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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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or the people could you just because that's the, the headlines on how to international iran and saudi arabia declare they will deepen military cooperation to secure a regional piece as the tide menu. but the help of china stop the fed for the most go reiterate it is ready for peaceful, highlighting that is legitimate interests must be taken into account of the western media spins, but the cheapest way to fight russia is to pay with ukrainian life to be clear anything ukraine giving and wanting to create is the cheapest possible way for us to enhance that security. it's just, it's the pricing has been done by the for it is the people who are being killed the us and you are by supplying them weapons. and unofficial words. busy in coming from
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is an easiest presidential election, having the incumbent defense minister striding into the lead on. if indeed the result is what a stein you'd already be on his way to becoming the nations pop guide. the iran, russia, gossip, washington. it's a package program for you this our live one on the internet. so it runs defense minister i met with the saudi arabia's ambassador on choose day to discuss bi lateral cooperation. during the meeting, he sent a message that western intervention in the middle east is compounding the regional crisis of today's conditions in the region. a sensitive and complex us in western intervention and support can complicate the security conditions in the region and caused a major regional crisis ties between a ron and saudi arabia for years or a month to buy rivalry. but last year, with chinese mediation, the 2 states restore the diplomatic ties,
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a reopening of their respective embassies and in culminating of the leaders meeting last november. during the most recent beat up tear on stress, the necessity for the most lim, world to unite behind. palestine was fine, is the prime issue, the islamic world and the entire globe is necessary for the muslim countries, especially the important regional states to act decisively and take a more coordinated stance in this regard to fulfill the religious and humanitarian judy, which will have all the math it with the secretary general of the palestine unit national initiative, mustafah bought a booty. he says a further improvement of ties between the 2 was actually a below 2 american foreign policy in the region of listening for yourself. i think that is the exact competition between the so that it is very positive because it would so that the land you know, the, the plan was about to bid on some of the alliance. i guess of course this is very
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i think it's also and i think this is one of the pay for it's, i'm conditional and continuous support. and what they're trying to achieve through this policy is actually becoming uncomfortable. and the tv is exactly the opposite of this i can see specifically, but i am sort of both both of them see that this sort of the current american support the i know this might be on. so i know that kind of
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plan is not in my life. so it's a big thing. and that, that's one so, so that the 1st thing in the past and most people who are staying in iran, a massive explosion to one of the countries major gas pipelines has being labeled as sabotaged by tyrone petroleum minutes. the more and that's coming off in just a few by minutes favor on this program. so most of it remains open for peace towards with key of rushes interest start taking into account and that is the message for rushers, 4 minutes to still get off or off. and just one of his latest speeches, i must say, i'm stuck with into that we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement, new crane based on taking into account our legitimate interest and realities that
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have developed over many years and have now led to the current situation and while the western players continue to lambaste and moscow and disregard any piece proposals from western media outlets, don't hesitate to say the ultimate plan out loud. have a blessed, a. to be clear, a trade given the money to grant is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance that security. it's just, it's after the fighting has been done by the ukrainians. the people who are being killed the us and you are supplying them weapons. but let's just that down and show it with all these are shape. those are joining us, it live and this judy a wow. i mean just wow, the comments from, i mean, how is it ok for the west to suggest the ukrainian lives don't match. so i'm shocked by what i just so it's quite remarkable. i mean, it comes paired with this idea that it's russia that doesn't want to piece in your crate, and that's pay for the not the case versus holding
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a door open for negotiations that we see that. but it's also, you know, a link to this idea of this narrative now in the west, this idea that ukrainian lives are cheap. uh, once they're dying, we don't have to, i just don't necessary real strategic reality. and that's it. these are allies of the west of funding and pain, but for these people to die, their 3rd, their facilitating this for us. we had present, improve the suggest during his interview with tucker carlson. you want the war to and stop paying the finance to buy the weapon? stop. that's supporting this concept. it is more. we've had people like lindsay gray, i'm talking about, you know, the russians are dying is the best money we've ever since. we've had comments like this is the best investment for international security. and recently, we've even had the polish president rory suggesting that this is a good way to stop imperialist russia of the russian is an imperialist, however, wants to be. and we also know that as well from the comments that mr. boot said, and also mr. level, that's all the listen to what
