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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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to introduce the dealership, i made the breaking news from iran a pipeline and saw no house pair ross as a huge blog that one of the main gaps supply bridges and the concrete work sabotage, also had the right to be will pay, you know, lost a furious policy opinion struggles to comprehend the death of his whole family kills and recent attacks on official results and indonesia presidential election showed the full army general proposed to be unto way ahead of his opponents. it's the result john teeth have enough support for help, right. victory. the
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fellow you are watching are 2 types not live, 247 from eruption capsule, parts to keep me company to sound. well, let's start with that breaking news from iran, which is that a huge explosion i. one of the countries, main gas pipelines was sabotaged us according to tyrone. and it echoed audio claims by the company that runs the network with all the details his all to use use of chill on a while exactly to massive explosions ripped through. uh, 2 different provinces um and there wants southern regions at the same around the same time, the early hours of wednesday. initially we heard about the 1st explosion that took place in the little jane county and as long as the south western ch are hard my heart and back see already problem is targeting a high pressure gas pipeline there in that county. and then um, i, a few hours later we heard about this 2nd explosion that reportedly came shortly
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after the 1st explosion, but in another region in the province of farce. in southern iran, of course, about both the explosions came around the same time in the early hours of wednesday and both targeted the major arteries of iran's national gas pipeline, which transfers not a natural gas from the main hub of it was gas production. in the persian gulf, all the way to it was northern and central regions, including the capital to one. shortly after the fire broke out, my was a massive fire, of course on the last was huge. and based on eye witnesses, i what is a said that the sound of the explosions could be heard from as far as 60 kilometers away from the main side of the incident. but for now, um, how the, the fire has been put out by firefighters and the coast is clear now based on
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reports released by us already using both provinces. of course, we have heard from the iranian authorities that the incidents, both incidents have led to no casualties. but the cause of the incident is still under investigation. the head of the yes network or control center site are really immediately said that it was an act of sabotage, a wanting a specialist. and they didn't to point the finger of blame at any entity or any person or any country. but such industrial incidents are not uncommon in iran, of course. uh, yvonne has um, in the past uh, experienced such um, industrial incidents or accidents. but usually those instances um were blamed on israel. um and then there been um, several incidents um and targeting it runs on nuclear facilities or as long as um
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um, arms production factories in the past and everyone usually blaine's those incidents on is really intelligent services. but whether or not this latest incident have anything to do with israel or the wide, or regional comp, and that's the unfolding and that region between as well and how miles all these questions remain to be answered. and the following days and hours. this was sabotage and pipeline of the memories of north street and went back in 2022, the pipe, supplying natural gas from russia to germany through the baltic sea, which i'm interested in a series of powerful explosions, but also called an economic phones of sweden. and denmark, meaning both countries, your investigations and the incident, but despite warning, explosions is deliberate. no one has ever been officially claimed academic on political on the site and how much more on to shed his take on the possible perpetrators behind the states expression and wrong. i would say that's probably the is rarely use or the americans are both because most of the roads there are
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times that do take place and iran are funded by these rarities and the americans. it's either or the or they come in from the northern iraq. you territory or they come in from the border on, alongside the progress on the border with the run a run syria and yeah, we're not actively supporting the people in cause of the resistance, enabling them to defend themselves. so these res, definitely secret badges. that's why they regularly attacked syria. that's why the us and that is right. and the british heart attack and yeah, means of doing it to support as well. in the case, if you're on this riley is we'll try to do whatever they can, but their capability is it gets the wrong or increasingly limited. israel has so many problems and crises now that it's really unable to do anything
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serious against the country. so i would say that if it was a terror attack, it's not, it wouldn't do, it's dawn and press it on to something called to now. well says continue to mount open on to speak to full scale is where you felt on rafa. the 2 goals that you can see right behind me, all cetera. and she's on for suna. both were killed on monday in his radio stripes on the city. they died together with 6 of the members of that family, p. o. nice of all, i thought was it for him as soon as he'd all supposed his parents to brought this to me says a nephew. abraham recalled the moment he had to identify some properties for the image of when i saw them, there were 3 and identified people. i was scared to open the body bag and see what's inside. i opened it and i found my mother. my father had visible marks, i identified him from his clothes, my brother, his children,
