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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news from iran why emergency service is off by the i launch via cools, blank spaces on the country, the main gas pipeline they all in the indians are heading out to vote for new presidents, as opposed to waiting for the country is the general election somebody says as well as gun against the i. c. j. moving to prevent in general, 5 in gone, 5, pull a request, investigation,
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all the stuff out of the minister. the invasions coming across our border and all the job to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets low, the plains, get the champagne ready and flooded by pauses and signs of reach of boise and walking to the devil find supply through funding for, for an aide in the senate, completely during the the, the thing live for almost feel every hour over the day. this is on the i'm rather mommy, you'll head by stories this wednesday. we saw it with the brain he needs from iran were a launch. fire has broken out, often explosion on the countries main natural gas pipeline, emergency services. i was needing to obtain the flames on site. that is a visual,
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say the line will remain shut down until the fire is dealt with. so solve low casualties have been reported. the pipeline supplies, it was the biggest disease and is used to send gas and they bring to the kids who are bringing more updates as they come in. the sessions have opened all across and then use it with people heavy out. and so to vote for the new president in the countries, the general elections over $200000000.00 advisors have been made just said to me and of which will cost the balance abroad in an easy is of 6 hours to make it to the pull insight. just before they close at 1 pm level time, the preliminary result was august, but it seems to be announced later in the evening. regarding his defense of this item to former governors, i'm buying for the country is to show the minutes a is kindly leading impulses. why his less than favorable reputation in the west,
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obviously correspondent rebecca and up. it brings us these. those in 2024 national elections will be held across the globe over 60 countries representing some 4000000000 people. as the west has an agenda in all international matters, when a voice in the corner of the world doesn't a line up springs a. so i'll call that to democracy in mainstream narrative, denisia has such a candidate that fits the bill, his name. but i will also be in his car, leave the nation's defense minister, and on his 4th attempt to leave any shop, a former commander and model of the armies. the lead special forces to be undergo has spent the past 2 decades trying his head at probably politics, making him one of the most recognized politicians in the country. however, western media outlets don't seem to be her all the any potential success,
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all his as good for the nation. those less than seller have lives are in addition to other good station. he allegedly organized the kidnapping of 23 democracy actors . this is suspected of trying to stop the rallies that over through ben presidents who have fall in 1998. of course, he is too hard to sign in long a med viewed as a dictator in the wes. this fine allegations that were taught this way. view else didn't mind building our relationship with him. when they sold benefits, the trump administration invited him to visit u. s. and his role as defense minister in october 2020. after his visit to washington, once again in august 2023. the pen shall go on publish a joint press release attribute in jakarta as a court order. the statement criticized moscow and b, g, and claim that both the west and even nation i shared
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a number of use that to be at russia and china. however, the nation defense minister set as our weiss suggesting america script that narrative all on its own. there is no joint statement and no press conference. what is important for me to underline is that our relationship with china is very good. we respect each other. we already have mutual understanding, conveyed that in the us, we are close friends with china. we respect america, and we seek friendship with russia. well, adding a bit of defense to the u. s. troubles seemed to have a better looking outlook for the other neighbors. closer to home for indonesia, russia and china, i have always been considered important partners. in fact, defense cooperation, both multilateral and bi lateral, has been well established for many years. this type of cooperation aligns with any of its own national interests. but it's principle, quote,
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free and after foreign policy in the course of looking after his nations, he has taken aim at the european union for bands plays on even nation exports, leaving the blog in the process for the deforestation that cut down large watts operating for us to quench western appetite, please press on your unity and people, any open leaders that it was to you to use. ok, multiple items and forced us to plug the coffee, the rubber schools. and now you're saying we are the 4th we are destroying or what is your you started or 4 years before. now the question remain, is there really a threat to democracy when one defends its own national interest? or is it just the wes using rod brush strokes to create an image of a dictator that he wants to show?