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a mr dude said. and the dodge defense chief boy. some of this, it is very simple right now. russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply because american soldiers are not dying. but if we don't put a halt to russian aggression now, there will be a very high price to be paid. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war. we're not fighting. and so i think we have to engage also in the dialogue with our americans colleagues and, and friends because they have the same interest in way. of course, the 14th brain is very cheap way to make sure that russia, with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines. so it's remarkably easy for the adults defense minister who's a citizens and soldiers aren't dying on the battlefield. mister, due to who is a gardener, shoot western aid for his military. also from the united states, the military industrial complex. this circle of fear, re you need to have
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a mass of army need to invest massively. we've had you installed burg, hoping to keep a cleaning, how good this conflict is for the american military industrial complex on a visit to for the big i was one of the factors on, you know, you also with us of who actually cares about you find at the end of this complex rush, it will still be your brains, a neighbor at the end of the conflict links. these find means your links. these cultural historically will still remain one interesting voice from within your price. at the excess senior advisor, i'm very close compet on the front of a lot of minutes. lensky alexi artist voltage has actually suggested that it's only russia that wants peace voice, some of the a just because will ups the loop. now i'm going to say a terribly seditious thoughts between rashid for any of united states pollutant is the only one who wants peace. and yet, at the end of the day we, we keep hearing about russia being this, but with the amount, i mean, i mean, we keep hearing this coming out of washington, but i guess what is in it for the west? why does it keep selling this terrifying global bogey?
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fine idea. what am i view of the view of minneapolis? i think it's about fear, as we mentioned, fear of fuels this military industrial complex that also fits into the whole rational for the existence of nato. the not the bunch of trinity organization which was established to counter soviet russia and soviet russia, the soviet union cease to exist. the warsaw pact cease to exist for nato actually began sweet spot. we've even had people, again, still work suggesting that, you know, russia isn't the actual effect in the report for the munich conference, which is upcoming. they've actually suggested that russia is now no longer a truck in germany. only 2, only 2 countries actually now a see at russia as an imminent threat, and that's the u. k. on japan. and we learned about that in this interesting report, which is a named lose lose, which is in itself is,
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is remarkable. really think about the terminology, lose lose this unit, the uh, security conference for 60 years old, very little and desist based for him at where vladimir putin, you know, made a landmark speech in 2007, outlining much of what exactly has occurred. the encroachment of nato onto russia's borders at the division of the world into this uh, uni, pulled a world where the united states sat at the center of this head gemini. this was all highlighted on the report now this year is telling and its name and its content. let's have a listen to some of what it actually says. the threat from russia and related risks, including the use of nuclear weapons by an aggressor, an energy supplied disruptions still rank considerably higher than in 2021. but compared to last year, they have dropped in the risk index. so, i mean, this report remarkably is reflecting some of the realities and one of the key points also there is that, you know, older countries,
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countries in the global south with the emergence of bricks they're, you know, disengaging, if you like from the globe list agenda, there's studies say, well, what's in this for us? we see what this happened with the russian assets as well with the seizure of assets and the, the rules based or being one where united states makes the rules and gives the orders where we. so it seems that there's a bit of a see change. the name is interesting. lose lose on of some gay level. said at the uh, the russian is open for peace. it's open, it's left the door open. i think a present improve this interviewer. took her across and it was quite remarkable. he left the door open. he suggested that this schism in the world between the 2 orders isn't a healthy thing, but a sort of a lover of said at we will sit down and talk peace, but will be based on the reality now on the ground. well, exactly, and the reality is very much in russia's favor and not in the favor of the native american proxy will in ukraine, just quickly. you mentioned talk of costs and you know, he set to food and the what europe's freaking out right now,
