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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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the, the, the, the international criminal court puts israel on notice of possible crimes committed over its late destroying some southern goals, which kills more than a 100 people if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c c, to make sure that there's no room for impunity for assessing south africa and make that feelings clear in front of a prominent german institute about balance continued support slips has to be running the barricade. police immediately put a ring of steel around being didn't. capital will in the paid to block, the procession of angry farm was reaching the city as they taking for demands are guaranteed for price. suzanne loan,
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waive it on thieves. sweeney. all these correspondent addresses a section of the un security council of feeling locals and on that scale only to well, the price phase has to pay for the pain is ultimate towards the failure of minutes is the so you will find nathan's united an account. so the provides no security features the people on the ground see when i spoke to the the, it's just going to be a day here in most go. this is all the international, hey, with your daily dose of all the news from around the world. well, we begin all program in southern golf and i went, palestinians of picking up the pieces of the devastating is really strikes on rough . uh people who were already displaced in the cities say they have nowhere else to
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go. we have children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the streets. our 10 doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. when the idea of claims that it struck rough. uh, as tougher to rescue to is randy hostages. that's how to the 134 still being kept in captivity. but the strikes claimed the lives of more than a 100 gossen is that's according to the palestine red crescent society. the country's defense minister. this is these ready, defense minister says the last thing, legacy of the entire operation should be destroyed goza to match them up. this action rescuing the hostages, created the robustly nothing cakes, and also in the thinking of time us that will be more operations for our existence . it depends on the terence, the symbol of this event should be destroyed. garza destroyed con eunice underground above ground. dead terrace. this is the simple,
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desolate thing goal is i could amount to potential war crime charges against israel with international criminal court in the hague. already expressing deep concern about the reports of compartment and potential ground to incursion into rafa. to have real concern over the reports, coming out to rafa. the possibility of for the ground in cushions by is ready troops. the report of bombardments, there is the night to investigations and all people, all parties are on notice. these rail government is on notice the officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity. professor at the french national institute of eastern languages and cultures for dorski believes is where it leaves using the
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pre text, also as hostages to force the policy and in people out of casa, that they have to do to use the free dates of the hostages to the make to the coming off of most of civilians apart and looking like, you know, something that this does. but in fact we have so many example of hostages or rather prisoners that were killed by he's really army. even guys though that we really cannot seem dead for years, riley army, and for the year is riley leaders seem to the question the so called hostages is so important. it looks the object of object you've got the israel is to keep out by listing you for the, from their homeland or to kill them if they don't want to to leave their, their homeland. so i, i think that we are in this situation of the, in kansas side on the difficult to say how,
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how words they can be. because genocide is the worst thing you can. i'm good seen for it for any, any people. there's been a vocal display of anger. meanwhile, in south africa, this is a balance continued support. fatalities, actions in gaza. process is making that feelings pretty clear outside the very prominent gym and institute all tease consulate gomez. so me reports now from janice back the session. it's demonstrated as have gathered to voice the discontent of a gym. any support for is rob emotions are running high as purchased as wave flags john slogans and coal for a change in foreign policy, palestine, solidarity activists. or this as well as cultural work is the holding a lively peaceful tickets. at the institutes in china, spread south africa, germany's financial supports to global organizations and cultural and academic sectors has molded cultural production into an extension of state policy. if they
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only have just come to admit the genocide didn't meet the electra loan properly, apologize, old pay reparations. they clearly have no regards the palestinians and agree, presumably with is really a defense minister to describe palestinians as human animals. so i think it is totally shown them up. the grievances stem from gemini is a long standing alliance with israel. a relationship that critics argue, perpetuates violence and human rights abuses against the palestinians. protest is accused germany of tending a blind eye to the plaintive palestinians and ignoring the struggle for self determination. we think that germany carries a lot of gills for the holocaust that it has committed as well as in the movie in genocide. i would believe that because of this, there is a sort of cultural block in germany that is an inability to see what it is doing in, in, in israel, in supporting israel. tensions here a paul purple germany has declared it will intervene on israel's behalf at the
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international court of justice. opposing south africa's meticulously argued the case with the highest court in the world has ruled. the thing is possible cause for a case of genocide, germany as a country is one of the few countries that supporting is while it's really the west . but the majority will, the majority of humanity is still outstanding. with ballasting is a hearty fide. by the extent of the savage degree and the barbarism that play is riley regina is on the machine logically, on palestinian civilians as the protest games, women, some active as the demanding that germany reassessed its position and use its influence to hold, is rather comfortable for its actions in the occupied territories. they argue that germany given its to march as history should prioritize human rights and justice
