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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EST

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wireless aggressiveness by the u. s. and the western powers, the breaking news from iran, a pipeline in spot or has a huge loss rocks, one of the main gas supply routes in the country, the company that runs the networks pools. now patasha will start at the the role pain of loss, a furious palestinian struggles to comprehend the tasks of his pole poverty, kills and radiant talk on the top of the nation. besides poles close in indonesia as the country boats and presidential parliamentary and local elections has come to a little invasions coming across our border. and all the drama during the senate
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was get the money, get the cash crouch low, the plains, get to the champagne ready? edgewater, kia by parts the intentions, read boiling point in washington as democrats pushed through the funding for $4.00 and $8.00 of the senate ball complete the open looking for, for the price of the hello. you watching all kids national live from most go for myself. the whole team here at our h q will welcome well starting off breaking news from iran, like i said, a huge explosion on fire at one of the countries main gas pipelines has been brand to the sabotaged by the company that runs the network all to use use of charlie has no a while exactly 2 massive explosions ripped through uh, 2 different provinces. um and there wants southern regions at the same around the
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same time, the early hours of wednesday. initially we heard about the 1st explosion that took place in little jane county in as long as the south western uh to hard my heart and back see already problem is targeting a high pressure gas pipeline there in that county. um and then um, a few hours later we heard about this 2nd explosion that reportedly came shortly after the 1st explosion. but in another region, in the province of farmers in southern iran, of course about both the explosions came around the same time in the early hours of wednesday. and both targeted the major arteries of iran's national gas pipeline, which transfers not a natural gas from the main hub of it was gas production in the persian gulf all the way to everyone's northern and central regions, including the capital one and the cities of warm and it's what hon in
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a central iran for now. go forward. he's upset that uh the coast is clear for now because um, shortly after the fire broke out my it was a massive fire, of course on the last was huge and based on eye witnesses, i with his a said that the sound of the explosions could be heard from as far as 60 kilometers away from the main side of the incident. but for now, um, now the, the fire has been put out by firefighters and the coast is clear now based on reports released by us already using both provinces. of course, we have heard from the iranian authorities that the incidents, both incidents have led to no casualties. but the cause of the incident is still under investigation. the head of a yes, network or control center site are a be immediately said that it was an act of sabotage, a wanting
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a specialist. and they did not point the finger of blame at any entity or any person or any country. but such industrial incidents are not uncommon in iran, of course. uh, yvonne has in the past experienced such um, industrial incidents or accidents. but usually those incentives were blamed on israel. um and then there been um, several incidents um and targeting it runs on nuclear facilities or a wrong um arms production factories in the past. and there one usually blames those incidents on is really intelligent services. but whether or not this latest incident have anything to do with israel or the wide, or regional comp, and that's the unfolding and that region between as well and how miles all these questions remain to be answered. and the following days and hours on the watch sabotaged pipeline of a memories of north street one back in 2022,
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the pipeline supply natural gas from russia to germany, through the voltage. see what damage the series of helpful explosions. the blogs, the card and the economic tones of sweden and denmark, meaning that both punches launched investigations and incident, but despite ruling the explosions with deliberate, no one's ever been officially liked to southern golf and now west says continue to mount over an anticipated a full scale is randy assault on rafa. the 2 goals, but you can see right now behind me, also dra and susan. is there not a both? what killed on monday in his radio strikes on the city. they died together with 6 all the members of that time. but the nice of either was abraham assumed that he lost those his parents to brought those 2 nieces and nephews from recruitment. yeah. to identify some of the bodies that much of when i saw them,
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there were 3 on identified people. i was scared to open the body bag and see what's inside. i opened it and i found my mother. my father had visible marks, identified him from his clothes, my brother, his children, and his wife. i was able to identify them from the small pieces of their clothes, his foot to it has been such a thing online since he has really attacked it purports to show one of it for hymns . me says she can be seen hanging out of the window of that family home. the man spoke about the tragic moment. he also found some of his relatives among the rubble, excuse me and the targeting was direct. i found them torn apart. they were killed in cold blood with no mercy. i'm talking to you now amid the debris between the pieces of my family members and their clothes. i was expecting them and i saw the remains of our house. all of them were torn into parts. i'm following the monday strikes that has been widespread condemnation from many countries in human rights
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organizations. the latest fits from the head of the arab league, chris says that as well as options and garza will have serious, long term consequences had this. is there any idea of possibly moving palestinians out of bed territories, weathering gauze, the old of westbank, and that's emptying these territories for the is ready, people means with a 1000. yeah. confrontation is ahead of us. i think it's crucial and vital for the united states to or the israel to stone, these policies and otherwise the middle east would explode in an unprecedented way . meanwhile, form a c, i, a director mike from peo has raised more than a few eyebrows on a trip to as well. but he was pictures, singing and dancing with ideas. soldiers, one in southern gauze people a morning's the desktop that children some copy from us. national security council has at washington cannot force as well to reduce the number of civilian passions.
