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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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of the racist smith of the yard at the in invincibility the, the show school was all about civilian deaths. told in belgrade rises to 7 with 18 people. when did as you train strikes residential areas in roches for the region of belgrade, we are in the town of came in, i and the front is just a few kilometers away from here. as a crate in complet continues our correspondent reports from near the front and verified footage from the national medical complex. in con you this as it's told by huge ruddy forces it comes as the idea of forces those shelter and that to leave alleging that he is ready have produced, taken by him either on the prep,
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the what as midnight in moscow. welcome to our global news update on our team to national i am michael butcher. that would begin the news off with the latest updates from bras as border region of belgrade. that's 7 civilians had been killed, including an infant and 18 all wounded 4 with my children and a treat in strike the head to a residential area. and that's coming to buy rushes, ministry of health. now the following and verified for trade shows the moments after the attack. so the also is the to the, the biggest building. so no police collision with the ordering for this customer to the school was all the so they want to do, but the producer was good. i predict,
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which is what we're doing. the show school was all good there, but sure most can use it as long as you're for sure. the whole thing is will be as well as you can do. but if i need to know or feel free though, is it is i still smart to come to the cool at the most, get you to good. you can finish with all of the russian foreign ministry and released the statement following kia of strike on belgrade essentially slapping the west for its complicity. it's clear that the key of nazi sufferings, failure to failure on the battlefield there by various lead taking out their anger on peaceful russian citizens. this terrorist attack by the you, crow band rights,
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has once again highlighted the criminal role of the collective west to led by the united states of america, which continues to pump the fastest regime with lisa weapons, which it turns against innocent civilians at all sorted out around $1230.00 local time, so lunch time for most people. when belgrade came under air attack and as a result, there was a school stadium that was damaged, a shopping center heavily damaged as well. you can see from the videos there, the people sort of post and on social media right away. also, we know that there were a number of presidential buildings or were damaged cars. and so far we know that an infant is among the dead and also several kids were injured and have since been taken to the hospital. and as soon as this happened, of course, there was an air ride the warning which has since been lifted. and the governor of a neighboring brands collegian, which has also come under consistent attack over the last 2 years since the military operation began. he said,
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but this again is another sign. and that shows that the key of regime is constantly targeting deliberately civilians. and this is a sense, and it's also echoed by the foreign ministry spokesman marizza harbor, another act of terrorism by the key of regime, which resulted in the death of civilians in belgrade including one child as well as many injured. this will be submitted by russia to relevant to international organizations, including the un security council. of course, we're not expecting the un security council to do anything about this because they haven't done anything about all the previous attacks that we've seen on russian soil. again targeting civilians, let's not forget the belgrade which by the way is just a 30 kilometers from the board, or what do you look frame? it's still recovering from exactly as a tax. so for and this was in december during the holiday, c is and wants to get any cleanings forces targeted civilians. and as a result, 25 people died there and around a 100 people were injured. and once again here we are today. we're not expecting to
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hear anything from the watson. we're expecting them to continue supplying the weapons that then the cure version uses so attack of russian swell and russian citizens now, while key of troops carry out the attacks on civilians. in belgrade, our take correspondence, he goes down, no fire does report on the conflict from near the front lines. we are in the town of came in, i on the front is just a few kilometers away from here. and indeed, this time you can see how bad it has had in the past several years. i have to say just behind me, there's a massive crate. uh and uh its just a good one to have many that uh sketch it all across this town. and the scenery behind me really speaks volumes. uh, but uh, this is one of the major old sports. it has been for the past again, couple of years. uh, but lately, the russian army, they have intensified their attacks and their shows all across the front. of course,
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the main batch of all you please right now. well, the main vassals, i have to say they are happening in the then that's good republican, but then it's region where the russian forces are trying to push the enemy away from the city of the nets. the town of belgrade to the very tragic and really every tragic event, a terrorist attack, for sure, it's no less than that. but the city of connecticut has seen similar attacks and even something much worse since, since 2014, really. and so right now, the russian troops, they are working on the pushing the enemy away so that that town can finally breeze a gulf of fresh air. here there's another hold sports, town of bill, a go to of cape was on to the russian control. back in 2020 too. but then the rushing swoops, they fell back. and well, they are trying to re take it as of now, of course, brushing is capitalizing heavily on all the bickering that is happening in the west