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do you have expansion is plans off the ukraine improvements? that's what lithuanian lafayette potent, what do they have that we want this something interesting their, their economies are in the toilet. we have no expansion, it's posit, old. and then you think back to what put in admitted to talk a cost and that you many years ago, then president built engine food and us clinton kind of russia join nato. clinton's a good idea. let me speak to my bosses. he came back and said, no, you're not going to join nato, you know, it's just been, it's been an see russia ever since. the collapse of the us as a ship is always appreciate your work. thank you. switching gears to gaza now why fi has continued to mount, but a full scale is really ground. a sold could be a head in the southern city over that i find the 2 girls you see right now see that a and suzanne has sooner, both killed on monday in his really strikes. the sisters died together alongside 6 other members of the family. the only survivor able to he must sooner he lost both his parents, 2 brothers, a nephew,
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and of course the 2 girls who what his nieces and he recalled the moment it had to identify every man. i'm not sure when i saw them. there were 3 unidentified people . i was scared to open the body bag and see what's inside. i opened it and i found my mother. my father had visible marks, identified him from his clothes, my brother, his children, and his wife. i was able to identify them from the small pieces of their clothes. well, this stuff which has been so if anything online, since he's ready to attack, it pulls to show one of the young girls we've been talking about her body. just about seeing, there's tough to watch anybody. he spoke about the tragedy. what happened to his excuse me and, and the targeting was direct. i found them torn apart and they were killed in cold blood with no mercy. i'm talking to you now amid the debris between the pieces of my family members and their clothes, i was extracting them and i saw the remains of our house. all of them were torn into parts. well,
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the day to day lives of so many palestinians have basically now just turned into a simple bashful for survival. i mean, you know, medicine is in very short supply and long choose a distribution centers with us so long and us so little to get that. so many people leave empty handed. the situation is compounded by some aid convoys, apparently being deliberately targeted by this really meant a tree, a muscular in the owner. and my brother in law juma was among thousands of people with cancer in the gaza strip, had and they all stopped receiving treatment after the targeting of hospitals and gaza. and so there is no place for treatment, no pain killers, where my brother in law was placed on a waiting list. but he didn't travel due to the long procedures used by the occupation. you must obtain many approvals to flee and receive treatment abroad. and now he's gone, he died due to the lack of medicine, we will treatment and low chance to travel abroad. we even struggle to find oxygen for him to breathe his condition worse. and after the war started,
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when the disease was discovered, it was in its early stages. it could have been treated with 4 months of fierce war on our people in no treatment available, a condition worsened and led to his death. and i'm on my home is gone, a 4 story building destroyed completely. i have 6 sons and 4 daughters. each had an apartment, they were living in my building, but now it's gone and my children and i are displaced. i was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 6 years ago and i've received treatment since then in gaza in jerusalem. and in ramallah today, there is no treatment. i'm dying sitting here, my children went to search the hospitals to find pain killer pills for me to get by the disease. i feel it affecting my whole body. i lie in bed in pain. i sit in pain, there's nothing but living on pain killers. i can walk 10 meters and was before the disease. i was 97 kilograms and now 30 kilograms are gone. let's go back to our top story for you here, and i'll have to you international iran and saudi arabia, that declaring that they will deepen that military cooperation to secure regional
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piece. if you remember, it wasn't that long ago with the but it, ron, it started right. but what, but basically had a reproachful, they were brought back together by china serving as the media. so that's across live now to us, feel political expert and fix it. a guy with joining us here, one of the international in victor, a very well well, can see what it does seem like china is a mediation has certainly brought some good results. so any, any other positive developments we can expect for that region? do you think thank you very much. yes indeed. in 2023. try not exercise. ready good offices and remediation to bring the kingdom of saudi arabia at the wrong together. now this prop pressed the ball was very difficult to achieve because for historical reasons, political reasons and wrong. and so the review did not get along well. now, china was a good friend of both the wrong and saudi arabia, and saw him from last year. china decided to use it's friendship with saudi arabia,
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on the one hand that you're on the other hand to bring them together to achieve the rush press small. now they not only restore the diplomatic relations exchange, the best of us, and now the boys to make more progress. the mutual cooperation a, you may also know both saudi arabia and iran, members of the brakes organization. and i think with such participation in the same organization, they will get close to each of the of the stand each of them and decide to do long corporation. i try that will be very happy to promote such cooperation between iran and saudi arabia, in the sense, try that is survey as a guarantor of the friendship renewed friendship. and i think given the special in for us. but each of these 2 countries exercise in the muslim world, there are 1st of all and friendship and close at corporation. we're really bold,
