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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the indonesians are divided and handled the vote was for a new president and the western mainstream media describe the front runner as opposed to right to democracy of africa as the international court of justice. 3, exactly. these rules activities in gaza, claiming its in read so the genocide convention of a court order to prevent the crime. a we speak exclusively to describe off again, justice minister,
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the believe in northern india used to be a gap of thousands of pharma all take the march to new delhi. it comes as a working cross demand price guarantee for the fruits of the leave on the why. this is all to international reaching. you live for my new center in the russian capital. i am michael, quite sure, with the updates and now indonesians having their heading the streets to protest the last election into veterans bonding company leader of the nation. the columns us the wealth, the largest democracy, is preparing to head to the polls this wednesday to demonstrate those accuse the president of abusing his power, saying that he is swaying vote as to favor the fond ronda of the leader himself is
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constitutionally bod. from seeking another to fly the 3 content as vine to take your spot in palace ahead of the voting with her from some locals. hello, the medicine for me. the primary concern is economic sheet. i basic nomic challenges. so we're going to have help for a better situation. the government should pay attention not just to the upper class, but also to the middle and lower classes. yeah, a lot of fun if i just went home and you know, disturbances in a few products. it affects people the most, especially my son works on the street. when they're on the bro desk to come to work . hot up i, uh, my hope is that the minor issues don't get blown out of proportion. let's minimize any significant problems. so differences of opinion or disputes, hopefully will increase friction in tomato selection process. now, on the follow the country's defense minister and to form a golf those while the minister is now leading in pro pre election polls,
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he's reputation in the eyes of western media. it's a bit less popular, i think are responding to rebecca and not be to pull explains in 2024 national elections will be held across the globe. in over 60 countries, representing some 4000000000 people. over 200000000 voters are set to vote in indonesia alone. as the west has an agenda in all international matters when a voice in the corner of the world doesn't a line up springs a. so i'll call that to democracy in mainstream narrative, denisia has such a candidate that fits the bill, his name, but i will also be in his car, leave the nation's defense minister, and on his 4th attempt to leave any shop. a former commander in multiple passes, the armies a least special forces to be uncle had spent the past 2 decades trying his head at probably politics, making him one of the most recognized politicians in the country. however,
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western media outlets don't seem to be her all the any potential success of his as good for the nation. those last, the seller have lives are in addition to other accusations. he allegedly organized the kidnapping of 23 democracy actor. this is suspected of trying to stop the rallies that over through then president. so how to pull in 1998. of course, he is too hard to find a lot, a man viewed as a dictator in the wes, this 5 allegations that were tossed this way. you asked in mind building our relationship with him. when they sold benefits, the trump administration invited him to visit u. s. in his role as defense, minister and october 2020 after his visit to washington, once again in august 2023. the plans have gone. publish a joint press release attribute in jakarta as
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a court order. the statement criticized moscow and b, g. and claim that both the west and eliza shared a number of use that took a rush to and china. however, the nation defense minister said otherwise suggesting america scripted that narrative all on its own. there is no joint statement and no press conference. what is important for me to underline is that our relationship with china is very good. we respect each other, we already have mutual understanding, conveyed that in the us, we are close friends with china. we respect america, and we seek friendship with russia. well, adding a bit of defense to the u. s. bravo seems to have a better looking outlook for the other neighbors. closer to home for indonesia, russia and china. i have always been considered important partners. in fact, defense cooperation, both multilateral and bi lateral,
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has been well established for many years. this type of cooperation aligns with any show for august own national interest. but it's principle, quote, free and after foreign policy. in the course of looking after his nations, he has taken aim at the european union for bands plays on in the nation at sports lemming. the blog in the process for the deforestation that cut down large watts offering for us to quench western appetites. please pass on to your you'd have been people and you've been leaders that it was the pens. ok, multiple items and forced us to plug the coffee, the rubber schools. and now you're saying we are the photo. we have destroyed all foreigners you use like are 4 days before. now the question remains, is there really? yes, that's a democracy. when one defends its own national interest,
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or is it just the west using rod brush strokes to create an image of a dictator that he wants to show? what are they going to be reporting from to pardon for r t i sort of, i think i have addressed the international court of justice urging the body to examine these rules, decision to loan dates of pershing. in rafa area pretoria had filed a case against diesel. elijah, you had committed genocide in gazda and now sees the planned id of offensive off the continuation of what the v was ordered to stop of the unprecedented military offensive against alpha as announced by the state of frees rowe was already led to and will result in the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreparable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. to tell me, it has indeed written to the international court of justice, urgency,
