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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the, the, the, the international criminal court puts, is well unnoticed of possible rule crimes committees move its latest strength on southern guns. ha, which kills more than a 100 people? if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and that we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room from community. for testers, in south africa, make the feelings clear in front of a prominent german names to teach about put linens continued support to kind of feed nodding the barricade police in these deli puts a ring of steel around being, being capital, all in a way to block a procession of angry farmers and reaching the city as they didn't know the demands from guaranteed crop prices and load waves. and all cheese
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thieves sweeney addresses session all for you and security council. feeling local things on that note. only 2. well the price plays have to pay for the play is supplement, piece of feta means is the so your nation's not united on account. so that provides no security. this is how the people on the ground see it. when i spoke to the 30 minutes packed full of these coming your way, this is all to international. well, we'd be getting our program now in southern garza where palestinians of picking up the pieces often devastating is ready strikes on rafa. people who were already displaced in the cities say they have nowhere else to go. we have children and
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women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the streets. our 10 doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. well, the idea claims it struck rafa as cover to rest. you too is really hostages, not talk to the 134, still being kept in captivity. but the strikes claimed the lives of more than a 100 gauze, and this, according to the palestine red crescent society. the country's defense minister says the last thing, the legacy of the entire operation should be destroyed goza to maxima. this action rescuing the hostages, created the robustly nothing cakes and also in the thinking of time us that will be more operations for our existence. it depends on its errands. the symbol of best events should be destroyed. guns destroyed con units on the ground above ground. dead terrace. this is the simple, desolate thing. goals that could amount to potential will climb charges against
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israel. that, of course, comes with the international criminal court in the hague. oh, right. expressing deep concerns about reports of compartments and potential ground incursion into rafa. have real concern over the reports coming out to a rough or the possibility of for the ground incursions by is ready. troops, reported bombardments. there is an active investigation that all people, all parties are on notice. these rail government is on noticed. officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have out judges also here the i c. c to make sure that there's no room for him to. and as a professor at the french national institute, you're based in languages and coaches bring it to the westgate believes, as well as using the pre tax stoles, the hostages to force policy new people out from casa,
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that they have to do to use the free dates of the hostages to the make, the, the coming off of most of civilians apart and looking like, you know, something that this does. but in fact, we have so many example of hostages or rather prisoners that were killed by he's raised the army in gaza that we really cannot seem dead 40 years, riley army, and for the year is riley leaders seem to the question the so called hostages is so important it loves the object of object to go up. israel is to kick out by listing for the from their homeland or to kill them if they don't want to to leave their, their homeland. so i, i think that we are in a situation of the way in kansas side and difficult to say how, how words they can be. because genocide is the worst thing you can image seem to
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work for any, any people. there's been a vocal display of anger in south africa. this is eva pollings continued support the fatalities actions in garza, pro chest is made that feelings pretty clear outside of prominent german institute about this ortiz to let go misnomer reports. now from john, inspect the session. it's demonstrated as have gathered to voice the discontent of a gym. any support for is rob emotions are running high as purchased as wave flags john slogans and coal for a change in foreign policy, palestine, solidarity activists. or this, as well as cultural work is the holding a lively peaceful tickets. at the institutes in china, spread solve africa. germany's financial supports to global organizations and cultural and academic sectors has molded cultural production into an extension of state policy. if they only have just come to admit the genocide didn't meet the electra loan properly, apologize,
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old pay reparations. they clearly have no regards to palestinians and agree, presumably with is really a defense minister to describe palestinians as human animals. so i think it is totally shown them up. the grievances stem from gemini is a long standing alliance with israel. a relationship that critics argue, perpetuates violence, and human rights abuses against the palestinians. protests does accuse germany of tending a blind eye to the plants of palestinians and ignoring the struggle for self determination . we think that germany carries a lot of gills for the holocaust that it has committed as well as in the movie and genocide. i would believe that because of this, there is a sort of cultural block in germany that is an inability to see what it is doing in, in, in israel, in supporting israel. tensions here a paul purple germany has declared it will intervene on israel's behalf at the
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international court of justice. opposing south africa's meticulously argued the case with the highest court in the world has ruled that it is possible cause for a case of genocide. germany is a country, is one of the few countries that supporting is around. it's really the west, but the majority will. the majority of humanity is still outstanding. with ballasting is a hottie fide by the extent of the civic degree and the barbarism that they use. riley regina is on nation largely on palestinian civilians as the protest. gaines, women, some active us, but demanding that germany reassessed its position and use its influence to hold is rather comfortable for its actions in the occupied territories. they argue that germany given its to march as history should prioritize human rights and justice above all else. germany as a sign done in supports of israel in the i, c j. again,
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it's of africa taking you through to be an international criminal court in to the international courts of justice. charging them with genocide. we believe that israel is literally getting away with murder and it would not be allowed unless it has some very powerful allies. and one of those powerful allies is germany. and germany has particularly around the good to institute to kind of soft power around the world through lots and culture and creativity. and we believe that they have not taken a firm enough stones to stop israel's genocide against the palestinian people. and so we are calling them out today. german weapons exports to is route have increased tenfold since the start of the assault on gaza at the same time germany. so it fits a suspend its funding to the united nations relief and works agency active as an ox,
