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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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toms dealers that we must not be ashamed of then are the yes and well pictures for you, right? there was a police in northern india tear gassing thousands of vamos basically stopping them much on new daily thoughts. as a ring of spiel is erected around the capital to lock the procession of angry will pursue a demanding price guarantee. the equation needs to be clear, little thing, have a sold, reveled worth as much is gone. so 11 on of a, rob, israel valves more minutes reaction and gaza or after it's rescue rate in the fall, killed over a 100 kind of spin units while saving a pair of hostages. meantime, how boss says the id at the time actually killed 3 is really
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a productive piece in the process. and most of it reacts to the stripes on the font, saying that the destabilization on crisis in the region to show the israel is not interested or ready for any conference. the region with the best employees necessarily taking into account the uncompromising attitude of these really leadership. we see this uncompromising attitude towards continuing the military action and gaza now extending the process. we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of a situation in the sector. also in the program as indonesians prepare the costs that vote for a new president, they take to the streets to protest against the alleged election interference to buy new incomes and plead the so 247 we are finding the world lied for must go. but without the predictable
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mainstream temperatures visits out to you tonight. so police have deployed a tear gas in northern india in a bit to stop thousands of protesting farmers from marching on new delhi as a ring of steel is being thrown up around the capital. they're all growing concerns about the state of the industry as always, runjun shot them a file, this report on the, on the rest and that reach of the way. it's quite a situation here in north india. that's where the farm was off for testing this professor school's almost to test 2 points. the last time pharma suggested it went on for from 2020 to 21 and it had become the largest full test in go see, see. now as we see, the phone was on marching to the side,
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some distance off. now the ones that lead to day to side, we advocate share 4 to 5. we've phones in new simply because these thousands of farmers disabilities and about that i'm lucky to see daddy on the y, a farm of marching towards cynthia because he is still willing to take root capital of the country. i'm the pharmacy for the government to listen to them on monday, when becomes, till now as far as the demonic. and so this is being put to name a few. the wanted to guarantee for minimum to full size of the false. that's and miss. they also want the death we bought from the phone with 0 to one dimension for thomas. i'm the age of 61. so for now, why is the government having a tough time here? it's because the government has to balance what the phone was off the full with
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what the consumer needs are. so that's a beautiful problem to balance that out. now they don't that our own between finally you news. i'm the government of the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the farmers. we can expect few rounds of all the thoughts of the government is able to find to be v to decision. but it's not just of almost in india, if farm was in different thoughts of the world for you. the b r a b priced out by big companies by corporate sense, we all seen follow up to this because in different thoughts of the world, we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen phone and we've also seen that happen in frosts and spin. ah, so really ages, momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was. but of course the focus right now is the next few days. are going to be crucial and we'll see how it plays out. took off that now with palestinians are basically picking up the pieces
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suffered devastating. so gold cup us drives by the idea of ended rescuing the power of his riley hostages and the southern city of cut off on the palestine and red christmas dot. he says the attacks claim the lives of more than $100.00 guns. we have children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the streets. our 10 doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. at least 50 strikes, destroyed, housing blocks, and mosques, and the most densely populated area of the enclave. people that say they literally have nowhere else to go. nevertheless, israel's defense minister says the lasting legacy of the entire operation should be a destroyed gaza. it's a mock this action rescuing the hostages crazy the reversal enough in case and also in the thinking of how much that would be more operations for our existence. it depends on its aaron's. the symbol of this event should be destroyed. guns
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destroyed, con eunice, underground. above ground dead terrace. this is the simple, really look at this how mouse has said that the idea afraid not only killed the dozens of palestinians, but also claimed the lives of 3 is really hostages in the city. now we have no verification of this claim. however, if proven they would be another case of israel killing one of its own, held by a months. and they put the operation into in his riley perspective. an idea of captain has put a new spin on the analogy of an eye for an hour. we shall not rest, we shall not stop until we achieve the eradication of the tyra, extermination of our enemies and the equation needs to be clear. well, the little thing of a soldier announced was as much as goss 11 on a wrong but desolate in god that could amount to a possible war crimes charges against israel off to the i. c. j 100 claims if is ready genocide, now the international criminal court in the hague has expressed deep concerns about
