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tv   News  RT  February 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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introduce the dealership image of the the show school was on the card and strikes on a residential area and leave 7 table dead and 18 more wounded in russell's border region of the us house of representatives goes over recess without focusing on the 8th to p. so as the national security council's funds with says, ukraine policies are retreating, june, to a lack of munitions based on verify for the individual able to still be good enough on medical complex in the bottom. you know, the idea is supporting those sheltering that to leave him in his early offices are on the premises. we hear from, with the one who tried to exit, the school reach an officer would be shot by snyder. the situation was very tragic
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. with the head, there was no access to water food as an officer hospital after they began to see each person had one loaf of bread for an entire news . a very well welcome to you from the entire all the international news. see we're coming to you live from us there. let's take a look at it. so. so is this out. and we begin with the latest updates from brussels border region of bel going west, 77 years have been killed, including an infant and 18 a wounded for my children. and then you create a slight hit, a residential air, now bicycled into rushes, administrative health. the for me, i'm verified for the shows the movements off of the attack to start the also is it the, the biggest don't, don't know it please. the region with the rolling for this closer to
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the school with holes in the corner. so they want to do, but it's the one that isn't going to produce was your options, go to predict what to do with your car. the show school was a good day, but sure most can you finish watching for so the whole thing is will be as well as you can do. but if i need to know a feel for this, i still have to my to comes in my cool at the most, get you to good. you can finish with all the rest of the 4 minutes. he released a stay with the following to fly gone. bill associates slamming the west for his
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complicity. it's clear that the key of nazi sufferings failure, failure on the battlefields, or by variously taking out their anger on peaceful russian citizens. this terrorist attacked by the u. crow band rights has once again highlighted the criminal role of the collective west to led by the united states of america, which continues to pump the fastest regime with lisa weapons, which it turns against innocent civilians at all sorted out around $1230.00 local time. so lunch time for most people, when belgrade came under air attack and as a result, there was a school stadium that was damaged, a shopping center heavily damaged as well. you can see from the videos there, the people sort of posted on social media right away. also we know that there were a number of presidential buildings, there were damaged cars. and so far we know that an infant is among the dead and also several kids were injured and have since been taken so hospital. and as soon
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as this happened, of course, there was an air ride the warning, which has since been lifted, and the governor of a neighboring brands collegian, which has also come under consistent attack over the last 2 years. since the military operation began. he said about this again as another sign, and that shows that the key of regime is constantly targets and deliberately a civilians. and this is a sense, and it's also echoed by the foreign ministry spokesman marizza har, of another act of terrorism by the key of regime, which resulted in the death of civilians in belgrade including one child as well as many injured. this will be submitted by russia to relevant to international organizations, including the un security council. of course, we're not expecting the un security council to do anything about this because they haven't done anything about all the previous attacks that we've seen all the options for again targeting civilians. let's not forget the belgrade, which by the way, is just a 30 kilometers from the board, or what do you frame? it's still recovering from it. definitely as attacks. so for and this was in
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december during the holiday, c is and wants to get new cleanings forces targeted civilians. and as a result 25 people died there and around a 100 people were injured. and once again here we are today. we're not expecting to hear anything from the watson. we're expecting them to continue supplying the weapons other. then the key of rushing uses to attack a, russell swell and russian citizens, while kids to carry out of time songs of it is in melville road. all think or 3 years on of a file. this report on the convert from near the front lines. we are in the town of cream and i on the front is just a few kilometers away from here on the in the, the stone. you can see how bad it has had in the past several years. i have to say just behind me, there's a massive crate. uh and uh, its just again one out of many that uh sketch it all across this town. and the
