. i think that many people who are savvy, recognize that there's a lot of dual citizenship. i think, you know, i must get out. there's even talked about this right amongst people like even like blinking, but the neo con faction within our, our government has many of them are dual citizens of israel. so when you have the influence that is real, seems to have overboard positions. would it be at through finance and, you know, and other factors. you know,
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it's difficult to save. united states is just is dictating what israel does that mean. no other country has gotten the amount of benefit since world war 2, the israel's got from the us. now, what's the likelihood that all their american allies could follow suiting, ignoring washington's directors, when that time comes, you know, again, it's, it's, it's difficult to say, well, you know, in the door allies just, you know, agree with us. i don't, i don't think it's that simple. i don't think it's been that simple. we've seen since the end of the 2nd world war that the us is certainly been amazing. uh, you know, the generator of cruise for, you know, or political influence, economic influence in the world, right? sometimes war and sometimes you know, it using economics to, to, to force as well. but that doesn't mean the, the allies of us always respond. i mean, look at, just to build the rock war of the, you know, 2003 time period. you know,
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the french and other, you know, european countries didn't go with the american agenda. so it's, it's difficult to say, you know, the allies just respond to the us. no, i don't think it's ever that simple. i think that there's, there is certainly us does try to bully or manipulate it or influence them, as i mentioned, you know, using a different tactics to try to get what it wants. but do you guys is not in a position that i think increasingly that's what we're moving now as we know into multiple the world economically as well, that the us will not just be able to force other countries to do what it wants. we have to leave you here. now how follow to go on to this and, and feel my gosh on stone, and thank you for your insight. as monday and box the knife in advisory up in may, i ask agreements the united nations security council has convened a rocha's request to address the conflict in your trade according to moscow's you and envoy, my city and the bins. yeah. the deals where the only peaceful resolution to the crisis where intentionally neglected the rest of this and the post,
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the little phone keeps faithful and consistent. implementation of domestic agreements was the only chance to restore peace and ukraine. well, as we already know, reliably today, thanks to former leaders of france, germany and ukraine, neither key of, nor the guarantors of the agreements, france, germany, or poland, were going to fulfill anything cynically using the respite that appeared for the retirement of the ukrainian army. and its preparation for war with russia. russia could not stand aside when there was a clear realization that all possible measures of political and diplomatic settlement had been exhausted. and there was no other option left to us than to protect the people have done boss from extermination. that the decision was taken to launch a special military operation as well. the meeting was called by russia on the anniversary of the men's agreements. now the mask agreement was a negotiation process intended to resolve tensions and ukraine. in the aftermath of
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the 2014 year old maiden, cool, carried out by the united states and nato, and the mask agreement was not implemented. the key of government didn't follow. that means to agreement, and that is what has led to the situation in the country. and the special military operation is now the hague courts, which the every human attempted to utilize against russia has ruled that much of what the key of government has said. and the legs against russia is simply not the case. and that was pointed out on the floor of a security council by the russian ambassador, whose name push that you will read in the court, refused to recognize russia as an aggressor state and a state sponsor of terrorism on february, 2nd, and international court ruled on another lawsuit by ukraine, against russia for a legit russian abuse of the convention against genocide to justify a special military operation. these vocal allegations were rejected by the international court. thus keith has turned the tables on itself and now will be
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forced to prove that there was no genocide on the part of the key. every human done boss, the key of regime the punitive operation against its own civilian population in the boss, an operation against terrace, which as the international court found, did not exist in dumb boss. now think about what this means for the narrative. you have been promoting and are promoting regarding the mysql agreements and russia's actions. now when the united states representative to the floor of the meeting, he claimed it was russia that was responsible for the failure of the men's grievance. and he didn't go into detail about it, but he blamed russia for the situation. now we heard many countries urging negotiations, urging steps toward peace and reconciliation in ukraine, saying that there's not going to be a military resolution to the conflict. the negotiated stations are the way forward . overall, it was a meeting where we saw a very different interpretation of world events from different key countries
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represented on the council. now it is important to note that the meeting did begin with a presentation from r t is on steve sweeney reporter who's been on the ground in don boss showing and documenting the actual conditions the population there has been facing and years of showing and food blockades and other atrocities committed by the key of government backed by the west. well, the message i sent was very clearly directed towards the members of the united nations security council on the anniversary of the midst agreements that it was ready that the failure of, of those agreements were bidding the failures of the united nations security council. now these were kind of supposed to really lay out a positive piece for the region. they would have given the people don't boss the autonomy, the rights to speak, the russian language, which is of course, the mother tongue of the vast majority of people who have would have given them the rights to practice around tradition,
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their own culture without faith. and i explained that the figure of those agreements has very little consequences i spoke about the months ago in the marketplace. have been done yet in the caps, the district with 27 people. the main boost cuz old women, old men setting hungry and fruits and vegetables by the side of the road. these are very poor people. uh, you know, things and not soldiers. and i said the marketplace is not a military base. so i try to emphasize that is western supplied weapons can be seen . these will kinds of the ukrainian delegate. he was the last or one of the last to address the security council. and he dismissed my address to the council. as he said, his words were that it was from come on board at ash from i'll tell you that he wouldn't address which i think reading shows you just how little values they place on human life. because of course, all through all these people that were being killed,
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these thousands of people in any 10000 people. of course, many of them children as well. these people um oh, according to the cab government ukrainian citizens. so again, there was no attempt to address any of the system to substantive issues and they would just pull down with the kind of the big data to use of the situation. and of course, predictably, every single one of them blamed russia. but importantly, none of them had a solution to resolve the conflict and to find a road to pace thought, you know, mosque has labeled attempts to restrict access to vitamin, put into interview with american don't list of costs and ask both insane censorship . that's as some use as noticed the difference and views the interview got on various platforms, raising concerns of facebook and youtube might have been limiting access to the video. to sit down with the president of russia has already been watched the