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. and that is happening amid the ukrainian allies as they can not agree on the continued support for you. credit right now, so rushing, he's trying to capitalize on the moment. the town of the gulf guy is no exception. this sense and this part of the front is no exception. in this sense, right now, the russian troops, they are fighting already in the industrial areas of this town. and of course, any industrial area is a very difficult place to store them and to take by force just due to very deep, underground systems of communications over the we do know that the ukraine forces they have tried to, they have already drawn some of their reserves that used to use to be stationed on the 5th, on the 6th, the lines of defense is now they are over there in this crucible of war. and the similar situation is all across the front, really and even the ukraine and officials, they have been admitted ukrainian offices. they have been saying that, well,
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our resorts is, are extremely strange and it's, it's not just about a 10. are you shelves for this is, for instance, and weaponry. it also applies to personnel. and so of course, russia is trying to capitalize on that and to make gains on the battlefield and well sofa. it has been, it has been successful on a number of parts of the front. but meanwhile, reports are coming in that the retraining of the army has partially withdrawn its troops from the strategic city of the i've got a spokesperson for one of the trains all me. and it said that his nation's troops are leaving in such a better positions. the strongest associates of best plus i know as what i've, they've got the front line is very dynamic and all units i'm moving to retreat to more advantage is positions in some places and to retake positions. and others of the, i've counted, is considered to be
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a key strategic direction control over the den. yes. people's probably a republic settlement would open the way to the city of crime. a task now push kids uh, troops far. busy away from the desk while the us national security council of books best instead of the f guy is on the verge of coming on the roster in control. unfortunately, we're getting unfortunately ukrainians that the situation is critical with the russians. continuing to press the craning positions every single day of difficult is at risk of falling into russian control. i liked about cross live to for my see i on the list, laurie johnson, joining us from tampa in florida. florida is good to have you join me right now. how do you comment on you trained soccer. busy maneuver away from my job. do you have got how strategic is the decision or is it more of a retreat as the money price on comedy crew called it runaway, it's called retreat. and the reason they're doing that is it's
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a combination of factors. they like ammunition, they like artillery shells. they have no air support, no fixed wing air support. they have a real power with, with manpower. they do not have a sufficient cod ray of trained soldiers that what they have or ill trained, elderly soldiers, man who are in the fifty's and sixty's, who have no business of being on a front line. and then to make matters worse, they're not properly trained. they're not properly equipped and so russia is making just push all along the saw, you know, 1000 kilometer front. is it, it's, it's watching and being very careful not to launch a massive human wave attacks. it doesn't need to do that. but it's there, but russia is not sitting back and waiting for you crying to do something. it is plying steady pressure. they're already having circled her on the verge of in
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circling silver, ukrainian units in, in areas around of the scale, both north south and in the center. about could you draw any apart those between this retreat and the lands key of pointing a new military commander in chief is best. the switch to the defensive post just that he spoke about as well. the switching to sara sky, who's known not so affectionately as the butcher. anytime you have a general known as the butcher, it's not exactly a vote of confidence from the troops on the front lines and he's reported to be not favored. most honestly, a pulse. he has a very dismal try track perfectly going back to the battle and i think it was 2015 in the bought survey. and then followed up with boss moved that debacle. and now he's, he's like a black, a bad black jack player at
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a casino. it keeps doubling down on losing hands and doesn't recognize when it comes to the time is to walk away from the tape. so he reportedly had ordered a new reserve, some of the better troops remaining, which that was one of the big differences between sir steven's allusion. his predecessor lives they often times would withhold some of them more than what were considered more elite units. just to avoid having them shoot off and lost the serious key is not at all afflicted by that. so he has a reputation, a well earned reputation for both questionable military judgements and putting his troops a risk. now how would you assess the current position of other means the last key, both on the political and military funds? does he still possess that support that he once had and, and how do you think ukrainians are viewing him when they hear of all these things going on in the front lines?
