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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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us by the us and the western powers the at least 10 people i reported the injured in the shooting at the simple bowl parade . the kansas city and station people say 2 suspects are in custody. indonesia is defense minister place victory in the nation's presidential election. and it comes as preliminary results have him the head of the neck to contend as in what looks like a long slide. big it minutes in yahoo! the problem is the kilowatt version of the board of 50 of dropbox. i civilians at the las vegas place left in the enclaves have nowhere else to hide. a rod and saudi arabia, the clear, but with deep and mandatory cooperation to secure a regional piece as yet by law of size and amended with the help of try it out via
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the 1st the what is midnight at moscow. welcome to our global news update on our team to national i a michael, what you. all right now will begin on news all with a breaking news from the united states where multiple shots have been fired and several people have been wounded during a super bowl parade near union station in the safety of kansas city in missouri. visa live pictures, you can see right there. the local police have confirmed the incident and immediately began evacuation procedures, according to multiple sources. 2 suspects have been taken into custody. so let's not cross to uh, corresponding there right. there are 2 correspondent caleb month in for more on days. now cannot but it's valentine's day. this is the direct opposite of what
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a new one would expect. what. what do we know about the shooting as of now? well, the crowd have gathered in kansas city, missouri to celebrate the victory of the kansas city chiefs and the super bowl. and it was a parade for valentine's day for the victory of the football team. and we understand that gunshots were heard, and the crowd was then ordered to evacuate by the police. people began bleeding as they heard gunshots. now at this point, we understand at least 10 people have been injured from the gunfire and to not one, but 2 arms suspects. are now in police custody. 2 individuals have been arrested by the kansas city police. they had a gun on them at the time. so uh, this is a very disaster is moment. we have not heard of any fatalities, but those who have been injured are getting medical treatment at nearby hospitals.
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the very large crowd that gathered for the football parade has been evacuated. police in the area are urging everyone to leave the downtown area near union station in kansas city, missouri. quite a frightening seeing people gathered to celebrate the victory of their team and the super bowl and people have gathered for a valentine's day parade. and looks like the situation turned quite dangerous with gunfire were waiting to see if the results involved any fatalities. as of yet no fatalities are reported. all right, we have to leave you here now, but we'll keep it tab to know what, what develop bends when he comes to arrests and what the people are saying and so on. thank you very much. i caleb mopping our t correspondent, bringing us up to speed of joining us from new york that now israel's prime minister openly. busy ones of an upcoming operation in buffalo stressing that it will start after all civilians i've,
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i've lucky waited from the area we will fight until complete victory. and this includes a powerful action and rafer after we allow the civilian population to leave the battles owns. that's the. 2 sign that we hear about allow in the civilian population of guys or to leave the come but zone. the thing is that israel so far hasn't explained where should people go or how this could be done at all? what is clear, it is not going to be easy. most of those crowding now around rough spot in southern gaza. you an estimate nearly one and a half 1000000 people have been internally displaced. lean the war in the north, off to these really offensive started and a full over. they moved to the center. but as the idea of operation was expanding, they had to move again to the center and then again from from you and is for the south until they reached the different boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is neither safe. yeah, it's no livable according to recent research. more than half of guys as buildings
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have been damaged or destroyed with civilian infrastructure, almost non existing. so where to go and here's the you hire representative asking this very question. and given the answer that just shows, to what extent this whole situation looks like, a dead end, let's say can listen. every body goes to the b begging place. don't do that, protects celia and don't kill so many. how many is too many? which is this don, dot net that yahoo is also, at least in any one they're going to have a great way to the one. why are they going to equate these people? so is it, the national community believes that this isn't a slaughter that too many people are being killed. maybe the have to think about different original bonds. but isn't a, if people will find a place to go to,
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it's hard and dangerous to move when the war goes on. and we remember that even before, when israel was offering so called safe cory doors, they were often hates and were far from the safe. and we don't see any indication the notary activity decreasing now in the area on the opposite. earlier on monday is ro, carried out a special operation and rough uh, with massive as tribes providing cover and support for ground troops to rescue to hostages. but we hear that's more than 70 palestinians died in that same is sold with a mass now claiming that 3 other hostages lost their lives. these planes are hard to be verified right now. so any military activity and such a small and densely populated area have high risks of even more civilian deaths. that's as low as a large scale operation. israel is now pushing for the international community is extremely concerned. warning is ro, it will be a catastrophe. military activities in this area based ashley population area will
