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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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the introduce the dealership i made the breaking news on our international test. the 6 civilians are killed, including an infant on the 17 more wounded as ukraine strides, a shopping center in russia's border region of belgrade. we are in the town of payment night and the front is just a few kilometers away from here. i can be ukrainian coffee continues. dog corresponded to reports from near the front line and verified 4 days from the medical complex. and i thought you were to send it to storm advise radio comes at the id. yes, i do have an order though sheltering beth, and leave under the pretext it is rarely a hostages taken by a mouse located somewhere in the hospital or the alliance of the hills. states say that the french drove in the hands of rebels in the border of mauritania,
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shows that power is supporting the separatist movements in north africa, the live out loud without the annoying main street narrative. since so is your years on to updating our break and use this. our from russia is border region of bell good on the 6th civilians have been killed, including an infant, 17 wounded, 4 of them, children and a ukrainian stripe and hit a shopping and residential area casualty told was announced by russia's ministry of health. and we have this report from the scene. and what's this like, you know, this is the terrorist attack was carried out on belgrade by the armed forces of ukraine by the attack was carried out with the help of the nato m. l r. s. vampire system. when bold emergency services are already at the scene, at the end of dealing with the aftermath of the builder, rod will not surrender. we will continue to monitor the situation here recently,
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and the russian foreign ministry has released the stipend following kia strike on belgrade. is that the attack is a result of ukrainian failures on the battlefield and highlights what it calls the criminal role of the us led collective west. the continues to pump the weapons. the key of a correspond that we're in a cost of rather has more details about this, that it all sorted out around $1230.00 local time. so lunch time for most people. when belgrade came under air attack, and as a result, there was a school stadium that was damaged, a shopping center heavily damaged as well. you can see from the videos there, the people sort of posting on social media right away. also we know that there were a number of presidential buildings or were damaged cars. and so far we know about an infant is among the dead and also several kids were injured and have since been taken to the hospital. and as soon as this happened, of course, there was an air ride the warning, which has since been lifted, and the governor of a neighboring brands collegian, which has also come on to
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a consistent attack over the last 2 years. since the military operation began, he said, but this again is another sign. and that shows that the key of regime is constantly target st deliberately civilians. and this is the sentiments also echoed by the foreign ministry spokesman marizza harbor. another act of terrorism by the key of regime, which resulted in the death of civilians in belgrade including one child as well as many injured. this will be submitted by russia to relevant to international organizations, including the un security council. but of course, we're not expecting the un security council to do anything about this because they haven't done anything about all the previous types of options for, again, targeting civilians. let's not forget the belgrade which by the way is just a 30 kilometers from the board over the frame. it's still recovering from it. definitely is a tax so for and this was in december during the holiday season when once again, ukrainians forces targeted civilians. and as a result,
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25 people died there and around a 100 people were injured. and once again, here we are today, we're not expecting to hear anything from the watson. we're expecting them to continue supplying the weapons other than the q version uses. so attack of russian swell and russian citizens with a life on the fire has become all too familiar for the locals living in belgrade all to is i'm not going to try a file this report from the region on basically how the into i called because changed to lives of every day people, as they see whenever changes, but for some here it has changed everything billed or den, since the citizen passed after the full the use a. so when a single state from booking to many republics, the modern stages of both regions was a blessing was a gateway for boots will build on some doors, but which once more simple lesson is now occurs to stella with the i woke up yesterday. and so no folks, so it realized that would be so and it's scary. i remember 2 explosions. now. i
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have shopped in the, in my cheek, my arms, and a few shirts in my belly. the youngest, you may do it to woke me on this night. she said, i will scream, and you see, i don't want to leave here, i'm afraid. put in one of the village of sanibel york region for almost 2 months. this region has been show with more does show the with how we just attacked with striking rooms. the by d, the reason is being raised to the ground. ukrainian army tries to create a gray zone. this to it is just an active terrace and it doesn't make any military sense. a tool when a show lands in your backyard and kills the child. of course it frightens people, it is okay to be frightened. they want people to leave and they have had partial success. but there's also a 2nd part to the equation. people adapt to back and when they adapt, they don't consider piece possible anymore. they want to get the jump done. after