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and his wife. i was able to identify them from the small pieces of their clothes. well, this potential so has been such a thing online since he is really attacked. if a pool it's to show one of it for him as nice as you can see how hanging out of the window of that family home months. but it's not the tragic living. he also found some of his relatives among the rubble, excuse me and the targeting was direct. i found them torn apart. they were killed in cold blood with no mercy. i'm talking to you now amid the debris between the pieces of my family members and their clothes, i was extracting them and i saw the remains of our house. all of them were torn into parts of the day to day lives. of many palestinians now is simply a bottle, so valuable medicines are in such short supply. don't choose a fleming at distribution centers, but many people still leave empty handed. the situation hasn't been helped by some age con, voice even being hit and strikes. some of those displays have been sharing that
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tales of hardship and muscular and the owner and my brother in law juma was among thousands of people with cancer in the gaza strip. they all stopped receiving treatment after the targeting of hospitals and gaza. so there is no place for treatment, no pain killers. my brother in law was placed on a waiting list, but he didn't travel due to the long procedures used by the occupation. you must obtain many approvals to flee and receive treatment abroad. and now he's gone. he died due to the lack of medicine, we will treatment and low chance to travel abroad. we even struggled to find oxygen for him to breathe his condition worse. and after the war started, when the disease was discovered, it was in its early stages. it could have been treated with 4 months of fierce war on our people in no treatment available, a condition worsened and led to his death. on the i'm, a lot of my home is gone. a 4 story building destroyed completely. i have 6 sons and 4 daughters. each had an apartment, they were living in my building,
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but now it's gone and my children and i are displaced. i was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 6 years ago. and i've received treatment since then in gaza in jerusalem. and in ramallah today, there is no treatment. i'm dying sitting here, my children went to search the hospitals to find pain, killer pills for me to get by the disease. i feel it affecting my whole body. i lie in bed in pain. i sit in pain, there is nothing but living on pain killers. i can walk 10 meters before the disease. i was 97 kilograms, and now 30 kilograms are gone. that has been widespread condemnation from many countries on human rights organizations tools as well. and the latest is from the head of the arab league, who says that his role is options and goals will have serious, long term consequences. how did these ready idea are forcibly moving palestinians out of the territories, whether in gauze, the old of westbank and that's emptying these territories for the is randy. people means that a 1000. yeah. confrontation is ahead of us. i think it's crucial and vital for the
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united states to or the israel to stop these policies. otherwise the middle east would explode in an unprecedented way. meanwhile full of c, i a direct to mike on, peo has res, moving a few eyebrows on a trip to israel, where he was picketed singing and dancing with idea soldier as well as ppos and southern calls of people um mornings the desk of the chauffeur, john copy from the us. nauseous church council has at washington county schools as well to reduce the number of slipping in cash to many of the many thousands of people killed in the guys. a conflict have been innocent civilians to many and we have been very, very clear about our concerns with ours rarely counterparts about that. it's not like we give them a homework assignment and they have to then turn in their plan to us for grading. we have said that from our perspective as a friend of israel and as
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a supporter of their efforts and to defend themselves, we would expect that any plan for going into rafa would have properly account uh for the now more than 1000000 civilians that that are seeking refuge down there, south africa is judging the international court of justice to investigate as well as decision to launch that operation in rafa. now pretoria onto the offensive, it renewals the higgs previous will die to prevent any genocidal action in golf. a re unprecedented military offensive against ralph as announced by the state if his row was already led to and will result in the large scale, killing home and destruction. this would be in serious and irreparable breach both of the genocide convention and of the court's order on the 26th of january 2024. you said in a long while
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to get all the latest news from gauze on elsewhere, of course. be sure to head on over to our website, auto dot com, to move in at 200000000 people in indonesia shopping costing the ballots and local parliamentary presidential elections. 3 candidates proposed to be on to new. his bus was on, on the gun shop for an hour of buying the top joe, and on the, on official count has to be on to the substantial lead or the, his opponents. the win that will need to secure more than 50 percent of the vote bought if thought uh, the result doesn't stand, no one gets out right. you fix the tree, the boat will go to a ronald's in june. let's take a closer look at the content. so 54 year old and his bus was full academic.
