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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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it originally specific that it was this month really can years. the goal is that the front of this, the best, the goal, of course, in your company about the international criminal court, which is well notice of possible crimes committed which latest strikes in southern guns which killed hold and a 100 people if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it, and we have out judges also here the i see seat to make sure that there's no room for impunity. protested pain in south africa, making vast feelings clear in front of a prominent german institute about funding support for the style of b. and well, i've been trying for 3 years to do this interview. the us government prevented me from doing it. tucker calls and reveals washington's attempts to block him. every
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intervening russian presidency only made him even more determined to prolong ortiz, steve sweeney address, is a session all see you and the security council was really low called him. don't that need to? well, the price they've had to pay for the fee is of the minutes peace accords to fight a minute is the so you will fight here. nations, you know, email, it is an account. so the provides no secure with this is how the people on the ground see when i spoke to the bringing you all the news, you need to know over the next 30 minutes here. nazi international. this is been news our well we begin our program in southern goals. i went, palestinians of picking up the pieces of that devastating is where the strikes on
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the rafa. people who were already displaced in the cities say they have nowhere else to go. we have children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the streets. our 10 doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. while the latest attack on rafa killed more than a 100 people, that's according to the palestine ride crescent society. the only yes claims that use the soul says kava to rest due to is reading hostages. the country's defense, minnesota says the last thing, legacy of the entire operation, should be destroyed goza to maxima. this action rescuing the hostages, created the reversal, and nothing cakes, and also in the thinking of how much that would be more operations for our existence. it depends on its errands. the symbol of this event should be destroyed, garza destroyed con eunice underground above ground, dead terrace. this is the simple,
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desolate thing. goal is that could amount to potential war crimes, charges against as well, with international criminal court in the hague. already spread, expressing the concern about reports of compartments and the potential ground incursion into rafa. have real concern over the reports coming out to a rough or the possibility of the ground incursions by is ready. troops, reported bombardments. there is not 2 investigations at all. people all parties are on notice these rail government is on notice the officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity. professor of the french national institute of eastern languages and coaches for new through westgate believes is where l is
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using the pre text old for hostages to force the palestinian people as have garza that they have to do to use the free dates of the hostages to make to the coming off of most of civilians, a buyer and good looking like you know, something that this does. but in fact, we have so many example of hostages or rather prisoners that were killed by he's raised the army in gaza that we really cannot seem dead for years. riley army and for the year is riley leaders seem to the question the so called hostages is so important. it looks the object of object we've got the israel is to keep out by listing for the from their homeland or to kill them if they don't want to to leave their, their homeland. so i, i think that we are in this situation of pain in kansas side on the difficult to say how, how words do can be because genocide is the worst thing you can,
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i'm looking for it for any, any people there's been a vocal display of anger in south africa, over boons continued support to tel aviv sanctions. in garza professors may that feelings clear outside a prominent gem and institute or to use calais go with me. so my reports now from janice bag a session. it's demonstrated as have gathered to voice the discontent of a gym. any support for is rob emotions are running high as purchased as wave flags john slogans and coal for change and foreign policy, palestine, solidarity activists. or this as well as cultural work, cuz the holding a lively peaceful tickets at the hotel institutes in china. specs of africa, germany's financial support to global organizations and cultural and academic sectors has molded cultural production into an extension of state policy. if they
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only have just come through with mix the genocide in the mid the lecture loan properly, apologize. oh pay reparations. they clearly have no regards to the palestinians and agree presumably with is really a defense minister to describe palestinians as human animals. so i think it is totally shown them up. the grievances stem from gemini is a long standing alliance with israel. a relationship that critics argue, perpetuates violence, and human rights abuses against the palestinians. protests does accuse germany of turning a blind eye to the plaintive palestinians and ignoring the struggle for self determination . we think that germany carries a lot of guilt for the holocaust that it has committed as well as in the movie and genocide. i would believe that because of this, there is a sort of cultural block in germany, that is an inability to see what it is doing in, in, in israel, in supporting israel. tensions here, paul purple, germany has declared it will intervene on israel's behalf at the international
