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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST

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so he doesn't, you must know visible units introduce the dealership by manage the wild feeds, right? there was police and open india to a got thousands of farmers stuffing that march on new daily coming back to work in class demand price guarantees for the food supply labor. also a head for the equation needs to be planned. the little thing of a soldier analysis is johnson 11 on the wrong israel bowels, more action and gaza author of the rate on the file. it goes over a 100 palestinians, as well as saving a pair of hostages from us as the idea of attack kills 3 is really
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a doctor to use in the pro set top i forget often read to national board of justice to examine israel is activities and gaza saying they are in breach of both the genocide convention and the court order to prevent further crimes and those entities in the divided ahead of costing that vote for a new president. the west student, mainstream media space, the front front to get this is a quote, threat to democracy, the tide with so much talk about today with i guess the correspondence standing by your use stops now. what? ok, so police have deployed to gas and old and in the, basically in a bid to stop thousands of protesting farmers from marching on new delhi as a ring of steel was being thrown up around the capital of he's ordered and shot him . i filed this report on the, on the rest in the air of the,
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quite a situation here in north india. that's where the farm was off for. testing this to test a scroll, saw almost to test 2 points or the last time, almost with tested, it went on for over a yellow from 2020 to 2021. and it had become the largest full test in was history . now as we speak, the phone was on marching towards new day to side, some distance off or nothing. yes. now the roads that lead to new daddy vo, fortified with advocates at 4 to 5 with phones in new, simply because all these thousands of families, disabilities to 100 good family unions for talking about that. i'm lucky to would to debbie on the why a form of the marching towards new to the city because you,
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denny is still willing to take cook capital of the country. i'm boot pharmacy for the government when listen to the demands on the when they come to know as far as the demands are concerned, this to be put to name a few the want the v for minimum, the 4th prize of the cost. that's m as the will. so want the death we will from the phone with 0 to one dimension for thomas. i'm the age of 60. i'm so when, so for now, why is the government having a tough time here? that's because the government has to balance what the phone was off before with what the consumer needs are. so that's a bit of a problem to balance that out out there that i own between finally you use. i'm the government of the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the farmers. we can expect few rounds of all the thoughts of the government is able to
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finally reach a decision. but it's not just of almost in india it's found was in different thoughts of the world for you. the b r a b price out by big companies buy cool rates, and we all seen follow portez because in different thoughts of the world, we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen full. and we've also seen that happen in frosts and spin. ah, so really ages, momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was. but of course the focus right now is the next few days are going to be crucial and we'll see how it plays out. to guthrie web palestinians are picking up. the pizza is off the devastating so called cover strikes by the idea fainted rescuing a pair of is ready. hostages and the southern city over at alpha, the palestine red crescent society sized the attacks claimed the lives of more than $100.00 guys. and we have children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the street are 10, doesn't have a roof, it's made of 9 long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly,
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or at least 50 strikes, destroyed, housing blocks. and mosques in the most densely populated area, all bank life people best thing, they literally have no where else to go. nevertheless, israel is defense minister says the last thing legacy of the entire operation should be destroyed, gaza to, to match them up. this action rescuing the hostages crazy the reversal and nothing cakes. and also in the thinking of how much that would be more operations from our existence a, it depends on it's aaron's ugly symbol of this event. should be destroyed. guns destroyed con, units on the ground above ground, dead terrorist. this is the simple to come. us has said the idea afraid not only killed thousands of palestinians, but also claimed the lives of 3 is radio hostages in the city. now we have no official verification of that claim, however, prove when it would be another case of israel killing captives held by hama, as now to put the operation into is really perspective. an idea of captain has put
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a new spin on the analogy of an eye for an eye. we've shown the rest, we shall not stop until we achieve the eradication of the terra, the extermination of a and the reason for the equation, please be clear. well, it will think of a soldier host and i want as long she has gone to 11 on the wrong need. i don't know. but i definitely think god the could amount to a potential war crimes charges being brought against israel off of the i. c, j. hood claims office ready genocide. the international criminal court in the hague is also expressed doubt, unconcern. it's a assessing these reports of barton bod months and a possible ground in coach and into the south of bank. they have have a listen to this. i have real concern over the reports coming out to rafa. the possibility of for the ground in cushions by is ready, troops, reported bombardments. there is an active investigation that all people, all parties are on notice. these rail government is on notice the officials,
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members of the miniature, on notice that we are investigating. if there are crimes, we'll get to the bottom of it. and we have our judges also here the i c. c. to make sure that there's no room for impunity. and so the death told and goss a easily as a pausing $28000.00. and that's according to local health officials. and it comes as much of the international community continues to push the israel to stop the blood shed. a pack of storm is one of the countries to condemn the bombing over it, off off a place that has become a shelter for nearly one and a half 1000000 pallets than you. of these real suites in bowman, inoffensive and rough uh, is deplorable, and the great violation of international law and human rights focused on condemns. these acts of violence against innocent boast dns and calls for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away from the start and very clear that i mean, it will say people that we say it is getting is, is beyond the limits now,
