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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the top headlines here, we're not to, as iran and saudi arabia declare, they will be put in the middle, the tree cooperation to secure a regional piece. as the bi lateral ties mended with the help of china. bad. the both approved and easiest defense minister training victory and the nation's presidential election. it comes as preliminary results, have him the head of the next 2 contenders. basically in atlanta and slides at moscow reiterates it's ready for peace. told tile, i think that is legitimate interest must be taken into account. otherwise the media spin of the cheapest way to fight with russia to pay ukrainian life. to be clear, a crate given and wanting to create is the cheapest possible way for the us to
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enhance that security. it's just, it's after the fighting has been done by the craziness that the people are being killed the us and you are supplying them weapons. the, all right, i'll guess the correspondents are standing by for a busy hour of your top story. so straight into we go here. we're not to you international kicking off this out with the very latest as we have to start an hour . at least 4 people have reportedly being killed nearly a dozen more wounded in his railey stripes on to southern lebanese towns. the upcoming video showing the ones that smoke arising from one of the sites a report claim among the victims were of a local woman in the hot to sundays. and it comes as his relatives confirmed a massive wave of a time, cuz that's how getting his northern neighbor, more details coming as they in of the mean time it runs the defense minister. i met with saudi arabia as i'm pass it on choose day to
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discuss the bilateral ties during the meeting. he sent a message. the western intervention in the middle east is simply compounding the regional crisis. today is conditions in the region, a sensitive and complex us in western intervention and support can complicate the security conditions in the region and caused a major regional crisis course. and we'll have to watch these uh, use of july for more details live from tara, and you said great to see you. well, what else do we know about this meeting between around and re well, we're all right. this is by far the most outstanding development and ties between your bonus. saudi arabia, after the former arch photos, was toward diplomatic ties in march last year. the 2 sides are now speaking about military and security cooperation. and this demonstrates how committed the tool
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countries are to engage more closely and more quickly. you directly general. she only said one in saudi armed forces can collaborate and military security, intelligence, and technical fields. he added that such engagement, quote, serves the interests of both countries that will also contribute to the advancement of, uh, security and stability in the region. especially now. i mean the gaza war. there was defense chief now urged all muslim countries to join hands and work together to resolve the crisis in palestine. palestine is the primary issue, the islamic wells and the entire globe is necessary for the muslim countries, especially the important regional states to act decisively and take a more coordinated stance in this regard to fulfill the religious and humanitarian . judy. what closer ties at least between your bonus, so do you already as to the regional powers could settle many dispute steak of the
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solid eco elections. we. busy are on the i meant for example, or iran and to solve you can get used to back opposing sides. now, following the china immediate reproach, mon reach between to juan and re off in march last year or the you have any war has largely subsided. at least the us now cannot course, the saudis, the fight, the iran backs who sees a p. m a. and this has also played out to the gaza war as the who is now have concentrated their forces on supporting palestinians. and these righty war with home us now we see a growing convergence between um, most lim, leaders as they seem to be putting aside their grievances and focus, focusing on the way to end the gaza crisis. one notable example is turkish president, oregon's historic visit to egypt. which is ongoing now as we speak, it came after more than a decade of frosty ties between ankara and cairo. and has made clear by already
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gone these way. different stuff in the gaza strip would top the discussions with a jeff from president as easy this as, as long as the defense minister i should be on the side closer, the regional integration will leave no chance for extra territorial forces like the west to metal and regional issues that stuff won't believe that's us military presence in that region and it's unwavering support for these. why do army is the main reason why the guys a complex has dragged on. all right, live and cetera, and i'll tell you through the july. thank you. we were discussing this message that touch earlier in this program with the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. mustafah bought a booty. he says a further improvement of ties between tyrone and re add is actually a blow to american foreign policy in the region. how about us and if we guess, and i think the use of, of improving the competition between that and, and so that it is very positive. and because it would show that there is that
