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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EST

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the, the, the breaking news at this hour and off the international. we understand at least 5 civilians have killed, including a child 18 more wounded in a ukrainian strike on russia's board, a region of build a role that as we understand, bit of shopping center and residential building office who is better for us to bite and or trump yeah, a lot of my food and put on the spot as he's off to is better for russia is on. so coming up as a comment on his recent interview with talk across and which sent to question media to run nelson democrats. first of all, it's good that wisdom leaders are watching and listening to what i see. but it's bad that wisdom lead us teeth and distort what i say. no, i left to hide. now here we're not you international, the palestinian civilians really running out of options as these are really prime
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minister of comments. it's a full scale operation in a rough font. that's the only safe, but it's less than all of got. and indonesia is current defense minister declaring himself the winner of wednesday's presidential election, such as o the couch gave him a commanding lead over his right. the white we all live on worldwide from most go with your news unfiltered, as always here or not to. so we do start this out with breaking news. coming to us now from a russia's border region of build a road of 5 civilians have been killed, including a child, 18 wounded, 5 of whom, a children and software ukrainian, striped according to their regions governor. that's done. well right now, let's go straight to a correspondent marine across the river, standing by for the latest on this breaking news. can you bring us up to speed? what do we know now regarding this attack? absolutely, very well. bell girls came on the rock that fire at around $1230.00 local time slot
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around noon, i guess for maximum impact and as of sold. so we have a shopping sensor that was heavily damaged, as were several, a residential buildings, and also a school stadium. now we already know that a baby is among the dead and also out of the injured at least 5. our kids, of course, are emergency crews working on the scene and villains cruise, or they're taking the injured to nearby hospitals. we already heard from the governor of nearby prescription saying that once again ukraine has shown that it is deliberately attacked and civilian the civilians there. and we know that belgrade and also other board the regions belgrade, for example, or just a 30 kilometers from the border. any frame, and it's become under several types of deputies attack and 5 happened just 2 months ago in december when there were 25 people killed and around a 100 people wounded. and once again, we're seeing a similar situation today. we're still waiting to get the final number of
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casualties. but again, this is a developing story. and what we know so far is that the emergency crews are they're working to see if there are any more people injured. finding more people are lying onto the rubble somewhere because several spots were damaged and bell growth and the belle grove region. and of course, an air raid siren has, has been launched for a few hours now with the update on that breaking news onto a smart, a concert rather, thank you. well, life on the fire has become sadly old, too familiar for the locals living in belgrade. a few days ago. i'll tell you that might come. i would try it for a ton to from the region of the seeing how the conflict that has genuinely changed people's day to day lines or they see whenever changes. but for some here, it has changed everything billed or den cock ever since the citizen past of to be full the use a so when a single state from booking to many republics, the border and state of both regions was a blessing was
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a gateway for boots with balance of doors, but which once more simple lesson is now a curse cut off style with the i woke up yesterday and so no folks. so it realized that would be so and it's scary. i remember 2 explosions. now. i have shopped in my cheek, my arms, and a few shirts in my belly. the youngest you might do it to woke me on this night. she said i will scream and you see, i don't want to leave here. i'm afraid. when one of the village of sanibel york region for almost 2 months, this region has been show with more does show the with how we just attacked with striking rooms the by d, the region is being raised to the ground. ukrainian army tries to create a grey zone. the use to it is just an active terrace. it doesn't make any military sense. it tool when a show lens in your backyard and kills the child, of course it frightens people. it is okay to be frightened. they want people to
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leave and may have had possible success. but there's also a 2nd part to the equation. people adapt to someone, the adapt, they don't considered piece possible anymore. they want to get the jump done. after the new yes, college and build or the city begun during an inter besieged fortress, the governor ordered it could be 4 to 5 and for people to be trained in 1st 8 pupils and students study remotely. some children have been evacuated to safety. the governor here is loved, she keeps and people can see. but the longer goes on, the more he finds himself stuck between the devil and a deep below sea. he does not want his region to resemble a war zone, but he knows he has to protect his people. he attended one of the 1st and sessions himself, managing people in practice in cpr, computer with some goal of this problems. first and foremost, we will survive this, we believe in our victory. we have something to live for. we so we read, we mine, we smells,