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and it must be stop. and what do you guys doing? they must be held accountable for that and by themselves, support the cause by this time. and if you don't like to believe that it is the. 2 biggest, uh, honestly, at the moment on this planet, and it must be the tri state is the $500.00 and box is done every year. uh for the last 70 years. but this is the same price. i mean the, the set up in the 7th uh, you know, doing what the, uh, what they are doing is, is absolutely unacceptable. its not only uh, genocide, brother, it is. it is a question for the amenities that what people a lot of these ladies drink and what are the acting? no, i think it is an invitation at google. it should do the do eat or reading somebody to know if there is going to use fire south africa. it has the dress, the international court of justice, judging the body to examine the israel's decision to launch its operation and
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notify the pretoria had to follow the case against israel. electrically. the committed genocide in casa now sees the plant idea of offensive as a continuation of what tennessee was ordered. not to do. is the unprecedented military offensive against ralph, as announced by the state of his ro has already led to and will result in further large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreproachable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. to told me this is national court of justice. urgency on c. 4 additional leases as a result of the announcement made by ease or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as oscar. he's coming into a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of how much forces the so that we can believe that these draws rough offensive may need to if we can. so
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by a nation off of the ride soft palestine use in gaza. the genocide convention and of course the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2054 and the 3rd to the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of the causes population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming to in. and i found many sheltering day off to sleep from the homes in parts of guys. the in the wood is off these roles evacuation before you also remember that it's been less than a month. so since the international court of justice austin pointed is all to take home is, is within its power to prevent its foods from committing genocide as a games for this being using guys which it was. and then my case before device of africa as well. and so it was that because the, the things lost in solution can not be found with in the chambers of the political
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organs of the united nations, as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions. and advocacy is the mazda be so what else when it gets, is covering tools as well, speaks to exactly that kind of narrative, but so last week is running with. and i think also very important to notice that all of this comes as case one income most of reportedly in twiggs towards a deal that aims to bring about as these 5. yeah, because not too long ago, we really didn't report that to those 12. so moving forward, even though is wrong, i'm intensified it's offensive in the 7 guys us often i find out what is the prime minister ordering his ability to prepare plans to evacuate dropbox despite to repeat the morning, some agencies and lots of stuff and they use a sort of way to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this and
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that. so forward. moscow has reacted to israel strikes on the rafa rushes for a minute. the highlighted the crisis during a speech of the valid die discussion for him. saying basically the increasing the stabilization shows israel is not looking for a compromise of the palestinian people. i've been collectively punished. the sub 0 sigma was due to the events of october 7th, rock the entire middle east, and indeed, the whole world. russia immediately condemned the mazda attack on his really civilians, after stressing that we do not accept any terrorist attacks. but we categorically oppose using this attack to collectively punished of housed in the taking into account the uncompromising attitude of his, of his rarely leadership of what we see this on compromising the attitude towards the continuing the military action and guidance now extending it to rob us we do not see process of for the rapid stabilization of a situation in the sector leads to the 1st and foremost level of spoke at the 13th middle east conference at the fall by club edward. she touched upon
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a variety of issues concerning the region, but special attention was given to palestine corps. he pointed out that russia did suggest to the un security council to adopt is seized by a resolution in gaza that was vetoed by the united states. he emphasized that the us is trying to not only prevent a ceasefire in gaza from happening, but is also actively trying to cancel rushes efforts in peaceful resolutions in the region. reasonable solutions in the middle east, the americans rely on their dominance in the region and they are already working to exclude russia from various international effort into creating distributions for the establishment of lasting piece in the facility they impose, including in the current situation, they impose solutions so to speak, their recipes and those recipes are far from reality. they are taking one sided solutions that do not take into account the specifics of either countries or
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regions as a whole of where this short started the course and as a self there's of course i would say let the americans and their allies isn't obvious to everyone here we need to look for a way out of this and you had a strategic reality with a way that would prevent a catastrophe. palestine and israel in the middle east are being pushed into a pastor and fire merican colleagues. machine, you know, the size that what is happening requires effort to create reliable conditions. he also says that the ramifications of the turns escalations could be said beyond all was fine and beyond because that they could be seen syria and yeah, man, he also pointed out that the situation in the rest escalating the, what you showed me, the general terms as i understand that a scheme for a comprehensive settlement was agreed upon. however, the military adventure of the united states and its allies in the waters of the red sea, let us know, communicate all these develop system all of these processes. and instead of a collective effort to deescalate the situation, washington in london to begin to bomb the image. once again,