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all scheme for additional news is as a result of the announcement made by ease or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu as oscar. he's copying it to approve a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of some us forces the so that we can believe that these draws rough offensive may need to if we can. so by nation, off of the right self esteem using guys that the genocide convention and of course the course for the off between the 6th of january treaty for the, for any 3rd use the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward we understand that about half of causes population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming in. and i found many sheltering day off to fleeing from the homes. if in parts of guys in the old is off these roles evacuation before you also remember that it's been less than
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a month since the international court of justice. austin ordered these all to take all measures. i would say its power to prevent its foods from committing genocide acts against christine using guys which it was a landmark case before device of africa as well. and so it was so that you can see this things last, the solution cannot be found with in the table is also a political organs of the united nations, as well as the security council, which is also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that advocacy is the must be so what else when it gets is covering tools as well, speaks to exactly that kind of narrative as an advocate is running with. and i think also very important to notice that all of this comes as visual and commerce of reportedly in twiggs towards a deal that aims to bring about as these 5. yeah, because not too long ago, we really didn't report that to those talk. so moving forward even often is well,
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i'm intensified it's offensive in the southern guys. often i find out what the prime minister ordering his ability to prepay appliance to evacuated rough despise of repeated warnings from agencies and the likes of south africa. and the you is the sort of the way to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this measure forward. now get an explosive comment to r t. so off it goes, the justice minister ronald at the mall. i spoke about the next step of the port while considering the situation on folding in rafa. log in to some people in
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the new while the desk told a guy that has passed 28000 according to local health professionals. it comes as much as the international community continues to post as well to stop the blog said pakistan is one of the country that condemns the bombing of rafa. a place that has become shelter for nearly one and a half 1000000 policy unions. the israel suites, involvement and offensive. and rafa is deplorable and the great violation of international law in human rights talk is done condemns these acts of violence against innocent boasting needs and goals for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away from the startling, very clear that i'm in the same people that we are getting is, is beyond the limited snow and it must be stop. and what do they doing? they must be held accountable for that and by themselves, support the cause by this time. and if you don't like to believe that it is the uh biggest uh,
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honestly at the moment on this planet and it must be resolved. it is the state is the $500.00 and box is done a pianist uh for the last 30 years. but this is, he said, i see. i mean this, he said often the 7th, you know what? uh, what they are doing is, is absolutely unacceptable. is not on the general side, rather it is. it is a question for the entire amenities that what people are like ladies drink and what are the acting? no, i think it is an invitation at google get shipped to the other followed up the road to eat or read in the know and that is going to use fire. the police have deployed to a gas in northern india in a bit to stop thousands of protesting farmers from marching on new delhi. the other reno still has been throwed up around. the capital argues rouge's sama, based off of the details of
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the quite a situation here in north india, that's where the farm was off for testing this, to test a scroll, saw almost to test points. the last time phone was suggested, it went on for your from 2021 and it had become the largest full test in the system. now as we see, the phone was on my team to the side some distance off. now the ones that lead to the day to 5, we advocate simple to 5, we phones in new simply because these thousands of farmers disabilities that i'm lucky to see why i didn't see that this
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is still the crew capital of the country. i'm the pharmacy for the government to listen to them on the hill now as far as the demonic, and saw an existence, the put to name a few, the one thing v for minimum to full size of the cost. that's and that's the deal. so want the death we bought from the phone with 0 to one dimension for thomas . i'm the age of 60 and so one. so for now, why is the government having a tough time here? it's because the government has to balance what the problem is asking for with what the consumer needs are. so that's beautiful problem to balance that out out there that i own between family unions and the government in the 1st talk which lasted for about 5 hours yesterday. that did not materialize, but have been given to understand that the government is to indulge with the farmers. we can expect few loans of all the thoughts of the government is able to finally reach
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a decision that is not this of almost india if i was in different thoughts in the field. the be all been prized out by big companies by cool reads and we all seen farmer products because in different thoughts of the world, we've seen it happen in the us. we've seen that happen full and they also seen that happen in frosts and spin. ah, so really ages, momentum that fall most of the world are moving to was, but of course the focus right now is you days, next few days are going to be crucial. and we'll see how it plays out. a message to those who questioned american resolve. and that's how us senate majority leader talk, show my describe the new bill that includes forward aid for ukraine, israel and taiwan. if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future prosperity,
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that america must lead the way. and with this bill, the senate declares that american leadership will not waver, will not fault or will not fail. today, we make vladimir poor regret today. he questioned america's resolve and we make clear to others like china as president, she not to test our determination. and we send a clear bi partisan message of resolve to our allies in nato. well, as you just heard, that was us senator chuck schumer and in his remarks he blamed to russia for undermining faith and america is leaders around the world. he didn't seem to know so the many for and policy failures that the united states is overseeing. one takes a look at libya, one take. ready look at afghanistan, syria and iraq,