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we have much more than the conflict. our main goal is to be alive and ready and we will be. it wasn't so long ago that people here who sings the very idea or for would be absurd. the same language, the same memories, the same country. just yesterday, these people war, fellow citizens know their recruitment as or from above the wall and printers between them. very few today can think of reconciliation reunion piece. some believe the things happen only once you know lives and what is lost is lost forever. how does the clean to the health of the given the deepest of wounds can steal hill? what i mean, which i've all to you for reporting from building drinking, talking with the chief editor of the finish and be like to you on your side, are you on us but the cone and he says the key of has a password and of targeting civilian areas, particularly when this stuff was losses on the front line. this is the federal level, what has continued since 2014,
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when the gradient tubes are us offering heavy losses. they don't revenge to the armed forces. monday's shoot far behind through the bronk last back. and now is the belgrade which have to take the shot. this is a war crime is going on and hopefully the west understands the that the, there is no, there are 2 beds are in the new leadership of to create an army forces. these is a factual of points and hopefully for i shall we will raise dissolved into you, i think you are is a causal and demand. so the international discussion, previous time result, result one, a month, relatively, a silent time after the previous darrel mommy's, hopefully the situation will be balanced and the right conclusion should be done by shifting now to the ongoing war in gaza, where israel's prime minister says the idea will begin its operation in the file.
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once all civilians being evacuated from that area, we will fight until complete victory. and this includes a powerful action and rafer after we allow the civilian population to leave the battle zones. well, that's the 1st time that we hear about allow in the civilian population of gaza to leave the combat zone from a 0. the thing is that so far, israel hasn't explained where should people god's key or how this could be done at all? what is clear is one going to be easy. most of those crowding now around rough in southern gaza, you an estimate nearly one and a half 1000000 people have been internally displaced, clean the war in the north, over the in clay, after these really offensive started in a former or they moved to the center. but as the idea of operation was expanding, they had to move again from new is further south until they reached the different
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boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is neither safe. yeah, it's no livable, according to recent research, more than half of guys as buildings have been damaged or destroyed with civilian infrastructure almost not existing. so where to go, here's the u. i a representative hosking. this very question, and given the answer that shows, to what extent this whole situation looks like, a dead end, every body will astute. the v begging police don't do that, protects the billions don't deal with so many. how many is too many which is just on dot net that yahoo is also at least anyone deadline to a book. wait, wait for the one. why are they going to like wait these people? so is it to a national community believes that this isn't a slaughter that too many people are being killed. maybe the have to think about to
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for the reason, along with the a if people will find a place to go to is hard and dangerous to move when the war goes on. and we remember that even before, when israel was offer and so called safe car doors, they were often hate 10 were far from the safe. and we don't see any indication the notes or activity decreasing. now in the area on the opposite. earlier on monday is ro carried out a special operation and rough uh, with massive s tribes providing cover and support for ground troops to rescue to hostages. but we hear that's more than 70 palestinians died in that same assault with her mass. now claiming that 3 other hostages lost their lives, these planes are hard to be verified right now. so any military activity and such a small and densely populated area have high risk of even more civilian deaths. lots of low. the large scale operation is ro is now pushing for the international community is extremely concerned. warning is ro, it will be
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a catastrophe. military activities in this area based as the populated area would be of course, and then so terminal capital shall fee and, and the norm as uh, even for expense. do you during these, all these, all start the deals imaginations, despite all those calls and voice says israel and says the operation and rough what cannot be avoided and claims the rossville full battalions of how my station in that area. and they need to be eliminated. and there are tunnels also is row claims . let's connect guys to egypt with mill through ad for as they say needed to be intensified to collapse them in the past. we've seen israel given up sometimes on the international pressure, like for example, when happened with the humanitarian assistance for gas. it is that israel rejected initially, but allowed later, but it's hard to predict if it's going to work this time. meanwhile,