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the new years college and build or the city began during an inter besieged fortress the government or did it could be fortified and for people to be trained in 1st 8 pupils and students study remotely. some children have been evacuated to safety. the governor here is loved, she keeps and people can see. but the longer it goes on, the more he finds himself stuck between the devil and a deep below sea. it is not in warranty, is region to resemble a war zone, but he knows he has to protect his people. he attended one of the 1st and sessions itself by using people in practice in c, b, r. good. so i'm going to describe james, 1st and foremost, we will survive this, we believe in our victory. we have something to live for. we so we read, we mine, we smells, we have much more than the conflict. our main goal is to be alive and ready and we will be, it wasn't so long ago that people here who seems the very idea or 4 would be absurd . the same language, the same memories, the same country. just yesterday,
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these people war fellow citizens. now they're a comb with us or above the wall and printers between them. very few today can think of reconciliation reunion these some believe the things happen only once you know lives and what is lost is lost forever. how does the clean to the health of the even the deepest of wounds can steal hill? i'm going to which i've all to you for reporting from building drinking. and wow, okay. of troops carry auto tax on civilians and civilian infrastructure in belgrade and solve breaking news in today's program. a corresponding english donald filed this report on the conflict from near the front line. as we are in the town of green midnight on the front is just a few kilometers away from here. and indeed the stone. you can see how bad it has had in the past several years. i have to say just behind me, there's
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a massive crate. uh and uh, its just again 102 of many that uh, scheduled all across this town and the scenery behind me really speaks volumes. uh, but uh, this is one of the major old sports. it has been for the past again, couple years. uh, but lately, the russian army, they have intensified their attacks and their shows all across the front. of course, the main batch of all you please right now. well, the main battle is i have to say they are happening in the then that's good republican, but then it's regional where the russian forces are trying to push the enemy away from the city of the nets. the town of bug at the very tragic and really a very tragic event. a terrorist attack for sure. it's no less than that. but the city of connecticut has seen similar attacks and even something is much worse since since 2014 really. and so right now, the russian troops, they're working on the pushing the enemy away so that that town can finally breeze
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a gulf of pressure. here. there's another whole sport. it's a town of villa. gore of cape was onto the russian control back in 2022, but then the russian troops, they fell back and well they are trying to retake it. as of now, of course brushing is capitalizing heavily on all the bickering that is happening in the west, and that is happening amid the ukrainian allies as they can not agree on the continued support for ukraine right now. so russia is trying to capitalize on the moment. the town of the gulf guy is no exception. this sense and this part of the front is no exception. in this sense, right now, the russians and they are fighting already in the industrial areas of this town. of course, any industrial area is a very difficult place to store them and to take by full it's just due to very deep, underground systems of communications over the we do know that the ukraine forces
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they have tried to, they have already drawn some of their reserves that used to used to be stationed on the 5th, on the 6th, the lines of defense is now they are over there in this crucible of war. and the similar situation is all across the front, really and even the ukrainian officials, they have been advancing ukrainian offices. they have been saying that, well, our resorts is, are extremely strange and it's, it's small just about a 10. are you shells for this is, for instance and weaponry. it also applies to personnel. and so of course, russia is trying to capitalize on that and to make gains on the battlefield and well sofa. it has been, it has been successful on a number of parts of the front russian of all the regions, including belgrade have come under a car and ukrainian strikes and recent months, leaving council of civilian casualties. and we've got
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a very close watch on the situation there. a lot of updates are going up by the hour, adoptees or com. the israel has alleged that stuff from the un relief and works agency, the palestinian refugees were compulsive in the october, the 7th time us a tax. however, the humanitarian group says there was no evidence to back up the claim. my understanding of what i heard about this, i don't see it is that these, those it does not go beyond the allegation itself for the time being the government prime minister of the mental development. i've been very clear the calling for the dismantlement of the agency in one we have see, and also the discussion taking place at the kind of set about expanding on the one from eastern terrorism. so after gas on is service and then the next into mind is the west point. it's being now nearly a month since israel made the accusation since bad and internal un investigation