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well, for the most of the world for the higher upload ad for every is not a big believer throughout the world. so this is a very positive develop, but i hope china will do more to promote such rubbish mall between and among other countries in the world. i think so, i think you make a really good point. i'm so glad you brought up the bricks aspect of it all, as well as saudi arabia and iran, a 2 of the newest members joining briggs to. and when you talk about china being the media to all these are approach mall between, between re add and of course tell ron, do you think, what was it china must have mentioned the whole brick side did to them. but do you think china are in any way presented them with incentives to have this reproach small to be friends again? do you think a well, from the chinese perspective, iran and so the ruby, i have all the reasons to be friend blake towards each other because that mutual
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suspicion, that hostility, the alienation from each of the really do themselves no goods and also will uh, tear apart the muslim world at large, and therefore china seas all the reasons to promote such rubbers mall. china itself does not have any vested interest in this, but when we talk to somebody already be on the one hand, then you're on the other hand, we always emphasize the great contribution of peace and friendship between and among nations. especially considering the very special role that you're on and some of the ravia play a mom the most of the countries in the world. so i think we emphasize on the positive side to emphasize on all the benefits we can gather and for both of them to become members of the brakes on the binds ation. eventually also bode well for
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cooperation. you may know when we talked about the breaks organization, there are quite a few energy countries in the breaks framework, including saudi arabia, u, a, e, rob, and rochelle, for example. china itself is also a large contributor and producer, called energy of all kinds. therefore, the bridge corporation will really need to develop a very heavy focus on how did you corp for all the members themselves, as well as for all the of the friendly countries in the world. you know, i think you make a very good point that, victor, i appreciate you saying that i just wanted, i wanted to ask you because, you know, on the topic of this meeting was palestine and taking into account the chinese experience and promoting piece. um, i know that when off the top of the $710.00 us attacks and gaza, pretty soon off about an arab league delegation, went to china, basically asking for health. now we know that, you know, in recent months and in the past year, we've seen china working as a mediator to help bring peace and certain parts of the world. do you think china
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can in some way help to prevent, to, to, i should say present that of a solution to the ongoing conflict in gaza? it is the biggest hot spot right now. indeed, my understanding is that for all the very beginning trial now has been actively promoting the 2 state solution as the only viable solution to solve this is really part of city and conflict. and china has been urging all parties involved it to restore the ball the other side to the 1967 boulder, and also to restore is the general zillow as the capital city of the state of palestine. now, i think china is not only talking about the rising, but also is making its tremendous amount of effort to put its weight on israel. and the one hand that was filed the other hand to move in the right direction. because the consistent and never ending possibility and the deprivation of the legitimate
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drive. and so the policy be and people will not cover the tenacity piece for the israel palestine. the tool deprives the articles and the be the least of lasting piece. therefore, from the chinese perspective, the only right thing to do is to promote the best of supplements and solution of all the digital bit rides on the policy and be able to view the policy the and people as human beings as much as to look as is rate is as human beings is the only right way going forward. therefore, i think china is actively promoting that legitimate goals for the palestinian people. and it is different calls. i understand because israel has the full supports all the united states and some western countries. and this support is actually tearing apart the west, the world. if you go to the united states, you see a lot of people including policy. me is the arabs,
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as well as some is really, is a jewish people, the mob d, that ceasefire. be achieved as quickly as possible to end the suffering of the civil is inc. pablo starting in godaddy, but kill us. and i think china is joining all these forces to call on isabel. this stopped a wall to achieve ceasefire, to end the hostilities against the palestinian people and to restore that you do, but rides on the policy the people. i truly believe china will stand very firmly to defend the legitimate rights of the policy and people, especially those suffering in gaza. it is truly a human tragedy to see that about 75 percent of the say really is killed in gaza. a woman at the george. this is acceptable by any sped that for the international committee to do today. and i think any decent processing in the world to join forces together to call in upon israel to stop the tv of the palestinian,