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it would make sense why some would doubt the capacity of american leaders and their ability to carry out effective operations and bring justice to the world. however, he didn't mention that on his remarks. it was all simply russia that has works to undermine the united states credibility. now, in his remarks that he called this bill, that was just passed by the us senate providing funding for israel and ukraine as well as taiwan. he called it the most important deal in the history. uh, he said, that passing it was a huge achievement. however, sen, rams. paul of kentucky, strongly disagree with chuck schumer. this is what the republican senator from kentucky had to say. opened the champagne pop the court. the senate democratic leader and the republican leader are on the way to have. they've got $60000000000.00 they're bringing. i don't know if it'll be cash in pallets,
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but they're taking your money to give that they didn't have much time really no time and no money to do anything about our border. were being invaded. a liberal invasions coming across our border, 800000 people, came illegally the last month. and all they had time to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets low, the plains, get the champagne ready, and slot. a key of now there has been back and forth debate between democrats and republicans in the us senate surrounding this bill for months. now the original bill did have funding for the us border and border security. however, that funding was removed to add. many republicans were anger that seemed more funding is going to ukraine, them to protecting the american border and securing the of safety of american citizens. now, funding for taiwan was added to the bill, but it went forward without funding for the us border. now republicans would have
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agreed to that bill much earlier if the funding for the border had been given priority over the bottomless pit of funding they have piled onto you crank. however, that was not something democrats seemed willing to negotiate on. and democrats blame everyone but themselves for that it's the result of the conspiracy from russia is the result of treason from republicans that they consider to be against the country, market republicans, etc. they don't seem to acknowledge the real failures of u. s. foreign policy and real revelations about the u. s. funding of ukraine and the results of that money pouring into the country and what that is, man, uh, they don't want to acknowledge that that may be part of what has delayed this bill from passing the bill. now, house to have to go to the us house of representatives. uh they will vote on it next. and after that, if it passes the house of representatives, which is certainly not guaranteed, as there's expected to be quite a bit of debate around it, just as there was in the senate,
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then it will end up on the uh, the seat or the desk of joe biden, who will then have to sign it in so law, so uh, this is the process. many expected this bill would pass a long time ago. it's taken quite some time as debates about u. s. foreign policy and continued funding for ukraine escalates. many of the united states just don't feel we should be spending lots of money on for and wars around the world piling weapons into foreign countries, while the situation at home deteriorates particularly on the us border. so that's what's just occurred on capital hill. the senate has passed, the bill will be waiting to see what happens next. all right, let's cross now live to john list and that and also data alonzo. a donald is good to have you join us right now. so in a don't jump show might describe this late as bill also wanting to president's puts in n g. what sort of a method defending premiums of dollars in for an a, to ease wells, you create an anti wan it so its thing,
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both sides or just absolutely crazy. i mean this, this chest something with regard to russia and china is very dangerous. it's going to lead to more conflict. the democrats are a poor or a war party at this point. they're always looking for a, for a, for a conflict. they are how nation as they are really out of control. but the republicans, let's talk about a invasion across the southern border. that is equally ridiculous. this is example of how american politics are really just so increasingly unrealistic, increasingly torn by, by passions, uh, thoughtless, logical violence. um, really uh, just headed uh for uh for a real danger zone. 60 about how what, how do you explain it or how would you explain it to show my choice, to blame all the world. lead is the washington state,
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the image in the on the wall stage? well, this is, this is no democratic party, a truck. i mean, they've been, they've been blaming russia for everything and goes law goes wrong with the world since at least 2013. it's, it's, it's, it's ridiculous, you know, that, you know, supposedly quoted, the democrats, you know, you know, if a single sparrow falls out of a tree, somehow it's vladimir put as thoughts. and the, and the us has been far more aggressive, far more aggressive in terms of like, you know, by encouraging, uh, a, a, a, a, a confrontational government in, in t of a form or form or aggressive and the lying itself with far right forces and the ukraine, which essentially pushed the policy of confrontation with that countries. russian speakers that eventually led toward the democrats are, are responsible for what has happened to them, the,
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in the ukraine to respond. they're responsible for this situation spinning out of control. and people are like, she may have just haven't learned to think from this entire dreadful experience. now if we take a look at just a handful of america's reason for and campaigns from a dentist uh, new rod libya to syria, now ukraine. unusual. do you think washington sees these involvement as something that both the credibility how i think i, i can't imagine they would because a credit because each of those operations ended in disaster. uh, the data stan was a, was a catastrophe. 20 years of, of us military investment, 20 years of fighting. and the us essentially was driven out of the country, you know, and one of the worst military routes in american history. i mean,