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scenery behind me really speaks volumes. uh, but uh, this is one of the major old sports. it has been for the past again, couple years. uh, but lately, the russian army, they have intensified their attacks and their shows all across the front. of course, the main batch of all you please right now. well, the main battle is, i have to say they are happening in the, the nets, good republic, and the dentists region where the russian forces are trying to push the enemy away from the city of the nets. the town of belgrade, very tragic, and really a very tragic event. a terrorist attack for sure, it's no less than that. but the city of connecticut has seen similar attacks and even something is much worse since since the 2014 really. and so right now, the russian troops, they're working on the pushing the enemy away so that that town can finally breeze a gulf of fresh air. here there's another hold sport, it's a town of bill. a go to of cape was onto the russian control. back in 2022,
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but then the russian troops, they fell back and well they are trying to retake it. as of now, of course brushing is capitalizing heavily on all the bickering that is happening in the west, and that is happening amid the ukrainian allies as they can not agree on the continued support for ukraine right now. so russia, he's trying to capitalize on the moment. the town of the gulf guy is no exception. this sense and this part of the front is no exception in this sense, right now the russians it's, they are fighting already in the industrial areas of this town. of course, any industrial area is a very difficult place to store them and to take by force just due to very deep, underground systems of communications over the we do know that the ukraine forces they have tried to. they have already drawn some of their reserves that used to used to be stationed on the 5th, on the 6th,
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the lines of defense is now they are over there in this crucible of war. and the similar situation is all across the front. really, on the, even the ukrainian officials, they have been admitting ukrainian offices. they have been saying that, well, our resorts is, are extremely strange and it's, it's not just about a 10. are you shells for this is for instance and weaponry. it also applies to the personnel, and so of course, russia is trying to capitalize on that and to make gains on the battlefield and well sofa. it has been, it has been successful on a number of parts of the front. meanwhile report. so i'm coming in the waiting on me, i have policy with the rule and it says forms for teaching city of, of the of cup as far as the size and for one of your clients on the unit says, is nation soups and leaving in search of better positions as charles to so it's a bus plus, i know as what i've,
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they've done. the frontline is very dynamic and our units i'm moving to a treat to motor advantages. positions in some places and to re take positions and others of the car is considered to be a case for teaching point to the front of line loses. and so it was as and they would push kids since further away from don't ask me what the us national security council says lessons as including false is a critically lacking in immunization. but as, as the us house of representatives goes on recess without voting on 8 to keith, i want to share a few words about the battlefield. such an a situation in ukraine where the fighting is incredibly intense in the east, particularly in a city called a difficult to city that we've talked about several times before. unfortunately, we're getting reports from the ukrainians that the situation is critical. in very large part, this is happening because ukrainian forces on the grounds are running out of artillery ammunition because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill. we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to
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disrupt these russian assaults literally. so who, the former c i a analyst, and larry johnson who says key retreat can be explained by a lack of training. so this it's called retreat. and the reason they're doing that is it's a combination of factors. they like ammunition. they're like artillery shells. they have no air support, no fixed wing air support. they have a real power with a, with manpower. they do not have a sufficient cod ray of trained soldiers that what they have are ill trained, elderly soldiers, man who are in the fifty's and sixty's, who have no business of being on a front line. and then to make matters worse, they're not properly trained. they're not properly equipped, switching to service king who's known not so affectionately as the butcher. anytime you have a general known as the butcher, it's not exactly
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a vote of confidence from the troops on the front lines and he's reported to be not favored. the most obviously a post. he has a very dismal try track record going back to the battle and i think it was 2015 in the box survey. and then followed up with box moved that debacle. and now he's, he's like a black, a bad black jack player at a casino. he keeps doubling down on losing hands and doesn't recognize when it comes to the time is to walk away from the table. so he reportedly had ordered a new reserve, some of the better troops remaining, which that was one of the big differences between sir ski and the illusion of his predecessor now to gaza. why is why the forces have confirmed the soul of man? and that's our medical complex in the southern city upon us. and verified for the