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revolt of bombardments and a potential ground. in caution in the south banks, i have real concern over the reports coming out of rough or the possibility of for the ground incursions by is ready troops. the report of bombardments, there is an act to investigations at all people. all parties are on notice. these royal government is on notice the officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity. while the death toll and gaza has passed 28000, that's according to the main local health officials. and it comes as much of the global community continues to push the israel to stop the blood shed. practiced on is just one of those countries which condemn the bombing overall file. a place that has become shelter, infiniti one and a half 1000000. tell us to it is real sweet involvement and offensive and rough uh
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is deplorable. and the great violation of international law in human rights, doctor's done, condemns these acts of violence against innocent police dns and calls for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away for a time to learn more. that's across live now to join list and strategic affairs ex, but from a to con, olive must read to you. now, joining us here on, on the international, a very warm welcome to you today. so it's a great pleasure for you to spend some time with us here. what do you, what do you make of this? the big picture here, i mean, pack of stones for administer, according israel's actions, a violation of international law and human rights. not frankly, the 1st time we've heard such accusations from high profile officials but no actions so far. do you expect anything significant to follow? i i think you very much. right. you know, i mean, it is right. it is doing to be kidding. you know, but as the other guy did,
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you know that it should be actually the one that has the seeds fire immediately and there must be an investigation on one side, evaluated for ease of doing another box with the size and very clear that i mean it will say people that we think he's getting is, is beyond the limited snow and it must be stop. and what do you guys doing? they must be held accountable for that and by themselves, support the cause of palestine. and if you want to believe that it is the biggest, uh, honestly at the moment on this planet, and it must be resolved, it is the apartheid state is the $500.00 and box is gonna be just uh for the last 70 years. but this is the same price, i mean, the, the said often the 7th uh, you know, doing what the, uh, what they are doing is, is absolutely unacceptable. no, all the water needs to come to get an i always say that, especially if these are responsibility all, uh, you know, the rest of the china,
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your dirty and all those countries who are who p. c. that all these ideas can actually do to american bank of america is supporting your pizza for the united kingdom is supporting and that's right on the condition of support of america is giving the encouragement. and that's why america, equally responsible for all that killing of genocide going on. and by this time going on, you've got the best bang every bit. and i believe that the re, america has to be too many uh, you know, the resolution in the united nation and just go to the concept. it is it, and cutting demand. i'm fine with that. i do get the on the general side of the cdn and getting on the a dev release plan, what they are doing is it's not on the general side. the it is, it is a question for the entire humanity. that's what people a lot of these ladies doing and what we haven't yet, you know,
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i think it is an invitation at google gate should do the other followed up the road to intervene in the knowledge that is going to use fire? oh, i think that's a great comment. how i made and i, i, i approve of your message. i mean, you, your right when you, when you talk about, you know, people, the traditional culprits have. and we've got basically the g 7 countries who are supporting israel, supporting what is really being done by just about everyone. now, genocide, i think you've got, you know, countries rusher in china era on the middle east. and so many other countries around the world old saying, look, you're going to stop this, this is genocide and yet somehow somehow hunted, is there israel is guess able or even allowed in some way to continue killing so many innocent civilians? i mean, time is you will know these ready government is pining a logic ground operation, the military incursion into that alpha it's, it's believed to be a so called ness or a high eve of how this fight it is. but at the same time, most of the palestinians are now located precisely in that area. so i mean how,
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how big is the danger for the palestinian civilians that is women and all that babies and kids and all that. i mean, is it a good place for them to be? i understand they've got no way left to go. exactly. i mean, if you look at the situation there is only a big and small or you know, part of that which is only 40 miles and then they have to do one 3rd of that which is about ha, and this is a false be clear that there are some, uh uh, you know, uh they call them uh uh, you know, member of the paulding county, i'm sorry to say that because they are fighting for the distance now because it will be a big deal and they lead, they happen to be for the last 70 uh, i mean, the only thing is that why is that it is not giving in the same case why the innocent women, why they're targeting people to be the wife that we have seen just 2 days before the dead party of 61 got in the car and she was gonna get this all ready for
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what is everything is because the only it only one me that and that is american engagement. i'm not saying american backup. i'm 83 american to come even to get a on this dennis. i and i believe that the it is a is that it would be star by the following. it wouldn't be betty. yeah, betty. the price is gonna be a catastrophic. it is already going to look at this for all the enough is enough. 20 and 30000 people have been killed. and if you look care, but i can, it is only for re appointed to be that, you know, say it can be women and children, no matter facility already the food guys in the people outside of iraq or any must be the, you know, us an idea and, and this is the worst situation and that is ready for me, or do i plan to attack on it?
