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tv   Documentary  RT  February 14, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EST

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or does our big wish, did you see it happening? well, we wished oh, you'll come to that lock of course. and from the fall i have to say it seems like a mamma tossed. 204000000 photos. 820000 polling stations. 18 political parties, it really is a feat, whichever way you look at it, we appreciate your time, especially on this day, which i'm sure is now blocking. so many of you that was solved because i may have for terry kind of route and i'm punch run. so hot and thank you so much i, i do not is how the news is taken out this wednesday. but if you want me on any of those tours and pools pension more besides, then okey doke home is the place you check it out on the the most in the hospital
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it teaches on all to decrease the late fif lord request a set to auto pay to the, to the, the, on the phone with us for the not everyone is obeyed the order to submit so so like now go talk to her. and this thing may have decided to stay in their home and not out, but his mother is 94 years old. she is very fragile. it has not left
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you a deal. you direct gotta you gotta, i gotta send this to. hi. nick, transporting her to another place would probably think it was trying to die from a broken heart. if this happens too often, i'm on the displaced the time that is not that i'm feeling i'm going to be an issue for me. the saudis up lindsey was the center our our see to see if i'm from upcoming. some of the stuff is obviously some of these are the, the, the, the, the, the the, the,
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the, the city where a matter of, you know, finish the most of the
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most on your sheet positions. nuclear power plant spring, director dice. one find incurable in with his decision to dissipate, took by injecting sea water into the reactor use defector site. the or the of the
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in 1954. when the rivalry with the former soviet union was becoming increasingly strong. and the world was divided into 2 blocks. the united states department of defense secrecy carried out to experiments. it's causing the cost of this experiment with an e p, a test consisting in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. the american scientists made a mistake and their calculations underestimation the power of the explosion, which was 3 times stronger than expected. the japanese fishing vessel dido for cordial model within the surrounding waters and was hit by the radio active phone out the the 23 fisherman had to
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be hospitalized immediately. google you m i t t, the marconi operates report. the vessel died a few months later, for an acute radiation syndrome. radio and television interrupted the pooled cost to spread the news. traces of radioactivity with founding tuna fish in the pacific ocean. and this falls, the cold bridge to come out from the open and confessed to choose the initial time because of fear of radiation time expressed. from that moment, tell him the people of japan have been totally full swipe in the check to meet the energy. the american government concerned about the spread of anti american and, and to nuclear sentiment in japan, a country it considered a military and economic base of great importance took appropriate measures by involving old japanese communications media using words such as peace, justice, and security. for the promotion of nuclear energy,
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the actually too much to tato, a war criminals suddenly reinstated, by the americans. and who in the meantime had become a power for low. b. as in media tycoon, played a very important role. he was a great admirer of american culture and he was confused at the nation's economic prosperity depended on the friendship with the us. from the columns of a newspaper, you'll meet your issue in boone and from his own private tv channel and the phone television. he launched a powerful and effective pro nikia campaign. in a few years, he succeeded in defeating the mtv and movement in his country and in persuading the majority of citizens, a team bracing nuclear power was no sonia wise, but rather an indispensable choice in 1950 for us. president eisenhower carried out the program item is the piece to sweep away the memory of the foaming of japan. and after only 2 years following the diagnosed include you model incidence
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a symposium on nuclear energy for simple purposes was organized and took place symbolically in hiroshima. must be totter, was chosen as the president of the new commission for atomic energy. the construction of the country's 1st nuclear power plant was soon announced. thus it was that the country which would probably have been lost in the world to a spouse. nuclear energy became one of its main and most convinced supporters the june. so more nothing can which many that items just argument that, that i do miss the news that i sent a lot yesterday. again, that's any kind of stabilization that them this now. so sort of the email
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from the nuclear gypsies, the nuclear power plant, seasonal workers, number in the thousands. and they are immediately recognizable. they seem distracted almost thompson, but in reality they are looking at you, they make you perceive and they have something to say. and they do, if you go to visit them in small taverns in the neighborhood at the nuclear power, they are paid 3 or $400.00 a day to be contaminated. although after the agency and can practice get their parts, every little comes up in their own pockets. focus cima. they represent almost 90 percent of the workforce and they would stand most of the radiation services in order to earn more thanks to those same letters or take a double shift using different names for sacrifice prompted by despair. necessity of making use me. currently, it's a traditional job, i was told about 5 to 10 days photographer,
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who became famous in the seventy's for his report. thomas's inside japanese nuclear power plants. okay. the show me don't really have that to your she back was. i said, thank you. own does a lot of people to i think the most and oh goodness you that what do you they do you not to tell them? what am i talking to my account so uh so you got to come up to them, this kiddo taking and i guess we need to develop you. yep. so if we just done the, the one that was there getting nothing, when you left in a new home name on there, more hold on, hold. i'll get back to the screen. i don't know if they're going to jo. those invest settlement from a client. i would tell me, hold on one second news on the corner of it and nothing to weigh a little. you know, we definitely get up to you. oh, we can definitely do it less than that. the, the middle of the night i called my boss or g i n, i said my recommendation is that retails us
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utilities. that g e cannot support the continued operation of these plans. and my boss said to me, well, it can't be that bad deal. and keep in mind that if we have to shut down all of these more important plants, it will probably mean the end of j as nuclear business. forever. the the the the home for you. no, not at the kind of made it to dollars to go to
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a proposal to have pardon? oh, certainly oklahoma so i am coming based next on this. the rear is site as a new but no one, especially typical one here to use the word when they're down, those funds. damage to the reactance where they pay the with the worse played for 2 months. some of them sign everything in in may so that they use for the right reactor tooth building is the only one still in one piece. but it's the source of the most the day just radioactive. the explosion that happened inside the building damage the base of the reactor, costing of one of the various rooms and underground conduits. every day,
