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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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that you want to go ahead, it's the most the most people could you just because that's the show school with a civilian death fold in belgrade rises to 7 with 18 people. when did as ukraine strides residential areas in russian border region of el dorado? we are in the town of came in. i and the front is just a few kilometers away from here at avi ukrainian complex continues. all correspondent reports from near the farm and verify with it from the naso medical complex in con units as it stormed by you throughout the 4th. if it comes that the idea of 4th is those shells ring. glad to imagine that these ready often use, take him itemized are on the prep. the
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product is are to international reaching you live in moscow. welcome to the global date this hour. i am michael fortune. that would begin the all with updates that are breaking news from russia as border region of belgrade. a 7 civilians have been killed, including it in front of 18. when did 4 of my children in the trade in strike that hit the residential area. and that's according to the roches ministry of health, of the following and verified footed shows the moments after the attack to so the also is that the good news was out there. go, don't, don't know, please. your vision with the rolling for discuss with the school was all the so the,
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the version to produce was your questions go to predict, which is what we do on the show school was all there. but sure most can you, if it is always your for sure the thing is will be as long as you do. but if i need to know a feel for this, i still have somebody to come to the cool at the most, get you to a good you can finish with. oh, i was there for the speech. the terrorist attack was carried out on belgrade by the armed forces of ukraine, by the attack was carried out with the help of the nato m, l r. as vampire system, when full emergency services are already i've been seeing dealing with the aftermath of the builder and will not surrender. we will continue to monitor the situation here recently on the russian foreign ministry to relieve the statement.
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following key of strike on belgrade essentially slamming the west for its complicity. it's clear that the key of nazi sufferings, failure after failure on the battlefield, there are variously taking out their anger on peaceful russian citizens. this terrorist attack by the u. crow band rights has once again highlighted the criminal role of the collective west led by the united states of america, which continues to pump the fastest regime with lisa weapons which it turns against innocent civilians. it all started at around $1230.00 local time, so lunch time for most people. when belgrade came under air attack and as a result, there was a school stadium that was damaged, a shopping center heavily damaged as well. you can see from the videos there, the people sort of posted on social media right away. also, we know that there were a number of presidential buildings. there were damaged cars. and so far we know that an infant is among the dead and also several kids were injured and have since
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been taken to the hospital. and as soon as this happened, of course, there was an air ride the warning which has since been lifted. and the governor of a neighboring brands collegian, which has also come on to a consistent attack over the last 2 years since the military operation began. he said, but this again is another sign. and that shows that the key of regime is constantly target think deliberately, civilians. and this is a sense and is also echoed by the foreign ministry spokesman marizza har, of another act of terrorism by the key of regime, which resulted in the death of civilians in belgrade. including one child as well as many injured. this will be submitted by russia to relevant international organizations, including the un security council. but of course, we're not expecting that you're in security council to do anything about this because they haven't done anything about all the previous attacks that we've seen all the options. so again, targeting civilians. let's not forget the belgrade which by the way is just a 30 kilometers from the board over the frame. it's still recovering from exactly
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as attacks. so for and this was in december during the holiday, c is and when once again, ukrainians forces targeted civilians. and as a result, 25 people died there and around a 100 people were injured. and once again, here we are today, we're not expecting to hear anything from the west, and we're expecting them to continue supplying the weapons other than the q version uses to attack a russian swell and russian citizens. now, following this, strikes the you and condemned to the attacks on civilians in belgrade with the representative, all the organization stating that the show stopped immediately. earlier we spoke to a tally don't list a war correspondent, audrey i lou tdc staff, but keeps main goal is to tell arise civilians. it's not the 1st time that we see battle ropes heated by ukrainian mesa, so you're creating a rocket. so you're creating artillery against the city and i gaze the people that are leading the ukraine. yeah, of course. so, so,
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so the rockets against the bank or other gains this 3 so better growth without any military objective, without any military target. this is a 3rd, is my business, etc. is gains, see millions. we saw that to the european junior, on the west. uh me. speak every every time about russia as a federal to speak to the states as boned, sort of federal. it is my boss. nobody will, for this extra on slide, but you create an extra gains to the city of better go to, for example, us federal. it is this, the most found the and the my point of view, the target. so if you can enforce us the border in belgrade, he's only to make that or against the population. the while key as troops carry out the attacks on civilians in the garage are to correspond an ego it's done of filed in this report on the conflict phone near the front lines. as we are in