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the neighboring lebanon officials say 9 civilians, including 4 children, were killed in a barrel. showbiz reading strikes on villages across the south of the country. for josh, having some smoke rising from one of the impact areas is roka found. it had to find a large way of miss aisle set to target sizes previously used to launch rockets. this awards is ready territory. we discussed it with the executive general of the palestinian national initiative. mustafah bought a goofy, he believed stays ready. prime minister will drag out the war simply because it's the only way for him to click on to office. is it i can go to the guys, the city or clients inside of the crime of genocide, the crime of collective punishment and the time of business. nothing, you know, never gave up his plan to completely evict all the population of goes out of goes into egypt. he's dreaming about this type of ethnic cleansing,
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which would be the largest since 1948 when he was ethnic cleansing took place. so what we need is could i shut on those today that as i sat at the risk to do that, that period, which is the not by me all my is kelly now with the north of living. and he could see a full scale award with live in on as well. and anyhow knows that once the water stops, he would be accountable for his failure on the 7th of october and goes on and on his failure to end this war. because he could not achieve any of his 3 goals. he couldn't advocate for the student assistance. he could not get to back. is there any prisoners as he could not? info's is a controlling of over guys, but also he's facing for case of corruption. and he knows once the all stops he might go to here. that's why in my opinion,
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that anyhow is interested in the discussion of the gun stuff. this is out of the international of western leaders continue to distort moscow statements about the war in ukraine. that is to actually take away from an interview with the russian president on wednesday coming almost a week off the platinum at fusion. sit down with the american folk show host tucker carlson of the social story. and 1st of all, it's the wisdom leaders are watching and listening to what i see is today. for some reason, we are unable to hold the rick dialogue, then we should be grateful to mr. call some that we can do so through him as an intermediary. but it's bad wisdom lead us cheat and distort what i see. why i didn't say anything like that. i did not say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine is connected to the threat of a need to attack on russia. where is leasing my interview? there is
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a recording with them show exactly where i sent this. i was talking about something else. the fact that we were constantly deceived in connection with nato was known expansion to the east. we of course, were and are concerned about the possibility of ukraine being drawn into nato since this threatens our security. that's what i said. but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of current ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements in, in the ongoing attack with numerous casualties on the don't boss republics, the lou against the people's republic and the donates people's republic. we did not recognize these republics for 8 years, but they ultimately turn to us requesting recognition as they faced slim prospects of resolving issues within the framework of the mens agreements. as i said, we did not start the war. we are only trying to ended, of course, at the 1st stage. we tried to do this through peaceful means with the help of the men's agreements. as it turned out later,
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we were fooled here too. the only thing we can regret is that we did not act earlier believing that we were dealing with decent people. president christian saying that she wanted to follow the main code she was trying to find the solution to the issues in those republics that became as a result of the mind and protests in to have in 2014. and is told that limits for quotes are the way to do that. but as we know, the post february 2022. first, the full monthly does of gemini and fall and submit to the what they were using them in spring with was to give the opportunity, if you crane to all make self move against russia so that it could defend itself. so a real sense for them present creative because he was asked by type of costs and why you russia hadn't intervened, didn't early stage. he's now saying, well, perhaps think we should have, i requested for what we were trying to do is to follow a peaceful pause that didn't work out. that's why we began the so called special
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military operation in so $32022.00. and he says, what russia is trying to do is to put an end to that conflict that had already been raging for 8 years. at that point. i mean, he says that what are they doing and those don't. bostwick publix is for texting. in accordance with the un charter. we had seen a lot of attacks on target costs and after this interview. but what the presidency about tucker coffin himself. well, yes, you will say aust, about the threats to talk a calls and then he talked about that saying, you know, took a call soon as the engine list knew what he was getting himself into. of course dr to call. so i've been trying to get this interview for 3 years and said that she had been prevented from doing an interview with president pershing previously. but president clinton was also asked about the start of being to do and just said he was expecting something that was going to be a bit more confrontational, a bit more fiery, and that he was ready for it. i don't wish to rush cut off. i think that the
