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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the fortunately we're getting unfortunately premiums that the situation is critical. watching to admit, he has full pissed off struggling on the thoughtful fail to say, withdrawal from the key positions along the front lines corresponded reports from the region. we keep telling us constantly, listen, listen for the bus, because, well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. admitted to crane minute treat, set facts. the washington with schofield is about russia claiming its developing face watson or the threat to its national security. so it's still sort of giving any actual evidence to have friends and nothing. but as molly burkina faso ignition meets to this tough times to create
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a confederation. i made on good intentions with the west stop pretends not called find well as well play and that's fighting for survival in concert. i know everyone at home is own poor without message. how many is correspond to look sent to the difficulties facing the pool on the road package? the morning day and night brand new source for inter on well, this is all to international. it's good to have you with us this hour. while we all started with the latest from the room in you, praying that this reports increasingly suggests that keeps full, says all coming on to severe strain. protect around the strategic city of uptake from what it's troops have partially withdrawn. now the us national security council spokes, passwords don't copy, outline the powerless situation on the ground. i want to share
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a few words about the battlefield, such an a situation in ukraine where the fighting is incredibly intense in the east, particularly in a city called the of the, of the city that we've talked about several times before. unfortunately, we're getting reports from the ukrainians that the situation is critical. in very large part, this is happening because ukrainian forces on the grounds are running out of artillery ammunition because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill. we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian assaults. we'll have to, if god is considered a to strategic point of the battle lines and losing control of the city would push key of strips farther away from the regional capital done yet. but it's not the only small told in the front line why the situation is becoming critical. sleep re, the 6th period said foot to it shows russian soul says, conducting operations of the northern parts of the guns region. ground assaults, along with drone operations, all being carried out in the criminal. i mentioned cities that were used to support
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the defense of operation on trauma school, so known as box. what is what many full of veterans all that's involved in the group now fight as possible. not the unit audience impulse donald, for quotes from the city, which still stands as a reminder about, fits. fighting once took place. it's a city in ruins. it's crumbling. facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war, which wants this place to this day. that, that most below me is the city over to almost. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not artillery, not tanks, but can be causing drones. and when the visibility is this good, this whole neighborhood is the prowling ground. the soldiers that we are imbedded with they are, they keep telling us constantly listen,
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listen for the bus. because well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight is where with they are the ones who kicked ukrainian troops out of every nook and cranny over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves. dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra or musicians, is going through a tubule in phase these wagner, veterans still carry that music in their hearts. but now they play a tune of their own as a different unit called camera tone. or the tuning fork is almost all summer the idea of use for the out of to musical instruments to be cleaned up in tune properly . in other words, they all return to the original state used for their intended purpose and effectively performed the tasks or put them on the right parts of the smart battalion, the food,
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new legacy. the crucible of war with plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same though. the enemy in front of them are both in front of the targets are different. we face the infantry, including the sheltered infantry hiding and the dugouts. we also come across armored vehicles and you know, not to come or tone might be a smaller units, but it's also a mean one dedicated to finish what they started. the youth on your opponent is fighting the wrong way. this is the big mistake. the sold will judge us all decisions that'd be made and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say, vote for surrender. there is nothing more to say over. i mean, it gets done of reporting from out of to him of oxy full s c i a unless lowery, johnson believes that a lot of train soldiers is beginning to bite your plans for assets. it's called
