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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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continued to find ukraine's war effort. the window to negotiate is rapidly closing . the indonesian defense minister playing victory and the nation's presidential election becomes as per the men, are you results having the head open next to the content as and what looks to be a long slide a rod and saudi arabia to clear, but will deepen military cooperation to secure, a regional piece as the biological ties mended with the help of china via the 1st case president with that added on vivid egypt for the 1st time in 12 years to promote the coordination of independent regional states to protect palestine and as moscow reeds right gets ready for the peaceful, highlighting that it's legitimate interest must be taken into account west and
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media space. is that the cheapest way to fight russia is to pay with you create in life to be clear, a trade given why don't you create is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance that security? it's just, it's the 1st thing is being done where the crate is that the people are being killed, the us and you are supplying them weapons, the head of the welcome to our teach, an option of reaching you live for my new center with moscow. i am michael porter with the updates. now kicking all of our news, i had indonesia, web, a country defense minister that has claimed victory in the presidential election so far based on preliminary results, the on the official account has, has been over 30 points ahead of the next 2 contenders are these corresponded rebecca and not be to pull filed in this report from the nation's capital, a scattering party held by the winning team. all presidential candidates double us
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will be unable and vice president shows candidates. he but i'm black. i'm moving to that guy has to come to a nam earlier today, but i will also be ample. and he but i got a couple of things that i got gathered and met with their loyal supporters. bravo. so bianco stated in his speech that this victory is a victory for all and that he is the president for all in the nations. this claim of victory came from the results of the quick counts that has been gathered around the nations from independent organizations and in all of those quick town. but i will also be on to one in the 1st round of the presidential elections. 555 percent.
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we can say that it's so winning and slammed slides because again, try to put on all my foot am be the one who's backed up by the ruling party in indonesia, especially in the legislative part, the democratic party, all struggled only able to reach 18 percent while the other candidate i missed the bus with dad. and well, i mean is found that they took 25 percent of the votes. however, but i will also mentioned that you will wait until the official election results will be announced by the election commission next month, around mid march, and also encouraging all the nations to respect the results. and this is also a statement that are being delivered by the other 2 candidates. i missed the best way that and then jeff, i don't know. i looking at the conditions right now. look at all the results from
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the quick calendar and firmed into as the as i'm of the people, the winning trouble and give it in is undeniable. they're big and happy to reporting from jakarta for our team. but you run defends, administer match with saudi arabia's in bassett on tuesday to discuss biological co operation. during the meeting, he sent a message. the western intervention in the middle east is compounding the regional crisis of today's conditions in the region sensitive and complex. the us in western intervention and support can complicate the security conditions in the region and caused a major regional crisis. this is by far the most outstanding development and ties between your bonus. saudi arabia, after the former arch foes, was toward diplomatic ties in march last year. the 2 sides are now speaking about military and security cooperation. and this demonstrates how committed the tool
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countries are to engage more closely and more put to you directly general. i'll shoot you any said want in, and saudi armed forces can collaborate and military security, intelligence and technical fields. he added that such engagement will serve the interests of both countries that will also contribute to the advancement of, uh, security and stability in the region, especially now at the gaza war. there was defense chief now urged all muslim countries to join hands and work together to resolve the crisis in palestine. palestine is the primary issue, the islamic wells and the entire globe is necessary for the muslim countries, especially the important regional states to act decisively and take a more coordinated stance and disregard to fulfill the religious and humanitarian. judy closer ties please between your bonus. so the or the as to the regional powers could settle many dispute steak of the solid eco elections war on the i meant,
