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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the the right, the police in northern india tear gassing thousands upon those basically stopping that box on new delhi. it comes out to work, exhaust them on prices, guarantees for the fruits open labor the equation needs to be planned and it will think of a sold recalls with as much as profit and 11 on of a wrong israel valves more action and gone to officer at the rate on the roof on the hills over a 100 published indians while saving a pair of hostages. meantime, how boss says the idea of attack actually kills 3 is really of doctor to using the products. that's also in the program called african. we're asking the international
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court of justice to examine israel's activities in gaza, saying they are a breach of both the genocide convention and the quotes order to prevent the crime entities into divided a head of causing the vote for a new president, the west in mainstream media. says the front front is a quote, threatened to dom offers the right is still going to be to share your time with us here at the off the mother ship in most go straight to your news. we go right now. so police have deployed to a gas in northern india, it's old and a bit to stop. thousands of protesting farm is from marching on new delhi. as a ring of steals being, thrown up around the capital, there are growing concerns about the state of the industry over now to warranties runjun sharma. she felt this report the
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quite a situation here in north india, that's where the farm was off for. testing this to test a scroll saw almost to test 2 points or the last time fall most suggested it went on for the yellow from 2020 to 2021, and it had become the largest full test in boys history. now as we speak, the phone was marching towards new day on side, some distance off for nothing. yes. now the roads that lead to new day deal fortified with advocates at 4 to 5 with phones in new, simply because these thousands of farmers. this is at least $200.00 family unions for talking about that. i'm lucky to would see daddy on the y a farm of marching towards new to the city because you, denny is still willing to take root capital of the country. and the pharmacy for
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the government will listen to the demands on the, when they call till now as far as the demands are concerned, this is being put to name a few, the ones who guarantee for minimum, the 4th price of the cost. that's and that's the deal. so want the debt we bought from the phone with 0 to one dimension for thomas. i'm the age of 60. i'm so when, so for now, why is the government having a tough time here? it's because the government has to balance what the phone was off before with what the consumer needs are. so that's a bit of a problem to balance that out. how they don't that own between finally you use i'm the government of the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the farmers. we can expect few rounds of all the thoughts of the government is able to finally reach a decision. this notice of almost india is found,
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was in different parts of the field. the b r b prize delta by big companies buy for rates. and we all seen farmer products because in different thoughts of the world, we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen full. and they also seeing it happen in frosts and spend us really ages, momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was. but of course the focus right now is the next few days. are going to be crucial and then see how it plays out to gaza, where palestinians are picking up the pieces off the devastating. so cold cub strikes by the idea ended rescuing a pair of his ready hostages and the southern city over that of the palestine and red crescent societies. as the attacks claimed, the lives of more than 100 guidance children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the streets are 10, doesn't have a roof, it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. at least 50 strikes,
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destroyed housing blocks on most in the most densely populated part of yang, 5 people that started. they literally have no way i left to go. nevertheless, israel is minister of defendant, says the last thing, the legacy of the operation should be that whole, they destroyed garza to match them up. this action rescuing the hostages, created the reversal and nothing cake. and also in the thinking of how much that would be more operations for our existence. it depends on it's aaron's. the symbol of this event should be destroyed, garza destroyed con eunice underground above ground, dead terrace. this is the symbol. that's how mouse has said. the idea afraid not only killed thousands of palestinians, but also claimed the lives of 3 is a re lease who are being held hostage in the city. there has been no official verification of this claim, however proven. it would be another case of israel killing its own will to buy from us and to put the operation into in his ready perspective. an idea of captain has
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put a new spin on the analogy of an eye for an i shall not rest. we shall not stop until we achieve the eradication of the tyra, extermination of our enemies and the equation needs to be clear. well, the little thing of a sold driven was worth as much as goss at 11 on all of our wrong well desolate in gaza could amount to a potential war crimes charges against israel. off of the i c. j. hood claims of his riley genocide, the international criminal court in the hey, cause express the concerns about reports of on boardman so on a possible ground in co ocean into the south of banks. i have a real concern over the reports coming out to rough or the possibility of uh for the ground in cushions by is ready. troops reported bombardments. there is an active investigation that all people, all parties are on notice. these rail government is on notice the officials, members of the military on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes,