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above all else. germany has a signed on and supports of israel in the i, c, j. again, it's of africa taking you through to be an international criminal court in to been special codes of justice, charging them with genocide. we believe that israel is literally getting away with murder and it would not be allowed unless it has some very powerful allies. and one of those powerful allies is germany, and germany has particularly around the good to institute a kind of soft power around the world, through lots and culture and creativity. and we believe that they have not taken a firm enough stones to stop israel's genocide against the palestinian people. and so we are calling them out today. german weapons exports to israel have increased 10 fold since the stats of the assault on gaza at the same time germany. so it fits
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a suspend its funding to the united nations relief and woods agency acts of us an ox, a seal approach. this thing to demand that germany was to military, political, symmetric, and cultural supports. it is right in the face of tools that will genocide charges at the i. c. j. the also saying that german cultural institutions, including the who to institute refuses to police the politics of the office and then said, insist on the autonomy from state policy invites critical disclose and allow for the defense that you're from. so me for r t janice, but from that for got a while we're just going to head over now to the violet dye discussion for mistaken placing most go with the russian foreign minister said gala fault is tool king. the conference is the searching for me at least conference that's have a listen in to what the russian foreign minister has to say. who is the keynote speaker at this conference. but it's, this conflict did not still have to be to choose media on october 15 and so we can
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offer to the him also, the fact is that we suggest that there's a security council united and neither shooting the delta care resolution. so once we cease fire, we have again for human, the done and purposes to it should be a see as far and not just the break and it was vetoed by the americans about them. each in the system is a 100 by 100 sense all there is and so security council members to try to promote the same resolution, but we failed, which is what we succeed in images to adopt to an up. so to late inefficiency. emerging issue in edison statement or resolution cooling for yourself plus have spray couples, and it was also known as a will go to see it is deplorable. i don't know which is regretful that other speakers have gone. so took a week resolution rather than the new general assembly voice chip adopted center solution and willing for it and sees more on our joint cooling system. so who did
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you invite you to move on? go? that's just of the, the in the security council, but it kind of, she and we have also supported our appeal for the ceasefire right here at the moment. please draft resolution is not push on the boat, but i wonder can colleagues on doing everything possible in order to move to, to present the voting on with that document. and the security council is not most of us to be on the fence. and suddenly the ramifications saw for that escalation could be seen in other parts of the world, including the west bank. so the way it got upset the where and still it is not taking place, a gleaming lines. and unless it goes beyond the student's territories, the series being felt, your rock is being it with shelves, you buzzing the american and you know, it's a basis. i've been shelton, jordan and the rock as a river and certainly them what it is to be sufficient in the red sea exhaust survey to, to medically thought similar computing. and so the same issue for
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a human human has become another targets for of the legitimate aggressive stuff. but martin to by easy, not just a scan to the u. k. of course, the on good. so that's the feeling that they should invest you with some of the deal. actually, that's sufficient. there's not culminates originally. you'll be upset. this is not the end of that. we have a more modern ones that should be continuous. last thing for several decatur special upon the results of a student problem, most of the inability to grade at viable ocean the listing of states according to the not the relation of us resolution remains the means. but that the work that would bring about usability and violence, implement least of that, the word with me on the i'm not sure going to you our guess is that i just, i talked to one of mine's wiley conflicts and to day with reject to these marty some arguments, they would say that this is rich and the same reaction was
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a shared by the american. some of the law has which that it gives you a solution to who but this in the middle east, the process is the americans preferred to the menu. what do you rely on their terminals in the right direction? and now that i see, they try to make sure it shift counselor washer to from different international efforts aim tips to bring about if necessary, the terms to bring about peace and stability. and that i trust you know, and loved them, and that's under the sky. farfetched to is guys an invest, which is a block the work off. so they made a list of quotes which consisted of russia, united nation. so united states, india repeating, union the and they impose since the website ingles only loading in this kind of context. the impose slate except their own. the recipes, which are totally detached from realities unit, electro solutions,
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the units that are not to have nothing to do with the reality is the specific original features. so you visual selfish and worse that's resulted from the fact that we have to look for a way out of that to disaster institution and wells when to but that's what you're the push to help us the best offer to prevent your salt. salt is off disaster use that i and this isn't tell us to tell the stein in israel and not being pushed into the disaster by the united states in the us. that's great, that that gives these, that drop all out upfront issues now relies the need for eliminate the differences between them. so, so that's relying on their own efforts without any outside and decisions. let's look to do with us at ation in the middle east and in the north of africa. those
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simple visits. so it will welcome the course the policy off for taking the sedation and the region with their own hands. and this helps to normalize the relations between the ramos. so if you are a beatrice broker, boeing, china, the same worse helps you to do. what else do this? brings that back to the legal sort of states of the science deal. look, another one is that something i should have done on normalizing the relations between celia and turk. it was the 3 girl brokerage by iran and rochelle, the cousin. so it means that the regional asked orders to prove that the it could be efficient when they are non gym, repeated unprecedented subsidies as an escalation in the guise as 3 pins. and so i'm getting back to that to the main topic of out today's session. like why efforts and not only to bring about a cease fire, but to great condition symptoms that he just doesn't reach for reliable and legally