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retreat. and the reason they're doing that is it's a combination of factors. they like ammunition. they like artillery shells. they have no air support, no fixed wing air support. they do have a real power with a, with manpower. they do not have a sufficient cod ray of trained soldiers that what they have are ill trained, elderly soldiers, man who are in the fifty's and sixty's, who have no business of being on a front line. and then to make matters worse, they're not properly trained. they're not properly equipped, switching to service king who's known not so affectionately as the butcher. anytime you have a general known as the butcher, it's not exactly a vote of confidence from the troops on the front lines and he's reported to be not favored. most honestly, a post. he has
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a very dismal try track record going back to the battle and i think it was 2015 in the ball survey and then followed up with box moved that debacle. and now he's, he's like a black, a bad black jack player at a casino. it keeps doubling down on losing hands. and does it recognize when it comes to the time is to walk away from the table. so he reportedly had ordered a new reserve, some of the better troops remaining, which that was one of the big differences between sir ski and the illusion of his predecessor at that same briefing by the us national security council spoke pos and the white house finally confirmed the much hyped threat to national security, that, that being so much speculation over this week that they confirmed that it didn't, fox referred to russia. don't copy, said it's related to on teach, sought to like weapons divided by most good for how much i can share about the
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specific nature of the threat. i can confirm that it is related to an anti satellite capability that russia's developing president biden has been kept fully informed and regularly informed by his national security team, including today. he has directed a series of initial actions including additional readings to congressional leaders, direct diplomatic engagement with russia, with our allies in our partners as well, and with other countries around the world to have interest in the state. intelligence community has serious concerns about a, about a broad di classification of this intelligence or before those colorado is the kremlin spokesperson. no. to be coincidence. between those claims on the continuing run, play, move for a $60000000000.00 usa package for you quite. it is obvious that the white house is trying, by hook or by crook, to encourage congress to vote on a bill to allocate money. this is obvious. we'll see what tricks the white house will use. well, this way in the u. s. senate pos to bill to send billions of dollars more to kids,
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but it still has to pay the house of representatives. president biden has said the failure to approve the legislation which pay rights and does not admit pigeons hands for my pentagram scared to alice. my calendar if believes that there is a direct link between this new revealed russian space dried on the funds, waiting to be sent to keith as well. i think it's actually more political than it. it's actual actual fact. well, i think that's the whole point. it is to alarm and insight people to action and to show, once again that russia is the bad guy. and to go ahead and pass this because they're narrative by the ukranian supporters is that if you don't stop russia and ukraine, they're going to take over all of europe. and we've heard explicitly from mr putting himself, but that's not in his intention, in effect. his actions to date have not indicated that this is an attempt to, to create a historical moment to pass this legislation. because if it doesn't pass,
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then there will be nothing for your crime. but i don't agree with the premise that, that this is the basis that if you don't stop russia in ukraine, they're going to go on to europe. and i just don't see, even the europeans don't believe that the 3 western african states of money, but kate of foss. so i missed ya on monday, the i to assuming a confederation the pounds being discussed with a joint meeting. so back in september, the trail had already become members of the newly created a lot of health states designed to defend against external oppression. the move caleb met the car in confrontation with the original across the bulk of west african nations. in january, the 3 countries formerly quit 5 organizations, deepening instead cooperation with a chava on even discussing the introduction of a common currency is that it has been here if it quits. callback was a slap in functions on the country and has vowed never to return to the problem.