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we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity when the death told and gaza has passed, 28000 according to local health officials. and it comes as much of the international community does continue to push israel to stop the blood shed upon us . dawn is one of the countries which has condemned the bombing over the rough on a place that, as you know, has become a shelter finale one and a half 1000000. tell us the these real suites involvement in offensive and rough uh is deplorable and a great violation of international law and human rights doc has done condemns these acts of violence against innocent boasting ins and goals for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away, but it's a lot more of this right now here on the program and join the director general for the purchased on. i've got his own use for him and manager, the south asia time, solomon and job. and now joining us here, we're now to international and a very warm welcome to today solomon. i know you've been following the story,
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a pack of stones for a minute, according a israel, as actions of violation of international law and human rights. of course, not the 1st time we've heard such accusations, especially from high profile free goes, but still no hard cool action is taking place. uh any. uh, do you have any expectations for anything significant to follow? well, the book's done has already is good spencer and it's been substances. it has already been, you know, a solution to our stuff, but towards the contract, which is now expanding towards the other. i mean, at least in states as well, and box them have all the risk and then the brutality. endodontist adapts by the state of his right. uh, it is not the 1st, like you said, due to the 1st grade when by about 5 boxes. i know for sure, and we need them in the united nations have also called upon a goal, is i go to state and as a go to the word there though it is. nothing was not the actual the hum us,
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but ad. so don't say that was the question of is ideas of the streets or the order of stuff, but listen, you learned the hard to start there talking about ox duncan or me, you know, support the, the fee for adults or the mediation dogs. but if there will be any adult defensive and both ends will have to be there than the other states that have to take the lead and then the rest of the world, the rest of the person starts in photo. uh, interesting comment that i do, obviously you mentioned the i c j, the international court of justice is it's, it's already kind of how the opening case of the genocide charges against israel. now you've got the i c c that is also voicing concerns as well. now obviously, both of them is still under the wing of the united nations, and frankly, the us and has proven itself fairly inept over the past 4 months to get anything concrete done to stop the blood shed in gaza. would you, would you expect, i guess the work of the i c j and potentially the i t c to actually have some sort
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of good effect for, for the palestinians. that is so the optics, the, it may some kind of, uh, it may have list road or something so that it good to have. and in fact our impact on the blog because the, the word right now it's not. and so that is really, is early, but it's to, you know, activities of the restaurant hemisphere at all of it. it is actually back in the extra that was the 1st time all that and it is that had started, it's offensive on drop off some of the, you know, your, the union of shows or, i don't know for sure. i would have started calling out and yahoo, but before that there was, it's all standing right next to you, nathan, yahoo, right next to his eyes and supporting it. so actions side of things so that it will have a kind of impact that we will be expecting from the actions or certainly. so if i say that is the, are you know, donations. so for the optics, the purpose of the media feeding the problems and have a kind of not active in the back, but it won't have
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a deadline. is different that ongoing for the people because of this somebody, this is a, you know, we keep getting this, so don't we solomon we, we keep getting these narratives and, and you know, okay, i, i get what you say about certain western countries supporting is ready for your typical g 7 members and you know the same same old culprits as per usual. but i guess my question is so much of the world continues to watch in horror a full month. so all potential genocide being carried out here. why is it solomon that no body, not one country, or even the un will the i, c, c, or the i c j has been able to stop? is rails military incursions? how is it that it hasn't been stopped yet? well, there's going to, it's, it's obvious the partnership between these, right and the red specially particularly americans because is dying that the lot be, that is why it has uh, inside the american political system or the government system. we all know about data, sort of, it's not a featured. uh,
