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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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the the 6 civilians that killed including an infant, and 17 more when that has the crate and strikes of shopping center in boston boarder regence of belgrade. we are in the town of came in, i on the front these just a few kilometers away from here. and also you current in conflict continues. i'll corresponded reports from near the front on verified foot that shows these riley troops storming the gnostic medical complex. in con unit, i think companies as the idea of forces, those sheltering their to me alleging that these really have to just take it in mind the miles are on the 11th. the
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go by continuing our coverage, all the latest trends, shaping the world right now. welcome to our international i, a mike full portion that will begin the all with updates at all breaking news on russia's boarder, regence of belgrade. 6 civilians have been killed including an infant and 17, a wounded, 4 of whom are children in a crate in strike that had the residential area, rushes, ministry of health release, the casualty toll. a local journalist filed this report from the scene to officially defeats the terrorist attack was carried out on belgrade by the armed forces of ukraine. the attack was carried out with the help of the nato m. l r. s. vampire system. all emergency services are already at the scene of dealing with the aftermath of the belgrade will not surrender. we will continue to monitor the situation of the rush or the foreign ministry, and release. the state been following keeps twice on belgrade, essentially slamming the west for its complexity. it's clear that the key of nazi
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sufferings, failure after failure on the battlefield, there by various lead taking out their anger on peaceful russian citizens. this terrorist attack by the you, crow band rights, has once again highlighted the criminal role of the collective west led by the united states of america, which continues to pump the fastest regime with lethal weapons which it turns against innocent civilians at all sorted out around $1230.00 local time, so lunch time for most people. when belgrade came under air attack and as a result, there was a school stadium that was damaged, a shopping center heavily damaged as well. you can see from the videos there, the people sort of posted on social media right away. also, we know that there were a number of residential buildings or were damaged cars. and so far we know that an infant is among the dead and also several kids were injured and have since been taken to the hospital. and as soon as this happened, of course, there was an air ride the warning which has since been lifted. and the governor of
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a neighboring brands collegian, which has also come under consistent attack over the last 2 years since the military operation began. he said, but this again is another sign. and that shows that the key of regime is constantly target think deliberately, civilians. and this is a sense, and it's also echoed by the foreign ministry spokesman marizza harbor, another act of terrorism by the key of regime, which resulted in the death of civilians in belgrade including one child as well as many injured. this will be submitted by russia to relevant to international organizations, including the un security council. of course, we're not expecting the un security council to do anything about this because they haven't done anything about all the previous attacks that we've seen all the options for. again targeting civilians, let's not forget the belgrade which by the way, it's just a 30 kilometers from the board over the frame. it's still recovering from it. definitely is attacked so far and this was in december during the holiday,
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c is and when once again ukrainians forces targeted civilians. and as a result 25 people died there and around a 100 people were injured. and once again, here we are today. we're not expecting to hear anything from the west and we're expecting them to continue supplying the weapons other than the q version uses, so attack of russian swell and russian citizens now, but girl of the residents have become old, but a custom to living on the fire are to use the modem in which i have reports from the region and how the values of affected the lives of ordinary people that they see whenever changes. but for some here it has changed everything. billed or den kaka says the citizen passed after the full the use a so when a single state from booking to many republics, the bordering state of both regions wasn't less than was a gateway for boots, will be lots of doors, but which one's more simple lesson is now occurs to style with the i woke up
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yesterday and so no folks. so it realized that would be so and it's scary. i remember 2 explosions. now. i have shopped in the, in my cheek, my arms and a few shirts in my belly. they may do it to woke me on this night. she said i will scream, and you see, i don't want to leave here. i'm afraid when one of the village of sanibel york region for almost 2 months, this region has been show with more does show with how we just attacked with striking rooms. the by d, the region is being raised to the ground. ukrainian army tries to create a grey zone. the used to it is just an active terrace was made, doesn't make any military sense until when a show lens in your backyard and kills the child. of course it frightens people. it is okay to be frightened. they want people to leave and they have had partial success. but there's also 2nd parts of the equation. people adapt to back and when they adapt, they don't consider piece possible anymore. they want to get the jump done. so