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i think he's in trouble of politically, potentially in trouble for even to survive physically. the illusionary opposed him solution is backed by clips go the mirror of the key of the and also by puerto shinkel, the former president. so there's already a political opposition developing. they were supposed to have new elections in march, but zalinski is using the excuse of the war to shut that down. and to prevent the pop, the public from voting. he is become more and more unpopular according to public opinion polls. a lot of that is due to the fact that he completely lied when he was when he took off, as he did so on the promise that he was going to work out a deal with russia. and to bring an end to the sliding of the don boss study, just the just the opposite is double down. and, and what we're looking at is the scale of losses for ukraine in this short period
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of time, or catastrophic. we haven't seen losses like this since world war 2 on the part of the, in the army anywhere in the world that it's, it's, it's truly significant and it's, it's good to have long lasting effects upon you freight. and i mean, it's candidly, they're not gonna, they're not gonna have enough men to reproduce, to make babies, to keep the population viable. i mean they've, they've really sort of committed suicide with this. now the, the white house claims, one of the reasons for kids retreat from of the of k is a lack of immunization for kids. 4th is how big of an impact will this have on american leadership? as congress is still debating whether to send kia, have more money or not to god, i think it's going to be very difficult for congress to approve it. so there's, there's a lot of pressure now in the united states to take care of our own southern board. just spend money defending that as opposed to sending money to defend. you christ
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borders that. but even if let's, let's just assume the united states coffers open tomorrow. and ukraine got the entire $61000000000.00. the. the truth is, most of that money doesn't go to ukraine. it goes to us defense manufacturers. they in turn have to produce the ammunition or the high mars, or the patriot batteries. and then those are shipped, well, even if they provide those to ukraine. this, the question remains. who's going to operate? that's the thing that of ukraine's lacking trained military personnel who know both how to operate and maintain that equipment. they don't have that. not in any kind of numbers that are going to make a difference. so that's why i said this is of the to west and ukraine itself, in terms of the political leadership there in chaos. the, they, they don't know what to do. they are, they're watching their house catch on fire,
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and nobody has the good sense to open the door and run out. lar johnson, thank you very much for your insight on this. we really appreciate you. thank you, mike of the and not the guys that as a national medical complex located in the solven's got the city or from you this has come under attack by is really forces on verified footage you can see right here smoke filled the hospital halls as what's best describe best people panicking amid the disruption destruction. he's ready. military forces of golf. um that entered the facility. oh yeah, i have the idea of what a 1000. so find a cdn and sheltering there to evacuate. say, you know, have to just taken by him as our on site or the middle east. bear or chief might have an option that picks up this jury from here. these row has started storm in the nicer hospital in high noon is in central gaza where the idea of planes, the rom bodies of several,
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is really hostages. as role says that it has offered refugees resigned in the complex already around $1500.00 people to leave for special humanitarian corridors towards a safe zone, a reference to a things trip of mainly agricultural land alone. limited, serene and coast around fulton square kilometer is in an area know, and as i don't know why the that has already received some displaced people before it. q objective is defined by, oh, military mission. are students sure that there's not the hospital continues, it's important functions of treating doesn't patients? we communicated this in a number of conversations we had with the hospital stuff over the last few days. we emphasized that there is no obligation for patients all stuff to evacuate. the hospital, however, we have been urging other guidance in arabic, on the phone,
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and the loud speakers to move away from the danger the come us puts the mean value money, terry and cory. don't we open for this purpose, for the purpose of protecting unenrolled civilians in casa locals. they deny these reports by the israeli army claiming safe court or is actually not safe at all. and that these really military's clash and with the palestinians indiscriminately. meanwhile, those crowding now around rough farm in the south holding clave. according to an estimate around one and a half 1000000 people remain the biggest concern. prime minister, benjamin intern, yahoo! earlier announced that a large scale military offensive will start in the area as soon as civilians are evacuated, but so far officially, there was no anti plan presented by israel on how these could be done. most of these people i have to remind you, have been internally displaced,
