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tv   Documentary  RT  February 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EST

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of those funds to the get the number to see the cost on the other. they are very good. but on the other hand, there was some of the spectrum. the fact that he couldn't solve has to remember about that, rather than the one that you have an awful lot people are the, is the gen, the property was ripped off, but it's election fund the for less than simple. it means a lot for the bumper frontier, but despite all these on this on that he can some land use victory and they did perform better, better. and then in the top of the binomial farm they, boardman, and on other farms saw the countries, the dispute leading with more than a 100, seized into by the foundation of somebody. so i think they perform very well, but in the different circumstances, if they were allowed to use their less than 2 bucks and they, the government did not affect the, the internet and as well. so i think suggestion would be very different,
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but it was that you're wanting to do that again. self perform very well. well, it's definitely looks like a deadlock. it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. that was a catwalk class. so john is joining us from is down by thank you very much cousin. thank you for i'm not is how the new the shape, not for this all, but be sure to get back in late to for any on updates. next i'll talk commentary has to for christina and looks about new to this also. how does it happen, and what does it mean for us? no said type find out the the of
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the the more than 2 years have gone by the negotiations in order
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to enter a difficult moment. we are finally here to look into like children like those who used to come here to the my, the safety from kasheila. you choose a nuclear power plant and these for the height the,
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the, the,
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the. ready ready ready the, they say you rather embrace japan or you reject it to either adapt giving up your culture or you remains a stranger, a poor guy g. the, i'm a journalist. i've lived in japan for more than 30 years. i live in take this country. i know it and i ignore it, i accept it,
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and i have posted it as if it were my own country. i can happily sleep on the top, but i cannot give up some of my old and healthy habits, such as my coffee above it never gets used to earth quakes. i live on the 6th floor of an old building, and every time there is one piece on the smooth one. it makes me the if i would have been a tune at 2 46 pm on the 11th of march, 2011. sort of new terms, we talk about those so that amount of one piece of mind to see what
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about the team or for someone that took them. what about this the dean last put him out of this one. i think he was doing it a bit. so i took the sheet of benefit as i'm not sure that the funding changed or not into the new york city for one another tonight saying that i did not use the back. and i realize that we have survived the largest or as quick ever recorded in japan. the 90 degrees on the richter scale,
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left the east of the country and south as a magnitude center for tokyo. the then the some years the tide breaks. 400 miles. in some places it exceeds 30 meters, which is a 67 kilometers beautiful. which would plastic aluminum houses gets infected quickly. this one would find part of the
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realism shut down so they're no longer generating. it's hard to believe the 1st depth towards reports, so fuel known victims and it's hard to believe those who say that nuclear power plants are safe a situation. these are people she medina, power ponds on the 19 facilities existing in the country, located 312, which is north east of thank you. it's owned by 10 to one of the 10 electricity companies of its kind, with its 6 nuclear power reactors. the power plant is one of the most important meet click the cities in the world and considered one of the safest nucleus stations in spite of its for 2 years. during the endless minutes of the earthquake, the power reactors incorporation 12356, automatically stops. and the operators activate the security procedures the, the quick hips, the con todd,
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the high voltage match full. and the coolest ation is isolated from the national electric supply. the emergency diesel generates 10 o magically providing electricity to the cooling system, which have the task of reducing heat inside the power reactors once they have stopped working the 1000000000. 0, i'll have to be as quick. a wave of 14 meters devastates the nuclear power plant. crossing over the damn, the protection of the nuclear plants against waves of 6 meters maximum height, the in a few minutes. the water bills or the technical rooms, damaging the emergency generators located in the underground placements. the to look around the without an activity or monitoring indicate just don't know to use. nobody knows what is happening inside the reactive the,
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the magnitude of the emergency is not clear to co stop. managers turns on to promote japanese nuclear technologies in the news, broadcast plants, televisions to contradictory to be true. i have to do something i called the manager. but the phone and the internet working, i mean to reactivate electricity and the control panels. the plums direct to my sound, yoshi does all the work is to extract the batteries from that cause and send others to buy back to isn't the nearest supermarket. the workers succeed in restoring the electrical power of the panels in the control room with the internal pressure indicators of the reactive reveal the situation in on its gravity. if they don't act immediately, 3, react to is may explode in order to decrease pressure. you need to release the radioactive gas that has accumulated inside the reactive box in order to do so. typically most of the prime minister. so permission, no to con,