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the town of green midnight on the front is just a few kilometers away from here. and indeed, this time you can see how bad it has had in the past several years. i have to say just behind me, there's a massive crate. uh and uh, its just again 102 of many that uh, scheduled all across this town and the scenery behind me really speaks volumes. uh, but uh, this is one of the major old sports. it has been for the past again, couple of years. uh, but lately, the russian army, they have intensified their attacks and their souls all across the front. of course, the main balance of all you please right now. well, the main battle is i have to say they are happening in the then that's good republican, but then it's greed and where the russian forces are trying to push the enemy away from the city of the nets. the town of bug at the very tragic and really
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a very tragic event. a terrorist attack for sure. it's no less than that. but the city of connecticut has seen similar attacks and even something is much worse since since 2014 really. and so right now, the russian troops, they're working on the pushing the enemy away so that that town can finally breeze a gulf of pressure. here. there's another whole sport. it's a town of bill. a gore of cape was onto the russian control back in 2022, but then the russian troops, they fell back and well they are trying to retake it. as of now, of course brushing is capitalizing heavily on all the bickering that is happening in the west, and that is happening amid the ukranian allies as they can not agree on the continued support for ukraine right now. so russia is trying to capitalize on the moment. the town of the gulf guy is no exception. this sense and this part of the front is no exception. in this sense, right now,
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the russians and they are fighting already in the industrial areas of this town. of course, any industrial area is a very difficult place to store them and to take by full is just due to very deep, underground systems of communications over the we do know that the ukraine forces they have tried to. they have already drawn some of their reserves that used to used to be stationed on the 5th, on the 6th, the lines of defense is now they are over there in this crucible of war. and the similar situation is all across the front, really. and even the ukrainian officials, they have been advancing ukrainian offices. they have been saying that, well, our resorts is, are extremely strange and it's, it's not just about a 10. are you shells for this is for instance and weaponry. it also applies to personnel. and so, of course, russia is trying to capitalize on that and to make gains on the battlefield and
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well sofa. it has been, it has been successful on a number of parts of the front russian border regions, including belgrade, have come under the curbing you trade in strikes in recent months, leaving many civilian casualties in their tracks. archie is following this situation so sweet for more of the latest news and analysis head over to our website. i to you to come get every single detail and now to guys that as the now so medical complex located in the southern gas and said hear from you this has come under attack by east riley forces this on, verified for the chair, smoke filled the hospital holes as what's been described as people panicking and the destruction is ready. military forces have confirmed the into the facility earlier. the idea of audit thousands upon the cd, and sheltering there to evacuate,
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saying that hostages, take mazda mazda or on size. our team is liza berry, chief, myra, and austin. i picked it up from here. these row has started storm in the nursery hospital in newness, in central gazda with the idea of plains. the rom bodies of several is rarely hostages. israel says that it has offered refugees resigned in the complex already around $1500.00 people to leave for a special humanitarian court or is towards a safe zone, a reference to a things trip of mainly agricultural land along the mediterranean coast. around fulton square kilometer is in an area know, and as i don't know why the that has already received some displaced people before . the key objective is defined by, oh, military mission is to ensure that there's not the hospital continues. it's important functions of treating government patients. we communicated this in
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a number of conversations we had with the hospital stuff over the last few days. we emphasized that there is no obligation for patients all stuff to evacuate the hospital. however, we have been urging other guidance in arabic, on the phone, and the loud speakers to move away from the danger the come us puts the mean value money, terry and cory. don't we open for this purpose, for the purpose of protecting unenrolled civilians in casa locals? though denied these reports by the israeli army claiming safe court or is actually not safe at all. and that these really military's clash and with the palestinians indiscriminately. meanwhile, those crowding now around rough farm in the south holding clave according to an estimate around one and a half 1000000 people remain the biggest concern. prime minister benjamin antonio
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earlier announced that a large scale military offensive will start in the area as soon as civilians are evacuated. but so far officially, there was no anti plan presented by israel on how this could be done. most of these people i have to remind you, has been internally displaced, leading the hostilities in the north of the gaza strip off to these really offensive started in october, they moved to the center of the in clave and then further south with the idea of operation expanding until they reached the diction boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is not safe, no livable. yeah, to closing to recent research, more than half of gas as buildings have been damaged or destroyed, with civil infrastructure. obviously, almost gone. so where's as all these people go to international communities 6, dreamily alarmed morning as well. this could be a catastrophe if they start this large scale operation in the south altogether.
