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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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on the headlines or whatnot, the easiest defense minister claiming victory in the nation is the presidential election comes as preliminary results happen by 10 to the next 2 contenders. in atlanta, iran and saudi arabia declaring they will be put in that military cooperation to secure a regional fees set bilateral ties mended with the help of china bad. the 1st part of the time does most go reiterates it's ready for peaceful, highlighting that is legitimate interest must be taken into account with the media spin, split the cheapest way to fight russia. mr. k. e. would you crate in line to be clear? a trade give a wanted to create is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance its security . it's just, it's the 1st thing is being done by the premiums that the people who are being
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killed the us and you are by supplying them with the, a lot of movies on today's geopolitical chessboard, particularly in the southeast asia where countless millions have come out of so taking off and he was our right now in indonesia where the country's defense ministers claiming victory and the presidential election sofa are based on early results. the unofficial count has him over 30 points ahead of his opponents. correspondent rebecca and i put to the file this report from chicago probably earlier in the clear ration or so called victory speech delivered that he is the president for all. and he also mentioned that this victory belongs to all a nations. however, he also see that that he will wait for,
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for the final results that will be announced by the election commission in, in the middle of march next month. and he also mentioned that he will respect the results. but if we'll look at different kinds of quit counts from different types of independent organizations. it's a pretty obvious when it's a, it's a lamplight, when we're probable. so be and soul and he is vice presidential candidate. you but i'm back. i'm going to back up lead with 55 percent and they ask for trout if we compare to the other candidates with a new fast way that and will hi ma'am. it's kind that reaching only 25 percent. and what a surprise, why it came to a surprise to most innovations is guy jeff. i know and my foot and the only reach about a 10 percent. because guy, jeff,
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i know and boss with em. they're backed by the ruling party. the democratic party, all struggles with this, came as a surprise. but the winning itself, it's undeniable right now to another fund and the will that israel is frankly waging on its neighbors. at least 4 people reportedly killed and nearly a dozen or more wounded in his riley as strikes on 2 southern lebanese towns. the video showing plumes of smoke rising from one of the side boats claimed that among the victims were a local woman and her 2 sons. how do you tell them is that israel has confirmed a massive wave of a time? said targeting his no the neighbor with all the details in coming, we'll pass them on to you as we get it runs that defense minister met with saudi arabia's ambassador on choose day to discuss the deep by laughter, real ties. during the meeting, he sent a message that western intervention in the middle east is compounding the regional
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crisis in today's conditions in the region. a sensitive and complex us in western intervention and support can complicate the security conditions in the region and cause a major regional crisis is by far the most outstanding development and ties between your bonus. saudi arabia, after the former arch foes, was toward diplomatic ties in march last year. the 2 sides are now speaking about military and security cooperation. and this demonstrates how committed the 2 countries are to engage more closely. and the more put to you directly general. all she only said want in saudi armed forces can collaborate in military security, intelligence and technical fields. he added that such engagement quotes serve the interests of both countries that will also contribute to the advancement of, uh, security and stability in the region. especially now i'm at the gaza war. there was defense chief now urged all muslim countries to join hands and work together to
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resolve the crisis in palestine. palestine is the primary issue, the islamic world and the entire globe is necessary for the muslim countries, especially the important regional states to act decisively and take a more coordinated stance and disregard to fulfill their religious and humanitarian . judy closer ties please between that one and so the are the as to the regional powers could settle many dispute steak of the solid eco elections war on the i meant, for example, were iran and a solid. you can get used to back opposing sides. now, following the, trying a mediated run approach mon reach between one and we all and march last year, or the how many war has largely subsided. at least the us now cannot course, the saudis, the fight iran back to these are p. m a. and this has also played out to the gaza war as the whole thing is now have concentrated their forces on supporting palestinians and these ready war with come us. now we see