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previously the governor of jakarta, he's the only confident not to back the current president's project to move the capital from to call to, to bonia. and she thinks that there are more pressing issues. well, next stop is have a look, a 55 year old gunshot pinado, long career on public service is the full, my governor of central jobs. he's based criticism for promoting mine development. and finally proposed to be on to 72 years old. from a minute to general the current defense, minnesota, he's previously faced obligations, but he denies of human rights abuses. this is his up. so just have a taking the top shop. well, let's see how the presidential power ends was pulled in parliament ahead of the vote. on a, as was backed by 3 political parties, which between them had a 167 seats. that's 29 percent of the parliament to be on to supported by full parties as 45 percent of the house on print of the backend of the 2 parties,
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the whole 25 percent of the seats all to correspond to rebecca and nothing to pay the brings us no, the police stations have closed and now it's time to count the votes and debt to remain. who will be the next in the nation has to that i am currently reporting from one of the most guarded calling stations in the nation. because earlier today has put in, jo cole, we go together with the 1st lady, tested their votes, in this particular appalling station. the appalling station has opened since 7 in the morning local time, and closed at one. in the afternoon, we talked to some of the voters earlier today. we've seen a lot of young people came to the appalling stations, even though they had to admit that there are some uncertainty. there are some
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doubts, but with a lot of informations and also news that's been gathering around, especially on social media. and social media is also a platform that's been used a lot like all of the kind of beads in all their different ways. the voters have decided their mind and later today we might know who's going to be the leader lost the election and the result of the election by the quick count and also the exit polls. that's been organized by some independent organizations. but the real official results will be announced by the election commission next month. and it may gonna be the goal reporting from jakarta for our team. well, we are very spoilt indeed because we have a wonderful bottle of guests and lined up souls. a mess folks passed some of anya's hiring baterri come roots and spoke to us no for the good from puncher and so on.
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the spokes boston of gunshot monkwood, wip on the whole political spectrum on the will of the stager. thank you ladies and gentlemen of for joining. i'm the 1st thing i suppose i want to off butare just because we're getting those results in suggests that mississippi on toes got 58 percent at the moment. how we feed and confident we are very confident that we're going to come to this election with just one route. and we really think that this is what the best for our country. we can move on and a focus on the development of the new capital. and you know, what's the date or the political parties that has been separated because of the election? i and one more thing is that we really value the piece and this around at the, off the people off to indonesia. so i think with all the dynamics in social media
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and also media debt to have been going on since the election started. uh we can um you know, um start to move on and focus on the radar thing. um that is the development of the, the deja. i'm sorry. can i ask you, i mean, we obviously had that missed the bus with on had pledge to address what he called an erosion of democratic values. um, what does he mean by that? i'm, i'm what can actually be done. yeah, it is through the sleep. oh sorry, sofa cock. go ahead. yeah. but it is through the for boy is validating the accent, pause and quick counts. but i'm, yes and well, i mean are still waiting for the final l. c. so resolved, we just announced by the election committee of next month. uh, and this is uh, you know, an election that can be considered as unprecedented because there's so many
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um, you know, from reports made by people regarding the way the election is conducted by the government. and especially that it has been appears that concerns about the declining of democracy into the site in terms of the quality in terms of the space . freedom in terms of, you know, the opportunity uh, to criticize you know, the government. so this is something that has been addressed by i suppose to be done during the campaign, and we hope to see no good result from uh, do you see like some on punishment? can i ask you, i mean, that have been student protests in the country lately? and that shouldn't abuse of power. the youth is very clearly engage the youth vote is very important, especially in indonesia considering down to its history. as a former student active us,