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has been launched with no evidence being found so far. despite the clay during the tv interview and his ready government spokespersons failed to show any evidence as well. 13 on our staff members were directly involved in the october 7th masika. that was the tip of the iceberg. do you have any other didn't flip up to you? i'm going to question because it wasn't because this was all collected because this was all collected on the basis of intelligence. wesley, as an ad with our allies, intelligence that has been shared with our allies. i was pre owned because brittany explained it to the no, i can't speak to the specific intelligence that has been shed with individual west and partners. but that evidence is out that it is correct or not a reflection, evidence about those betsy may use. where is it? how do you post it to the un investigational notes? we do not trust the you an investigator. you have, it is taking place. there is no, you wouldn't be handled ice in front of anybody and united nations. the united
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nations, which has been covering up the how most presents literally 20 meters underneath the un headquarters in gaza, cannot be trusted to conduct any sort of internal review of your given the everybody's part. so the us will bridge discussions. i'm not personally aware of what material may have been passed on between our intelligence agencies. while the author, the claims are levied, 16 countries suspended a to be combined with hiring group, which has supported millions of palestinians over the last 75 years. this is despite the fact the case concerns accusations against only 12 in raw workers context that represents just a 10 of one percent of its entire team, which includes over $13000.00 employees in gaza. a lot. well, the communications officer of the international committee of the red cross official mine says, starving, the owner of the funds it needs to do is mission to almost suff. and you're going
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to prove fateful. there's been given to tell you that in addition, that has the capacity as the owner of agency, that provides some important urgent uh, services like like shelter, like education, like communication, healthcare, the vast majority of the community goza and given i think that the cost of the company itself is ongoing more, but the majority of the population will because it's true, almost, you know, in, in each tending guys are never turn of, it's based. i did receive a lot of age. some people who were given b stick ation, this tendencies and get the message paid. that's entering gas, that, that is not static a to the coast typically in drawing names on the ground. so we hope that this does not impact the people in the states, provides a lifeline for thousands as a humanitarian. i believe that the action so you should not have passed um, you know, the role and the impact and the,
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the supports that an entire organization as a staff members who are working on the very dark and additions and will have lost families and best friends. how leads that's what their phones continue to work and continue to provide essential services. ready or hundreds of thousands of be we have. 9 lies really now on rough uh, uh, knolls and garza is towed to the carpet pond. people were told to go south evacuation roots were found. those who made it on now in rafa many in refugee council there is disease uninstalled ation. now it's right to say that it's going to launch a full minute tree offensive on that last safe haven. so the old fist question, i know people are asking it why. 9 are these people supposed to go? i believe that these are the authorities are to get it as because angles and you know, the, this, this is the option because basically there's no,
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sir there. so it goes to distribute. is it that was, is it people had been on the moon as a family? it's got to be the case for 234, sometimes and times and dates from the cell in the street from, from the beginning, from losing their, their lives. they are living canal under their documents, any situation over $1500000.00 people living a less than 20 percent of the total space of the cost of set, which is really a limited space. they are separate this from the access to essentially services like a lot of reporters invitation medication and they aren't. data has to provide you with the table. there's even know is even know table inside do between it's a tense. i think the already called the school, the streets, and the side was, uh, there's still a spark instead of just across the rates and goes on and a few nights ago. and those people were to do the women and children. it's you to
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have to do so securities restaurants across the government rates. and that was the last of how the situation will be if a large scale that was very patient is one of these govern rate. given the situation, are staying in gaza as the necessary medical complex located in the southern. the kansas city of con, unice has come under attack by its ready forces and verify for the show you right here. smoke feeling the hospital holes as what's best described as people kind of came with the destruction is really ministry forces have confirmed they are inside the facility. earlier, the idea for to thousands of palestinians sheltering the to effectuate, said the hostages by how mass taken by him. us could be somewhere on site. let's do some more details now with the middle east bureau chief. these ro has started storm in the nursery hospital, in newness and central gazda, where the idea of planes, the rom bodies of several, is rarely hostages. israel says that it has offered refugees resigned in the
