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tv   Documentary  RT  February 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EST

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or how does it happen and what impact does it have on you and me? it will be as he has on it, but will be honest as so as to grab the the. 2 the most of the hospital entities on all to decrease the late fee. florida goes to say, i don't pay today, but the, the on the the the
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not everyone is a baby order to have been so. so like now go talk to her, and his family have decided to stay in their home now, but his mother is 94 years old. she is very fragile. it has not left her let me see the deals. now. you gotta, i gotta, you gotta gotta send this guy. nick transporting her to another place would populating, caused her to die from a broken heart. this happens too often on the displaced the time that instead of the instead of being an issue,
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printing from the top of that. but it should be 5 hours. i should be fine for me. i mean, some of the stuff is obviously some of these will be the same thing for the the the the the, the city where a matter of the most of the
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amazon yoshi positions nuclear power plants, braves, director dice warner by any incurable with his decision to dissipate by injecting sea water into the reactor use defacto site. the
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on the, in 1954. when the rivalry with the former soviet union was becoming increasingly strong. and the world was divided into 2 blocks. the united states department of defense secrecy carried out an experiment. it's causing the cost of
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this experiment with an e p, a test consisting in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. the american scientists made a mistake and that calculations underestimation the power of the explosion, which was 3 times stronger than expected. the japanese fishing vessel died, go for quote, you might well within the surrounding waters and was hit by the lady liked to phone out the the $23.00 fishing and had to be hospitalized immediately. hopefully m i t t. the mall coney operates report the best. so died a few months later for an acute radiation syndrome. radio and television interrupted that pulled cost despite the news. traces of radioactivity with founding tune a space in the pacific ocean. and this falls, the cold bridge to come out to the open and confessed to choose a little time
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because of fear of radiation. tonic spread from that moment home. the people of japan have been totally full size images to meet the energy, the american government concerned about the spread of anti american and, and to nuclear sentiment in japan, a country it considered a military and a, you know, make base of great importance to the appropriate measures by involving old japanese communications media using words such as peace, justice, and security for the promotion of nuclear energy, the actually too much to tato, a war criminals suddenly reinstated, by the americans. and 2, in the meantime, had become a power for low b, as in media tycoon, played a very important role. he was a great admirer of american culture and he was confused at the nation's economic prosperity depended on the friendship with the us. from the columns of a newspaper, you'll notice sheen boone, and from his own private tv channel and the phone television, he launched
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a powerful and effective pro nikia campaign. in a few years, he succeeded in defeating the antennae movement in his country and in persuading the majority of citizens, but some bracing nuclear power was no sonia wise, but rather an indispensable choice. in 1950 for us. president eisenhower carried out the program items for peace to sweep away the memory of the foaming of japan and dropped only 2 years following the died. go for cool, you model incidents. a symposium on nuclear energy for civil purposes was organized and took place symbolically. in hiroshima, my to toddler was chosen as the president of the new commission for atomic energy. the construction of the country's 1st nuclear power plant was soon announced the dust it was that the country which would probably have been lost in the world to a spouse. nuclear energy became one of its main and most convinced supporters.
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the doing some or nothing from which the menu that items just for the meant that i do me, it's nice that i can a lot. yep. city again. that's any kind of still our solution. so it's sort of the email of the nuclear gypsies, the nuclear power plants, the seasonal workers, number in the file. since they are immediately recognized, they seem distracted, almost absent. but in reality, they are looking at you. they make you perceive and say you have something to say, and they do. if you go to visit them in small taverns in the neighborhood at the nuclear power, they are paid 3 or $400.00 a day to be contaminated. although after the agency and the can practice get their
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parts, every little comes up in their own pockets. they represent almost 90 percent of the workforce and they would stand most of the radiation or those of in order to earn more sites the dose in matters or take a double shift using different names for sacrifice prompted by despair. necessity of making use me currently, it's a traditional job. i was told about 5 to 10 days photographer, who became famous in the seventy's for his report. thomas's inside japanese nuclear power plants still get all those on the door. do we have talk to you or she back was i said thank you and does a lot of people to think that i'm most to hold on? i'll get to see all the video. you not to tell me what, what am i kind of sort of talking to my account so uh, so you got the came up to them this to the 2nd and i tried, correct? yes. let me just look it up you. yep. so based on the, the one that was there getting not the one you left in
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a new home name on it more hold on. i'll get back to the screen. i don't know joe, those investors settlement from a client. i would tell a mobile section is on the corner of it and nothing to my neighbor. you know, we definitely get upstairs and then oh you oh, we definitely do it less than that. the seal, the middle of the night, i called my boss a g. i n, i said my recommendation is that we. busy us utilities, but g e cannot support the continued operation of these plans. and my boss said to me, well, it can't be that bad deal. and keep in mind that if we have to shut down all of these more important plants, it will probably mean the end of j as nuclear business. forever the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, the home to, you know, and after that kind of made it to the list to, to uh, to the audience. 07 logo on its own systems. i am coming based. x on this, the rear is cited as you go. but no one, especially typical one here to use the world when they're down those funds
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damage to the reactive. it's been painted with the worse played for 2 months. some of them never been in may they use one of the right one reactor choose building is the only one still in one piece, but it's the source of the most of the things is radioactive. the explosion that happened inside the building damaged the base of the reactor, costing of one of the various rooms and underground conduit every day. hundreds of tons of radioactive water spilled into the ocean. the fema close on the 20. i don't know. i. the soldiers that he might have been in motion and i'd sure love to get a demo back in and i don't know, they don't know, maybe it's in the middle of the down to date of okay. oh yeah, that whole night. so then that wasn't, you know,
