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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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of the us and the western powers, the 2 is better for us to bite and or trump, find out a lot of my patients, the 5 pack a bit late trunk. how fast the russian president also comments on his recent interview with talk of colson, which suddenly shelves the media into a meltdown. first of all, it's good. the wisdom leaders are watching and listening to what i see. but it's bad with can lead us cheat and distort what i say. no. what left to hide, palestinian civilians have run out all the options as to 3 prime minister diploma says a full scale operation and rough uh fairly safe space left in the past. also, indonesia is current defense minister to class himself, the window of one safe presidential election says the towns give him
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a come on thing, needs moved by his wife holes and it also talks, judge need to attend lashes out at the west for trying to impose the same sex relations on the country, something it condemn says culturally and maurine, unacceptable. the around the problem, bring you the latest from what i want. this is on the international, and it's good to see. well, starting the felt this out west student lead to is continue to dispute must go statements about the who in ukraine. i'm 16, take away from an interview with the russian president on wednesday, which came almost a week often. so out of my pitch and sit down, of course, with american talk show host, talk a costs the federal social storage unit. first of all, it's good that the western leaders are watching and listening to what i see is today. for some reason, we are unable to hold direct dialogue. then we should be grateful to mr. call
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saying that we can do so through him as an intermediary. but it's bad wisdom lead us cheat and distort what i see. why. i didn't see anything like that. i did not say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine is connected to the threat of a need to attack on russia. where is this in my interview? there was a recording. let them show exactly where i sent this. i was talking about something else. the fact that we were constantly deceived in connection with nato is known expansion to the east. we, of course, were and are concerned about the possibility of ukraine being drawn into nato. since this threatens our security. that's what i said. but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of current ukrainian authorities to implement the minced agreements and in the ongoing attack with numerous casualties on the don't boss. republics, the lugens people's republic and the donates people's republic. we did not recognize these republics for 8 years, but they ultimately turn to us requesting recognition as they faced slim prospects
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of resolving issues within the framework of the minsk agreements. as i said, we did not start the war. we are only trying to end it. at the 1st stage, we tried to do this through peaceful means with the help of the men's agreements. as it turned out later we were fooled here too. the only thing we can regret is that we did not act earlier, believing that we were dealing with decent people. president christian saying that she wanted to follow the mains quotes. he was trying to find the solution to the issues in those republics that became as a result of the mind and protests in kevin 2014. and it's the means for quotes of the way to do that. but as we know, the post february 20, 22, 1st the full monthly just have gemini in fall and submitted. what they were using the means framework was to give the opportunity to few crane to all make self move
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against russia so that it could defend itself. so a real sense when the president present because he was asked by type of costs and why you rush, i haven't intervened, didn't early stage. he's now saying, well, perhaps think we should have, i requested for what we were trying to do is to follow a peaceful pulse that didn't work out. that's why we began the so called special military operation in february 2022. and he says, what russia is trying to do is to put an end to that conflict that had already been raging for 8 years at that point. and he says that what are they doing? and those don't boss with publix is for texting. in accordance with the un charter, we had seen a lot of attacks on target costs and after this interview. but what did the presidency about? tucker coffin himself. well guess who was, what was the last about the threats to talk a calls. and then he talked about that saying, you know, took a call soon as a journalist who knew what he was getting himself into. of course,
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doctor to call. so i've been trying to get this interview for 3 years and said that she had been prevented from doing an interview with president pushing previously. the president clinton was also aust about the style of the interview. and he said he was expecting something that was going to be a bit more confident taishan a little bit more fiery, and that he was ready for it. he, i don't wish to rush cut off. i think the counsel of yours is a dangerous person. when i say yours, i mean that he is a representative of your profession. journalism. to be honest, i thought that he would behave aggressively and asked the so called tough questions . i was not only ready for this, i wanted it. surprisingly for a western journalist, he turned out to be patient, talk to the right after this interview, there were calls to sanction tucker carlson. and in general, there were talks that he might be arrested would that even be possible by such
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a song as was imprisoned and almost no one but his close ones? remember him? at least this knowledge was accused of giving away state secrets. but it's hard to be in such accusations on carlson because he didn't touch upon any secrets. nevertheless, probably everything is possible in today's united states. from kaufman's point of view, this would be said, i don't envy him, but it's his choice. he knew what he was getting into their music. they also touchstone the issue during the solar. so this is a which leaks in the, in the i found us who has been languishing in jail now in the most present in london for the last few years. he's waiting, i believe we can find that in the next week with a to be extradited to the us. so at present, great and saying look, is pretty clear that when you go against u. s. government, they can be consequences and took the costs and is it for me to go i, he's been long standing doing this and he was well aware of all the stretch that
