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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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when you sit, although it's in the near the, the just breaking news this out here on off the international life must go. as we understand the russian, the political activist alexi valley has died in prison. he was serving the settings for fraud and extremism among other charges, a lot of discussion is coming up in a month. unfortunately, we're getting unfortunately, trainings of the situation is critical. also, the white house isn't making that key as far as, as a struggling on the battlefield, them at a lack of support from washington. and that's not enough for him on during the politicians are also screaming about a new russian nuclear space threat. those details up and coming as well as rel claims. it's fighting for its survival and god. so not everyone at home agrees . a middle east correspondent, i'm bureau chief speaking to fatigue and people active us,
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but also to those who think the ongoing balance is justified. yeah, by the process of getting rid of the we, unfortunately it's not some, it's 30000 people in the 1000 strength in numbers as modeling, but in a 5. so i need to discuss plans to create a confederation, commit ongoing tensions with the west african block of the district about a minute past 3 pm on friday afternoon. here at moscow. this is all t international. you are watching the live transmission from the odd c mothership and we do have a continuation of our breaking news. this our, as we understand, the russian political activist alexi and a valley has passed away in prison. we can get more details, not without his on record,
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have join us live here in the studio for this continuation of the breaking news. we're getting little bits of information coming in almost by the minute at this point on. what do you know? yeah, we've got a lot of information out there, but essentially the only confirmed official information is that never only has died if that was confirmed by the russian penitentiary service. and it's important understand that the volley is a political activist. that was, that has been considered an extremist, along with his political organization, the anti corruption foundation in russia, also an extremist organization since 2022 in terms of all of the information that is yet to be confirmed according to one of our sources at archie. he died from a blood clot, but this again has yet to be confirmed by the authorities. apparently he was taking a walk and then i had complains that he wasn't feeling very well and eventually lost consciousness. and according to these unconfirmed reports, medics had tried to revive him, but he had ended up dying just about an hour after losing consciousness. as we
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speak, dependents century service has said, it's sending a a group to the call anywhere this all took place to establish the facts and conduct an official investigation. it's also important, some new information we got since going live with you just about 5 minutes ago. i mean, this information is coming really quickly by an organization called the social monitoring commission, which is essentially sort of watchdog organization. they said that no complaints from the volume the we're actually recorded on an official level. so that's something important to keep in mind. yeah. but we've also got a, a small response to this situation from the kremlin, from the criminal spokes person to meet your pest golf. he says that, you know, officials are carrying out the necessary investigative steps. and he's also said that vladimir potent has been informed of all these deaths. we've also heard that
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and of all these lawyer has refused to comment on the penitentiary services information specifically on the request of, of all of these families. so that's uh, some of the, you know, uh that that's basically around up with the information we have right now as well. i situation so, so pretend has been informed these, these not going to be pleased about this at all because he knows how the works is going to react to this. i mean, look, you saying in fact, an official investigation is getting underway to the time in the death of the valley. how does that happen in this beneficiary but, but will don't, will, will any official investigation make any difference to develop these weston finances and public mock? just because if all of you doesn't know the valley was a darling of the west. he was getting money from the west. they wanted him to be the new guy in the kremlin for a long time. so will it any official investigation make any difference to the guys in the western hemisphere? well, i think it's safe to say it's going to be completely ignored in the west side of
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the web. the western media is going to take, it's the angle of the situation that, of course, is going to be aimed against the kremlin. and that's how most people are going to see the record in the west. i mean, that's exactly what happened right when they resolve this hysteria about, i'll explain of all the apparently being poisoned on the eve of his uh, you know, being in the hospital in germany and then returning to russia where he was then put in prison in a sentenced and put in prison for violating the terms of his probation that he had at that time the west had just taken the narrative that he was poisons. obviously, you know, they were saying by the russian government, except that despite the fact that there was an investigation in russia and it was that it had established that there were no chemical substances found in, in his system. and after the, after they were able to establish that, that's, you know, that's when they released him to go to germany on his own request. and of all the, i mean, if they were trying to get rid of him or kill him or something, it seemed strange that they would allow him to go to of the hospital as