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be of course, and as the terminal capital shall fee and, and norm this uh, uh, even further expense. do you, during these, all these, all start the old imaginations? when despite all those calls and voices israel and says, the operation and rough, what can not be avoided, claims the roster full battalions of mass station in that area and they need to be eliminated. and there are tunnels also, he's row claims that's connect guys to egypt with mill through average they say needed to be intensified to collapse them in the past. we've seen israel given up sometimes on the international pressure, like for example, when happened with a community or and assistance for guys that is, that is real rejected initially, but allowed later. but it's hard to predict if it's going to work this time. but earlier we spoke to the general, the secretary of the policy,
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the nationally initiative was stuff about booty. he said that the warrant gas that will continue because if he ends so with nothing. yeah. who's re, that is the thing go to do you guys the city or crimes in front of the crime of genocide, the crime of collective punishment on the time of faith. nathaniel never gave up his plan to completely evict all the population of goes out of government into egypt. he's dreaming about this type of ethnic cleansing, which would be the largest since 1948 when that he was ethnic cleansing took place . so what we need is, could i shuttle no sense today that as i sat at the risk today, that that period, which is the nothing you all might escalate now with the not of liberal. and he could see for the skin water with live and on as well. and anyhow knows that once the water stops, he would be accountable for his failure. on the 7th,
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it has over ad goes on and his failure to end this war because he could not achieve any of his 3 goals. he couldn't advocate for the student assistance. he could not get to back is an id president of id cuz nothing was uh, controlling of over guys. but also he is facing for case of corruption. and you knows, once the stops he might go to here. that's why, in my opinion, nothing you know is interested in the discussion of the guns and stuff and that a lab and on at least 4 people have been killed and nearly a dozen more wounded in these ready air strikes on 2011. these towns 1st also said, here we can see plumes of smoke rising from one of the sides. reports claim that among the victims where a local woman and hard to san becomes as
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e 0 has confirmed the massive wave of attacks targeting it, snow the neighbor will bring you more details as they remembered of the it's been nearly a month since these were made bombshell allegations that old watch stuff were complicit in the 7th of october attacks since then, and in total, you and investigation has been loans, as well as a separate us external review of the issue. well, despite the unprecedented obligation to it appears, but no concrete evidence has been offered thus far. 2 we have ask and call for, for corporation from the east, where the authorities to share with the organization prove or indication or evidence about this already been allegation too much. remember this was said they
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have known about this allegation. i have taken to this, the exception on decision to suck the 12 people based on allegation, not on proven evidence on the number of faith and have questions the absence of due diligence that's in reality. and indeed the reverse due diligence are you still there? is there any s saying several things about the investigation is my services to the extent of the investigation. now we've heard from the washington bureau, chief of the all codes newspaper site, already got a he says, and he's real, has new evidence. and that what's going on now is part of a long running strategy to destroy the only one. this is where i started get it
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underwater, which is the united nations relief and works agency for the past to, for the past and in the refugees. and ever since, as, as far back as i can remember, you know, maybe in the fifty's they started targeting them because they saw through the continued existence of wonder, what is the continued existence of boston and refugees. and so they want to liquidate the past in an issue, and they feel that by liquidating on or nothing, they can do so mean that they have made a lot of post claims in the past above the number of palestinian refugees sung. their lobbyist here and washington have testified before congress that the number of cost and reputation is in the 10s of thousands, not in the 1000000. so this is all a part of an orchestrated but methodical campaign. typically the policy and the issue. the fact is that you said there's been no evidence presented. i mean this is
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something that we raised in the briefing room at the state department all the time . and then there's randy's like to say we shared that with our allies, which is nonsense. nobody had proven or had presented any evidence that in fact there were and mass members who worked for and ross and were actually part of the october 7 at that. so that's just, that's another made up stories that, that they, us, and its allies are basically propagating it to sort of perhaps fulfill their own political legend a bill while the idea of continues to destroy civilian infrastructure. you guys are saying that it is being used by him as many times and time. those systems exist beneath a similar brain. so what is reported beneath underwashed cool. the idea of claims and leads to the agencies headquarters in gather city easy. busy so i'll use that
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him as couldn't have planned such a passage without the help of you and officials. according to the group, accusations must 1st be examined and proven. now this recent footage from northern gather shows the remains of the online headquarters. they need school boats. buildings have been significantly destroyed, damaged with some parts totally destroyed, according to the underwater. israel has had more than a 150 of their struct. us is the thought of the, of the conflict. there's old problems as palestinians who have chosen to stay are struggling to survive. as there is no way to go. there is no food, water or other resend shells. normal knoxville, so do not hold on one to our homes and found that they were completely bombed, as the whole block was flat. and we came to the school here and found that it had been boned to try to find a place in the school. but there was none, were up to the town and settled into it. each town house is at least 15 people that