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the interview with him, with the present teaching may post himself on his return to the us put in was also asked about the upcoming elections and the united states made up this year. what did he, what was his take on that? well, very interesting, of course, because russia has been accused of interfering in us elections in the past. present increase in being very clear that democracy will unfold in america as it and phones . he was also ask what specifically about who he preferred working with president trump for president fight. and for some of that president clinton, the tell you what he has to say about that, which is not the problem about the question that was raised 4 years ago. and is now becoming relevant again and who is better for us spite and or trump biting. he has more experience, predictable it in an old school politician. but we will work with any us leader who the american people have confidence in. i think that the domestic election race is gaining momentum in the united states. it is taking on more and more acute forms,
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and it is incorrect in my opinion, for us to interfere in this process. listen, when i met with biden in switzerland 3 years ago, they were already saying that he wasn't competent. i didn't see anything of the sort. well yes, he picked these papers and to be honest, i picked up mine. there was nothing wrong with that. the fact that some way, while getting out of a helicopter bump, these kid. so what, who among those hasn't hit their head on a helicopter? let them cast the 1st stone. i am not a doctor and do not consider myself to have the right to give any comments on this matter. we should not look at this. we should look at the political position, i believe that the position of the current administration is extremely harmful and their own use. and i told president biden this, at one point you heard it the, the issue isn't necessarily whether it's from full bite and it's with the current
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administration. and that's where the problems line. well, donald trump, in the mean time has commented, saying that she sees a lot of my patients preference, which i biden as a comfortable the president. no, russia has just given me a great compliment, actually. he's just said that he would much rather have jo by does president than truck? no, that's a compliment to a lot of people said, oh gee, that's too bad. no, no, that's a good thing. while to discuss all of this that's uh, crossing out to radios on political commentator, steve gail, steve or it's nice to to see will face on us future will. i'm the 1st thing i have to us to, i mean, so that we had started with purchasing west and politicians that constantly twisting my wads. do you think she's right? i'm do you think that may talk precautions? interview is so important that we heard him from the horses mouth without being
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filtered by the on top protection of the western politician. i think it was a remarkable interview, and i think the fact that present proved exactly 2 hours of questioning by dr. is a tricky focus tucker and i think the president, i think some of the criticism that tucker did not step pays honestly enough towards the present printing from western journalists is amazing. considering the fact that they moved to class like trains deals of jo line walks off the stage without falling on his face and ask him questions like, what's your favorite ice freight you have the tucker asked the and actually pushing president clinton on the release of the american journalist as being j of in and other top issues. it draws to have different style and as you know, some like that really fast paced, questioning, and rapid fire aggressiveness. i think in an interview like this, where you have more of a conversation, you're more likely to get more insights. and if you're, if you're trying to so down your list of questions,
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i think this interview was very conversational. i think you get a lot more from an interview person like that and you do if you're just kind of throwing tough questions after trying to make it about you as a journalist rather than letting them speak. oh, i mean, we also have that donald trump commenting on this wednesday night and today was brought him at parents and um, which sort of came out of nowhere. and he was quite a direct like that question. would you prefer to walk with by 10? a trump russian president, pap, surprising me saying a fight to do you think it's, i mean, how do you see him choosing to reveal this, this now? i think most foreign leaders who are add the cereal to the united states was present at g in china. whether it's kim john and north korea, whether it's most of western europe, much preferred jo by leading to united states or misleading united states because for, for them and their advances economically, politically it otherwise a we,
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us precedent is good for them. but i think when you ask them more specifically, is a we us price that good for the world. they're going to be honest and say, no, it's not, it might be good for us short term to make economic or political gains around the world. but we, us president is dangerous for the world. and i think president clinton was, was kind of the chinese president bind by saying, oh yeah, we liked the weak guy in charge the. well, i mean, also something that is interesting is that, i mean, you know, sorry, well what dating it with watching within that information? who and the fact that talk a call some came to rush. i wanted to indicate the watching president was seen as treachery. i'm and the, even some room is that he could potentially say functions for this interview. i mean, how realistic to think that that would be. i'm to be honest. what does it say about the states of press freedom or even independent food in the wild?