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they have chosen the neo colonial option of responding militarily to what is happening. events of the initiative to bring different policy and factions to gather because as he says, policy and unity lays in their own hands, and that was the fire and stays a priority for russia. no, russia, he mentions is work in a constructive manner with countries in the region and is actively cooperate in which we are actually we will be a former egyptian, the minister of foreign affairs. and now bill finally says that israel is responsible for creating chaos in the region. with every step it takes. the region is already unless there is a coordination of concepts from maybe a right to palestine, lebanon, syria, iraq, problems, imagery, and border german. so then you name it picks up, let's see. you have air attacks that started. you have on the arguments, it started. the issue is the ground force. that's what's remaining, ah,
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that's the 1st point. so let's not assume that the, that it has not started. it has started yesterday, we last thought of sending as last with you about a 100 feet. that's the 1st one. the 2nd point this reflects and this really advocates that they can use whatever level of force they want in any area without accountability, they did it in kansas city. it didn't 10 units. and now they're doing it in rough, where they end up killing more palestinians. they also end up creating a similar problem with the egyptians on the other side of the border. and that's the 1st country to have agreement with that. so here there are multiple problems. one, the monetary issues that but secondly, the attempt is, varies, displace palestinians across the border to reuse the 1050 a lot of students and guests. and we will not participate in that. and 30 national security implications on our border. which brings exemption is rate of
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a nation into play. it's very dangerous and they should not play that game. all right, states side now with thousands of protesters took the streets of manhattan, the voice, the support for the people of gaza. the mileage was held under the slogan, flood, manufacturing photograph the pa for world right there in the heart of new york city, the general, the ceasefire. now free palestine and silence is complicity. altima, dread spain, more of the same as the voices echo across the atlantic. stop the genocide and gaza reached the headline, dinah and local took aim of a government officials and did not minced there was no life at another policy. now
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if the government is not going to do anything for palestine, at least keep your mouth shut, stay put down and don't sell arms to israel, don't be completed and have them killed ballasting and children who are the 2 oldest children. there is no one left for the k o u m a secular stuff, young boys that were here because of the massacre. the fees real has scary down today against the people of guys and the pals team and people. we're for this just because of these are me because no one. yeah. who is a murderer? it is an army of cowardly murders because they are killing children and they know the kill chain. they want to drop the pal students out of their places. like they did in 90 and 48 instead of the and then easy runs hitting the streets to protest. the alleged election interference by the incumbent leader of the nation comes as a wills, the largest democracy is preparing to hit. the polls. best way to demonstrate is the q is the president of abusing his power, saying he's swaying voters to the favor on the front front of the lady himself is
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constitutionally bob from seeking another to and while there are 3 contenders vine to replace and and the head of the voting. we spoke, the deluxe fellow and the manufacturer, me, the primary concern is economics. i base economic challenges. so we're going to have hope for a better situation. the government should pay attention not just to the upper class, but also to the middle around a little classes. yeah, a lot of fun if i just went home and they noticed organises in a few products thing and it affects the people the most, especially my son's to that works on the street the along with the so he come to work side by side. yeah. my hope is that the minor issues don't get blown out of the whole ship that's minimize any significant problems. so different system, even with disputes, hopefully won't change friction into model selection process not on the ballot of the country's defense minister and to form a governor's while the minister is now leading in pre election polls,
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his reputation in the eyes of the west, the media not so hot, look at this group, not with all the corresponding to his it. rebecca put in 2024 national elections will be held across the globe. over 60 countries, representing some 4000000000 people. over 200000000 voters are set to vote in indonesia alone. as the west has an agenda in all international matters, when a voice in the corner of the world doesn't a line up springs, a salt cold. so that to democracy in mainstream narrative, indonesia has such a candidate that fits the bill. his name. but i was to be a used car, lead a nation's defense minister, and on his 4th attempt to leave in any shop. a former commander off passes the armies of lead special forces, sylvia and they'll have spent the past 2 decades trying his head at public politics, making him one of the most recognized politicians in the country. however,
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western media outlets don't seem to be her all the any potential success, all his as good for the nation. those last, the seller have lives are in addition to other august the ship. he allegedly organized the kidnapping of 23 democracy actors. this is suspected of trying to stop the rallies that over through then president. so how to pull in 1998. of course, he is too hard to find in law a med viewed as a dictator in the wes, this fine allegations that were tossed this way. you asked didn't mind building our relationship with him. when they sold benefits. the trump administration invited him to visit u. s. in his role as defense, minister in october 2020 after his visit to washington, once again in august 2023. the pen to go on. publish a joint press release attribute in jakarta as a court order. the statement criticized moscow and b,