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the coffee, it is old that much here, but there is no where else for shelter. this is our only option. i have the i'm the people of gauze that one support the one fall forward and want to is it fair that the people of gauze at it cool and, and bali valley is used to be animals and even of that there isn't enough rugs. defense minister met without a re, b as in bassett, on tuesday to discuss biological cooperation during the meeting, he sent a message. the western intervention in the middle east is compounding the regional prices of today's conditions in the region. a sensitive and complex us and western intervention and support can complicate the security conditions in the region and caused a major regional crisis. this is by far the most outstanding development and ties between your bonus. saudi arabia, after the former, are chose,
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was toward diplomatic ties in march last year. the 2 sides are now speaking about military and security cooperation. and this demonstrates how committed the tool countries are to engage more closely and more as to what you typically general. i'll shoot you any said want in, and saudi armed forces can collaborate and military security, intelligence and technical fields. he added that such engagement quotes serve the interests of both countries that will also contribute to the advancement of, uh, security and stability in the region. especially now. i mean the gaza war. there was defense chief now urged all muslim countries to join hands and work together to resolve the crisis and palestine. palestine is the primary issue, the islamic wells and the entire globe is necessary for the muslim countries, especially the important regional states to act decisively and take a more coordinated stance in this regard to fulfill the religious and humanitarian . judy closer ties. a please between your wellness,
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so the are the as to regional power splits, settled in many dispute steak of the solid eco elections war on the i meant for example, were iran and a solid. you can get used to back opposing sides now, following the china immediate reproach. mon reach between one and we all and march last year or the you have any war has largely subsided. at least the us now cannot course, the saudis, the fight it wrong. back to these are p. m a. and this has also played out to the gaza war as the whole thing is now have concentrated their forces on supporting palestinians and these ready war with come us. now we see a growing convergence between um, most slim leaders, as they seem to be putting aside their grievances and focus, focusing on the way to end the gaza crisis. this as well as defense minister osh the on the side closer the regional integration will leave no chance for extra territorial forces like the u. s. 2 metal and regional issues. that's the one
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believe that's us military presence and that we generated it's unwavering support for these why you are me is the main reason why. because a complex has dragged on, not ties between the rod and saudi arabia, 40 years where mobs, by rivalry. but last year, with the chinese mediation, the 2 states restore diplomatic relations. reopening their respective embassies incriminating in the lead us meeting. last november, we spoke with chap professor, i was so truly university victo gal who said that the ronnie and salad, the participation in the breaks grouping helped pave the way for cooperation falls, saudi arabia and iran, members of the brakes organization. and i think with such participation in the same organization, they will get close to each other, understand each other and decide to do long corporation i channel will be very
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happy to promote such cooperation between iran and saudi arabia. in the sense, china is serving as a guarantor of their friendship. renewed friendship, and i think given the special in for us. but each of these 2 countries exercise in the muslim world, there are 1st of all and friendship and close at corporation. we're really bold. well, for the muslim world, for the arab world, and for every is i'm a believer throughout the world. so this is a very positive develop. but i hope china will do more to promote such a proper small between and among other countries in the world. a little while now the diplomatic development in the region tucker's president reset add on has for the 1st time in 12 years, visit that egypt to meet with his counterpart. i build a title, cc'd, cairo on top. and the agenda was a conflicting guys, a way to lead as distrust he might need to an aid for the and buckled enclave. and
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the whole of your uniting regional slaves to find that lasting solution to the prices are to use corresponding now dot go on has more details. it was, it is the 1st time president i wanted to think egypt and simulation have been tolerated. uh, following p r ups during now. the cheerleaders have been talking uh several issues being displayed on the, on top of the drums. uh, now 1st the full day, the click up to country was thoughts uh to look for a seat far in crowds that they both comes um is royal's in humane actions and they called a port of the blockade on a arriving in gauze to be removed as soon as possible and they said that they won't be working on that the presidency she has called for an independent palestinian state. well, perfect, good add on said the key is plenty to build off silver fields. hospital. any
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thoughts are on egypt will uh take pause in the, in the building of the construction of that's possible. so what besides gaza on top of your job, there was also like the key is the largest trade partner of egypt about 8 percent. agent trace is with touchy, so they're not planning to bring that model number. are you up with about $15000000000.00. also trades between the 2 countries. president as well also stated that he will be working together. they will have choice projects in the defense industry. you know, the defense industry is growing and they're not planning to partner and invest about sweet dealing investments being aged. so those are the top rawlins most important things up to, to my desktop. okay. they do watch
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a high keep on page 5 and significantly for them is in these, these off the highway. i'm going to start the test, the card actually following up springs back in 2011 and back in 2012 following the cruise in egypt. uh, the relationships are really starting to wells fargo, now it save us lots of properties together to restore the relationships bags that we spoke to on the so the mine, the executive director of our i've set up for research and study is that this historic visit will surely aid in finding a solution to the conflict in gaza. i think it's a declination of a new baby, or we can talk about 0 percent of the solutions. that means a so is a bow and some of this thing in the case and disease or send me the ition, find a due to a, to a spar and using the source fuels