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after the new yes, college and builder of the city began during an inter besieged fortress. the governor ordered it could be 4 to 5 and for people to be trained in 1st 8 pupils and students study remotely. some children have been evacuated to safety. the governor here is loved, she keeps and people can see. but the longer it goes on, the more he finds himself stuck between the devil and a deep below sea. it is not in warranty, is region to resemble a war zone, but he knows he has to protect his people. he attended one of the 1st and sessions itself by using people in practice in cpr. good is i'm going to describe them. first and foremost, we will survive this, we believe in our victory. we have something to live for. we so we read, we mine, we smells, we have much more than the conflict. our main goal is to be alive and ready and we will be. it wasn't so long ago that people here who seems the very idea or 4 would
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be absurd. the same language, the same memories, the same country. just yesterday, these people war fellow citizens. now they're a comb with us or above the wall and printers between them. very few today can think of reconciliation reunion piece. some believe the things happen only once you know lives and what is lost is lost forever. how does the clean to the health of the even the deepest of wounds can steal hill? i'm going to which i've all to you for reporting from building drinking at while keeps troops carry out the attacks on civilians in belgrade r t correspondent, english down of filed this report on the conflict from near the front lines as we are in the town of green midnight on the front is just a few kilometers away from here. and indeed the stone you can see how bad it has had in the past several years. i have to say just behind me, there's
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a massive crate. uh and uh, its just again 102 of many that uh, scheduled all across this town and the scenery behind me really speaks volumes. uh, but uh, this is one of the major hold sports. it has been for the past again, couple of years. uh, but lately, the russian army, they have intensified their attacks and their shows all across the front. of course, the main basketball. you please right now? well, the main battle is i have to say they are happening in the then that's good republican, but then it's regional where the russian forces are trying to push the enemy away from the city of the nets, the town of begg, at the very tragic and really every tragic event, a terrorist attack, for sure. it's no less than that. but the city of connecticut has seen similar attacks and even something much worse since, since 2014 really. and so right now the russian troops,
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they're working on the pushing the enemy away. so that, that town can finally breeze a gulf of pressure here. there's another whole sport. it's a town of bill. a gore of cape was onto the russian control back in 2022, but then the russian troops, they fell back and well they are trying to retake it. as of now, of course brushing is capitalizing heavily on all the bickering that is happening in the west, and that is happening amid the ukranian allies as they can not agree on the continued support for ukraine right now. so russia is trying to capitalize on the moment. the town of the goal of k is no exception. this sense and this part of the front is no exception. in this sense, right now, the russians and they are fighting already in the industrial areas of this town. of course, any industrial area is a very difficult place to store them and to take by full it's just due to very deep, underground systems of communications over the we do know that the ukraine forces
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they have tried to, they have already drawn some of their reserves that used to used to be stationed on the 5th, on the 6th, the lines of defense is now they are over there in this crucible of war. and the similar situation is all across the front, really and even the ukrainian officials, they have been advancing ukrainian offices. they have been saying that, well, our resorts is, are extremely strange and it's, it's not just about a 10. are you shells for this is, for instance and weaponry. it also applies to the personnel. and so of course, russia is trying to capitalize on that and to make gains on the battlefield and well sofa. it has been, it has been successful on a number of parts of the front russian border regions, including belgrade, have come on to recovery, trade in strikes and recent bonds,
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leaving many civilian casualties in their tracks. archie is following the situation closely at tomorrow. the latest news and analysis head over to our website are to you to come and you get every single detail of it. and now to get that as the nasa medical complex, located in the southern city of the sean units in guys, it has come under attack by is really forces to what does on verify split, the chairs smoke failed, the hospital falls as what's best describe this people panicking, i've met the destruction is really military forces i've confirmed, they've entered the facility already have the idea of order. thousands of palestinians sheltering there to evacuate se but hostages taken by him as all inside. the r 2 middle east bear, a chief mire for an option that picks up the story. these row has started storm in the nicer hospital in high noon is in central gaza where the idea of planes,
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the rom bodies of several is really hostages. as role says that it has offered refugees resigned in the complex already around $1500.00 people to leave through special humanitarian corridors towards a safe zone, a reference to a things trip of mainly agricultural land alone. limited, serene and coast around fulton square kilometer is in an area know, and as i don't know why the, that has already received some displaced people before the q objective is defined by oh, military mission is to ensure that there's not the hospital continues. it's important functions of treating government patients. we communicated this in the number of conversations we had with the hospital stuff over the last few days. we emphasized that there is no obligation for patients all stuff to evacuate the hospital.
