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tv   Documentary  RT  February 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EST

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also contribute to the advancement of, uh, security and stability in the region, especially now i'm at the gaza war. there was defense chief now urged all muslim countries to join hands and work together to resolve the crisis in palestine. palestine is the primary issue, the islamic wells and the entire globe is necessary for the muslim countries, especially the important regional states, to act decisively and take a more coordinated stance in this regard to fulfill the religious and humanitarian . judy closer ties. a please between your wellness, so the are the as to regional powers could settle many dispute state god, the sovereignty coalitions war on. yeah. meant, for example, were it wrong and to solve you can get used to back opposing sides now, following the trying not mediated reproach. mon reach between to juan and re off in march last year, or the you have any war has largely subsided, at least the us now cannot course, the saudis, the fight,
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the wrong back to the use of p. m a. and this has also played out to the gaza war as the who is now have concentrated their forces on supporting palestinians in these ready war with home us. now we see a growing convergence between um, most lend leaders as they seem to be putting aside their grievances and focus, focusing on the way to end the gaza crisis. this as well as defense minister i should be on the side closer the regional integration will leave no chance for extra territorial forces like the west to metal and regional issue is that they won't believe that's us military presence and that we do. and i mean, it's unwavering support for these, where you are me is the main reason why because a complex has dragged on or i'll see yes, the ties between iran and saudi arabia were marked by rivalry. but last year, with the help of chinese mediation, the 2 states restored dramatic relations reopened. the respect of embassies, chap, profess of soup. how are you in
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a vast evict to go believe that step participation in the breaks grouping? that's helped. great. see eyes both. so be a review and the wrong members of the breaks all with eyes ation. and i think with such participation in the same organization, they will get close to each other on the stand each of them and decide to do long corporation. i try that will be very happy to promote such cooperation between iran and saudi arabia. in the sense china is serving as a gutter and tall of the friendship renewed friendship. and i think given the special in for us. but each of these 2 countries exercise in the muslim world, their operational and friendship and close that corporation will really bode well for the most of the world for the ira blogs. and for every is i make believe throughout the world. so this is a very positive develop, but as our hope china will do more to promote such
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a proper small between and among other countries in the world facing how's the last now to in your proposals, to slap or restrictions on chinese companies for doing business with wash, we are a way or the relevant reports, china, somebody oppose, legal sanctions, or loan. i'm jurisdiction against china on the grounds of cooperation between china and russia. for the you is set to sanction companies in china as well as touching india and sub you for the purchase need help paying most of those suckers and sanctions and by june use of goods to 3rd parties. now if the pond is approved, this would be the 1st time you hasn't post restrictions on funds in china and india since the war and ukraine started vice chatham of the shanghai sent for impact and international studies. that's nelson wong beam. so patient won't tolerate such a move. this is quite ridiculous because to the chinese,
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it's quite ridiculous. so how can you mean that you are being viewed? and as i tried to stop sanctioning chinese companies for doing business with russia, because it has nothing to do with the use of china and russia are trading partners . and you called just say that because you don't like rush to you. you want to, the, to heard for extra so that's why, at chinese companies cannot do business with russia. that's, you know, it's, it's not something that china is, is going to tolerate. i'm gonna accept the trade between china. russia has already reached over $200.00 billing last year. and it's, it's been going on fairly well and no way the chinese companies are going to be scared by this. i mean, this is not, you know,
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a legitimate sections of that's why the chinese government has said that these are illegal sanctions because they are unilateral. major is actually on. finally, a real kid has successfully lost it off on its supply emission to international space station. it's due to adults that in 2 days time as those engines will decide, use walk and successfully lifted off from the fight control costs, which i'm in context on the progress module on top is carrying $2.00 and a half tons of call go and creating vital supplies of fuel trying to voltage the nitrogen, so the space she said it was sort of packed with equipment for scientific experiments that's hardening southern crew members on both the i assessing, creating 3 russian customer. if not is us just the best all but doesn't
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go anywhere quite yet because of some very, very short break. we have what the full 20 minute interview is, not in my pitch and gave yesterday, trunk passes behind on the lie as told the bottom of the west out of fools. his thoughts on top of the call said it's little less. is that type? oh, the the and it was warmer to the off is agenda to separate from the petro dollar and create a gold back dean are which inevitably led to the us nato, european union. mafia ball to kill them at the edge of a bayonet and over throw this country. the 3 uh for 12 years has been the victim of one of the most savage motors spectrum was the,