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a growing convergence between um, most slim leaders, as they seem to be putting aside their grievances and focus, focusing on the way to end the gaza crisis. this as well as defense minister i should be on the side closer the regional integration will leave no chance for extra territorial forces like the u. s. to metal and regional issues as to why don't believe that's us military presence in that region. and it's unwavering support for these where you are me is the main reason why the gods a conflict has dragged on. we were discussing this earlier with the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and mr. boost off. i bought a booty. he says that further improvement of ties between tyrone and re add is actually a blow to american foreign policy in the region to have a listen for yourself. i think the use of, of to improve exam cooperation between the of that and, and so database very positive. and because it would show that there is that
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a lead plans are you know, the one is a plan was about building and is it a lease on the alliance i guess, do then of course, with his feelings as i think it's also shows that the american policy is and i think this is one of the most is that our medicaid is paying for its unconditional and continuous support to is there any address of the policy and what they're trying to achieve through this policy is actually becoming uncomfortable, productive. and one that i think is exactly the opposite. that isn't it is on a for they have planned, i am sort of both. so getting beyond it on not a very what about the fact that is it or it is the only nuclear region. and both of them see that to this whole, the kind of americans support those that are, is happening. most of the, i know this might be a, this development might be also a blow to the american plan of normalizing the relationship between so data and
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visitor. so it's a big thing if it goes on and that, that also shows that the palestinians have to be unified and the, that's all the forces i guess because of this and must be together well, ties between the iran and saudi arabia for so many years. we're mocked by rivalry, but last year with direct chinese mediation, the 2 states restore diplomatic relations reopen their embassies and it will culminated in the leaders meeting last night. and we spoke with a chat professor of to call university evicted, a go. and he says a ronnie and, and saw the participation in the briggs strategic family in his health, to pay the way for mutual cooperation falls. so be a review and the wrong bears all the breaks, all with eyes ation. and i think with such participation in the same organization, they will get closer to each other,
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understand each other and decide to do long corporation. i try that will be very happy to promote such cooperation between iraq and saudi arabia. in the sense, try, ma, is survey as a gutter and tall of the friendship renewed friendship. and i think given the special in for us. but each of these 2 countries exercise in the muslim world, their operational and friendship and close that corporation will really bode well for the muslim world for the ira blogs. and for every is that make believe throughout the world. so this is a very positive develop, but as i hope china will do more to promote such rubbish mall between and among other countries in the world. meanwhile, another diplomatic development in the region as the turkish president for the 1st time and 12 years as rock now one of the visit to egypt to promote what's aimed at unifying muslim nations behind palestine. we're looking at potentially a,
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a coalition of independent regional states being form that really could have something better in the program of correspondence tells us the huge explosion targeting one of robin's major gas pipelines, the countries petroleum minutes to identifying it as an act of sabotage. he added that contingency plans had, in fact already been put in place to mitigate the consequences of such an incident . of the i see with a prediction that we had for a long time about the possible terrorist acts of our enemies and considering the recent events in the regions. we were prepared to act quickly in the event of vandalism, to our oil and gas pipelines from the early hours of the explosion in the gas transmission pipelines my colleagues at the national gas company, i'll be run quickly, re routed supplies around the network, and specialist teams were dispatched to the scene of the incident, and fortunately there were no casualties. the enemy's goal of cutting off the gas
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in the major provinces of the country will not be a cheap iran, a gas trunk line to pipeline is 680 kilometers long. it is considered crucial to connect the countries in bost energy sector. almost 30 bailey and cubic meters of gas passed through a yearly providing energy to big cities like to iran. s for han and come we talked about it. we're not good at making a political analyst the side will have a lot of id who shared his take on the possible perpetrators behind the bloss. so i would say that's probably the as rarely use or the americans are both because most of the, the road to prepare at times that do take place in iran are funded by this ray of these. and the americans is either the or they come in from the northern iraq, the territories, or they come in from the border on, alongside the progress on the border with the run run,