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counsel of yours is a dangerous person. when i say yours, i mean that he is a representative of your profession. journalism. to be honest, i thought that he would behave aggressively and ask the so called tough questions. i was not only ready for this, i wanted it surprisingly for a weston journalist. he turned out to be patient to throw in some right after this interview. there were calls to sanction tucker carlson. and in general, there were talks that he might be arrested. would that even be possible for such a song as is imprisoned and almost no one but these close ones? remember him? at least this knowledge was accused of giving away state secrets. but it's hard to be in such accusations on carlson because he didn't touch upon any secrets. nevertheless, probably everything is possible in today's united states. from kaufman's point of view, this would be said, i don't envy him,
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but it's his choice. he knew what he was getting into. he also touchstone the issue during the solar. so this is a which leaks in the, in the found who has been languishing in jail. now in the most present in london for the last few years. he's waiting, i believe we can find that in the next week with a to be extradited to the us. so at present greeting saying, look, is pretty clear that when you go against us government, that can be consequences and took the costs and is a pro. now go i, he's been long standing doing this and he was well aware of all the threats that the interview with him with present preaching may post himself on his return to the us. put in was also asked about the upcoming elections in the united states. made up this year, what did he, what was his take on that as well? very interesting, of course, because russia has been accused of interfering in us elections in the past. present increase in being very clear that democracy will unfold in america as within phones
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. he was also asked quite specifically about who he preferred working with president trump for president bite. and for some of that president clinton, the tell you what he has to say about that, which is not the prospect the question that was raised 4 years ago. and is now becoming relevant again and who is better for us spite and or trump biting. he has more experience predictable and an old school politician. but we will work with any us leader who the american people have confidence in. i think that the domestic election race is gaining momentum in the united states. it is taking on more and more acute forms and it is incorrect in my opinion, for us to interfere in this process. listen, when i met with bite and in switzerland 3 years ago, they were already saying that he wasn't competent. i didn't see anything of the sort. well yes, he picked these papers and to be honest, i picked up mine. there was nothing wrong with that. the fact that some way,
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while getting out of a helicopter bumped his head. so what, who among those hasn't hit their head on a helicopter? let them cast the 1st stone. i am not a doctor and do not consider myself to have the right to give any comments on this matter. we should not look at this. we should look at the political position, i believe that the position of the current administration is extremely harmful and their own use. and i told president biden this, at one point you heard it the, the issue isn't necessarily whether it's from full bite and it's with the current administration. and that's where the copeland slide returning to our top story from belgrade here, one of the international with 5 civilians, shipping cables and getting a child 18 wounded as well, offer a ukrainian strike. it's all according to the regions governor. as we're being told, a shopping center was hitting the attack along with
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a number of other civilian buildings. will obviously be staying across the story. i'm gonna bring you all the updates here on a t and a while. lucky as a troops continue to carry out attacks on the civilian populations, a belgian road russian troops and making the boxes on the battlefield is all these equinox down off right now. joining us from trimming iowa and the real guns, republican ego. i understand you've got some developments to focus through a handed over to you to where data. absolutely, rory we are in the town of came in. i, on the front is just a few kilometers away from here on the indeed the stone you can see how bad it has had in the past several years. i have to say, just behind me, there's a massive crates on the is just again, one out of many that are scheduled all across this town. and the scenery behind me really speaks volumes. uh, but uh,
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this is one of the major old sports. it has been for the past again, couple of years. uh, but lately, the russian army they have intensify their attacks and their shows all across the front. of course, the main body to log you please right now. well, the main battle is i have to say they are happening in the then that's good republican, but then it's region where the russian forces are trying to push the enemy away from the city of the nets. do you mentioned the town of belgrade? it's a very tragic and really a very tragic event, a terrorist attack for sure, it's no less than that. but the city of the nets get has seen similar attacks and even something a much was since, since 2014 really. and so right now, the russian troops, they are working on the pushing the enemy away so that that town can finally breeze a gulf of pressure. here there's another hold. sports town of the gulf cape was onto the russian control back in 2022. but then the russian troops,