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it is absolutely unacceptable. i mean, i was, i appreciate it very much. i appreciate it, so to speak up adobe. now we have to do them through the i see didn't really explain the whole was and i meant i asked them to do it so we can a make, i'm the president as they are, you know, all effort for the uh, for the people i think so there is a time vantage yada united. giga americans, canada, australia, 77 countries. they all have to understand that if they do not stop that, it can do a multi x reward. know that today is increasing now every day on the wireless be part of dying of a $1500000.00 people get disrupt fee, because then after any uh, any. uh because the guys get disruption got taken more and more. if you'd like to be like that, what it's worth waiting for. i'm gonna get you the question now. i think
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a resident which is that has the stuff that i mean uh for every visa d as in dog and h. gluteus id is id step. the turkeys and the china and all the time for america to start backing up. it is a time for america have a i would see that uh, engage america has affinity and view the be many bought in, in any go at the up getting on it is not having the word be, it is just for the, you know, they, they just carry on like this all the time you can divide, so you, i don't know, libya, syria, iraq, afghanistan, and out. now, now you go with the richard nations of the world bombing. yep. and the poorest nation in the world commented, we've always worked the same corporate se, but i'm really, i'm really grateful for the time you've spent with us here. what ology internationally, you've had some really strong comma tree, and i hope the message gets out that delta hut me to con, out emotional rekey is a joy. listen strategic fedex, but really appreciate our chat. thanks for taking the time. well,
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let's shift gears now to africa. what 9 traders in nigeria had been killed and a suspected terrorist attack. comments as the african center for strategic studies recently revealed deaths from terrorism on the continent have increased by more than 100000 percent in just over 20 years. a huge spike is partially blamed as a consequence of the west. so cold war on terra as our correspond, that now explains, it will actually tell us costly. a hot page for table was a match to be turned off the 21st century. today, 23 years off the 90 live and the confidence is at the hearts of global terrorism causes body from the persistence of okay, the affiliates to the rise of islamic state partners to the fostering of 2 social conditions. and in the 5th to counter terrorism efforts in africa, all of this contributed to the alarming situation we're seeing today. the metrics a grim recent fee statistics so that in 2023 vitality is linked to militant islam
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is violent, dumped by 20 percent, claiming mold in $23000.00 lives an all time high. the u. n. is raising the alarm as if the center of tara ships from the middle east to africa, africa has emerged as the key battle ground for terrorism, with a major increase in the number of active groups operating on the continent. for the case, the u. s. has been engaged in the sol cold counter terrorism operations in the west and african, it's the whole and somalia, 2 regions that have seen significance 5. so it was in the past. yes. something that's completely contradicts claims by the u. s. s. it's a combined that it is torching table was 3 on the continents and promoting security and stability. washington says it's doing such a great job fighting terrorism. that is, should be involved in more of the continents domestic of fees for really good at security assistance. and we're really good at going off to terrorist,
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but if you neglect governance, economic development factors like climate change, you can't really get it to do hon solution. those tend to change it to the us, a shout, all $300000000.00 is the ability to focus assistance for the region. but the level of peace and stability in africa doesn't seem to justify the spending. new data shows that we cannot foster for east as experience. 67 percent of the militant islam is related for utilities. and this, the how of agents the amount is more than double that of 2020 to the states has openly criticize the waste for benefiting from exploiting the continent. last week at the foot pontoon, africa is the i'm the confident in the world where people sing, dunsen applaud for those who in poverty starve and tortured them. africa's misfortune is to have been counted from suddenly the west is violated. rates and romans africa. what is our share of responsibility as african leaders? it's the re so that tobacco taps house case across this,