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syria and government are actively supporting the people in cause of the resistance, enabling them to defend themselves. so these res, definitely seek revenge. that's why they regularly attacked syria. that's why the us and that is right. and the british are talking yeah, means of doing it to support it as well. in case if you run this, riley is, will try to do whatever they can, but their capability is against iran are increasingly limited as well. has so many problems and crises now that it's really unable to do anything serious against the country. so i would say that if it was a terror attack, it's not it, wouldn't it? it's not impressive. or you remember the biggest active environmental terrorism of the world of a soul, the memories of the node stream pipeline sabotage from 2022. the memories are still fresh as another pipeline, a time this time in iran sets of concerns about another bout of eco side. back then,
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despite numerous accusations regarding the old stream, no one was ever officially blamed. but remember, recently vladimir putin told talk of costs and the c i a was the one with the means on the motive to blow it out. the global times warmed back then that such dangerous presidents have the potential to lead the world into a very dangerous realm. of the damage to the crimean bridge caused by a truck explosion which comes less than a month after the north stream. sabotage opens a pen dora's box of destroying civilian and key infrastructure. and once such moves become a new normal, the whole world will be forced to face rising security threats. and the ominous predictions that seem to have come through already i just mentioned the 1st day of creating a talk on the crime me and bridge a year later, key of destroyed the ammonia pipeline in the heart of golfer age and spot. the more ecos items of a rush, it was a to able to prevent an attack against the tuck stream pipeline,
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which of course connects energy sectors of moscow and, and corrupt. well, earlier in the program, i spoke with a professor of political communication at the university of tyrone and a professor for what is id. he says, states that remain silent in the wake of the a, ronnie, and pipeline at the time should be aware of what might come back. this is part of what the united states have said about causing difficulties. sabrina, this is the nature of the united states government and attaching infrastructure. it is uh, but they have done that throughout the history from the very beginning and they continue to exist size. that's 11 of terrace. the countries that are silent when it comes to the despite, there is separate question. it should realize that it's united states can engage in this type of a terrorism doctor. i showed you that they could be next. you know,
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this actually may backfire and majority of people in the country that has a level of animosity towards them. then this may actually create unity between countries. the question you got, and that is result is that the united states wanted that you would be actually not what they taught. it would be opposite that what they want to touch it for the past. the hour here on the russian capital must go, remains open for peace, tolts with key if, if russia's interest stuff taken into account. but that's the message from rushes forward. ministers still get out for often just one of the latest speeches must them subgroup into that. we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement in ukraine based on taking into account our legitimate interest and realities that have developed over many years and have now led to the current situation that will go to the categories as well. so in the west
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and the actors continue to lambaste moscow and openly disregard any of these proposals, some wasted media outlets don't hesitate to say the ultimate plan out loud. if you want to have a listen to this. to be clear, a trade given money to current is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance that security. it's just, it's after the fighting has been done by the crate. is that the people who are being killed us and you are supplying them weapons? it comes paired with this idea that it's russia, that there's a one piece in your credit, and that's pay to the, not the case of russians holding a door open for negotiations. we see that but it's also, you know, lead to this idea of this narrative. now in the west, this idea that ukrainian lives are cheap, that once they're dying, we don't have to, i just don't necessary real strategic reality and that's it. these are allies of the west of funding and pain, but for these people to die, their 3rd, their facilitating this worst. we had present, improve the suggest,
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doing his interview with tucker carlson. you want the war to and stop paying the finance to buy the weapon stuff that's supporting this cost of this war. we've had people like lindsay gray, i'm talking about, you know, the russians are dying is the best money we've ever since. we've had comments like this is the best investment for international security. and recently, we've even had the polish president suggesting that this is a good way to stop imperialist russian of the rush is an imperialist, however, wants to be, and we also know that as well from the comments that mr. boot said, and also mr. level the cover, listen to what? uh, mr. dude said, um the deluxe defense chief. some of this, it is very simple right now. russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply because american soldiers are not dying. but if we don't put a halt to russian aggression now, there will be a very high price to be paid. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war we're not fighting. and so i think we have to engage also in the dialogue with our americans colleagues and,