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it is something that is really scared of additional be, have potentially invested in, you know, in a, in a what defective manner. and that investment is not being of. so americans are toyota b union. the probably cannot go against averages of is right in order to policy makers. and that is why we see a potential genocide is happening right now and turned off of eyes and the world is more, more about it. uh, guard ignition potentially. we all know that, like we, we, we discussed earlier that was such for them for an additional product and losing the accountability like know of, of having a kind of impact of intervention and stopping these the, these kinds of website, any state of the industry products. so i think um, and then it of a very obvious go sending a video of your phone, said that the, the, the partnership between americans and a, these are the actual, you know, the big system which is living this happened wrecked on the ground. solomon joe had is a director general of the pack install enough. got install and used for my manager
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at the south asia times offering some very intriguing come entry. thank you very much for joining us. thank you for your time. the south africa has the address to the international court of justice urging the body to examine israel's decision to launch it's operation. in rafa la pretoria had filed the case against israel alleging it is committed genocide and gaza analyses. the plant idea of offensive, as a continuation of what teller be, was precisely ordered to stop of the unprecedented military offensive against ralph, as announced by the state of his ro, has already led to and will result in the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreparable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. let's learn more and of course you will have to of course, moment know the oil come guy with more on this and the good to see you could just to, if you would. what do we know so far about south africa,
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south africa's request, but also there's the background to it as well. if you would be so kind. i absolutely believe you told me it has indeed returned to the international court of justice urgently asked me for additional misses as a result of the announcement made by israel, that prime minister benjamin netanyahu as oscar. he's copying it to approve a plan for the evaluation off the roof and the destruction of how much forces d. so that you can believe is that each draws rough offensive may lead to a potential violation of the rights of palestine use in gaza. the genocide convention and of course the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2024 and burges the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of the boxes population which is about to more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming in and i faxed many sheltering
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day off to fleeing from the homes. if in parts of guys the in the order is off ease rolls evacuation before you close the remember that it's been less than a month. so since the international court of justice austin audited is all to take home is, is, would be in its power to prevent its foods from committing genocide acts my games for the scene using gaza. which wasn't that in my case before device of africa as well. pretoria as move will lead to soup, as many people have i'm coming see quoted has sort of gotten a lot of support from many countries, particularly those in the global south. how ever other countries such as gemini, the united kingdom and the united states, have opposed the lawsuit? not only has anthony blank and the 60 to the us 6 richie of state to decrypts of africa's case. as many clues is also argued, that the case distracts the will different, it's defined a cause,
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a possible solution. and the last in solution to the conflict and well, both sides of all countries are in type. what was it to their own views, experts say that it is kind of disturbing to suggest that a case that speaks to stem black vault is an attempt to disrupt the world from a more doable parts to peace at a time when beach is really palistine and conflict is threatening to provoke a why the regional more and so. so that's because is this things lost in solution that cannot be found? what's in the table is also a political organism of the united nations, as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that african states must be sold out. so when it gets this coming to move as well, speaks to exactly that kind of narrative as an advocate is running with. and i think also very important to note is that all of this comes as visual income, most of reportedly in tools to was a deal that aims to bring about as these 5. yeah. because not too long ago we read
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and reports that to those talk. so moving forward even often is, well, i'm intensified it's offensive in the 7 guys i often i for and now what's the problem with the steps ordering his ability to prepare for lines to evacuated rough uh, despise of repeated warnings from agencies and deluxe of that africa. and the you as a sort of way to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this mess of forward. i'm so so that because increase has been made today. all right, i'll see you all are welcome. good. thank you. most ago has it reacted to israel strikes on or off on a rushes for minutes. the highlight of the crisis during a speak to the vile di discussion for him, saying the increasing the stabilization shows israel thought interested in a compromise. and the palestinian people living collectively punished a sub which is more what's due to the events of october 7th,