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the whole region from the atlantic into the width to the rich fees, the east. the region is grouped by a network of lumnick minutes in groups ranging from house to bob in somalia to ok. the in the slide me from a bribe and buckle have run in and they do take the current tenant risk attacks along the g b a. but sadie, hi wayne could see an estate and they give you as a recent case. it's been this been 2 months since they similar incident took place in that same location. hit a risk routine, the keel and the depth residents from nearby communities, schools, places of worship, and highways, demanding huge ransoms and exchange of food. the seas. are we all seen always that conflicts in countries such as nigeria, somalia, monday, and libya impacting and threats and the neighboring states include in kenya, egypt and algeria. the effort to contact to have a resume in africa stands as a dangerous cross road or wall. the thrift has reached an unprecedented levels with
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no signs of ebay too much area and geo political aspect. okay. they could have a high has hard questions about washington. so cold war on tyra and what it's true check attempts have been this is charity. i think that none of this would be happening. i told the real part of the problem that we're having, what happens is libya and see the libya, libya situation for the across of professional smart homes that cause the continuing to and when one's better in the front. now to protect america nasty, which was allergic to you and i left us with the programs that are entirely our own . now we're backing it in on a daily basis. we haven't, we have should be as in the sure, i don't know how the content joe is gonna be the best in terms of wishing the stressful break complex, which is of course, i mean, we're americans breaking butcher. a piece is not the best thing,
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especially in other parts of the world. the yo skeptic test, their equipment is here in the u. s. so, you know, the excess moves she has with the mickey moscow has also reacted to israel as strikes on the other alpha ruptures. foreign minister highlighted the crisis during his speech of the bound by discussion from saying the increasing the stabilization shows. israel doesn't want to compromise, and of the palestinian people are being collectively punished. a sub with 0 sigma was due to the events of october 7th, rock the entire middle east, and indeed, the whole world. russia immediately condemned to a mazda attack on his really civilians stressing that we do not accept any terrorist attacks. but we categorically oppose using this attack to collectively punish the palestinian people, taking into account the uncompromising attitude of these rarely leadership. we see
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this uncompromising attitude towards continuing the military action and gaza now extending it to rafa. we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of a situation in the sector. it's what's the form is there? so the level of spoke at the 13th middle east conference at the fall, the club in which she touched upon a variety of issues concerning the region, but special attention was given to palestine corps. he pointed out that russia did suggest to the un security council to a top is seized by a resolution in gaza that was vetoed by the united states. he emphasized that the us is trying to not only prevent a ceasefire and gaza from happening, but is also actively trying to cancel rushes efforts in peaceful resolutions in the region. using us sufficient in the middle east. the americans rely on their dominance in the region and they are already working to exclude russia from various international efforts into creating conditions for the establishment of lasting
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peace and stability they impose, including, in the current situation, they impose solutions, so to speak, their recipes, and those recipes are far from reality. they are taking one sided solutions that do not take into account the specifics of either countries or regions as a whole. where this short sighted course self, there's course i would say let the americans and their allies isn't obvious to everyone. we need to look for a way out of this catastrophic reality, a way that would prevent a catastrophe. palestine and israel in the middle east are being pushed into a catastrophe by our american colleagues. so and emphasized that what is happening requires effort to create reliable conditions. he also says that the ramifications of the current escalations could be seen beyond all is fine and beyond because that they could be seen syria. and jim, as he also pointed out that the situation in the red escalate in the book just, you know, general terms of i understand that a scheme for
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a comprehensive settlement was agreed upon. however, the military adventure of the united states and its allies in the waters of the red sea can negate all these developments, all these prospects, and instead of a collective effort to de escalate the situation, washington in london, begin to bomb. yeah, and once again, they have chosen the neo colonial option of responding militarily to what is happening. as he mentioned, the russian initiatives you bring different policy infections to gather because as he says, policy and unity lays in their own hands and that was the fire and stays a priority for russia. now russia and he mentions is work in a constructive manner with countries in the regions, and he's actively cooperate in which we are actually was in an easy and sitting the streets in protest against alleged election at the fair and spy, the incumbent leader of the nation. commons as a wells 3rd largest democracy is preparing to head to the polls. this wednesday demonstrated accusing the president of abusing his power,