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a lead plans are you know, the one is there any plan was about building and is it a lease on the alliance? i guess that on, of course, with his feelings as i think it's also shows that the american policy is and i think this is one of the most is that our medicaid is paying for its unconditional and continuous support to is there any aggressive policy and what they're trying to achieve through this policy is actually be coming from production. and the tubing is exactly the opposite. that isn't, it is on a for the have plants, i am sort of both. so yeah, they've got to do it on not a very what about the fact that as it is the only nuclear invasion and most of them see that this whole, the kind of americans support those that are, is happening. most of the, i know this might be a, this development might be also a blow to the is the american plan of normalizing the relationship between so daddy
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and visitor. so it's a big thing if it goes on and that, that also shows that the palestinians have to be unified and the, that's all the forces i guess because of this and must be together. all ties between iran and saudi arabia for years with mocked by rivalry. but last year, with chinese mediation, the 2 states restore diplomatic ties. reopening their respective embassies and culminating in the latest meeting. last november, we spoke with a chat professor of 2 count university, victor gao. he says that ronnie uninstalled, the participation in the bricks, grouping of helped to pave the way for cooperation, the balls. so i'll do a review and the wrong members of the breaks organization. and i think with such participation in the same organization, they will get close to each other on the stand each other and decide to do long corporation. i try that will be very happy to promote such cooperation between iran
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and saudi arabia. in the sense china is survey as i got it in tall, of the friendship renewed friendship. and i think given the special ed for us, but each of these 2 countries exercise in the muslim world, there are for a small and friendship and close that corporation will really bold. well, for the most of the world, for the ira blogs and for every is that make believe up throughout the world. so this is a very positive develop, but i hope china will do more to promote such a proper small between and among other countries in the world meantime, and other diplomatic development in the region as the turkish president, for the 1st time in 12 years is right now on a visit to egypt to promote wants and the muslim nations to unify behind palestine . it certainly seems like a coalition of independent regional act as being formed. this is
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a developing story. it will keep you updated with finality in an easier and defense minister has claimed victory in the nation's presidential election. also followed. the results are unofficial, but the count has him well ahead of his opponents. so let's get more now. across life to chicago, nazis correspondent rebecca, and up at the pool of joining us now for the very latest on this, i think we spent about a 5 2nd delay in our transmission. but if you would take us to the latest developments, i will, the front runner is now say the yes that is right. roll read. just like what you said. probably earlier in the to declare a shad are so called victory's speech delivered that he is the president for all. and he also mentioned that this victory belongs to all in the nations. however,
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he also see that that he will wait for the final results that will be announced by the election commission in, in the middle of march next month. and he also mentioned that he will respect the results of the official results that will be announced next month. but if we look at different kinds of quit counts from different types of independent organizations, it's a pretty obvious when it's a, it's a land flight when we're probable. so be and soul and he is 5 presidential candidate. you, but i'm black. i'm moving to that cock lead with 55 percent and they asked for trout if we compared to the other candidates with i missed the best way that and will high man is scanned data, reaching only 25 percent. and what a surprise, what came to a surprise to most innovations is den jennifer i know and my foot,
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and they only reach about a 10 percent because god, jennifer know, and boss with em. they're backed by the ruling party side. is ruling indonesia right now, especially in the legislative positions. the democratic party of struggles for this came as a surprise, but the winning itself. it's undeniable. probably the very latest that from chicago just off the 9 pm locally onto correspondent rebecca and put the pool. thank the almost go remains open for peace talks with key rushes, interests start taking into account and that is the message from rushers 4 minutes or so get out of her office. and one of his lexis speeches must, i'm subgroup into that we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement, new crane based on taking into account our legitimate interest and realities that have developed over many years and have now led to the current situation. as it
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shows as well. so in west, an actor has continued to live in boston, moscow and openly disregard any piece proposals from western media outlets. and on hesitating to say the ultimate plan out loud. i want us to be clear, a crate giving and wanting to create is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance its security. it's just, it's after the fighting has been done by the craziness, the people who are being killed the us and you are supplying them weapons. it comes paired with this idea that it's russia, that there's one piece in your training that's paid for the not the case of which is holding a door open for negotiations. we see that but it's also, you know, a link to this idea, this narrative. now in the west, this idea that ukrainian lives are cheap, that once they're dying, we don't have to, i just don't necessary real strategic reality and that's it. these are allies of the west or funding on pain. but for these people to die, they're there, they're facilitating this for us. we had present include the suggest doing his