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g. and claim that both the west and the media shared a number of use that to be at russia and china. however, the nation defense minister said otherwise suggesting america script that narrative all on its own, there is no joint statement and no press conference. what is important for me to underline is that our relationship with china is very good. we respect each other, we already have mutual understanding. i conveyed that in the us. we are close friends with china. we respect america, and we seek friendship with russia. well, adding a bit of defense to the u. s. problem. seem to have a better looking outlook for other neighbors. closer to home for indonesia, russia and china. i have always been considered important partners. in fact, defense cooperation, both multilateral and bi lateral, has been well established for many years. this type of cooperation aligns with any
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of its own national interest. but it's principal, quote, free and after foreign policy. in the course of looking after his nations, he has taken aim at the european union for bands plays on either nation at sports lemming. the blog in the process for the deforestation that cut down large watts operating for us to punch western appetite base plus on your you'd have been people, any open leaders that it was the pins. ok, multiple items and forced us to plug the coffee, the rubber schools. and now you're saying we are the force we have destroyed are what is your you started or 4 days before? now the question remains, is there really a threat to democracy when one defends its own national interest? or is it just the west using rod brush strokes to create an image of
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a dictator that he wants to show? what are they gonna be reporting from to pardon for our team? most goes response will be harsh. the west will be treated like thieves. that's how the russian form industry has greeted news of the council of europe approval or of a resolution requiring revenues from seized a russian assets be accounted and stored separately. it's a bar stool. the police might use, this is the, it's the appropriation of something that doesn't belong to you. yet our response, as was all previous months, will be extremely hard. since our country comes to the from the aptitude will be the same as to what, steve's not as political manipulators, not as playful technologist but a speeds. european officials hale to move as a step closer to using the money to support ukraine during what they calling its recovery stage. of the routing instructs any institution with more than
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a 1000000 euros of russian central bank. a assets to a separately account for accumulated revenue is all comes off to the u. n. g 70 member states pro some 300000000000 euros of the russian central banks assets to the outbreak of the conflict in 2022 professor of politics. jack ross, because he believes that european council is trying to plug ukraine's funding gap, as all the other sources are drying up as well. that's a big question. how legal is a 2 sees a, another parties, assets and other financial institutions. assets is the question, and they're very nervous about that. that's why i know the trying to minimize the legal opposition to it by just skimming off the profits and saying, well, they were managing the money so they have a right to fees or whatever to manage the money. let's get a better fit. the western financial institutions, they'll charge fees for holding the money. and of course it's, it's
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a way of trying to fund ukraine when the possibilities of funding ukraine. uh, really declining both in europe and in the us. so definitely benefits the west. but you know, it raises the question for the rest of the world, do you want to keep your money invest in banks? you know, probably the answer to that is people are going to get nervous about that and not only fuels the possibility of an alter alternative currency and international payment system when the bricks made later. the share. quick side though, you know the french president macro on is one of the country's most unpopular leaders in history. and now for the 1st time that the new polls showed now, he looked pen winning the french presidency and the 2nd round. now the pen is known as being anti immigration, anti war, and basically anti establishment. stick around a lot more here at all to make sure you question the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, an adult over
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a to with we were sitting here in the living room like everybody often is when and we start to be the, the, to decide that there's also another report, the video that shows the moment of the class between our forces and the terrace, the residence film that you don't understand what is happening here. next to escalade. everyone is shooting their at a car. the moment of the class between secuity forces and terrace, we know that the terrace inside of this car were eliminated. we saw that the police chasing a new car, and my little daughter told me mom needs car wanted televisions before you decide elation if it isn't as regularly car that was hijacked by hamas terrace who were on these railway territory. this car was stopped by the security forces, the terrace swell eliminated 4 of them. and they say that the
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chasing after. so if we wine, so a lot of these the car drove off the highway into the field and this is why the tire store eliminates. since we see many shots were fired through the front windows to kill the terrorists we had and source in the video as films by residents. there was a lot of gun fired stop this car carrying for how much terrorists my house. because then i knew i sort of the lines the we got into our car and went to the road to the police station and we wait and they ask a terrible questions. ready like, what seems wrong, cause is his mental health. ok. they already knew that he's dead
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and then got in the muscle car and told us that they were wrong about their decision and the story. and if we want to see the body that was the worst moment in my life. is this the car we said a blue arrow dave? is it like a blue early to you? i'm not sure it isn't out right now. they're trying to make sure that there are no more terrorists doors, shutters clinton, they see nothing. that's. it's only one person in the car and not for that. this is a mazda and not audi. so many mistakes make it the wrong decision. and we all pay the price. so we want someone to take us to con civility on the


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