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who is also an engineer, keeps the green light. the cell keeps did not have enough power to open the vows. manual opening seems to be the only option, but to relate to procedures. i'm not switch out any instruction 9 in the 50. you know? no, you know if i need to i'm not see 5 people don't know me off. i'm need dental probably is the time that the japanese government has the kinds of you see, but we will remember the accident and you can talk. i'm right in the velocity prefecture in 1999, which is what killed and about a 100 people were consolidation. of course, i remember to came or the gave the news of the next 3 days later. the desktop and future turn days. the few in tokyo,
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there have been neither significant damages nor any victims. they belong or panicking, and they start getting ready to spend the night. public places offices at friends, houses, or in the opener, is already up to the say that much and my stuff is so frontier because i don't know what to do. i can stay and talk. you probably perceive more than others know. it's better to try to get to walk like car to come close to the damage nuclear power plant. most of the roads are blocked and the nuclear power plants direction and vice versa. perhaps
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a lot of people are trying to reach the north to obtain some of that relatives. even the railway work is interrupted. the computer is too, i have to go back to tokyo and tried to catch a plane to a keep them. the only way to get the filter is from the opposite side of the release of the russian states. never as tight as one of the most sense community best in most all sense and up the must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the smooth net keeping our video
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agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the 75th question, did you say a request for channels? the alarms by tiptoes long silence con, was to understand community. the gravity of the situation he arrived, the nuclear dissolves, to sides. he takes charge, sending a team of workers to manually opened about having evacuated the population within a radius of 3 kilometers. the controlled release of radioactive vapor seems to be the acceptable solution. people start to believe that the worst phase of the emergency is now over the temporary rear of
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it. but in order to understand what's happening, i needed to go back to my schools to revisit some physics and the lessons on how your power plant works, the flu, she made you choose reactor type, general electric model of 1978. when an operation is like an enormous pressure saucepan, the nucleus contains bars of fuel made of uranium deficient of uranium nuclear produces radioactive adams, which continue to generate residual heat for days after the reactors arrest the heat in the reactors corps generated by nuclear fission, boiling water produces theme, which goes directly to the turbines and rotates them to produce electricity. to condense theme then goes back into the reactor. the extraction and replacement of the fuel is usually performed by means of an overhead frame acting between the
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reactor pool and the adjacent one. during this operation, the 2 pools are completely flooded. the transfer of fuels just perform the underwater to a common gate that works like us out. keeping the fuel isolated from the environment and refrigerated at every stage is therefore a matter of fundamental security. and this is obtained 2 different containment barriers designed a bit like a much radio sca, the 1st barrier is the capital of buyer and the core of the reactor. the 2nd barrier is the shell of reinforced concrete walls of the building or the last barrier between the reactor and a half disappear the ad, 370 6 pm on the 12th of march. how much document a huge explosion, the chest is the top of react to building number one and see if it's the inches
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full workers. among the oath rate is it for cosima each e and the watching load. panic escalates. fortunately, the 1st or comments and it shows only the top of the building has exploded, not the react to, which seems to be still intact. the bottom of the line, economic or software was slow load off your so instead of it i drive without stopping to dawn. when i find myself in case the army is spared, on the few reinforced concrete buildings, the rest has been wiped out, run out in regard to take it without any quarter or restraint. about the issue of the letter that has already passed on a bus to the, to the georgia me over. so i last see the 2 and i because the for
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example, practicing whom i am up to the seat up. let's say it's got the vendor list and those are good. so know the mascot increase of in and out the dentist for selfish and that if you know, you know these to me so by the sea or the inhabitants seem to solve their problems . right. moving for us to nuclear emergency focusing that is still far away. in every sense the, the pressure in the react is increases. again, they must be cold and stabilized in order to avoid the worst possible outcome. due to the lack of fresh water, the use of c will to seems to be the only solution which means the irreversible damage of or reactors. muscle yoshida, director of the nuclear power plant, was the one to make the difficult decision in direct violation of tip codes. orders which were in favor of saving the expensive reactive from the drugs to the effects
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of salt. i didn't reach focus, fema, i came back to you to a tea time and i'm afraid for the 1st time, the right to stay the same way and nearly 5 children. some right to risk it. i trust this go to him, especially the prime minister. but the problem is, can this government trust tapco and the nuclear industry outdoors, the simple and honest person who would never allow the contamination of dispute decide to call him directors taking advantage of our old friendship. and i can't reach when i cannot talk to him or i have to address them we can get in contact with his wife po this