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rock the entire middle east, and indeed, the whole world. russia immediately condemned the mazda attack on his really civilians stressing that we do not accept any terrorist attacks. but we categorically oppose using this attack to collectively punish the palestinian people, taking into account the uncompromising attitude of these rarely leadership. we see this uncompromising attitude towards continuing the military action and gaza, now extending it to rafa. we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of a situation in the sector. it's 1st and foremost spoke at the 13th middle east conference at the ball by club in which she touched upon a variety of issues concerning the region, but special attention was given to paula science course. he pointed out that russia did suggest to the un security council to adopt is seized by a resolution in gaza that was vetoed by the united states. he emphasized that the us is trying to not only prevent a ceasefire and gaza from happening,
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but is also actively trying to cancel rushes efforts in peaceful resolutions in the region. reasonable suspicion in the middle east, the americans rely on their dominance in the region and they are already working to exclude russia from various international efforts aimed at creating conditions for the establishment of lasting peace and stability they impose including, in the current situation, they impose solutions so to speak, their recipes and those recipes are far from reality. they are taking one sided solutions that do not take into account the specifics of either countries or regions as a whole. where this short sighted course, the self, there's course i would say let the americans and their allies is obvious to everyone. we need to look for a way out of this catastrophic reality. a way that would prevent a catastrophe, palestine and israel in the middle east are being pushed into a catastrophe by our american colleagues. so the size that what is happening requires effort to create reliable conditions. he also says that the ramifications
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of the current escalations could be saved beyond all is fine and beyond, because they could be seen iran, syria, and yeah, man, he also pointed out that the situation in the red escalating the, the, what you're shipping, the general terms of i understand a scheme for a comprehensive settlement was agreed upon. however, the military adventure of the united states and its allies in the waters of the red sea, can negate all these developments, all these prospects, instead of a collective effort to de escalate the situation. washington in london began to bomb. yeah. and once again, they have chosen the neo colonial option of responding militarily to what is happening. and he mentioned the russia initiative to bring different policy and factions to gather because as he says, we're a policy in unity lays in their own hands. and that was the fire space, a priority for russia. now russia and he mentions is work in a constructive manner with countries in the region,
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and he's actively cooperating with are according to the former egyptian minister of foreign affairs and the bill. finally, he says that israel is responsible for creating chaos, basically, with every step it takes and that region, the region is already outside. i think it's actually already ongoing. what isn't ongoing now? is so far the you have air attacks that started. you have bump arguments, it started. the issue is the ground force. that's what's remaining. ah, that's the 1st point. so let's not assume that the that has not started. it has started yesterday. we lost a lot of sending as well. so think about a 100 people, that's the 1st my 2nd point this reflects and this really advocates that they can use whatever level of force they want in any area, without the accounts of anything they did in kansas city in san eunice. and now they're doing it in rough,
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where they end up killing more palestinians. they also end up creating a serious problem with the egyptians on the other side of the border. and that's the 1st country to have agreement with that. so here there are multiple problems. one, you monetary issues. secondly, the attempt is ready to displace part of cities across the border. so we use the intensity of productivity and it gets and we will not participate in that. and 3rd, the national security implications on our border. which brings exemption is rate it releases into play. it's very dangerous and they should not play that game in an easy. and so i think the streets in protest against alleged election interference by the incumbent leader of the nation. it comes to wells, 3rd largest democracy is preparing to head to the polls. this wednesday demonstrated accused the president of abusing his power, saying he swaying photos to favor the frontrunner. alida himself is
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constitutionally bind from seeking another tom. while there are 3 contenders, a vine to take a spot and a head of the voting. we hit the streets and spoke to look fellow the manufacturer, me. the primary concern is economic, i think is the comic challenges. and so we're going to have to help for a better situation. the government should pay attention not just to the upper class, but also to the middle of the lower classes. yeah, a lot of fun if i just went home and you know, disturbances and a few products. it affects the people the most, especially my son works on the street. when they're on the bro desk, he come to work hot up. i. uh, my hope is that the minor issues don't get blown out of proportion. that's minimize any significant problems. so differences of opinion or disputes, hopefully won't create friction into model selection process. on the bottom of the country's defense minister and to form a governance. while the minister is now leading and pre election polls is