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to many of the many thousands of people killed in the guise of conflict of an innocent civilians too many. and we have been very, very clear about our concerns with ours really counterparts about that. it's not like we give them a homework assignment and they have to then turn in their plan to us for grading. we have said that from our perspective as a friend of israel and as a supporter of their efforts and to defend themselves, we would expect that any plan for going into rafa would properly account for the now more than 1000000 civilians that that are seeking refuge down there, south africa as judging the international court of justice to investigate as well as the decision to launch its operation in garza in breakfast pacific p. now pretoria onto the offensive ignore the hague, previous order to prevent any genocidal action in golf. the unprecedented military offensive against ralph as announced by the state if his row was already led to and
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will result in. so the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreversible breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order of 26 of january 2024. to tell me, it has indeed written to the international court of justice, urgency all seem for additional muses as a result of the announcement made by ease or all that prime minister benjamin netanyahu. as oscar, he's copying you to approve a plan for the evaluation off of alpha and the destruction of some us forces the so that we can believe that these draws rough offensive may need to if we can. so by a nation off of the ride soft palestine using guys the genocide convention. and of course the course pulled off between the 6th of january 2024. and 3rd is the court of justice to intervene in order to prevent any further breaches going forward. we understand that about half of causes population, which is about more than 1000000 people are reportedly coming in. and i found many
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sheltering day off to fleeing from the homes in parts of guys in the old as off as well as evacuation before. you also remember that it's been less than a month since the international court of justice austin boarded is all to take all measures with the leads power to prevent it from committing genocide ads against christine using guys i was it was and then my case before device of africa as well. and so it was so that you can see the seems lost in submission, cannot be found within the chambers of political organs of the united nations, as well as the security council, which has also become sort of dysfunctional solutions that that advocacy is the must be. so want to else when it gets is coming to it as well. speaks to exactly that kind of narrative as an advocate is running with. and i think also very
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important to notice that all of this comes as visual and come us of reportedly in twiggs towards a deal that aims to bring about as these via because not too long ago with ria, didn't report that to those talk. so moving forward, even often as well, i'm intensified as offensive in the southern guys. often i find out what the prime minister ordering his ability to prepay appliance to evacuated rough despise of repeated warnings from agencies and the likes of south africa. and the you as a sort of way to see how the courts of justice will respond and take this semester forward. south africa's justice minister, everyone in the motor spoke exclusively to all the about the quotes. next steps regarding rasa. this is the patient for you to log in to some parts of
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the day to day lives. of many palestinians now is simply a bashful, spiteful medicines are in such short supply, but long queues of forming a distribution center has. but many people still they've empty handed. the situation has an being helped by some age, one voice even being hit and strikes. some of those displaced have been showing that tales of hardship, a muscular in the owner, and my brother in law juma was among thousands of people with cancer in the gaza strip. had they all stopped receiving treatment after the targeting of hospitals and gaza. and so there was no place for treatment, no pain killers, where my brother in law was placed on a waiting list. but he didn't travel due to the long procedures used by the occupation. you must obtain many approvals to flee and receive treatment abroad.