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mama took the si size in the sy set that up to the category categories to mean like i think he's doing this domain name and i'm on the, on the at the see to she medina, she knew tons, they realize that the cool of react to is 12 and 3 have already been damaged in a desperate move. the governments tend to teams specialized fine. and in an attempt to cup the most severe situation, the one in this,
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the react to the men have hardly arrived when a message to the explosion destroys the whole a part of the building. 3, also involving building for the some of the embassies are spoken, feel irresponsibly. most inform press, exaggerates storage mits are often new events for the americans to minimize the accident. the french born of an inevitable apocalypse reactors that are used in such a shame and the rest of japan are made in the united states and the american industry tends to continue with their business enterprise. on the other hand, france would like to sell in the state of the art reactors, which they say are 6. the only official sources i know are the japanese national agency for nuclear safety that is more similar to us censorship agency and the
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international agency for tom with energy, for atomic temperature. only things that can help me understand is going directly to the top course kind of as review as the pulse with explosion and the building of react to to the rules remain intact was a part of the reactive stuff as serious damage. tapco abandons all hope of saving the situation and considers the possibility of evacuating all its employees. now to kind decides to go personally to the headquarters in tokyo and forces the president should meet so not to abandon the ship. doing so would imply the uncontrolled meltdown of old reactors, thus putting the very existence of japan at risk the,
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you know, which you find it difficult to maintain the constant awareness that behind every broken window, every distorted car and every turn. the mice, the story, if a person of a family of an entire country ran up here, you have no peace. you know that it's not. it's not accepted for the past and still wonders in which he is no longer part of the they want show for the bottles washed and dressed them with care. put makeup on the after choosing no suspicious
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dates and get ready by placing the most prized possessions. next to them finally proceeding to the right as she consume the delicate, meticulous right of collecting the bones in the urns such an intense moment. the chicago to ritual is celebrated also the . 6 at the sonoma also cause the suspension of conditions for lack of fuel distributor like it that it was necessary to resort to collective burials.
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which to the japanese i considered this, i had an effects of the so now me swept everything away, including the right to feel pain, to remember the day that i have a good that the case you don't have to dance on the deal going that you don't need to send the data cut all scott and the
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concave channel didn't deal. can you already a design case at lunchtime, on the 16th of march and for a pc talk is speaking with a live broadcast. it's the 1st time that an emperor uses television to speak directly to the pete, the sort of those who remember his father, emperor here really to is dramatic speech on the radio announcing the end of the war. now japan is fighting for the life was its people. as it did back there, the tip code pressured by the government, takes its decision about 50 men or less that to deal with the situation. they operate in extreme conditions separated from the rest of the world, contaminated by radiation without any news from family members affected by the tsunami. they spite to cool,
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reactive restore electricity and security systems. often, by means of luck the it's time to decide what to do. in a hurry, the majority of my italian and foreign colleagues have already left the country and move to so even if i wanted to go back. tokyo airports are now close to plot, taste the situation worse and i would feel safer here in the north. protected by mount range rather than in tokyo or for the truck where the wind would propel so radioactive cloud. as for a possible speed, the escape from the key to you can fly directly to korea or by car you can easily reach the either. so try to from the capital city of support or you can get to the entire world. the,
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the and it was warmer to the office agenda to separate from the petro dollar and create a gold back d r, which inevitably led to the us nato, european union. mafia ball to kill them at the edge of a bayonet. know, throw this country. the serial for 12 years has been the victim of one of the most savage, multi spectrum mores. the, the us and the u. k. m, a, u, and there are lives in the gulf states and then israel and turkey. and i was instructed that i had to create a crisis by a given date, so that farms and missiles could be fired. and i, i made it clear that i would do my job. i would do my duty. we have seen a period of enormous aggressiveness by the u. s. and the
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western powers, the breaking news from iran, a pipeline in spot or how's a huge boss walks one of the main gaps supply. we're in the country, the company that runs the networks pools sabotaged at the the role pain of loss, a furious palestinian struggles to comprehend the tasks of his whole property killed in a sense of great attack on some of the nations besides poles close in indonesia as the country boats and presidential parliamentary and local elections has come a little and very.


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