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street an urgent down to reconsider every body host with the v begging police don't do that, protects the billions don't deal with so many. how many is too many which is just on dot net that yahoo is also listed in any one deadline to be what great way to the one why are they going to like way these people so is it to a national community believes that this isn't a slaughter that too many people are being killed. maybe the have to think about to police. what alarms, meanwhile, are t has managed to confirm for several sources on the grounds, but many people are already leaving the rough uh, area in fear of escalation before any official is that creation order from these really governments. i'm moving to bed and balance. others towards alma was the,
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again, there was no any official plan yet on the table, but many speculate that's on my was a could indeed geographically be a logical option. we said in some world media's headlines on thursday, but it is clear that the here is so tiny and it has already accepted hundreds of thousands of people. it will not be able to see any more, let alone a 1000000 and a half. because of the heavy showing we flit our house to take refuge in the streets. as you can see, we are now working on preparing the test. as we don't know when we will be able to return. there is no security in gaza, and it is possible that this place will be bound to we were told to evacuate from our house, but there was no where we could go. so we came here instead of camps like the rest of the citizens who abandoned and came to, they'll know aussie earlier for fled from the showing from rockets and reconnaissance plains. but there was no water, no food,
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no safety either. so the burden question where should, over a 1000000 civilian palestinians from rough for go to basically saves a lives in case of the id is large scale operation in the air or remains open and many international players. calling these relative measure risks and to change its plans. the prime ministers of australia, canada, and new zealand today issued the following statement on reports of israel's planned military operation. in rafa we are gravely concerned by indications that israel is planning a ground defensive into rasa. a military operation into rafa would be catastrophic . about $1500000.00 palestinians are taking refuge in the area, including many of us citizens and their families. with the humanitarian situation and gaza already die, the impacts on palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating. we urge the israeli government not to go down this path. earlier it was reported that president bill by then was furious within the hour for his
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willingness to go ahead with a rough operation, despite the fact that it is clear as mice calls the communitarian crisis there. but so far, there is no indication that israel is ready to listen to any one of the lebanese military group has, blah, has reportedly 5 thousands of rocket said no, the negro. and this comes out to ease really strikes some of the country marks of the deadly is escalation between the 2 states and the guy, the war began. lebanon's prime minister says he plans to file a complaint with the un security council as pension is continued to rise in the face of the enemies escalation, the loss of martyrs and a mass of destruction. and causes consulted with the minister of foreign affairs. and ex patriots abdulla bu heavy but about the situation and requested urgent submission of a new complaints against israel to the united nations security council. while we emphasize the need for com and call on all the parties to commit to the escalation, we find is really enemy persisting and it's aggression prompting us to question the
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international stakeholders about the steps taken to restrain the enemy. and following the deadly is rarely a tax rest. 2 teams have been mobilized across southern lebanon to search for survivors. one young boy was recovered from beneath the debris after previously being presumed dead. a warning by the following images may be disturbing. the moment of the rescue here, however, 5 members of the boy's family were killed in the strikes. not according to that, but these officials at least 11 civilians, including 6 children were killed in wednesdays, attacked israel cuz they had fired the large wave of meso claiming that he was targeting the slides previously used the launch rockets that killed one of his soldiers. and we spoke to the secretary general of the policy and national initiative. i'm with stuff about boutique, and he believes that these ready prime minister will drag out the war as it's the