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a seal approach. this thing to demand that germany was to it's military, political system, ethics and cultural supports is right in the face of tools of all genocide charges at the i c. j. the also saying that jim and cultural institutions including the who to institute refuses to police the politics of the office and then said, insist on the autonomy from state policy invites critical disclose and allow for the defense. that's a home. so me for our t janice book from africa as well. people across the world vented that and as news of these really bumming of rough us spread in washington, people stood in front of the white house. as you can see from these pictures, hey, calling for an immediate cease fire in toronto, crowds marketing support of palestine in london. protest is a messed me at 10 downing street reminding that the prime is stuff holtz who age
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is. well. now i made the broadening concerns over rising military a to is well, there's be mixed messaging coming out from washington. on the one hand we've got the us national security council spokesperson saying that they'll be absolutely no less up in support for televi tv's actions in gaza. is the president ever threatened to military assistance from israel operation that does not take consequences? what happens with continued support is really have a right to defend themselves against them. awesome. we're going to continue to make sure they have the tools and the capabilities to do that. but present of items on the also hand has all these ready prime minister to hold off on a potential military operation in rafa. not sincerely as well can come up with a plan to ensure the safety of more than 1000000 refugees in the city. a major military operation rather roughly, should not proceed without a credible plan,
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a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support more than 1000000 people shelter in many people, there have been displaced, displaced multiple times, slain the violence to the north. and now they're packed in the rough, exposed is gone and they need to be protect past 4 months. as wars raise, the prostate and people have also suffered unimaginable pain and loss to many to many of the over 27000 policy is killed in this conflict haven't isn't civilians, children. that's as us media is reporting bind and is trying to coax israel into a safe spot. both. it's claimed the president is frustrated, his clothes are folding on the desk is some outlet. so reporting bite and has privately also made to rocketry remarks about is close to satellite in the middle east. political analyst on filmmaker showing starting believes that these
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reports are exposing biden's lack of class on the world stage. the fact that side of it doesn't seem to have any ability to, to start authority. you know, it's, i think this really is what shows in this wave it by just so weak that he would say this, but he has nothing. he can't us or anything. something that many people i think suspected or, or, or, or understood for the last few years, which is the binding is not, you know, he may be the president so called, but he's not really running the country just as evident from the way that he no, he gives us beaches and often times is incoherent or clearly, you know, waiting for instructions. what to do. so, you know, the idea that he's speaking about matching yahoo in this way. and again, as i said before, i think that indicates more his own a frustration and floundering that. he doesn't have the power to,
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to really anything here. and it just making him look bad and he's really is making him look bad in multiple ways. that's head to new delhi now where police of throwing up a ring of steel around the indian capital in a big head of the protest by angry indian farm is attractive. so currently trundling the way towards the city and maybe going concerns about the state of the industry. it's the latest in what's become a rapidly growing global protest movements where we've seen farm is blocking roads in major cities all over the world, old, demanding, a better deal from governments will that's cost live. now it's new delhi and speed to ortiz, a runjun shaw. my run to the thanks very much for joining us. seeing the pictures coming out already. we've seen 2 gas dispersed. i read 500. so $50000.00 and
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security forces being deployed on the awesome injuries already. this has been going on all around the world, but the focus right now is in india, in new delhi, a kind of choices through what is happening on the client. that what is quite a situation here in north india. that's where the farm was off for testing this 4 tests a scroll saw almost 2 tests. 2 points for the last time follows for tested, it went on for over a yellow from 2020 to 2021, and it had become the largest full test in world history. now as we speak, the farm was marching towards new, dead from all sides from different thoughts of nope,
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india. now the roads that lead to new day, they are fortified with a savage gates that 4 to 5 with thorns and meals simply because all these thousands of farmers. this is at least $200.00 foot from union street talking about that. i'm marching towards new jersey on not able to why a form of marching towards new to the city because new delhi is still willing to take his capital of the country and the pharmacy that the government will listen to the demands on the when they come till now as far as the demands of concern existence being but to name a few, they want to be good guarantee. for minimum support, fries of all the crops, that's m s b. they also want the debt to be vote for the form of the will to one dimension for families above the age of 60 and so one. so for now, why is the government having a tough time here to stick as a government has to balance what the phone was off the full with what the consumer
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needs are. so that's a beautiful problem to balance that out. last time and the families had faith tested in new denny bill. capital city was, in a sense, taken hostage, it was check stubs that had seemed to the borders of new day, the government disputing, the situation like that again and the all trying to stop this almost from entering the national capital, the shots of the to a gas that he so that happened ahead of new daddy after hard gone off and job portal for where the sign was generalized and they marching towards you. that is now the size divided aids despite the thorns in kneels the fall of the thing. we don't care, we will make our way, boy, shall we do. we will come to a new dentist. they don't talk that our own between finally you news. i'm the government of the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the