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and now he's gone, he died due to the lack of medicine, we will treatment and low chance to travel abroad. we even struggled to find oxygen for him to breathe his condition worse. and after the war started, when the disease was discovered, it was in its early stages. it could have been treated with 4 months of fierce war on our people and no treatment available, a condition worsened and led to his death. and i'm out of my home is gone, a 4 story building destroyed completely. i have 6 sons and 4 daughters. each had an apartment, they were living in my building, but now it's gone. and my children and i are displaced. i was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 6 years ago and i've received treatment since then in gaza in jerusalem. and in ramallah today, there is no treatment. i'm dying sitting here, my children went to search the hospitals to find pain killer pills for me to get by the disease. i feel it affecting my whole body. i lie in bed in pain. i sit in pain, there is nothing but living on pain killers. i can walk 10 meters who was before the disease was 97 kilograms and now 30 kilograms are gone. well,
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it's got all the latest news from golf and of course the else was one is a not a suspicious old head on over to my website. all to, you know, come to, well, i also want to return to our top story, which is of course, that pipeline lost in iran aria, the gas com company, the around the network blamed, sabotaged, thought has not been confirmed by the countries and achievement of stuff. well, let's now get more on all of this and joined academic and political unless sage mohammed mirandi always good to have you on, i mean, think sabotage, but no names yet. if you were a batch amount, what would you say? i would say it's probably be as rarely use or the americans are both because most of the era times that do take place in the run are funded by israelis and the americans. it's either of the they come in from the northern
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iraq of territories or they come in from the corner on, alongside. they pack us on the border with the run. because both of these areas are not well controlled by this central government. whether any rock or pockets on i would have to add that iran as a huge amount of gas alongside the russians run, has the greatest reserves in the world and every village and every city in the run as gaps. and it's heavily subsidized. so there are top 5 binds all over the country and every city and every village. that's why nowadays, chinese investors are coming a wrong because they see the price of energy is so low here. so it's not surprising that the gas line would explode somewhere, especially in
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a far off the area that we saw last night. it could be a terror attack, and they could just be an old pipeline. i mean a wrong, like you said as a major and it should produce up as you also mentioned, dislike russia. i mean, we did talk a bit about the co power, those between the sabotage. this is read a rating and say, and of course the 2022 sabotage of the north stream pipeline. so for the summer saying, the greatest act of industrial terrace and that we've ever seen it. do you see any power those here? well, this is infinitely smaller, it is a local pipeline. it's uh, goes to a small, small city and the country, a city that i've never been to myself. uh so it doesn't compare if it is an error that it doesn't have any significant. and so there are safety procedures every 5 kilometers, they just shut about and then repair it and then restarted. and there are already,
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there are reserves anyway, so there is no shortage of energy supplied. uh, but what i would say is that this buyer, aside whether it was an affair attack or not, a europe has been devastated by american policy in that they've been deprived of both rushman oil and gas. and you're running the oil and gas and gas in particular, in these 2 countries or something that you cannot find easily elsewhere. so there was a sanction because of the sanctions against frustrated because of the sanctions against iran. europeans are starting a task that is destroying their economy and i think that is what the americans want a i'm, it's interesting that obviously you're talk about not stream that was a, catch the job of the economy. when i was seeing a sort of historic the industrialization in germany, it's been
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a for long know kind of fact will appear. so nordstrom, you cannot understand why someone would want to talk to like yourself said the one in wrong. it was an a small town. i have no significance, so if it is sabotage, what's the point? is it a power moves a power play to say we can strike whereas we want went up and we want, is it kind of latent strep? what might, yeah, call most mc ron and syria and the government are really the only 3 countries in the region that are supporting the palestinian cause. of course, other countries like try key verbal support, but they continue to do business and trained as usual with this wrong or the wrong syria and cameron are actively supporting the people in gauze the resistance enabling them to defend themselves. so there's res, definite b, c, providers. that's why they regularly attacked syria. that's why the us and that is
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right. and the british heart attack and yeah, means of doing it to support as well. in the case, if you're on, it's really is we'll try to do whatever they can, but their capability is against the wrong or increasingly limited. israel has so many problems and crises now uh that it's really unable to do anything serious against the country. so i would say that if it was a terror attack, it's not it, wouldn't it? it's not impressive. well, we'll definitely be waiting to see uh, any results from the investigation and i'm sure we'll speak. she's um, that was a radiant academic. i'm political on this site and how much more on the i was was good to get your insight. thank you. well, a message to those who dare question american resolve. that is how us the senate majority leader chuck shoot, has described a new bill that includes billions and for an aid from ukraine as well. and taiwan.