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shows, smoke fitting the hospital holes as people panic and made the destruction. the idea to see is the facility for weeks traveling thousands of patients, but it will solve display as people we hide from witnesses overseas. it wasn't based on monday school nearby nestor hospital. anyone who tried to exit the school or reaching us so would be show by snipers. the situation was very tragic and the school where i was the past and was skilled before a rice in the middle of the school. we are going to assess i wasn't nicer hospital, they besieged us for 5 or 6 days. no one was allowed to enter will leave. there was a drone shooting as well as the snipers. the day before yesterday they told us to leave in the morning at 10 o'clock, the group laughed. i got up to leave because they said the wounded also had to leave. i got up, got dressed, walked the steps and fell to the ground. there was no access to water or food as an officer hospital after they began to see each breast and had one loaf of bread for
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an entire day. garbage was everywhere and sewage flooded the emergency department. i live the i the for the files of the palestinians to evacuate. the complex saying is really also do wellbeing, coach at the hospital all to release the or if, if my, if and most of the is up the story, days row has started storm in the nicer hospital in time. noon is in central gaza with the idea of planes. the rom bodies of several is rarely hostages. his role says that it has offered refugees resigned in the complex already around $1500.00 people to leave through special humanitarian corridors towards a safe zone. a reference to a things trip of mainly agricultural land alone, limited to rent and coast around fulton square kilometer is in an area know, and as i don't know why the that has already received some displaced people before . a key objective is defined by oh, military mission is to ensure that there's not the hospital continues. it's
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important functions of treating guzman patients. we communicated this in the number of conversations we had with the hospital stuff over the last few days. we emphasized that there is no obligation for patients all stuff to evacuate the hospital. however, we have been urging other guidance in arabic, on the phone, and the loud speakers to move away from the danger. the come must put the mean value money, terry and cory, don't we open for this purpose, for the purpose of protecting uninvolved civilians in casa locals, though, deny these reports by the israeli army, claiming safe court, or is actually not safe at all. and that these really military's clash and with the palestinians indiscriminately. meanwhile, those crowding now around rough on in the south holding clave according to an
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estimates around one and a half 1000000 people remain the biggest concern. prime minister benjamin netanyahu earlier announced that a large scale military offensive will start in the area as soon as civilians are evacuated. but so far officially, there was no any plan presented by israel on how these could be done. most of these people i have to remind you, have been internally displaced, leading the hostilities in the north of the gaza strip off to these really offensive started in october, they moved to the center of the in clave and then further south with the idea of operation expanding until they reached the gyptian boulder where the only option for them is basically to go back north. that is not safe, no livable. yeah, to, according to recent research, more than half of gas as buildings have been damaged or destroyed with civil it infrastructure. obviously, almost gone. so where's of all these people go to international communities?
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extremely alarmed, warning as well. this could be a catastrophe. they start this large scale operation in the south altogether. street an urgent down to reconsider. every body will astute. the be bagging police don't do that, protects the billions don't deal with so many how many is too many we just on dot net that yahoo is also listed in any one a deadline to have a great way to the one. why are they going to like way these people? so is it to a national community believes that these isn't, are slow to that too many people are being killed, maybe the have to think about to for the reason alarms. meanwhile, r t has managed to confirm for several sources on the grounds, but many people i already leaving the rough uh area in fear of escalation before
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any official is that creation order from these rarely governments. i'm moving to bed and balance others towards my was the, again, there was no any official plan yet on the table, but many speculate that on my was a could indeed geographically be a logical option. we said in some world media's headlines on thursday, but it is clear that the here is so tiny and it has already accepted hundreds of thousands of people. it will not be able to see any more, let alone a 1000000 and a half. because of the heavy showing we flit our house to take refuge in the streets. as you can see, we are now working on preparing the tent as we don't know when we will be able to return. there is no security in gaza, and it is possible that this place will be bound to we were told to evacuate from our house, but there was no where we could go. so we came here and set up camp like the rest
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of the citizens who were abandoned and came to the loss earlier for flood from the showing from rockets and reconnaissance plains. but there was no water, no food, no safety either. so the burden question where should, over a 1000000 civilian palestinians from the rough but go to basically saves a lives in case of the idea of large scale operation in the area remains open and many international players. calling these world to measure risks and to change its was the prime ministers of australia. canada and new zealand today issued the following statement on reports of israel's planned military operation. in rafa we are gravely concerned by indications that israel is planning a ground defensive into rasa. a military operation into rafa would be catastrophic . about $1500000.00 palestinians are taking refuge in the area, including many of us citizens and their families, with the humanitarian situation and gaza already die. the impacts on palestinian