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they said that you don't, the part of a cost renters is obsolete effective and capable of responding to the legitimate interests. an exploration of the resilient populations of this i help just because we're members of the block, the food of medicine supply was cut off. power was also cut in our own funds have been frozen. so we're consulted with our friends and it's a hell on exiting the block to better the life of our citizens, that we should leave a block that is answerable to the foreign countries. so we're withdrawing their membership from the blog and will never return to the union and new jerry and transitional. it has also said that the days of his countries involvement with across all confined to history, a gallery of its ready if the newly formed the lions of the house announced it's withdrawn from a course. the group in which includes molly, missouri and for jennifer also is blaming to call us for jaden for me, found in principles of fan oper, tennessee vacuums. f was
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a boundary to foreign powers and of a brand of the members who try to establish security in their punches on their own left for us, rejected these claims describing them a space left and one spot breaking away will have consequences for regional trades and security meanwhile, the members of the ally and say it could have raised prospects, the costs of the associates on small flexible structures and even a potential problem for establishing a federal ration. i call for courage. we must have the courage to take the step of forming a federation between the states of the elliptical government charter which constitute the alliance of the states of as a health. the alliance could benefit from more direct corporation compared to the complex institutions and collective dream, or because the alliance also wants to treat on economy and monitors union to get rid of colonial conferences with a proposed single car, is the quote, this a health currency is a step out of this call nice ation measure molly and we can have fossil f monitor
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experts. and at the appropriate time, we will decide currency is assigned to sovereignty and the alliance of the health states are engaged in a process of recovering their total sovereignty. there is no longer any question of our state's being the cash account of france. so how regent, it has been the hot spot of an ongoing when she had this insurgency about the guy in 2003 in 2014 missouri. molly broke in a fossil job in march. any a straight up a g 5. so i have with frank support to save of rebels in the region. but the alliance of the house space declared the organization ineffective and withdrew the chief pipes. the house was laid or dissolved. it has to be said that after almost 9 years of existence, the g 5 social organization is struggling to achieve its objectives. working at foster, a news here will maintain their dynamic cooperation. in particular, within the alliance of psycho states, to make always to heal in space. however, air force thing says it will continue to pursue dialogue with the alliance in
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a bit to reverse the decision. so let's see a, b r t a boy job my to re tell if, if it is reportedly monitoring information, the palestinian authorities in the westbank, i'll send him to washington. so says close to his reading, intelligence claim that it's coming through data on his really set. and our tax sources in is really intelligence told both sides that they have been tracking materials passed through private channels by the palestinian authority to the office of us security coordinator. for israel and the palestinian authority in jerusalem in order to understand what the us knows about settler violence. the intention they explained is not to act against the perpetrators. but to prevent the collected information from developing into sanctions, to what is all has yet to comment on those reports. how well 5 voices in the west
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are increasing. the condemning is really such the finest in west pines, for example, the us fonts, news, okay. and canada, how old amount sanctions against a number of settlers with elsewhere going so far as to choose some of human rights violations and the nature of functions which and clear to find on travel come, i've been growing violence against westbank palace for news at the hands of is really such as of the office for the coordination of humanitarian, a fast have reports of over 500 incidents since, but some of what to tell you. bucks how mazda attacks, as many as 50 of those resulted in casualties. while moving full 100. you can save that, so damage to palestinian owned properties with 2 decades. the you on has been recording incidence of set to the finance last year alone. for example, it reported moving 1200 cases. actually 2023 months the most
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fine. yeah. since the un agency began to ping ratcliffe and i was back in 2006 on a recent visit to washington became over told and used to speech to highlight the palestinian pools with joe biden. standing in finance behind him. we cannot stand by and let this continue. we need a loss to cease fire. now this war must and restrictions on vital relief, aid and medical items all leading to into main conditions. it is imperative that under what continues to receive the support it needs to carried out its mandate, continued escalations by extreme settlers in the west bank of jerusalem. so many sites and the expansion of the legal settlements will at least chaos on the entire region. we must together create a political horizon that leads to a just a comprehensive piece on the basis of the 2 state solution and independent