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200000000 times on the la mazda platform, ex students. it was released last friday on the platforms reflect the viewership. that is 15 times more. tucker carlson, became the 1st western douglas to speak. the platinum is put into this thought of the conflict. can you 3 at the us, john list face 6, dream black back last over the interview state side. while speaking of the ongoing well got been summit into by coughing voice, his motivation for go. ready forward with the intervene state in a well, i've been trying for 3 years to do this interview. the u. s. government prevented me from doing it. and so once i discovered that that was happening and i confirmed, it was happening in the bid that did it. then i was totally determined, model maniacally, dedicated to doing this interview, not simply because i want to know what vitamin put in his like and what he thinks about a war that is resetting the world and really gravely damaging my country's economy . but also because they told me i couldn't to following the interview with putting
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calls and spoke out on the issue of crime, you know, thing that territory was on the russian control pond to the current war. and ukraine, a fact that target costs and it says makes the west goals and the ongoing crisis seem unachievable. the west doesn't spend any time or our policy makers, a wash and spend no time thinking about like what are the achievable goals here. i have heard personally, us government officials say, well, we're just going to have to return the crimea to ukraine. well, you don't need to be a russian charge, so that's not going to happen to sort of the nuclear work. that's insane. actually . so even to say something like that reveals that you are a child, you don't understand the area at all and you have no real sense of what's possible that's trust now live to do all of mine, host debit cards every day. the podcast joe is good to have you join me right now. now why did to be with hoffman cheese the, when he sees the interview,
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he claimed it and he hit the insurance from it on mosque about the footage would not be said, said on this platform, why do you think the way it concerns about censorship and the 1st place, because historically, if we look back in time from 2016 to 2002020. and then obviously what we dealt with before, eli must bought a twitter or x. it was very difficult for messages to get socialized across these platforms, and they picked and choose who actually had a voice and who did it. and so one of the things that you, i must want to make sure, and one of the things tucker, want to make sure is, is it whatever the message that came out of the interview with president boot and that it was one that was given the opportunity to have a fair voice or an equal voice to to others. right out of pocket costs and also came the, the us government slides preventing him from going forward with the interview. what can you explain in your, in your assessment?
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why should that even be in the 1st place? a well, i'm sure, i mean we, we live in a free country, at least we thought we were in a free country. i, i believe that's a 1st mirage that we're, we're up against as americans. but we, it should be that free thought or the, or the truth should rise to the top and that, that should be the thing that is accepted by the more is that society. but what we're having now is completely different than that we, we have people that are trying to shop things down our throats that we know is not the truth. and then trying to socialize ideas that don't make any sense, and not only united states, but any country around the world. but you, you are seeing this kind of run towards the front of the pools of this, this insanity. and, and frankly, it, it's been accepted as fast and fast as type of behaviors been accepted in united states while they're, you know, screaming at us that you know where the passions were, who were the ones that are promoting this information, this information running past the truth at lightning speed that the how the he was saying, the support for this interview from may to a public voice is like calls and then even mosque will affect the average americans
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perception of the current conflict. there is a large portion of the american population that are awake, democrat republican, they're starting to come to this. you come to the realization that it is, the them versus us as the americans versus those that have betrayed the trust of the american people. and so it doesn't matter if we're talking about leadership on the republican side of the democrats side. i think americans all over the country have come to the realization that what we currently have is a rotted institution of government. and it is taking far too much from the american people and from other countries around the world. so i think they are waking up. i think this interview does a lot to to expose that, that institutional, right. and that demonic behavior. and so, you know, as i'm having conversations with people on the street from every walk of life is the same thing is coming to the forefront. and that is we need to make some serious changes and reform what is happening in our country. now, after public calls and visit to moscow when viral and social media,
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some us officials call for the american dumb list to be banned from returning home for what's your take on this? it just, it goes against the very start, the very those of what we are as a nation and, and i and i, the interview itself. and in my opinion, it expose something greater than that to the american people. and that is the every and i say this whole time ever has the close. that may be what we've been taught. maybe what they've told us about russian being the big bad enemy is not true. maybe the maybe the opposite is true. maybe the, the leadership in our country have done just some really bad things around the world. and now they want to attack a journalist who's very idea of the very essence of what he is supposed to do is to bring us the truth. bring us another opinion, another option to what may be happening in that region. now was almost 200000000 views on x, formerly point to the interview with put thing can be called a success. what are the chances this gives all the west and done with the green
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light or the green flat rather in taking a more balanced approach to ukraine conference and even issues around the world. generally. you know, i've, i've seen a lot of the institutional, right? the united states representatives and other nations for a long time, only because i got opportunities to travel around the world that i think the journalist and not just america, but in parts of europe are starting to wake up to the idea that maybe they should be the one that they see something, they say something and it, we should not be propping up these institutional lies from these establishment environments. and so i believe that you're gonna start seeing a shift in what is happening in journalism. and it should give us a fresher perspective. and start a roading or, or pulling away from maybe some of the world economic forum and some of these crazy people like george soros that i've been reading have it in different nations around the world. all right, we have to leave you here. now to all mine hell arrive because every day the pod cast. thank you so much for your insight on this. all right, god bless you. i well,
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that's all for me now. my colleague more raj, amount me, will be in to bring you more stories at the top of the by now the the, i guess it was a pleasure post balance with people's people.


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