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a country that's now considered unfriendly and allow them to do their own test and so of course, this official investigation, i really think in the west is just going to be ignored and there's going to be their own narrative established about it. you know, especially in a time where it's completely controversial just to do an interview with the russian president as tucker carlson did recently. and the kind of hysteria that, that caused in the last bullet. as we understand, we are standing by for comments from the crowd in an understanding of the russian president, vladimir putin will be making comments potentially any moment. now to the news of the violin, the pausing way in prison, of course the western press is going to say that the criminal was behind this, just like they did with alex on the look. franco, if you remember listening code back in the late nineties, now the 2000 and c was a former special establishment of the russian federation of the you. k press said russia poisoned him with, with the type of ice a tropic radioactive isotopes that had specific russian fingerprints is a central but fingerprints that link to rosters. so they blamed for name coast
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poisoning on russia. this guy that kept him alive in a hospital in london for years. and every week they did a new article about how the russians poisoned. let vanco. so now we're going to get something on the lines of how the russians did away with alexi the valley. if we're standing by the pool and right now of the top of your chest, because you've been in the presidential pool, you've met him a number of times. you've spoken to him. what are your expectations for comments to come out of the kremlin right now? do you think? well, i mean, i can't say for sure, of course, cuz we again, not even flooding or putting has official information. well, that's the most likely the case law has yet to be established. but i mean, you know, a lot of times when stuff like this happens, why them are putting refers to the authorities that are conducting the investigation of the penal system. right. people think that people in the west like to blame, put in a lot, but they don't understand that. like this is not a country where putting is making all of the micro manager micro managerial decisions for what's happening. this is, yeah,
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this is all up to the penal system. many of the what's going on there? yeah, we live when we're standing by for a put in to potentially comment. we not sure if he's going to comment on this breaking news with a test of election of i only we do understand he has got a few things to mention. we will of course, us keep everyone posted on this. whether or not the russian president will take a moment today to comment on the passing of alexi of ality. i've already been going across some of the media outlets already. and you see a distinct contrast between what the western media outlets are saying on the outlets in the middle east, on even the outlets in asia as well. there's a huge contrast between the east and west hemisphere on who says walked about in the house, but you're not surprised because you've been seeing this for years. same long story . thank you very much. see you soon or what's your think is for a moment here on how to international, we will return to the breaking news as a little bits of information are coming in almost by the moment here. but for the meantime, we do shifted to that on bass by increasing numbers of reports, a saying that ukrainian forces us severely strain,
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particularly around the strategic city of, of the guy that's in the don't, that's good public. that area, p. s. troops, a police or either be surrounded or trying to escape. i want to share a few words about the battlefield. such an a situation in ukraine where the fighting is incredibly intense in the east, particularly in a city called of the of the city that we've talked about several times before. unfortunately, we're getting unfortunately, ukrainians, that the situation is critical. in very large part, this is happening because ukrainian forces on the grounds are running out of artillery ammunition because congress has yet to pass the supplemental bill. we've not been able to provide ukraine. the artillery shows that they desperately need to disrupt these russian cells. or this, what they charge on your credit here, and forces under intent strain and that positions around a factory in northern part of the city, ukraine's elite, the soul brigade, which consists mostly of a aus off battalion veterans was hastily re deployed to the area to assist in defense of the us national security council spokesperson,
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john coby confirming that the situation of a key ups troops in that area is critical. the move to show up of these has drawn parallels with ukraine's dogwood, but ultimately unsuccessful defense. last year of bach moved arching mosque, a town 50 kilometer to the north, keeps grip on of div go will be even harder to maintain because of the shortage in western artillery ammunition, some units have already been forced to drastically reduce their fire power. of do you have is considered a key strategic point of the baffled lines. losing control over the said he would push, keeps troops further away from the regional capital. don't ask, but it's not. the only spot on the front line with the situation has become critical and almost untenable for ukraine as a situation with various baffles around of do you have guys developing more actively by the day? certain western media outlets have drawn powered else with yet another ferocious fight in the conflict reassigning the critical situation. ukraine strips. it's