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what are they going to be reporting from to pardon for r t? so i for africa is in the international court of justice exam. one is those decision to launch this operation in rough? i'm an inventory is, sees the escalation as a direct dismissal. the u. n. court orders to prevent genocide and gaza. of the unprecedented military offensive against ralph as announced by the state of his ro has already led to and will result in the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreproachable breach both of the genocide convention and all the court's order of the 26th of january 2024. to tell me it has indeed written to the international court of justice, urgency all c 4 additional loses as a result of the announcement made by east or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as oscar, he's having to approve
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a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of some us forces the so that we can use that these draws rough uh spaces may need to if we can. so by a nation office, right? solve palestine using gaza, the genocide convention, and of course the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2034 and the 3rd to the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of the guys's population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming in. and i found many sheltering day off to fleeing from the homes in parts of guys in the wood as of ease rose evacuation before you also remember that it's been listed in a month as soon as the international court of justice austin boarded is all to take home is would feel its power to prevent its foods from committing genocide at so um a games for this dean using guys uh which it was
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a landmark case before device of africa as well. and so it was so that you can see this things lost in solution, but cannot be found with in the chambers off of political organs of the united nations. as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that advocacy must be sold to elsewhere and it gets is covering tools as well. speaks to exactly that kind of narrative. but so last week f, a is a running with and i think also very important to note is that all of this comes and skis running from most of reportedly in twiggs towards a deal and aimed to bring about as these 5. yeah, because not too long ago, we really didn't report that to those 12. so moving forward even often is wrong. i'm intensified it's offensive in the southern guys. often i find out what is the prime minister, ordering his ability to prepare plans to evacuate dropbox despite repeated warnings
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from agencies and deluxe of south africa. and the you is a sort of the way to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this and that so forward inclusive comment to all, to solve for this just as one of the more tools to us through the course next steps regarding by law students on that so in gaza has falls $28000.00 including the local health officials. it comes as much to the local community is pushing as well to end the budget congress on is opening, condemning the bombing of rough uh, a city the is
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a sheltering nitty. 1000000 policy is of these real suites and bowman and offensive and rough uh is deplorable, and the great violation of international law and human rights doctors done condemns these acts of violence against innocent boasting ins and goals for an immediate cease fire. the world cannot afford to look away with the southern very clear that . i mean, it will save people that we getting is, is beyond the limited snow and it must be stop. and what do you guys doing? they must be held accountable for that and by themselves, support the cause by this time. and if you don't want to believe that it is the uh biggest uh, honestly at the moment on this planet. and it must be the tri state, is the $500.00 and box is gonna be just uh for the last 70 years. but this is the same price. i mean, the visa often the 7th. uh, you know, what?
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uh, what they are doing is, is absolutely unacceptable. is not on the general side, rather it is, it is a question for the entire amenities that what people a lot of these ladies drink and what are the, you know, i think it is an invitation at google get should do the do eat or read in the know, and that is going to use fire saying southern gaza this video. so then the online appears as though i'd be a full to splashing of the northern gate to find me. and this is largest medical business, the not side of hospital people shelter in the area has been ordered to evacuate the ripples of heavy gun find near the complex local john this outcome also toddy as the details when did not have a different, most within, not terribly different complex has been subjected to frequent attacks. 5 is that these are there on the ground forces people who are off to the knots over different
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complex. what talk because when they're starting for these 16 people were injured, separate people to work and, and the ones who attends a no on the ground. no one can system the one to a sense, the victim arsenide, 5 dates and these type of positions a bounce of all the areas that should start this is few yards away from those. but then husband thought that they're closed. so i that there's no bergman's and the slaves, i think i'll just from that one to move out. trying to escape are also short until the or is that the turn of the bump, those are and if it thing and living in the dance and destroying the world very well. most scale has already added to these various lines on a roof. i'm with rushes form is a highlighted seen, the classes is huge at the valve, live discussion for him. a sub with 0 sigma was given to the events of october 7th, rock the entire middle east, and indeed, the whole world. russia immediately condemned the a mazda attack on his rarely civilians stressing that we do not accept any
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terrorist attacks. but we categorically oppose using this attack to collectively punish the palestinian people, taking into account the uncompromising attitude of these rarely leadership. we see this uncompromising attitude towards continuing the military action and gaza now extending it to rafa. we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of the situation in the sector. we saw where the policy number assets a russia and says as well, no intention of ending the ongoing conflict. we up against giving c b and the joyce mostly out of it is a rather against the week one day. but why? as we speaking between 2 brackets down the democratic and they made the lease when he gives rise. why doesn't understand why does the use the meeting as we need to be surely as opposed to something?