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court of justice. opposing south africa's meticulously argued the case with the highest courts in the world has ruled that there is plausible calls for a case of genocide. germany as a country is one of the few countries that are supporting is while it's really the west, but the majority will, the majority of humanity is still outstanding. with ballasting is a hardy fide by the extent of the survey you agree? and bob arisen that play is riley regina is on nation, largely on palestinian civilians as the protest gains women, some active, a set demanding that germany reassessed its position and use its influence to hold as well accountable for its actions in the occupied territories. they argue that germany given its promotions, history should prioritize human rights and justice. above all else, germany has
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a signed on and supports of israel in the i, c j. again, it's of africa taking you through to be an international criminal court in to the international courts. of justice, charging them with genocide. we believe that israel is literally getting away with murder and it would not be allowed unless it had some very powerful allies. and one of those powerful allies is germany. and germany has particularly around the good to institute, a kind of soft power around the world through lots and culture and creativity. and we believe that they have not taken a firm enough stones to stop israel's genocide against the palestinian people. and so we are calling them out today. german weapons exports to israel have increased 10 fold since the stats of the assaults on gaza at the same time germany. so it fits a suspend its funding to the united nations relief and woods agency active as an
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associate approach. this thing to demand that germany was to military, political, systematic, and cultural supports is valid in the face of causal genocide charges at the i. c j . the also saying that german cultural institutions, including the who to institute, refuses to please the politics of the office and then said, insist on the economy from the state policy invites critical disclose, and the law for defense. that's a home sold me for r t janice, but i saw that for got the devastated family of an is where he was the best is demanding a full investigation in his killing at the hands of the audi s move of us with shot dead on october the 8th, when is ready for us is apparently miss took him for her last millison, an adult stover, a list we were sitting here in the living room. like everybody often is when
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we start to be the police told me mom needs car on the television to moment the information about photos that came from that device saw it's a simple way or so we just went on so many mistakes to make it the wrong decision so we want someone to take 1st on some work, so many on one 1st loaded 400 pounds
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account the nobody talked to explain to us what happened in that day except the disobedient. we've got from disability. they didn't tell me anything. they make span, detective one nice thing here. and feel the fear that's his self on here's the minute it just makes me angry because all this this is so this is the essence of life. and my son, the giving the grey, the good. what exactly killed him
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shifting with what you didn't see the know was that mentioned in the medical the feelings we didn't see the really cool looking because in defiance, making it in jeopardy only that she died. we don't have anywhere else to go back to us in the say on our leaders on our military style toyed taking responsibility. that's what the, what i was a short extract from a documentary student by on middle east bureau or chief maria from ocean. and you
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can watch it all day uh, throughout the day, hey, on off feet or visit our website all t don't com? well, the issue of all mentality eve is increasingly coming into question. this comes as adults court of appeal has rule to hold any deliveries to israel of parts for f, 1355 to jets, not some big concerns that the cost is being used to violate international in striking civilians. in garza, i said also from the is as a result of the israeli military actions in gaza. large numbers of civilians have been killed previously applied limits with regard to collateral damage and the current conflict have been expanded to further the policy of warning civilians have an attack has been abandoned. there is therefore a clear risk of serious violations of international humanitarian law. and yet, it is also considered sufficiently plausible that the f 35 fighter plane was
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actively used in these violations and also carried out bombings. the verdict follows a petition informing human rights organizations which claims that the export of the parts made the dutch government complicit in any is waiting room crimes to fight to jets was said to have been deployed and assaulting garza just a month off of the how much the atrocities on the 7th of october, occupants of hail the court ruling as a victory obviously very happy with the results and that is a super importance, the verdicts, not just for the netherlands, but i think it sends out a clear signal. the tool countries who are still supporting these, this horrible, horrible war and gaza. finally, they agree that you know, this violence against the concerns is not possible, cannot continue. so i'm really happy that the court ruled this way. this is one step in the right, the right direction of this is how it should be. that's complicity.
