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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the introduce the dealership i made, the police didn't know the media used to be a gas of thousands of almost all thing. the last few new deli becomes of the working class, the bad prize guarantee for their food. so they bought the equation needs to be planned. the little thing here. i'm a soldier hall's mom. she has gone to 11 years old valves to continue a cell phone to guys after it's read on rafa killed over a 100 policy to save apparel. hostages that have passed as of the idea of attacks killed 3 is ready captives, and the 1st of all pick as big as an optional court of justice to examine these
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rules. activities in gab, say now in the breach of identified convention as a court order to prevent further fraud. and i'm at contested, relaxing resulting patrick down. the problem that if you run can rules all the correlation between independent candidate backed by his party in rivals, the, this is all to international reaching you live for moscow. welcome to the global. i'll bid this alex. i am mike of what you. now police have destroyed tear gas deployed to a gas in northern india in a bit to stop thousands of protesting farmers from marching on new delhi as a reading of who still has been screwed up around the capital r t is really doing sharma files. and this report of the
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was quite a situation here in north india, that's where the farm was off for testing this professor school, it's almost to test points the last time, almost suggested it went on for over a yellow from 2020 to 2021. and it had become the largest full test in was history . now as we speak, the farm was marching towards new sites from this and saw nothing. yes. now the votes that lead to new daddy vo, fortified with advocates at 4 to 5 with phones in new, simply because all these thousands of families, disabilities to 100 good family unions. for talking about that i'm lucky to would to daddy on not able to wire farmer marching towards the new to the city because you, denny is still willing to take the capital of the country. i'm the pharmacy for the
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government when listen to the demands on the when becomes till now as far as it demands a console, existence being put to name a few. the want to need to gather the d for minimum support, fries, the costs. that's m as the will. so want the debt we bought from the phone with 0 to one dimension for thomas. i'm the age of 60. i'm so when, so for now, why is the government having a tough time here? it's because the government has to balance what the phone was off before with what the consumer needs are. so that's a beautiful problem to balance that out. now they don't that our own between finally unions and the government in the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to invoke the farmers. we can expect few rounds of all the thoughts of the government is able to finally
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reach a decision. but it's not just of almost in india it's found was in different thoughts in the field. the b r b prize out by big companies buy corporate said we all seen farmer products because in different thoughts of the world we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen full. and we've also seen that happen in frosts and spin. ah, so really ages momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was, but of course the focus right now is new debbie. next few, these are going to be crucial and we'll see how it plays out. now to gather where palestinians are picking up the pieces after devastating still cold cover strikes by the idea of a, the rescuing a pair of these ready hostages in the southern city of rafa on the policy, the reg, preston, society side of the attacks claimed the lives of more than 100 gallons, we have children and women with us. where should we go? we are sleeping in the street. our 10 doesn't have a roof,
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it's made of night long. if it gets hit by a missile, you will die instantly. at least 50 strikes, destroyed, housing blocks, and mosques in the most densely populated area all the enclave. people say that the have nowhere left to go. never the less israel's defense ministers as a velocity legacy of the entire operation. she'll be destroyed to gather, to match them up this action rescuing the hostages crazy the reversal and nothing cakes. and also in the thinking of how much that would be more operations for our existence. it depends on its aaron's ugly symbol of this event, should be destroyed. guns destroyed, con eunice underground above ground, dead terrace. this is the simple day. how can i help him? as has said that the idea of raid not only killed thousands of palestinians, but also claims the lives of 3 is riley hostages. as it has not yet been verification of that claim, however, if proven a will be another case of israel killing captive,
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held by him. us either put the broad on he's ready both even perspective on the idea of kept him put a new spin on the eye for an eye and knology. we shall not rest. we shall not stop until we achieve the eradication of the terra. the extermination of a and the reason for the equation needs to be clear. what is it will think of a soldier of austin? i was as long as she has gone to 11 on the wrong need, i'm not, not staying in the solvent. gather this video is circulating online, appears to show idea of forces smashing the northern gauge of academia, the largest medical facility nasa hospital, people of sheltering in the area had been forwarded to evacuate. or yeah, the way for both of heavy guns fire near the complex local john this a crime also, atari has the details when to not have a different, most within nasir, but different complex has been subjected to frequent that that's fine. but here's
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at least the hair on the ground forces. people who are off to the knots over to come conflicts with talk. because when they're starting to leave 15, people were injured, separate people to work and, and the ones who are now on the ground, no one consistent the one to a sense of victim ice knife, 5 days and these type of position a bounce of all the areas that since the seas few yards away from the system has been targeted cold. so there's no bergman's and the slaves. i think i'll just from that one to move out. trying to escape are also short on the or is that the turn the doors are and everything, and live it into that and destroying the world. so i'll forget, has address be to national court of justice urging the body to examine these rules, decision to loan. it's operation in rafa. are they out for tory, i had filed a case against easel electric. it had committed genocide and gather and now sees the time the idea of offensive as
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a continuation of what the v was ordered to stop. of the unprecedented military offensive against ralph, as announced by the state of his ro, has already led to and will result in the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreparable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. to tell me it has indeed written to the international court of justice, urgency all c 4 additional loses as a result of the announcement made by ease or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as oscar. he's coming into a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of how much forces the so that we can believe that these all rough offenses may lead to a good thing. so by a nation office, right, soft point is being used in gaza. the genocide convention and of course the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2034 and 30 to the court of justice to