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the us and the u. k. m a u. and there are lights in the gulf states and then is around and, and turkey. and i was instructed that i had to create a crisis by a given date, so that farms admissions could be fired. and i, i made it clear that i would do my job. i would do my duty. we have seen a carrier been more, most aggressive knows by the u. s. and the western powers, the
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distorted by tell us to a division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st. can you see through their illusions, going underground can on march the 112011, the largest us great ever recorded in japan is we're interested. a 14 me to to nami, devastates the focus cima. each in nuclear pallets on
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the nuclear we inches of flooded sparking. and her risk this stuff and the vision id is killed by going to be of any time in june or is living in japan and decided to go to the area that needs to be a meltdown. config. ashima immediately drove me to talk to somebody about the bus and the phone for ya. investigation stats, watch on tv, the
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the mortgage, your interview with tucker carlson has already reached a 1000000000 view. so there has been many different positive reactions, particularly it is clear what the reactions have been like from western leaders. like the british prime minister and the german chancellor called the interview that you're quoting in the ridiculous and absurd attempt to explain the reasons for the start of the special military operation and justify it. not the threat of a nato attack on russia. what do you think about such assessments, but that will kind of show storing you. first of all, it's good. the wisdom leaders are watching and listening to what i say is today. for some reason, we are unable to hold direct dialogue, then we should be grateful to missed the call so that we can do so to him to claim as an intermediary. but it's a bad wisdom lead us cheat and distort what i say. why? i didn't say anything like that. i did not save at the start of my special military operation, and ukraine is connected to the threat of
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a need to attack on russia. where is this? in my interview? there was a recording with them show exactly where i said this, which you was talking about, something else. the fact that we were constantly deceived in connection with nato is known expansion to the east. by the way, this was said primarily by the nato secretary general, and he was a representative of germany. he said, not an inch to the east, and then we saw 5 extension scenario. it was a complete disruption. we of course, were and are concerned about the possibility of ukraine being thrown into nato since this threatens our security. that's what i said. but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of current ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements and in the ongoing attack with numerous casualties on the don't boss. republics, the lu, against people's republic and the donates people's republic. we did not recognize these republics for 8 years, but they ultimately turn to us requesting recognition as they faced slim prospects
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of resolving issues within the framework of the minsk agreements. we recognize them then made an agreement with them known as the friendship and mutual assistance treaty. we fulfilled our obligations under this agreement in accordance with the un charter. as i said, we did not start the war. we are only trying to end it. at the 1st stage, we tried to do this through peaceful means with the help of the minced agreement. it's just, just as it turned out later, we were fooled here too. because both the former german chancellor and the former french president admitted and publicly stated that they had no intention of implementing these agreements. they was simply stolen for time to pump up the ukrainian regime with additional weapons which they successfully did. the only thing we can regret is that we did not act earlier believing that we were dealing with decent people, exposure,
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cut off some of it because to mr. carlson was already facing criticism before the interview took place. now he is being blamed for allegedly asking to few tough questions. allegedly he was too soft with you, and you were very comfortable with him, but which is what do you think he did? you pressure the american journalist with your authority, they need to do? what do i need to costco? i see i've done with the wash cut also. i think that mr. carlson of yours is a dangerous person. when i say yours, i mean that he is a representative of your profession journalist. but i'm going to be honest. i thought that he wouldn't behave aggressively and ask these so called the question, is that what i was not the only ready for this? i wanted it because it would give me an opportunity to respond to sharply, which in my opinion, would give a certain specificity to our entire conversation. but he chose a different tactic. he tried to interrupt me several times in law, but surprisingly for weston joining list, he turned out to be punching on and listening to my link,
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the monitor of especially those related to history. and he didn't give me a reason to do what i was ready for. so frankly speaking, i did not fully enjoy this in today, but he strictly followed his plan and he fulfilled his plan. it's not for me to judge how meaningful it was in the end. it's just the view as listeners, maybe readings of the receive material. they must draw their own conclusion. right after this interview, there were calls to sanction tucker carlson. and in general, there were talks that he might be arrested still. would that even be possible? just a couple of i'll show up, but the question was most essential seduce the sun is in prison and almost no one knows what he's close. ones remember he that's it. but it is a feature of social consciousness. the news gets forgotten the reception, at least this orange was accused of giving away state secrets. but it's hard to pin . so take these nations on mister kaufman because he didn't touch upon any secret.