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for example, were iran and a solid. you can get used to back opposing sides. now, following the china immediate reproach, mon reach between one and 3 off and march last year or the many war has largely subsided, at least the us now cannot course, the saudis, the fight iran backs who sees a piano. and this has also played out to the gaza war as the who is now have concentrated their forces on supporting palestinians and these ready war with come us. now we see a growing convergence between um, most slim leaders, as they seem to be putting aside their grievances and focus, focusing on the way to end the gaza crisis. this as well as defense minister i should be on the side closer the regional integration will leave no chance for extra territorial forces like the u. s. to metal and regional issues as to why don't believe that's us military presence and that we do. and i mean, it's unwavering support for these where you are me is the main reason why the guy
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is a conflict has dragged on. i mean, while another diplomatic development of the region tech is president present at yvonne has for the 1st time in 12 years visited egypt to meet with his counterpart of the photographer, cc'ing, cairo. pumping. the agenda was the conflict in gaza and the 2 leaders discussed committee chair and aid for the bottled enclave. and the hope of uniting regional states to find the lasting solution to the prices are to use corresponded to mail that dawn has more so. so it is the task time sensitive. i wanted to think egypt since election, public tolerated uh, following crops right now. the cheerleaders have been talking uh several issues being displayed on the on top of the drums. uh, now 1st the full day did click that to complete was thoughts uh to look for a seat far in crawls out. they both comes on is royals,
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inhumane actions. and they called ports of the blockade on a arriving and because of to be removed as soon as possible. and they said that they won't be working on that the presidency she has called for an independent palestinian state. well, perfect, then add on, set that par key is plenty to build off silver fields. hospital. any thoughts are on egypt will uh take pause in the, in the building of the construction offsets hospital. what besides garza on top of each um that was also played. so key is the largest trade partner of egypt about 8 percent. agent trace is with touchy, so they're not planning to bring that model number. follow up with about $15000000000.00 and also trade between the 2 countries. presidents as well, also stated that he will be working together,
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they will have choice for drugs in the defense industry. you know, the defense industry is rolling and then i'll planning to partner and invest about actually building investments in egypt. so those are the top rawlins most important things up to, to me, the okay. the uh, the quotes of hi keith um is your firm and significant for them is in these, these off the hallway literally as the of course actually follow, which they are up, spring back in 2011 and back in 2012 following the cruise in egypt, uh, the relationships are really starting to cool low, but now it's super smart working together to restore their relationships badge. let's not cross live to international news editor. most stuff i can make sure booth
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. joining us from is simple. most definitely, it's good to have you join me right now, l. c. c, and 8 of on have both expressed desire to unite mazda in countries in a bit to aid policy, and how viable is bad and what needs to be done for that to a hello. uh yes it's, uh it's, it's a kind of difficult task even though that you did most of the cartridge there as being a strong reaction. i got a gauge is i am action so you guys are still around it in the field office. it's a big part of the seas, this cartridge, the toner, g, jude, you're on and saw the power house of the me to lease. i have the problem message a relation to each other. but uh with this uh with it which sites uh, meetings. uh,
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i guess the people actually pays the, the, the, this cost for this coffee store. so how come grow at these to provide some and, you know, the, uh, continuous monetary assistance to people in gaza. so i piece of wire, and the answer is a nation. he can present as long as the customs. yes it is. uh, is that it was an important part for uh for does he know right. what, why the benefits, the thing the resumed cooperation will bring for both the key and egypt? yeah. well, actually just uh, probably driven all of that before it does mention me tend to be said going on, not from the truck as far in minnesota. uh, and i noticed that the turkey, he's willing to sell, coma ross to egypt, which, which was, i guess,
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very important that all right. so it is charles intention for both the congress to double about maybe 10 times. uh and uh, i think it said it said on to to create because the bose headphones. uh they said both above the importer. so establishing such uh accidents. um so i guess it for both. um he be so based on advantages. but most importantly, economy because the, the, for the price is 2014, the due, this change agents had a strong economy corporation which had been, uh, they use so uh, and they are both private insurance. um set that they uh they will receive
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the physical cost so many things. so i guess the advantage for both of these are going to be done in both have some kind of difficulties, especially uh, last use. now, washington has obviously been sidelined here, not necessarily in the position he lives, but how, how do you perceive american in for the lines in the region this days? you know, tennessee is uh and that's the age of identity. did the most the offer is right of egypt is most important minutes. tell me a lot of us as soon as i get uh, let me uh, use the last that has been provide me with the egypt. but i just say this, we see that the, the west sidelines. i as we know that the iphone.