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laying the hostilities in the north of the gaza strip off to these really offensive started in october, they moved to the center of the in clave and then further south with the idea of operation expanding until they reached the diction boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is not safe, no livable. yeah, it's according to recent research, more than half of gas as buildings have been damaged or destroyed, with civil infrastructure. obviously, almost gone. so where's to all these people go to international communities? extremely alarmed, warning israel, this could be a catastrophe if they start this large scale operation in the south altogether. street an urgent down to reconsider every body host with the v begging police. don't do that for a tech savvy engine. don't kill so many how many is too many? which at this time dot a. mr. yahoo is also leasing anyone. they're going
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to have a great way to the one. why are they going to like way these people so easy to imagine? the community believes that this isn't a slaughter that too many people are being killed. maybe the have to think about different original logs, right? of all r t has managed to confirm for several sources on the grounds, but many people are already leaving the rough uh area in fear of escalation before any official is activation order from these really governments. i'm moving to that and the others towards out of my was the, again, there is no any official plan yet on the table. but many speculate that on my was it could indeed geographically be a logical option. we said in some world media's headlines on thursday, but it is clear that the area is so tiny and it has already accepted hundreds of
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thousands of people. it will not be able to see any more, let alone a 1000000 and a half because of the heavy showing we split our house to take refuge in the streets. as you can see, we are now working on preparing the tent as we don't know when we will be able to return. there is no security in gaza, and it is possible that this place will be bound to we were told to evacuate from our house, but there was no where we could go. so we came here and set up camp like the rest of the citizens who were abandoned and came to the alamo, aussie earlier, who fled from the showing from rockets and reconnaissance plains. but there was no water, no food, no safety either. so this bird in question where should, over a 1000000 civilian palestinians from rough for go to basically saves a lives in case of the idea of large scale operation in the area remains open. and many international players call on these relative measure race and to change its
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was the prime ministers of australia, canada, a new zealand today issued the following statement on reports of israel's plan to military operation. in rafa we are gravely concerned by indications that israel is planning a ground defensive into rasa. a military operation into rafa would be catastrophic . about $1500000.00 palestinians are taking refuge in the area, including many of us citizens and their families, with the humanitarian situation in gaza already die. the impacts on palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating. we urge the israeli government not to go down this path. earlier. it was reported that president obama and was furious within the apple for his willingness to go ahead with the rough operation, despite the fact that it is clear as mice calls, it can be the chair in crisis there. but so far there is no indication that h ro is ready to listen to anyone. now telling me this monitoring information,
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the policy and authorities in the west bank sends to washington, according to reports, source is close to these really intelligent states, looking through data on a square. and you said less a tax sources in is really intelligence told both sides that they have been tracking materials passed through private channels by the palestinian authority to the office of us security coordinator for israel and the palestinian authority in jerusalem. in order to understand what the us knows about settler violence, the intention they explained is not to act against the perpetrators, but to prevent the collected information from developing into sanctions. to not use road has yet to come in time. the reports, however, voices in the west are increasingly condemning is rarely fed laval engines, the west bank, for example, the united face, france, the u. k. and canada have all a down functions against that last was also a going so far as to accuse group of human rights violations in the region
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of functions. following 3 of these really settled violence against palestinians in the west bank. soon after the 7th, it's a matter of fact that with the office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs reportings, more than 500 incidents since as many of 15 of those enfold published dean and casualties. while over 400 cases, sol, policy and opened properties destroyed. now for is the un has accorded numerous incidents of these are the set lives of packing palestinians as the days of reporting more than $1200.00 in 2023 alone last year at mots the most violent year since the un agents have began keeping records back in 2006, and the due date in king emphasize israel's actions against palestinians during a speech in washington. as a us president watched on silently,
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a read cannot stand by and let this continue. we need a loss to a cease fire. now, this war must and restrictions on vital relief, aid and medical items are leading to in human conditions. it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support, it needs to carry out its mandate, continued escalations by extreme settlers in the west bank of jerusalem. so many sites and the expansion of illegal sacraments will at least chaos on the entire egypt. we must together create a political horizon that leads to a just a comprehensive piece on the basis of the 2 state solution. and independent sovereign and viable publishing and state with east jerusalem as its capital a we had talked with any is really a far as i'm less than expert to an us. he's one of your relations called in baku. he says that the card is ready,