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only way for him to cling on with the power is conducting border dean. does the city or crimes in front of the crime of genocide, the crime of collective punishment on the time of his name is. nathaniel never gave up his plan to complete the evict all the population of goes out of government and police shift. he's dreaming about this type of ethnic cleansing, which would be the largest since 1948 when that he was ethnic cleansing took place . so what do we need this? but i shut on those today that as i sat at the risk today that that period, which is the not by me all my is kelly now with the north of living. and he could see a full scale award with live in on as well. and nathaniel knows that once the water stops, he would be accountable for his failure on the 7th of october and goes on and his team here. and this was because he could not achieve any of those 3 because he
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couldn't advocate for the student assistance. he could not get to that is an id presence as he could, nothing was uh, control over over the guys. but also he is facing for case of corruption and he knows once the war stops, he might go to yours. that's why, in my opinion, nothing you know is interested in the discussion of the gun stuff. now telling me this monitoring information the policy in, in the forward, he's in the west bank sent to washington, according to reports. now solve this close to the ease ready and 10. it didn't say that it's looking through data on these really said was a tax. the sources in is really intelligence told both sides that they have been tracking materials passed through private channels by the palestinian authority to the office of us security coordinator for israel and the palestinian authority in
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jerusalem. in order to understand what the us knows about, settler violence, the intention they explained is not to act against the perpetrators, but to prevent the collected information from developing into sanctions. about use rather has you yes, it has yet to comment on the reports. how the voice in the west are increasingly jeremy is riley settler. valden is in the west bank for example, the united states fronds b u. k. and canada have announced functions against federalist with auto going so far as to choose the group of human rights violations in the region now is ready. settled, violence against palestinians in the west bank is spied since the october 7th have massive tax. and you can see how the break down here, that with the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs reporting more than 400 incidents. since scott, many is 50 of us involved in the policy the casualties, while over $500.00 cases,
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sol, policy, and owned properties destroyed. now the un organization has recorded numerous incidents, or is there any fed less attacks? i mean, it gets palestinians not reporting more than 1200 in 2008, 53 alone last year monster the most violent here as soon as the un unit began keeping records back in 2006. bill father, damien king, cold out these rules, actions against palestinians during his speech in washington, and that as the us presidents stood behind him in august silence a read cannot stand by internet discontinued. we need a loss to cease fire. now, this war must and restrictions on vital relief, aid and medical items are leading to in human conditions. it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support, it needs to carry out its mandate. continued escalations by extreme settlers in the
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west bank of jerusalem. solely sites and the expansion of the legal settlements will at least k us on the entire region. we must together create a political horizon that leads to a just a comprehensive piece on the basis of the 2 state solution and independent sovereign and viable palestinian state. with east jerusalem as its capital. let's now cross live to analyst and the ease riley f as an expert on these ready american relations call them. but booty, it's nice to have you join me right now about jordan's king cole for a cease fire and gas and slam these rules. actions in the region, as joe biden stood silently behind him. how likely is it that this is the 1st sign of the united states changing? it stands towards israel? well, it could be a sign, but also for us who had been following the isn't only
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a media and coverage, and analysts and analysis of the situation. it is very help us that is what i am and why didn't administration somehow going through kind of confrontation, especially if the united, if is it a, goes to the military operation in rough or at the messages coming from us officials . so i've been coming to the area and the due date and isn't i am, is to avoid this now, but many, i mean, benjamin not anyhow is working on it. let's say a leading the negotiations for the ceasefire and the prisoners and swap. it defend people, the is there any they look at to capital and he refused. evaluate that and beck and he refused. what was thought of by amazon. now nobody's me negotiating on behalf of visit a and a to find a way to end the slicing in. cuz it sounds very hope this,