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interview with tucker carlson. you want the war to and stop paying uh the finance uh to buy the weapon. stop that supporting this cost of this war. we've had people like lindsay gray, i'm talking about, you know, the russians are dying is the best money we've ever since. we've had comments like this is the best investment for international security. and recently, we've even had the polish president suggesting that this is a good way to stop imperialist portion of the rush is an imperialist, however, wants to be, and we also know that as well from the comments to mr. fitness it and also mr. level the tell the listen to what a mr. due to said, and the dodge defense chief. some of this, it is very simple right now. russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply because american soldiers are not dying. but if we don't put a hold to russian aggression now, there will be a very high price to be paid. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war. we're not fighting. and so i think we have to
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engage also in dialogue with our americans, colleagues and, and friends, because they have the same interest in way. of course, the 14th brain is very cheap way to make sure that russia, with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines. so it's remarkably easy for the dutch defense minister who's a citizens and soldiers aren't dying on the battlefield. mr. duda, who is a gunner shoot western aid for his military. also from the united states, the military industrial complex. this circle of fear, rory, you need to have a mass of army need to invest massively. we've again, salt. we're hoping to keep proclaiming have gold. this conflict is for the american military industrial complex on the visit to ask for the big i was a lot of factors on, you know, you also with us of who actually cares about you find at the end of this complex rush, it will still be your brains, a neighbor at the end of the conflict links these find mean here, links these culture to historically will still remain one interesting voice from
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within. you frame uh, the accessed senior advisor. i'm very 1st confident, defend them flooding. there's lensky alexi artists old, which has actually suggested that it's only russia that wants peace for some of this officials because it looks. and now i'm going to say a terribly seditious thoughts between rashid craney. the united states pollutant is the only one who owns peace and you're at the end of the day we, we keep hearing about russia being this, but with the amount, i mean, i mean we keep hearing this coming out of washington, but i guess what is in it for the west. why does it keep selling this terrifying global bogey? fine idea. what am i, you know, the view of minneapolis? i think it's about fear, as we mentioned, fear of fuels this military industrial complex, but also feeds into the whole russian all for the existence of nato, the north atlantic treaty organization, which was established to counter soviet russia and soviet russia. the soviet union cease to exist. the warsaw pact cease to exist,
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port nato. actually because sweet spot. we've even had people again stopped work suggesting that, you know, russia isn't the actual fit in the reports for the new new conference which is upcoming. they've actually suggested that russia's now no longer a truck in germany. only 2, only 2 countries actually now a see at russia as an imminent threat. and that's the u. k. on japan, the reports now this year is telling and its name and its contents of it listen to some of what it actually says. almost all indicators related to russia's war on ukraine have full and including the use of nuclear weapons, buying aggressive and energy supply disruptions while russia was still the top risk for 5 g 7 countries. last year, only the citizens of the u. k. and japan still consider it so german citizens now only see russia as the 7th grade is concerned, and autonomy and see it is the 12th. this report remarkably is reflecting some of the realities and one of the key points. also there is that, you know, older countries,
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countries in the global. so with the emergence of bricks there. yeah. you know, disengaging, if you like from the globe list agenda, there's studies say, well, what's in this for us? we see what this happened with the russian assets as well with the seizure of assets and the get the rules based or being one where united states makes the rules and gives the orders where we so it seems that there's a bit of a sea change. the name is interesting, lose lose. and as soon as a level of set at the uh, the roof is open for peace, it's open, it's left that door open. i think the present improve this interview. it took across and it was quite remarkable. a huge explosion targeting one of a, ron's main gas pipelines in the country. countries patrol the minutes to is calling it an act of sabotage. yeah. did. however, that continues the plans had already been in place to mitigate the consequences of such an incident. i susan with a prediction that we had for a long time about the possible terrorist acts of our enemies and considering the
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recent events in the region. we were prepared to act quickly in the event of vandalism, to our oil and gas pipelines from the early hours of the explosion in the gas transmission pipelines my colleagues at the national gas company, i'll be run quickly, re routed supplies around the network, and specialist teams were dispatched to the scene of the incident, and fortunately there were no casualties. the enemy's goal of cutting off the gas in the major provinces of the country will not be achieved. renaissance of the fire has not been contained, that as he said, casualties, no casualties are being reported now, so i'm guess supplies were caught to nearby areas as a precaution, an investigation is now underway. just to give you a broader perspective, it'd be around gas trunk line to pipeline is 680 kilometers long. it's considered crucial to connect the country's entire energy sector almost to 13000000000 cubic meters of gas trans, of the pipeline every year, providing energy to cities like that. ron, as for hon. com,