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complex already around $1500.00 people to leave for special humanitarian corners towards a safe zone, a reference to a things trip of mainly agricultural land along them of the terrain and coast around fulton square kilometer is in an area know, and as i don't know why the that has already received some displaced people before . the key objective is defined by, oh, military mission is to ensure that there's not the hospital continues. it's important functions of treating doesn't patients? we communicated the seen a number of conversations we had with the hospital stuff over the last few days. we emphasized that there is no obligation for patients all stuff to evacuate the hospital. however, we have been urging other guidance in arabic, on the phone,
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and via loudspeakers to move away from the danger the come us puts the mean value money, terry and cory. don't we open for this purpose, for the purpose of protecting an invalid civilians in casa locals. they deny these reports by the israeli army claiming safe court, or is actually not safe at all. and that these really military's clash and with the palestinians indiscriminately. meanwhile, those crowding now around rough up in the south holding clave according to an estimates around one and a half 1000000 people remain. the biggest concern. prime minister benjamin netanyahu earlier announced that a large scale military offensive will start in the area as soon as civilians are evacuated. but so far officially, there was no anti plan presented by israel on how these could be done. most of these people i have to remind you, have been internally displaced, leading the hostilities in the north of the gaza strip off to these really
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offensive started in october, they moved to the center of the in clave and then further south with the idea of operation expanding until they reached the diction boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is not safe, no livable. yeah, to, according to recent research, more than half of gas as buildings have been damaged or destroyed with civil it infrastructure. obviously, almost gone. so where's as all these people go to international communities? extremely alarmed, warning as well. this could be a catastrophe. they start this large scale operation in the south of the guys us 3 . if an urgent down to reconsider, everybody goes to the b begging place. don't do that perfect celia and don't deal with so many how many is too many? we just found out a much better. yeah. who is also listen. anyone?
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they're going to have a great way to the one. why are they going to be like, wait these people? so is it the national community believes that this isn't a slaughter that too many people are being killed. maybe the have to think about different, original bombs. meanwhile, our t has managed to confirm for several sources on the grounds, but many people are already leaving the rough uh area in fear of escalation before any official is activation order from these really governments. i'm moving to that and by them others towards out of my was the, again, there is no any official plan yet on the table, but many speculate that's on my was a could indeed geographically be a logical option. we said in some world media's headlines on thursday, but it is clear that the here is so tiny and it has already accepted hundreds of
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thousands of people. it will not be able to see any more, let alone a 1000000 and a half because of the heavy showing we flit our house to take refuge in the streets . as you can see, we are now working on preparing the test. as we don't know when we will be able to return, there is no security in gaza, and it is possible that this place will be fine too. we were told to evacuate from our house, but there was no where we could go. so we came here instead of camps like the rest of the citizens in the band, when it came to the law, celia for fled from the shower from rock reconnaissance, but there was no watch for no food, no safety either. so the forwarding question, where should, over a 1000000 civilian palestinians from rough, but go to basically saves a lives in case of the id is large scale operation. and the area remains open and many international players calling these relatives measure risks and to change its
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plans. the prime ministers of australia, canada, and use even today issued the following statement on reports of israel's planned military operation. in rafa we are gravely concerned by indications that israel is planning a ground, defensive inter rasa a military operation into rafa would be catastrophic. about $1500000.00 palestinians are taking refuge in the area, including many of us citizens and their families, with the humanitarian situation in gaza. already dia, the impacts on palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating. we urge the israeli government not to go down this path earlier. it was reported that president til by then was furious within the hour for his willingness to go ahead with the rough uh operation. despite the fact that it is clear, it might cause the communitarian crisis there. but so far there is no indication that is ro is ready to listen to anyone. the alliance of the health
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states comprised of molly need air and but again, a fast. so i was accused fronts of involvement in sec, protest movements in northern africa. the proof, it says french drones knew the borders of mauritania in the presence of french drones, in the area and into non ag author's close links with french services fuel suspicions of direct french involvement in the fighting the use of kamikaze drones by non state arms groups is a worrying trend that increases the risk of civilian casualties and the incidence a crisis relating to the situation in this a how has been, particularly the law mean, especially was the expansion of the scope of action of 10 recruits, particularly in monday between the vessel and the shade, and now we are getting this information from the allies of the whole states, stating that a person called inc and an attack or an executive off the separatist movement.