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however, we have been urging other guidance in arabic, on the phone, and the loud speakers to move away from the danger the come us put the mean value money, terry and cory, don't we open for this purpose, for the purpose of protecting unenrolled civilians in casa locals? though denied these reports by the israeli army claiming safe court, or is i actually not safe at all? and that these really military's clash and with the palestinians indiscriminately. meanwhile, those crowding now around rough um, in the south holding clave, according to an estimate around one and a half 1000000 people remain the biggest concern. prime minister benjamin antonio earlier announced that a large scale military offensive will start in the area as soon as civilians are evacuated. but so far officially, there was no anti plan presented by israel on how this could be done. most of these
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people i have to remind you, have been internally displaced, leading the hostilities in the north of the gaza strip off to these really offensive started in october, they moved to the center of the in clave and then further south with the idea of operation expanding until they reached the diction boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is not safe, no livable. yeah, to, according to recent research, more than half of gas as buildings have been damaged or destroyed, with civil infrastructure. obviously, almost gone. so where's to all these people go to international communities 6, dreamily alarmed, warning as well. this could be a catastrophe if they start this large scale operation in the south altogether. street an urgent down to reconsider every body host with the v begging police don't do that, protects the billions don't deal with so many. how many is too many which is just
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on dot net that yahoo is also listed in any one deadline to a book. wait, wait for the one. why are they going to equate these people? so is it the national community believes that this isn't a slaughter. that too many people are being killed, maybe the have to think about to for the reason alarms. meanwhile, our t has managed to confirm for several sources on the grounds, but many people are already leaving the rough uh, area into your own escalation before any official is that creation order from these rarely governments. i'm moving to that and by the others towards i don't know, was it again, there was no any official plan yet on the table, but many speculate that on my was it could indeed geographically be a logical option. we said in some world media's headlines on thursday,
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but it is clear that the here is so tiny and it has already accepted hundreds of thousands of people. i will not be able to feed any more, let alone a 1000000 and a half because of the heavy showing we split our house to take refuge in the streets. as you can see, we are now working on preparing the tent as we don't know when we will be able to return. there is no security in gaza, and it is possible that this place will be bound to we were told to evacuate from our house, but there was no where we could go. so we came here and set up camp like the rest of the citizens who abandoned and came to the los area who fled from the showing from rockets and reconnaissance plains. but there was no water, no food, no safety either. so the burden question where should, over a 1000000 civilian palestinians from the rough but go to basically saves a lives in case of the idea of large scale operation in the air or remains open on
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many international players. calling these relative measure risks and to change its winds. the prime ministers of australia, canada, and new zealand today issued the following statement on reports of israel's planned military operation. in rafa we have gravely concerned by indications that israel is planning a ground defensive into rasa. a military operation into rafa would be catastrophic . about $1500000.00 palestinians are taking refuge in the area, including many of us citizens and their families, with the humanitarian situation and gaza already die. the impacts on palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating. we urge the israeli government not to go down this off. earlier, it was reported that president obama and was furious within the hour for his willingness to go ahead with a rough operation. despite the fact that it is clear, it's my calls, it can be the chair in crisis there. but so far there is no indication that a's role is ready to listen to anyone. well,
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he's really has the ledge that staff from the you and relieve the works agency for policy and refugees were complicit in the 7th of october. have mass attacks. how about the human and caring group says that there is no evidence to back the claim. my understanding of what i heard about this are those here is that these, those, it does not go beyond the allegation itself for the time being the government prime minister of the mental development. i've been very clear the calling for the dismantlement of the agency in one we have seen also that the discussion taking place at the can a set about expanding on the one from east stone to visit him. so after gas on is service and then the next in town might be the west point. a lot. it's been nearly a month since e's real. a level the accusation. since then, i didn't turn over you any investigation has been launched with no concrete