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intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of the causes population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming to in. and i found many sheltering day off to sleep from the homes are in parts of guys the in the what is off these roles. evacuation before you also remember that it's been less than a month since the international court of justice austin forwarded. these all to take home is, is with the leads power to prevent. it's from committing genocide as a games for this dean using guys which it was. and then my case before device of africa as well. and so, so that because the, the things lost in solution can not be found with in the chambers off of political organs of the united nations. as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that advocate say this must
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be someone else when it gets is covering tools as well. speaks to exactly that kind of narrative, but so last week is running with. and i think also very important to notice that all of this comes and he's running, come most of reportedly in twiggs towards a ppo and able to bring about as these 5. yeah, because not too long ago, we really didn't report that to those 12. so moving forward, even off, this is wrong, i'm intensified it's offensive in the 7 guys. that's awesome, that's fine. now, what's the prime minister ordering his ability to prepay appliance to evacuated dropbox despite to repeat to morning from 8 agencies and lots of stuff. and they used to sort of me wait to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this match so forward to africa. now, web demonstrations of spiraled into thousands of people pack the streets of the
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democratic republic of congo is capital in series of 19 western co taxes. these targets forbid from can shop. i hear as you can see as deadlines to create a set fires and police try to keep law and order for locals gathered outside west and then come to lee's lane, the west for lacking control over your wanda. of issue here is that one that reported me supports the m 23, a rebel group sliding v r. c forces in the nation space. that's on allegations lawanda denies. john list you how to do has the details. what has come as hundreds of people off please? yeah. home in the city of must see, see in the eastern region of combo jo, to the article. and $23.00 is about what of the i'm groups which is correctly talking about the parts of africa. now, on monday, the police in the republic of congo prior to judge goes into the people just to
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this present process, those who are expressly. yeah, we didn't says the over the sandy a of the west to called nowadays, which is a rising from this eastern part of the country. good. we're here to demonstrate for the cause of our country, but the police are firing tear gas and boots and it's like it's nothing we're demonstrating for our country. what the police are doing makes no sense. those who are dying in the east are also our brothers. and also our dying least or outcomes of these brothers where i am my headaches, it hurts is so much. and so, but walk by medicare, about prostate or the americans, the french, an entire international community watching us getting killed the same. and that's now also in the country that also the lines is left with so much resource of mineral resources. and this is why the i'm doing is trying to take control of the law. now the process does while expressing debris best needs front tires. um the us
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slides and that's all the belgium. and so the grievances and the process they're coming off today is to say that's why is the was not given those support. why is the was supported for not using the input was called the file names, which is a rise in, in the eastern part of the country to the kid. now where at least 9 people i believe, to be trapped in a mind due to a massive lawn slide according to turkish or officials of the frontage on your screen. are you seeing right now shows the grades caleb, the incident as the as in goals the valley below. now, according to reports, the sorrow has been processed in order to recover gold, and it may include half of those compound side to sign. i did take years to ensure a ministry says that more than the 400, the emergency personnel are on the scene and rescue a patients out on the way the and now over to pastor
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status, where from upon minutes that you brawn can, has ruled out the possibility of a partnership between independent candidates, backed by his political party and rivals about comes as one peachy. i offer souls as a new government can be formed without can, peachy, i will never compromise on people's will. and i've categorically instructed my party against engaging with any political party that has robbed people's mandate, including p, p, p m l, n, an m q m. no assembly or parliament can function without a more in con, no democracy can function and no government can be formed without him or in con. so read yourself of the misunderstanding that by minus in iran they will be able to operate a democracy or the government. you will have to bring in and come back with and i have now been doing the best to do biology correspondence your allies about now
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feel that you've been following the developments in practice to impede let us know what is really going on in that country. politically, well, pakistan's elections are in term. well, actually, right now, as i mentioned, you know, there hasn't, there has been a victory, we have the result. but of course, that is in a discussion because both parties have accused each other a fraud. now we have a more on funds back to our party accusing the arrival of election fraud. meanwhile, you have the establishment parties to a p, m o n, and the p. p. party accusing and wrong on parties of the election reading as well, saying it's impossible that they one. now that statement that we've just heard times as pakistan's, former prime minister to boss read earlier, re affirmed that his party and under the leadership of his brother no washer reef will become the winners. giving him the prime minister position for the 4th time as
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no watch to reef has been a prime minister 3 other times as well. now for some background, the p t. i is actually a made up of independent candidates because they did not a run as a unified party, but they are back by email con. they actually received over 90 seats out of the 264 parliamentary seats in 2nd place. so we have sharif party, the pakistan muslim league, they got about 75 seats, and then the p, p p, which is the pakistan people's party came in 3rd place with 54 states now. so you have these 2 establishment parties working together. they have decided they're going to work together and they're also going to include a smaller party, similar to harvey plumbing movement and to them. and they $117.00 seats in the same province. so now they're going to form a coalition, and they want to bring political stability and economic stability to the country.