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civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating. we urge the israeli government not to go down this path. earlier. it was reported that president, though by then was furious within the hour for his willingness to go ahead with a rough operation, despite the fact that it is clear as mice calls, it can be the chair in crisis there. but so far there is no indication that is ro is ready to listen to anyone. and he was a must be. so that's the cool from president present, new, the silver, the hourly meeting. the 1000 either needed to announce the idea, so allison's in gauze or timing that the read is losses on ripple pass. so this proportion now israel's disproportionate bound, indiscriminate reaction is unacceptable. and constitutes one of the most tragic episodes in this long, complex street. the human and material losses are irreparable. so we can not
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trivial. why is the death of thousands of civilians as me collateral damage at a time when the palestinian people need support. the most rich countries have decided to cause humanitarian aid to the un agency for palestine records. the recent allegations against the agencies stuff will need to be properly investigated, but they cannot finalize it. move this in humanity and color. this must be stuff to be that made to be sure, you know. meanwhile, western countries like canada, australia, on the island of also condemned as well, is that as soon as the money is seized, why in the region, there's the statement. most countries, it's less grave concern of is really a tax on rough up. the problem is the span island have them on the commission to review idea of operations in gaza. a parliament member clinton daily emphasized the suffering of women and children in the enclave. a power both the women and guys were women and children make up 70 percent of its victims. no doctor, know me twice. no nurse to supports women during labor, no pun pain,
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medication no anesthesia. women have to soak off. i'm use 10 sprouts to soak up their post parts and pleasing to mothers killed by your trail. every hour. tens of thousands of babies and children without their mother's warm arms to hold the house and is happy left to scream and cry while they watch their mothers die in front of the women crushed quite the most am not to my own imaginable grief without a moment to recover watching their children stirred. what for the christmas? so i feminist in here, there seems to be no fellow feeling. they want the atrocities to continue. that's not feminism, it's an abomination. i don't know if god will forgive them, but i have millions of others. certainly won't the now what police obtain pro piracy in protest as who obstructing the entrance so well know media. if this is a smoking, seated altercations,
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the could also purchase gathered outside of the gym and media center and dining room for the environments trail open. go over your choosing the most flooding, they use 7 sizes to on his loadings and wait for products in the same time as fast as a rump sidwell. police are assigned to the location to freak out the cloud. the africans. and now the lives of science stays comprising all the nations of molly and these, yet i'm books, you know, 5. so as a cues fraud was all involved in surfaces movements in northern africa, the pro, it says french drones near the borders of motor time. yeah. in the presence of french drones in the area and into non you add authors close links with french
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services fuel suspicions of direct french involvement in the fighting. the use of kamikaze drones by non state arms groups is a worrying trend that increases the risk of civilian casualties and the incidence a crisis relating to the situation in this a how has been, particularly the lobbying, especially was the expansion of the scope of the action of terrorist groups, particularly in monte, between the vessel and the shade. and now we are getting this information from the allies of the whole states, stating that a person called inc and an attack of an executive off the separatist movement to coordination of as our movement has been seriously injured. following the handling of a french drug about 40 kilometers um phone demolition board is the end of this information . um that we got a relating to this. the military officer tells us that he had been living in front and he returned to the area. i left the task
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a few weeks ago with tip to cool drones provided by the french services, which he has a very close relationship and things, but um, before the csp. we also understand that to the drone that he had been using um, can drop and create an exam um over at long distance. and it was developed in collaboration with the french company most. and it's in this context then that's the alliance of the house state says that the presence of prison, drones in the presence of all this contact him and he dined regions. and he's ties with friends, accompanies raised the suspicion of frances direct involvement in the fighting coverage, the taking place and has been taking place in the region. it also remember that news it could be, does have a long a to the process of coming out to planned to de, stabilize the country. if they said that front of forces released a cap to tailor most of the regions in the particularly big in the east of the country and fridge, a crowd have violates. and the reason is,