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administration will continue to protect the legal federalist by any means possible . does that help you asked that? is it a and why did administration of somehow going to kind of confrontation, especially if the united is an goes to the ocean in rough or what could we expect for on such a government to, to do when they know that the new that the police standing and so that is sending in more information and detailed information about the system that said loves attacks against the listing. and it is very obvious that they will try to fix this . don't know what kind of details and to try to convince the united states that this thing is not true. but i know that in some bella state and villages that are a lot of american citizens. first indians with american citizenship. some of them will just come inc. and the last some of the spin some of vacation in palestine and the house was bad and they, they will risk you at the maybe the last minute because the gloves i take their
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village, they are taking people are staying in the land. they are destroying for the standing club, so they are thinking about staying and villages and houses and sometimes skimming. phyllis damien's is it. i was based on a system and movement before it was established on the way to establish the state of visit and they will not never give up this policy, they do will defend it in every possible way of the un press center has just finished a conference regarding the upcoming will use festival to be held in russian city of sochi, a 3 speakers discussed the past case where american farm attendees in russia, with charles, with espionage by the, by ministration. one of the speakers are corresponding to caleb, i'm up instead of you want a serious attack on freedom of speech. and generally on the countries democratic values. a jesse novel penny has and no molly,
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i should tell. i have been indicted by the us department of justice biden administration has charged them for doing what we are about to do for going to an international conference in russia. this indictment is a huge attack on freedom of speech. a huge attack on freedom of assembly. if the letter of the law, as they are trying to enforce it, stands in court, all kinds of international delegations, all kinds of political activism and discipline speech would be rendered illegal. and in light of the indictment, we're already hearing wider costs. there's been calls to indict people for pro palestine demonstrations. there's been calls to indict people for alleged links to china, and they are anxious to start prosecuting individuals who put forward views like the views that we put forward. we oppose war. we want a better relationship with russia and china, and venezuela and all the countries that are currently being sanctioned and attacked by the american government. well,
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we convened the press conference to say that we as american citizens have the right to travel to russia, and we have the right to participate in the world use festival. and that we want to make clear that what biden is doing by prosecuting the who removing the who 3 penny has a malia, should tell a and adjusting level. what they're doing is an for an attack on all americans that on our civil liberties. and that we will not be intimidated. and we're looking forward to going to this international gathering and meeting with young people from all over the world. because we want to build bridges where we are very concerned. and we've given orientation to the members of our respective organizations about how to prepare for the f b i coming and knocking on their doors. we are prepared for intimidation and it must be opposed. i mean, the african people socialist party, the peoples democratic, is who remove and what they are facing right now in federal court. possibly 15 years in prison, for allegedly acting as for an agent simply because they attended the anti globalization conference in russia in 2014 is an outrages attack. and it could open
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the door to all kinds of suppression of civil liberties. and we've all ready, you know, the trial is set to take place in september, but we've already got calls to prosecute pro palestine active is nancy pelosi said she wants the up. the i to look into pro palestine active is we've got calls to prosecute people for alleged ties to china. this could open the floodgates of all kinds of persecution, of anti war activists and dissidence in america. in this case, that mainstream u. s. media is largely ignoring, is vitally important via who are 3 and what they are facing is something that should be on the front page of every newspaper. every american and everyone in the world is concerned about civil liberties. to be paying attention to this case and demanding that the bodily ministration drop the charges immediately. they have no right to lecture the world about human rights when they threaten support. a group of people that have been protesting for the rights of african americans in prison for allegedly being russian agents just because they had some web conferences just because they went to a conference just because they publish some articles. uh they, you know, they alleged their spread.


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