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reputation in the eyes of the west and media, not so hot, open out onto correspondent rebecca and up at the pool. she explains this run. in 2024 national elections will be held across the globe. in over 60 countries, representing some 4000000000 people. over 200000000 voters are set to vote in indonesia alone. as the west has an agenda in all international matters. when a voice in the corner of the world doesn't a line up springs a. so i'll call that to democracy in mainstream narrative, denisia has such a candidate that fits the bill. his name, but i was to the used car leave the nation's defense minister, and of his 4th attempt to leave any shop. a former commander in multiple passes. the armies elite special forces to be undergo has spent the past 2 decades trying his head at probably politics, making him one of the most recognized politicians in the country. however,
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western media outlets don't seem to be her all the any potential success of his as good for the nation. those less than seller have lives are in addition to other i can see ship. he allegedly organized the kidnapping of 23 democracy actors. this is suspected of trying to stop the rallies that over to ben presidents who have 4 in 1998. of course he is who hartfield simon long. amen. viewed as a dictator in the west, despite the allegations that were tossed this way, the west didn't mind building a relationship with him. when they sold benefits, the trump administration invited him to visit u. s. in his role as defense minister in october 2020 after his visit to washington, once again in august 2023. the plans have gone. publish a joint press release attribute in jakarta as a court order. the statement criticized moscow and b,
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g. and claim that both the west and eliza shared a number of use that took a rush to and china. however, the nation defense minister said otherwise suggesting america scripted that narrative all on its own. there is no joint statement and no press conference. what is important for me to underline is that our relationship with china is very good. we respect each other, we already have mutual understanding, conveyed that in the us, we are close friends with china. we respect america, and we seek friendship with russia. well, adding a bit of defense to the u. s. bravo seemed to have a better looking outlook for the other neighbors. closer to home for indonesia, russia and china, i have always been considered important partners. in fact, defense cooperation, both multilateral and bi lateral, has been well established for many years. this type of cooperation aligns with any
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of its own national interests, but its principal, quote, free and after foreign policy. in the course of looking after his nations, he has taken aim at the european union for bands plays on in the nation exports, leaving the blog in the process for the deforestation that cut down large watts on praying for us to quench western appetites. please pass on to your you'd have been people and you've been leaders that it was the pins game with all items and forced us to plug the coffee, the rubber schools. and now you're saying we are the photo we have destroyed are, what is your you started or 4 days before? now the question remains, is there really a threat to democracy when one defends its own national interest?
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or is it just the west using rod brush strokes to create an image of a dictator that he wants to show? what are they going to be reporting from to pardon for r t? you know, in an easy or is a central bank like so many others in the east is dumping dollars to buy gold? exactly what china has been doing for quite some time. already. jakarta was also urging it citizens to get off the western swift payment system for as officials put it for their own safety and protection to stick around and questionable with us at all to, into the the whole from the fi. you know, just like dozens of other ukrainian alms, holes might have gone unnoticed, but the pirates contacted jonas to ensure the spoils would go public. and so the
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name of the ship that home, the biggest shipment of arms, became known all over the world. logistic, this is dawn snider of the 3 said the duncan tristram fellow grabs trees and you just download them. there's to pick this up in a booger. assume there's the phone. yes, somebody me on the tape because i really didn't mind the phone when i guess no follow up in ensure any of us that we sent you yesterday a problem with the put in motion like there was no us up to 3 minutes. could i place to people based on what kaiser dominic group, of course, is not the coordinator, almost new polish. at some level i'm doesn't much almost go i it's a full chance and let's go out. it's not much real good. the stuff to be under control of them both can muscle and destruct, total total for you the
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the vessels captain who remained in captivity for the longest period of time in the history of some of the piracy 133 days someone is live good and at any moment and do you cry and it'd been concealing the states involvement in the scale of smuggling the whole time below. why skip motion way and then was totally switch you so much. are you with that? yeah, thank you much to effect at the pleasure because i was referring to the rest of the of the when you're just in your body, can you see that i send you that you put in your book? got the little fence being is lovely. come on, pulled the compulsion bill up right now, but this is a nice conversation, but you see what he saw on the line. yeah, but it's in this a lot full voice the it remains a mystery who paint define is when some.


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