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much for me in that comes and also to those 2 i years are still up to the we now know for sure that the core i made the whole the metallic base of the city and came out to complete it. but the thing is the rate in here and the report from the government's investigation committee. because of the radiation, no one, not even the robots can approach close enough to understand how much concrete separates the korean from the ground in the, on the look forward to talking to you all about technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show alignment as a patient, we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust rather than fit the various job with artificial intelligence, we have somebody with demon of the robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis the and it was warmer to the office agenda to separate from the petro dollar and create a gold back dean are which inevitably led to the us nato. european union. mafia ball to kill him at the edge of a bayonet. know,
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throw this country the 3 uh for 12 years has been the victim of one of the most pop ups. multi spectrum was the, the us and the u. k. m a u and the allies in the gulf states and then is around and in turkey. and i was instructed that i had to create a crisis by a given date, so that farms and mrs could be fired. and i, i made it clear that i would do my job. i would do my duty. we have seen a curio, been more aggressive, knows by the u. s. and the western powers in the
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systems that collect the hundreds of thousands of tons of radio and liquids are no longer sufficient. the leaks everywhere, infiltrate the ground, some arguments and it would be best to throw everything over for him because of fishing area has already been compromised. pacific ocean is so big the but nobody really knows what to be a long term effects. the radioactive substances, infiltrate the food and color rise on the top, where we stand with our district seers, the area,
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the items, the to the and the pieces that is he, on the program. i basically set on a to when i sent that out and puts it on and on for to pretty cool. we did all these must have been recording base it in front of my feeling. that information later supplied by workers confessed by the executives and then confirmed through concrete examples. in the $641.00 pages of the color color report talks about a name cause catastrophe. everything but such a guys the
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to send us the top out in the the the you know this was still a member of the didn't. i don't want to to be sent home i put in a little while to remote and see the accommodates and see what they want to products and that is the same on the left side of the street
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to so the 1st state and simplicity going to the career tower report shows that the direct cause of the accident for all, for seeable prior to march 11th, 2011. tough go was too quick to cite this anatomy as the cause of a nuclear accident in denied that the earthquake caused any damage. the direct intervention by the current day, including prime minister tons visit to the for each plant, disrupted the chain of command and brought disorder to an already dire situation at the site. the accident was the result of collusion between the government, the regulators, tapco, and the lack of governance by sub tardies, the with their behavior. they've betrayed the right of japan to be safe nuclear risks
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the the,
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the, i wonder how it is possible that as of today, there hasn't been any indictments for trial, let alone a conviction. all the criminal investigations that have been started have already been closed. we shall no longer prosecute. everybody is guilty. no one is guilty. as in war. if there is no guilt, there is no responsibility. and there is no seeing. if there is no repentance. mister closer to each other. this is the figure, the, please. wait for it to present to fix it up. ok, semi title or the me why are the real risk
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is to leave these roads to the where they are now on the roof of my building right before the is it in to our routine maintenance. so which consists of the replacement of the spent, the fuel was taking place at the reactor full to perform with estimates and as the as good flawed the room above the reactor. so that the water level is even ways you back up the pool that contains the new feel. you know, when the cooling system has stopped working and you know, in the room above and the, we have the full, the number there was only want to build a louder and decide the pool or the fewer walls in kind of this new into the origin made with was in the pool, boy, if the fuel had been left on top of that, there would be yet another meltdown, no coloring. but this time obviously didn't happen. the co sequences would have
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the boston culture would have been told. the reason why this made down the the x ray had, has remained missed for a long time. it was only after several months. we got to understand tanks to look awful conditions including due to
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a pressure increase in the re insert the key to the bar that separates the reactor from the fuel to storage pool broke down, causing the water to pull out into the address and fewer storage. people had again not broke the water. i would have to end up that by causing met with a very short time on the portal is safe by chance. the the,
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the, the, the mess of nuclear being economic sakes has been swept away. this disaster has force face up to refresh. many other countries have already dealt with the restaurant. in the face of flushing, we are japanese,
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the increasing global energy demand as things that the past, the renewable energy is important, but it is not enough in itself the while the dream is nuclear fusion of an infinite energy clean energy for all is still there waiting for us, at the other side of history, ok, seamless heroes were not enough. a bigger disaster has been forwarded because the gate sounds broke the we have been spared because miraculously,
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something in the country of technology did not work the
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the the 22nd 1943. doing the great petri. i'll take the shots and bunch of fatality and 118 fun down the belly. mercy. and for the age of cutting the ship. the new wish in the fitness center. yes. the, this one, most of the rooms to 40 you to you. $149.00 people died
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including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law. new blue lives are a little but live or thing to charlie law. so, you know, in june we'll use porter. suppose, oh shoot. was a hot really. i really usually don't you feeling? yes. so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west and ukraine because of the picture. all right, and so i'm see what, okay, and so far as the new e phone, that's a lot of this to you guys, but i assume you're up. assume i'm, i'm with them. us customers, declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on see
3:00 am
the, the 2 is better for us, like fighting or trying to find out lot of my searches preferred not to us, the russian president also comments on his recent interview with the top of the call center, which sat and watched the media into a meltdown. first of all it's good. the twisting leaders are watching and listening to what i see. but it's bad that wisdom need his teeth and distort what i'm saying . no, what left to hide, palestinian civilians have run out of options. i would say is really prime minister promises a full scale operation and rough uh, the only safe place left in wisconsin. so i went to meet his current defense minister, the class himself z when no one stays presidential election, hot tubs,


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