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we need to be the gates from how many of these up to our policy to ensure that has been done before the day is anybody fused? generally speaking about seeing the c things i want to stop by. yeah. so you can be yeah. let me throw some guys on a side effect of the house. 2 meals are meeting with people. and these are the 3 of them. yeah, many can or there is a big question. what beacon still is that mean pulling workforce dealing with who lot of what's left, that easy to read out loud, easily. even that then you know, you're looking at them, you know, with the word mixed needs to be paid before. he'd like to continue to
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be able to pull off the model and the closing executive director. let me try massively with a view of that. i mean, most of them alone sort of work. i think we have the same time then it gets out there for i think it's a big question for the mission to do something. even though the statement for that was the company is the best. the simple thing for this young people the see on leadership for the suspects a message to those who died. question american resolve, that's how the us senate majority to jump to describe. the new bill includes for an aide for ukraine is a and tie one. if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future prosperity, then america must lead the way. and with this bill,
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the senate declares that american leadership will not waver, will not falter, will not fail. today, we make vladimir poor regret today. he questioned america's resolve. and we made clear to others like china as president, she not to test our determination, us. and we send a clear bi partisan message of resolved to our allies in nato. well, as you just heard, that was us senator chuck schumer and in his remarks he blamed to russia for undermining faith and america's leaders around the world. he didn't seem to know so the many foreign policy failures that the united states is overseeing. one takes a look at libya. one take. ready look at afghanistan, syria and iraq, it would make sense why some would doubt the capacity of american leaders and their
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ability to carry out effective operations and bring justice to the world. however, he didn't mention that on his remarks. it was all simply russia that has worked to undermine the united states credibility. now, in his remarks that he called this bill that was just passed by the us senate providing funding for israel and you brain as well as taiwan. he called it the most important deal in the history. uh, he said, that passing it was a huge achievement. however, sen, rand paul, of kentucky, strongly disagree with chuck schumer. this is what the republican senator from kentucky had to say. opened the champagne pop the court. the senate democratic leader and the republican leader are on the way to keep have they've got $60000000000.00 they're bringing. i don't know if it'll be cash in pallets, but they're taking your money. i guess that they didn't have much time,
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really no job and no money to do anything about our border were being invaded. a liberal invasions coming across our border, 800000 people, came illegally the last month. and all they had time to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets load the plains, get the champagne ready, and slot. a key of now there has been back and forth debate between democrats and republicans in the us senate surrounding this bill for months. now the original bill did have of funding for the us border and border security. however, that funding was removed to add. many republicans were anger that seemed more funding is going to ukraine, them to protecting the american border and securing the of safety of american citizens. now, funding for taiwan was added to the bill, but it went forward without funding for the us board. now republicans would have agreed to the bill much earlier. different funding for the border had been given
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priority over the bottomless pit of funding. they have piled onto you crank. however, that was not something democrats seemed willing to negotiate on. and democrats blame everyone but themselves for that is the result of the conspiracy from russia is the result of treason from republicans that they consider to be against the country, mog, or republicans, etc. they don't seem to acknowledge that real failures of u. s. foreign policy and real revelations about the u. s. funding of ukraine and the results of that money pouring into the country and what that is, man, uh, they don't want to acknowledge that may be part of what has delayed this bill from passing the bill. now house to have to go to the us house of representatives. uh they will vote on it next. uh and after that, uh, if it passes the house of representatives, which is certainly not guaranteed, as there is expected to be quite a bit of debate around it. just as there was in the senate, uh then it will end up on the uh, the seat or the desk of joe biden will then have to sign it into the law. so uh,
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this is the process. many expect this bill would pass a long time ago. it's taken quite some time as debates about u. s. foreign policy and continued funding for in cranes escalates many in the united states. just don't see always to be spending lots of money on for and wars around the world piling weapons into foreign country as well. the situation at home deteriorates particularly on the us border. so that's what's just occurred on capital hill. the senate has passed, the bill will be waiting. see what happens next. literally the house has voted to impinge to the secretary of homeland security over his miss. i'm the of the southern border classes. ebay, see how the 1st cabinet, 2nd period to be peace didn't knew the 150 years. the case now lies in the house of the democratic controlled site, which brings me to las vegas today. so so i know the daniel lives on says the bypasses intention stem from failing policies on both sides of the u. s. as in
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gauged and one colossal military failure. after another of the last 20 years status dan was a, was a catastrophe. 20 years of, of us military investment, 20 years of fighting. and the us essentially was driven out of the country, you know, and one of the worst military routes in american history. the, they, the democrats have, have, i have international military ambitions. they're seeking confrontation with the, with china, with russia. they are backing a israel's, of the health. they are military adventurous and they are very dangerous. but i really must stress that the republicans are no better when it comes to the border. the us has created such god awful conditions in latin america through its economic policies, least a tidal wave of violence throughout the region. and this sense thousands of people fling uh from uh, from these uh,