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if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future prosperity, that america must lead the way. and with this bill, the senate declares that american leadership will not waver, will not falter it will not fail. today we make vladimir put in regret today he questioned america's resolve and we make clear to others like china as president, she not to test our determination. and we send a clear bi partisan message of resolve to our allies in nato. well, as you just heard, that was us senator chuck schumer and in his remarks, he blamed russia for undermining faith and america is leaders around the world. he didn't seem to know so the many for and policy failures that the united states is
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overseeing. one takes a look at libya, one take. ready look at afghanistan, syria and iraq, it would make sense why some would doubt the capacity of american leaders and their ability to carry out effective operations and bring justice to the world. however, he didn't mention that on his remarks. it was all simply russia that has worked to undermine the united states credibility. now, in his remarks that he called this bill, that was just passed by the us senate providing funding for israel and ukraine as well as taiwan. he called it the most important deal in the history. uh, he said, that passing it was a huge achievement. however, sen, rams. paul of kentucky, strongly disagree with chuck schumer. this is what the republican senator from kentucky had to say. opened the champagne pop the court. the senate democratic leader and the republican leader are on the way to have. they've got $60000000000.00 they're bringing. i don't know if it'll be cash in pallets,
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but they're taking your money to give them that much time really no time and no money to do anything about our border. we're being invaded, a liberal invasions coming across our border. 800000 people, came illegally. the last month and all they had time to do in the senate was get the money, get the cash pallets load the plains, get the champagne ready, and slot a key of. now there has been back and forth debate between democrats and republicans in the us senate surrounding this bill for months. now the original bill did have funding for the us border and border security. however, that funding was removed to add. many republicans were angered that seemed more funding is going to ukraine, them to protecting the american border and securing the of safety of american
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citizens. now, funding for taiwan was added to the bill, but it went forward without funding for the us board. now republicans would have agreed to that bill much earlier if a funding for the border had been given priority over the bottomless pit of funding, they have piled onto your crank. however, that was not something democrats seemed willing to negotiate on. and democrats blame everyone but themselves for that it's the result of the conspiracy from russia is the result of treason from republicans that they consider to be against the country market republicans, et cetera. they don't seem to acknowledge that real failures of u. s. foreign policy. uh and real revelations about the us funding of ukraine and the results of that money pouring into the country and what that is, matt, uh, they don't want to acknowledge that that may be part of what has delayed this bill from passing the bill now. house to have to go to the us house of representatives, so they will vote on it next. and after that, if it passes the house of representatives, which is certainly not guaranteed,
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as there is expected to be quite a bit of debate around it, just as there was in the senate. uh, then it will end up on the uh, the seat or the desk of joe biden will then have to sign it in the law. so uh, this is the process. many expected this bill would pass a long time ago. it's taken quite some time as debates about u. s. foreign policy and continued funding for in cranes escalates many in the united states. just don't feel we should be spending lots of money on for and wars around the world piling weapons into foreign countries. while the situation at home deteriorates particularly on the us border, so that's what's just occurred on capital hill. the senate has passed, the bill will be waiting to see what happens next. a new bill isn't going down a lot well on line and you're not the one right behind me is being why these thoughts related on social networks located the white house, the prioritizing far off places over to domestic issues. they couldn't see it right . the america depicted with new neighboring territories, which packing to taiwan,
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is they're all ukraine and even russia. meanwhile, the republican leg house has votes. twin page, the secretary of homeland security. over his mishandling of the southern for the crisis, he may become the 1st cabinet secretary to be impeached and nearly $150.00. yes, the case now lies in the hands of the democratic controlled senate international lawyer time preston believes the american public has foreign victim to its government's inability to prioritize what that safety. the situation is very serious. it's the worst it's ever been in the history of our nice. it's really the single largest issue the united states is facing today. and the fact that, you know, our congress spends this time uh, approving packages of money to, to uh for nations. a at the same time regarding the borders of other countries like