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and i think those are claiming that the somehow i took her costly is a traitor for interviewing and ignoring the fact that you've had the bbc and cnn, and others actually interview leaders of come off were directing the murder of innocent jews as we saw on october 7th in the it is real you that others like barbara walters and in other the journalist interview present food in the past. and nobody accused the treasury. i used to have the governor of california, me and, and supplier i present see all over san francisco. again, nobody's a bigger economic, political, or perhaps a military facility than china, and yet nobody criticizes them. so i think you have to take all of these for the size and for, for what they are, which is trying to promote the agenda of the democrats and we're getting america rather than actually acting as journalists on the fire thing. i have to ask you of the same with caring up to know if i'm by the presidential elections. the americans
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always put on a good show. it's always very entertaining election. yeah. for the rest about sorry, if you don't feel that way, that's the way that i think many people feel about old. a threat. the classic russians threat has read. it's had the us intelligence claiming that it's quite brave threat to us national security emanating from, from moscow. is this just coincidence, or are they going to try and give the rush, the gates a theme and all the spin around the election tool? i think the timing of this so called the end of the threat is interesting, particularly as you see, 1st advice continue to follow or the poll continue as you see more interest in the evidence that the, the russia hoax was perpetrated by this the i, by others on the hillary clinton team and the department of justice rather than actual fact. and it isn't that interesting just as sudden claim of secret information about the rest of it being a threat with perhaps the satellite powers comes right as they are shoving
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a desire for $60000000000.00 more dollars for you pray, when we can't get accountability of what they've done with the 130000000000 we've already sent. there are interesting that the timing as they're, they're desperately trying to get more money for your brain that they come up with is if we don't stop russia now they're going to take over europe. i think the timing indicates that is really not a plausible threat. well, i would probably agree with you to have to be a cynic save or no coincidence. it's important 6th. as always, we appreciate you having on that, was that rate to host i'm political commentator, steve bill. thank you, steve. thanks we'll have time to be on getting in garza now as well as prime minister says the i guess we'll begin is operation. and rafa one, so civilians have been assigned to a to from the area. we will fight until complete victory. and this includes a powerful action and rafer after we allow the civilian population to leave the
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battle zones. well, that's the 1st time that we hear about allow in the civilian and population of gaza to leave the combat zone for me as well. the thing is that so far is real, a hasn't explained. where should people godes play or how this could be done at all? what is clear is going to be easy. most of those crowding now around rough in southern gaza, you an estimate nearly one and a half 1000000 people have been internally displaced, clean the war in the north of the in clay, after these really offensive started in a former or they moved to the center. but as the idea of operation was expanding, they had to move again from hun eunice further south until they reached the different border where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is neither safe. yeah, it's no livable, according to recent research, more than half of guys as buildings have been damaged or destroyed with civilian infrastructure, almost not existing. so where to go?