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so the west uh, gradually decreasing. uh, because it's, uh, it's, uh, the product is actual actually it's the actual boston because of the sections in rock because of the sections and the other, you know, in syria. so i think the sister, the uh, sees the cartridge like 13 inside the radio and you wrong for sure. uh, each day, part of the demo looked dish relations. i. yes, the and the us uh us will have uh some uh we'll have more difficulty finding that. that part that's the reason i guess. overall we have to leave here now because the vacuum ratio bu a national news editor. thank you so much for your insight. badger
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it's been nearly a month since e's real maid bombshell allegations. that's the own why staff were complicit in the 7th of october. i time since then. i didn't turn oh you an investigation has been launched, as well as a separate us external review of the monitor, the spot, the unprecedented allegations. it appears that no concrete evidence has been offered so far. the 13 owner staff members were directly involved in the october 7th masika. that was the tip of the iceberg. do you have any other didn't flip out to you? i'm going to question because it wasn't because this was all collected because this was all collected on the basis of intelligence west visited with our allies. intelligence that has been shared with our allies are, what was the pre owned because britain claimed a didn't know. i can't speak to the specific intelligence that has been shed with individual western partners, but that evidence is out that it is clear, the real x evidence about those betsy may use. where is it?
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how do you post it to the you? i mean, investigational notes. we do not trust the you an investigator, you have, it is taking place. there is no one be handled, ice in front of anybody in the united nations. the united nations, which has been covering up the how most presents literally 20 meters underneath the un headquarters in gaza, cannot be trusted to conduct any sort of internal reviews or given the way these parts would be useful purchase governments. i'm not personally aware of what material may have been passed on between our intelligence agencies. for at least 16 countries responded quickly. suspending contracts with the many tear and group that has supported means of displaced policy unions over the last 7 to 5 years. despite the fact that bookcase only concerns like evasions, again, 12 own while workers to get the graphs. so that's a risk represents only 0 point one percent of each team. now which includes over
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$15000.00 employees in the guys a loan in response to you. and bobby took steps to try to calm the situation down. we have ask an call for, for corporation from the east, reggie authorities to share with the organization prove, or indication or evidence about this already been allegation too much. remember this was said they have learned about this allegation. i have taken to this, the exception on decision us to suck the 12 people based on allegation, not on proven evidence on the number of feats and have questioned the absence of due diligence that's in reality. and indeed, the reverse due diligence or any thing that several things about the investigation is my services to
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the extent on investigation. but while the idea of continues to destroy civilian infrastructure, we can gather, say, get, is being used by him. by as many things and tunnel systems exist beneath one similar shaft was reported to the needs of law school. the idea of claims that leads to the agencies headquarters in gather city. israel, i'll use that to have mass, couldn't have planned such a passage without the help of you and officials. according to the group, i just ations mazda 1st, be examined and proven. now this resend footage from northern gather shows the remains of the old war headquarters in its school. both buildings have been significantly damaged with some parts totally destroyed. according to the own y, e 's role has tape more than 150 on the structure. as soon as the spot of the
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conflict. this all comes as palestinians who have chosen to stay are struggling to survive, as there's no way to go unlock of food water and other resend shells. a normal box also do not allow one to our homes and found that it will completely bombed as the whole block was flat. and we came to the school here and found that it had been boned to try to find a place in the school. but there was none, were up to the town and settled into it. each tons, houses, at least 50 people, got the coffee. it is old damaged here, but there is nowhere else for shelter. this is our only option. i have the people who call us at one support, they want solid food and water. is it fair that the people of gauze at it cool and bali valley is used to be animals and even of that? there isn't enough. the 1st thing in the middle east conference,