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academic and political analysts, the side will have a motor on the should his take on the possible perpetrators behind the blast. i would say it was probably be as rarely use or the americans are both because most of the, the road to be there at times on that do take place in iran are funded by is rarely is and americans. it's either a v, a they come in from the northern iraq, the territories, or they come in from the border on, alongside the progress on the border with the run around syria. and yeah, we're not actively supporting the people and cause of the resistance, enabling them to defend themselves. so there's res, definitely seek revenge. that's why they regularly attack syria. that's why the us and that is right. and the british heart attack and yeah, ment of doing it to support as well. in case if you're on there's really is we'll try to do whatever they can,
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but their capability is against the wrong or increasingly limited. israel has so many problems and crises now. uh that it's really unable to do anything serious against the country. so i would say that if it was a terror attack, it's not it, wouldn't it? it's not impressive as well. the biggest active environmental terrorism, the world of us. so the memory use of the node stream pipeline sabotage in 2022 was still fresh as another pipeline attack. this time in iran sets of more concerns about another bout of eco side back then, despite numerous accusations, no one was ever officially blamed. but remember, recently put in total, tucker carlson, the c i a was the one with the means and the mode you have to blow it up the global times warranted back then the such dangerous presidents has the potential to lead the world into a dangerous well the damage to the crime in bridge caused by a truck explosion which comes less than
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a month after the north stream. sabotage opens a pen doors box of destroying civilian and key infrastructure. and once such moves become a new normal, the whole world will be forced to face rising security threats. and the almost predictions that seem to have come true. just mentioned for us, do you agree? i agree creating an attack on the crime in bridge. the light key have destroyed the ammonia pipeline of a hot coal for regions spock a more eco so i have concerns. russia was able to prevent an attack against the tux stream pipeline, which connects energy sectors of moscow and crew when it's done well in our 1st law, to the university of, to iran and professor of political communications areas for what is already joining us here on ality international and a very well welcome to you today. so sorry, it's on such bad news the wrong, you know, it's hard. he's saying the explosion on the pipeline was indeed an act of sabotage . when you think back to putting in his tucker calls and interview i when, when tucker calls and said who blew up the notes stream of food and said you have
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to look at those who would be interested in doing such a thing. so i ask you the same question regarding the iranian pipeline, sabotage who would be interested in carrying out such an act to i think the same time. so it's, i think it's a is really, i'm at least i'm a patient. i read the north a st pipeline. that was the americans. i think this is a joint operation. this is part of what the united states that i've said about causing difficulties. but i don't know this type of attack stereotype x are not common that you need on. and the what to be see today, i think is related to what's happening in palestine. i think the united states government has looked at 2 different things that they can do to time is you don't need and people. and as you know, we're going to have an election part of my connection in the dining about 2 weeks.
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so i think the calculus is that cause difficult to use interviews in the winter months and, and the create there's some level of discomfort or the create an atmosphere that the people are suffering. and then obviously the suffering of not having gas is not comparable to what i'm assuming and so going to get no electricity, no water, no food, no at this thing. but this is the nature of the united states government. am i talking? infrastructure is what they have done and throughout the history from the very beginning and they continue to exist size that level of terrace. do you, do you think profess a is already that this pipeline talk in iran is really going to have the desired effect by those who look behind the attack. i mean, you talk about people being a hug you talk about of the season of winter this stuff in the other,
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but we have an iranian guest on any, i'm sure, you know, professor mohammed mirandi, he said this a talk a wasn't so impressive. your thoughts you know, the meat on in the minnesota of oregon has managed to make sure that people are large you know, getting gas continue to get gas i. i'm talking to frontier on and we have no, we have no interruption in terms of the gas supply that you don't, you have to enjoy. they're all over the country. but, but it, you know, they're not taught. that's a lot of options for that maintenance because they're fixed on disability. right. so the take advantage of anything that's available and this type of my tax was, you know, it said it does. the housing of kilometers of a pipeline in these are so a finding