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excuse me, the intervention interact was just as bad. the us, um, just just uh, uh, this level of destruction on syria. uh, it is, uh, it helped at saudi arabia, in its unconscionable war on human means. the u. s. as in gauged in one colossal military failure after another of the last 20 years. and people like schumer just haven't gotten the message or are we have to leave you here now? don't list and office dyna laws are you. thank you so much for your insight. thank you very much. now the hi. i'm as managing directors, anticipating tough times for moscow. she said, roscoe's wor, economy's old about mirroring that off the soviet union's. this is a war economy in which the state which let, let's remember, has
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a very sizable buffer built over many years. the fiscal district lead invest. thank you this morning economy, did you look at the russia today? production goes up, maybe 3, consumption goes down. and that is pretty much what the soviet union used to look like. a high level of production, low level of consumption. that's done across live to our to contribute to chris and chris. it's good to have you join me now about the i am a managing director. seems to be implying that a war economy is not a good thing. what's your take on that assessment? the most se mike highway to argue that it's very hard to go. russia being in a war economy mode, it seems like she's reading a history book from 19, you know, study 8 would spell and assign them all. it's all river 12 parks and great to the war economy in the soviet union. we are noticing the soviet union. this is the russian federation. it is a market economy is a capitalist economy,
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and it was an entirely different way. there is that the reason that the russian economy is growing is plain and simple. the sciences of files, you have companies, the russian companies that have managed to absorb the market. western companies left russia. everything is backed by, it's completely. i mean, if we look a might, we can cross ava and just have a look at these. so this is because even the i m. s cannot live it rushes economy is right. and the reason it's growing is it is, it is due to the sanctions, nothing in spite of the let's have a look at this uh this, this, this book clip on, on this the forecast upgrade for 2024 of 0.6 percentage points over october 2023 projections is attributable to russia's economy. growth in russia is projected at 2.6 percent in 2024, and 1 point one percent in 2025. with an upward revision of 1.5 percentage points over the october 2023 figure 42024. reflecting carry over from stronger than
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expected growth in 2023. on account of high military spending and private consumption supported by wage growth in a tight labor market. yeah, so as we can see, mike, they are obsessed to this idea of ministry spending. the fact is that the russian on both is using, you know, the biggest, biggest desktop, but only about 20 percent of, of the military best known in this operation. the fact the entire country, the largest country in the world, is going to completely turn that economy on a wall. so take, well, you and i both live in russia both live in moscow. it's simply not true. i don't know what the woman spoke. seems to be frank. we're seeing a lot of a boom in the economy. and how has ross have managed to stay afloat, given all the western sanctions imposed against it? yeah, it's a, it's a great question mike. i mean, my observation of it is, is quite simple. we've seen how the brakes, as, as broad a new members, we've seen that russia has all the friends that actually the fact when the,
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when the west ton, that by, for russia, russia had other friends that we're happy to and play in the russian market. animal fat and a more transparent way, which is a lot of brushes economy to drive, because, i mean, you drive around most go now. yes, there are still some western costs on the right, but we think follow the chinese costs. and that's an example of exactly how this thing out now. i mean, let's, let's take the world bank is another source that lets here, hey, well, they've both to say about about russia now. in russia, output expanded by an estimated to point 6 percent in 2023. this stronger than expected recovery was fueled by substantial fiscal support, including additional military spending, oil production and exports contracted modestly. and so as we can, hey, mike, from that uh, you know, even the wall bank to agree with this. again, they're obsessed with this additional military spending, which, okay, there is some significant military spending on groceries fighting
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a serious conflict. but the reality is that it's of the pot, and this stepping up to the table, it's the relationship the, the friendship that russia has, especially president. but i mean boots and has with president shape it is allowing for the russian economy to grow. china is the largest market in the world at copying north united states has decided to be an enemy of china trying to the tire of selling them in self and working with russia is embrace them and it some bracing the wells. and what happens when you embrace the world when you embrace fremont? good enterprise, not like what, what a lady of the item it says about this being a sylvia to call me when you embrace free enterprise, you economy guys, that's the, the metrics of, of, of capitalist economics. that's how it works. because it becomes prosperity all the way. now most of the do many bloom projections for the raj and economy coming from west and lead institutions. so what's the outlook been like for from moscow? i think it, mike, it's the same sort of stand. spell out what we say, m o, that, you know, we still present pieces interview. it's like
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a counselor or russia has to do to state the facts. you can't deny the facts. you can't change the facts. does anyone? i'm gonna look up this box, but it's less than 2 to 2 eclipse from a, from russia's economic development. minnesota explains exactly how most of those respondents, these really crazy arguments from our point of view, west and colleagues understand less and less of what is happening in russia and how strong our economy internally really is. that's because they all looking in the rear view mirror, while economic process is up being significantly transformed. transport has been reoriented. business has shown flexibility and several a. yeah. so i think mike, if we looked at that, i mean it's obvious what he's saying. that's the fax is basically what i've explained to you that tonight is, you know, the brushes economy has adapted incredibly well. so these new circumstances that it's, it's really made the move that completely red face. there's nothing they can do. the fact is the russian and caught


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