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all the discussion club was held in moscow and tuesday. i would heard from you as a barrier from the middle east castle on global affairs. your voice skepticism over to terry needs role on rafa and express concerns over a wider regional escalation. if you listen to what 1st is kirby what say yesterday? and when day asked him why the united states has not stopping the supply of flippancy, says, is the right, you know, we want to help as well to defend itself defending itself against it, against the civilians, against the children that are being bombed on a daily basis and killings on, on a mass scale. i don't believe that there is such discrepancy or disagreement between the 2. assuming that by them knows what he's doing, you know that he's a clear mind that it is already a small fire. but i think it could do on the larger scale, especially if there was
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a grand operation. i think that some non state actors that leave in states may, may get involved with a, you know, we won't know what will happen, but it would be on a large scale. and it can create, have a, in the homepage. and apparently there are some intermediaries, you know, especially with the categories and the gibson's, and i don't think it's going anywhere. i don't, honestly, i do not believe that natalia who is interested in stuffing this genocide. a moscow remains open for peace talks with key as if ross is interest taken into account. and that's the message from the ross. as foreign minister said you live with all the in his major speech less the sub groups
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into that we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement in ukraine based on taking into account our legitimate interest and realities that have developed over many years and have now led to the current situation, the ad was 2nd west and asked us continue to lambaste moscow and open the disregard a new piece proposal from western media outlet. didn't hesitate to say the ultimate sign out loud. how about listen to this? to be clear, a crate giving and wanting to create is the cheapest possible way for the us to enhance that security. it's just, it's up. the pricing is being done by the crate. is that the people who are being killed the us and you are supplying them weapons. it comes paired with this idea that it's russia, that doesn't one piece in your train, and that's paid for the not the case of which is holding a door open for negotiations. we see that, but it's also, you know, a link to this idea of this narrative now in the west, this idea that ukrainian lives are cheap. that once they're dying,
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we don't have to have his own necessary real strategic reality. and that's it. these are allies of the west or funding on pain, but for these people to die they're, they're, they're facilitating this for us. we had present include the suggest doing his interview with tucker carlson. you want to warrant and stop paying the finance to buy the weapon. stop, that's supporting this concept of this war. we've had people like lindsay gray, i'm talking about, you know, the russians are dying is the best money we've ever since. we've had comments like this is the best investment for international security. and recently, we've even had the polish president suggesting that this is a good way to stop imperialist russian on the rush is an imperialist, however, wants to be, i mean, also know that as well from the comments that mr. fitness said, and also mr. level, that's all the listen to what a mr dude said. and the dodge defense chief. it is very simple right now. russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply because american soldiers are not dying. but if
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we don't put a hold to russian aggression now, there will be a very high price to be paid. so it is very much in our interest to support ukraine because they are fighting this war. we're not fighting. and so i think we have to engage also in the dialogue with our americans colleagues and, and friends, because they have the same interest in way of course, of 14 frames. very cheap way to make sure that russia, with this regime is not the threats to the nature lines. so it's remarkably easy for the adults defense minister who's a citizens and so just aren't dying on the battlefield. mr. duda, who is uh, gartner, shoed western aide for his military also from the united states, the military industrial complex. this circle, a fi, or rory, you need to have a mass of army need to invest massively. we've had you installed work publicly proclaiming how good this conflict is for the american military industrial complex on a visit to ask for the big i was a lot of factors on, you know, you also with us of who actually cares about you find at the end of this complex
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rush, it will still be ukraine's a neighbor at the end of the conflict links. these find mean here, links these cultural historically will still remain one interesting voice from within your price. at the excess senior advisor, i'm very close. confident of defend them flooding. there's lensky alexi, artist of which has actually suggested that it's only russia that wants peace voice to some of the suspicious because it looks. and now i'm going to say a terribly suspicious thoughts between rashid craney, the united states. pretend is the only one who wants peace. and yet at the end of the day we, we keep hearing about russia being this, but with the amount. and i mean, we keep hearing this coming out of washington, but i guess what is in it for the west? why does it keep selling this terrifying global bogey? fine idea. well, it might view on a view of minneapolis. i think it's about fear. as we mentioned, fear of fuels this uh, military industrial complex. it also fits into the whole russian all for the