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a city in ruins. its crumbling facades are a testament to possibly the bloody is battle of the ukraine war, which wants this place to this day. that, that most below me is the city of trauma. and arguably, the biggest menace here is not a tillery not tanks, but coming kazi drones. and when the visibility is this good, this whole neighborhood is the problem. ground the soldiers that we are imbedded with the i'll be keep telling us constantly, listen, listen for the bus because well, everybody understands. we can spend much time on this roof. tough. we are here on borrowed time. the streets are all too familiar for the fight is where with they are the ones who kicked you, cranium troops out of every nook and cranny,
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over to almost proudly wearing the insignia of the wagner company on their sleeves . dividing the group itself, also known as the orchestra, or musicians, is going through a tube. un phase. these wagner veterans still carry that music in their hearts. but now the play a tune of their own as a different unit called camera tone. or the tuning fork is almost all summer. the idea is for the out of to musical instruments to be cleaned up and tuned properly. in other words, they have returned to the original state used for their intended purpose and effectively performed the tasks, pots of the smart battalion, the food, new legacy. the crucible of war are. plenty has changed here since the dispatch to the front lines last year. one thing stay the same as though the enemy in front of them both in front of the targets are
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different. we faced the infantry, including the sheltered infantry hiding in the dugouts. we also come across armored vehicles. camera tone might be a smaller units, but it's also a mean a one dedicated to, to finish what they started to the youth i knew out opponent is fighting the wrong way. this is the big mistake. the sold will judge us all decisions that'd be made and if they make it in time, then let them use a special frequency and say vote for surrender. there is nothing more to say. i mean, this done of reporting from out of to him of oxy form a, c i, unless the lar johnson believes a lack of train soldiers is ultimately undermining ukraine's war. it's called retreat. and the reason they're doing that is it's a combination of factors. they like ammunition, they like artillery shells. they have no air support, no fixed wing air support. they do have a real power with a,
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with manpower. they do not have a sufficient cod ray of trained soldiers that what they have are ill trained, elderly soldiers, man who are in the fifty's and sixty's, who have no business of being on a front line. and then to make matters worse, they're not properly trained. they're not properly equipped, switching to service king who's known not so affectionately as the butcher. anytime you have a general known as the butcher, it's not exactly a vote of confidence from the troops on the front lines and he's reported to be not favored. most honestly, a post. he has a very dismal try track record going back to the battle and i think it was 2015 in the box survey. and then followed up with box moved that debacle. and now he's, he's like a black, a bad black jack player at
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a casino. it keeps doubling down on losing hands and doesn't recognize when it comes to the time is to walk away from the table. so he reportedly had ordered a new reserve, some of the better troops remaining, which that was one of the big differences between sir ski and the illusion of his predecessor. and so as you know, officials in united states, particularly in the white house i've been talking about of how ukraine is really not just losing but losing very, very badly on the battlefield. and is at a time when washington is, is holding back on sending all of this new funding to ukraine, a new weapons as well. but at the same time, we're going to take a pull. so right now i do. do us feel forgiveness here. we're going to go now to the russian president vladimir putin, who's commenting now i'm on a meeting with students and employees in the eastern city of teddy up in scripts, have a quick listen to those words. each year. i believe you and we are improving bunch of the in the non for the send. the stands for is the mission of skills that
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we have here. so when i'm ready. yeah. and we took now looking for our can use in the my lawyers. so and one of the key topics, yes, we've covered, we have been cover anything covering actually in recent years is training of a ground level. so with this young, new specialist, cultural, i'm the to because carrying out programs like these, it's not over. like, did you require as no, you must have numbers of trained professionals. so if it was always your company is also moving forward, you have an entire use cool. here, locations, schedule, it's part of the you are all university control markets and utilize a company that we're going to talk inside the list sold to the with less expensive for me to one of the higher ups. uh, the company and machines that i see on our side, you're going to train specialist for your company. no,
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he said we're going to train specialists for the entire country and i'm with this is a great thing, which is cool, where i'm combining the se to show for during the university. yeah. and the i'm going to of dictation in various skills and so forth. i'm working on the ground here at the facts or even the so it's a great things. you know, there's a lot of work ahead of all of us ahead of you know ahead of you around, but i congratulate you on the work that you've already achieved. so if you have any questions, let's begin with us and, and mr. president and dropped the 1st off. i'd like to say that we're happy to see you. we've been waiting for you for so long. i'm finally snowed out. this meeting happened. so welcome to the south bureaus to uh, i must say, that's that your face year has been quite cold to manufacture, swords in the fortune, but to the meeting that we're going to have today, i'm going to be a warm one. i'm. i must say that i'm nervous,