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binding. we booked the conditions for them. but if he was getting somebody's thing like that from happening again, that's a police thing. of the state would be such a or she doesn't have to register for the janitors as far as the top priority able . and i've mentioned that, so we're ready to view the board. and along with that, he has been working on what is on the arrange things to and if i could ation all for this, it is also fresh or a freezer really. and all the countries from the conflicts where dealing with the listing is from big as a straight bill audit countries. and we just have is that creates a 1200 century because when we spoke a few citizens, so frustrating family members, citizens of all the countries we have deliver it to about to, to see 500 themselves. so i assume that they're in the age and they can use building on these efforts and ship them, so tripped on but so it's only just completely use the most the bearing in mind, what's an uncompromising stem se riley to ship something that wouldn't let me see
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what you guys are the are a m at chance, but i know you can see it in the military operation. and it gives us a free pass gym. this could spread on rough concepts and load and obviously any shift stability in that sector. in the future. we have quite a few, i'm assuming you mean, you know less wishing, you know, you know, says that we have to bring the policy as far as the same time. we have to use those grades, but the conditions were sustainable and reliable. political settlement for some of the practical steps i made mention of the following, when early in february and session, all the basic addition console was hills on. the police didn't issue we, but at least the concepts mentioned our m g o 2 weeks for the initiative to hold the conference. so bring together what will the access of that region? no, no, that's streamlining the approaches to support. shut the setting up of the palestinian
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site. followings, that's a good part of the students voice the just to hold an entire policy in, in meetings for this, you'll see for that see invited all this infection will see in order to overcome the splints within the police. and beautiful faces there. i see no problem. don't. should there be any o problem? let me check on those russia several times, including the on the invitation offered for the sales people that missed unknown. can old friends in session exp, be held to a meeting off for different ballasting and factions that i did? so they sailed to 2 to 3. and so for the units that you all know, we have stated that so all the ways that the police standing unit 2 guys each filled a new air. so we're saying that depends only on the policy in the instance where this, these are the what was reading and send the friends from outside of the right just yesterday,
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nuance of who's gonna decide that took in order to eliminate the issue will go differences between what the, the policy and you understand between we put it less range dealing with the cool little the abuse united or south size the region. we just need a policy to hold sauce insurance deals for assets. i see myself for meetings all the come from so so that we could send them as much to their hosting is how to restore that to you. and that's easy ways you got the message from the united states, the rest of the, the one that they do along with there is a good show. it's great dish. do you use any producing accomplices? um 2 of us don't know if you guys that they gone through one through to you to bring the goes or steve onto the control the new months. setting up the shame that would say good for these riley machines. and that's what i have. and also understand the goals and objectives promoted by these riley prime minister. so the
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total different from want to show the secret to counsel him to the, the national single unit. see. so he built the goals which i shared by the whole world in which has to bring about so when we see a single single sort of bush and therefore we will continue the words a long ways. there will be our colleagues if police deal exclusive issue and, and others to, since of, instead of full of stadium coming from so would be organized by miss janelle, and ken and his friends. and this will single future in your solution with us a full send me all staple listings at apps and then out upfront we see that you go to whether you and yourself. but i know you see that all the whole support sort of made in the trend in terms of the see you. we have for instance, the austin, the photo market is still intact, uninstalled the separate, the youngest was done yet. but due to doing these of january and not a meeting was held in austin, now we've been in school 330 to the efforts of to,
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to see the wholesale was that i'm the products which he had on the kid was article that was done. and what i'll just change, but i'm not just the nation such as support from the server. so how, what i didn't mention on a much you got to the from of the, for much the old stuff which helps us to normalize the relations between serial turkey. but i see your 3rd circuit, you run into russian accent altogether as a means ups goodness, but we're working with a lot of countries. the usually the no, no, the see we have this, but she to you the he's brought back to the legal fed up states of the cities. wait, search lakes are sure to these countries to help restoring celia around the same questions i've been discussed with the wrong and with our friends from china, and certainly can meet you shifts and oppose that the constitutional committee took . the took
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a break and his work was be explained by the fact that you need the house onto minds needs a new york of those just called the hudson joseph beautifully. on monday, hubcaps 6 i guess, saw from hi you the you need for k to be a sub. just need me much if the weekend to see if that platform as a special really neutral wants to each of which would. but any of those members contribute to overcoming differences. switzerland took a position that i see exclude the sections of the elf only onto russian concepts. and yesterday police, they proposed different policy concepts, citing the switzerland you what it basically does up us. as far as the strengths from the european, so you could return not with russia was against sasha. it's been and trying to in the official document. so in what brokerage could be like us offered by this country and designs and choose and they try to act as mediators. so it's only ukraine issue, but this will not succeed anymore. this point is what's a,