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evidence being found so far. but despite the claims during a tv interview, and he's ready got been spokesperson fails to provide any proof. 13 order of staff members were directly involved in the october 7th masika. that was the tip of the iceberg. do you have any other didn't flip out to you? i'm going to question because the police was all collected because this was all collected on the basis of intelligence west. the ed with our allies. intelligence that has been shared with our allies are, what was the pre owned because britain claimed it to the no, i can't speak to the specific intelligence that has been shed with individual west and partners. but that evidence is out that it is clear, the extra evidence about those 13 may use. where is it? how do you post it to the un investigational notes? we do not trust the un investigator. you have it is taking place. there is no other way to be handled, ice in front of anybody in the united nations,
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the united nations, which has been covering up the how most presents literally 20 meters underneath the un headquarters in garza cannot be trusted to conduct any sort of internal review. everybody, everybody's parts of the u. s. o bridge discussions. i'm not personally aware of what material may have been passed on between our intelligence agencies. the asked of the claims where levied 16 countries suspended 8 so they can miniature in group which has supportive millions of policy meetings over the last 75 years. this is despite the fact that the case concept like is ation that against only 12 on want workers for context of that represents just 10 to one percent of its entire team, which includes over $15000.00 employees in gaza alone. now the communications officer will be into the international committee of the red
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cross to his job, mana says of the stall being the own while the funds the needs to carry out its mission could prove fatal. there is no given its area. the nation that has the capacity as the owner of the agency that provides some important urgent uh, services like, like shelters, like cation like, communication, health care, to the vast majority of the community goza. and given, i think that the company itself is ongoing more. but the majority of the population only goes through almost, you know, in, in each tending guys are never turn of, it's based. i did receive a lot of age. some people who were given b stick ation on the seventy's and unlimited debate that's entering guys that, that is not static a to the constantly think drawing means on the ground. so we hope that this does not impact the people in the assets, provides a lifeline for thousands as a humanitarian. i believe that the actions so you should not have that. um,
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you know, the, the role and the impact and the, the supports that an entire organization and as a staff members who are working on the very darn conditions and we'll have last families, best friends. how leads us, what's their phones continue to award to continue to provide special services. ready or hundreds of thousands of people we have lies really now on rough up north and calls is towed to the call. people and people were told to go south evacuation roots were fund those who made it on. now in rafa many and refugee council, there is disease uninstalled ation. now it's right to say that it's going to launch a full minute tree offensive on the last safe haven. so the old fist question, i know people are asking it, why are these people supposed to go? i believe that these are your thirties are to get it as a special because angles and you know the, this,
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this is the option because basically there's no, sir there. so it goes distribute, is it as a people have been on the move as a family started to be the case for 234, sometimes in times from the south. the street from, from the beginning from losing their, their lives. they are living cannot under very documents, any situation. over $1500000.00 people living a less than 20 percent of the total space of cost of set, which is where the unlimited space, the are separate is from the access to essentially, services like water resources, invitation medication. and they are indeed it has to provide you with the table. there's even know there's even no table inside. do 15 minutes a tense. i think the olympic on the school, the streets and the side was there's still despite facilities across the rates and goes on. and a few months ago,
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tens of people were getting women and children. it's you to have different securities or best products across the government rates. and that was the last of how the situation would be if a large scale that was very patient is want least govern rate given the situation at over to lee. now where it intends couples of interrupted after buddy, please detained. protocol has to be an activist blocking the entrance to a permanent media building the the process it could have to protect the gather down some of the key gym and media center condemning the media for it's biassed with trail of the guys of war and accusing it of spreading fake news demonstrate as trying to slogans and waved pro palestinian banners in response. please with dispatch to the seem to discuss the