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now if, if you, if we have to fight, you know, allow audience to understand this whole of those who will fight. why will drive all parties from a coalition as well? that's the thing. so these rival parties want to create a coalition to bring about us the ability to bring about a organization in the country that's been going through economic and stability, political instability for the past few years. but also in wrong cons, candidates are opposed to the establishment way. and so they want to kind of bring in those candidates and form a coalition. so the country no longer has these factions, they see these factions as a barrier to that as well. now if we have to create the call, the scenario here, how effective what they call they shouldn't be in the situation. well, it depends on who you ask because a call a coalition would be effective for crowns party because they again don't want to join the arrivals. they see them as the ones who absolutely did the form
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a broad coalition to oust the former prime minister in my thoughts. so they want nothing to do with that. now, the kind of candidates and creates our own party, but they can't form their own government because they needed a 134 states out of the majority of 266 states to form their own government. so they have to either ally themselves with, with a party that exist, or in a way, be sucked into a new party. but right now, as we've seen, they're refusing to do that. and the problem being of course, that cons party looks at their rivals as somebody that they could not possibly work with. now for the other uh, for the establishment parties. what you could say is that they actually do see this as the only way to move forward and they see cons candidates as the barrier to having the unified pakistan. and they say that their actions are not conductive to democracy. and further, they have said that they, they, that they, this is not
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a position that they want to adopt. and that they actually want to include the p t i. they want to include con, uh, people and work together to form a unified practice. that, that's how those of the cancellation, because the reconciliation has to be done and the p t i is also to be included them does not that we want the opportunity. i'm not to be a part of it, but they should also come every political force should reconcile. talk with the 5, even though we have 5 elections against each other. no, there's no need for any selection. what if there was opposition? then that was elect sorrel up position. there is no ideological position among us. we can sit down and meet and manage the country with this prayer, so long it might be better for pakistan or i might be better for democracy. right, so the way it is right now, um mankinds potty,
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if we have to put things in context, why are the resistance to a coalition government? right. so for their parts, they don't want anything to do with the government that actually form this coalition themselves to oust and mount con. and if you recall, and my con has been largely supported by many impact, a standard been mass protests and the streets. he was also under assassination attempts multiple times. he's been arrested. the guy's been through the wringer and his political affiliates believes that they are the victims of corruption themselves. and so for them they have gone through so much in terms of track down. so again, these uh con, supporting entities, uh, they've also been attacked in terms of getting their election symbol removed. they're not allowed to front as a party and they also were told accused of violating election issue. so again,
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the series establishment leadership has a lead, hasn't elected record of corruption as well. so they don't want that a part of that because so re for would become prime minister actually had no legit uh uh for up to record who came into power in 1990 and then was ousted for a legit corruption. he came into power the 2nd time in 1987 through 1999, but then was deposed in the military to after trying to sideline the army chief of staff. and then he was back in power in 2013. but then there were fresh allegations against him and his family in the panama papers, in 2016. so even though these are allegations of, from a mind cons candidates and from others, the fact is they want nothing to do with this party. and again, supporters continue to protest, they continue to say that in wrong contents are a leader that he is the one that's going to bring democracy. and again, this is a fight for the sovereignty of the country. according to them,
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they don't want the western influence, they don't want the influence of the i am up which around con, largely attacked. and he himself has said many words, let's have a listen on that. as the people of pakistan have clearly pronounced their verdict, there is a dire need for democracy in fairness and pakistan's elections. i warn against the misadventure of forming a government with stolen boats. such daylight robbery will not only be a disrespect to the citizens, but will also push the country's economy further into a downward spiral. so as you can see in mind, cons, so supporters absolutely refused to be swallowed into this community. they don't see it as genuine. they see that this, the only way for practice and to stay true to pakistan is to have him are con, it won't cons party or him on call himself. and they want the release of being run upon. this is something that they are calling for, and it doesn't seem to me that they're going to stop fighting for this. it seems to