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this is not an actor who may be trustworthy is certainly i just put in much that is then the user menu for the constitutional committee would be determinants in the near future is to the cities, which certainly within agreement, se the serial disciplines of the governmental delegation on that one session on hopefully with the supports of the original act doors, preferably, you'd good that range the one on the out of the country. so if you are, it's about a year massengill of the news. we weren't quite optimistic about that 0 situation announcement until recently. thanks to the context between saudi arabia and bumps at 11. so brokered by some of you up in the might be. yeah. so all in all understand that the comprehensive settlement blueprint was uh you've agreed bought the military adventure and true reflection. so for the united states that the
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enlightened the receipts may undermine all these efforts. and excuse me, and instead of for joining the discussion, the effort is washingtonian joe london started bombings. you to be a member, but of that. so once again, they like that for as you know, colonial the way to react to it was no tremendous 2 weeks of development, which is a boy stand up for providing security for the commercial shipping. wouldn't normally emergency, including and there i see. but we cannot certainly agree with that such action. so for the united states and the okay, wait on a chance to do some under false searched preserves, john excuses. a shell independent of states. and countries only by the law has proven more than the ones that said no to evict today is a solution. cannot that you this way? but let's do that with the nation. but what you can do is you can provoke from
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machine you the still over all the still it is sound escalating and then it comes with the whole situation. so then there comes, we have always succeeded on that, whatever conflict we go to the metal in. wiley in the rock, in libya in see we looked at those and some few, we will last name is gone. we're kings cnn constructive manner. was also interested . countries seem to explore the results or ration we use you still, at least those who are essentially interested in the those are peaceful settlements, who are capable of helping. we don't operate them without partners lose the rest of the boat and we are increasing our tre turnover and investment and ship that to that see with our, our approach countries. this is to me for the themselves. yes. for the, for the up at plus deal is replaced and share. this is something that's smartphones, the tangible material base of our interaction on december 21st. we held that the 6
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session at ups, off the russian, out of the forum on corporation to the level of the foreign ministers in market. we checked whether we're on the same page. so this, i'm in the washer and daily gulf of states regarding the international agenda and the regional jones or wait for you to issue. the special statement ends in july and july 21 to $3.00. and moscow hosted to non the ground to a strategic donna local russia. this is tracy c. as in most thank you. and once again, i would like to think sure, most of our friends including a nation vitaly nolan can be for his efforts for shifting to arrange prior to that meeting with the experts. but our meetings, they need to bring together the representatives of southern countries of origin. but of those are the few. we will go on board the actively working on the middle
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east and the agenda. and then the june on the face of our efforts would be set by the agreement, signed at to the summit level a you know that solutions and present fulton, would you give some thoughts with his counsel, thoughts, or smells? symptoms of the bilateral meeting? sends regular phone calls between with him and these riley and converse, team leaders. i am confident that the discussions that your platform, the as usual will generate some recommendations would be certainly hurts. and you wouldn't be the amount of for and would be split in practice. think of some of which i think i think us how much mr. level of shifting. so like see that there's no, there's duplicate, but let's wait until the borders to leave the room. question was suddenly they want to say, you give me
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a minute 12 minutes please have you know, well that was the russian foreign minister, the sort of a lot of speaking that developed the discussion for him in most school where he was a keynote speaker. soon it took you through some of the points where he made the he talked about the us continuously vetoing cools by russia, an arab countries for c spy. when it comes to the situation in gaza, he said the us had been doing everything possible to prevent an effective solution and as a result of violence have been spreading to other places like the westbank and now hostilities be on dot and syria, a rock. he then went on to talk about yemen as well, saying that russian had been up to mistake about the situation in yeah, men and reaching a series of peace that that wasn't until the actions of being us and the you take on the mind. those efforts of the escalation, a cooling the reaction,
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a new colonial reaction saying the russia didn't agree with bass and west and nations meddling as well. i, he also talked about a solution for the situation in palestine saying once again, it relies on the being a polished and in a state. and he said that both palestine and israel had been pushed into dissolved by the us and friends. that was the russian foreign minister at set foot, except a lot of speaking bear with the vulgar discussion for him in moscow without soon use round up. we'll be back with updates with those mind stories in around 13 minutes here or not. seem to match the the
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altima 2023. a surprise attack lowest against israel by how much militaries show the world the no one had expected the palestinian run. the goal is to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the tag, militants, openly unlocking a thing for us. for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these rates, this is the see the move of this device. how can it be that arms are shipped to the middle east from a country whose template visuals constantly complain about shortages of our munition and military equipments. anyway, believe that bus navy over.


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