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hundreds of tons of radioactive water spilled into the ocean. the cannot be met close on the 20. i don't know. i the soldiers that you might have that in motion, i'd sure to get them all fucking and i don't know, they don't know minister down the middle to down to the state of okay. oh yeah, that him all night. so then that was, you know, must for meeting that comes from the soldiers to a i years are still up to the green. now know for sure that the core i made the whole the metallic base of the city and came out to complete the so the only thing is the rates on here and the report from the government's investigation committee. because of the radiation. no one,
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not even the robots can approach close enough to understand how much concrete separates the korean from the ground beyond the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to great trust, rather than see it the areas, i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have some of the theme in the
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robot must protect this phone. existence was on the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how us tired vision with no real opinions pictures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. i mean, just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going on the ground can in the
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systems to collect the hundreds of thousands of tons of radio and liquids are no longer sufficient. the leaks everywhere, infiltrate the ground. some arguments that it would be best to throw everything over the point because fishing area has already been compromised. pacific ocean is so big the, but nobody really knows what to be a long term effects. the radioactive substances, infiltrate the food chain and color rise on the top, where we stand with our dictates. see, here's the
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thing to do to, to the, i'm not suggesting that is the program i basically sent on a to when i sent that on it and puts it on and on for 2. pretty cool. we did all these most typical invasive the photo much sooner. that information later supplied by workers confessed by the executives and then confirmed through concrete examples in the 641 pages of the color color report talks about a name cause catastrophe. everything but such a guys the
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to some of that i've seen these um top out in the business dealing down the acadia, and i don't want to be sent home. i'll put in a little glass of modesty to accompany, until you see what i want to products in that are the same on the left side of the street to someone who is in 1st state and sympathy. going to
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the career tower report shows that the direct cause of the accident for all, for seeable prior to march 11th, 2011. tough go was too quick to cite this anatomy as the cause of a nuclear accident and denied that the earthquake caused any damage. the direct intervention by the current day, including prime minister cons visit to the fax machine. but diane, she plant, disrupted the chain of command and brought disorder to an already dire situation at the site. the accident was the result of collusion between the government, the regulators, tapco, and the lack of governance by said parties the with their behavior, they have betrayed the right of japan to be safe nuclear risks the,
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the, the, i wonder what is possible that as of today there hasn't been any indictments for trial, let alone a conviction. all the criminal investigations that have been started have already been closed. we shall no longer prosecute. everybody is guilty. no one is guilty. as in war. if there is no guilt, there is no responsibility. and there is no seeing if there is no repentance mister, closer take care of this. this is the name on this one or wait for it to present to meet with us before tonight. so if you could send me, daniel or the me where the rio risk is to
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leave these rods where they are now on the roof of my building right before the is it in to our routine maintenance. so which consists of the replacement of the spent, the fuel was taking place at the reactor for performance estimates. and as the ask a lot, the, the room above to react to you so that, that was our level is even ways that the, the pool contains the new fil. a good, you know, when the cooling system is stopped working on your end, the room above and the reactor full of them there was only want to build a louder and decide the pool deal or the fewer loans inc. and this the new into the origin made with the water in the pool. boy, if the fuel had been left on top of that would be you had 10 of the mountains down, no carting. but this time obviously didn't happen. the co sequences would have
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the culture would have been told. the reason why this made down the the x ray has, has remained a mystery for a long time. it was only after several months. we got to understand tanks to
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look off the condition of the implants, due to the pressure increase in the re insert the key to the bar. that separates the reactor from the fuel to storage pool broke down, causing the water to pull out into the address. fewer stories, people had, again not broke. the water would have competing to evaporate that by causing met with a very short time on the portal is safe by chance. the the, the,
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the mess of nuclear being economic sakes has been swept away. this disaster has forced japan face up to refreshment than any other countries have already dealt with the wish. right.
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in the face of focus ship, we are japanese, the increasing global energy demand as things that the pass to renewable energy is important, but it is not enough. so the 12, the dream is nuclear fusion of an infinite energy. clean energy for all is still there, waiting for us. at the other side of history, of the seamless heroes were not enough. a bigger disaster has been forwarded because a gate south broke the we have been spared, because miraculously,
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something in the country of technology did not work. the the
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still in rushes offered to negotiate an end to the conflict in ukraine. but the hand sir, is always the same. washington says no to negotiations. indeed, divide administration is desperate to continue to fund ukraine's war effort. the window to negotiate is rapidly closing.
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my dad. yeah. but the one that says google for its own there. a cause really being which you don't get you on the should buy some of the new york house brackets the with them when you go $5.00 thing and i'm going to have to just have one that is out of minutes and we're going to be good to push that and use the motors, which window village article for me personally. she and we would have probably she up getting a good today just don't question what contributes to on the beach or were you in the move the cause of the vision that's pointless. subdued which is 2 of the scenes to show and you have no story ish, there's that private that. can those numbers are usually a garage wait a minute to look at osha, the glad it's amongst the people. could you just because that's
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the breaking news from iran pipeline in florida? as tyrone says, a huge claw, still one of the main gas supply routes in the country for sabotage. and so it had the right to the rule pain. overall, a few areas, palestinian struggles to comprehend the tasks of his whole family tilden recent. his rating attacks on a unofficial result in indonesia as presidential election show, the incumbent defense minister way ahead of his opponent. if the results found, he'd have enough support for an upright victory.


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