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like born between north and south korea. there's no way of escaping over that more . and that's said the 38th parallel and united states paying for that. and you know, a lot of what's happening great, that's over a border. and so i'm going to send $60000000.00 in an additional $60000000.00 to ukraine, to guard the ukrainian or a stablish rather say a border there. but yeah, our borders white out. and it just rates those of corrupt politics and the american people are the victims. it the polls have closed and counting is on the way and was billed as the world's biggest single day election. more than 200000000 people in indonesia. i've been costing the pilots and local parliamentary on presidential elections. 3 town to that's proposed to be on to on use was watching. the gang shall print our r o vine for the top job. now the window will need to secure more than 50 percent
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of the vote, but if no one achieves this, then a run off selection will be hold held between the top 2 candidates in june. so let's have a look at the content as fast up as bus 5 to 54 years old for my academic. previously the governor of jakarta, he is the only count, does that not to box the current president's project to move the capital from a sturdy thinking to call to, to borneo, he thinks that there are more pressing issues. next stuff, it's 55 year old gunshot print, no one who has had a long career and public service on is the former governor of central casa. now he's face criticism for promoting mind development. that last but not least provide, were suit beyond type 72 years old. he's a full, a minute to general the current defense minister. and he's previously faced allegations that he denies of human rights abuses. this will be his 3rd attempt of taking the top chop. well, should be on to is perceived by his forces as
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a fob lead to capable of bringing stability on opinion. polls ahead of things, i do give him the, as you can see around 51 percent. he's promised continuity. so here's how the presidential pairings was supported. in parliament ahead of the vote on this was backed by 3 political parties, which between them had a $167.00 seats around 29 percent of the parliament. then sit down to supported by full parties makes up. you can see 45 percent of the house on finally print. i wrote the back of 2 politics. the whole 25 percent of the seats. while we headed down to some of the polling stations to gauge, to move ahead of the site, to buy a possibly this year. honestly, good. hide confused over who to vote for. but finally, after thinking and also following the news, i was finally able to decide and develop the lions. hopefully whoever is elected
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can make indonesia better. i know that many people are still undecided with the respective choices, but whoever is elected, hopefully the results will be the best for the country. and we can all return to peace and re uniting denisia in the science. the hope is that whoever is elected president is trustworthy, then the person, the elected vice president can protect the community from the bank to mariah lee. this is what's expected on finding the full impact. so i'm probably going to spend run con, has read out the possibility of a coalition between independent candidates, boxed by his political party and it's rifles. it comes as one teacher, i special said no government can be formed without comments. involvement, peachy, i will never compromise on people's will. and i've categorically instructed my party against engaging with any political party that has robbed people's mandate, including p, p, p, p m l, n,
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an m q m. no assembly or parliament can function without a more in con, no democracy can function and no government can be formed without imran con. so read yourself of the misunderstanding that by minus and iran they will be able to operate a democracy or the government. you will have to bring in more than come back lives at the car and in prison con, one of the most defeats and the lower house of parliament and lost the states and election. it was a shop steward outcome, given the obstacles his pack spelling it to re can stuff. policy was banned from holding campaign. raleigh's had no opposing agents on election day and face stuck into net restrictions. the other 2 mainstream parties that by cons rifles also failed to secure enough seats to form a government on that. and they started competition folks once it became tray. the con loyalists had taken a need. john, this costs while password doesn't believe that con, without the fact coalition between supporters and rights.


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