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which is because that's what i'm supposed to see, but the abruptness let 1st i'd like to thank you for the you can use that that you brush or you think i go to sleep, but you might. so the mushroom costs, but i'm wish list for coming each year. i'm part of the color group and i'm really proud of nature of the always of the opportunity to as i speak to you on. yeah. and the thing about that, i don't that appear to one more thing. i wanted to say that the organizers of this event allowed me to ask you any question yet this before a little oversight. so my question, i was thinking, what, what do i do? i want to ask a question, but i found out that i don't have anything to us to good. so just the goal and then to achieve new heights. well, it's, it was, but is your speech, is course your address is you are so clear in defining the course. that's why she's
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moving in to the, but i simply have nothing to ask you really, i'm just happy and i'm proud of our country. i see all how do we know processing yet? no, that's cool. a precedent. we have the exam and you get to this and you've got to. so i know that my colleagues here preventative solve the university of other enterprises because they have here to ask you these questions. so just to be able to so please do go on the contract. so i thought that we were already leaving, but once i saw a group of people, young people waiting to pounce, so to speak. i, i'm happy now to speak to, you know, have a good afternoon mr. present. yep, it's through my other. it was supposed, but the name is nicole. yeah, a couple of oh, the little black. i'm the head of the h r here at the the it's the you're url truck. uh you have x ray. so it goes to couple. i'd like to actually studies you asked to
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the topic that you started with. like at the start of our meeting, we listened to us here at the and the facts are we've seen so many young specialist, young other workers coming towards here. and so we've been investing so much into the, the corporate education into a mentorship programs. but at the same time, i was interested in developing an educational system that would be aimed at meeting the requirements all the a so but produces that. and so, i mean, here we're eating it as we just doesn't have to say that we have areas that are on special importance for the country for it's independence for and security. so there, i will think of some sectors or corporations, or holdings that speech centers are critically important. maybe they should have participated either with the why special educational standards through that
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wouldn't be aligned with one another aligned with universities so that they could train a decent young men and women to we deal with receive training here just so they would be prepared for that. maybe we could use make use of the companies that you were seeing here as part of the uh, alignment to sure which in the beginning. and so they could work together with high education institutions. you might suggest that what was that about and how this really strong professionals, so they could for the companies that the organizations could take part in preparing visit, occasional standards and the programs. we know that there is experience of that. it's been across the country already. so maybe just for 3 kids, mostly besides a be doing a program like this here and what expanded some what um, some of these maybe expedite the process in general and we did some physically, walter, yesterday i've been to the and so the euro from factories to the 10 side,
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3, and 6 for you. if you, i've seen them say and do executive the same thing. that's your saying this was cisco. and so these company created their own school at the euro, state university was russian group of companies. they might that interesting. so your group of companies that are starting the same thing are come perfect. so we've started, so we'll do a truly a program for those with the training of specialists, we've been going to train a 1000000 new specialists. i need some new things to my buddy and you can stick to it in more than a week. a state of the orders with the sectors of the economy. they require a special training, special kind of training for our young workers and professionals. it's no secret for anyone who we both you working here today, which is split service didn't don't try to push the person who, who of labor in your field must have a real good. assume that
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a professional skills and training to be successful. 3 of them is to print now as for to me, aligning the demonstrative of the produces all of the factors, look at yours, doing a, with some of what's the, what's the higher educational institutions provides with them in terms of young uh, thousands of men and women of course, it's absolutely getting us in a way towards success the it's very critical and that's really who all kinds of these schools and universities and institutions train young professionals ready to work here. we've been doing that. the programs like these are things with our leading producers, our leading enterprises. it's in their own interests. now before coming here, i've been to a different enterprise with us. i think the had of that with the enterprises right . that andre? yes, there he is. yes. so they,