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and friends because they have the same interest in way. of course, the 14 frames very cheap way to, to make sure that russia with this regime is not the threats to nato alliance. so it's remarkably easy for the adults defense minister who's a citizens and soldiers dying on the battlefield. mister duda, who is a gardener, shrewd western aid for his military. also from the united states, the military industrial complex. this circle of fear, re you needs to have a mass of army need to invest massively. we've had to install work hoping to keep proclaiming have good. this conflict is for the american military industrial complex on a visit to ask for the big. i was a lot of factors on, you know, off the, with yes of who actually cares about you find at the end of this complex, russia will still be ukraine's a neighbor at the end of the conflict links. these find mean here, links these cultural historically will still remain one interesting voice from
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within your price. the accessed senior advisor, i'm very close, confident in the front of a lot of minutes. lensky alexi artist voltage has actually suggested that it's only russia that wants peace for some of the stuff. now i'm going to say a terribly suspicious thoughts which we rush these crazy. you know, just say you just put the futon is the only one who wants to paint and you're at the end of the day we, we keep hearing about russia being this, but with the amount. and i mean, we keep hearing this coming out of washington, but i guess what is in it for the west? why does it keep selling this terrifying global bogey? fine idea. well my view of the view of minneapolis, i think it's about fear. as we mentioned, the fear of fuels this military industrial complex that also fits into the whole version of the existence of nato. the north atlantic treaty organization, which was established to counter soviet russia and soviet russia, the soviet union cease to exist. the warsaw pact cease to exist for nato actually
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began sweet spot. we've even had people, again, stop work suggesting that, you know, russia isn't the actual effect in the report for the unit get confidence which is upcoming. they've actually suggested that most so no longer exists in germany, only 2, only 2 countries, actually, nope. as see russia as an imminent threat, and that's the u. k. on japan, the report now this year is telling and it's name and it's content. let's have a listen to some of what it actually says. most don't indicate is related to russia's war on ukraine have full and including the use of nuclear weapons by an aggressive, an energy supply disruptions. while russia was still the top risk for 5 g 7 countries last year, only the citizens of the u. k. and japan still consider it so german citizens now only see russia as the 7th grade is concerned, natalia, and see it is the 12th. this reports remarkably is reflecting some of the realities and one of the key points also there is that, you know, older countries,
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countries in the global. so with the emergence of bricks they're, you know, disengaging, if you like from the globe list agenda, there's studies say, well, what's in this for us? they see what happened with the russian assets as well with the seizure of assets and the, the rules based order of being one where united states makes the rules and gives new orders where we so it seems that there's a bit of a see change, the name is interesting, lose lose on us. 17 level said at the uh, the rush is open for peace. it's open, it's left the door open. i think the president put this interview it took across and it was quite remarkable. full of pockets done in 5 minutes to ship as chevy for set to return to power the following last week's election as officer his party confirmed it would lead a coalition of junior parties to form a majority in parliament. and that signed likely to go down. well, with him or on the con, the alex didn't know jail former premier, his party had backed schools of independent candidates who ended up winning most
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votes. but he's outright refuse to take part in any condition. a peachy, i will never compromise on people's will. and i've categorically instructed my party against engaging with any political party that has robbed people's mandate, including p, p, p m l, n, an m q m. well, allies of pakistan's, former prime minister iran con. uh, one of the most seats in the lower house of parliament, the last thursday is election that did con was a shop to many given the obstacles the pci policy without jailed form of cricket star the hell was banned from holding campaign around these. the other 2 mainstream parties led by cons, arrivals failed to secure enough seats to form a government on their own. however, they started coalition pulse once it became clear the cons loyalists. so taking the lead and the earlier i spoke with a member of the people's party sally, my mind to the wall about how he plans to move forward. we had to approach the bpi and perform the move. but the decline.