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stuff is and stuff the genocide stop being completed in this genocide. the government says it plans to lodge and appeal at the supreme court. it's all giving the decision is a government mass which is not defined by the court's ruling. independent dutch journalist sonya event the end then believes that the netherlands authorities will do anything and everything in the power to continue those supplies. well, i think they will react very badly because x pregnant is the rest of the metal us. he's already went to go to them today to speak with for, and that's on, you know, and i think he will excuse because of the ruling of the quote. so yeah, i think is really will react very badly and the netherlands will do anything in the power to, you know, to get these fairfax from the 50 price to, to israel. because,
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you know, there's a lot of money invest in that. well, the jet set that within 7 days they should stop at the nose. within the 7 days they will send the lowest part. so yeah, it's hard to say, yeah, do it or not. but my guess is this, in effect, that will appeal that when the few and they will continue delivering the f 35. that's what i think we will have. i hope enough, but i think that's what is being simulate mixed messaging coming from washington to this is the us national security council spokesperson says they'll be absolutely new laptop and support for as well as war. and garza, is the president ever threatened to military assistance from israel operation that does not take instant consequence? what happens with it continues to support is really have a right to defend themselves against them. awesome. we're going to continue to make sure they have the tools and the capabilities to do that with interest being
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a president by didn't on the other hand, as off these where the problem in this stuff to hold off on a potential military operation in rough uh that sincerely as well can come up with a plan to ensure the safety of more than 1000000 refugees in the city. a major military operation. rather, our efforts should not proceed without a credible plan, a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support more than 1000000 people sheller and many people there have been displaced, displaced multiple times, playing the violence to the north. and now they're packed in the rough, exposed environment. they need to be protect past 4 months as wars raise, the prostate and people have also suffered unimaginable pain and loss to many to many of the over 27000 policies killed in this conflict, have an innocent civilians, children, that's as
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a u. s. media is reporting binding is trying to coax is well into a safe spot. but it's claimed the president is frustrated that his cause of falling on deaf is some outlet. so also reporting the by didn't, has privately made rocketry remarks about his closest ally in the middle east. well, political on less than so make a shown stone believes that these reports expose biden's lack of climate on the world stage to the fact that the siding doesn't seem to have any ability to to start authority. you know, it's, i think this really is what shows in this way that by just so weak that he would say this, but he has nothing. he can't assert anything. something that many people i think suspected or, or, or, or understood for the last few years, which is the binding is not, you know, he may be the president so called, but he's not really running the country just as evidence from the way that he no,
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he gives us beaches and often times is incoherent or clearly, you know, waiting for instructions. what to do. so, you know, the idea that he's speaking about that in yahoo, in this way, road to get through again, as i said before, i think that indicates more his own a frustration and floundering that. he doesn't have the power to, to really anything here. and it just making him look bad and he's really as making him look bad in multiple ways. but here's for an a fast chief. joseph beretta has raised mold. and if you only for ease of the, suggesting if the us doesn't want people to get killed it should we think it's policy in on the use. well, how many times have you heard the must plumbing and lead us on for a minister under what we're saying? to many people are being killed by them by the head. this is too much on the top.
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is not proportional. well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms to know that to prevent so many people being killed. interesting sentiments given up the exact same diplomats who has previously claimed that all being ukraine is the only way to reach peace the as well. just the context in your opinion, has so for allocated, moving $13000000000.00 and military assistance to kiev, that includes munition tanks as well as find to jet sand of the equipment. now, on top of that, the block has trained some 40000 ukrainian military purse. now, while earlier this month, brussels approved in about 54000000000 years in a to key f. b u and the security council has met to discuss the situation in ukraine. what would be the 9 sound of
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a 3 of the minutes peace accords to steve sweeney got a chance to address the meeting from the the next were public where civilians have been living in the middle of a war for 9 years. i'm speaking to you, hey, from the city of don't yet scanned in the background. now i can hear the familiar sounds about to the re fire. now we have the sounds because of the side of the mints agreements. we now know that phones in germany had no intention of abiding by mints. one omens too, but the failure of means is also your failure. nathan's not united on account so provides know you secure everything. this is how the people on the ground see when i spoke to them. as we noted before, february 2022. there was a road to peace on a road to war. but unfortunately, many of the most powerful nations on the planets chose the latter. the failure of
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minutes cuz we will not consequences with homes possibly so i was unable to restructure, destroyed thousands that like that as a result. and even those guys couldn't beat avoid it. but behind those statistics lifetime of these people who are loved people with names like them, you mean a natasha victoria, ideally not killed in a terror attack and the keeps the districts of don't. yeah, it's just a few weeks ago. the 1st thing i saw when i arrived on the scene was about 2 weeks ago, sliced in home and legs nowhere to be seen. next to her, an elderly man like with blood streaming from his head, staining the snow red. i heard the screams as well as it found that loved ones walking through the sea. i found a hand here, a foot bed, a leg, a face total, the stench of death, and the community in show. now that doesn't have a voice,