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be, this is going to be a very far out battle. so we'll see what happens there. i see what the, how things play out. thank you very much. if you're right, i think for the updates there great. a message to bill is who data question american resolve? that's how us senate majority leader shock sharma. describe the new bill that includes forward aid for ukraine, ease roll, and taiwan. if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future prosperity, that america must lead the way. and with this bill, the senate declares that american leadership will not waver, will not falter it will not fail. today, we make vladimir poor regret today. he questioned america's resolve. and we make
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clear to others like china is present and she not to test our determination. and we send a clear bi partisan message of resolve to our allies in nato. well, as you just heard, that was us senator chuck schumer and in his remarks he blamed to russia for undermining faith. and america is leaders around the world. he didn't seem to know so many foreign policy failures that the united states is overseeing. one takes a look at libya. one takes. ready look at afghanistan, syria and iraq, it would make sense why some would doubt the capacity of american leaders and their ability to carry out effective operations and bring justice to the world. however, he didn't mention that to him, his remarks, he was all simply russia and that has worked to undermine the united states credibility. now, in his remarks that he called this bill, that was just passed by the us senate providing funding for israel and refrain as
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well. as taiwan, he called it the most important deal in the history. he said that passing it was a huge achievement. however, sen, rand paul, of kentucky, strongly disagree with chuck schumer. this is what the republican senator from kentucky had to say. opened the champagne pop the court. the senate democratic leader and the republican leader are on the way to to have. they've got $60000000000.00 they're bringing. i don't know if it'll be cash in pallets, but they're taking your money give that he didn't have much time, really no job and no money to do anything about our border. were being invaded. a liberal invasions coming across our border, 800000 people, came illegally the last month. and all they had time to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets load the plains, get the champagne ready,
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and slot. a key of now there has been back and forth debate between democrats and republicans in the us senate surrounding this bill for months. now the original bill did have of funding for the us border and border security. however, that funding was removed to add. many republicans were anger that seemed more funding is going to ukraine, them to protecting the american border and securing the of safety of american citizens. now, funding for taiwan was added to the bill, but it went for without funding for the us board. now republicans would have agreed to the bill much earlier. the funding for the border had been given priority over the bottomless pit of funding they have piled on crank. however, that was not something democrats seemed willing to negotiate on. and democrats blame everyone but themselves for that died. the result of it seriously from russia
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is the result of treason from republicans that they consider to be against the country, market republicans, etc. they don't seem to acknowledge the real failures of u. s. foreign policy and real revelations about the u. s. funding of ukraine and the results of that money pouring into the country and what that is, man, they don't want to acknowledge that may be part of what has delayed this bill from passing the bill. now. house, they have to go to the us house of representatives. they will vote on it next. and after that, it passes the house of representatives, which is certainly not guaranteed, as there is expected to be quite a bit of debate around it. just as there was in the senate, uh then it will end up on the uh, the seat or the desk of jill. bye. uh, who will that have to sign it into the law. so uh, this is the process. many expect this bill would pass a long time ago. it's taken quite some time as to date value, as for an mileage and continued funding for in cranes escalates. many of the united states just don't be always to be spending lots of money on for and wars around the
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world piling weapons into foreign country as well. the situation at home deteriorates particularly on the us border. so that's what's just occurred on capital hill. the senate has passed, the bill will be waiting. see what happens next. rubbish. oh, to get more updates on our to the comes most stories coming your way just ahead in about the,
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an adult over a to with we were sitting here in the living room like everybody else in is when and we saw tv, the show, the to decide that there's also another report, the video that shows the moment on the glass between our forces and the terrace, the residence film, that you don't understand what is happening here. next to escalade. everyone is shooting there at a car. the moment of the class between security forces and terrace,
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we know that the terrorist inside of this car were eliminated. we saw that the police chasing a new car, and my little daughter told me mom needs car wanted televisions before you decide elation if it isn't as regularly car that was hijacked by hamas terrace who were on these railway territory. this car was stopped by the security forces, the terrace swell eliminated 4 of them. and they say that the chasing after. so if we wine, so a lot of use the car drove off the highway into the field and this is why the tire store eliminates. since we see many shots were fired, so the front windows to kill the terrorists we had and source in the videos, films by residents. there was a lot of gun fired. stop this car carrying for how much terrorists my house. because then i knew i sort of the lines.


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