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sovereign and viable publishing in states with east jerusalem as its capital u. s. is there any relations on this? how to involve groups, he believes that the nets and yahoo government will continue to protect the legal status by any means possible. what does that help this? that is, it, i, and why didn't administration of somehow going to kind of confrontation, especially if the united, if is it a, goes to the military operation. and roughly, what could we expect from such a government to, to do when they know that or a knew that the police standing authority is sending more information and detailed information about the system that said loves attacks against the villa. stan, yes, it is very obvious that they will like, i think this don't know what kind of details and to try to convince the united states that this think is not true. but i know that in some ballasting and villages that are a lot of american citizens ballast indians with american citizenship, some of them will just come inc. and the last summer to spin some of vacation in
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palestine and the house was bad and they, they will risk you maybe the last minute because the gloves i think the village, they are taking the stand in land. they are destroying for the stand in club. so they are thinking about staying in the villages and houses and sometimes getting that list indians is what i was based on a settlement movement eh, before it was established on the way to establish the state of visit and they will not never give up this policy they do will defend it in every possible way, was fine and such as in the west bank and a full scale. one folds and gaza support among israelis for its full size is by no means you. none of us on t who will protest is originally taken to the streets, dumont digging out into what they call a genocide in gaza. that's you don't make not life easy as auntie is mirth. russia has been finding out of late in the afternoon after work. diane 23 year old
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is really jewish, and 2 were activist from haifa. israel's 3rd largest city and the biggest in the north is waiting for her friend and other activist. hey yon comes soon. the to start discussing what would be the best location for today's defense. any odds bag signs and posters in hebrew and english with various calls including to stop genocide and gaza. and to refuse joining these really military. the 2 together with 7 other protesters here for a silent because, driven by an irresistible urge to speak out. this war is a product of the freshman of the occupation, of 48th and the end of the 6 to 730000. so simians are murdered the same governments as supposedly was to represent, to me in my interest. it's in the endless cycle of violence. if we want this, we must stop. so it's a faucet for me to, to go out into this through to tell the world. so the israel is that we exist onto
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our activities will exist even if it's, if it's a single cost or freedom, the call is free for $10.00 days to say one place for around 20 minutes and then move on. skip to another location, not to because 5 police on these b yours do have grounds. guy a has been detained twice, and that is only after the war started. of the police or violence towards us. always look, if it's in the process they'll, they'll come to talk to pick you up a little bit, push you to put you through the floor and then take the you'll be in a police car for a couple of hours. we thought this wasn't good experience to, to get to be seen by a police officer and know that you can do anything. so just to defense yourself, because if you'll defense yourself, you'll be charged with um will the technical police officer, when they detain you, they charges,
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they try to charge me with the incitement with disturbance of the public order. they'll say that you are trying to, of the country that you're putting the public risk to tell you many, many things the bus eventually the, the only do it to scare you. and it's not the only police that the anti war protests are. is who pressure from? what do we still a young man passing by stops to express his disagreement with slogans. minutes later, the car stops new, the crow test. the how you feel about your fellow is rather just like this woman. now, like putting shame on you as i was, is going genocide drive out. and you guys the most people in isabel, they don't really realize that's because you really don't understand that they're
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very much they believe it was just the funding itself. they don't really think about the fact that as i was killing tens of thousands more than a 1000000 people were pushed away, of their lands again is really the self defense is what i was trying to defend. it's called colonial presence. in that sense, it is defending itself, people as told that costs on limited civilities. law enforcement division stops, light's flashing, though not to police. they are responsible for maintaining public order and safety . they leave. so if the but the activists are aware, they may return and detention could fall as they rush to fold and hide their posters. preparing to make a quick escape. i think the officers coming to us. so let's see how it's going to end today. they're coming. sorry, do speak english. we're selling the anti war protests.