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here's the u. hi, representative housekeeping. this very question. and given the answer that shows, to what extent this whole situation looks like, a dead end, every body was due to the v begging police don't do that for a tech savvy. the engine don't kill so many. how many is too many? which is a stand out a much better. yeah. who is also listen, anyone they're going to have a great way to the one. why are they going to equate these people? so is it, the national community believes that this isn't a slaughter that too many people are being killed. maybe the have to think about to, for the reason alarms, if people will find a place to go to is hard and dangerous to move when the war goes on. and we remember that even before, when israel was offering so called safe corey doors,
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they were often he, 10 were far from the safe. and we don't see any indication the notes or activity decreasing now in the area on the opposite. earlier on monday is ro carried out a special operation and rough uh, with massive s tribes providing cover and support for ground troops to rescue to hostages. but we hear that's more than 70 palestinians died in that same assault with a mass. now claiming that 3 other hostages lost their lives, these planes are hard to be verified right now. so any military activity and such a small and densely populated area have high risk of even more civilian deaths. lots, hello, the large scale operation is ro is now pushing for the international community is extremely concerned. warning is ro, it will be a catastrophe. military activities in this area based as the populated area would be of course, and then so terminal a capital sharpie and a new norm is leaving for your expense. and do you, gerry,
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these all these all start the old imaginations. but despite all those calls and voice says, israel and says the operation and rough but cannot be avoided and claims the rossville full battalions of her mouth station in that area, and they need to be eliminated. and there are tunnels also is row claims that connect guys that the age of 20 as military ad for as they say needed to be intensified to collapse them in the past. we've seen israel given up sometimes on the international pressure, like for example, what happened with the humanitarian assistance for guys is that israel rejected initially, but allowed later. but it's hard to predict if it's going to work this time. meanwhile, neighboring nothing, an official say the 9 civilians, including 4 children, were killed in a barrels office rating strikes on villages across the south of the country. foot 10 shows, plans of smoke rising from the areas hit as well, confirmed how to find
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a large wave. ultimate sol, set to target sites preexisting use to launch rockets towards its territory. because they don't. i spoke to the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative, thoughts mustafah, font boot st. now she believes, but the is ready. prime minister will drag out this rule as it is the only way for him to cling on to power. is the thing go to the guys, the city or crimes in front of the crime of genocide, the crime of collective punishment on the time of faith. nathaniel never gave up his plan to completely evict all the population of goes out of government into egypt. he's dreaming about this type of ethnic cleansing, which would be the largest since 1948 when that he was ethnic cleansing took place . so what we need is, could i shuttle no sense today that as i sat at the risk to do that, that period,
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which is the nothing you all my is colleagues now with the not of liberal. and he could see a full scale award with live in on as well. and anyhow knows that once the water stops, he would be accountable for his failure. on the 7th, it has over ad goes on and his failure to end this war because he could not achieve any of his 3 goals. he couldn't advocate for the student under assistance. he could not get to that is an id president of id cuz nothing was uh, controlling of over guys. but also he is facing for case of corruption. and do you know, once the stops he might go to yours? that's why, in my opinion, that then you know, is interested in the discussion of the gun stuff in his current defense minister has declared himself the winner of wednesday's presidential
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election. now, to his preliminary results, show his opponents trading west uh, to points on teams. we're backing up to produce of this report from the capital to call to a scattering party held by the winning team of presidential candidates double. so be unable and 5 for us so that it shows candidates. he but i'm, but i kept moving to that guy has to come to and them earlier today, but i will also be ample and keep it. and i couple of things that i've got gathered and met with their loyal supporters. but i've also bianco stated in his switch that this of victory is a victory for all, and that he is the president for all. and then asians, this claim of victory came from the results of the quick counts that have been gathered around the nations from independent organizations and in all of those quick count. but i will also be on to
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one in the 1st round of the presidential elections. 555 percent. we can say that it's so winning and slammed slides because going try to put on all my foot am be the one who backed up by the ruling party in indonesia, especially in the legislative part. the democratic party, all struggled, only able to reach 18 percent while the other candidate i missed the bus with them . and well, i mean is found that they took 25 percent of the votes, however, but i will also mentioned that he will wait until the official election results will be announced by the election commission next month around mid march. and also encouraging all the nations to respect the results. and this is also