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it's good to do uh for thousands. yes, no, before no 14000 did it. can you jones into this little professionals, but they trade right there on the ground at the factory. so it's a boucher, it's up to the bush, the manager to the key. so sometimes these were former managers or of former waiters and even sometimes they just come to this a sec to over real production, real manufacturing. and they need to have the training to work here. it's actually even having 400 people who are a former convicts, but 218 to 180 to centurylink. the reason this new, so it was that was almost 300 even people who serve the sentences in prisons, even they come to you because there was such a great demand for labor. so when you put them,
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it's also part of their future video after i'm sure the darker page of that life is over. they want them to move on. now they want to receive these professional training, just what they want to bessler to develop with them. you know, and so we will continue to ally and they certainly work. we will continue to work with schools and then a specialized can be able to go to school. and so you can use additional institutions. and of course, the higher education institutions sort of the as well so that they would develop these training programs soon to let them go through it. in fact said that they should do it so much more with them, with a new phone, remember corrected by 2028. so there's a program to trade, a 1000000 new specialist. so there's just one of the programs and the board will continue to perfect incense alignments. so there is no doubt in my mind that this will happen just in the middle as alternate with. good afternoon this
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mister president. my name is pablo buck. like i am head of the automation department. you have the robotics, a doctoring degree. so my question has a lot to do with the question of my colleagues, which he asks, but it has to do with roberts. now we see robotics developing quickly and there is a great demand for new professionals, trained professionals to feedback because the work is becoming more complicated, the small fortifications that are required of them. now, are there any plans to improve the professionalism, training in educational institutions, maybe special programs so in terms of pro politics? well, thank you. i've just talked about the to the governor. she just spoke to me about that this is a well known. unfortunately, there was still much to be done here when, when did you the world leaders global leaders? now, what was the number one today? usually a guy do you, can they just south korea the shuttle but 410000 workers?
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they have a 1000 robot robots and we have them these 10 robots for, with the 10000 workers. and so it has to be difficult for $30000.00 to work as for them. so there's much to work on, you know, that's just the 5 to 10 minutes. a car drive away from here. there's a new tack to rebuild them. so then produces russian made a pro boats issue. how many do you lead to produce? yeah, coming, going forward. it has to be $450.00 this. yeah, sure. so that going to expand the production capacity, but that's not the only platform where we've been, we do that's in russia, which it a so this is certainly something that we must do. now. you are serious, but we have special program, special training programs and support professionals in that field. yes. in fact we have the uh, the new. so the program, right, that's for me,
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by the way. and you've had the, with the program, cold production of manufacturing tools and to so for thinking like using it that we filed the bottle not use it was more than that. we're still kind of buying some of the parts required abroad. but if it turns out that some of the things, some of the components can be billed, scan be, could create it's manufactured in russia. and we're going to do that. and there's also a, so there are programs and just one of them that i names, it's not the only one you know, but you can get it on the bring it on. you mean we're going to work on that for sure. you have specific examples, just 10 minutes, a 10 minute drive away from here. and so going was, i mean, what do you mean to whatever it is nobody jim missed the president of kinetic c a. a good afternoon. my name is eric, save as tom can. i'm the have to designer this at this time, sorry. on behalf of my team, i'd like to welcome you here at the present. i have time to read this by using this
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opportunity. i'd like to ask you this questions. if cool in the soviet union, you will not particularly notice that goals. they used to be a practice where we train, which of those things could be another way of high school students at circle. and you can see the special and she's how we factories enterprises, with the younger people, goods living these, the professions and decide if they wanted to work in one field or another. most of and develop skills along those lines. perhaps it would be wise to restore his practice to change like we have the other training areas now edits to our schools curriculum. perhaps that would some things make the youth more interested in working in the production in the manufacturing spear. and perhaps it's a good to have a move, not more professionals working. like i said,
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we need to work on the zone and see the most on training the youth in helping them find out where their hearts lie. in terms of professional work, i think we used to have a program that was called the window into the future. but starting this year we're going to intensify this work school ended old schools and to no, i think 38000 of them. i the, and that's the, is going to be work on what i do on work orientation before students grades $6.00 to 11 pm sort of within. so i think the plan is to have of the 4 to 7 to 50 percent of the coal students of this age 6, the 11th grade, they need to know, but do i need to know have the some preliminary late notice training or, or out of the word fitness shoot, they would know what they want to go to.


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