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a one of the agents and does the ice thing. one of the most important fields, the egypt and the 3rd category make understands the understanding. this is over this thing. and guess the 30th of the uh, very uh, focus the view, bowen that's and the emissions it was as a last month's is easier to, to, i think this relations that will make us more to, to find a solutions. it was a total key issue. and then, so this is really the nation's, i think it's a good sense for is that the confidence that was done lead as a hearing russia, how that they could to do to distort moscow's position. that's the message, the russian president vladimir put incentive during an interview on wednesday. the
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federal official, sonya it's good in the western leaders, are watching and listening to what i say. if to day, for some reason we are unable to hold direct dial on, then we should be grateful to calls on that we can do so through him as an intermediary. but it's bad that western leaders distort what i say. i did not say that the special military operation in ukraine is connected to the threat of a nato attack on russia. where did i say this? i was talking about something else. but we were constantly deceived in connection with nato's non expansion to the just. of course, we were worried about the possibility of ukraine being drawn into nature introduced threatens of security now. and that's what i said. the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of the modern ukrainian authorities to implement the minced agreements and in, in the continuous attacks with numerous casualties on the republics of dunbar,
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which we had not recognized for 8 years. ultimately they turned to us with a request for recognition and we recognized them pretty easily. we did not start the war. we are only trying to stop it. at the 1st stage, they tried to do it through peaceful means, but they fooled samuel. the only thing we should regret is that we did not start active actions earlier believing that we were working with these people. but i am sure you're pretty good. i think. all right, that's free all day this alex will certainly see you again in the over a little over 30 minutes. see you again. bye. the the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we have such orders at conflict with the 1st law should we live in justification?
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we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we assembling the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the lease of the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on russia cruising and split the r t. suppose that keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the streaming services for the question, did you say even twist, which is the, the, the hello and welcome to cross stock? were all things are considered? non peter, though, still again russia is offered to negotiate into the conflict in ukraine, but the answer is always the same. washington says no to negotiations. indeed,
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the bite administration is desperate to continue to fund ukraine's wherever. the window to negotiate is rapidly closing the cross talking ukraine. i'm joined by my guest. i'm long ago in north florida. he is publisher of the gold goats and guns blog and newsletter in st. petersburg. we have alexander a town. he is a senior lecture at st. petersburg state institute of technology and in cal too. we crossed to pasco, lopez. he is an associate professor at kyoto university, are generally across stock roles in effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate when they go to tom 1st in florida as we speak now, we're still in the afterglow of the tucker, put in a interview in the us senate is pushing through with spending for ukraine. and israel doubtful it will make much headway in um, in the house and,
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and on the ground and ukraine's illusion is out. and we don't know what the political portions of zalinski. so i just gave you 3 things to play with your choice. go ahead. well, let's start with the tucker, put in interviews. i think everybody who's gotten this all little wrong. um, i think wilfully wrong. right. i think that, you know, we have the, we have the, the political establishment of the wes wanting to downplay pollutants history of us and as being some kind of false history. and then to therefore invalidate his reasons for being there. and at the same time that of course, one of the marginalized tucker carlson who has now become a major force for a counter veiling media presence that media narrative. honestly, that undermines their, their advanced fort worth so you have it right peter. they do still want more and the war and the show. i mean war must go on. but the real point i think of what put in did when he sat down with carlson, he had a long time to prepare for this. he and the staff, and it was very clear, was that he was speaking directly to the american people saying, look,
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it doesn't matter whether you agree with my version of history here. this is our truth here in russia. this is this, this is the story. and you can either deal with it and then figure out some way of putting pressure on your leadership to negotiate over this. or we can have a war. and that's the, that's the situation because it's like, you know, it's, it's one, it's been having a, an argument with your wife. do you want to be right? or do you want to be married? right. and no, seriously, i mean, when it really comes down to that and that's kind of where we are, it's the same kind of thing. if we don't, the russians been asking for some for them to see some form of you know hate, but we don't have to agree about these things. you can consider my version of history wrong and i can consider your version of history wrong. but diplomacy is the art of making that happen and then going forward and letting the people decide who was right and who was was that's a good point that all of them i think the lesson that he, that he put forth when he was talking about implementing limits agreements right.


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