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a statement that are being delivered by the other 2 candidates. i missed the bus with that and then jeff and i know i looking at the conditions right now, look at all the results from the quick calendar and firmed into as the as i'm of the people, the winning novel and deep end is undeniable. they cannot be to reporting from jakarta for our to the east european installed. the charge has closed out west and nations for that tends to impose same sex relationships on the country through both political and economic pressure. it is apparent that certain western countries have incorporated these practices into their laws and social norms, deeming them justifiable elements of inclusivity and equality concurrently. they are exerting continuous pressure on african and eastern nations that steadfastly oppose such practices with the aim of eventual conformity. same sex marriage is
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prohibited. any therapy by the nations recently amended found many, no, i'm not because look forward to song seems that it clashes with the countries. they pay rooted religious traditions, the media director of the therapy and also talks type of heather charge believes that western pressure on this l should be to issue is unacceptable, as it contradicts folks, the legal and ethical values of the country. this is the, you know, the culture, it is, you know, are more on values keys, you know, religious values if he's in, you know, or a negative value in legal documents as including data of band claiming on the document. it all, you know, clear, it clearly stated that it is legally for the beaten. so, why are we compared to, to, to so, and why is the, or, you know, whatever, diplomatic or important to con,
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the social development admissions took, such kind of a things which we don't have in all of the social, in the historic on values to, to be a condition, why do they predict the condition and then more than the condition or why do they make influences? so it for us, this is the really, very difficult to, to really to, to answer that. oh, you know i, we kind of look at each the minds of these people, united so they need very difficult to read. we have we as a church, the outcomes and the way of teaching is can you please take that session practice? i've seen food. ok. so we cannot be for the city to access the scene for the act by saying no to my situation because if so, then what, why easy, why do we have regions in if we are attempting seen some low when you
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state historic for headquarters of the russian is that still newspaper right here in moscow has been engulfed by huge fire. so claim spread through around 1500 square meters of the building, which sits right in the heart of the russian, the capital one pass and is reported. missing the full of newspaper, h 2 as these days home to a number of businesses including fucked up for the night club. the 5 result and the 6 stream of smoke. busy from last, cuz sky line and lodge and see what cars are currently up to see the a mass shooting out the super bowl parade in terms of city that's in the u. s. has left one person dead. 22 injured. some of the victims are children. so police began about switching the site as soon as multiple shots rang out. several people needed hospital treatments. 2 of them remained in a critical condition. 3 on suspect, all confirmed to be in custody. but the city's police department chief says that
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the number of officers out pip and should have been enough to prevent such a tragedy. the people who came to the celebration should expect a safe environment. we had over 800 law enforcement officers, kansas city and other agencies at the location to keep everyone safe. about 1000000 people turned out for this victory parade. for the super bowl champs, the kansas city chiefs. the super bowl is, of course, america's biggest sporting event of the year. so with a turn out that large, the event was all hands on deck by local law enforcement, with some $800.00 police working the event that gun fire broke out at around to pm local time, just outside kansas city union station near the end of the parade route as facilities were drawing to a close eye witness as say, this was near the parking garage area. so many parade goers were returning to their
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cars at the time that this alleged firefight broke out. many families with children, simply wrapping up a fun morning that resulted in tragedy. now at this time, no motive for the shooting has been established. now, given this was a hotly politicized super bowl surrounding pop star taylor swift and her boyfriend chief tied in travis kelsey, who many right wing conspiracy theorist on social media suggesting online that the biggest sporting event in the us was ridge for kansas city to win. so that swift and kelsey could make a political statement endorsing joe biden. during the victory speech, of course, to help energize his lagging campaign among the youth vote. of course, none of that came to fruition. so again, no motive or indication as to how or why the gunfire erupted, has yet been established,
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but immediate speculation from bystanders and people in the community say this could be an incident of gang violence, or that these men were known to one another. and that most of the victims were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. again, this speculation from those who live in the area now local law enforcement are being aided by the local f. b. i field office the atf, the marshal service. the investigations are ongoing, so all the details are still very murky at this time. but worth noting, today's mass shooting is the 48th, the 48th in the us so far in just 2024 alone mass shootings are qualified of course by the f b i as having 3 or more victims. here we're looking at nearly 2 dozen and to top it off this valentine's day is the 6th anniversary of the deadly margery stoneman, douglas high school shooting in parkland florida.


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