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farmers. we can expect few rounds of thoughts before the government is able to finally reach a decision. also subtract, he's tricky situation considering it's only a few months ahead of been general elections of india where mr. moody ends to get off thoughts. dom and this situation doesn't look very, very good. but as far as the government is trying very hard to do with that balancing act, which is to how to given to the phone was demand and also make sure that the consumer needs are met bunch and thanks very much for it. so can use 3 thought that se correspondent, luncheon trauma in new denny no, i know local traders, the noise area have been killed and several others were indeed in the suspected terrorist attack. they've been returning from a market at the time. now this comes as the african center for strategic studies has recently revealed the depths from terrorism on the continent have increased by
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more than a 100000 percent. not since 2002, the huge spike is being courtney blamed on a consequence from the us war on terror in the region, particularly in somalia on the west africans so have little to use new yukon. gay has more details about that. well, i should tell us costly, a hot page for 10. it was a match the turn off the 21st century today, 23 years off the 90 live and the confidence is at the heart of global terrorism, causes body from the persistence of ok to affiliates. to the rise of islamic state park news to the fostering of chains, social conditions, and in the 5th to counter terrorism efforts in africa. all of this contributed to the alarming situation. we seen today the metrics a grim recent fee statistics so that in 2023 they tell it to use a link to militant islam is violent, jumped by 20 percent,
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claiming more than $23000.00 lives an all time high. the u. n is raising the alarm as if the center of tara ships from the middle east to africa. africa has emerged as the key battle ground for terrorism, with a major increase in the number of active groups operating on the continent. for decades, the u. s. has been engaged in the sol cold counter terrorism operations in the west and africans to help and somalia, to regions that have seen significance. 5 soft ted rivers in the past. yeah. something that's completely contradicts claims by the u. s. s. it's a combined that it is torching temper was 3, it's on the continents and promoting security and stability. washington says it's doing such a great job fighting terrorism that is, should be involved in more of the continents. the mistake of fees are really good at security assistance and we really good at going off to terrorist. but if you neglect governance, economic development factors like climate change,
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you can't really get at a durable solution. those tend to change it to the u. s. a shout out, $300000000.00 is the ability to focus assistance for the region. but the level of peace and stability in africa doesn't seem to justify the spending. new data shows that we came to fossil for east as experience. 67 percent of the militant islam is related for utilities. and this the how of agents the amount is more than double that of 2022. the states has openly criticize the wasteful, benefiting from exploiting the continents last week and the footprints in africa is the i'm the confidence in the world where people sing. dunsen applaud for those who in poverty starve and tortured them. africa's misfortune is to have been counted from suddenly the west is violated rates and romans africa. what he's all shared responsibility as african lead is serious. so that tobacco taps have space across this the whole region from the atlantic into the width to the rich seats. the east,
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the region is grouped by a network of slamming militant groups ranging from house to bob in somalia to okay that and the slimy from a grab and buckle have run in and they do take the current tenant risk attacks along the g, b a. but sorry, hi wayne could seen a state and they give you as a recent case, it's been this been 2 months since they similar incident took place in that same location to the risk routine, the kill and the depth residents from nearby communities, schools, places of worship, and highways, demanding huge ransoms and exchange of food. the seas are we are seeing now is that conflicts in countries such as nigeria, somalia, my d and libya impacting and threats in the neighboring states include in kenya, egypt and algeria. the effort to contact to have a resume in africa stands at a dangerous cross road, or while the threats as rich the unprecedented levels with no signs off or beating
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. well, let's get more on this story. now. crossover to global list effect on the security and conflict resolution next, but it's dr. victor ok. thanks very much for joining us. hey, on the international. i just want to start with something that we heard on this was last year. this was the un account of terrorism expert on africa, said it was now the wills terrorism. thoughts thought we'd now seeing these new figures saying that since 2002 terrorism incidents have gone up like a 100000 percent, the us says it's been spending millions and millions of dollars of counter terrorist insurgency operations in africa. yet we see that increase. how is that possible? from the left paper. when i here the us is icon, was complaining about spending so much i'm come to travelers and i me where i'm in
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my chair and i don't see i have not experienced. i don't see how would benefit here from that. so i want to talk about my personal experience. this is charity. i think that none of this would be happening at all. we have part of the problem that we're having, what happens with libya, has libya, libya situation for the across the professional smart course on the continent. and when was given the point now to protect america there see which was the object to you. and that left us with the programs that are entirely our own. our web proxy, it's, you know, on a daily basis and they have to be extra busy. sure. i don't know how the content i'm sure is gonna be able to cover the major phase around. so we have is, which of these are just at least sports for you, for like the monitoring the continental industry and threats to lead,
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as i said. so because you know, i, i, as a person, i'm just sick and tired of all the rest of the week. so i think that solution dropped from real life now hospital. fortunately, we have for leaders who are themselves most various and share because a lot of them are coverage. you know, for many of these were some uh, government service regions at them all are appropriate to deb. just do that. we're in terms of intelligence, what we need really i, i agree the best and 2nd. sure. and so for the system, for an offense, it sounds like you're looking for an offense where she took her body shop, try reaching guy. it comes in front of the jump to the show for the past week. i don't know about the charges for patrick certainly returns with defense, a boot rather 9. so the situation of these that, you know, can lead to perfect. what's the issue of terrorism?