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especially the protest speed is it really is especially the women and children being gaza for that. so let's see if a israel actually decides to listen to that whole the i c j and potentially the i c c as well. victor, a go share professor at the to call university joining us live in beijing. it's always great to see you. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. by huge explosion rocking one of ron's main gas pipelines in the countries. petroleum minister says it is an act of sabotage. he added the contingency plans had been in place to mitigate the consequences of such an incident. this is with a prediction that we had for a long time about the possible terrorist acts of our enemies and considering the recent events in the region. we were prepared to act quickly in the event of vandalism, to our oil and gas pipelines from the early hours of the explosion in the gas transmission pipelines. my colleagues at the national gas company will be run
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quickly, re routed supplies around the network, and specialist teams were dispatched to the scene of the incident. and fortunately there were no casualties. the enemies goal of cutting off the gas and the major provinces of the country will not be achieved while exactly to massive explosions ripped through uh, 2 different provinces. um and there wants southern regions at the same around the same time, the early hours of wednesday. initially we heard about the 1st explosion that took place in little jane county. and as long as the south western jo hardaman han and f t r e problem is targeting a high pressure gas pipeline there in dad county. and then um i, a few hours later we heard about this 2nd explosion that reportedly came shortly after the 1st explosion. but in another region in the province of fars in southern iran, of course, above both,
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the explosions came around the same time in the early hours of wednesday and both targeted. the major arteries of air was national gas pipeline, which transfers now natural gas from the main hub of it was gas production in the persian gulf, all the way to it was northern and central regions, including the capital one. shortly after the fire broke out. um, i was a massive fire of course, and the last was huge and i'm based on eye witnesses. i with is a said that the sound of the explosions could be heard from as far as 60 kilometers away from the main side of the incident. but for now, um the, the, the fire has been up put out by firefighters and the coast is clear now based on reports released by us already using both provinces. of course, we have heard from the iranian house already used at the instance. both incidents
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have led to no casualties, but the cause of the incident is still under investigation. the head of the yes network or control center site. i really immediately said that it was an act of sabotage, a wanting officials, but they did not point the finger of blame at any entity or any person or any country, but such industrial incidents are not on common india. rhonda foresaw yvonne has in the past experienced such um, industrial incidents or accidents, but usually those instances were blamed on israel and that there been um, several incidents i'm targeting, it was a nuclear facilities or a long as i'm arms production factories in the past. and there one usually blames those incidents on is really intelligent services, but whether or not this latest incident have anything to do with israel or the wide
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or regional compound that so unfolding in that region between as well and how miles all these questions remain to be answered in the following days and hours. well, over 200000000 people are eligible to vote and even easier and many have now finished costing the ballots in the local parliamentary and presidential elections . probably. so bianco has a big lead of his opponents. right now. it's according to early unofficial results . the light is coming in right now. he has claimed victory to lead the nation based on the preliminary count. now just for a moment, let's take a brief look back at how the presidential pairings were well supported in parliament. in recent days, for example, this distribution is like the, the change however off of the count for the new parliament is full on. but here's how it looked before. the frontrunner and his vp of been a while they've got a 45 percent of the support that from members of the house of reps with a, with a another to contend isn't a pretty distant the 2nd in the position. we have all the details here from the leading candidates headquarters with us. he corresponding rebecca that was to put
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the order the earlier election today. no one has already declared that his support the the parties that has been resolved
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orders if waiting for probably and vice president and his people to deliver a speech of victory speech reporting for r. yeah. can you imagine what 200000000 people costing the votes and already they getting early numbers here to potential early winter as well. we'll keep you posted here on ology international program. returning the top of the hour the the, the
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