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nevertheless, probably everything is possible in today's united states. for mr. call since point of view. this would be said, i don't envy him, but it's his choice. he knew what he was getting into. but from the point of view of making people around the world realize what a modern, liberal democratic dictatorship is, which is vividly represented by united states current ruling class. it would probably be a good thing. they would then show their true face east and they cut off and cut off the full strength of your customers. just to dispel some doubts on mr. carlson said after the interview, you had another conversation to interview. now everyone is wondering what that conversation was about. a little on significance, he went through his plan as i've already said. and that's it. i didn't go beyond this plan. there was some other topics, for example,
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that i thought were important to talk about. but i didn't throw in additional topics that the journalist did not to raise in his conversation with me. and therefore, the question of the demon ization of russia, connected, say to interest nick, incidents like the jewish people, groans in the russian empire. of course, they should have come up during the official part of the interview. but one of the topics that he and i talked about when the cameras were turned off is exactly what the secretary of state of the united states was talking about. mister blinking has talked about this several times, that his relatives, his great grandfather, fred, russia, from jewish pilgrims, and in different countries of the world in europe, in the states. this topic is brought up constantly. i repeat, it is brought up with the aim of demonizing, russia to show what barbarians scoundrels and robbers live here. in fact, if you look at what the current secretary of state said and look not at political
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slogans, but at the essence of the problems that were occurring then much of this becomes clear. for example, in our archives, we have this, mr. blinking is great, grandfather did leave the russian empire. he was born somewhere in the pole top of the province, and then lived in keys and left the city. the question arises, what does mister blinking believe the keys and the surrounding areas are native russian territories. sick and if he says that his great grandfather escaped russia from jewish pilgrims, then i want to emphasize this. he believes that there was no ukraine in 19 o 4 because in 19 o 4 mister blinking is great, great grandfather left for the united states. this means that there was no ukraine there. if he says that he fled for russia. apparently mister blinking is our man. it's a pity that he makes such a public statements. this can lead to failure pro on the wrong side of the people that then would immediately comes to mind. here is that just the other day,
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the german, a media published articles that the grandfather of the current german foreign minister anna, lena bear box. yeah, it was an ardent nazi and now taking into account everything that has been happening in relations between our countries in recent years. and then it turns out that perhaps at some genetic level, the most of national socialism is being spread in this country. more of a new new the from this is one of the subtypes of extreme nationalism. by the way, i want to go back to the topic of the rooms as something has come to my mind now. they mainly to place in the south south west of the russian empire on the territory of modern ukraine. mister blinking and sister left in 19 for the 1st method programming cube happened in 19 o 5. so his great grandfather or great great grandfather could only find out about this either from the newspaper or from information that came from key of at that
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time. and so in principle, leave method of events, negative ones, began at the start of the 19th century, i think in 19201921, the 1st mass pilgrim to place. of course, these crimes took place in odessa. they need 1000000 total, and you told me in other cities that belong to modern day ukraine and built a roof. they were a couple of incidents of this kind inside the area. but the 1st was associated with the murder of the greek patriarch in constantinople. back then, the greeks who lived there believed that the jews were somehow involved in the assassination attempt on the patriarch. but this is not important. what is important is that the resistance squads, which consisted of jewish and russian youth, oppose the pogroms. the government, including those honest one, gave a aubrey at assessments and tried to present these tragic events, including with the help of the army. but i repeat again, this is a separate topic. and as for nationalism, naziism and fascism,
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i'll tell you perhaps, strange things. first of all, is on a lena bear, belk herself represents the green party. many representatives of this part of the european political spectrum, speculating on and inciting people's fears, surrounding events that may occur in the world due to climate change. sure, sure. and then they pursue their own political line, which is far from what they came to power with. this is what is happening in germany. now, let's say the use of coal for energy generation has increased more so then in russia. so where is this green agenda? secondly, people like the german foreign minister are of course hostile to our country, to russia. but in my opinion, she is also hostile to her own country. because it is difficult to imagine that a politician of such rank would treat the economic interests of their own country and people with such disdain. i won't go into details now, but in practice,
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this is exactly what is happening. and we see it tell you what the next part of what i want to say. it may sound dissonant with what i just said. i do not believe that today's generations of germans should bear the full political responsibility for everything that nazi germany did. it is impossible to shift responsibility for what hitler and his minions did onto the people of today and not only in germany, but also in other parts of the world, europe and so on. i think that would be unfair, slapping such a label on the entire german population is a dishonest position. this is an abuse of what the peoples of the soviet union stuff. and it seems to me that this is dishonorable spectrum, and there's no point, much less we must proceed by facing the realities of the day. look at who is actually doing what and what policies are being pursued. shut off in my opinion.