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they fell back and well, they are trying to retake it. as of now, of course rushes capitalizing heavily on all the bickering that is happening in the west. and that is happening amid the ukrainian allies as they can not agree on the continued support for you. credit right now. so russian, he's trying to capitalize on the moment. the town of the gulf guy is no exception. this sense and this part of the front is no exception. in this sense, right now, the russian troops, they are fighting already in the industrial areas of this town. of course, any industrial area is a very difficult place to store men to take by force just due to very deep, underground systems of communications over the we do know that the ukraine forces they have tried to. they have already drawn some of their reserves that used to used to be stationed on the 5th, on the 6th, a lines of defense is now they are over there in this crucible of war. and the
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similar situation is all across the front, really. and even the ukrainian officials, they have been advancing ukrainian offices. they have been saying that, well, our resorts is, are extremely strange and it's, it's small just about a 10. are you shells for this is for instance and weaponry. it also applies to personnel. and so, of course, russia is trying to capitalize on that and to make gains on the battlefield and we'll sofa, it has been, it has been successful on a number of parts of the front. right. all the cars wasn't able to stand off. thank you. in an easy, it was our current defense minister has declared himself the winner of wednesday is presidential election. that's as preliminary result to show his opponents training by a good still he points. so over now it's want to use that rebecca and up at the port
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of sending this report from the capital to come a scattering party held by the winning team of presidential candidates double. so be unable and 5 press to that. it shows candidates. he but i'm black, i'm moving to that guy has to come to and them earlier today, but i will also be ample. and he, but i'm back. i'm moving that i've got gathered and met with their loyal supporters . bravo. so bianco stated in his speech that this victory is a victory for all and that he is the president for all in the nations. this claim of victory came from the results of the quick counts that have been gathered around the nations from independent organizations. and in all of those quick count bubbles to be on to one and the 1st round of the presidential elections. 555 percent.
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we can say that it's so winning and slammed slides because again, try to put on all my foot am be the one who's backed up by the ruling party in indonesia, especially in the legislative part, the democratic party, all struggled only able to reach 18 percent while the other candidate i missed the bus where dad and well, i mean is found that they took 25 percent of the votes. however, but i will also mentioned that you will wait until the official election results will be announced by the election commission next month, around mid march, and also encouraging all the nations to respect the results. and this is also a statement that are being delivered by the other 2 candidates. i missed the bus,
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went down and gotten dropped, but i know i looking at the conditions right now, look at all the results from the quick pounds and from the into the as the month of people, the winning double and give it and is undeniable. they're big and happy to reporting from jakarta for our team. so the if you, if you and orthodox church has cold out west and nations for their attempts to impose same sex relationships on the country through the fault of political and economic me. it is apparent that certain western countries have incorporated these practices into their laws and social norms, deeming them justifiable elements of inclusivity and equality concurrently. they are exerting continuous pressure on african and eastern nations that steadfastly oppose such practices with the aim of eventual conformity. the same sex marriages are prohibited in if you, if you have other nations originally amended,
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find the legal authorities of you with flashes with the countries deeply rooted religious traditions, immediate director of the ethiopian orthodox table. i hate a church believes that western pressure on the l g b t issue is unacceptable. as a country, thanks not just the ethical but also the legal values of the country. this is the, you know, the culture is, you know, the more on values these, you know, religious values, if he's in, you know, a legacy value in legal documents including data ban claiming on the document. it all, you know, politic clearly stated is that it is legally for the beaten. so uh, why are we compared to, to, to so and why is it? uh, you know, whatever, diplomatic or important to con, social development admissions took, such kind of the things which we don't have the, you know, of the social,
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in the historic on values to, to be a condition. why do they predict the condition? and then most of the condition, why do they make influences? so for us, this is very, very difficult to, to really, to, to uh, saturday, you know, i, we kind of looked at each the minds of these people, united city, very difficult to read. we have we, as a church, the outcomes and the of teaching is can you please stated that such book? these are seen food, so we kind know to be for city to exit, seen for the act. say no to my situation because if so thing. what, why easy, why do we have religion saying if we, i'd say, think, seen you know, if you, if you're not alone and all of this are uganda recently passed? what was essentially an n c l g d to bill and it's parliament. it does make you wonder who's.


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