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that this will lead to kind of, uh, confrontation between the american of the assessment this tradition and been in this area who is specifically right. this is some oddities say that the change of narrative is only possible with a change of administration in washington. what's your take on that? i think when the previous administration was in and the white house, you know, the binge at benjamin the now enjoyed that enjoyed the relation and what uh, the president, the brand provided is that i am the able to seeing that he provided to us and was in favor of him. nathaniel how, including what is it called the plan of the century and the peace plan that the us administration will follow the end, it seems it was editing by been mean that the now and so uh now in this
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administration, i think they are under big pollution on it by then doesn't want to lose the coming elections because of this war. and at the same time, they told me i was not giving him a chance and maybe it's a and is what i list that i told you to lead to the loose loose of the elections for binding and bringing back maybe at the, from the getting. but this thing, i think most of the us administration under the pressure on one side they want to say is that i am from is what i am and they, uh, and maybe the service that i the from anything. yeah. well, just a few minutes ago, it seems that and then yeah, how is it going? good. so to have a big finishing that relation with his but it's not, it's in the was kept in it with been against and he's within get guns under suspicious for his communications or thoughts with us administration. so every, every one, let us with that. then, you know, seems to be and that has
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a 0 vision saving the they need that of the president of the most that what is it that of the shut back when they went through capital? the zip codes some form of the economy, it'd be the enjoying then because then, you know, to use the plan that was formulated by them. but instead of him have him anything else in his political as well, is out with them to observe the data and the fusions and the lives in the cross and the line that danielle bought for them. so he's a big thing, everybody around him and you know, he is in a sensitive situation. he wants to keep the coalition, the extreme right coalition, where it can't even if this leads to the breakdown of the cabinet or the partnership with infinity guns and get the eyes enclosed in order to get them back to his normal otherwise extreme. the coalition that will take him, but this thing i think will bring him to the bank is that i am
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a engine that i'll the to the more the installation with the us administration and then uh to the, the sanctions is that the u. s. administration booked on sunset, let us this is what i they are very much worried that this would be a snow for the floors and a gift big gun. and we saw that the united kingdom, france, canada, out of joining and other countries of thinking. and some countries of, uh, fairly, so uh, mainly thought invertible and this a lot and because of the word and goes annually. so i think what happened and hold on one day, but event that uh some uh if, if, if, if it $55.00 in flight the plan was to be sent from the atlanta to, to uh, is it a because it could be used against civilians. so i think the problem of is what i am that its situation is detailed, really, i think it's relations. the other thing with the most of the countries of the link
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to the, including united states. but if any of those things can be wants to push funds, emily, set it up that ation in, at alpha. and if, if we, so let's say, is suppose that the and goes to the end date, it's very possible that they would go to a new escalation and live and run from order to keep that in glad. is that a way to check what's had been done? this events of the, to oakdale, but, and the, the political military and intelligence fails and failure before that on that date and flip the door and goes up. anything you know doesn't belong to see any of these young players. and that's why he's leading his government to more a, get a sion and goes and may be a new i get us and then live in all i will. okay. well with more of the western lead is condemning huge role in this, in this regard. what, what type of respondents should we expect from these ratified if any face press any
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giving its long track record of justifying or outright denying atrocities set last commit? you know, and when you like, yours is the end of the lifting. you remember the ice now with the, the, with the definition of the anti semitism value, i taught a definition. you could be accused of being and this in light. and i think they will, may do that some, some voices in as a and when the by then but the sanctions on the 4 sip let us accuse 10 of making an end desinik ext against them and this, this language. but the skillets in the future against even need doesn't boost to flight. and this and this and that there's also, but when they can them, is that, and they will be in charge of or, and by being can somebody just for, because they, they want the services are in from itself and it's full. this is an from the thing, yeah. who actions, but they will not accept any of.


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