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does he get the sense that the students are going to speak up if what if they see what base view as an electoral miscarriage? oh, i think that will the dictates. because i think in the past couple of weeks, we have seen that probably like a prize blood test, not only from students, but also from the teaching styles. baldwin from all the professors in the major units has been sending an agent. so it showed that there are major pharmacy or from all get people involved in this election em regarding to the, the final results. yes, it shows that there is a customer bar is the right thing into, you know, of victory for barbara mobile. and i would like to congratulate the chem and his beam, although our team, the team gotten away from the, you know, for the final and i think you all have relations from the end on each end of next
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month. i'm sorry. can i ask you, i mean, this is not the 1st time that mississippi on to has been running around in 2014 here on in 2019. and in both those cases she lost in 2019. so rights as well. but why does, why does he think the best time would be any different? does he not want to kind of leave, but for a younger generation, a fresh face? depaula 6? well, he has given an opportunity for um, the brand to be his running mate. this k test vice president, and i think that the shows that visit problem or really cares about the future generation in and not just use that that's at the segment baltic a segment. as for the other candidates, uh no one is under $45.00 even. so i'm pretty sure that the, the 56 percent off of the young folders that have gone to the pulse
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today. the realize that and the results are shown clearly um, on the quick count that we're leading at the moment. and this is a clear example of how the young generation and the older generation couldn't collaborate. and you know, resolving a lot of innovations that will be that we'll bring up the betterment of the dish app unsolved. the call, i mean, you'll counted as never been a member of any political party is not a disadvantage. does it make it more difficult to get the money that you need in order to run a big time campaign? well, not necessarily, even though i was supposed to be done is not affiliated with any political party. he got a lot of support from uh, 340 to go to the boxes and you know, uh high but it goes to your site,
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indonesia. so it's not about the backup that he uh, p s. k. but i think he was talking about, you know, the idea that many new nissans are our expectancy uh from uh, $0.42 a to bring in terms of, you know, so, so it just is, you know, welfare in healthcare and etc. and other than that is exactly the reason why, you know, honest most of it and decided to run for this, you know, presidential election because he believed that in the semi changes and the past out 10 years have shown that there was a lot of problems in the way that the government, you know, the lead for a nice problem is and this is something that i'm supposed to be done. i was very confident to be able to make those changes and to improve your life off all evening. since i'm kind of, i mean, when they talk about why, suppose, when people who don't know that much about in donation politics,
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talk about the candidates on display burial. so the mississippi on to, on your account to the all present, to this kind of solid continuity, fig goes. so what do you think it was that could have swung the vote in favor of your town to the if there's not that much between the on the board as the uh, both my doctor, i broke my foot party and the dates, the one a bunch of you and follow what it has been done, fill up any major for the last 10 years under already. as ms. reagan president joe collins, and we believe that the best candidate to, to continue the programs, those policies are the ones we will be the same error. we have the same background and also the same thing and also brought him to the same for the both parties and very closely to people like by god yet. so we always believed that what distinguished from that done by my effort, from the candidate to also want to continue the development. i've been an agent and the best thing to go slowly is nothing but i repeat bits about that doing and
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budget. but we want to either attend today. so uh, previously we believe that that was a practice wrong enough this way to borders. the origin of orders that would seek that, you know, the, the best person, the best time today, to taking an agent to, to the next level, just by god. and what has been shown so far by different results. i know it's, you know, uh, is that indicating the, the favor of lewis we saw savvy wanted, but hopefully we will use something different maybe next months. i'm. c can i ask you, i mean, in as well as defense minister, mississippi onto a said, we're close friends with china. we respect america and we seek friendship with russia, which obviously describes engine uses, policy of kind of known alignment. i'm being against on talking to stick blogs. i mean, obviously the well just going through changes at the moment. everyone talks about