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crowd as which time skirmishes are ensued. while it's been a perpetual handle, the full bullying the ever citizens who decided to cut off cheap russian energy, it makes it assumptions against moscow. it is now revise its full cost g d p growth rate 420242 nearly 0. japanese economy minister summed up the situation very well, have a listen. it is dramatically bad. we can't go on like this. overall, we need to invest more in this country again and get economic growth going. now that the wind is really blowing across the country, it becomes clear, but we have failed to address. and the last few decades qual, it really sounds like somebody is economy is hurting. it must be that one that the entire you targeted for implosion by wearing turtlenecks, taking short cold showers and denying europe russian stuff. your sanctions. i mean
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it's only been a couple of years now. so it's how back end is european counterparts. have been talking about quotes for voting, the implosion of the russian economy to quote french finance minister between the man back in march of 2022, or quote, bring the russian economy to its knees. as he said in july of last year, that was the refrain. that was bringing from pretty much every corner of the you, including from germany and how back himself a conversation between him gave the russian economy as collapsing, put, and still getting money. but he can hardly spend it. and time is not working for russia. it is working against russia. nobody wants to invest in russia anymore, put, and can't keep this up for much longer. this war will eventually come to an end by hitting the russian economy to the core. and we're in the process of doing so. know mentioned a couple of years ago when the european weeks had this grand plan to sink the russian economy, even germany, we just end up showing moscow how it's done. while moscow stood there going like,
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what's this guy's nature malfunction? hey, watch guys. this is how you drown someone and then then these things plug blood just because someone wishes you l doesn't mean that you have to participate has russia has evidently shown germany and the rest of the you took their fantasies for reality. not just when it came to russia, but also to their own economic situation. in light of all of a sudden moves, they made an effort to stick it to prove to which as it turns out as large a delusional last year the german government figure that it was to manage to grow 1.3 percent this year. but the latest monthly report suggests that next week's annual economic assessment may end up being about as much of a cold splash on the face as the water temperature of some of germany's public swimming pools. amid the current energy, austerity regime, negative factors such as weak foreign trade demand strikes in public transport high sickness rates among the labor force and geo political tensions with delays and
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supply chains could lead to a further delay in the expected economic recovery. so the german national statistics office qualified the economic environment as quote marked by multiple crises. yeah. think with the gbc last year shrinking by 0.3 percent with inflation high energy prices and weak external customer demand to blame, which is all particularly striking when compared to the russian economy. so the you was so sure that it was successfully tank as a result, mainly by brow beating its own citizens into accepting insane cost of living increases or believing that some kind of, i guess staff or would be watching over their shoulder to see how hot or cold, they were keeping their homes all for you pray. and of course, russian president vladimir putin has site and a 3.6 percent economic growth rate for russia last year. comparing that to a global average of 3 percent. and 1.5 percent for developed countries, specifically they cite 5, military spending and domestic consumption. ironically,
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because those are 2 things that obviously are a response to western actions, whether it's dumping weapons and ukraine necessitating demilitarization on rush as part or western sanctions, resulting in greater demand for things made in russia within russia. the military spending as an economic booster. that's kind of interesting, it would certainly explain why german chancellor all i show is currently really hammering defense spending right now. like at some sign of a panic for a gesture buttons from the current situation of the country faces. but still, it's important to remember that germany is still the 3rd largest economy in the world behind the us in china with japan recently having slipped into 4th place, which means that all there's still a lot more damage left to potentially do. so that's good news. news i guess, and the german people seem to have a lot of confidence in their own government's ability to seize the opportunity and
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to somehow involve ukraine, which would explain why 52 percent of germans are now against ukraine. joining the u to which germany contributes the most as the blogs, largest donor, and the 69 percent of those surveyed in germany think that the eventual rebuilding of ukraine will be more of a bird and then an opportunity. meanwhile, 59 percent of german surveyed think that the anti russian sanctions are useless. so it looks like they have a better idea of what's really going on and the direction that things are actually headed in their own country. then the german economy minister does for, that's the old but it does our most stories coming your way. how the top of the as the you again the, the .


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