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existence of nato, the north atlantic treaty organization, which was established to counter soviet russia and soviet russia. the soviet union cease to exist. the warsaw pact cease to exist. port nato actually down sweet spot . we've even had people again stalled burg, suggesting that, you know, russia isn't the actual effect in the report for the munich conference, which is upcoming. they've actually suggested that russia is now no longer a truck in germany. only 2, only 2 countries actually now a see russia as an imminent threat, and that's the u. k. on japan, the report now this year is telling and it's name and it's content. let's have a listen to some of what it actually says. almost all indicators related to russia's war on ukraine have full and including the use of nuclear weapons, buying aggressive and energy supply disruptions while russia was still the top risk for 5 g 7 countries. last year, only the citizens of the u. k. and japan still consider it so german citizens now
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only see russia as the 7th grade is concerned, and autonomy and see it is the 12th. this report remarkably is reflecting some of the realities and one of the key points. also there is that, you know, older countries, countries in the global south with the emergence of bricks they're, you know, disengaging, if you like from the globalist agenda. there's studies say, well, what's in this for us to see what this happened with the russian assets as well with the, the seizure of assets and the, the rules based or being one where united states makes the rules and gives the orders where we. so it seems that there's a bit of a see change. the name is interesting, lose lose on of some gay level said at the uh, the roof is open for peace. it's open, it's left that door open. i think the president prove this interview. it took her across and it was quite remarkable. he left the door open. he suggested that this schism in the world between the 2 orders isn't a healthy thing. but a sort of a lover of said. we will sit down and talk peace,
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but will be based on the reality now on the ground. the technology is shaping the feature of medicine and health care. and that's the refined focus of a meeting of minds here in moscow. while the future technologies for and here in moscow, just wrapped up with specialists in new spears of technology, participating from both within russia and abroad. the russian president vladimir putin also gave a key note speech at the events plenary session. going over some of the achievements of the russian medical system, as well as some of the goals that the government has set to achieve in the near future over the past 5 years. for example, over $500.00 oncology centers have been built across russia and over half of the cases of cancer are being discovered in their treatable phases. as we speak, medical, the availability of medical treatment is being expanded to before this reaches of russia's countryside, while the russian president also said that emergency workers there can expect their
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salaries to be increased by next month. it goes without saying that the domestic production of the state of the art medical technologies in russia has reached a new high and as lot of air pollutants set in his speech. some of these new technologies were seeing a merger so impressive that not so long ago, they were confined only to the realm of fiction. and on the side lines, we spoke with the head of a russian id company to hear about helping growing efforts and where high tech is headed. it's a very and you can wonderful time, i think for the restaurant technology companies, because we've got so much market share that we never greenville for sold by some estimations. so the number of russian software solution on the market right now has grown up to 80 percent. so like most on 12 percent over the year and up. and i think that's uh, that's pretty good potential to personally the secure local market. because right
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now there's a huge competition, knows where a simple solution send. there's a low over what steel fused competition from the high end solutions because of height into threshold. but nonetheless, i think that most of the key software system assumed government and business will be author rates and can, will be provided by russian vendors. so i feel very confident in that in terms of uh, global expansion. i've also seen that this is a very, very interesting abroad. sure. for some, you know, some studies say that's about 90 percent depression into bringers who grateful to products. think about expanding globally, obviously for us this us market and the global saw. so the priority targets. so we already work in c a, so in that was because sunk has expanded armenia, we do have a center, so just a bit of a product and we feel very positive about the perspective. so fresh and software products globally.


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