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saying he swaying voters to favor the front front of the leader himself is actually boss from seeking another to him. while there are 3 can tend to sort of line to take his sport headed, the voting. we did speak with some locals fellow and the manufacturer, me, the primary concern is economics. yeah, i basic and i'm like challenges. so we're going to have help for a better situation. the government should pay attention not just to the upper class, but also to the middle and lower classes. yeah, a lot of fun if i just went home and you know, disturbances in a few products. it affects poor people the most, especially my son's works on the street. when they're on the bro desk, he come to work hot up. i yeah, my hope is that the minor issues don't get blown out of the ocean. that's minimize any significant problems. so differences of opinion or disputes, hopefully won't create friction into model selection process. and now the current present it has is not to explicitly endorse any of the 3 kinds of it's looking to
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replace him. but that's quite a lot on the ballot. the defense minister pro bylaws, so bianco and a 2 former governors as well as the piano now leading into pre election polls is reputation in the eyes of western media. it's not so hard as all correspondent, rebecca, and if the poor now explained in 2024 national elections will be held across the globe in over 60 countries, we're presenting some 4000000000 people. over 200000000 voters are set to vote in indonesia alone. as the worst has an agenda in all international matters when a voice and a corner of the world doesn't a line up springs a. so i'll call that to democracy. in mainstream narrative, indonesia has such a candidate that fits the bill, his name. but i was to be a, his current leave, the nation's defense minister, and of his 4th attempt to leave you denisia. a former commander in multiple passes . the armies
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a least special forces to be and go has spent the past 2 decades trying his hand at public politics, making him one of the most recognized politicians in the country. however, western media outlets don't seem to be her all the any potential success of his as good for the nation. those last, the seller have lives are in addition to other accusations. he allegedly organized the kidnapping of 23 democracy actors. this is suspected of trying to stop the rallies that over through then president. so how to pull in 1998. of course, he is too hard to sign in law, a med viewed as a dictator in the west, despite the allegations that were tossed his way. do you else didn't mind building our relationship with him? when they sold benefits, the trump administration invited him to visit us and he's as role as the defense minister in october 2020 after his visit to washington,
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once again in august 2023. the plans have gone publish a joint press release attribute in jakarta as a court order. the statement criticized moscow and b, g, and claim that both the west and the media shared a number of use that took him at russia and china. however, the nation defense minister said otherwise suggesting america script that narrative all on its own, there is no joint statement and no press conference. what is important for me to underline is that our relationship with china is very good. we respect each other, we already have mutual understanding, conveyed that in the us, we are close friends with china. we respect america, and we seek friendship with russia. well, adding a bit of defense to the u. s. bravo seemed to have a better looking outlook for his other neighbors. closer to home for indonesia, russia and china, i have always been considered important partners. in fact,
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defense cooperation, both multi lateral and by latrell has been well established for many years. this type of cooperation aligns with any use of for august own national interest, but it's principle quote, free and after foreign policy. in the course of looking after his nations, he has taken a, as a european union for bands, plays on innovation exports, leaving the blog in the process for the deforestation that cut down large swaps operating for us to quench western appetite base plus on unity and people and you have been leaders that it was the pins who came to long island and forced us to plump deep coffee, the rubber schools. and now you're saying we are the force we have destroyed are, what is your you started or 4 days before?
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now the question remains, is there really a threat to democracy when one defends its own national interests? or is it just the west using rod brush strokes to create an image of a dictator that he wants to show? what are they going to be reporting from to pardon for r t? well, in any is there is one of the us, you in countries encouraging its own people to get off the swift payment system and use a domestically creative platform instead of the multi point of world continues a ton. it's back on the uni po, establishment the the .


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