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the small one is the problem. it's not legal. what they need permission. you mean? even if it's just 5 people according to is really long, only protests with over 50 participants requires a permit to proceed. which we did not august the i don't know when we were waiting for you. they just run away in fear of the tension. although it is nothing the authority of these men, the activists dispersed, slipping into the fabric of the city like shadows. but the protest is not over. we catch them 20 minutes later in another part of the city. and here again, unpleasant encounters with people passing by, supporting the war,
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slamming the protesters. we want states before on the 7th of october. reading some sort of summer means chile. this from us getting rid of them. yeah. but in the process of getting rid of it from us, we unfortunately it's not some, it's 30000 people in the, of the yellow. everything that they said they were the same old recent polls show the significance majority was really support the idea of the defensive. in guys, i'm physical with them to palestinian sources, cleaned thousands of lives, including civilians, children among them. if you'll say the news channels, you'll see the people that are coming to the news channels and there's something about feeling guidelines about the clean thing. they probably brainwash you to thinking about the that it's okay to kill 30000 people in gaza. this is
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not just the one off of my spell of madness, genocidal madness, but a continuation of an ongoing process. and we want to stop. the protest skips to another location and then it's over. for tonight the acts of a so happy, no one was detained. that means all of them will take to the streets again the next evening to prove they exist. and so does the alternative point of view. ray from ocean are all to reporting from hyphen i'm finding thousands of usually just from around the globe upset to defend on the russian blocks the result of searching next month. stay on gathering for the 2024 wild youth festival, but a previous about is so held in russia, but that was back in 2014, so street, american attendees at the time they discharged with espionage by the, by to ministration. or these kind of opened a small, not
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a jesse novel penny has. and no, molly, i should tell her i had been indicted by the us department of justice. biden administration has charged them for doing what we're about to do for going to an international conference in russia. this indictment is a huge attack on freedom of speech. a huge attack on freedom of assembly if the letter of the law as they are trying to enforce it, stands in court. all kinds of international delegations, all kinds of political activism and discipline speech would be rendered illegal. and in light of the indictment, we're already hearing wider costs. there's been calls to indict people for pro palestine demonstrations. there's been calls to indict people for alleged links to china, and they are anxious to start prosecuting individuals who put forward views like the views that we put forward. we oppose war. we want a better relationship with russia and china,
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and venezuela and all the countries that are currently being sanctioned and attacked by the american government. while we convened the press conference to say that we as american citizens have the right to travel to russia. and we have the right to participate in the world you festival, and that we want to make clear that what biden is doing by prosecuting the who, removing that you who are 3 penny has a malia, should tell a and adjusting level. what they're doing is an for an attack on all americans on our civil liberties, and that we will not be intimidated. and we're looking forward to going to this international gathering and meeting with young people from all over the world. because we want to build bridges where we are very concerned and we've given orientation to the members of our respective organizations about how to prepare for the f b i coming and knocking on their doors. we are prepared for intimidation and it must be a pose. i mean, the african people socialist party, the peoples democratic who remove meant what they are facing right now in federal court, possibly 15 years in prison,
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for allegedly acting as for an agent simply because they attended the anti globalization conference in russia in 2014 is an outrages attack and it could open the door to all kinds of suppression of civil liberties. and we've all ready, you know, the trial is set to take place in september, but we've already got calls to prosecute pro palestine active. as nancy pelosi said, she wants the api i to look into pro palestine active is we've got calls to prosecute people for alleged ties to china. this could open the floodgates of all kinds of persecution, of anti war activists and dissidence in america. in this case, that mainstream us media is largely ignoring, is vitally important to you who are 3 and what they are facing is something that should be on the front page of every newspaper. every american and everyone in the world is concerned about civil liberties. to be paying attention to this case and demanding that the buy new ministration drop the charges immediately. they have no right to lecture the world about human rights when they threaten support. a group of people that have been protesting for the rights of african americans in prison. for allegedly being russian agents just because they had some web conferences just
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because they went to a conference just because they publish them articles. uh, they, you know, they alleged their spreading russian propaganda well, they weren't doing that. they were speaking up and getting their perspective. but even if they were right, according to the american constitution, we can spread whatever kind of propaganda we want, right? freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to travel, the by new ministrations, efforts to intimidate people like us that are going to be attending this important gathering. it needs to be a pose, and that's why we were very happy to have the opportunity thanks to the russian mission, to highlight that at the united nations and the lead up to are very important trip a lot as and use run down this. how we do have adults winter coming away now, it looks it's one of history's most legit pages when ukrainian nation as lots of over a 100000 poles. lessons now unfortunately still relevant to today. so watson, enticing the
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destruction of gaza and its people continue unabated by the administration shows no meaningful interest in stopping israel's genocidal assault. at the same time, there is much talk of a ceasefire in this one side in conflict. it would seem, it is just that just the new ones used because we only got some what happened in this phone.


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