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and then obviously the had no choice and much moved off to the 2nd, the largest part b, b from the government. and so the government is being formed. but if this is what happens on and actually if does return to power, how do you think that will go down with the public considering a majority vote if an independent condos backed by cons p t. i mean, do you think that could be trouble on the streets as some have suggested the way actually they had an option, but they did not the adoption. so i don't see any reason why they shouldn't be making trouble. obviously a government has to be fall there, so be the vice city part, the requested us and we agreed to, to support and then perform. because as you say i'm, you'll code ocean so i didn't want it to be democratic. that's why it invited the p t. i to form a coalition, i get that. but at the same time, iran, a con,
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remains behind bonds to the 2 things go together. well, this is nothing new in buckets done. then is he able to was behind bus and elections? what happening? she wasn't exactly. so this is not the 1st strain. this is happening in boxes. the leaders have contested the y, b and j. there are the zip code district even inspect our party was bag to contest and we had to form a new party to contest elections. but our plan is not, but the plan is to bring stability to bring the alerts so the system can continue. we are more concerned with the system continuing than anything else. we don't want to be the democracy in part to start. we don't want to do things between create uh, issues for democracy in boca so. and that's exactly the, the, the, the views of,
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uh, what do you guys as i mentioned a bit earlier in the program, the focus president, jeff, out of the one for the 1st time in 12 years. it's on a visit to egypt to meet with his counterpart in colorado general to now on top of the announced agend, there was a conflict in gaza. the 2 latest discuss the she made a chair in aid for the in battle and clay with hopes to unite regional states to find a lost in solution to the price as well as part of this, not one cross live w correspondent, mail the door, and who is now standing by process and assembled about 6 25 pm. well, what do we know so far? i'm elder about about the to lead us getting together. we were hoping for some big results. one might imagine the age already dismissing was very significant. it is the 1st time president i wanted to think egypt and simulation public holiday to the following p r ups during now. the cheerleaders have been talking several issues, big slides and also on top of the agenda. now post the full day declared up to
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country was thoughts uh to the workforce seatbar. the goal is that they both come to israel in humane actions and they called a port of the blockade on a arriving in gauze to be removed as soon as possible. and they said that they will be working on that the presidency. she has pulled for an independent palestinian state route for the ad on said that he is planning to build the field hospital in tulsa as you will take pause in the, in the building of the construction for all that costs. so besides that stuff on top of your job, that was also displayed to key law just to trace partner portion of egypt about 8 percent of the agent marketplace is with touchy. so you're not planning to bring that model number is fine. robbie with about $16000000000.00 also trade between the
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2 countries. president as well also stated that he will be working together. they will have the choice project in the defense industry. you know, depends on the funds in the search is rolling and they're not planning to partner and invest about sweep, building investments uh in each of uh, other than that, the country to also be to think about the cost would be more expensive to put in an add on sites that uh, the $2.00 countries will be working together to bring an end to the conflict in a suit on small yacht and lift the lid. yeah. is the key words here because the 2 countries are at the sides of the. 7 to like in libya, which one slot for the housing for hall stuff. uh, gibson, probably, uh,
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quoting pops up and try keeps according to central government. now it seems like the how many policies about media and are all set up. so i mean, he's hoping to talk to each other in that complex present. it's lucille mentioned, maybe all he said that they will increase consolidation and live. yeah. and besides that was another significant of coins that president could have been smoking was energy. he thought that the rates will increase consolidation and corporation in energy. well, why is that significant? well, because uh, youtube, grease 5 percent israel have signed a deal. in fact, in 2022, about the 3 year deal that won't bring the middle ascends off to europe. her key was extruded up from the agreements. while it seems likely that the other 2 countries working together to bring talk,
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you may be on the table on the take very much regarding what besides it was that today will be watching the corporation on energy deal. so those are the top lines. uh, the most important things the toilet does have the okay. the uh, the quotes. oh hi keith. this is barbara significantly. the nice de golf. uh, what was the she visited the hallway literally. the um for a bitch um that has all of the card actually following. they are up spring, back in 2011 and uh, back in 2012 following the cruise in egypt. uh, the relationships are really historical low, but now it's service was working together to restore their relationships back as i live in its novelty correspondent mail to go and thank you. thank you. you have the significance to add that out of the one visit and age of meeting with cc you in the
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1st time in 12 years it gives you an idea of the significance of the visit is the main focus is that help accomplishing dollars or how fox the our business auntie, we're backs the the the.


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