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a place to blow up the pipeline is not very difficult. and this is the, so it's b c. so, you know, when it, when it comes to, for example, um people, perhaps you want to find unrest you mentioned election is not that far off and external actors may want to fund from and hundreds. i basically do the double n g o's. do you find hundreds, you get people upset and then they want to cry for regime change. but nowadays, professor is already, iran is a strong country. it is not sa, getting under the weight of western sanctions so much anymore. it's really standing on his own to feed these days. israel right now has a number of crises is trying to address, but do you think it wrong today is the same country? it was 5 or 10 years ago. is this culture of existence? and is what the americans are doing. they actually backed fi,
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so them to people see that foreign countries are trying to damage or the new citizen. this is, you know, then you know, gas pipelines and you're like attacking in the mid 3 side. you know, obviously there isn't that attacking, you know, i'm in the military sites instead of the countries they know this is, it's going to obviously be the consequences when you're attacking soft targets. so obviously you're trying to hurt the people then you may backfire, you know, get on saturday to this for the 5th anniversary of the victory of this time except for ocean just a few days ago. and if it wasn't for this stupid, this would be of us policy makers. shouldn't that you don't years shouldn't be any good to celebrate. what do you say for the 5 years of revolution? so the continuous existence is assigned that these type of
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attacks and difficulties that sanctions are not to the tubing, the desired goals that the united states. joining us when the university of to around professor of political communication fall off is the idea of life. and so ron, thank you for your time. we appreciate your insight. thank you. the guys are now aware i fear has continued a mountain, but a full scale is riley ground. a sold could be a head for the southern city over alpha. you say the 2 girls, right? the cedar and susanna house sooner. yeah. they were adorable. they were killed on monday and it's really strikes the sisters died together alongside 6 other members of that. finally, the only survive of equal to him whose son he lost both his parents to brothers and nephew. and of course those 2 girls who wear his nieces and we managed to speak to him and he recalled the moment you had to identify every man a hello am i just when i saw them, there were 3 on identified people. i was scared to open the body bag and see what's
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inside. i opened it and i found my mother. my father had visible marks, identified him from his clothes, my brother, his children, and his wife. i was able to identify them from the small pieces of their clothes or the following photos just being going online since days riley attack. it's tough to my account, but i propose to show one of those young girls we've been talking about. the body is seeing here, it's a well, that's tough, tough to watch. really. hey buddy, he spoke about the tragedy that happened to his entire family, excuse me. and, and the targeting was direct and i found them torn apart and so they were killed in cold blood with no mercy. i'm talking to you now amid the debris between the pieces of my family members and their clothes, i was extracting them and i saw the remains of our house. all of them were torn into parts. well, if you know the day to day lives, of many palestinians is now just turned into a basic baffled forest of bible medicine in very short supply, then there are long q is a distribution centers,
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but was so many people there and so many hungry mouths. many people leave empty handed. the situation of coal is compounded by some aid convoys, apparently being deliberately talkative ideas, really minutes, right? the muscular and the owner and my brother in law juma was among thousands of people with cancer in the gaza strip, had and they all stopped receiving treatment after the targeting of hospitals and gaza. and so there is no place for treatment, no pain killers. my brother in law was placed on a waiting list, but he didn't travel due to the long procedures used by the occupation. you must obtain many approvals to flee and receive treatment abroad, and now he's gone. he died due to the lack of medicine, we will treatment and low chance to travel abroad. we even struggle to find oxygen for him to breathe his condition worse and after the war started, when the disease was discovered, it was in its early stages. it could have been treated with 4 months of fears, war on our people, and no treatment available,
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a condition worsened and led to his death. on the i'm on my home is gone. a 4 story building destroyed completely. i have 6 sons and 4 daughters. each had an apartment, they were living in my building, but now it's gone and my children and i are displaced. i was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 6 years ago and i've received treatment since then in gaza in jerusalem. and in ramallah today, there is no treatment. i'm dying sitting here, my children went to search the hospitals to find pain, killer pills for me to get by the disease. i feel it affecting my whole body. i lie in bed in pain. i sit in pain, there's nothing but living on pain killers, i can walk 10 meters before the disease. i was 97 kilograms, and now 30 kilograms are gone. and the story continues online right now at all t dot com or also across odyssey rumble multiple telegram channels as well. many ways for you to find your news. the method is the most. this is aunty into


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