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from gangs tourism from guns from rotors. it's jessica catastrophe. so the u. s. i mean us policies are at the root of this, of this situation on the southern border caves and new and you for the chief movie. colanda says he's searching subsidies. so avoid using in clean fits was coming off the list here. the enemy's advancing all along the front line and once we have moved from an offensive to defense of operation. the aim of this operation is to exhaust the enemy's forces, inflict maximum damage, and use defensive fortifications and technical terms. our advantages include the use of drone aircraft and electronic warfare and the strengthening of front line defense. i would rather leave a position that allow the death of all soldiers says gate. so that is the head of you guys. ground falls is, was over sort of loss is found defense on the crate. and since you are to mosque,
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as well as the loss of the boat, so in the us back in 2015 when fighting against the us forces alone under his guidance views on me, sustained and massive losses, with some of the generals own clips and doubling him the but jeff also i will correspondence on the roof of discuss the trains that last what is your appointment is my colleague mike of what they call them the butcher. and if the you are who accept the ukrainians, know that that the defense, no, it's is not view. we know this for 4 weeks or months even since they are so called offensive a failed. whether it is key of whether it's as washington, i don't care, but the people who make these distinct decisions, one to 5 children to till the really the last ukrainians. this is what's happening right now with the mobilization in the country. this is what's happening at the front line. they still try to keep a gift where i think they will also have great losses at the end of the day. so all
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what they're talking about about the care of taken care of the lives of soldiers off your gradients. i don't see that in any fact. the ukraine's previous come either received is i lose the cold for very similar defensive tactics. why change the generally, the tactics are the same. what was this a political. busy strategic move, what, what's your, what are you assessing here to? yeah, i see a political move um, uh, there is no success at the front line and, and they had to make somebody responsible for that. so let's try to make so lose me . responsible change to come under, hoping that this will give some moral some whatever prevent the effects. but um, as you said, i don't see any real difference of this strategy. this was the, this was a political show. and i think that's the best all of the reasons. wow . the progress on was full of prime is a long com has ruled out the possibility of partnership between inputting canada's bank wise political policy and why will know that guns as
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a one p t i official says, no government can be formed without com all to you is a feel is about takes us through the power. so is my colleague. miko gotcha, peachy. i will never compromise on people's will. and i've categorically instructed my party against engaging with any political party that has robbed people's mandate, including p, p, p, p m l, n. an m q m no assembly or parliament can function without a more in con, no democracy can function and no government can be formed without imran con. so read yourself of the misunderstanding, the dre minus in iran they will be able to operate a democracy or the government. you will have to bring in more than come back. well, pakistan's elections are in turmoil actually right now, and we're on comes back to our party accusing the arrival of election fraud. meanwhile, you have the establishment parties to pay p. m o n and the p p. p. party,
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excusing him wrong cons parties of the election reading as well saying it's impossible that they one. now that statement that we just heard comes as pakistan's, former prime minister to boss a reef earlier, re up firm that his party and under the leadership of his brother, no washer reef will become the winners. giving him the prime minister position for the 4th time. now for some background, the p t i is actually a made up of independent candidates because they cannot a run as a unified party, but they are back by email. com. they actually received over 9, the seats out of the 264 parliamentary seats in 2nd place. so we have sharif party, the progress and muslim league. and then the p, p, p, which is the pakistan people's party came in 3rd place with 54 states. so these rival parties want to create a coalition to bring about us the ability to bring about
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a organization in the country that's been going through economic and stability, political instability for the past few years. but also in wrong cons, candidates are opposed to the abutment way. and so they want to kind of bring in those candidates and form a coalition. so the country no longer has these factions, they see these factions as a barrier to that, as well. how effective, what they call they shouldn't be in this situation. well, it depends on who you ask because a coalition would be effective for crowns party because they again don't want to join arrivals. they see them as the ones who actually did the form a broad coalition to oust the former prime minister in my card. so they want nothing to do with that. now. the kind of candidates can create their own party, but they can't form their own government because they needed a 134 seats out of the majority of 266 states to form their own government. so
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they have to either a live themselves with, with a party that exist, or in a way, be sucked into a new party. but right now, as we've seen, they're refusing to do that for the establishment parties. what you could say is that they actually do see this as the only way to move forward. and they want to include con, uh people and work together to form a unified pack, a step reconciliation because the reconciliation has to be done in the p t. i is also to be included. it is not that we want the pci not to be a part of it, but they should also come, every political force should reconcile and should talk with us, even though we have 4 elections against each other. there is no need for m a c elections. if there was opposition, then that was the less horrible opposition. there is no ideological opposition among us. we can sit down, meet and manage the country with this prayer, inshallah, it will be better for pakistan. it will be better for democracy. and as you recall in mind,
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con has been largely supported by many and pocket standard been mass protests and the streets that continue to say that in round comments are leaders. that he is the one that's going to bring democracy. and again, this is a fight for the sovereignty of the country, according to them, they don't want the western influence, they don't want the influence of the i am up which around con, largely attacked. and he himself has said many words, let's have a listen on that. as the people of pakistan have clearly pronounced their verdict, there is a dire need for democracy in fairness and pakistan's elections. i warn against the misadventure forming a government with stolen boats such daylight robbery will not only be a disrespect to the citizens, but will also push the country's economy further into a downward spiral. so as you can see, them are on cons. so supporters absolutely refused to be swallowed into this talk of unity and they want the release of their mind on this is something that they are


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