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basis from has denied all those to me several times. and yet, here we off with another agent equipped to buy from living in france. and it seems like it, um, it has been seen to buy funds. if at this point it seems like terrorist and the allies are being exposed because this is now um proof. and evidence of exactly what needs it, i believe is in other states has been saying about funds all this time, but he has moved from the new they've been president. it is impossible to put out a fire using gasoline. the blaze of terrorism is fueled by francis support. also, how he does have owners maintain the fact that from the end it's need to a positive started the file. yeah, covering see taking place and has been taking place this, particularly that of terrorism in this, the whole region by backing on ripples. and this is not recent, even with the case of libyans good that be. they've said that on the rebels with best buy from us to over to him. and these assets have indeed
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a turn to the countries of these the how into failed states as we have seen. it's not related to the crowd as well, seemingly conducting an mc tara operation is support to a fees to help countries that has actually been aging in a betting is since and in the region. small is foreign minister, not too long ago. in fact, he requested an audience with the un security council to be present, or rather to present the evidence, but that was board monday's um, pm. in 2021 claim, the french troops. i created an craig, but enrolled in monte and handed over to, to prescribe. and that was also all taken into account. and all the friendships was dismissed. the town of ki dog, which some of these army had previously been forbidden from entering, was recap to the tune up also as well, which has made a substantial, gave the since bleaching out from some such as been capturing towns. i know many of cards you asking is wrong, says,
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or rather it's just if it wasn't the how to how the site is security the how come it's departure has resulted in more successful than the previous decade to a front involvement. but let's just watch the president of the ability to, to, off music as had to say, you know, what micron responded to the authority of this country. niger does not belong to you. niger belongs to france, and it is not up to you to propose any solution whatsoever. it is matt crohn, be ignorant of history, because he did not know that at the time when they were making their revolution, we had finished circum navigating the world. many malia is now wondering if bronze has actually committed to restoring the territorial integrity of money on other options to help me and, and well, some new african allies that has been made a considerable appropriate in driving the gets let miss rebels are from being the, the strongholds the the fact remains that to the question of separate remains, one of the chief political disagreements that provides money into k as in the 1st
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place. and the zip code is this is why many onto punched in particularly, and that's the whole region continue to say that french government of african blind in that. and that's because for far too long for on this has acted as an agent divide into africa. we've seen it's using, it's kind of deep seated using different zone as a means of keeping your gloves feelings of the ask because that advocates society the until this day said that after each i cannot be safe, it cannot be a piece of it cannot be been developed to develop as long as the font is still involved, a member of it knew these as a pub feel took fund for us over the sir. as long as it's only going to be using this as a to is natural resources. in the presence of 2 friends has been loudly proclaiming that it is exclusively protecting its own interest in this case. the 1st question to ask yourself is, why then does france come to our countries with statements that will fight
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terrorism? all countries are not french territory wise friends, so determined to sacrifice its soldiers selflessly, helping you here is an old for its own interest or take what we've seen in molly over the years. they didn't want to find the solution to the problems with the uprising with security. here's why they don't want the security problem to be solving all conflicts. it's really beneficial on that. they can continue to exploit the natural resources extracted from, oh wow. and then explored them outside. oh, unders. when security is at the right level, or when our security and defense forces are engaged in protecting our country. friends and it's for us will not be able to act as they want and use our natural resources in the interest. so fans are not in the interest of our state. that's why it's easy to say that france has been finance in terrace all this time. might have been from all world news, a story is head of authority. the con, there are
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a lot of interesting. so is i will be back on this. i'll put out the on the one or 2, but this happens 2023. the u. s. declared is full support for his royal in its war against the rebels. the, the us has waged was in iraq and syria. hostilities have resulted in more than 1000000 casualties. the 3rd country is experienced. he is of civil war of the ever us invasion.


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