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a lot of surveys the response search areas. um and the reason for that is that look at the dealership, for instance, the most people that place is a better way to, to make up, his punches aren't going, they're going to buy their resources are next to nothing because you have, you know, one large who can loan down village on the resources are struggling for next to nothing. the black mark in exchange for arms. this is what you see across the continent. and um, you know, so i, i, when i hear these are where, where, how do i describe, you know, when i see when i hear him shave when i see this quote with our kids. and what i quote for podiatry is and this falls um you know, concerned about what street and know yeah. beautiful under a lot of this, but she's in the position you've actually since you have to help us, why they haven't trojans eligibility or satellites for where they come,
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wanting to give intelligence to people on the ground. and so give this is with yeah, they can do that with movements. we saw that with the archive that way. they were great enough. that wasn't such a big you, they put money joy, there we've been quite a curacy. target, new jersey advances. yeah. but happy not the web security concerns about africa like that there's, we get to see this, how was prior for so. right. right. so just to grandkids. okay, thank you very much for that insightful, thoughtful it into into what's happening and ask a really appreciate your time global affairs unless done secures in conflict resolution. expect dr. vick that ok, the un security council has met to discuss the situation in ukraine on the 9th on the bus route. the minutes peace accords. ortiz steep sweeney got a chance to address the meeting from linda and ask
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a public where civilians have been living in the middle of a room for 9 years. i'm speaking to you, hey, from the city of don't yet scanned in the background. now i can hear the familiar sounds about 10 to refile. now we have the sounds because of the feta of the minutes agreements. we now know the phones in germany had no intention of abiding by mid one omens too. but the failure of means is also your failure, nathan's not united on account so provides no secure everything. this is how the people on the ground see when i spoke to them. as we noted before, february 2022, there was a road to peace on a road to war. but unfortunately, many of the most powerful nations on the planet chose the latter, the failure of minutes, cuz we don't like consequences with homes possibly. so it was unable to structure
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destroyed thousands that like that as a result. and even those dice couldn't beat avoid it. but behind those statistics like families, people who loved people with names like do you mean a natasha victoria on duty not killed in a terror attack? and the keeps the district of don't, yes, just a few weeks ago. the 1st thing i saw when i arrived on the scene was about 2 weeks ago, sliced in, ho legs, nowhere to be seen next to her. an elderly man like with blood streaming from his head, staining the snow red. i heard the screams as relatives found that loved ones walking through the sea. i found a hand yeah, a foot bed, a leg, a face tone of the stench of death and the community in show that don't have a voice, but they're living too. and they are not afraid of letting me put it in. they're not afraid of russia. they are afraid of you have the member state sitting around
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this table instead of talking about peace, about security, about an end to conflict. if we move money a more on the train to run down on that communities and without meeting was closed on monday by russia. only anniversary of the means to grievance. that was the negotiation process that had been intended to resolve the tensions in ukraine and the off them off of the 2014 might an uprising. however, the agreements were never implemented. leading to the current rule with russia. meanwhile, russ's ambassador to the u. n. is claimed to minsk agreements were purposely ignored, despite being so diplomatic way he said to and the conflict resolution. the possibilities lupo, new, keeps faithful and consistent. implementation of domestic agreements was the only chance to restore peace and ukraine. well, as we already know, reliably today,
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thanks to former leaders of france, germany and ukraine, neither key of, nor the guarantors of the agreements, france, germany, or poland, were going to fulfill anything cynically using the respite that appeared for the recruitment of the ukrainian army. and its preparation for war with russia. russia could not stand aside when there was a clear realization that all possible measures of political and diplomatic settlement had been exhausted. and there was no other option left to us than to protect the people have done boss from extermination. that the decision was taken to launch a special military operation. let's return to the situation in the middle east now and how lives have been up ended and destroyed by the conflict that includes the devastated family of an is really reserve is choose demanding a full investigation into his killing at the hands of the.


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