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and in many countries, even in those in which it would seem, this should not sound as a political late motif is, does some kind of perceived exclusivity of some people's over others kind of choosing. this will listen. this is how not managed. therefore, if this is so widespread, we should also, in any case think about building this anti fascist, anti nazi propaganda and work in a global level. this should not be done at some sort of state level. this will only be effective if it is done on the level of public consciousness and public initiative. it doesn't matter which country this happens either. what you're saying is if the feeling very much perfect european union as a whole, has practically begun panicking at the possible return of donald trump as the us president. and trump's recent statements have generally discouraged european leaders or they do not hide it. she trump said the us should only protect europe
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and countries if they can pay for it. what's, why has this kind of a relationship developed between europe, it's leaders and donald trump. project trump has always been labeled as a non systemic politician. he has his own views on how the united states should develop relations with its allies. the tensions with their before his to take the withdrawal of the united states from the kyoto environmental agreements to attentions existed in 2. but then us president decided that washington would withdraw from these agreements despite the attractiveness of the environmental agenda, because he believed that this was harmful to the american economy. that's it. no matter how the european leaders coasting he did it or yes, it was adjusted late or the most of the video. how is trumps position different time in this sense? basically, it's not the only way he wanted to force the europeans to increase the defense spending or as he said,
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let them pay for their protection for opening the nuclear umbrella over their heads and so on. i don't know. let them figure it out themselves. it's, they have problems. there is probably some logic in this, from his point of view, from the point of view of the europeans, there is no logic. and they would like the united states to continue to carry out the same functions that have developed since the formation of nature, free of charge. so that's the business. i believe that nato is no longer needed at all. there is no point except for it being an instrument of us foreign policy, and if the us believes it does not need this to, that is its decision. why this or she brings it down for sale by the current us president biden is giving more and more reasons for the whole world to discuss the state of his health. this is the president of one of the largest nuclear countries . i'm amazing and not the same time. we all see the concerning footage on a daily basis of the diet. that's what do you think when you see and hear all this,
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you'll do more. i see that the domestic collection race is gaining momentum in the united states. it is taking on more and more acute forms, and it is incorrect in my opinion, for us to interfere in this process. listen when i met with biden in switzerland 3 years ago, they were already saying that he wasn't confident. i didn't see anything of the sort. well, yes he pick that his papers and to be honest, i think that mine, there was nothing wrong with that. effect that somewhere while getting out of a helicopter pumped isn't it? so what, who among us hasn't hit their hit on a helicopter? let them cast the 1st stone. i am not a doctor and do not consider myself to have the right to give any comments on this matter. we should not look at this, we should look at the political position. i believe that the position of the current administration is extremely harmful and erroneous. excellent, and i told president biden this at one point, not the problem a question that was raised 4 years ago and is now becoming relevant again,
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who is better for us fighting, or trump by finding he is more experienced, predictable, and an old school politician. but we will work with any us leader who the american people have confidence in curriculum that's always on the stuff. and i wanted to get back to your interview with tucker carlson. do we remember the statements made by the current leaders of germany and the u. k. a but the one you mentioned in your interview with mister carlson was boris johnson's email. it was, he who according to mister arrow, amelia's confession bordered key of not to negotiate with moscow but to fight. now, if key of authorities had not, then listen to this, let's call it advice. how could events have developed further and just put in the will? mr. i don't know how many answered that question himself. what's the footage? we didn't force these words. he said what he thought why he did that. i don't know
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he's a frank person, i guess. but he also said that if we had fully implemented the symbol agreements, the war would have stopped a year and a half ago. he said so well, watching the interview with mister carlson. it seems to me that it is necessary to single tediously show the interview with mister amir. so why did the west state disposition that are you? i'm talking specifically about the width and the bubble. the us since former prime minister johnson could not come on his own initiative without consulting washington on the matter. surely such consultations not only took place, but i think that he simply went on a business trip at the expense of the american administration. you paid him travel allowances for this. so there he laid out the position that it is necessary to fight russia to the last ukrainian and inflict a strategic defeat upon russia. that part was in brackets, of course. apparently, they were counting on such a result. but as i told mister kaufman and i can repeat it to you,
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if they see that this is not working, maybe that means adjustments need to be made. but this is now a question of the art of politics. because politics, as we know, is the art of compromises within the, the,
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the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best english i'll send, send up the in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split our t suppose next, even our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request, which is the
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sum of 2 is better for us inviting or trump finds out a lot of my food tends preferred picking, just a moment thoughtful as a russian president lose. so comment on his recent dentist here with tucker colson, which sudden launch of the media into a meltdown. first of all, it's good. the wisdom leaders are watching and listening to what i see. but it's bad, the wisdom leaders cheap and distort what don't say. no. d last to hide palestinian civilians have run out of options and how's he is wearing the prime minister promises a full scale operation in rough up the only safe space left in one of the golf. also ahead information is current defense minister to class himself be when not of one states presidential election.


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