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coordination of as our move move that has been seriously injured, following the handling of a phrase, drove about 40 kilometers. um phone demolition board is the end of this information um that we got relating to this. the military officer tells us that he had been living in front and he returned to the area i last, we talked a few weeks ago with technical drones provided by the french services which he has a very close relationship and things. but before the csp, we also understand that to the goal that he had been using can drop and preventing over at long distance. and it was developed in collaboration with the french company most. and it's in this context then that's the alliance of the house state says that the presence of phrase rooms in the presence of all this contact him and the diner regions. and he's ties with friends, accompanies raised the suspicion of frances direct involvement in the fighting
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coverage to taking place and has been taking place in the region. and also remember that to me is it could be, does have a long a to the process of coming out to plan to de, stabilize the country. if they said that front of forces released a cap to tailor visited in the regions in the particularly big in the east of the country and fridge, a crowd have violates. and the reason is, basis from has denied all those 3 several times. and yet, here we off with another agent equipped to buy from living in france. and it seems like it, um, it has been seen to buy from us. at this point, it seems like terrorist and the allies are being exposed because this is now um proof. and evidence of exactly what needs it, i believe is in other states has been saying about funds all this time, but he has moved from the new they've been president. it is impossible to put out a fire using gasoline. the blaze of terrorism is fueled by francis support. also, how do you do have owners maintain the fact that from the end it's made to posit
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installed to the failure coming to taking place and has been taking place this, particularly that of terrorism induced the whole region by backing armed vehicles. and this is not recent, even with the case of libyans good that be. they've said that on the rebels with best buy falls to over to him. and these assets have indeed a turn to the countries off these the house into failed states. as we have seen, it's not related to the cross as well, seemingly conducting and in see tara operation is the portal of these to how country that has actually been aging in a betting is since and in the region. small is foreign minister, not too long ago. in fact, he requested an audience with the un security council to be present, or rather to present the evidence. but that was board monday's um, pm. in 2021 claim, the french troops. i created an increase in loaded monday and handed it over to, to prescribe and that was also taken into account and also to friendship was
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dismissed. the town of ki don't, would somebody's army had previously been forbidden from entering was a recap to him. between us also as well, which has made a substantial, gave the since booting out from some such as been capturing towns. i know many of cards you asking is wrong um says, or rather it says that it wasn't the how to how the site is security. the how come it's departure has resulted in more success than the previous decade to a front involvement. but let's hear lots to be president of the ability to talking to zip as had to say, you know, what micron responded to the authority of this country. niger does not belong to you, niger belongs to france, and it is not up to you to propose any solution whatsoever. it is mac ron, the ignorant of history, because he did not know that at the time when they were making their revolution, we had finished circum navigating the world. many volumes are now wondering if bronze is actually committed to restoring the territorial integrity of monte,
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or rather of housing needs and, and law sons. and these african allies that has been made a considerable appropriate in driving the islam is rebels of from being the stronghold with the fact remains that to the question of separate means, one of the chief political disagreements that provides molly into k as in the 1st place and the zip code is, this is the why many all the country, and particularly in this, the whole region continue to say that french government of african blind instead. but because football to love for all the pets acted as an age and divide into africa. we've seen it's using, it's kind of deep seated using different because don't as a means of keeping a gloves. feelings of the ask because the advocate society the until this day said that after each i cannot be saved, it cannot be a piece of it cannot be been developed to develop as long as the font is still
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involved. you know, for so many years, pirates has been pillaging uranium from new jersey to power problems as nuclear energy stations. important nearly 20 tons a year from new jersey, paying just pennies on the dollar for the power source. but now the tides of ton fronts has been kicked out of new chair. no longer controlling. busy mines with as long colonial um it is now paying so much more for the yellow cake it needs. so this has onto the international the the, the.


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