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multiple r t during the rise ation. tensions are rising between the west and the east, let's say, is it going to been difficult to navigate uh for in a fast if i missed just to be on to the columns, then you need to a mississippian has to that he is a um, he has a really great diploma as a defense and it's very humane said good relations with russia. busy china and with the united states, and basically we'll continue when he, when he had sworn in as the new upcoming precedents. and with the changes in the uh for a uh, in the bobo dynamics. we are sure one thing we're supporting palestine, we're a friend of palestine and we will continue to place this in the global events in international conferences. and that is the one thing that let me start with the, until we'll be actively i'm executing for, and i'm pretty sure you will get
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a lot of support from the international community. do put this. i'm supposed to go, i do have to ask you because this is something, but it's talks about a lot, especially in the press. i mean, terry, the oldest you mentioned that provide was running mate, the president's son being thought to 6 years old, very young. uh, it can appeal to the use votes, and that's the fresh face in the paul to, i mean that was some changes, obviously, you know, for best to me, but how to be made in the quote in order to allow him to run. uh the accusations, uh and he, he was called a net per baby. what about this charge of nepotism? are you concerned about the direction of some movements in indonesia at the moment? i don't think many people are deeply concerned about the fact that the trouble is strongly made was able, you know, to get it to the uh, to the con,
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the station because of the epic out procedures that you went through due to the support problem. you know, his father and his uncle at the constitutional court. and we've been, you know, addressing this issue for the policy know, 2 months, asking people to pay attention to, to this uh, you know, ethical uh, issue that flags the candidacy of the call the sun. and we believe that these a cool didn't have that much the quality of our democracy because we're talking about the rate lease and the fundamental regulations that uh, get a free time to get this tool, you know, conform to the fact that, you know, operable to, to be uh you know, ignore the fact that an ethic of issues is something that she has to address uh, indicates that you know, pebbles in the basically, you know,
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doesn't really care about, you know, whether it is an ethical or ethic for his right. the major, you know, to be part of his candidacy. so this is a big uh, big issue that is going to be continued to address the people. and we hope that uh, it won't happen, you know, in the next election because really hope that you're not introducing democracy will continue to be stronger and stronger and untangled. and if i could find you just ask you, i mean i, we, we had that the in denise has lots of intonation. john less that will concerns about press free to. and they said last to the 8 to 9. the tax on, on media figures, are you concerned that under a potentials to be on to, for example, presidency we might say a father degradation of press freedom. oh yeah, certainly there are, there are concerns about about how we are price going to be going forward on the
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next pricing and also about the size or shape audience or not. because there has been spaces in the past. and also the behavior chosen by certain palsy people that probably is not really suitable, you know, for the press freedom and also depending on that spreadsheet on the internet. so something that we wish will might happen in the future is in the nation, going back to the final sounds, right, kid, in the, you know, from when the 30 years ago doing that, you start doing the new audrey game. we shall not going back there. whoever becomes the president, whoever in charge of the i for this region, because uh, what would be the biggest for the lives. uh for the 5 years has been very amazing in terms of the quality of our democracy just progressing every year. and hopefully, and hopefully we're not going back to the government page like we used to have. so
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that's our, that's our big wish that you should see it happening well, we wish, oh, you'll come to that lock of course. and from the fall, i have to say it seems like a mom of tough, 204000000 photos. 820000 polling stations, uh, 18 political parties. it really is a feat which of the way you look at it. we appreciate your time, especially on this day, which i'm sure is now blocking the many of you about self because i may have for terry kind of route on punch on. so hot and thank you so much i, i do not is how the news is taken out this wednesday. but if you want me on any of those tours and pools pension more, besides that, okey doke home is the place you check it out on the the most in the hospital in.


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