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but the living do. and they don't know, afraid of, flooded may please. and then not afraid of russia, they are afraid of you have the member state sitting around this table instead of talking about peace about security, about in the end to come conflict as we move money, a me around the train to run down on that communities meeting was cold on monday by russia on the anniversary old so, minutes agreements. that was the negotiation process intended to result tensions in ukraine. in the, off the most of the 2014 might an uprising. however, the agreements were never implemented, leading to the current war with russia. meanwhile, rushes and basset to to the u. n. has claimed to minsk agreements were purposefully ignored, despite being the sole diplomatic way to end the conflict resolution. the possibilities lupo, new,
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keeps faithful and consistent. implementation of the misc agreements was the only chance to restore peace and ukraine. well, as we already know, reliably today, thanks to former leaders of france, germany and ukraine. neither key of norther guarantors of the agreements, france, germany, or poland, were going to fulfill anything cynically using the respite that appeared for the requirement of the ukrainian army and its preparation for war with russia. russia could not stand aside when there was a clear realization that all possible measures of political and diplomatic settlement had been exhausted. and there was no other option left to us than to protect the people have done boss from extermination. that the decision was taken to launch a special military operation a little most cuz brandy dies in saying, sense of shape or times by some text joints to restrict access to talk a coffins. recent interview with vladimir putin some uses and noticed that facebook
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and youtube may be limiting access to the video. the interview has not been watched almost 200000000 times. that's just on a low mosques x platform. that since it was released last friday. now, other social media sites don't have viewing figures anywhere near that calls and became the 1st western journalist to speak to pretend since the stones of the who in crane despite facing extreme backlash stateside. the talk show host told will government summit in define that he was determined to hear the other side of the story. i've been trying for 3 years to do this interview. the us government prevented me from doing it by spying in my text messages and leaking them to the new york times. my country's intel services were working against me illegally. and that enraged me because i'm an american citizen, i'm 54. i pay my taxes,
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obey the law. and so once i discovered that that was happening and i confirmed, it was happening in the bid that they did it. then i was totally determined, model maniacally. dedicated to doing this interview. i think that the current administration is very obviously incompetent and the, the president is denial. that's not an attack. everyone knows it. and that's very sad, but it's, it had to have nothing to do with the interview. i wanted to interview put me because he's the leader of a country that the us government is sort of at we're with though not ended in a declared way. we'll talk a call soon. has also cooled down the failure of washington to address what he said with the realities on the ground. i'm the realistic goal of how to bring to to an end in the west doesn't spend any time or are policy makers of washington spend no time thinking about like, what are the achievable goals here. i have heard personally, us government officials say, well, we're just going to have to return the crimea to ukraine. well,
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you don't need to be a russian selection. that's not going to happen to sort of unclear what that's insane actually. so even to say something like that reveals that you are a child, you don't understand the area at all and you have no real sense of what's possible . host of the conservative daily pod cost jo, ultima in palm does where the call soon this interview could actually flip the american public's perception of russia. we live in a free country, at least we thought we were in a free country. i. i believe that's a 1st mirage that we're, we're up against as americans. but we, it shouldn't be that free thought or the, or the truth should rise to the top and that, that should be the thing that is accepted by the more is that society. but what we're having now is completely different than that we, we have people that are trying to shop things down our throats that we know is not the truth. and then trying to socialize ideas that don't make any sense the interview itself. and in my opinion, it expose something greater than that to the american people. and that is maybe what we've been taught, maybe what they've told us about russian being the big bad enemy is not true. maybe
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the, maybe the opposite is true. maybe the leadership in our country have done just some really bad things around the world. and now they want to attack a journalist who's very idea of the very essence of what he is supposed to do is to bring us the truth. bring us another opinion. another option to what may be happening in that region. i think americans all over the country have come to the realization that what we currently have is a rotted institution of government. and it is taking far too much from the american people and from other countries around the world. so i think they're waking up. i think this interview does a lot to, to expose that, that institutional, right. and that demonic behavior. the council, a viewer upset, proved a resolution requiring revenues. one sees the russian assets to be accounted and stored separately. european officials of hale to move as a step closer to using the money to support ukraine during what's called it's recovery stage. the ruling in structure, any institution we've moved in
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a 1000000 years of russian central bank assets to separate the account for accumulated revenue. this all comes off to the e u n. g c 7 members states for over 300000000000 years. all the russian central banks assets of the outbreak of 4 in 2022 professor of politics and economics at st. mary's college jack rasmus believes you are paying council is trying to plug ukraine's funding gap as other sources. fly up. well that's a big question. uh how legal is it. 2 sees uh, another parties, assets and other financial institutions. assets is the question, and they're very nervous about that. that's why a, you know, the trying to minimize the legal opposition to it by just skimming off the profits and saying, well, they were managing the money so they have
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a right to fees or whatever to manage the money. let's get a benefit. the western financial institutions, they'll charge fees for holding the money. and of course it's, it's a way of trying to fund ukraine when the possibilities of funding ukraine. uh, really declining both in europe and, and the us. so definitely benefits the west. but you know, it raises the question, the rest of the world, do you want to keep your money in less than banks? you know, probably the answer to that is people are going to get nervous about that and not only fuels the possibility of an alter alternative currency and international payment system when the bricks made later this year. well, thanks very much for your company this hour. we will be back with the live updates in around half an hour. hey, on all the international. i do hope that you can join us that the.


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